Helldivers 2 is AMAZING for New Players..

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are we good we are good we're going in going in we're going in oh wow we get drop potted in yeah yeah yeah and you just a giant bullet in the sky oh yes right bump that music up bump that music up very heroic I can feel the Democracy oh wow look at that view look at that view would you just look at that view that is that is already a nice VI that's a that's a that's tummy right there and fear the shadow of nether my Stormtrooper friend that's right yeah hello I can put the sun between I can actually I can actually recreate my thumbnail SD look wait go over there and Crouch look and look right and there it is it's Young wles on his first expedition in the automaton world uh so basically wesy we need to go and uh beat off some robots okay and so if you uh press tab yeah you'll see that um we need to head Southwest and this map this little orange thing okay let's go and you just press tab remember when you press tab it stops you doing any other action so you can only pull your map out when you're not busy okay I already know I've got to rebind my Crouch key because it's bringing up something else as I crouch oh good yes because the game didn't tell me that um I'd already bound that to something right okay so first of all we're going to creep up to this compound now you have um a lovely grenade or you have a strategy don't you I have a stratagy yes so what want you to do is throw wait just crouch crou crouch stay Crouch stay Crouch let see you right now throw a strategy in there so get your stratum out right uh which buttons that is it control yeah it should be right you ready which one do I want you want your orbital strike okay it's activating hold throw and now throw and make sure you get it inside the compound about 45° up and throw okay oh God okay here we go I think we're going to get him I think we're going to get him no they got the thing okay so there's going to be a drop nice dude okay right now we got to call in our other stuff we should have done this first but this is much more fun okay um I don't know why I'm using a laser cannon but I am I don't really know if my guns oh God they're slicing me up wesy they're slicing me up behind oh God I'm dead no they slic me up right run away run away run run I'm running running away just keep running okay heal heal best B best fre best B b b okay now keep running keep running I can just hear your character I I didn't realize they were going to slice me up from behind right okay um now now what you need to do is once you got a bit of distance you can shoot these guys in the head by the way they're not too strong see them anymore maybe you've hidden from them yeah shoot them in the head shoot them in the head nice wesy good these guys are very strong these ones so just keep yeah just keep running and don't let them get too close good I love the way you have to reload your gun as well now shoot him in the face shoot him in the face that's one dead couple more just a couple more just a couple more just a couple more keep running ah keep running keep running get out you got to got to one more one more reload one more reload I can do this I can do this I'm really good Yes W right now reinforce me back in this was all part of your training right uh reinforce okay um right ready up down uh right left up this was all part of the training I choose you I'm coming in I'm coming in now don't get crushed by me um you now you see your I am very large I have the largest pod right now you need to call in your machine gun call in the machine so you know yeah I've left my shield thing down that way down up that way now don't get crushed by it and usually you do this straight away but I forgot it's okay don't worry we can all Pretend We're Lo today so you've got a lovely machine gun now remember when you reload that thing it um it what's it called it you have to stand completely still okay so run away um say well yeah you need to make sure you're in cover basically anyway that little base over there we're taking that out oh there's a guy here um basically I picked the wrong gun for this right you can shoot in the head though that's good luckily I can use my secondary and a Rail Gun Co you really do have to stand still with this machine gun it's like wall all over the place isn't it yeah yeah you can go into first person remember if you um how do I do this um I think if you have a button for it I can't remember okay well we can do that in a minute yeah we can do that later right now let's let's deal with the large Rob right now we're sending democracy onto these robots right oh no is going to this might him come on run forward run forward a bit go on okay I'm now in a Reload animation I missed him I got him nice nice okay so now do you are you quite low on ammo how much ammo do you have um I don't actually know yes say I have two bullets go there's some ammo right here dude now remember when you reload you lose that entire magazine so you have to be really careful you need to empty your mag oh what's the there you go so here's the launch codes wesy right here okay this is where our objective is so now we need to you need to take it I need to take those launch coats fantastic okay so now we need to head north oh there's Bots over there there's men lock I think he was he was about to call him reinforcements that guy but we got him we got we got him let's go oh no more in the forest more in the forest oh yeah I see him this gun is not very good at all we did it Ching ice destroy the robots the legs does this have unlimited ammo okay so we need to head north now to the rocket there's a shield generator pack here what does that oh oh look he's got a little bubble Bas I'm basically a little uh a little Shield Trooper Shield Trooper yeah got it um so by the way you know your your Sims yes um basically when you're when you're when you're like losing Health they also restock your stamina so in really crazy scenarios oh look there's a little thing down here let's run down here grenades take one of those basically we press this together and the door will open oo a little side questy that's right yeah and there you go there we go it's like it's like the DMZ doors do you know no oh do you know what this is like this is fir storm bunkers bunkers what this is well it's Sweden again I'm going to take this requisition slips grenades grenades bro what we got super credits and flamethrower well you can take it but it's not very good against the robots I will say right so what did I drop in favor of that uh oh the machine gun okay I'm going to say no okay so I choose no so Weser we've got another base in front of us here I think I think these robots deserve a delicious orbital striking if I oral striking if I if I so if you can lob that orbital strike right in the center of those guys maybe a little bit in front right is that going to hit hit him come on come on come on now shoot no no it's right no no make them come to us make them come to us they'll run into it they run run into it you Bast come on oh I might have hit him I don't know I didn't I didn't quite quite Kobe it it's all right it's all right now we're going to we're going to have a drop coming in I've been shot oh I've been shot nice so the drop ship has reinfor yeah has the heavy guys oh are these guys heavy oh these are actually quite heavy yeah they are okay it's time to mash them God this thing this gun sucks this gun is terrible character just screaming at them okay okay you did it I never using the laser cannon again so you don't have like an actual amount of bullets left in your M you just have to look at you just have to look at the mag and hope that you haven't used it up yeah random thank you for the 100 one right now but I have two in reserve I think kill them all study is he in the sky I got him watch out those those guys the guys that jet pack on you blow up after you kill them right okay more Bots inbound oh God running over oh god oh there's a there's an antimaterial sniper here Westy I have to reload my gun I'm just crouched give me a second I'll be with you oh that's not his head I shot the skull on the top of his head cuz I thought it was his head oh they're beating me off okay I'm coming one dead watch almost beam y got him nice nice nice where's this antimaterial rifle that you here it is look look there's a nice sniper here you take it oh boom I mean I could use my rail gun more often but you know we're having a bit of fun here all right I need maybe just take that ammo yeah that's good oh an explosive Barrel that's right I didn't really do much with it oh there's a man so how do I get into first person then that would be helpful not sure by by the way I'm pretty sure YouTube is broken for me okay well there's men yeah I don't think it's working for me either oh God damn it it's fine it's fine I must him oh no he's dead I'll get I'll get you back in the rocket launcher um miss me insane it's not let me let me use it come on right I'm going to pull you back in near your stuff thank you very much my friend yeah I don't think it's sending anything out is it not really working as in but the thing is this lacky and jaff are doing okay so maybe it will fix itself later yeah maybe thank you okay good good good right um yeah Mouse three for first person while streaming down sight I think I'm not sure that changes shoulder oh yeah that so I only use that occasionally it's not the best best way to do things interact right uh I'm uh logging into the missile as you do yeah and using I'm using the launch codes he's hacking the main frame bro you hacking yeah bro you're hacking I'm do some circles behind you yeah yeah yeah uh now we need to disengage the locks on this missile Siler oh good God okay right here we go right there you go lovely I'll do this one beautiful so we've unbolted the gate yeah now we can let the window cleaner in yeah that's right now we we use the to you use the terminal now uh where is it was up here over there yeah I'm I don't know why I'm in such the wrong place I went the wrong way okay I'm at the terminal engal all right engaging terminal W activate starts killing all the the beasts it's not say bad against the the really low damage enemies this laser beam but it's just not very good at anything else we got them we got we got them all and now we are we launching this intercontinental ballistic missile oh yeah encounter is approaching use your strategems where is they where are they are they there's an En there's an encounter on my screen apparently uh I don't see him drop sh ah drop ship right use your Str in front of them so roughly like over there so just ch it over there uh okay so okay I think that might still not be close enough a bit it's a bit too close I think I mean you can be them anyway you could beam them I CH this barrel of them of this take take this Barrel I will take this Barrel give me the antimaterial rifle oh oh he's dead he's dead got reload engaging terminal and we' reloaded okay that didn't work as well as I intended nice oh okay these guys are these guys are on you I've killed them I have killed them I have killed them okay well I think we're okay for now I think we actually are we're doing all right is there someone still around here they just like pling along yes yes and you spawned at the back and you didn't come over okay so this rocket is slowly exiting the thing yeah that correct it's peeking it's peeking it's peeking right and now uh you ready to launch see I I will let you do the honors oh thanks very much my first time launching a nuke I think I did it [Music] nice and salute Press B yeah beautiful Liberty guide your and there we go can't do that and now and now and now watch it now watch it from here and salute again ha and wait for it oh oh my God Justice incredible and is it going to reach us oh amazing I can't believe we did it we did it those stupid robots will never be able to financially recover from this so now we have to go to the extraction right we can do but let's do a little bit of a side mission we can we can destroy their little radar Tower okay so we got plenty of time yeah oh yeah yeah we got we' got 26 minutes okay it's like doing the mission in DMZ and then realizing you've got the rest of the round to do whatever you want exactly and so we can get some more credits we can get some more that'll do yeah I like credits yeah I mean and samples we need to find samples I can I can teach you something right here look at this see this thing here this is this is a little robot Factory now what you need to do is you there's are multiple robots over here though to yeah they haven't seen us yet they haven't seen us yet okay that's all right okay so what do I have to do here they are so you have to throw a grenade through the hatches in the top there's quite a few of them okay let's get rid of them okay so the laser Cannon's actually oh yeah okay he was uh right so oh watch out oh oh God run run run run run run they they're going to they're going to explode on you no one wants that I'm simming reloading right now in that hatch get a get a nade in this hatch you can get a bit closer get a bit closer you want to get a A nade in the in the Flaming hatches in the Flaming hatches I did it Kobe Kobe got him right now this one up here wait we got more men I got him I got him I got him we got more Mormon oh god oh watch out these guys explode these guys explode oh I've got no healing oh no oh God I'm dying I'm going to die I'm going to die I'm going to die I don't have any I I don't have reloads I need ammo yeah I'm getting a resupply in I'm calling it in I am very low on health and I'm injured if you have a heal West I now is the time to use it a healing thing oh my God I just got him before he killed you have a healing thing you can rest on me and use it I don't know if I do no I don't I don't have okay okay gra the supplies okay heal heal get the supplies supplies supplies here right here supplies right here I'm running I'm running I'm running reloading my Liberator cuz I'm liberating this planet this was supposed to be easy good God man what's happened reloading oh God there's another one time to die robots I've got no reload okay get some more resupplies get some more resupplies here grab grab grab another this is democracy democracy manifest right can I go and do this grenade thing over here yeah yeah yeah absolutely absolutely I've got four more throwing grenade oh again oh yeah off the sides let's go and that's that is democracy manifest we've stopped the robots from even being created um so I didn't see any samples there but there usually there might be a sample in there but I can't be asked no we'll find them we'll find them another time oh robots the left why are they why do they always have to be the ones with the chainsaws they want you study they do they are hry oh he be he beat me he beat me hang on he's got watch out watch out he's going to blow up he's going to blow up got him more behind as well yeah yeah keep coming keep coming we're going to run away to heal if you're low on health yeah I think I'm good right now I'm going to sim there we go there you go and you get your stamina back too I love it the music's great oh there's a guy behind you okay keep going new mag uh P of stuff thank you GJ bossy thank you very much for the 13 months as well thank you P of stuff oh my goodness so now it's a cheeky little run to the extract love it I think we've done enough here even though we could technically save the whole round but you don't need to what we want to do is do that on the harder missions cuz you get a lot more re um you get a lot more uh what's the called rewards more rewards more rewards that's right so now we're extracting stod indeed that's right did you did you put that in the title extracting from an unknown place you know wow the greatest extraction game I've ever played I wouldn't say no to a first person mode I wouldn't say no well just totally first person yeah totally first I'm surprised they you have to remember it it's made for PlayStation yeah yeah of course they probably tried it and was like yeah this is impossible 60 fov what well yeah I I assume this runs absolutely fantastically on all consoles really so what's this oh my God so so you see the blue light yeah that is our xfill dropper sorry I mean extraction call in the X that's call in the xfill tropper so you go up here very low on speed right now yeah yeah it's cuz we we've grown out of stamina so yeah you you you bash in the uh extraction details calling in extraction oh right okay du du du du du du du du right now we need to defend the extraction for 2 minutes 2 minutes two minutes four the joke is of course in the in the harder missions it is four minutes it's like four minutes Jeremy four that's insane yeah you want to see The Capes yeah true you can't see The Capes in uh third in first person look at these look at this cap call in call in the space extraction Chopper oh here they come they n n n n n good n good n good n oh that was a great n oh my God you got like six of them yeah I got loads of them it will give you a little time 6times 7 if you get a load in the row like a little uh score right uh time to use your stratums when they well not yet maybe once they actually come in oh God they're quite close it's it's oh right okay now now use your Trum use your Trum okay hang on uh you got some time you got some time I'm throwing it down there nice nice three 2 one get him yeah right I have no ammo by the way that's right um well I can call in so call in a wait yeah so he's call in a resupply but beam them first beam them first I have aist God this gun sucks I'm using the worst gun in the game okay let me let me do I have no ammo resupply coming in God this this laser beam is I was literally beaming their face and it just does no damage whatsoever right resupply coming in I got one it is nice and then you just grab and when there's just two of us just grab two cuz you'll get you'll get um usually share between four n incoming press e on it press e on the grenade press e on the nade oh me I think I actually got it yeah you did yeah yeah you did remember you can do it a bit like Battlefield 5 where you can angle it and like throw it in the right Direction my grenade work there good yeah yeah right now watch out watch out the ship can kill you as it comes in so be careful of those thrusters oh my God oh God oh God God okay and we watch out for the thrusters watch out for the thrusters so you can run underneath and then you enter the rear yeah enter the rear oh God throwing grenade right dive dive have you used the dive yet no I haven't used oh God that's that's going to be the fun part so the diving is basically your best bet of avoiding damage so they're about to hit you you do for me it's left Al but I don't know what's so you for you I think it's left Al yeah yeah I need to change x i I think X is doing some two things for me at the moment so oh mission complete yes I mean what did we win um we well we won uh requisition points and democracy and just was served Justice was served feel like this is very like space Captain America game it's very self-aware isn't it it's like yeah it knows what it's doing hi honey I'm home protect your family from the insects oh man right we've got three out of five stars could could do better basically well that was good fun you so we only got two samples there you see as you do the harder level ones you just get so much more stuff okay so what rank am I now level two level two wow I did amazing oh yeah you can use your strategems to blow up the buildings for sure and there it is study Skywalker no study Stormtrooper sty Stormtrooper right do you not you see this gun I have on my on my side the yellow one remember that never buy it awful absolutely awful I'm pretty there won't be anys left okay so how do I do it return to ship um new difficulty unlocked easy yes so you've complet well we did we did a medium actually that was but we can we can turn up the heat just a little bit so I'm going to so we could do this other one if if you still feel like you want another training session we could do another one here I'm happy to do another little yeah yeah so sabotage the air base which means using lots of stratagems to blow them up all right um we can do that yeah so we can go straight in I don't think I'm going to change much I'm using a new gun Ian I've got this sniper that I want to try new gun new gun Jeremy um so we want to start we could do this really fast actually if we just spawn basically there okay let's go right so what I'm going to take I'm going to take I've got what about 500 kg bomb I don't really so Mission strategems yeah but they're like okay so machine gun and orbital precision right so that's all I've got still still that's all I've got yeah okay that's fine that's fine let's have a look at my equipment yeah I'm happy with that cuz that's all I've got go I'm going to take something I guess I could take I want to take a sniper I'll take a grenade launcher a Grenada chat think chat thinks my character looks vaguely like the Mandalorian so I'm the West DeLorean the westan there you go the westan you sold it right there we go I don't think Disney would be too happy with that in the thumbnail no no no no it be fine though yeah I'm sure I'm sure Mickey here's a here's a copyright strike here's the lawyers you're going to prison 20 years throwing away the key [Music] goodbye tell wesy to investe in Eagle air strike yeah I know Eagle air strike that's right right oh look at that just look at that view look at that right now now what what I forgot to do last time was now we call in our call in our Collins okay so what do I do here so your blue ones you're calling in your blue ones yeah okay now um why don't you take the shield gen pack this time okay so i' I've got that in for you and you'll see that a little bit of a protector so basically you get a third weapon your third leg your third weapon which is your heavy weapon and then you get a backpack and some weapons require you to carry the ammo on your backpack right okay um which uh yeah which is fun um so what we need to do here is we need to destroy the ships that are docked okay and that means using strategems to blow them up where are these guys are they are they I can't see them yeah so you can oh I can't shoot I thought this gun was better just running away immediately now remember you can shoot These Guys these guys are quite hard shoot from the front but if you shoot them from the side um so I can dive behind them and shoot them in the back shoot them underneath their their fuselage yeah they fuselage that's correct right um Now put straty on these two if you can get one up there I'll cover you I'll cover you okay uh right okay I've thrown it it's right on it it's right on it that's perfect that's perfect time to die oh God nice and the other one ooh let's see if I can get see if you can get a nade from really far away into that hole what from there yeah yeah I don't that oh ow that really hurt I got him off I got him off watch out for these mines here there's mines here there's a man with a rocket yeah yeah get the rocket man right let's see if I can I can long range this with an impact n call me oh it went it went oh it went near it didn't go going in a bit higher in the no bit higher still not quite I'm I'm out of ammo do you have any more nades yeah okay just get a bit closer get a bit closer did you get it I think I did it I think I did it no no no we need we need we need more nades yeah I don't have enough so how do we blow it up now uh well you can use another strategy do I have something to blow up what about this this will be a bit Overkill but would you like to see this oh common sample so this is going to be Overkill resty you ready yeah okay so run away R run away run away run away but look back run away but look back run away but look back oh the oh great okay so have a look I think we got it that's like a that's a 500 kg bomb so look this is what the samples look like by the way yeah I grabbed one just over there they look like weird little robotic robotic bios things yeah there was one just here so I grabbed that oh hello don't know if I like this sniper gun it's okay I don't have any ammo for my machine gun so switching back watch out for the mines here as I run through just be careful just be careful don't run into the mines they will one shot you um so I'm going to call in a resupply here we go just put that there lovely use the grenade launcher oh yeah I could have used the grenade launcher the grenade launcher one shots them basically as well do I have people behind me oh hello right grab some resupplies grab some supplies oh Rocket Man I killed the rocket man oh this this this sniper's okay at killing like middle level enemies right I killed the re right can I re reload this yes I can one coming in behind you with a pistol no he's dead he dead not big surprise right we destroy this next one in front of us is that what we're doing that's right yep yep yep uh I can actually destroy it with the grenade launcher so I'm going to do that cuz I did dring it for a reason you don't want me to strategy it hang on oh this rocket guy rocket Now Rocket guy is very scary he's about to oh he's about to Rocket you you see that rocket guy with the multiple Rockets they are really scary I'm doing an orbital strike nice one shot that oh you got it I think I got it oh God robot got him very nice I feel like there should be a one shot oh God is there there's one under the floor there's one under the floor he's he's aing very aing no no he's he's under the floor leave him right you see this ship here w we need Strat for it and I think a 500 kg will do it do your strategems hurt me if I get in the way of them yes yes yes so that's part of the fun of the game right turn around [Laughter] salute uh and now we run back to the base with our with our trousers down oh there's some ammo here lovely it's still under the ground I can't get it okay so let's go you can change the PO to fully first person you can how do you do that you sure I want that oh hello uh stratum for this young young thing I don't have any Strat left for the left oh uh let see what we got uh I've got a cool down 30 seconds on my orbital so give us a second to murder these men a ni C of Li oh he just disappeared my screen hang on nice you got him you got him the problem is with this gun is if I get if I get shots I can't aim right behind us behind us heal I got them um Strat going in hang on kill get them get them oh we got Rocket Man he's going to Rocket he's going to Rocket he's oh he hit me in the face as well oh grenade this gun's not very good unfortun I'm SED myself oh no I'm being beamed can you beam beam in the head in the face in the face in the face oh I'm dead no right give me a second right uh let me let me get you back resupply reinforce that's the one we need right yes right give me a second uh for the bringing you back lovely another diver for the cause reest approved re launched point me to the enemy all right here we go right there's still more men about but what this what is this is this there any other things down here oh what's this I think it's the thing that they use to call in the thing but they're dead so they're all dead oh they're all dead throwing grenad new mag come on hit him in the the head God we got him boys all right we're heading back down or the remnants of these robots available yeah there's more robots yeah I don't like this gun it sucks oh yeah the first thing you unlock is a shotgun and honestly shotguns in this game are just way better than anything else anything did you think that's because of third person and maybe no well I mean I don't know why these other guns just don't seem to do as much like this sniper is a sniper but it does I could I could kill these These Guys in three shots for a shotgun you know yeah but even head shots okay okay okay change the strategy key binds to arrow keys so you can ah so you just take your hand off the keyboard that so I've done it but I don't have Ares so I had to put it on like comma bracket Home yeah yeah literally it's it's it's not it's not looking good bro that's fine this is good fun it is very good and that's thing the more people you play with the more you cooperate you know we get get tommo in maybe at some point yeah it's fantastic do you think they they they've realized the popularity of this game and they're now going full steam ahead on new new content do you think yes they are and I think you know there's new content coming soon dude really yeah yeah they they've already hinted that the mechs are coming so basically your own mechs a bit like Titanfall you get in your Mech and and you run around I assume they're not going to be as good as Titan XX but so there's a little if you look at the map you press tab yeah there's a little um there's a little blue objectives so these are the side objectives they'll usually have a couple of samples and they just give you a few more like medals and that's about it okay so we're going to do that now yeah yeah yeah doesn't take long this one this one's a bit like um what's it called like domination you just kind of capture it an objective and then it's done cool and robots will come and try and beat you off oh there's a thing to the left W you might want to use your orbital strike on it uh yeah okay so I'll start doing the objective and there's some common samples here colle some common samples uh so first we need to call in SSD yes we do nice they yeah they called in a drop ship though I just wish the um some of the snipers and stuff were a little bit better like the normal weapons the automatic weapons if first if I could be so bold of out of ammo don't worry Wy I've got this oh no were you a bit close I was a little bit close to that oneing what does end game look like if you go on my YouTube channel um there's lots of robots if you go on my YouTube channel I have a the max difficulty my level on Creek last reload uh a whole game so if you want to see what end game looks like my last reload grenade freedom forever oh they're getting really close God damn these guys don't die I got one if I had a shotgun though you see yeah that that machine gun messed them up yeah that works that works who just oh they're shooting me I think they're shooting me with guns with guns enough and like if I had a shotgun there for instance he doesn't um mess my a up as much I help he it didn't go in reload oh I have no ammo oh God died okay um no I didn't die I didn't die not yet I'm just having I'm just struggling with this enemy whilst he shoots at me and makes my gun basically if I a shotgun he'd already be dead I don't see him it's fine he's dead is he dead oh God there's more I don't have any ammo I have a pistol yeah so we oh I need to uh I'm just going to do that the the gun I've been trying all the guns and basically did you call in an eagle yeah no yeah yeah don't worry about it yeah Goodbye Oh a robot on you yeah you've got a robot on you you've got robots on you calling in EXT call the exraction I need I'm calling in I'm calling inin okay I need to call resupply yeah down supp the scorcher looks good I've seen people use the scorer the last gun in the game but it takes forever to unlock I like this environment it's very nice oh have you got is that the resupply coming in lovely yeah I think it is all I'm going to say and also for democracy I get even less ammo without the shotgun as well new excuse me God unless I hit them in the head it's basically useless G hell it's time to die oh God I think my pistol was actually better and I'm not even joking what you had one bullet left so you SC for the reload I'm beating them off the pistol is literally better than the than the sniper rifle that's so ridiculous I keep reloading too much do it's right that's all right that's right I should use my grenade launcher more which I've not been using we're just having a bit of fun you know oh oh my God I may have blown myself up and you you may have been okay okay hold on I'm going get bit bit bit further away there you go there you go maybe maybe not use that danger close you know okay maybe use a stratem I'm going to use one now can I reload my gun please can I reload my gun please come on bro watch out for the laser watch out for the laser watch out with the laser oh my God I like that laser yeah it's a it's an or laser right 3 seconds it's coming in stay away from The Landing Zone come on Colin come on Colin where are you where's Colin Colin it's Colin the extraction uh what's it called what these called again Osprey VTO whatever you want to call it wo oh no I fell [Music] out there we go lovely very nice indeed I know Frost weirdly another successful democracy handing out but we are just playing on medium difficulty which is to support the Democracy like the stream right now we're not we're not try Harding right [Music] now [Music] nice job all right nice so we got a lot more well I say a lot more oh it got four stars wow wow and so now we completed the operation and now we get um even more I've got some more samples out some urine level three woohoo three and a half look at that look at that impact [Laughter] wow the thing is the impact doesn't change per the difficulty level I think oh okay it's a bit weird but that was fun democracy was shoveled down the necks of Many Robots oh yeah da lovely I have an effect now what does that do don't know I don't know ifat were new difficulty medium rain storms torrential rain storms reduce visibility right I'm not using that gun ever again I still don't know if I've actually got anything available new strategy available for requisition I quite like this this is quite nice um how do I look at that I don't want any of those don't want any of that my armor is looking I'm looking lovely I'm going to use the SMG SMG is broken I might try I'm going to try the the SMG and the shield apparently that's a that's a fun meme okay well I'm just going to carry on with basically right yeah no no absolutely oh wait have you pressed R and tried to see if you can unlock a shotgun wesy let's have a look so you should have enough for a shotgun I believe where do I do that so you press R and then click on the top page and there should be like unlocks and there should be a a shotgun to the top right uh I've pressed R waron super no no the the big tab in the Middle where it says hell di mobilize okay right and then there is a shotgun and I've got six skulls to spend shotgun is four skulls yeah so buy the shotgun and then you click it and then claim it okay item claimed done and then if you go to this Armory yeah and then you you pick your shotgun instead so that it'll automatically nice okay so I've got my shotgun now the shotguns I think are is much better and then you get an even better one an even better one okay cool you get an even better one later uh so we could try a different planet than the one we were just on um what about yeah you don't want the on throw down some democracy salarms in the chat ooh ice Planet yum you want an ice Planet I mean these These are the defense ones so all the missions of Defense basically but we could go for a slightly higher difficulty that's the problem with the the problem with defense PLS though is they only do defense missions basically so there's not a single attack mission on those no so we can still do a a slightly harder one um I want it to be daytime what's this one this one is evacuate civilians behind en okay this one's good this one's good okay okay this one's fun too so these ones are like quick missions they're like the defense ones okay and basically um I don't know if you you don't have a turret yet I don't think no I don't have a turret we might be able to afford one but um how much requisition do you have well I have complete I had two didn't I had six no no no no no the cuz it's a different currency the money the gold money um the actual gold you press Escape it'll be the top right the gold thing I've got 3775 you've got 3775 now so if you go to here these things and you can buy your strategems okay um and I would suggest can you afford if you scroll down can you afford the eagle cluster bomb I got the Eagle strafing Run or anything else no well the well they're unlocked the air strike of the cluster bomb but I don't have enough for them right okay so it's 4,000 requisition point so what else could we get you that's actually good not the E strike maybe we should save I mean you could get a turret if you wanted can you afford a get the machine gun Sentry or the Gatling centry I can't I can I can get the machine gun Sentry I can get that okay so yeah think that's worth it probably not but we'll get more money okay I I will purchase this just just just so you know how it works as per your request so now when we go and do that thing yeah so it's going to be a defense Mission and this will be an auto Sentry that will basically cover you okay cool so you can just throw it down and focus on a different angle yeah so we're doing this one all righty and we're in we're in guys we're not met gaming we're just we're just we're just trying to have fun I know the gatling's better but I just want him to see how it works which don't worry he'll get enough money later um so I'm going to go so I'm going to take I'm going to take two mortars I mean we this will be trivial with actually maybe I shouldn't take mors because then they won't actually be able to push but I don't know um so what are the boosters what do they do uh they the Boost is do you have one yeah you need one they're just stuff that basically gives you a little perk for your whole Squad and you can take a different one oh cool so like like a class perk or something that's that's cool that's cool I like that um should I should I try the Expendable anti-tank why not I've never tried it before and a and a and a jetpack why not um and a sty has picked his many things oh yeah so the these this will be very strong we're basically going to wipe the floor with them okay because the ultimat are also a bit bugged on these missions right um they kind of they get stuck they just kind of sit around and can't really push anywhere so okay I think I think we'll be I think we'll be okay cool but these missions are very good for getting samples because the samples are all in the very small area around you got you but you're basically your Gatling gun will stay alive as long as it has ammo but once it runs out um it will just it will delete itself gotcha but it will stick around for as long as it has ammo basically right so what we want to do is you want to put your Gatling gun uh here right here if you so when you throw it throw it down on that marker there uh so the machine gun is done nice and that's going to be a nice spot for it there cuz it should stop them from getting up I mean I've gone a bit Overkill I think right so here they come my machine gun that's oh that's okay put the Gatling gun here then it's fine put it right there okay uh in the same spot roughly reting Advan weapon watch out for the thing behind you right here it comes he coming in more are going off and they'll be if they get a bit close right you your machine gun will automatically mem them they might not even make it up here to be honest but use your if you uh use your oral strike on the ones over here just Chuck it just Chuck it in that direction okay and you'll probably get him I'm going to call in a lovely resupply I've got an Expendable anti-tank in case they get a bit too close Okay the oral stri I don't think it did anything well I've just been shot yeah that's right oh your your machine gun Sentry is already gone it must have uh been some must been it must have been hit take take one of these Expendable anti tanks look I've got a spare one for you one yeah yeah it's a bit like a um what's it called the the huge rocket launcher yeah the at4 or something whatever it's called oh God yes um the one that you just fire and then you and then you just drop it I'm out nice I can keep calling that in you see how they're not really making up the hill you can look down but if you look over here they're just like slowly Meandering up the hill I may have shot you it's fine yeah the mortars do a lot of work on this that's exactly hello that Devastator is coming [Laughter] Thomas oh oh let's go baby we did it wow I can't believe it okay they're getting a bit closer now remember I don't think the difficulty scales per number of players so we're actually playing a more difficult difficulty so does this they just keep coming in in waves is that what happens yeah essentially and they'll keep coming in now even now but we have an extraction so do we call in the extraction and then no it's already called in it automatically comes in what we could do really quickly is just look for some common samples in the in the local area in the low yeah yeah fire in the hole so I'm just looking for common samples around here cuz the shuttle will just stick around for a little bit Yeah common sample found yeah yeah yeah so we're just going to grab those common samples Expendable anti tank I found one hey hey hey nice uh any others I'm just looking around they'll just be hidden around so if you pick up the samples do I we all get them we all get them okay I found another one nice I don't see any more maybe there'll be some down here do they still do they just stop coming maybe after a while maybe they do yeah music's so good yeah it is really good actually I think one of the best parts about this game is how all of the um atmospheric pieces tied together it's not just how it looks it's not just the music it's how the music is played got a in relation to what's happening in the game bit like Battlefield you remember with um breakthrough they had the music changes on going on they learned okay actually got quite a few common samples there that was good yeah I got a few yeah I can see top right and that you're don't get in yet so basically as soon as you get in it starts the countdown so for instance let's say I was far away and you jumped in I'd be screwed so you have to make sure that everyone's in the area there we go right gotcha gotcha today you gared another foot and the long climb to Liberty the long climb to [Music] Liberty and by the way is the full first person thing like a uh config file or is it like a a menu saying I got zero stars out of five so far yes yes uh we got oh let's go baby so so one one thing you can do you see that mission we just did the fastest way to get experience is to run in yeah four people put down mors win the mission in 2 minutes extract 1,000 experience repeat repeat repeat a th000 experience you get for that 1,200 now well now rank four let's go baby let's go you know what I like about this this is a game where it PVP wouldn't work and so you all just work together that's right together wigs you do actually look like a stormtrooper well that it I could make it even more storm troopy very troopy I could I could go very much Trooper so how much I've still not got enough for one of those turrets this time do I have a white outfit which is a shame this one don't look more like a Storm Trooper now yes you do Straight Out of oh my God I love the cape as well Cap's awesome yeah you get well you unlock them all eventually I love the way that everywhere you look just on the floor Liberty democracy Li literally every democracy oh man there's the one I want the one that keeps me from not dying yeah I think it's pretty good um right and then we need to do one more which is this one's fine so there's there's the evacuation where it's just it's just the thing in the center and those are horrible so we move the ship moves as you go to the different part of the planet that's very cool that is very cool gives you a bit of inertia sickness though nice and all these sh other oh you're a new pod already I've got I've gotone into me pod already I want to be here I love the fact that regardless of like what you're doing all of the stuff still shows up on my screen like even though I've gone into that pod you're still there in third person just going around okay so so you can take your little Gatling your little machine gun in again yeah and then hopefully you unlock something else soon I think once you get to level five you'll be able to do that sounds good uh so I'm going to take what's this again defense maybe not 500 kg bomb maybe why not why not after all why not um I mean cluster drag is much better what should I take I'll take it is robots and grenade launcher um what am I using again playing this game with the way you extract and get all your items and stuff it does make me missz it makes me miss it makes me miss it right I want to use my shield where's my shield ballistic sh that oh you've put a little booster on have you little Health booster oh yeah right I'm trying I'm I'm trying this SMG and ballistic shield meme I've never tried it before give it a go after all what's the worst that can happen St looks like Judge Dread not far off actually oh God oh God um I got him I got him I got him this is nice looking Planet yeah it's nice got Amo here am yeah SS there I need those give me give me okay now so I'm going to call in I'm going to call in my shield Jen I'm going to call in my ballistic shield requ oh no that was the machine gun Sentry oh that's the wrong thing it's fine that was the wrong one so I get my Shield Pack I'm going to be the ultimate T ultimate tank build oh my God that's really cool that right go go go go go sometimes they sometimes you shoot the other the robot but the oh my God they've got turrets they've got turrets dude have you seen How Many Robots coming in from over the other side yeah yeah yeah wait what wait what they coming for the north ah when you go to first person I'm just it's just a shield good thing I know where the center of my screen is That's So Sick dude all right got reload it's a cool looking Planet I got ow ah Grenade yes big Boomers I love the challenge kill the atst that's coming over get him in the head he see you got his at cool reloading oh you need to take the Shield Pack yeah I I I didn't realize I couldn't have both the shield Pack's over here so now we now we're both have a shield fa out of I'm out of am ammo can't oh you go take that take that take that dude I'm stuck I literally can't move I'm stuck on I'm stuck on something I can't there you go buddy thanks very much oh oh there's a cannon they've got lots of Cannon there there there okay that's what's hit me already it's hit me a couple of times do you think do you think my shield can take a a cannon blast let's find out on this episode of oh oh no it can't we Lear the hard way wa it did take it I didn't die so how do we get rid of that Canter do I oh you dead yet on um oh God I'll get it I'll get it I think yeah get your get your orbital strike or whatever out itri myth busted oh I got him I got him I got it your left arm is injured that's odd I'm literally covered in blood over here I I didn't die though but maybe on the harder maybe on the earth you need to heal yeah yeah on the harder difficulties maybe I don't I have my grade oh no I didn't take a grade launcher higher bit higher oh didn't quite get it co co I got him I got him um oh no oh that's a tank that's a tank can a tank can the shield with a tank let's find out on this episode of st's about to die no it did it took it took it it took it dude it actually took it but it just knocked it off my arm that's sick p in an orbital strike that tank will soon perish incoming dude that's sick dude yo Dr STP thank you for the six months dead oh nice you got the Obie on him on the on the old tank what do these things do they're mining how do you spot q q to spot I found a rare sample dude nice yeah I've actually got I've actually got too many rare samples Suffering From Success suffering from play time all right okay we've got a little uh we got a window of opportunity no these guys are going to hang on I don't have a nade come on then you robot bastards I think I can take them okay they're tankier than I thought oh God they can they can slice through my shield yeah they can they can definitely SCE through my shield it's only good against lasers got him we got him got him how does the shield work you can only use a sidearm yeah got no ammo I literally only have shotgun ammo so do I call in a little little thingy I think we should I'm going to call one in um no I didn't see that guy doing that God damn okay they're going to call in a drop sh I'll I'll soon fix that oh by the way this this is the thing we want you to unlock is literally on wa oh my God okay wait wait for them to drop it and now ready ready wesy this is what I want you to unlock this is the the this is called the eagle cluster bomb yeah it's I think I think it's way overpowered for how much it costs and how easy it to use but that's just me cuz I can use it again by the way I've got another I've got another four that's just me four Jeremy four it's got four I've got four of these Custer bombs I can use oh I dropped a supply thing up the top by the way oh my God yeah a bit ridiculous sssd delivery what does that mean reting objective equipment God I'm requesting objective equipment yeah that's good is it hell bomb Oh my God I'm dead SS I'm dead I've been knocked I got to run away I've been beaten away hang on Wes's doing his phone number11 1066 oh God Drive dude I got a hard drive you got you got a hard on I've got a hard on and now I'm being shot at how do I drop the hard on how do I drop my hard how do I stop this hard on okay so I have to activate something there you go that's all your gear nice so we have to go somewhere um we have to yeah yeah just up here so you you or I'll do the console you do the tower so I go to the tower yeah yeah yeah and then we should yes yes I put it in the door I like this this area this is cool not this one I put it in here right hold on wait hang on super Earth issued tool rack yeah you're not doing anything with it yet cool down the SSD going popped him in nice sigal strength 1 million there you go communication Uplink done yeah sweet one St closer to oh God there's so many robots look North look North Westy looking nor look at them oh my God we must get them hang on what have I done I'm diving towards them okay let's see if we can uh come on here they come here they come watch out don't run forward don't run forward don't run forward I'm moving I'm oh mag's empty I'm going to have to shotgun him that's all I've got left is it Shield it does nothing they just SL they just literally sliced through my shield okay I think we're good okay now where do we go yeah but the thing is I would use the senator so we have to evacuate actually had a fast reload but it doesn't it's just terrible oh yeah that was the perfect opportunity for me to talk about Samsung ssds wow did know that these robots actually run reloading how you oh my God that's what I'm saying that's why you get the cluster strike and um it does it in like a t- shape in front of you if you know what I mean okay so you get that oh my God oh my God watch out for the rocket absolutely destroyed oh I just blew him off before he could get it off hang on let's see yeah he's been he's been blown w w w why why am I taking so much damage from where from the smoke from the smoke get out of there nice okay cool he's dead uh should we take out this large oh God there's two Cannon two cannons Jeremy where's my shield gone oh know if you dropped it did you never pick it up no I must it must have got blown off me uh can I take these stems hold on yeah stem's there yeah yeah there's more as well yeah I can't pick those up unfortunately uh where is it uh my shield got my shield got blown off oh super credits let's go nice and I found some grenades this I quite like this ballistic shield it's quite fun I haven't died any less though using it some more grenades over here if you need them machine gun um right I'm trying to get a bit close to these massive uh cannons on the towers I'm on my way cuz I need to take those out first so I'm going to try and I'm going to try and sneak in so they they if you if you if you sneak around they they're less likely to see you so I'm going to try and get a bit closer to the uh God go prone if they spot you their vision is based on movement no oh no he saw me right get the cannon get the cannon oh God M oh my God I almost ran to that mine ow ow ow ow ow I'm going to die I'm going to die I think I'm dead I think I'm dead oh did you run into mine no it threw me across the map and slam me into a rock and we both died what the wait what blew up though I don't know something smashed into US oh God God don't worry we're back like we never left we just don't have anything that we had hang on H this is painful I see careful oh my God yeah I had to do it had to be done giving us some cover call oh my God yeah yeah it's the cannon it's the cannon oh my God oh my leg my leg hang on hang on grab this Shield grab this shield for me grab the grab the grab the shield Jen my God we didn't need to take this base supp we didn't need to take it that's oh there's a tank tank okay wesy right what I'm going to do uh there's two tanks oh there's two tanks and they're on top of each other what you need to do is you need to take their aggro take their aggro that's one way of doing it I put the over strike on them yeah that'll do it that'll do it that that might get both of them maybe oh there's one there's one there's one it got one it got one okay I'm moving I'm Ming around hang on melee them wait oh how about a nice cup of Li got [Applause] it they never thought I climb on top okay can I get this yeah I can oh God my shield my shield my shield lady where's is that the cannon that's the cannon isn't it um yeah is the cannon do you have an or strike for it I guess you just used yours yeah I just used it you'd have to perfectly hit it on the top anyway I don't know where the cannon is right here I've marked it is that at the back there can I get it in the hole God damn it do I have anything for this um are you dead no I'm not dead I'm just trying to deal with this cannon you can't look down at me though so get rinsed right requesting support um administering Freedom well come around to me hide along the wall wesy oh God hide along the wall the around I've already used all my nades i' run out of stamina I'm not experienced in this area Okay crept around right so yeah so so creep around here do you have any do you have an orbital strike uh let me have a look uh yes I do have I see if you can get it like or like right here or something I don't know if it's going to be or right on this marker yeah I think so I think that's the only way we can do it otherwise it will just intense heat okay um and then run away don't that might get it that might get it come on oh come on it must been close is that going to be it it destroyed the other thing it destroyed something um how are we dealing with this oh go there's another one you have a do you have a for this close missed ye missed there is there even a n no grenades no grenades uh I need to get a reinforcement damn I we don't have any we have 21 seconds no I mean at least at least the thing oh there's ammo here has it got grenades no any ammo God damn it I don't even know where my ballistic shield went can I turn their cannons against them turn the Cannons against us oh there's a redn down there um I mean is that good no not really not for us but not for us oh my God that thing's massive yeah hang on if it face the other way I can shoot in the back I got it I got it I got it yes it's still still coming oh God run run I got it I got it there we go blood d l yes here we go smash oh no no hang on watch out Wy watch out watch out yes did you get it okay Power dead Nice Shot Nigel what else do we need to destroy uh we need to find a fabricator why can't I shoot this thing okay need to find a fabricator oh there it is I see it uh I need to I have nades I've got no I don't want to reinforce I've got Reay here on me on me on me come to me uh you got you've got fast movers coming in fast moving I'm just doing my normal looting no oh my God no hang on were their trash I shot it legs come on get it in in the no I keep missing it get the n in yes I think I got it in I think I got it in finally we not finished this base off no we still got one more over the back have we not yeah still one more over here oh did we not finish that oh we didn't even get that one no didn't get it oh we got another H yeah yeah that's a small problem we' got another uh I got it in it's going to destroy it oh I've got a here going to shoot it in its eyeball in it eyeball yeah okay I can help you with that ow I'm dead run wesy run oh my God shoot it in its eye hole in its eye hole okay I have to do the reinforce yeah okay oh oh no I did it wrong reinforcing oh my God this thing no I died I died okay hang on oh for goodness sake it's going to turn around it's just going to immediately turn on you hang on no no please where did you go come on you can do it I'm burning oh no we can land no it's fine fine we we'll come back in but we're going to land on his head okay land on his head land on his head God damn it but us where we were democracy he's still alive I can't do anything oh for goodness say this guy's beating us off been immediately killed move away from himin the no this is insane I'm just going to die again what the No No we need to survive wesy keepy I think it's over I ran into a m I think it's over how could it be over all right last okay okay well I'm just I'm getting out we need to be careful we got to be careful we haven't even done the objective we've just screwing around this base the enemy right you know what that right that's it I'm not going anywhere near that this is another one there's another little base here oh what a throw that was good that was good oh man on turret keep moving keep moving keep moving we've scuffed it we we're just getting out of here now just leaving I've already used the orbital R Gun I think well no we need to do the mission first we haven't even done that okay uh how's YouTube doing is it sorted itself out not really lovely it's fine it's fine that's fine we'll get them on the VOD we'll get them on the VOD yeah it's fine it doesn't matter well we'll fix it in post oh another one another one start oh what another big okay I'll okay I'm dealing with him I'm dealing with him I'm dealing with him I'm dealing with him dealing with him dealing with him dealing with him dealing with him dealing with him dealing with him how how is this fair I don't think it's supposed to be to reload okay um you have that turret wesy come in handy injury what injury oh hang on he's slicing up come on forever God damn another Dre oh God where did my huh where did the resupply go I don't think we put one in did we no I did where's it gun right uh anyone where where'd it go did it get destroyed but even if it got destroyed the supply should be somewhere uh I did it I did something I I opened something St I opened something yeah yeah you can let them out I don't where did my resupplies go I've let them out I've let the men out what the Yeah it's fine let them protect them protect them with your life oh my God what just I don't even know what just happened any ammo here right escort them to safety oh good God but what I don't understand what just happened where God here they are St here they are we're escorting them yeah yeah yeah it's fine you press the button up there as well there's another button up yeah you just let them out oh they've see me God damn I pushed the button right at the top here yeah that's good they will come out eventually I've got no healing left now come on out you come come on it's okay all right I only got one mag left reloading right we got five did you not take any supplies withy no I didn't take anything do you want me to a cool one in now no cuz we we don't have it it's gone destroyed oh God I don't know where it went where's this other group of men come on come on in you go young democracy Fighters Democratic fighter men yeah yeah in you go go on we have 11 well I have a chair I have a citizen I have a citizen I to P again come on yeah come on right open the door hrah harah I will protect you don't worry this is just red paint I am fine w w we this is good I've blown up man actually I guess this is just motor oil I should oh maybe I'm covered in blood cuz I'm almost dead maybe it's my own blood you've got blood on you uh they're dropping drop chips to the Dropping Drop era yeah they've dropped some chips they've dropped some chips you dropped your chips I believe you've dropped your chips sir right protect these men I'm doing a I'm doing a resupply throwing Supply right here nice okay I'm going to open up the door come on S it's fine it's fine it's fine I think we got it we got it and now all we need to do is make our way all the way back to where we started youve done your resupply here wesy on me got him human assets human assets human ass said okay um right head this way for me for victory and Glory Victory Glory now wesy have you heard of have you heard of floes fles no you've not heard of I've heard of fres those like so you see these things on the floor that look like flooor boobies oh yeah right well I'll show you the how to use these in a second this is the Ryan a Ryan Air um value seat and B if you shoot them at the right angle they send you flying and are potentially in the right direction oh by the way I didn't get any of the resupplies so RP me oh well you're not going to need those oh oh I got I got slashed oh got oh god you being slashed this really is right in there go airport pill sat thank you for the two months by the way jock strapped thank you for the 6 months too there might be some ammo here ooh ammo there's some ammo here you need steal ammo and Sims here or at least grenade ammo that'll do I'll take it all right I'm running I'm not I've run out of breath but remember if you have Lo you've got a bit lost health so you can actually heal and you'll get all your stamina back oh did you check this out here have you been here before noce I think I think one of my strikes has opened up the uh shipping container that's there of I should really get my shield back shouldn't I I am completely out of ammo okay hold on uh I should probably get my ballistic shield back ATT pack in and I'll get my requesting be beams super credits and a flamethrower which would be very useful oh God so there's a million and one things around here but you know what I don't have a heavy weapon so oh R over to that thing and just flown it oh God I can't help I Haven got any ammo I have a pistol I have a pistol I can be of assistance this is not very effective against robot I'm dead no no no no no no we I'm just using random loadouts lenk all right give me yeah yeah you'll be right you'll be re right we need to we need to get this extract done before 3 minutes is up otherwise we have the four minutes Jeremy so get so throw me back where my stuff was yeah reest reinfor launched right I'm back start there's about a million men here we might have to leave my stuff behind no we can get it we can get it no no no we can leave it it's fine I don't need it actually do I have samples ah do I have samples might have some right finally got some supplies get some come on okay I'm getting my stuff okay I'm getting my stuff reloading I am reloading uh there's a shield gem back here wesy you take that okay do you want these supplies up here are you good I'm okay did I not find any I must have found no samples extraction is available yeah the semi-auto shotguns literally broken I know I know there's better guns I thought you found a super sample or something no I didn't I don't think so okay right okay let's get to where we're going going in an eagle all right on way bye oh my God bye have a great timee have a great time we need to call in this extract in 2 minutes come on let's go let's keep moving you got one robot behind you one robot yeah he's he's sprinting get out of here get out of here he's no longer why are you down so is this a 4 minute four minute no no only if it gets to past 10 minutes I think oh okay it gets harder the longer you stay in the match welcome reinforcing approved let's go okay I've got I've got a bit of time come on calling an extra diet democracy Free Yourself yes I think all right put your little Gatling Sentry in the middle okay uh there's a ammo ammo here I think I've got pretty much full ammo right now I wonder if I can get the drop with a rail gun strike before it drops its men I'll see it drops its men oh hang on never mind I'm going to get that dreadn in an eag I got four of them yeah full auto shotgun breaker is just great for everything ah yes the machine gun's going for it it's shooting the wrong thing though there you go look at it go look at it look at it slamming it out there we go focus on the close targets come on the taste of [Music] freedom reload ma reloading right we're good this side how long we got 40 seconds okay I think we're okay s nice I think we've managed this quite effectively yeah [Music] we have protected democracy oh hello easy easy easy easy oh there's more there's more men book of more menri throwing an orbital strike in oh God where where' these guys come from oh he sliced me up okay wait wait wait before we get on before we get on just stay back oh oh God run run run run run run we're going to die no oh no no no no no it's fine you can call me back in before you get on before you get on okay I'm coming over I got knocked down as I threw my cluster strike I why I didn't kill you that could have killed both of us by the way then we be screwed I just R way I'm coming back elizab all right need to get in get in get in go go go you need to get your stuff that's fine I don't need it sh you the P yeah my stream's not showing up on YouTube at all I think yours is the same mine's the same yeah yeah it's a YouTube bug today for some reason we're not showing up on YouTube that's okay we can just do a shorter stream today and that's that we'll do another what half hour and then yeah yeah call it yeah this game is like an Epic movie says the chat yeah we could just do one more like longers run and see if we get not do you want to do a bugs one just a quick one just to see what the bugs are like why why not why not cuz the bugs are the original fun meme three out of five outstanding patriotism when one person says oh you're not showing up on YouTube for me and then everyone in the chat is like you're showing up for me yeah yeah cuz CU you might be along the side but I don't think we're showing up anywhere else it's not it's not working properly I can tell you that for the fact because we couldn't even find our own streams about 2 minutes before we were going to go but now we know if that's the case then it's probably best to wait an hour or something even now what what are like Lackey and them not fine cuz they went earlier yeah they're fine damn their their views are pretty decent right now pretty Normy I think let's have a look let's have a look um yeah L's got 1.1 pretty he's doing pretty well yeah well well so is broen yeah it's very we know yeah right challenging I've unlocked challenging start yeah it's good wow okay so how many of those coins have I got 4,800 what can I buy with that Str jumps Expendable anti-tank uh orbital Gatling barrage Gatling uh I could do the eagle cluster bomb yes you'll won that it's literally the best I would argue the like just take it every every single run ever and just smash it's so useful the only thing you have to be careful of is um so you throw it forward and it does it in like a a perpendicular angle to you so imagine a Precision strike but it goes across from where you threw it as oppos like like a wall that means if there's teammates anywhere along that line even like 100 meters away it might hit them ridiculous it's chaos but it's fun okay right so next one I'm going to use oh I know I'm going to not I'm going to not use the shotgun okay I wasn't I wasn't enjoying that as much as I thought no I mean get an auto shotgun eventually can you unlock anything else uh well I mean I could buy something else um can I can buy a a frag that I don't use that frag grenade but I mean you could just as a thing let's have a look I need to get more medals to unlock stuff cuz I've only got page one unlocked at the moment um that's fine I've got 10 things to claim though should I hold on to all of those or do I have to wait spend four more medals to unlock so I have to spend in order in order to unlock it anyway anyway so why don't I just claim that item okay okay and claim that item okay so now I've unlocked page two which means I could unlock uh what's this the p19 Redeemer pistol what does that do I don't know oh yeah no dude can you unlock the pistol 60 damage 31 capacity yeah yeah yeah yeah you want that that's I still use that one it's really good so now I can equip that you go equipped and then I come out okay yeah I've got that equipped now and I want to equip the assault rifle okay and then and there's one more thing you need to unlock these not my love oh my God what are you doing to my AR streak oh my God incredible uh so oh is wait what huh wow that's not been liberated at all well this one has we well let's let's do another longer Mission here you go nice on a nice oh this one I think actually going to be impossible to see so maybe we don't want to be on this one okay we want to be on Crim or Crim hire esto there you go snow Planet uh so what we got we got oh you like eggs eggs oh dude it's it's a giant egg a giant egg it's a giant egg okay let's have some fun with the Giant Egg then complete so so so so so so um yeah right so these are these are the bugs you'll soon learn these are much more physical attacks so it's less shooty shooty more run away and run away run away run away let's go you have to keep it thing so yeah we're going to go H where should we go we want to start up here near the egg near The Giant Egg Giant Egg okay so now I've got two offensives yeah now you can fill it up I filled it up I actually look like I've played this game now well you have what shall I do should I do I'll do some sort of orbital something um over to walking barrage might be fun I've not tried that uh I'm going to take what else should I take I'll take the rail gun and I'll take the jetpack yes uh are you now are you ready I I'm I'm as ready as I'll ever be at rank four ready upunch initi let's go help poog launch initiated here we go was it night time or it's it should be daytime Daytime Nighttime it should be daytime I think I did a daytime it might just be a dark planet ah here we go oh wow oh it's murky this reminds me of um um Hull St no what's the it's the one of the maps from uh battle bit uh oh God the one with the massive like water yeah yeah that one stop blowing everything up right so those stop uh bugs from spawning if you throw nades into them so there's another one over here okay they're here oh I forgot to get my extra stuff in we need to call extra stuff and we forgot I just keep shooting oh that's a big bug it usually helps to shoot them in the face oh there's a big bug big bug yeah oh God it's already found us it's Founders oh run run run let's get charge I should have got my bloody rail gun okay run away Wy run away run away run away you you good actually I think run out yeah I've just St for prosperity for Prosperity oh no no no I'm dead I'm dead I'm I'm dead I'm I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead God damn it if they're they're teabagging my body tag right now throw me on the charger SD you're about to see some magic throw me at the charger where's the charger uh it should be running at you now with its trousers down in a second where is it it's over the back there somewhere refor all right I'll see if I can find it see if you can mark it can you mark it I can't unfortunately yeah I can't I can see it maybe no re launched got him are dead nice you slam on him yeah you can land on him and just kill him very nice I didn't even call my stuff in did I I'll destroy the bugs yes all right five four right um Freedom requires right have you got re uh supplies uh um no I need I need supplies already I miss need a lot of shooting I got my machine gun all right you you get a nade in these nests over here okay hang on there are many tiny little bugs running at me right now yeah it's fine you can beat him off remember to th fill the the holes with GR grenades I feel like the breaker just needs less ammo longer reload I don't know something to make it reloading yeah destroyed the exit nice grenade I'm destroying all the little things yeah yeah yeah that's fine reloading disgusting creatures um they are rather disgusting aren't [Music] they but we've destroyed some eggs but not all the eggs now let's see if I can destroy this base if I get the angle right let's see look you ready chat is Shield Pack meta Shield Pack is meta for the robots we're going across the water but for bugs I think the Rover is better in my opinion right so I'm trying to I'm trying to line up this so I get it with the walking strike oral incom okay so look so now it's going to walk so basically it's going to do an artillery strike away from me that was a bit close Okay that was a bit close they go through the water oh God I mean it was it was okay this didn't oh God big boys uh bug breach requ support come on then you stupid bugs how you God incredible I'm going to run back and actually you might need your help with the NAD just to close this Nest okay what that didn't kill anywhere near as much as I thought have AE of democracy kill them all uh is there resupplies there supplies back there was right at the back but right back where we started all right oh maybe I got one of the I got one of the bases with that walking strike but not both oh there's there's Amo ammo discovered I need I need more I need more I need more what resupply no I need we need grenades in these holes see I'm coming over where which hole where the yeah the orange light there's ammo here supplies oh a super breaker shotgun I've never I'm going to try this I've never tried it before might be fun out of amm out of ammo excellent they load reloading last reload reloading ma EMP hang on no razor shark claws why is this shotgun worse than the shotgun I had before this doesn't make any sense okay uh let's see I'm going to test something Wy fly directly into the hole reinforce okay okay see if you can get into the hole like not not around the hole not around the hole into the hole see what happens the hole Yeah yes it works let's go I didn't even go in the hole look yeah I know yeah that's no well I mean look you can actually see the bullet thing now this is what you land in I am a bullet you're just a giant bullet a giant bullet trash um let's call in my let's do this I tried the super shotgun and it's worse than my normal shotgun so if it did like if it did like 10 times the damage maybe I'd uh consider using it but it doesn't so let's reload some uh resupplies over here my friends yes yes yes yes reloading okay and then um and then we're ready and then we're going to egg let's go and get some more eggs how do you like your eggs in the morning um without bugs in them I like mine with clean clean um I hear them I hear them oh yeah I see them but we we we've gone past oh very cold I guess we could no we go this way go this way go this way they are going to see me though but it's fine we can drop ordinance you know that cluster bomb this is where we're going to want to use this okay okay so run this way well they're going to spot you and then you're going to throw the cluster bomb as they run towards us so throw the throw the cluster bomb hang on they not care uh cluster bomb right come on SO cluster bomb here roughly right ready yeah yeah yeah come on come on you stupid bugs run into yes oh my God incredible Liberty disand very nice I enjoyed that very nice delicious I like my eggs scrambled that's how I like mine scrambled's the best uh I like mine poached really bloody annoying to do yeah I know it's really annoying it's like the hard like I had to look up like eight videos before I finally worked out how to do it which is how to poach an egg which is you don't actually boil the water because if you boil the water it just flu throws the egg around you literally actually just need just on the cusp of of about boiling yeah but not moving basically get get that's the only way it works otherwise it just throws the egg around just looks awful you have to swirl the water as well to kind get no the only you have to do that Wesley that's a load of bollocks oh god um let's see if we can stick him with the 500 I'm going to stick it in his mouth sending in anag okay no no no no no no stay here oh you hit yes okay it hurt me bad oh it didn't even kill him oh God it did kill him it did kill him oh God did it did it hit him yeah the hit him dead on the dead on the head dude nice didn't bloody kill him now the big red ones stay alive after you shoot their heads off how' you like the taste of freed I'm going to go and try and like bug breach not bug breach bug breach not bug breach um we're going to run run around there no no I I don't even swirl the water cuz sometimes that makes the eggs go weird as well I literally just throw it straight onto the floor right wesy wesy would you like a young jump pack and a young rail gun all right then so this is the best this is considered the best gun in the game this one I'm about to give you hang on I'm just dealing with some so so um so use that oh God oh my God we got him oh got there's more there is more come here you bastard let me hold let me close these bugs right I got the rail gun that's our main problem right now um well you have to charge basically aim and charge it up and if you shoot them in the face it basically go through all armor and you have to reload it every single time you shoot I missed I got that one oh all right need these holes n these hes Rusty don't have any grenades left no grenad um hang on the extract Chopper rip okay I'm going to go grenade uh I might 500 kg this bit just to make it easier I don't want forward you will never destroy our way of life 20 down good God yeah that's right I think I get the I got the so yeah just um need some nades do we you can just him any more oh common samples common samp there's one inside the rock common sample oh oh St yeah it's fine um run run run run dive as as he's about to hit you just go dive to the left or right that's a good Strat Now using our rail cannons wesy pull them out make sure they're reloaded they are reloaded we're going to now watch out make sure they're fully charged on his face you can do it in third person or first person all right ready get him to fa right get him to the face and I'll shoot him in the face hold on we we get him in the face fully charg in his face turn and ready nice there we go lovely surprisingly easy uh when you when you've got a rail gun um by the way if you hold space your you will see how the jetpack works oh yes it's very good for getting away but honestly not very good late game so it's a good for it's good for the early game when you're playing against the bab the bab enemies but not very good not very good again in the late game when you're facing hard enies they just kind of doesn't really do much you have anyone nades yeah I can have some nades uh this hole on I didn't that there we go oh we got some more samples as well that's lovely got some urine sample oh God there's a lot of bugs a lot of bugs okay the cluster it is then requesting ORD all right Run This Way Freedom never use your cluster on these here oh that's okay walking barage Works quite well but oh God is that three Jeremy great oh God I mean that's well there's many there's many on me that might work actually that worked uh just keep running yeah yeah just keep running oh my God St have you seen what's behind us yeah yeah um I've got a small way to fix that and keep running run Ry run Ry run Ry run oh my God I got 20 then a 20 bomb oh God oh God what have I done you have nades for these I have one have nades for these holes hang on I I'll one okay okay I'll try and get the other three hold on I'll get this one I'll get this one oh my God two two Crushers you got one I think we got one okay hang on this is a small issue hold on there's three Crushers right Westy come with me we're going to try and bait them we going to try and bait them just get come with me come with me come with me okay ready going to put it right there keep running keep running keep running keep running keep running keep running run run run run run run run oh my God oh God oh my God he's beating he's beating you off mov I'm I'm shooting in the face I don't even know if I've got my rail gun anymore I think you dropped it I think you got knocked out your hands over right that's one Crush dead um I'm out of ammo I'm literally out of ammo um are you done reloading yeah ah all right I got supplies in front of us keep running this way nice nice nice I like it 5 Seconds nice little sample here we go man I'm going to try and finish this bugle and you're your rail guns this way as well oh there's bloody bugles there as well there's a bugle there wesy can you sort that one out hang on I've I've marked it I've Mark the bugle that you need to out I think should be the eye the little eye okay where's the oh God right heavy bug Nest good okay nice did you see did you get the bug nest no because I'm still running away it's right it's right it's right I'll um oh yeah I see fine it's fine it's fine you can see it's over here the bug is here yeah I'm just needed that's fine that's fine that's fine that's fine I can oh there is another Crusher yeah beat them all yes yes did it nice all right we can get out of here uh yeah you need to Cluster cluster this bit here cluster this bit hang on right here right here right here clust that yes C it yes come on come on show me the M oh my God that thing is just so op that rid I'm going to run this way run this way all right where is the extraction incredible you're kidding me wesy what's up has YouTube just started working uh maybe your views got up yeah mine uh mine I I've Just Seen A I've seen a steep incline I haven't got the Steep incline at the moment not yet well no only only by 100 only by 100 men no mine's mine's still still broken yeah still broken running away running away well unless maybe the V will be fine yeah I mean it's fine it is I can see you in my sub feed now God damn it yeah somebody hit hey weird couldn't find your stream literally next comment that just came in well we can do another shorty and see what happens if you want or you want to leave it until next time I mean I'm happy to keep going a little bit let's just see oh I think I ran over something I wasn't supposed to run over fine yeah I wasn't paying attention properly STS is showing up now but then I found it ammo here any ammo that is weird any ammo here dude um yeah yeah here right here dude right here oh God sometimes they seem like they're dead but they're not no he's going to call no bugs bug breach bug Beach oh god um right move watch out see yeah I'm going to be 500 kg in [Music] that Jesus Christ dude Yahoo and it's still they they still survive yeah they they come out of the they come out of that bug breach you see supp bug breach bug breach I think have we destroyed it yeah I think we have you think oh you think they come out that there bug breach right there bug breach all right okay actually yeah I think we're okay democracy at its finest kill the bugs kill all the bugs oh my God there's quite a lot about how about a nice cup of Liberty Liberty the thing is some one of the one of the characters goes how about a nice cat a liberty it just sounds really WR over there come on oh yeah I love it what's this what ammo the bug had ammo did he he drop ammo the bug dropped ammo yeah I've never seen that before it just went the nice land's coming in he's Landing I'm landing W very nice very nice indeed and I say I say very nice [Music] indeed victory was never in [Music] oh it broke a crate that had ammo ah there we go the bug cuz they they also go you know when you call in supplies yeah the bugs literally just walk up to it go and just smash it nice a such great music outstanding patriotism you really blew the flag for democracy today oh we got some we got a few samples then that was pretty good yeah we did all right actually couple of rare boys I'll tell you what we could do if we want to use our time valuably um we could do the um we could do the what's it called The speedrun Experience Strat yeah and that way we can we can get you leveled up and get you some some lovely experience yeah sounds good to me why not there you basically you put it on the hardest difficulty which is insane actually no I think we can't do it on the hardest difficulty I thought about it now cuz you don't have the the mortars ah if you could buy a mortar 2 five I've got I don't think I've got enough let's have a look if you can buy a mortar we might be able to do it right let's have a look cuz then basically you just hide behind the mortars and the sentries ah no I haven't I've only got the machine gun Sentry damn it uh the mortar Sentry yeah I'd need a lot more for that yeah so we'd have to we'd have to but we can just do this last little baby Mission yeah why not so what's this emergency oh basically evacuation but with bugs instead of bugs instead of thingamajigs hods primed HELLP pods primed engaging orbital thrusters you think you can do it solo yeah this is pretty cool man does it scale the amount of enemies you need to kill though synched is going to be an issue you like the way it feels rank eight anyway so I need to do a couple of these runs I think yeah I mean we could try a hell dive one after this and see how it goes yeah why not um okay so we need to wait what do we do first we do this Uplink first oh wow they really want us to do the worst route imaginable then we're going to start there basically you can see the red patches that's obviously where the enemies are um got my stuff and I'm ready to go all up yeah that's fine I might do that I'm going to do rail gun that I'm going to take the Rover I mean the do I need the Rover not really um the Rover Rover and then grenade launcher yeah why not I don't want to I don't want to metag game with the rail gun although I am metag gaming with the machine gun right now with a grenade uh with a shotgun launch initiated Ella's obsessed with batro yeah you have to retreat to the rear of the tower area I know exactly what you mean as well uh I'll give it a try we'll see if we can just like speed oh yes well you know better than me and you I wish forget this all right so now these spew things the bugs with the big the big the big back off oh yeah they can basically they they kind of walk up to you and start throwing up on you and they just they can kill you in one spray the one spray one spray is all it takes right um Eagle cust bomb have you ready I mean I can do ready I'm putting him over here loation 3 2 1 throwing go go go go go go go oh he's he's moving he's dead I think you got him nice oh bug breach bug breach bug breach right shoot these guys in the face he's dead that they're the ones you got to watch out for I'm doing another cluster on that um wa don't run forward don't run forward nice him there's another one oh my God all the samples in the world wow watch out this is the guy that spe this is it this is him you see how much damage that does he spewed me did think we got him though and by the way if if you get slow if you if you if you get slow like they can spew on you to slow you down just make sure you dive and that will remove the debuff okay oh more incoming nice dead I got he spewed oh God okay got it reminds me a little bit of Left for Dead that's what I'm saying same satisfaction like cool down the SSD we're go on then okay cooling it down down equipment yeah you can still just shoot those guys in the face it's pretty strong okay where is the SSD terminal I see it flashing nice got some supplies cuz I'm running out already you know yeah yeah yeah you know how it is I know how it is I've dived so far into hell I've run out of bullets I died so hard dive so far in the end I di I died to bugs I'm doing it again all right nice do well done democracy broadcasting across the planet okay we oh we got oh it's oh it's bug breach you see you ready for these holes we're going to we if we split I'll do the two on the right you do the two on the left yeah sounds good to me oh God there's five I'll do the on I you do the ones close you do the ones close I'll do the ones far yeah sounds good to me grenade going out one more one more one more oh you got a stalker on you that means there's a stalker Nest nearby got it I got it yeah oh we got we got common sbl for days now remember the common sbl spawn um all over these bases so you might find them on the floor here you go you see them here yeah yeah they look like that you just grab them last time on the last map it was on that yeah yeah but when you blow them up they fall down so it's hard so there is a St oh look look look here here where's he where he see you see this bugle this is a stalker nest and these spawn invisible bugs oh great I'm I'm really about to enjoy this well no no no it's fine because as long as we kill it yeah as long as we kill it have you got grenades I've got one grenade yeah that's perfect make sure you don't miss do not miss the whole Wy this is our last chance God ar oh he's beating me off right do not miss that you got it nice nice so that stops them spawning and they're real pain our ass what injury I did a good thing you did the good thing okay right we're moving on up I'm out of grenades good God good god um has yours worked yet Westy um no no I think I think what you're getting is the algorithmic push I think well that's what I'm saying so but that's but it's not for me but but that's thing you can literally just see it's gone nothing nothing nothing nothing nothing okay it's fine yeah exactly so I don't know what's happened just YouTube completely broken yeah it's not a problem man yeah I can see that yours are skyrocketed yeah I me it's good that's good get just I mean can we could we get a warning maybe maybe a thing on the but I know that they don't do that because then you wouldn't upload or oh no no one's doing no one can test it you're basically the the test uh the testing men testman okay right on our way to the next appointment yeah with with the bugs yeah it's the evacuation evacuation at the bugs yeah in fact they at the humans yeah it's the same thing we did in the last one but now it's bugs instead okay they got bugs on the right bugs on the left hang on hang on go go go oh they've seen me they've SE get out get out he's dead he's dead he's dead he don't he's trying to call for help no no stop it stop oh bug bre bug bra I'm going made it right run back oh God goodbye it he didn't get one he didn't get God damn it I got him I got him keep pushing keep pushing this way they're going up okay I'm going to set up the terminal maybe um put your Gatling C Cannon up here somewhere yeah sounds good to me um actually I won't use a cluster right now probably not a good idea uh what we got so hang on about there need to reload uh we got a we got a Crusher there I'll s him out here it comes I'll s out this Crusher oral stri I'll sort him out nice yeah this little Gatling gun does a good job right it's good yeah you get even you basically you get an upgraded one which just does double the damage So eventually I'll be even better yeah well um E4 E4 E4 effort there you go go up why oh my I'm talking in the chat it's like I'm swearing Supply Beacon up I got big boy hell to democracy all right um we can let them out now I mean it's not safe but it's safe enough uh resupplies here uh what we got uh we've got a Crusher coming up oh God my my my beam is beaming the civilians watch out for the stri oh God yeah that's good that's good D I think you've done good there might it's killed a whoa where's he up there he's going there going up there just run away from me D how' he get up there oh I might need a punch I'm stuck again oh god um well let let's just beam this guy in the face whilst he's stuck he's dead he's not dead he's dead I'm stuck in this you need you need a punch to you yeah please he Freedom punch me oh not another not another one another one another one now you can just run around in circles and they will just miss you I'm trying not to hit you but it is hitting you unfortunately uh right more more more men we got one in only one survived the last uh oh has he got you yeah he got me only one of them survived have you got your Gatling back yet oh I didn't mean to do uh let's have a look let's have a loot he he's killing the civilians okay he's dead soon I may have killed the civilians myself sorry civilians it was it was for the greater good right we got it we got it I I AB I'll stay over here do this one I'll stay over here last reload oh no no the civilians not the civilians no don't no no they're blocking them no no no no no no okay two of them made it through that's that's good enough for me all right three a bad hang on crusty jugglers right Sentry's coming back in we got we got we got call them in next to you next to you next to you there's a one next to you the button that's highlighted with the oh God oh God Wesley they're running at you with their trousers down I am also doing the same careful careful careful the other one's going to beam you nice nice nice I think we're okay for now last reload civilians are on their way lovely lovely lovely BBY well that's that's five six civilians fantastic news four bugs on the on the edge on the horizon bugs on the horizon let's reload got one exploded a big boy all right come on come on let me out let them let them let them be save there we go let them let them okay I got more got more here we yeah yeah yeah let them out let them out oh bug breach bug bre no no no no no in an oh God oh my own Sentry shooting me yeah that will happen it might even shoot the bloody oh my I got a few them got a few of them bug break actually I might save that I'm just going to CL them again nice nice nice oh God that might it might hit I got a couple that right let them out again let them out again I can't my button oh there we go yeah yeah 15 right okay this last batch of civilians nice I love the way they just we just keep letting them out and see if they oh there is a there is a crush just don't look he's friendly don't shoot him and he may he may let the civilians live oh yeah yeah he's been there for ages yeah he's just chilling right here we go here we go come on wa have we got enough oh we got enough we got enough look look 18 19 19 20 the last guy get out of here he snuck on you should just shot him as you got no we're full no more um right and that's and that's good should we take out this last Nest over here yeah yeah just saw a shuttle over there a shuttle a bloody shuttle that right uh must reload there it is there it is there it is there it is not bug Bak bug bake bug beak bug is this a stalk killer what is this um what some sort of some sort of stalker a googly ooly all right okay is this St oh it's just normal a but we should take it out for the glory of the Empire ah oh there's there's oh yeah there's a there is a oh God okay um that was that was we should have expected it watch out for the grenade I'll get him I'll get him I'll get him oh God I think I got him not sure you got one of them I think H there is another one yes is this worth it I guess we can get more common samples from there there will be common samples around here at least come on come on do it right I need help I need one more oh God right land on land on this uh last hole land on my hole Westy land on me hole land on me hole I like your little uh yeah the little BR I can get you one actually hang on a minute hang on land on that hole nice but you also died because you went straight into the hole I think right now land on one of these crushes resting land on these Crushers on these Crushers all right here we go this one this one I've marked him I've marked him I've marked him you land on his head try and land on his head oh it's put me he moved too fast all right well um I called in something didn't know where is it did I call it in oh God good God uh there is three crushes we see yes uh I am currently in a bit of a o oh he still hit me with a shin and he's beating me off my life for super okay go go go picked up some oh God there's three of them not Not Another one not another one oh I got him yes I killed a charger with a resupply p and I got the achievement nice let's go go let's go that's awesome no no I've been launched okay Wesley I'm going I'm going to call you in again oh not bug breach not bug breach not again come on St doing a great job here well I'm just run I'm just running uh right see if you can land on this one ready on the big lad on the big lad yeah on big lad ready so there he is he's not running yet he's actually staying quite still you can get him in the head I think cuz he's stuck on something okay here we go here we go here we go no no they it not let you control it then it does that wait I was just too low to the ground so be a to make a move uh we need to Cluster use your clusters use your clusters okay hang on here right round now run now run yeah we both throw one at the same time oh my body it's in bits the body is study right throw me throw me another Crusher if you see one oh God oh God run run run run run no are you dead oh uh yeah yeah yeah yeah okay hang on hang on here we go here we Goin launched I'm going to blow this guy and it's put us I got oh my God I got him I'm underneath a Crusher wait are you in the game I'm not in I'm not in no hang on it only spawned you yeah I think cuz you you spawn me in right there I'm going to put you on that Crusher right on top of the crusher yeah oh yeah oh God you land on land on him land on him yes you got him yes yes yes okay I'm getting my samples oh yeah uh guard dog here Wesley take this coming over take this take this take this thank you my friend uh um guard me BL right witness me and there's some supplies here if you need it I'm going to take one uh wesy come back here oh there's a stalking n uhoh come back this please run towards me run towards me run towards me run towards me very quickly very quickly run towards me Dive Dive Dive Dive Dive it saved you it actually saved you that's insane did that was very cool oh God so yeah when dive actually reduces damage from explosions Okay cool so if I'm trying to kill you with a cluster strike you simply need to dive and you might survive and take less damage thany um so I'm going to run this way yep I got a little bit of a peak studs I got a little one what do you mean I got a little climb yeah yeah well a little climb what's it's just truly scuffed isn't it yeah it's a bit scuffer rude today I mean um again on Thursday uh yeah yeah I can do yeah so we do a a lovely war zone stream tomorrow M love it oh can't wait oh love a bit of War Zone me I mean I don't I don't mind it I don't mind a good shotgunning or whatever yeah it's fine I just got to be honest like there's there's really very little right now that I'm that I'm interested in playing the most fun thing for me at the moment is war zone Champions Quest that's it I I wish I wish there was a more interesting way to play the Battle Royale that wasn't just shoot men if they happen to come out of their room yeah you know that's all it is now that stage now aren't we it's not really like there's no there's no fun it's just basically slide cancel into a room and clear two Babs sitting behind a a thing and that's it yeah it's never really like you know oh guys let's get in the truck let's take the chopper let's go to the top of the dam it's just like right everyone get everyone get the best position we're going to sit on this roof and hope that they don't uh we get the best position in the circle good GG the whole thing that Raven said is they wanted to make war zone more watchable I'd argue they've made it less watchable by trying to streamline the game too much I mean it's the most fun to play at least because the ttk is longer and everything else but like it's just missing stuff yeah I'm just like even Jack says he can't even be asked to make videos it's just like he's just like yeah whatever like it just doesn't matter I'm not I'm not having fun I think I think I'm at that stage where like I can take it or leave it I mean pretty much evidenced by the fact of what we're playing today yeah I can kind of take it or leave it it's not like I'm like I have to play this every day because I'm having that much fun oh no they've killed civilians they have oh there's some steems there have you got full Sims uh break action shotgun that sucks apparently okay uh I can call you in a nice grenade launcher though wesy but be very careful support weapon in you have to be careful with it all right I'm going to call it in [Music] okay retrieve weapon yeah you have to remember if you have your map open it won't let you inter oh there's loads of ammo here though just guy loads of ammo and then we got this uh to our Northwest I think that's where they're mainly coming from we just going to Chuck a cluster on that uh for South here as well or east even do that one I de with that one yeah nice perfect perfect perfect that's beautiful that is beautiful that is beautiful look at that it's like fireworks dude loads of ammo here as well actually there actually there's more more ammo than I've ever seen in the game more over here I'm doing another one oh my God more cluster more cluster more footwork more energy another one in the same spot name spot same spot do another one there do another one there hang on okay hang on a minute hang on uh yep that's good that's good yeah that's perfect that's perfect that's perfect that's actually perfect on oh I got you I got killed by a Splat um see if you can Splat on these guys um requ a support all right I'm going to leave you your stuff now oh God got a couple I got one nice job dude is he dead yet now he is pick up that Rover yeah you got it got it uh we've actually beaten off most of them I think yeah and then yeah next round we'll see if we can farm this um this uh Mission so we can level up like get you a few more things quicker yeah why not dude why not let's let's just have some fun let's just yeah let's just see if we can level you up Speed Run you right where's the last bugaroo um well no it's fine I think we basically took beat them all off watch out wait what did you do I just threw a cluster bomb like just Sky it might actually work cuz look there's some bugs over there yes look at that thing in the air it worked it worked right is there actually any bugs left this orbital Strike should seek it out if there is any I don't think there is I think there is to dive into the back I slowly wormed your way in yeah I think with the the whole war zone thing is I'm happy to play it um vict never I do I I I actually I think I prefer solos over anything else in that game yeah yeah I just think that's the way it is but at the same time also I just it doesn't give me the Fizz it just doesn't give me the Fizz the same as what we had with DMZ which was great fun um it was we always had stuff to work towards we always had has stuff to do Y correct I agree happy to play war zone but it just doesn't have the appeal that it used to have for me yeah new Battlefield ASAP well you just have to survive for a year wesy yeah just survive supposedly who knows we've had another little jump stud another little one what do you mean my view view numbers is oh go there you go I thought cuz I'm cuz I'm so I'm so power annoyed about my audio I'm like my microphone it's it PE again what no see yeah I fixed that now I just have a different issue now yeah for sure right well that was good fun that was good and now now there you go rank five I think unlocks a few new things for you awesome is this the highest level you've unlocked yes I'm ranked five I'm a brand Noob I'm a brand brand Noob at least your armor looks incredible yeah it's beautiful that I mean I only paid extra for it yeah you know that's all he did that's all he did welcome back okay return to the ship and by the way number of bug kills is irrelevant because for instance you see the rover yeah that Rover thing that I was using kills like half of the bugs for me all the little ones can't even get close to me with that thing on so it basically just like cleans up um and depending on what you're uh you're doing okay what else have I unlocked Orit gas strike Supply pack laser cannon yeah Gatling Sentry I don't know if it's worth it yet I'm going to hold off is it similar hold off I think hold let's have a look what else can I afford oh I can afford an lmg I think no Marksman rifle r63 diligence is that any good probably not it's a bit bit close should I do a whole stream really far haven't you cuz you've got like that um Marksman rifle thing yeah no the what what the mar so here's the thing W see what I've realized is all the guns suck yeah like honestly a lot of them suck because the shotgun the shotguns are the best because even if you're getting hit you can still use them whereas all the other assault rifles and stuff you get hit whilst you're trying to use it your a goes whoa and you just and you basically just can't beat them off whereas use any of the auto shotguns basically you want to unlock that breaker that breaker will be your best friend for like 15 levels it's so good okay um what should I get Gage think about what power steering what's the super credits what the hell are they so those the the what the oh those are for the store so if you go to the supert you can buy things oh I can actually buy real stuff that's right okay there's item reviews in the store oh yeah cuz they're all just fake and they're just like these are not actually real um what planet is good to do the farming on so so we're trying to do this these defense missions okay right um that one could be good and basically basically you do it on the hardest difficulty so I'm I'm throwing you in here a little bit but basically if we use do you have a mortar unlocked at all no you're not sure could you could you are you sure you couldn't do us yeah see if you can find a mortar cuz that would be the most uh incredible so what we can do is you put the Morts down and then you hide and the Morts basically kill all the enemies for you and then you don't have to worry about it um but we can do it on the hardest difficulty because the mortars do so much damage got that we can just hide and then we leave once they're done and we get an insane amount of experience okay like you should be really strong let's have a look I don't have any mortars Mort Sentry I can't get until level eight okay what about Gatling do you have the Gatling Sentry yet let's have a look that one's right at the bottom isn't it yeah uh Gatling Sentry yes okay cool cool so you can use that and we probably should right bought that and remember this this is balanced for four players yes so this will be very difficult we will get absolutely overwhelmed unless this strategy Works which I hope it will ok okay I hope it will I'm basically not I'm taking four centuries basically four centuries four centuries Jeremy four all right let's try and get right in the center if that's the case um okay so now I'm going to go yeah I'm just taking four sentries I could maybe take the implacement too uh I'm going to take the is the gas I'm going to take the cluster bomb and the orbital Precision strike so take two sentries and two actually is the two offensives cuz I don't know if I need a supply fly cuz that's just a machine gun no no no if you can you can take it you you need to take stuff that's just going to keep you alive basically okay got it I didn't realize that Eagle Strike had like a cool down of like 15 seconds as well by the way yeah yeah and and you can keep reusing it it's just overow so your your your job wesy is to get the stragglers that make it up um so your two Gatling cannons need to go if you remember we did one before we in the same spot again yeah okay okay initi all right let's see how this goes dude if we die we die getting thrown in at the deep end in Hell divers to oh [Music] yeah okay okay right we're going to have do quick here um so I'm putting an EMS Mort here okay on the back I'm going to put a put one yeah you need to cuz they can't get up to here but they can get around from the front oh God that Sentry just went all the way down there oh why did it do that is it it just bounc I know it might have bounced it might have bounced off that that's okay see if we can get another one there there you go and then I'm going to do a machine gun I wonder if this will actually be too close okay that's good that's good that's good it's trying to shoot through watch out watch out watch out no they did the same thing yeah I know cuz I I tried to get on the edge but that that's that's my fault okay so now we hang out here in prone if any make it up just focus on them yeah oh this this one's already gone dude look they both already gone what you mean both of mine have already gone both of them yeah that's fine that's fine that's fine my Rockets still up one's close there's a guy on the left the guy on the right guy on the right shooting him in the face oh I keep getting slammed ah run back run back run back just keep me shoot me in the face shoot me in the face shoot in the face byy fine run run run run run a he's going to St me keep running oh no watch out for them oh this is very bad this is exactly what we didn't want to happen to happen no I'm in the middle of a Reload I've got never he blew me off not no oh my God there's far too many people here okay so um I only got 16 kills with the mortars so far right uh see if you can throw me up back where we were if you could oh God oh God oh God okay okay get back on the top get back on the top re get back on the top get back on the top oh I didn't see that there was one I could have landed on him dude I've landed right on the top uh well this is uh this is good um well M back up just you can land on the top you can what we should do is land on the top I think okay run down here run down here run down here okay so we're now now we're now run down it don't go all the way off the edge okay so you know how someone said that this was fine yeah it was not um let's see this is absolutely well that's this is yeah that's that's fine hang on let's see I've got 7 seconds on my mots land on the top land on the top Wesley land on the top yeah land on the very top this this could work this could still work I think we can do it requesting requesting sentury I think we can still do it calling down a just chilling dude I've not come back in yet that's fine oh I need to call you back in yeah okay got this is insane yeah it's fine I think we're do I think we're do it covered in Jam why why did he walk straight past you dude it's all oh it's all F it's all fine oh it's all fine yeah yeah it's all fine yeah I'm on the very top now I'm on the very very top the Morts are doing their work this is working okay um I'm going to die I'm going to die Kill by that's okay yeah then what it's working sometimes reest appr reinfor have launched wait hold up hold up hold up hold up hold up guys guys what if what if I stayed on the top dude I tried that no no no it might work it might work it's good no genuinely I think we'll do it you know as long as I think we'll do it I think we'll do it if we stay up here and then no no this is good this is actually good I think chat doesn't realize what they're saying I need to put the Morts back where where you are basically are you down there I'm down the bottom they don't come down here for some reason yeah that's quite good W use this calling down fortifications I'm calling it esort I killed myself right so land land on me land on me just d destroyed loads of stuff below me by the way that's good that's good that's good um why am I down here uh I don't on my my my game is broken it's not letting me use reinforcements um oh it's my body literally my body's been decapitated come on oh no okay so I'm going to put you there you go so I can be you up here can I put the MS up here no they bounc off the top okay I can resupply you up here honestly we're halfway through WD I'm genuinely serious we might do this okay here I am um there's only there's only about I'd say like 50 there's only five tanks and hang on hang on oh my God this this is actually 500 IQ I'm I'm not kidding okay so let's put the rocket Sentry down and then I'm going to put the mortar on the other side of the map where there isn't anything that's the plan I just th a trust me chat this is going to work I've got nothing by the way I've literally nothing yeah yeah no no no we just we just stay up here we just stand up here trust me wesy we got this wait wait wait trust wesy trust me we got this some of you may die but that is a sacrifice I am willing to make right I'm going to Chuck I'm literally just going to ye this mortar to the to Guam okay and then it will start shooting them and then that way you'll have some fun down a right where it guyses requesting trust me CH trust me CH trust me bro bro trust me bro this is going to work bro the only thing is okay the only thing is extracting is going to be interesting yeah can we shoot the guys that are trying to destroy the sentes do they Dy there they're not doing anything are they not ah they've destroyed them already that that my plan is now ruined for my plan's Ru no no no no no it's okay it's okay it's okay it's okay there's a i there's Plan B which is um you need to just keep throwing the eagle strikes basically danger close onto them yes yes yes I think you can do this this this way but I don't have my cool down for my machine gun Sentry no that's fine that's fine what about your let me let me this off I could SOS Beacon as well I'm yeting a Sentry oh my god there it is I definitely should have taken um something for myself but we're actually halfway through which I'm already impressed about yeah um unfortunately none of the weapons I brought are going to be useful oh I killed one my my Sentry just killed something nice nice and it's been destroy it's I need to find a spot where they're not at so the mortar can safely land yeah I think over there over there should be good all right I don't see any close to that you don't throw it too far though you can't throw it too far out over there um I need to be care I want to throw some wait so do you still have your cluster strike no they're all on cool down that's fine that's fine that's fine so my cluster bomb is in 3 seconds my Eagle cluster bomb so I can now use that I can use my Gatling Sentry now and my machine gun's if you if you hit it like if I know this sounds weird but if you basically aim at the floor here and look down it will bounce in the perfect spot to hit these guys I think what the eagle yeah so if you aim where I am now come to where I am now okay so you aim yeah and then and then you aim there and it will bounce but make sure you're facing this East and it'll so and it'll bounce and it should hit them perfectly okay let me try Okay is that cluster bomb yeah yeah it's an evil cluster bomb yeah yeah so let's see so right yeah [Music] there that's not what I want no my God I didn't think it was going to go there okay we land up there again I was like yeah the one thing that we didn't want to happen all right land on the land on the top again land on the land on the top land it didn't make it I didn't make it oh no resty I was not oh God look at 96 we've done it you got loads with that strike dude yeah 98 we just need now we just need to we just need to survive a little bit longer oh God I thought it would bounce no so Iz I just tested it and I was like yeah yeah this is good I mean to be fair it did work yeah it did work and there's loads of there's loads of automatons at the bottom of the Tower so it just takes them out every time let me call me back call in call in the right so I'm going down centry down there that's this is the distraction they'll never expect this all right there you go so now land on me don't land on me just land near me don't land on me don't don't land on don't land around don't land on me go right on the top oh my God Lally right yeah but you can be shot there I think right okay democra now let me see where there is literally no one I can call in the eagle cluster bomb again I can do it again okay but make sure it goes oh my God if you can get it down there so maybe maybe Sky it oh you can do it from there oh dude dude that's sick you might that's good that's good that's good might worked might worked oh my God nobody hit me I'm off no it hit one of themit one random one hit me for some reason okay call me in call me in okay hang on call me in but put me near the top put me near the top you're going to have to throw me up there why did one randomly go for me I don't know dude I don't know but it did reinfored okay right you need stay there just stay there prone just stay there prone just stay there prone don't do anything else just stay there prone we can do this oh my God we did it oh but now I'm now I'm up here right you just stay exactly where you are wesy um we need to wait the 2 minutes before we get on the uh on the oh we might lose wa actually we've done it we still get we still get the points we still get the points oh my God so even if we die which I'm probably going to yeah yeah the shot was aborting uh I might coat oh wait am I close enough no way have you got no way I'm close enough to the shuttle okay wait I'm just going to wait to minutes basically what's going to happen Weser you're going to die I'm going to throw you your your respawn next to the extract okay and then we're both going to get on together no I am definitely dead okay I am definitely dead there's no way I'm making this but you need to basically land and get straight inside the um the shle you're you're you're definitely dead if when you're trying wait get him to shoot you stem up and jump yeah but then Wes's dead I want to see if I can get Westy out guaranteed Eagle clust bomb coming in that's going to be on me dude no I tried not to I tried not to oh okay okay no no this is good this is good this is good it killed me it killed me okay it killed me okay no no no this is good this is good this is actually this is actually 500 IQ oh my God you've got a top tier position here yeah right 20 seconds 20 seconds no hell divers on standby refor 20 seconds and you're I'm going to put you right next to the extract you just need to run on the problem is there is three enemies directly on you why why don't you wait and I'll get another Eagle thing on and we'll destroy it what wait what if I put a resupply on them hold on I'm thinking with portals here let's see if I can um distract them with my rocket Sentry yeah that's good that's going to land on him good perfect um then I'm going to put a rocket Sentry down there good yeah and I'm going to put the more actually I'm not going to put the M down no no no no no no no no no no okay right wesy I'm going to put you next to the extract okay okay and just get and just and just get on just get on immediately get on yeah yeah you just me they're all on me right now you get on and then I'm going to try and join you okay okay I'm right at the back yeah okay hang on I'm in that didn't work exactly how I thought I thought that the impact n wasn't going to kill me I needed to take enough damage that I would be healing by the time I hit the floor cuz if I STM now the the stem would whatever we did it yes oh man listen listen if I stemmed there I swear the STM wouldn't have lasted oh man incredible it would have finished by the time I hit the floor no oh my God we did it dude we only did we had 8% of the time remaining wait how let's see this experience though 800 uh 728 okay and I got 3,400 requisition points for that I mean you got straight to level eight did I get straight to level eight no no no you're going to level up level six I think that's level six yeah level six I got oh you get a few seconds of healing afterwards oh I should have done it then okay that was fun I guys we did it wrong but the point is you can land on the xville and it will put you straight in what if I dived maybe oh I see you could literally launch yourself onto the xville anyway look I'm just saying that worked I'm just saying that worked yeah I I think we're good you got all the kills with the uh strike there that that eagle thing that was great I mean I'm down to again yeah yeah yeah I mean you know I mean yeah I got three 3,600 requisition points for that that's absolutely insane yeah we so this time this time this time I'm going to take ordinance as well we land we land on the top and we lose the Eagles yeah let's do it so look what we do is we leave the planet I think how do you do it you leave the planet you come back in or something I can't remember how you um so you do this or something operation accomplished your Valor is beyond question starting a new operation will abandon you there we go so we do it again yeah basically just literally just do it again I do it again oh gas in it I like that the Morts were okay yeah synchronized I wonder could wesy be shot out of the extraction if he's sitting in it I'm guessing no now I need to get perfectly in the middle and then I and then I might land on the top there you go okay so I'm going to go so you're saying as long as I have fire and gas I'm not even taking my machine gun dude there's no point in taking my machine gun there was no need for that at all and gas and then maybe a shield shield gen yeah yeah I mean and then what else whatever you fancy whatever you like what else would be useful um grenade launcher I guess just to get out more fire power more Firepower all right I'm trying this I'm trying this method do we have anything else use launch initiated guys we're just testing things all right we're just testing things I'm not we're not going to use this forever just probably six or 700 more times all right oh this one doesn't have a uh huh oh right where well there's nowhere to hide okay well this time this time we're going to have to hide around the back yeah this one this one this one's going to be okay Wesley I have a okay this is my strategy are you ready we going to call last time no no no no no well if you've got stuff yeah I haven't got any call in okay reques I've got the gap gun and uh I don't know if this one's possible because there's no way for us to hide but if we just go prone right here and look at the wall and then when and then when we have strategems we just throw them up the air throw them at the top okay so yeah just stay prone they they shouldn't be able to find US unless they're cheating bro you cheated you cheated okay just don't let them find you just don't let let them all Stack Up on the top let them get all the way to the top don't do not reveal your position I'm just looking at the bottom of my B actually chuck chuck a sentry gun at the top to really throw them off even get up there just get up there away from us um just stay PR stay prone they're no one behind us stay PR they're no one behind us they found us oh God it's fine this is all fine this is all part of the planing anag this was actually exactly how I planned it this Isa this is weirdly enough this is exactly what I imagined was going to happen yeah same I got a few more yeah I got a few I got a few now let's just do the little runaround do a little Loop like zombies got to got to train oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah we got to train him oh oh God that's fine this is absolutely fine this is exactly how I planned it any where can I put it requesting support basically we made a mistake coming to this one oh an Expendable rocket launcher oh oh I'm out oh no oh no I just died now wesy see if you can land there there's no there's nowhere safe top on top of the [Music] ch um this is crazy czy man that was too crazy you I I did not land you cheated you cheated you didn't land anywhere near I mean to be honest we're not doing as badly as I thought honestly things could be worse honestly this isn't so bad honestly look run down here run down there we're doing the loop we're doing the loop heal heal heal heal heal a little bit have you got those clusters okay okay requ oral yeah yeah just run around we're doing the old Loop grenade oh God you think I should SOS do not go around that corner okay we SOS we SOS but but they might not know what they're doing he this is crazy get in there no I'm not that's fine this is actually this is actually better than I expected it may not it may not look like Victory but it will be thank you my friend trust me this is actually put be right in front of a tank I'm not going to f jump off this Edge come to me I'm not going toover I'm not going to fin recover I'm not going to financially recover it's actually safe here wait where well for some reason you're no longer on my oh I see it's actually safe down here this is actually Heaven oh God I'm coming hello my friend outside the mission area yeah just yeah it's just good right now follow me oral strike follow me follow me follow me oh oh a common sample sample collect nice oh killed by a tanking oral stri I'm just Cannon F at this point I swear oh yeah it's all part of the it's all it's all part of the fun oh my yeah it's all part of the fun now as you can see we're actually doing quite well 10 minutes and we've done 50 automatons wait wait be bug be oh no no ST no no let me out let me out no [Music] no here now you see what what chat is failing to realize is this is actually a very successful mission that we've done here I destroy it no oh I oh hello enemy what you know see this is actually successful I don't think you might have uh I don't think you're seeing the uh the success we're having killed by Westy my God no basically if you if you don't get the tower um as in but can you not choose that one every time well yeah I could go back and choose it but we can't leave now can't leave I can't I simply can't we've got so much work to do hang on whenever you you're ready yeah yeah just pop me down next to you okay put you over there right next to the big man oh he's killed me oh my God we have to kill over 100 more honestly this is exactly how I imagined it yeah this is exactly what I was expecting when I VI this mission right W's see uh so do a cluster on those guys if you've got time maybe you won't just immediately died immediately died now listen this is actually support this is actually what I expected what if you hide here oh there is actually a little dip here wesy oh okay it's going to be good so just here here here Wy Wy right here right here oh come on come oh my God I just got 11 of them that's oh my God oh my God yes it's happening it's happening oh my God oh my God it's actually happening put my little Gatling down yeah yeah okay just run around a bit run around a bit going to put a machine gun here St they found us they found us it's fine fine run run run jump over here jump oh no there a I'm kill B back okay no no it's fine it's fine we we can do this only four more only four more only four more oh my God trust trust me so well trust me oh I didn't get him did I get him no yeah we did the mission we to get the experience let's go let go let's go baby oh my God no way are we dead dead I think we're dead dead uh reinfor no It Go no you come back right wesy just uh survive for 2 minutes just run around and hide oh oh my god oh heal heal God damn it complete a mission but fail to extract there we go now listen all right that actually went way better than than I had disp than I thought dude that was incredible that was still and you still got 3,000 requisition I just got 3,000 requisition for that that's going to get patched by the way there's no way 100% because that's just short cutting all of the progression now guys I was just showing wesy how you did it we're not going to do that again out well I think I I think that'll do it you think that'll do it that was great well that's what I'm saying well and now youve probably unlocked something listen we're never going to do that again I know how awful that is we're never going to abuse that people people love that St I don't know what you're about never I'm never doing that again and you know what I'm not even going to cancel that mission I'm going to because that would be really unfair I'm not even going to cancel that mission I'm going to do that later in my own time just do it solo yeah I'm going to do I'm going to do the rest of this Mission Solo in my own time I'm not even going to I'm not even going to cancel it that was good fun dude but it's it's good memes right it's good memes it's good and you know you just want to unlock all the new guns get get a few more planets try the hard I mean that's you can see what the harder difficulties are like right they're just absolutely insane my chat are asking for us to do it again what on the other map yeah they want the other map again guys we're going to we're going to ruin the mission oh no s want to do it again two that's bad and you should feel bad one to do it again to do it two to to not do it again and not ruin everyone's saying one but I I've just spammed about 20 ones in my own chat everyone's saying one one one oh you you see like I really don't want to do that again but everyone wants us to do it again I tell you what also like the stream if you want us to do it again like you know if if that's what people want we'll do it again is that it right we'll do one more one more one more but this time hopefully there's a tower hopefully we actually get the right one this time if we don't get the tower then we we me it right this is the thing this what I always say it's the dev's fault not mine if it's available for me to use I'm going to do it Orit synchronized all right here we go okay so I have to try hopefully this has a tower otherwise we're ruined again okay so we're doing that again um someone saying mines are quite good yeah I'm sure they probably are I might I might try the m just join the stream couldn't possibly rewind so you must do it again okay oh oh God just so you can see it yeah yeah by the way this is really bad and you shouldn't do it don't do it it's very noy uh what else should I take should I take a I take what's actually good I'm going to take the shield The Shield does actually keep me alive um yeah anything good I can't get the morar yet no I'm not high enough rank still need to get to rank eight I don't well that's what I'm saying with this with this current setup I think we're still okay yeah I think we could probably do it quite quickly so yeah we try and land on the top if we die whatever yep uh right okay hopefully we have a tower they they wanted this is what the chat wanted chat asked for it what can I say we have a tower yes come on Tower come on S sour right right do a normal bit to start off with okay so what I'm going to do is I'm going to put a mine field you'll love the mines by the way but they will kill you wesy so oh okay right Minefield there um Shield gen pack here I actually yeah I should call this in I think I'll die I I don't think I'll be able to call this in on the top anyway okay here we going the gatling's already Gatling he's going to waste all its ammo on that Bloody ship kill five that's good that's good that's good it's going to run out of ammo though that's the only thing oh they're running through the mines and dying that's good I'm just trying different things you know we're not metag gaming yeah my uh they've already gone they've already gone they might run yeah let's put it there an eagle already that's good that's good we're already we're already uh 5% 5% and there guns oh God they haven't pushed us yet what if we just hide up here Wy look look look look look up here look no one what if we what if we just what if we just stay right here wait for it to work are macros banned or is it okay to use well this isn't a competitive game if there was PVP then probably but if it's an accessibility thing then I don't see why not anag got four there oh God he's out he's by me go PR go no no oh God oh God you beat me off I think I might have just killed you yeah I think you I think you did I think I might right well I'm going up top see you later Wy put me put me down right on top of you yeah that'll do it yeah if it's an accessibly thing then absolutely I don't see why you can't use K no well I'm pretty sure they can no dude they they're not killing me here uh you found the metal but oh but he has flames he has flames okay I'm going to okay ready how do I get it so it doesn't hit me that should be good hopefully it doesn't hit me nice good stuff good stuff boom Oh it's got destroyed it's okay right land on me land on me don't land on me around me land around me don't land on me right 60 of 185 we're actually doing pretty well here people you can B your strategems to an Elgato stream deck no that's jokes dude no way you can do that yeah oh you're in the good spot you're in The God Spot yeah I'm in The God Spot okay right I've almost got my anti-personnel Minefield in a second my anti Pur Sprint I want them to shoot me a little bit there we go there we go now I have now I'll beagle inbound Eagle inbound I'm going to test this diving Theory oh my God can I can you dive can you dive and heal at the same time that's my question chat calling down fortification ah the Minefield can you dive and heal at the same time is that possible no so I have to heal and then dive got you calling down calling in orbital strike calling in orbital strike calling in call call call call in all call in call in order shop oh got a couple more before it got destroyed nice nice nice 104 out of 185 that's good got immediately killed 107 ooh doing well here yeah I think what I'll do is I'll fall down I'll fall down to the Next Level and then we'll do it right oh my little pod is now falling down dude hang on see this is my this is my plan all along can I get anyone with the resupply no I don't think that's going to get anyone I maybe should have stayed up there until the end game but we're here now you fall down yeah no I did it on purpose cuz I'm going to drive off here oh you're going to do that okay yeah obviously I'm I'm not going to bind them to um got half a minute until my orbital's backing in an eag an eagle okay should be should be they're on fire good good good so answer me this how are you supposed to kill all of this slot at that level difficulty without doing [Music] this okay I'm okay I didn't mean to do that I mean I've done I've done this before without Motors re okay wellas well uh you might have to call me back in W it I I I uh I got blown off this game's unrealistic is it never would you call this game unrealistic I i' say oh you don't know I don't know about that Mr bar I'm okay we don't know about that AR in an eagle Eagle cluster bomb incoming throw me off the top you okay you dead Kill by impact okay 143 of 85 there we go reinforcing nice right don't land on me this looks like Manchester to me yeah I'd say it's pretty realistic USA simulator this is just this is just Manchester on a night out what do you mean Mite how about a nice C of Liberty Liberty right wesy when the when the ship comes in when the ship comes in when the ship comes in uh we're going to try a very special oh you've absolutely eradicated rocket Devastator oh God yeah you've been you've been beaten off okay USA simulator reinfor Freedom democracy Birmingham R scene oh yeah good yeah yeah good good good right at the top see people are concerned that you might be high level and not know what how to play the game yeah that's going to be oh no what a problem oh no we won we won Right Wesley Wy right jump down a little bit okay so this is how we're going to do it are you ready hang on no no no okay so what we do is you just slide you stay in the middle okay this is how we're going to do this um so you slide down here you see and you land on this bit now I'm close enough to the now now we're no no get to this get to the middle get to the middle so you can't be knocked off now don't heal do not heal yet basically you're going to heal and then die dive off and then once the ship's down but you're going to do it first so we're going to you're going to basically heal and dive instantly heal dive heal dive but not yet okay heal and then dive whilst whilst healing okay ready we dive yeah I'll try it first okay and going I got hit but I'm okay I'm going I'm going to die anyway oh God call me in call me in call me in if you go it worked it worked I just got absolutely rinsed we need to call in an air strike at the bottom it's fine it's fine I'm in I'm in I'm in I'm in it's put me a million miles from where I wanted to be um we can still make it for some reason I'm on the top of the ship okay we can still do this dude what the hell come on wesy come on get over here I'm coming I'm here get it get on the right side right side right side you ready yeah you with me right go go run run run run run this way run oh my God and then Dodge this yeah Dodge that hang on hang on hang on hang on okay right now land on the top of the ship when you come back in land on top of the ship on top of the ship okay on top of the ship it won't let me w't let me come on with it no it wouldn't let me do it I'm down the bottom I could grab the samples okay land on the top see if you can get in you got 15 seconds unless it won't call you in because I've already got in yes yeah go on right now guys we're never doing that ever again toty so yeah the dive the dive did work but there was so many Bots around me it was just death incredible incredible gameplay I mean that that deserves probably a dislike if I'm honest I would but yeah like if you feel like it you know I understand that we've been ruining democracy and justice for a lot of other people okay we didn't get as much xp that time no I don't think so wait oh my God 4,000 requisition that's and you get eight medals as well which is what you get for like the medium 4,000 requisition yeah that's insane now that's the last time we'll do this on stream no I'm just kid I'm just kidding I'm just kidding see I'm ranked seven and a half now dude seven and seven rank seven Jeremy four four not four four four I mean and I think that has covered the absolute that's covered getting started getting started for sure this is how to break the game on Hell dive I've already completed hell dive difficulty oh man GG's very good very good do very good yeah well played good me hug oh yeah oh well played well done wa wait hang on do it again do it again oh and we'll rob you back oh yeah oh yeah give be a nice little basically if you press C let spam [Laughter] see and then look and then when we hug really and then trying to see and that and that's hell NOS well done guys well done fantastic all right dude that was great fun all right and fantastic and we'll be back on Thursday with YouTube fixed let's go see you later dude GG's catch man bye right uh shout out to Young Westy uh for playing with the memes today today uh thank you to all the people who liked even though we cheesed the missions I understand I get it listen I get it all right we've ruined super Earth that we'll probably be uh I'm pretty sure we're going to be um executed for this what we just did can I hug him from behind I I could I like the way likea if you want to hug I'll give you one but I'm kind of busy right now um anyway a using the worst stratums jge we literally just did a hell dive mission level 9 and you're saying that we're using the worst trums what are you talking about that was a strategy and it worked all right anyway guys hopefully you enjoyed that if you did all make sure to like and uh if you're not following or subscribed already make sure to check that you are because then you can watch more of me I mean come on we're getting Westy into this it's like what we had to do with DMZ we're like come on wesy come on get the prodct come on wesy play the game you'll enjoy it you'll like it come on wesy um but yeah we're going to play with wesy again on Thursday um this game and then tomorrow we're doing some war zone you can watch if you want I understand um but yeah yeah More Hell divers on Thursday thank you guys so much for watching I appreciate you all hanging out and um for justice and democracy next time we won't be using that strategy again all right we're not going to be cheesing anymore okay never again um but yeah GG's thanks for watching guys I'll catch you later uh cheers thanks for watching goodbye uh and as for our young team purple viewers how are you doing uh
Channel: Stodeh
Views: 67,973
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Sniper, Sniping, Warzone 2, DMZ mode, MW2 DMZ, Warzone DMZ, DMZ Sniper, DMZ Sniping, Dmz gameplay, DMZ livestream, DMZ unlock, Warzone 2 DMZ, DMZ Season 4.5, DMZ new season, DMZ Update, DMZ pvp
Id: M53hfVT1wEQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 188min 16sec (11296 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 27 2024
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