Blizzard Exec Reveals The Real Reason Bad Games Go Woke

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read elon's tweet on gamergate 2 Elon mus tweeted about this it's not that gamers are you know uh upset about you know oh hey we have some diversity in the game it's actually the way that they go about it with pure tokenism with phoning in Weak characters instead of creating strong new characters and more importantly it's about a vindictiveness to destroy the past to destroy the IP to ignore the source material to tear apart these beloved characters in some sort of fitful Rage that we don't understand that is very disingenuous I think he's right about that by the way uh I don't think that people have a problem whenever a game like for example like people might meme on fores spoken or something like that but it's its own IP so like if people don't like the game then they don't like the game that's up to them but I think what people really have a problem with is whenever you go into an existing franchise and you change things uh retroactively I think that is the tremendous action Suicide Squad and this is going to have an immense impact uh the way games are funded you don't use your own money even EA okay it it games are hugely expensive to make they're they're upwards of you know 250 sometimes $600 million for certain live games it's incredibly how expensive they are and to do that uh your CFO is your best friend you're counting on your CFO to get you tax breaks to get you in to put Studios and regions which are financially favorable and you will borrow the cheap money you will get a cheap money to do it even EA does this I I worked with ea uh we were putting together a deal where they were taking um bailout money from the banks in the last uh financial crisis that we had they were applying that cheap money towards games same thing with covid money they're applying that cheap money towards games and what has been the cheapest money while interest rates were still low you know a couple of years ago it ESG financing so this reveals a lot this reveals that the companies are assuming that it's true big big assuming right is Mark Cur telling the truth or not is he lying it's hard to say uh he's he's he's either lying or telling the truth based off of if you agree with them or not but I think that if you assume that it is true it means that the companies are actually only pushing for any of this stuff because it's the easiest thing to do it's like in a video game where like the most efficient way of farming is by like doing something extremely [ __ ] boring but like doing it a thousand times and everybody's doing that and then the developers thinking oh my God people must really love this content but no they're just metagaming the system yeah you think they yeah EXA and I think it goes back to what I was saying before right about how these companies don't they don't genuinely care about any of these problems or any of these people and so they're going to take this money and they're going to into games but now that they don't have have that money anymore because ESG is either being diminished or rebranded because the Returns on investment have been so poor on Wall Street for ESG funds that that source of Revenue is drying it up this woke machine cannot continue in the way that it is now for well of course it can't but like the reason why is because the content isn't good and you have to keep in mind why is it that the funds are dry up the reason why is because the people that are going after them can't get any other funds so if you can't get any other funds from you know people that like believe in your product you can't get any funds from people that think that your product is going to make a lot of money and the only way that you can get any money is if you add in some sort of like fake diversity to it which is basically what he's saying then yeah big surprise that's going to lose a lot of money because you're you're creating a selection bias again for the worst possible actors triaa gaming and I think unfortunately it's so entrenched that you're not going to see you're going to you're not going to see much of an ability to course correct because the studios are they're just going to shut down right they're going to shut down and this this is truly the rise of doua gaming or what some of my fans call S tier gaming this is you know like hell divers like hell divers power world uh the the Diablo West game that came out the name of that uh really incredible success stories in a in a period where game companies are experiencing significant losses this the bleeding will yeah people love games people just don't like games that suck it's it's that simple continue until and no one's going to wake up for a minut unfortunately it's going to be a total nose dive yeah I mean I don't know if he's uh if he's right about that or not I mean like whether this is going to actually just end up killing these Studios or not but maybe maybe it will because it's like yeah it's hard to get rid of people like that once you get them in there for example do you really think that EA cares about minorities do you really think Bobby cotic cares about oh oh there's more wait a second yeah they don't really care about these things all they care about is money so the moment that they're not making money they will kick these people out and post about it publicly to like basically as a public execution and everybody will cheer they'll be happy but keep in mind the company isn't doing this it's not like the company learned you know they learned from their bad actions no they're only doing they're like say oh these people have more money well let's go make these people happy instead they don't care about you then the only reason they care about you at that exact moment is because it is beneficial to them that's it SG funding and the way people bend budgets you can take that same parallel to like Hollywood right there's a reason all those Hollywood films all the woke Disney crap was filmed in Europe they were getting like I think for the Marvels they got something like a 50 million dollar um tax break that's a lot of money um these tax breaks and you know all this kind of stuff I happen to agree with you that I think the money's not gone but I I think it's not flowing as freely as it once was was well after you have long enough for something like this to run its course and people see that it doesn't give returns then people will stop supporting it it's that simple it's not just money like you pointed out different regions will offer tax credits and these things come with strings attached all right uh political strings attached and one thing that you know uh everyone needs to realize is that it's not that these studios are funding the games out of their own pocket that would be very expensive for them cash is King they will preferably go out and get money from other sources if it's cheap enough to help spread the risk of these massive titles and so you have a lot of quidd pro quo happening quidd pro quo means you suck my dick I'll suck yours and I can tell you that um Debs have been approaching me and giving me some inside baseball and what's been happening and there are deals funding deals out there for studios and I can't get too specific I don't want to out my sources that have certain strings attached I'll do you suddenly sign with a developer and now that developer uh needs to hire a Dei director and needs to uh go out and hire consultancy firms to uh gender creating a uh creating a need balance their uh staff or uh quite specifically go out and hire companies like SBI to consult on their writing and do sensitivity reading and changes for that and what does all this do it boosts their ESG score it allows them access that funding so ESG is not going away entirely it's become an evil ESG is Is Not a Bad Thing fundamentally so I'm going to give you another example of how ESG isn't a bad thing and everybody is like mentally programmed to say ESG is bad but please try to just bear with me here and try to listen and think about it objectively so environmental social governance social is only one part of that environmental is another so for example there are a lot of laws in Europe that disallow people from having single use uh types of like Forks or plates or things like that whenever you go to a restaurant like a fast food restaurant so what the ESG would be for in that circumstance with a company like that would be making sure that these companies are compliant with future upcoming regulations in Europe that regard or sorry that that regulate the way that things happen and the way that things are made in these restaurants you see what I'm saying paper straws and [ __ ] yeah exactly and and so if you are investing in a company do you want to invest in a company that is future proofing itself from regulation or not well I would say you absolutely want to invest in a company that's future proof from regulation it's common sense it's reasonable and any prudent person would think this is a good idea so do you see kind of how in some circumstances ESG clearly makes sense I disagree because that's the premise in reality is not the same as words at snake oil well I don't think that's true at all I think that a lot of companies get invested in because they have a you know a they have a future proofed uh business plan but you're not hearing about those companies because you're not in the business of I don't know making air conditioning units like you're not hearing about that because the social thing is what we're always talking about that's what's controversial I think that it's common sense it's it's reasonable that people are clearly going to want to invest in the companies that are future proofing themselves from regulation and that is also ESG does that make sense it's risk assessment yeah it's common sense and also like and if people still want to complain about this would you want the person who manages your money if you have somebody manage your money would you want them to not consider this with your money I think you would want them to consider this very strongly would you want them to invest into a company who in 5 years their business strategy will be completely illegal no you wouldn't want that ason saying the [ __ ] sandwich is fine because it comes with a sandwich no idiot I am saying that there is [ __ ] in the sandwich but the sandwich is not entirely made of [ __ ] I'm not saying that you should eat the sandwich I never said that you should eat the sandwich I never said this is good in general I said there are instances in which it is good which is true I gave you an example I don't think my example is a bad one and as I see there is nobody who's actually refuting this because it's common sense and again I think anybody if you were talking to an investor you were investing your money you would do the exact same thing now people like to act like they don't because they don't want to uh reconcile the obvious dissonance that they're creating because they're like oh I'm supposed to be against this but then there's this other thing about it that's good so then no I wouldn't do that even though I would lose money but I would lose money get get the [ __ ] out of here it's so stupid what are you do what are you what are some of these people in chat doing what are you what are you what the [ __ ] is wrong with you like obviously this is common sense Jesus Christ what a waste of [ __ ] time let's move on it's not that gamers are just listen to this doio agree to do this how could they do something that's so financially devastating to their games and it's because because they're kind of in this situation where that's the money they can get and so you know you have this self-perpetuating machine and I don't think and that's why it's kind of a death spiral that I don't think you can really escape the only way you can es well they have to get rid of the funds and they have to re reappropriate the funds in a way that's more uh weighted towards things that are closer to a financial return so for example like if you're investing in a company that is making sure that their company is future proof from like Environmental regul this is clearly a lot different than investing in a company that is adding in representation in a video game like in in terms of like the direct correlation of how much money will we need to spend in order to like change this or not change it so that's really what the problem is the problem is that like these two things should have never been combined it is to make a good game and if you're already reliant on ESG and you're already reliant on these other fundings because your games are too damn expensive to make you're trapped yeah that's a great point I think that also parallels to Hollywood where I think you're going to see Hollywood the the the five four 500 million movies are dead so yeah in general I I'm going to be honest right I do think this is a huge problem and I do think also like what Mark curan is saying illuminates such a massive real issue that makes perfect sense that these companies are only going after these funds because they're easy to get so like and I think it makes sense right because like it also creates a it creates a feedback loop of the bad games can't get funding from any other place so they go for ESG and then if they're only getting ESG funding because they're bad well then the game's going to be bad so was it really the ESG that made the game bad or was it the bad game that had to go for funding and could only get ESG you see how this happens right both maybe right but like you can see how there's clearly a feedback loop where bad games will pursue this more often because they can't get other types of funding and I think Suicide Squad is the best example for that and you can even see that with the fact that even Warner Brothers delayed Suicide Squad because they knew it was bad the well will dry up eventually I think it's drying up already I I think that you can tell that it's drying up whenever you look at some of these games and you see how unpopular they are
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 448,086
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Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, world of warcraft, asmongold funny, asmongold tv, asmongold channel, zackrawrr
Id: JjJnNPbFreQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 23sec (863 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 13 2024
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