Helldivers 2 keeps blowing me away...

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it has been an incredible week for hell divers 2 this is an awesome game kind of came out of nowhere but right now it is the number one top seller on Steam and has 330,000 concurrent players on PC it's on PlayStation 5 2 of course so the player count will be pretty nuts in total it's an addictive Punchy Co-op shooter with Community focused goals great gameplay and audio it's challenging rewarding on higher difficulties hilarious most of the time with some wild Friendly Fire Shenanigans you really feel how awful as a player but you can easily make a mistake as well I'll be the first to admit that I've blown several of my teammates apart with a cluster bomb or two overall just a fun sandbox to play in that's stuck to its Vision knows it's a game and doesn't take itself too seriously Malin the studio director and founder of Arrowhead game studios who make the game shared a video of the devs celebrating on a rooftop in Stockholm where the team is based and obviously they must be feeling on top of the world right now and if there was ever a perfect example of Suffering From Success this would be it the devs have openly admitted that they weren't expecting this huge player base launch and have had to increase their server capacity massively in a short amount of time last night for example I literally couldn't play the game because it said the servers were at capacity and then it gave me an error and eventually when I got in I couldn't join a lobby with my friends but I do appreciate that the devs are being open and honest with the communication they have deployed a patch already and they say that they're working around the clock on update to solve any problems that pop up fingers crossed that they can get everything under control soon because this game is pure fun and a breath of fresh air so with that said today we attempted our first impossible difficulty Mission there's only one difficulty harder than this which is Hell dive and let me tell you this did not go well at all none of us were expecting so many bile Titans which appear to be the biggest bug enemy in the game right now they're tanky as hell they can kill you in one hit however when we learned that the rail gun was our most effective tool against them we did start to even the odds a little our objectives are to destroy three giant nests with 180 eggs in total of course attempting optional objectives along the way and trying to extract any samples that we found it was tough and we got our butts kicked we were experimenting with the Drone too that shoots things for you it's pretty cool so let me know your thoughts on Hell divers 2 below and now it's time to dish out some democracy this is the icy Planet isn't it called Heath or something ho but not it's not ho well it's kind of like icy Darkness it's what day is a to for is it actually cold that it is it has effect as well I think quite freezing Las weap you can like SP laser weapons for longer on these Maps what this guard dog I'm going to call that in that's new you got that I'm new to me anyway yeah yeah this is my Rover I can call these in like throughout the game so we can all get one as well if you don't have backpacks have a supply pack we still need a supply pack it follows me around all right how' you like to taste some Freedom there's a lot of bugs there's a charger coming from behind it just hovers around and beams people charger um sorry what look at the look at the bones here what's this creature sorry well after we killed this there's some bones here that I think this a very beamy game we got it does change it into quite laser going a grenade that charger oh ra get oh God I'm almost dead I'm underneath it I need help this is not going to got me what the hell Jack what is happening it can't get through there though can it shooting his tail his tail is gone it's going to die it's going to bleed out oh God come back to you guys there's loads around here there's a we're in the middle of a yeah I don't have a support Weapon by the way I'm going to wait for you LS to I'll call you in forget if you're going to do that oh Char it maybe calling some air strikes over there we're okay it's fine it's fine Jack it's fine Walter I regret bringing the beam and not my auto shoty last reload H we got supplies coming in wait is the longer calling modier on as well it's taking ages yeah that's going to make this difficulty even worse then oh 10 minutes on the Rover cool down yeah it's not my ideal is it hold on I'm going to put 120 mil H barrage in there hey put it in the nest yeah careful there's a charg behind you good call God okay bombs should be going in any second get him to rear up you can get a few shots on his belly like that I say these big guys are so scary get down well just coming in oh I don't know if that actually got any of the eggs in there it didn't seem very effective we go right up this little thorax but do we have supplies anywhere around here somewhere I dropped one in oh yeah I got it shoot his tasty butt get it okay there's so many coming thr rovers are working look at that yeah they could at just beaming passive damage you know this charge is still alive get your barrage in there in the egg nest I did he's gone he's G he's gone we let's just go in and clear them just calm down a bit now the lull is so unsettling all sense of security ow oh I don't enjoy these it's like a nest of beams just slicing me up I want to be sliced up sometimes it feels like I'm in that first um resent evil res evil take out the eggs I think it could team kill you as well though in the way well done guys well done there's a little Nest Let's uh follow follow old uh that look for samples around the nest though there there's probably some around looks good beautiful beam beautiful there's a little nesty boy up here it's cool man it's just like a little passive protection for you because I can call another one and you can pick it up I've got one will yeah bong's got the resupply which is useful to have ah we got three now charger [Music] charger why is it strafing like a c what the hell ow that bean just got me for no reason he'll do that what was it for no reason look at the beams just Don at him oh my God yeah but he doesn't care cuz he's he doesn't really care the beams don't really I mean maybe it affects his behavior though in terms of where he goes gives us a bit of breathing room oh my word look at that he gone now he's dead now no he's not I got the nest Jesus have you seeing this Nest don't worry about it right let's get to that next objective charges are coming all right okay oh they're all over me like a hot flannel oh he that one's coming from me oh nice ning like that Jesus Christ o this is bad I might Sentry here W get it for 10 minutes this one not dead dude they're it's impossible difficulty they're just taking absolute he's got how many hit points do they have there's one here on me next right next to you resupply in 13 seconds watch out bong watch out watch out watch out watch out I'm beinging on ammo again yeah bong's got ammo yeah well I don't cuz one second Will's on too I think I need resupply but just SC it in just go it in behind watch out oh charge me off we careful there's another charger coming I mean I'm out of ammo I have to melee it dead come on resupply there it is got some ammo finally why is he on the side like that look at this no he's just chilling on the wall here look did you blow the rail gun up Tom yeah just a split second I literally Rel kill him kill him I think he's dead no there's one on the wall here nice there another one as well it never ends you think they never end un Invincible maybe I mean this is is the hardest thing we've done so far I think oh one behind me damn it I got him I got him I'll get him I get him thank you oh here we go single point damage that's so cool that laser beam thing I don't have it unlocked yet though unfortunately come back over this way wow what the hell is going on we need to get out of there reinforcing you reinforcing you might be able to land on that well we just getting down here man we need to see if we can move to the next objective again oh no no no no there isn't no got that 500 kg where is it oh there it is oh there he is maybe we just ignore him I SP it's coming towards us I don't think we can ignore it well let's just leave him and see what happens uh he won't be happy all right 500 kg bomb on him yeah he doesn't care for that damn I don't know what to use on him you guys going to call the sentry gun in here down run north guys to Tom bring him up the hill bring him but if he spew on me I'm dead like no dude these charges are so frustrating try to hit an air strike on this guy I mean that's not doing any damage at all is it requesting support oh why me why me ask yourself why me he once you will you smell the best so oh no he's going past I killed his hatching ass maybe a gas strike on him please oh wow this this stuff takes so long to call in Adam I'm putting a gas strike on you just move move move help yeah gas that charg is gone that charg is gone again to come here the gas is missed damn it was the wrong way I tried to bait him over here got another strike the batt Titan must be killed I'm out of ammo again man ow oh not stalker I'm so dead we just got annihilated so many where I died the stalkers are just impossible no I think I'm I think I'm done for here bugs please you're okay you're okay there's a b TI about 50 different bugs I'm dead there it is I'm going to try and land on him with the pods got him I think nice and now just the charger care charger I'm stuck in him oh the several charges big armored guys as well they're the worst oh at least you have ammo when you come back in the drop POD at least oh my God please without another rail gun we're never doing this can we get another rail gun I got mine coming in okay come on come on come on come on come on show me that behind yeah yeah yeah oh you like that don't you oh I got to reload God damn it oh no I'm trapped in the vile Titan's corpse help please kill him we're trying Tom oh where's that stalker n yeah we got to go find that oh my God please okay I've located the stest we need to end it that's the B Titan no oh my God why are you the where you are B tyon Tom I'm trying Jack Tom please please I'm him I'm ra him it's funny with the little squares just of your your your initials and then just the V please close this is insane sorry where is he I can't see him s Jesus Wa last reload I know the stalkers are coming oh oh the stalkers are the worst I can see their nest as well I'm trying the gas strike to run oh God no no no no yes please who that run just go with the air strike on his head that is ridiculous they try and put you on the B yeah do it do it do it yes P him keep ping him oh it's oh no we're going have to run over there keep him there he's spewing up everywhere Tom spewing his big spew major I don't think he cared about that he's not down no he's dead isn't he no no just I just took one of his arms off oh oh God he's are the invisible stalkers man okay B Titan's dead and they take so much damage on this difficulty I think we're definitely going to need those rail guns oh hell bomb here though don't shoot it what the hell bomb bombs explode when you shoot them the Rogue ones hopefully Rob doesn't beam the hell bomb who beam the hell bomb I think the Rover did I literally called it he did actually yeah are you back Jack you good yeah I'm back thank you file Titan another he's coming another one I was playing on nice challenging difficulty before this welcome to pain oh no no no no no no no I got him I got him I got him I got him is he dead he do look dead [ __ ] die man oh we're not the combat side I got him I got him no oh he's not he's not dead behind you will watch out behind you he must be dead he must be dead he's very much alive I've hit him with 12 ra much alive just grenader man oh that's is insane you throw all the grenades a third bile tit of this round no he's not I'm going to stabbed up here Jack is bad run yeah it's bad uh there's another breach here striking it trying to there's resupplies here why is he obsessed with me this ball just go away I've got no bullets and anything please we have to kill this thing has anyone got a call in anything well look you don't like you're in trouble there I got you guys coming on on Route I'm running I has to kill him I don't like that red light please yes me another one no no where are they coming from they who right we need to go North to the next nest I think we go on the edge of the map guys honestly come with me another B we have to blow this thing up at him yeah why don't they give us a break we're just trying to spread some democracy here do the thing I'll cover it yeah I'm oning it now active hell bomb is armed at him watch out get out of there go go go okay okay keep them off it come you bugs oh you dare disarm that bomb stay away any second atam oh wow okay side objective complete okay Tommy's going to call a couple of guns in so we've got more firep power now for the big boys don't pop your head and we should be able to deal with the B Tires and stuff a bit easier don't lose that there Jack we need that okay I'll take care of it take it on unsafe mode though yeah so unsafe mode means that I can do more damage by charging it up more but if I charge it too much then I could explode right this is the next primary objective over here this big nest we got to get in there and just throw the eggs wow look at this the lasers oh my god look that looks so good I'm in danger of being lasered though which I don't enjoy get the eggs get the eggs oh look at that the robo dogs are actually shooting the eggs that's really useful I like that see if we can keep pushing in double rail G the Titan oh behind us okay you ready Tom charging his face Jack shot out get his face I think he hates that time I got to reload again oh my God amazing way more effective than what we were doing before just called in a 500 kg bomb on that second Nest there let's have a look whoa that is a big explosion man that must have taken out some eggs these bugs here I don't know what they're called they remind me the most of the ones in Starship Troopers oh it's just incredibly satisfying hang on we've only got three reinforcers left there's another two B tiems have just turned up I mean this is a joke God damn it Tom do you want to come back in throw the reinforces towards one the left one oh not the right one yeah I'm trying to hit it thr reinforce on that left one Jack yeah I got you so Tommy's going to come in on the hell part and try and land on it I Spott it for you Tom bit difficult to maneuver though you only get a little bit of movement on it you get him just went straight through him please God I'm just getting slowed and K being killed immediately oh my God no good it's no good it's no good it's no good they're both coming towards me now okay right one's dead reinforce towards him and see if he can get him see we got no reinforces left both dead both dead it yeah we need to uh just try and finish the objective and just leave we got seven minutes I've got no primary ammo but I can use my little SMG here shoot the eggs from afar like that that actually works we haven't got supplies for like another 2 minutes or something silly 55 out of 60 uh okay look up are they're any up high maybe 57 out of 60 where are they is that one no get him robot I see some I got him I got him nice nice guys okay final objective and then we'll go straight to extract resupplies coming in now if you want it guys I'm going for the eggs I'm going for the eggs okay go for the eggs go for the eggs I'm going to try and do what I can do I mean we can try and keep the Agro off this ball Titan supplies are here too if you want him on me well get out of there keep running to me keep running trying this is good I think just keep running right in his face come on you big ugly mother spew all you like what have you called in air strike come on come on come on yes oh my God right I can see some eggs take him out Tom BL him will Super Earth ah why won't you die charge you will watch out this is a problem please we need to take it out okay he's dead thank God for that Hy get those eggs how many eggs are left for God's sake there's like three there's three oh that doesn't sound good there's three eggs we can't find them they they're hidden I can't [ __ ] see them man it's really annoying will just kill it I Can't Believe It's Not Dead just bring it down I got him I got him nice you found it okay let's go get the hell out over here he's gone Jack he's gone I'm going to go start it he'll bleed out he'll bleed out thank God for that right we got to go man let's get out of here I'm sick of this tomy's going to try and get the samples he dropped cuz they're really valuable I'm going to go for them Tom there's so many though man Tom it's like 40 dude please it won't let me let me you got them okay go let's go good Lu getting out there right where's the extract pick it for me oh my God come on please just come towards us are we still in the shot inbound thing yeah yeah yeah there's a b breach right here why look at this just what we needed ah keep moving I don't want to turn around okay I've made it to the pad the side where I am is going to be better like yeah yeah okay get as much ammo as you can we can't call anything in can we either no no that's G Jack what's the sample here use the rail guns on the big boys here he is we're just got to run them around like bong said don't get me you son of a ah big guy there I think he's bleeding up where's the big boy I let's have him ped die oh there a lot oh there's a lot there's a lot there a lot next to you run moving use your nades if you got on Lads one minute he's dead charge it charge it I should stay on this corner and then run in when we need to extra just run for it a little butt no heing him he dead nearly watch the lasers they're going to cross 30 seconds we need to actually get out of the pit actually another charger here you got no 20 seconds go 20 seconds we're just going have to do a run around let's run right maybe and then in yeah run right in I think's no Gap in the wall there there's no Gap there people we make one uh don't think so just charger they're going to ignore the charges for now I think he's dead oh he's not dead it's the baby stalk CU they slow you when they when they lick you I hate them R is quite good against them okay that charge is dead oh oh my God what's going on sh's Landing sh's Landing sh's Landing get in he's got the cannon careful don't stand near him we're good we're good we're good those beams get in go go go go go go let's go leave get in 45 minute Mission man what the hell this too stressful we can't do that I mean impossible difficulty is a massive step up man way more challenging I can only imagine how bad hell dive is that was insane oh God no it's not even hell dive we missed that lab that was incredible missed the lab but I mean we got out with the five Super samples pretty good considering that was the first time we've done that [Applause] [Music] GG
Channel: jackfrags
Views: 1,212,250
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 5_H-0TTPShs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 0sec (1500 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 18 2024
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