Helldivers 2 - Get Medals FAST!!! - [Farming XP and Credits too]

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hey guys mono here as you get deeper into your hell diver career you'll notice that by far the limiting factor for progression isn't currency or samples it's mostly Metals around level 30 you should have pretty much every strategy and all of the meaningful ship modules unlocked or upgraded Metals which can help you unlock the new armor sets new Primary Weapons grenades super credits and some really powerful boosters like the stamina booster are extremely slow to get and you need a lot of them so I'll show you what you can do to get as many medals as fast as possible and this is actually the way to get most XP and the most amount of requisition credits as fast as possible it's actually really easy to do but I will warn you though before we start you'll want to do this while listening to a podcast or something because it will get really boring really fast so just so you know what you're signing up for this isn't a fun way to play this game don't do this if you think think you will get burned out because otherwise you'll just be ruining yourself a fantastic video game so you can get around 80 to 95 medals an hour considering low times and all of that which is a pretty solid number when you consider a regular Mission Nets you around 8 to 14 medals and those take anywhere from like 20 minutes to 40 minutes to complete also considering low times so this is a lot faster all right what you want to do is complete hell diver difficulty eradication missions which are the ones where you just need to kill a specific amount of enemies and you want to do this as many times as possible as fast as possible also do this against the automatons not the Bugs I just find those missions to be easier and faster because of where the enemies spawn and at Hell dive difficulty you get way too many Chargers and bile Titans which can make things a lot harder also the bugs tend to swarm in the turrets that we going to be using and destroying them so just go to any atomatome planet and look for the missions that have this triangle looking icon and check that they are indeed the eradication Mission and not the base Seek and Destroy ones ideally you want to find an operation that has two of these that way the first mission will give you eight medals and the second one will give you 11 so you get an average of 9.5 for each of them instead of the flat eight that you get if there's only one of them and then you have to move to another operation or even another planet to get another one you want to do this with a fourman group of course though you can pull this off even solo it will take a lot longer and get pretty rough you should see a bunch of people actually playing these missions on any given planet from the automatons so either join their session or just start your own and then drop an SOS Beacon at the very start you might actually get connection errors when you try and join these active missions from other players because they are over so quickly that the refresh rate on the planet selection screen for the active missions isn't fast enough to properly sync them so you know just keep trying or maybe wait for a new one to pop in and then select that one that's going to work otherwise I would recommend just joining the official Discord and looking for players there because you'll find them really easily and they tend to be really cool because they're all just looking for other players to play with I will provide a link to that Discord down in the video description as for the load out that you want to bring bring the following strategems the mortar the EMS mortar the autoc Canon turret and the rocket turret there are some variations to this some people like to bring in a rail gun to deal with the heavier units instead of the rocket turret I've been bringing in the Man heavy machine gun I will explain why in a bit but I think it's actually really effective another option is to bring the orbital laser which though you only get to use it once before the mission is over it can really speed up the process as well really though the time it will take to complete the mission will vary greatly depending on the type of units that drop and where they drop which is random so if you get a lot of tanks and not a lot of f enemies that's going to make the mission take longer no matter what if you do bring in the lasers though make sure you don't drop them all at once because that will just be complete Overkill and you will run out of enemies for the lasers to kill and they will just you know disappear without having done much so don't do that stagger your use of the orbital laser and wait until there's enough enemies on the map in terms of placement you want to place both mortar turrets behind the highest point on the map so they have some cover and they don't get destroyed by stray fire from your own turrets enemies or teammates don't place them too close to the edge though because they can and will get shot and the the mortar rounds sometimes catch the edge when they're shooting at an enemy so not a good idea the autoc cannon i' be placing off to the side here to catch anything dropping at the back or going up the ramp and the rocket Sentry I just place it to the left of this bunker really though with four players bringing in their turrets positioning isn't going to be super important unless you really mess it up by just throwing it where the actual enemies land if I bring in the heavy machine gun Sentry Mand thing which is what I tend to do now I place it on the main landing area off to the left side so you can shoot down onto this Corridor I tend to do that at the very start so that spot doesn't get taken by another thing the idea for bringing in the heavy machine gun in placement is that it will help you clear out the fodder enemies or any stray enemies that might make it to the top and this will help you out in two different ways one it's going to help the motors prioritize the heavier units like Hulks and tanks and and the other is that it's going to minimize the risk of a bunch of units getting to where you and the turrets are sometimes a bunch of them do get up there they end up throwing grenades or shooting at you and destroying your turrets and then you're looking at a 6 to 7 Minute Mission instead of a 2 and a half minute one it's not the worst it's not the end of the world but it's not what you want to do another thing that you can experiment with is having the recoiless rifle to shoot at the enemy ship's engines and Destroy them before the units actually land but it seems to be inconsistent in terms of whether or not it counts the enemies as killed or not so it might actually be worse I haven't done extensive testing on this but yeah I found it to be inconsistent if you've done testing with this and you know the answer to this definitely drop a comment down below tell us what you found as for the regular equipment it doesn't really matter 99% of the time you won't be using any of it but for your main weapon you can go for either the breaker the defender or the Detonator I think the explosive ammo one is called or the scorcher if you haven't unlocked already but you're probably looking at this video so you can unlock the scorcher either of them are fine bringing in an armor like the one that has the 50% chance of not dying is okay and will help out if you get shot but it's not required basically bring in anything that you can use to fight off a few of the double chainsaw guys off and you should be fine and that's it guys that is basically all you need to know to get as many medals as fast as humanly possible in Hell divers 2 I hope you enjoyed the video as always thank you for watching and I hope I will catch you in the next [Music] [Music] one
Channel: monoespacial
Views: 40,188
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: helldivers 2, helldivers 2 farming, helldivers 2 grind, helldivers 2 medals
Id: PgK4kW1vCT4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 56sec (476 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 28 2024
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