Helldivers 2 Gameplay and Impressions...

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this is the objective isn't it hang on I can put the nuke in here do it right up up down get it right in there though right in the middle fire the ah get off me die is that in yeah it went in two one it's on the way coming who that's definitely a n we have to wait 2 minutes for extraction oh there's a l coming right let me get in here see what this is about Z orbital Precision strike maybe Z 4 seconds watch out what what it's coming in get out of there Jesus oh my God you just thanks a lot are you okay Tom can we well I'm okay look at that it's made a big hole in the ground that's sick one leg is in you've broken my leg Jack have I they're back 5 seconds Jesus Christ be oh my there bugs everywhere behind us z z 20 seconds 20 seconds grenade out grenade grenade out Z oh my God 10 seconds wait do we have to stay in the thing uh I don't know I presume we have to interact with it or pods are going to drop I'm not sure this Isel on the Zone extract Patron us shut Landing okay maybe don't get crossed by it he's coming how big is it oh it's got a little undercarriage gun that shoot them that looks sick I mean this is the best Starship Trooper game I've ever play this is awesome stand successful get out of there man Liberty has seen you through welcome back men to the reign of Destruction this pump my helmet's clear the call this yeah we got the exact same kills they are nine difficulty levels guys okay okay number seven is suicide mission eight is impossible and then nine is Hell dive we're jumping we're going to a different planet yeah Angel's Venture terminate control FTL jump successful Al's primed help part's Prime coordinates I think I'll use the same pod every time for luck but it no someone someone changed their pod not me all right destroy eggs I think we should uh yeah go to the bottom left not just directly on it do you not think maybe we should land like here you've you've landed us who composed this music it is so good pods on the ground every left aliveat destroy eggs that's our primary objective here enure there's like a pod here um there's some kind of Tombstone over here you got a bug problem there some it's an ugly Planet uh is this where the objective is there's something steamy here I collected a sample yeah this is definitely a nest uh this is quite isn't it careful engaging out grenade time baby an encounter is approaching use your strategems oh these are Big tunnel oh yeah we need to close the tunnel man you put the oral strike in oral strike coming in Lely work it's going to do a lot of damage how do we close the I haven't got any nades left they're thre on mine I've got some it's this here isn't it out in the hole in the hole all closed get the eggs nice the eggs have been destroyed the machine gun sounds so good like ow got to heal that's one of the nests destroyed I think there been gun look t o SEF artillery I've the what the hell is this um there a battery can you put it in there can we fire on the Egg Nest then here we go does it go in right I can load it now it's in load them all up okay loading there's another one here y I'm just collecting samples around as well oh ammo okay that's three in there now I'm going to go close the nest here bug Bridge detected oh big one came out there we go light bug Nest eradicated oh nice behind us there's more bugs eradicate termined eggs how do we get in I run the other side all these are like oh they explode yeah oh my God every stop firing well apart from when your teammates in front of you oh my wait let me try the artillery hold on all right artillery going in what the hell was that one second it's already inbound I mean it's just smoke oh it was a smoke artillery wait is that because there were different types of ammunition and we that one first okay so the next one the next one should be explosive okay I'm going to put artillery here so we can bait these guys in explosive yeah this one's explosive come on that's right on them right on them boom Orby coming in there get a prone hit nice it does say when it's coming in what it is yeah that one's explosive coming in you can actually there is actually an ads ien used how' you go first person Tom on PS5 click clicking stick to go ads me I don't know what is on middle Mouse it's got first person view I didn't even know that I feel like it's meant to be played in third person though more bugs coming down the hill last reload is that my last mag I think it is thr greny some grenades 10 seconds thas called the stke again oh oh that hit me a lot yeah friend fire on by the way I'm completely out of ammo o sorry clear the landing Zone uh careful bong you almost got crushed by another successful extraction so this is the Armory over here you can customize your guns and grenades change your character the armor that you're wearing the armor has different stats on it too affects the game play this is a ship management so here you can upgrade your strategems and ship modules so here I can afford the Expendable anti-tank so I can call that in there's going to be some pretty big bugs that we're going to fight so I'm buying that and that will be an option for when we drop in so we're going to go to Heath snow Planet medium difficulty now we've unlocked that and I can pick a couple missions on this side of the planet Purge hatcheries or upload Escape pod data we'll do that one I think initiating F we go f the heat system jump over there and now we should be able to select where we drop on the planet when we get in the pods so we've got some environmental conditions here extreme cold and what was the other one there intense snow storms reduce visibility icy temperatures reduce rate of fire and delay heat buildup in weapons oh delay heat build up though so you could use that to Advantage if you use a weapon that so we've got to upload the Escape pod data but maybe we land and well that's just near it like here down here yeah the very B of the map yeah let's explore a bit cuz there's like a ton of stuff that you can unlock and things to do you get a bit of movement on the Pod when you drop in yeah the uncontrolled spread of the termin ends to some hostile plants on here watch out breach over here Lads yeah this is medium difficulty now so so they're a bit tougher oh that's a big boy hold on should I use my thing anti-tank just kill it h it oh God wait I have to call it in come here mate in the hole oh my God what the hell you see that yeah all right let's uh okay I've got I've got one round of expendable anank still definitely a worthy upgrade that one oh yeah there is another enemy type on this game the robo Menace Menace yeah there's some sort of AI That's gone Rogue or something right well let's save that okay and then what what's this interact have a taste of Freedom where scribbled on the bomb I suppose that's the plus side of exploring you can go and collect things well also you get samples for upgrading your ships that looks like a Galah horn yeah oh yeah there that's full Galah horn noce there's a big boy down there that oh he missed it went off to the side oh beam oh you're dead laser cannon but it exploded on you bong I picked up yeah help no beam him jack beam throw throw the resupply thing somebody I'm going to try I'm trying B it's too heavy resupply coming in what beaming Jack I'm not sure of the effectiveness of the beam all right it's out of ammo oh my God he's big he's coming Jesus Christ help don't beam me it's fine it's fine you sure you don't want to get beam wait is there a nest down here we need to close a nest though yeah wait we need to we can them guys grenades it's these things here the vents cover me cover me Lads oh no oh I'm sorry Jack that's fine that's going to get loads of them nice oh lovely right grenades going inen can we just orbital strike the holes that might be work a bit better I don't know that's got a cool down how about it oh sh oh my get out of there Jack what did you do oh okay that's what we're going to use now I'm grenades can we I haven't got any grenades either there's one left get in there one bug Nest down there's something on the right here this our main objective here upload the data oh another bug nness okay well we might as well do this find the H I'm you don't get many shots with that but it seems to do a ton of damage to whoa thr grenade that is pretty big wa for the let the brain Stam whatever is Christ that g then Jesus they're getting bigger they're definitely getting bigger yeah yeah if you want to save ammo you have to reload when you use your whole mag otherwise you lose the ammo ow ow oh my God I just got charged what the ow you your grenades maybe help oh what explosion oh I think I'm has anyone can someone call in a reinforcement please drop it in boom all right I'm back I'm not I'm not doing I'm not very effective against this guy have some more grenades those big guys just vit on you they're horrible one of the big boys is down you got one I've killed two of the little holes on the nest well played Adam ow I need help you got the ago though I'm requesting a machine gun oh don't you come for me oh my God just proud and machine gunning is that it okay they've got yeah one more Hole uh Tom can you come and grenade this place where is it just here it g a war time get back all right let's go do that main objective now I've got to use the stratum to begin the upload left right up up up there it is process started look at bong's turret here just absolutely mincing the bugs I think that's a call in as well going to try this machine gun all right let's go is that dead I don't even know where's the the extract then radar station look at them all die it says activate terminal here for a sub objective radar station last reload yeah let's do it you literally have to stand still while you reload the machine gun yeah that's big isn't I think I've activated it or at least there's a terminal here it's so big and buggy big and buggy yeah that's almost done yeah Tommy's Alig in that radio tower so keep keep going that way keep going that way I'll tell you when to stop uh keep going and and stop stop stop stop is that in the right spot there hey nice I've got an antipersonnel Minefield I'm just going to Chuck down in there he's going to go and just like spit out a load of mines you ready what coming down oh sweet there it is it's a Gi Oh my God look at that that is sick oh my God what are they going to start exploding there we go okay there's a lot of bugs in the way our extract so time the prone machine gun I'm die many Benny boers no that's not for me that's not for me resupplies coming in resp in we got him we got him I mean should we just go to the extract yeah we have to go west southwest big Lost Planet Vibes on this map isn't it that a hell of a game that was this is the extract anyway so we're going to trying and leave now I think we're going to face tanks maybe so I'll get anti tank if I can we call in that turret uh big big boys over here okay you know orbital strike on that and then anti-tank as well that's going to hit a lot of bugs there look no that's not please kill that thing he didn't get the big one um he's on you oh no please help um I think it's destroyed the grenade check your nades trick your nades oh Christ help get away from that oh no orbital strike inbound nice L directly on tank boy tank yeah anti- Tank's here I'm going to go pick oh you st in front of me my head's gone uh okay reinforce my head's gone me back that was an epic dive you got Jack back yeah come back see if I can land on him um bong bong I'm in them I was trying to reload no me no I'm dead I'll get you reinforce one sec can I reinforce yeah I've done it I've done it okay youve done it oh there's no way oh god there use the Pod to destroy them I'm going to land on him ah I'm dead screw you Noby are you serious yeah you're on your own 30 seconds no they're back in 30 seconds I maybe the ship will help with the guns watch out watch out no oh I can't do it heal some heal re yes okay I've landed at the top I to like P him we've only got six respawns remaining just get back to the re extract in Bound please kill him yeah trying trying he landed on the top that's nice Jack I like that 10 seconds how you like the CH oredo how do you like the taste of freedo get the samples back if you die ow my samples over here somewhere yeah I got got I got some why does everything in this game want to try and kill you few more seconds keep them off I screw this I'm out I'm out out of it yeah get off this God Forbidden Planet come on I definitely felt the jump up in difficulty there on medium but we're back on another planet now and we got to do some geology apparently this Mission verify one vein location first objective maybe we weren't ready for challenging seismic probe up up left right down down inbound it's going to start pounding the ground and I think it's going to caus a lot of boats to come here okay there it is seismic probe is out what do we do with it inter we got a nice backpack down down logged in it's pounding the ground we're doing the seismic data this is geology we're back at school that's an explosive Barrel sorry at your school you put seismic probes down and then oh wait was a very uh different score I'll say that I've got to I've got to do a mini game or something big fan of this shotgun I think he's find slugs or something he's one shoting those guys and this is the challenging difficulty okay I've just got to activate the scan come on there it is got it geology everybody did you enjoy that go go go go go is that a sample something ow that damaged me don't do that someone get my another rocket launcher out of this prepare for a synchronized fire Jack you ready that guy on his ass three two one uh he's still alive Dead He's Jing wait I did call in some more um it's armored behind you an firing um oh God oh help firing that's okay it took four Rockets wait it's not dead it's not dead ja okay it's dead now shoot up okay yeah the enemies are way more tankier on this difficulty oh there's another charger up here guys there's another charger wait have we got yeah I'll do it where is he he's alarmed he's alarmed yeah he's coming we need to bait him into a position then okay I'm going to put it there see it run back this way Tom run back this way kite him into it that's it that's it nice perfect my turret's up I killed him in one that's got him that's got him probably work probably hell diving when the reload on this revolver is outrageous there's mines everywh watch out oh I'm dead oh I've jumped into a ho of them care ja run away run away run away oh God he's just charging you get off me behind us I'm trying to heal reloading they said this would be an easy Mission it's supposed to be it's coming he's rampaging D got to get it in the butt get the aggro then shoot him in the butt oh he doesn't like that oh God he's turned again you get him you get him ah please is it dead yet are you dead yeah big guy's dead God there's so many up here though of all right I'm out of ammo I need supplies quick down to My Revolver we got to move all right this is the other vein location called it in play some DDR I'll cover it and I can interact with it there we go it's DDR then okay now what I'm on the terminal confirmed using drill right i' got to move it to C2 right locking in on C2 there it is come on locked in activating the drill confirmed where's that dog beach usal strike on it sentry gun is going to be covering that too yeah they came out of the ground there so they're attacking the drill oh perfect spot to be oh my God that blew me back I didn't think I was that close to it they're coming in guys they're coming in nice get him dead last reload okay sample collected let's go let's get out of there we got to go Northwest all the wayp them up throw orall strike or something just leg it leg it personel mfield going behind us oh God it's probably not going to do anything it's going to run past that ah I can shoot but it's looking at me to me man to me go go keep moving keep moving strafing run coming behind us oh you took out a few there Tom but the big guy is still here don't run take out he's fat um oh no no keep shooting it keep shooting it not today oh oh God it's coming out the smoke no we need to we need to flank him no I'm trying Jesus Christ take it down okay that's it he's gone no is it it's but off it's it's bleeding from its mouth I think is Jack I'm going to die call in that reinforce quick how is it not dead a some of this run away oh God run I'm moving I can't move what the hell nice oh Jesus Christ it on me ah I'm going to sh grenades some keep running keep runningen die you inh human beasts I think the NES did it is that it oh okay right go get to the extract right it's right here we've almost made out I'm beginning the extract right now get over it quick 2 minutes come on slow I'm going to call in a load of supplies hang on throwing Supply Beacon here we go resupply anti-tank reting Advan weaponry machine gun suit call down a support weon I can't see there's too much there's too much kick up from the sand I can't see I'm putting mines down there okay I won't do that then I'll wait for your mines we're just holding our balls can't how did they make it through the mines it's not deployed yet it has a deploy time doesn't it it's deployed now okay the mines are there now they're not going to get through there orri orbital strike the left yeah just straight thing around the middle as well holy explosions Bat Man goodbye bugs they're breaking through keep watching keep watching say hello to democracy I'm going to have to reload this soon damn it reloading cover firing again 5 Seconds stay back demons oh my god wow nice it's Landing they're up in my grill shotgun time yeah this is a lot of bugs them get in go go goete and there's five more difficulties after that okay I suppose we would get like extra abilities and whatnot better weapons along the way so yeah GG [Music]
Channel: jackfrags
Views: 2,442,415
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: rubzKbEnpI0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 8sec (1688 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 08 2024
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