Helldivers 2 has horrific flying bugs now...

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just F bugs in the game that's right guys that's right that's right has anyone made that where they say they can fly now from the famous movie they can fly now they fly now it's not from Star Trek it's from the hell I was moving yes Star Trek it's from the expanse so anyway guys so apparently the bugs yeah yeah can fly now they fly now that's that's right and we're going to go and find them maybe it's a one shot kill y oh was that the throwaway one the it works wait not the auto Cannon Jack it was a one shot kill I was using the eat launcher e e [Music] e coming God I hope they're flying bugs are here there's flying bugs in this game that's right what do you mean there like bugs right and they've got Wings right where are they don't know that's why we're trying to find out oh this thing oh dude look at this if we press this at the same time What do we do this every game oh my god dude no way I think we found an Easter egg this is cool man this is is that one punch man or demographic what did you do you owed me one too what did you do you just like like I just clovered him over the thing but I didn't [Music] realize the I didn't realize healed since I last time I SM him I like this game you will notice them when you see a mushroom like Spore wait what does that mean what do you mean what we're just content creators we don't know what he actual idiot dude you're going to have to explain that way more than that bug breach there we go bug breach I've not seen this mushroom like Spore yet probably got to look for it St no it's got to be right here somewhere has to be row where we spawn yeah exactly I'm not going to go looking for it I need some help here Lads pickle minion whoa or maybe actually start to do the objectives might be a good verify the oran location yeah I think the devs said they've been in the yeah apparently you can actually find them stealth added yeah will we find them we need to go uh Northwest well I'm thinking they're going to be in like high Spore areas right like where it's cloudy I didn't know you could interact with the H bombs and blow them up as well you can't it just gives you a little bit of law to whichever termines it may concern word scribbled on the bomb Oh I found them I found them I found them you found them don't worry guys I'll save you thanks I actually love this laser machine gun the new one yeah yeah it's really very nice right um should we let Jack see it first oh no I don't care that's right three he's going to see initially h i don't waa so you see maybe there what is it or there oh yeah are they not are they not just SPO mushroom maybe no they're tiny I mean I do see flying things on the horizon do you yeah I don't see any F let me have a look St the mushroom tree is way bigger than that is it oh okay yeah yeah I definitely just saw something on the horizon there that there oh that yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah oh there's two of them uh-oh this is fresh content guys do you believe us we've never seen these before I I think I mean I literally haven't I think this is the first time they've ever been recorded as well is this a world first I think we are world world exclusive I'm just going to assume I'm going to assume we are yeah looky you can see them oh my oh my God and guys oh my god there they are there they are is it coming towards us they uh they're already they're attacking us they're attacking us once they die their bodies can kill you in one hit so be careful they're falling cor oh God oh God oh God oh God they're actually they're actually falling on us actually falling behind you almost got hit then the bodies just do flail around a bit oh you shoot holes in their wings yeah that's sick that's sick dude and they can fly as well right fly now they fly now po never seen Boba I mean what the hell oh yeah yeah he's got you there yeah you meant to me up tried to pick me up how do we stop them I think we have to destroy mushroom tree S V tree you know what we're going to need for this boys the Patriot Exo Suit yes you will make sure you dispatch it slowly and carefully Jack I swear to God if that Rover kills me I was trying to make it kill you why watch out for the me to all right jack careful okay I'm in get off me there you go oh there's a lot of bugs here Lads yeah that's quite a few bugs actually I think they sound like Wookies the yellow ones oh they're coming for me Thomas that's one's coming oh the birds Bird's coming Thomas I'm out of the zone I'm out of the zone don't go too close to the de Zone we're on zone right now no on Zone get out of there St nice nice get just yeah don't let him smash you this is very colorful this area what's this EMP stuff about uh there's like something blocking us there we go scrambled there you go yeah I'm out Rockets already pretty intense you got rid of a lot of the uh I mean this is C how many bu Jack backwards you're about to walk into my beam it's okay sorry I got triple spew on yeah did yeah so I'm out already wow so can we confirm that they definitely fly now they do fly now I think they fly now yeah down try eat launcher okay that's fine I literally died as soon as I came in come on come on come on why is everything taking so long to get called in on the might be a planetary thing turn the damn machine gun okay I think we've beaten off quite a large bug breach there die the am's Fallen guys can anyone in chat think about how we actually kill these flying creatures this is crazy dude like what are we supposed to do this is UN you think it's that thing there yeah do you think it's do you think it's that thing there guys I would like to get a closer look at it if that's okay yeah sure we should get a bit closer again I'm just so scared yeah that's I'm bad aiming and stupid so I'm I'm worried that I might not be able to do anything I love how we turn into Blue's Clues whenever there's content I'm going to call in some ammo guys what could this be we've not seen this before I mean one of the spores has died I think yeah Jack nuked it did get nuked they're really weak yeah hit with the auto Cannon is difficult I think it depends on your gun too lasers are really effective against them Amo here if you guys want it yeah yeah definitely I've got a laser gun I don't need ammo oh that's a b Tian oh it's a b Titan I think that's a cooler B Titan right there oh it hit me one HP come on come this way try and get it with the 500 kg yeah I dropped it on it oh you should have stung grenaded it that's a Miss okay I'll try again I'll try again hold on the auto Cannon St it it I'm going to make sure he doesn't leave St he stunned he stuned it's perfect come on come on come on come on come on oh that CL field man that was so sick okay I'm pretty close the blind on me don't get don't get died they can literally one shot you yeah so the body if the corpse lands on you after you've killed them they one shot oh damn I'm up close to the base now and it looks exactly how I imagined just like you imagined is cool looking like w the claw oh you almost got picked up and destroyed they pick you up and take you away no no no I think they they maybe knock you over and do a lot of damage damage you say I like these guys yeah so here's the question guys and we got thing long and hard how do we destroy these hives anyone got anything they potentially what would blue do the question is what would the really smart commenters do eat launcher plant a hell bomb M yeah if you get close enough there was a hell bomb call in there is there now yeah but there's too many enemies around it Canon liar interesting that good like in that movie Die Hard yeah ja you Canal killer easy easy I'm getting my Mech now I can shoot the ones that push us and you guys can can have some time to think about our next move in the hle yeah most people are saying hellbomb Hell bomb what so we get close to it you'd have to clear the area to get in there and call the hell bomb in I'm going in Tom right I'm going to use the pickled onion okay the pickled onion uh Jack you've got quite a lot of enemies on you there the pickled onion saved me what if I just uh I can help you with my uh Mech here you all right it's armored what the actual thing is armored yeah it's armored yeah my my bullets literally reflect off it you beaming it no you can't I think it's went for the charger anyway all right should I call the H bomb not get close enough to dial it yeah that is literally not where I am I'm here I mean you can't destroy it with your normal ordinance like the rail Cannon or bombs coming I got the terminal I'm activating it clear the are we got a 10sec countdown it's going up any second boom nice shest there's one right here oh they're horrible Kaboom all right should we go do the objectives sure kind of getting bug breached like crazy over here but yeah all I got I got you I got you I got you I got you I got you uh if you do I never use this uh heavy machine gun it's pretty good oh it's really fun yeah especially against the bugs turn oh okay that's the down side of it I'll save you Jack thank you oh another one what D you're floating yeah how do you do it he floats now wait what's this um what's now what's this giant purple tree trunk that's where the uh mushroom cloud was before it's already been destroyed okay I think I thw another one didn't I we do anything with it where the mushroom plant was no you've already destroyed it that's just the stem of what it was oh there some sampes here sampy got it nice oh I just meleed they fixed the melee what you can Mele in the me for the PC players no I've never even seen that do you do you mind if I jump in and test hey yeah go for it go for it what's the button uh f f f whatever your default m is and yes oh my God this kind of sick get this one get this one it just stamps yeah Stampy it looks really good actually Stampy get this one get this one Stumpy right objectives yes we should probably do that before the game ends how' you like the taste of Freedom oh these are super samps here how do you like the taste of freedom I wonder what Freedom actually tastes like Liberty what do you mean sweet sweet this is new I've not used this one before seismic dog yeah I've not done that you not done the mission items before we call in the I've never I've never called in the hammer you played this game before um no I haven't CH anyone has to play this game how how do I how do I shoot what button what button to shoot what is it call in the mission objective then you got to like defend it from the bugs yeah I don't maybe this wasn't it oh probably just want the one to call it in initially here we go can get another Auto Canon down a support weapon tunnel oh he's a bit close isn't he it's a bit close it it still go the red ones go where you initially threw it the blue ones don't okay ammo healers the blue ones are the only ones that track their target oh I thought 500 kg would track him but it doesn't oh have you got the machine gun in yeah I should P mine in too actually I should have done that ages ago no oh I might get a kill I have the auto Cannon yes come on come on let it's going to land on him no no no no no you don't that guy is really tanky right so we need me to stun him we need 200 kills 200 a bunch of Hunters coming over C4 little C4 knocking at your door setting in an eagle watch out for that oh yeah that's going to hurt lovely little bit of supplies wow all 10 goodbye that was nice um what's that over there that was a good jump th thanks oh I sorry we have to activate it I thought I did you did yeah you did it already no there a few stages to it interesting interesting I've never tried the machine gun on that 900 RPM oh it mines it does Min it does it do more damage if you have slower RPM well actually I don't have anything forward you have the aut Cannon yeah okay call that get the auton in the nest this weird electric storm M yeah it prevents you from using your stratums until it ends ah there's one oh you can't even see your map two cover me Tom uh-huh cover me me covering sprad the needle got it behind you jack stunned them is that just the normal stun grenade you're using Tom yeah St grenade sick especially you want strats to hit targets isn't it funny St when we tried the first time we were like yeah this is trash and now it's actually good yeah you silly boys oh it's pretty good yeah I mean I think Tomo is just smarter than all of us that's why he's the best of us yeah yeah if you can get a B Titan to stand exactly where the uh nuke's going to land that combo is insane I'm covered in blood look at this the hell I kind of wish this game had the Battlefront mechanic where you reload faster if you press reload at the right time oh the gears a Waring and that's how the bugs feel Jack yeah when you stun them that's how they feel yeah we going to have the speed run this last one we spent so long wondering how on Earth oh you can Auto cannon that off what that door there you ran past on the side on the [Music] cargo Easter egg nice super credits well I've never seen this before how do you know all these things about the game it's like you play it Tom yeah you not actually seen the the cargo container doors that you blow off I've never seen that no that's new to me you can use the uh the Slugger shotguns the only shotgun that takes that door I knew about that get to the objective should we split up and you guys start heading north and I'll try and or vice versa no let's just stick together are you breaking up with us I'm sorry guys don't please just I just don't know it's working supp I like go in go on you want the terminal stand on that blue beam St why what is it what is it oh piece of candy gorch gor G gor gy about these bugs Nick I'm over you was a blame BL Mick oh Gorge uh that did okay this dangerous now G they're spting on me anyone got a big bomb hang on oh I'm out ammo hang on big bomb coming in okay we need to get Tomo back brid bug Brig you should shoot that nuke St what nuke not right now landed here right right run is everyone ready to run away yeah what are you doing you have you have to get yeah get get really clear where's the nuk he's found it he's a little hell bomb he's found a little hell bomb AR they all massive just a little hell bomb love that Tom I'm running away I love that as well getting spewed on hey guys guess how many kills I got with that albomb uh one seven none they were all just out of range by the time up it's fine it's fine it's fine everything's fine oh yeah it's all fine it's all fun of games what the hell bomb okay I'm going to and turn on again what the hell bomb maybe uh maybe mechy yeah okay across the map there we go let's go let's head straight North immediately are you good there Tom yeah I'm good thanks Dad we can we can close up this hole there I'm not a big fan of those B boys not one bit St where is it I don't know it's near me somewhere though you want to be throwing back to your stuff Tom yeah chop me that way oh jeez uh where is it a it's over there isn't it calling in reinforcements I was focusing two Speers behind me and then I turned around there was two in front of me and St right there if you can deal with it Jack where is it I marked it I marked it right we need to get rid of it ready to liberate can I hit for if you wait youty this charge is going to be a problem you got the auto Cannon yeah that's what I'm trying to do but the charges on me oh my God I got so lucky against that stalker he almost got me me I sealed one of them nice I'm going in gotcha I think no I think you've actually stealed The Nest I think you've stealed The Nest that they come out of pretty sure unless you have to get both there's another one here hold on yeah yeah I'm just nice job dude AC Auto Cannon is really good man mhm the which one Auto Canon Auto can yeah it's really nice you can Bank them into the Fabricators on the Bots as well I feel like you get so many shots with it mhm yeah that's a sacrifice though cuz you've got the backpack o i oh he just absolutely bashed me off there you can also put it on full auto jack sorry hold on hold on alsoo oh yeah no way it's only really worth doing when you're uh in close proximity but make sure you crouch whenever you use the auto Cannon cuz reduces The Recoil yeah we can't call you back in s yeah you're in the iron storm it'll end in a second just run event yeah just throw it on my corpse the metor event and stuff Jack okay try this full auto then Jesus yeah is it fast oh my God is it as fast as clicking in single fire though J that's the question I don't know MythBusters I mean it looks cool I'd say it's more manageable but yeah you definitely need to crouch when you fall out it The Recoil is insane iron Storm's over go go I can land on the go your back okay okay where's my stuff I don't even know need some distance who Mech maybe got him got him got him got the crusher nice nice I'm going to get my M ja hold X and drop your uh backpack or C maybe whatever it is and then you going toad me I'm let me get this one off here okay I need St I'm out of stems you okay now there's nothing left to kill get nice there you go so you can just reload me hang on come come on flat ledge flat ledge move that way go go go this way which way do you want to go oh behind us here you go I'll get theoc I never have to reload as long as I'm just destroyed my own me oh nice I forgot good no guys guys guys that was the only way I could compartmentalize a situation that we were in I'm going to throw you on the ball Titan good luck no there's so many samples there St yeah I've thrown you here yeah I've thrown you why he done this oh no it's landed on the ban that's okay that good it was a blue one what do you mean is that I couldn't get there in time could St over there I've got to go back for my stuff then there's so much stuff there Jack just look down with the oran and took us both out with a one shot no no no was that on you st if you throw that on yourself I dropped it I dropped it I dropped it might him it's not like we really can't afford these reinforcements right now I it landed on my own Shield anag James come here it's the only answer Tom I killed my so I need to kill myself and Tom guys I need help hold on that might get him did it get him no he doesn't care God I'm so slow God I wish I destroyed my own Mech that would be really useful right now hit just so I can get stamed oh my God please help me stop going trying nah I'm going to do my own thing well I think you are I least do the objective God freaking getting destroyed by charges and ball Titans right now dude G of the days of the easy rail gun kill on the B Titan we got 5 minutes Lads minutes we come on that's right have you got it someo I'm what do you mean I'm dealing with the ball Titans and charges for you I'm dealing with the ball Titans and charges what also we're all dealing with ball Titans and charges and I think they fly now by the way where are they they fly now how about a nice cup of liverty what the bugs have wings uh I should get my Max now yes please yeah we need that yeah we need one of those he's coming he's coming he's coming survive let Dy my let him Dy I'm going to die I'm going to die I'm going to die I'm going to die I'm going to die no way requ it's impossible there's so many bugs there that charg just start okay nice yeah I got him got him right can you can you get it no no yeah in front of you get the mech in St yeah I'm trying I'm trying we need some serious clearance here out of ammo I'm going in found is down that's right I mean okay I've cleared it oh we cleared this side okay moving coming in as well sh for me melling Melly jeez I've called it in okay I've cleared them cleared him cleared him yeah oh Mano good 3 minutes okay let's get it in get it in get the mission done I'm hoping extraction is going to be over there oh you got it on yeah charger over here St yeah yeah hang on remember the missile is not accurate anymore so I have to kind of wait for it to get come on come on come on yeah watch out Jack watch out let me some might hit you do you I have to aim to the right of it to get it bloody leg damaged get the face actually have to think now and I hate that oh God use a brain cell at least one yeah I've used at least three today oh dummy breid right here loation and is that bot I bet there's a about time in this one come on come on show yourself engaging terminal viewers oh God yeah I'll try and get him in the face reload shoot in the face oh one behind as well there is a bug breach over there he's all right he's handling iters another bug reach oh you got a lot of uh got B okay this way oh it's missing stun you missing it too no no he's not he just shoots in the circle now doesn't even shoot where you're aiming oh it's like a cone effect yeah yeah yeah it doesn't it literally doesn't even aim accurate which is probably a balance yeah I think so on the objective Tom yeah yeah yeah 99% 100 engal done let's go nice let's go let's go leftt your discre got to go south I got I got him I might be able to get those samples back should be able to yeah it's the direction our extract is let's go head to the samples do please just so we got a bit of power there you know there's different types of mechs coming as well right mhm that's cool different loadouts that's a load of any have been leaked and there's a ship which is listed as a boss in the files now a ship oh my God yeah like like it actually looks like a massive automaton ship I was going to say calling your strategems because now you can't got the samples there's ball Tian by me okay ready hold on one hit in the face yeah just take time of the shots okay there we go had to really hold it boogies let's go let's go out of ammo bre here tunnel I'm out of primary ammo Jack there's ammo on me I'm going to leave it on I just found some here that was lucky a spear there Britney okay three minutes left I've got a TR he's going to he's going to kill me that was so close he should have destroyed my then I don't know why I didn't damage it I think he's just rubbing it yeah I think he loves it actually it's and now he's coming for you jack oh good and now oh no he smashed into a wall that's good idiot yeah we don't have any strategems do we we can't call each other back in nope no um can we get on top of a rock somehow this a real problem Jack I don't know I can't ja what can I do that's a lot of enemies there no come through this come through this oh my God he smashed the open hang on Jack I'm trying not to shoot you getting the spears at least right spe dead just play on the outskirts and then run in when we need to I love that I love that I I'm got 220 I think I think you'd be actually pretty good at this game I should play this try how solo there's another ballone yeah the problem is that we got nothing okay he's coming for me now reloading I've got Auto Cannon dude so I can you tummy yeah turns around problem is if I die here I'm fully Dead Forever come this way oh and and then expend a rocket look yeah take his stomach out and then he can't SP at least I'm out dude watch out cuz if we die here we're dead yeah right and there's so many on gone so we can't spit anymore look how many he's on the extraction myo can back does he have an exposed Point anywhere on his shell come on come on come on they're trying to get the bugs to come towards us on the right now is he exposed anywhere shooting underne only on the tummy only on the tummy okay Jack Jack Jack you're in big trouble big trouble yeah yeah lots of where did they come run around to me run around to us you're going to have to go oh God I'm going to go the other way I'm going the other way I'm in trouble here as well there's so many of the little bugs trying to deal with some of these Speers for Jack I mean I've got the ago this is good you guys get on if you want B Titan on me now mhm we might actually time this I've killed four of the spewers behind you thank you's dead okay it's Landing I think the ship just killed it yeah the ship kills it the ship kills it I am in big trouble here all right St get to the extract I don't know if I can I don't know if I can you can you can just keep running the St grenades behind you yeah yeah yeah no I don't okay 13 seconds I'm getting on I'm getting on okay I'm coming I'm coming oh God this is going to be harsh oh my God come on come on on you are you on are you here St go yeah I'm here with you just get Tom no one second nice that was sick dude really well played so they had flying bugs in that wow yeah I think I didn't see any but there were flying bugs in that round there were some flying bugs in that round that we saw I didn't see them I wonder how I wonder how you defeat them if only anyone could let us know in the comments how to defeat the flying bugs how do you kill a bug how do you shoot in this game dude please anyone there's bugs in this game now yeah I know dude so this game's like Starship Troopers Tom right
Channel: jackfrags
Views: 311,681
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: gz7oW-RmuVc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 38sec (2018 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 24 2024
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