The *ULTIMATE* Helldivers 2 Automaton Stratagem Tier List

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hey guys now that the Bots are back I'm going to go ahead and make a tier list where rank C all of the strategems perform against them all right let's get started okay so the machine gun it's one of the first two strategems you get when you buy the game it's not going to take you very far just going to have to go in DET toer okay the anti- material rifle so personally this is one of my favorites against the Bots you can one shot most Devastators you can twoot hulks if you get them in the head I mean this it is just amazing honestly I'm going to give it s to you the only downside that it has is that its scope is sometimes inconsistent with where the bullet goes but other than that this thing is just amazing okay the stalwart so just a better machine gun like I've said in my other videos if you watch those bit more ammo bit more Mobility it's going to go in C2 not going to not crazy okay the E 17 I personally really like this one it's got a really short cool down time you can call in two rocket launchers you can pretty much one to two shot hulks with head shot you can one shot Devastators I mean it's just this it's overall amazing no reason not to bring it it's going to go in a tier okay the recess rifle so a lot of people have been talking about this one saying I've been ranking it too low the problem is though I feel like the E 17 and quazo Canon are just both so much better and it first off it takes your backpack slot so the extra ammo I don't think is really a bonus for this and secondly if you want to reload it fast you have to stand completely still with a teammate and against the Bots a single rocket from a Devastator could kill both you and your teammate and I don't I just don't think that drisk is worth it at all so it's going to have to go back in D tier I just can't put it any higher I don't think okay and then the flamethrower against the bugs I gave it S2 on my last list but unfortunately against the Bots it's just almost entirely useless you have to get way too close so it's going also have to go in D tier I just wouldn't bring it okay the autoc cannon this is going to be an easy a tier similar to the sniper you can pretty much one shot head shot all Devastators and two shot hulks if you get him in the face I think the sniper a bit better cuz you have a bit more options with how you use it and it doesn't take up up a backpack slot but this one is still really good okay the heavy machine gun so it can destroy medium enemies pretty well unfortunately its ammo count isn't great though I'm going to give it B tier because you can can get some good use out of it and it is the best out of the machine gun strategems but still not amazing though okay the rail gun so it got enough pretty much a a while ago at this point but I still think it's really good obviously you have to use it in unsafe mode now which can be Danger to get any actual value out of it but you can still one shot most enemies if you get them in the head and hulks can actually get destroyed pretty easily by this if you can hit your shots okay the spear so I feel like this gun has one main purpose and that is it can destroy the bot Factory so the Fabricators and it that I mean it is amazing at that now that you can get two uh Rockets from each from one Supply pack this I mean it's amazing the lock on is still not great but drinking this on the missions where you just have to destroy the Fabricators is such a it's such a useful strategy that I'm going to give it B toer okay grenade launcher you can obviously destroy the Fabricators with it if you can save your actual grenade so you bring stunts if you want and just bring this instead um I think that it's decent against lightly omed enemies good against the the Striders because you can shoot grenades at their feet and it'll actually blow them up I'm going to also give it B tier I think it's a decent Choice okay the laser cannon unless you're on a cold Planet I really couldn't recommend this at all I just think you have better options sometimes I found it good against the Chain Saw Devastators cuz it actually kind of focuses on them pretty well when they're just running at you but other than that it's going to have to go on C2 doesn't have a lot of uses okay the oak thrower so I this gun I've been using a lot more recently because I've been trying to learn how to play it better um I think it is pretty decent I think that being able to stagger enemies is very effective you do have to get pretty close to them though because they did Nerf the range I think I'm going to give it B tier I you can get some good value out of it would it be my first pick but still pretty good okay and then the quazo cannon I mean with how much I've been saying about this thing I mean easy s tier there's just no downsides I mean the cool down is I mean 10c cool on is almost nothing on this thing the chip time isn't too bad you can destroy drop ships with it easily you can onot most enemies I mean yeah it's just amazing okay the eagle strategems so the strafing run one of the strategems most people buy pretty quickly it pretty cheap doesn't cost that much I'm going to have to give it D tier it's good when you get it but won't take you very far okay the air strike so this one this is going to be an S tier you can destroy a lot of times with the Bots they tend to line up very well and this thing is just amazing at dealing with that um you can destroy the Fabricators very well with it you can destroy the Cannons any of the like the motor imp placements that the Bots have it's amazing okay the cluster bomb so I gave it S2 against the bugs against the Bots I think I'm I'm going to have to put it in a just because the Bots have tend to have more heavily ared enemies so it's not going to be as effective but it's still really good okay the flame strike so dot damage in particular especially against the bugs the Bots I mean is not that great so I'm GNA have to give this C2 it just doesn't kill them fast enough I don't think okay and then smokes so I said this last video but someone pointed out to me that you can use these to destroy the Fabricators the only issue is though it's going to take up a valuable strategy slot and I feel like it would be better just to bring in air strike or really anything else so I mean while yes it has a use I'm still going to put it in trash I mean I just really is no reason to bring this cuz it Doesn't function like actual smoke should the Bots still shoot through it it won't do anything okay the rocket pods um I really like using these these to destroy the cannon turrets I find them very effective against them um you can destroy Hulk they pretty good against hulks too I'll give it B2 got some good value okay and the 500 kilogram bomb easy s here I mean it can pretty much one shot anything so if you can land a direct hit on it so yeah I mean there just no reason not to bring this one okay mines mines are trash I've said this plenty of times just don't dring them bring anything else you're just going to TK more than anything okay the Tesla Tower against the Bots I don't think it's that effective because that it has to be pretty close to actually shoot things and the Bots are just going to shoot it pretty quickly so I'm going to put it in D2 okay and then the Imp placement machine gun against the bods it's going in trash I mean sitting still in this thing you were just asking for a Devastator to hit you with a rocket in the face you is going to get smoked instantly okay and then the shield generator this is the one in placement strategy that I would actually bring against the Bots a lot honestly I'm going to give it A2 it only has a cool down of like 75 seconds and the shield can actually absorb a decent amount of damage if you have like two people bring this you can almost always have a shield on your team at all times so I mean yeah this thing's amazing okay the orbitals so the Precision strike one of the first two strategems you get along with the machine gun um I think it's pretty decent against the bot actually I'm going to give it bti cuz you can it has a good cool down you can actually use it to destroy the the factories or the Fabricators so yeah definitely has some value okay the Gatling barrage it's one of the earliest ones people buy like the strafing Run unfortunately it's not that effective you get better stuff very quickly so it's going to go in D tier and the airb strike is pretty similar it just shoots like a quicker burst that does similar damage this thing just lasts longer but still going to have to go in D okay and gas so like I mentioned with the flame strike dot damage against the Bots I don't think is that amazing so I'm going to have to give it C2 just let's put these together okay the EMS strike so this one I actually really enjoy using against the Bots just throwing this to cover your back while you're retreating is amazing similar to what I said against the bugs but against the bots in particular because they can't shoot you now I mean it is it it's so amazing to have and it has a good cool down so I'm probably going to give it B tier I think okay the orbital barrages so the 120 for I feel like it just isn't that effective because its range is kind of short so like you can almost just bring an air strike or like any other orbital any other Strat jam and it'll do the similar damage so I'm going to get have to give this one D2 however the orbital 380 I love tossing these into bot heavy bases or any other big objective and it just clears out so much I'm going to give this one B tier if you're bringing one of these I'd definitely bring the 380 with the 120 okay the walking barrage like I've explained before it's basically six Precision strikes just kind of lined up in front of each other you can get some decent value on it if you just kind of throw it in front of a base and let it just kind of clear the way for you still don't think it's amazing though so I'm going to give it C2 okay then the laser against the I think it's slightly more effective against the bugs than the Bots but it still is really good I'm going to give it a tier just because I think you have some better options against the Bots but yeah and this thing's cool down is not great and you only get three uses but this thing is still amazing okay the real Cannon strike this is going back in s here I mean it can one shot cannon to it Hulk tank tanks even pretty much anything good cool down I mean it's just amazing there's no reason not to bring it okay the jump pack so I feel like this is actually kind of underrated against the Bots because you can use it to get in some pretty good spots which harder for them to hit you so I'm probably going to give it B tier and you pair this up with a gun like the sniper maybe even the autoc cannon you can just shoot things from further away I mean it's actually amazing okay the supply pack okay so this is going to be an S tier like I said before having an entire resupply on your back is amazing just infinite St grenades and ammo pretty much it's yeah there's no reason not to bring this okay The Shield Pack not The Shield Pack the ballistic shield pack so this thing is trash do not bring the ballistic shield you're just going to get with hit with a rocket launcher to the face immediately it's yeah you can't even use your main gun it's just useless okay the good dog Rover so against the bugs I've red this pretty highly but against the Bots unfortunately it really can only kill like the light enemies it can't even kill the Devastator so it's going to have to go in C2 there better options for your backpack slot and then the godog machine gun is just a worst version of the godog drover so it's going to go in D tier really nothing special here okay the actual Shield Pack this is an easy s tier personally I pretty much only bring this because being able to tank like one to two rockets from a Devastator is actually amazing CU those things will hit you at the most random moment you didn't even know they were there and being able to survive that is I mean yeah it's awesome okay the sentes so the normal Sentry machine gun it's a decent string thing that you can get pretty early on but doesn't do very much so it's going to have go in D2 unfortunately sentries in general against the Bots aren't amazing because they can just kind of shoot them most of the time they are good in the new defense missions that we just got for the all the new planets the Bots are attacking but yeah overall they're not amazing so the Gatling Sentry is going to go in C I think it's slightly better than the normal Sentry but not by a lot and then okay the motor so the motors are the few sentries I actually like against the Bots I'm going to give the motor a the only reason it's not s is cuz it can't TK so you got to be careful with that the so the autoc cannon this one if you can find a good spot for it it can be very effective cuz it does a lot of damage to bot heavy armor so I'm going to give it B tier because you do need to be careful because they will shoot it okay rocket Sentry this is just in my opinion a worst version of the autoc cannon so unless you're bringing both of them I would always bring this one over the rocket so it's going to go in C tier and then the EMS motor back in s tier I mean Lally just the motor but it can't TK and it's just going to completely stop enemies from shooting you which is amazing so definitely easy s to okay and then the exo suit so this one's H for me cuz I absolutely love this thing against the bugs but unfortunately against the Bots I mean this thing even though it looks like a tank it really can't take a lot of damage and the rocket guys are just going to destroy you almost instantly so I'm going to have to put it in C2 you can sometimes get value out of it but not a lot I would recommend something else okay I think I'm pretty happy with these placements if you thought this list was good please like and like the video and sub to my channel I i' greatly appreciate that and if you did not like this list leave a comment and let me know what you would have changed and yeah thank you for watching this video
Channel: Mute
Views: 4,498
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: helldivers, helldivers 2, stratagem, tier list
Id: 0r7BpBJqBFI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 9sec (729 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 11 2024
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