Helldivers 2 just keeps on getting better...

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oh my God B oh my God he is massive rail gun his head him charging the rail gun one shot in his head reloading ah he's coming firing again oh my God run Jack run Jack I hit him twice get out of there man I just put artillery on him go go go oh nice that's going a hit take it down that's lovely it's legs are weak shoot the legs oh no they're not he's got ads Char ah wait I'm going to put a gas on him requesting oral strike how about some bug spray you gas inject yeah why not oh there it is I'm getting out the soft under belly I'm just shooting at anything at this point ow uhoh I got a big one on me I'm falling back it's time for my laser him jack I'll get him begin the beam is that going to kill him I think so he's dead he's he's dead he's dead oh that giant bug is burning right now that is sick it's kind of like the hammer of dawn from Gears of War yeah this game is crazy let's try this machine gun come get some bugs you want some you want some come on D's having a whale of a time over there oh no I'm going to get over a run oh what the hell was that ah die stay away from me right you know I've got to fall back I'm moving Big Boy ja Tom get out of there naom strike I love the smell of napom in the morning go go go here it comes here it comes oh my goodness Jack wait I've engaged high RPM mode Tom where is it there oh that is significantly faster RPM oh there's a charger on me watch out watch out oh God I'm trying to n him I'm ning him he just so tanky Tom get out of here why you still can oh no he's armored isn't he I got to reload die his face he doesn't care about that tank get him get him get him die oh got him oh thank God for that there's more of them come on give us a break please so the lads told me that if you charge this ra gun up too much there's a chance that it can explode but the more you charge it up the more damage it does so let's test right his mouth here we go now yeah I think I left that one a bit too late how'd you get up there I'm up here wait wait we should try and catch you besides more catch oh no Tommy right wait for it wait for it I don't want to spoil it it's too good so beautiful that was amazing yeah we've landed in some robots I think oh God uh watch out you careful with that shotgun that's fine not mine I was accidentally shooting you uh what the hell is that is that a robot rocket Devastator just rocketed me into pieces call me in help help help hang on this is a hot start call me in it's quite hot on know they land on hold on reinforce up down right help I know I got the reinforce didn't I left I'm dead why is this gun so poorly because we're in the Robot World now dck reporting to the front um you know what CR TS isn't here to save us how about some napon bit crispy ow bong bong bong use the fles use the flo all Lads NP is inbound repeat nap arm is inbound over nice nice nice That's on us oh my God that is so sick H barrage is coming in get back how far where where where where where it's was that b red beam it's like close we need to get to some some kind of cover yeah the land what is somewhat safe that was an absolutely awful drop if I don't mind saying myself that's the perfect robot drop isn't it watching a kid try to put the square into the square shap on one of those toys watching Jack do the strategems I was trolling at uh by the way Jack you can have my jump pack cuz I realized I need a backpack for my ammo there's jump packs in this game yeah yeah yeah yeah look go have the jump pack yeah it's the Mandalorian Landing in now this thing here yeah yeah yeah how do I use it just hold space to oh my God return to the combat zone no get back in get back in back in back in it's basically Star Wars now then I'm the Mandalorian with a shotgun what the hell was that the mort yeah so let's focus the thing to our right first oh my God look at it go how about the Gatling Center Gun I've not tried that yet you got it yeah it's just coming in now look I'm going to use the big guns guys so don't run forward yet you use the big guns go Gatling gun oh my God it's excellent I mean this has to be one of the most cinematic games ever right yeah it looks amazing we need to kill their Factory that thing over there yeah do you throw a grenade in in the in the ventilation Shaft or you call in an orbital strike on it okay I'm moving across to the left advanc we gold rocket launcher maybe I could do some damage with that down in the hole I'm out should be another one here boom I'm getting in there you going in St I'm sneaking in the back doors I'm going to try and help you pushing up now what's this cler one just going in that's mine Jack yeah can I go in there Jack right you can care the mines as well Jack there's like mines there's no mines is there Ah that's going to blow him down oh that's fine we have to destroy these silos here have we not got them more how do you destroy them I mean surely the hell bomb would do the job Yeah well yeah we have to call it in maybe I call it in yeah yeah you call it in then you have to ar oh yeah yeah yeah that's right yeah right here yeah yeah just call it in call coming in yeah that's good here he is right now you got you walk up to it yeah right now and then run this way very fastb the you can even jet pack away not very far but for jumping over enemies okay go go go are we far enough away cool look at explosions waa my god oh you have to look that is indeed a hell bomb all right so that's one Mission done now on the map you see this little Diamond here hang on St this Diamond than yeah that's showing that there's like Secrets here and they all like samples and once You' picked them all up it changes the icon so you know you've got them all yeah you need samples they're quite important aren't they well yeah you need them to upgrade your ship which is just like permanent Buffs on your camel sample C sample Liberator explosive don't mind if I do yeah now see the icon's changed it's not a diamond anymore yeah okay that's cool oh held was two tips with bongy right there many of the robots seem to have a direct Warhammer for 4K likeness that you could just call them I mean one of them looks exactly like a dreadn so I'm out of grenades that didn't work well I've got one side I can use here yeah just get it in the hole in there that looks like where a grenade should go nice Jacko nice wa oh I did not learn my lesson from last time did I he gone oh there's more there's more coming out cover in the hole nice done what the hell sniped by a rocket that was a little side objective need to get to the next one to the Southwest Southwest on the way I suppose that jet Pack's a good way of getting above and around enemies yes it's really good to play if you're a bit more solo as well coming s yeah thank you to reload ow get the guy in the back oh my God what am I doing oh oh I'm nearly dead jeez that was close oh I got one e seems a lot more challenging than the bugs are on hard mode although there is a Jammer or something up here apparently they're stopping us using our call in so I think we're going to get that after this bunker here oh it just has loot that's all you can get like super credits and medals from it as well we have to hold it for the whole time or I mean I can't get off it go you just need two people to interact with it and then you can let go requisition slips oh I just got some requisition Arc throw what's that I'll take that STW what the it's a beam gun watch out watch outed be kind of like a Tesla gun freed wait does it it looks like it jumps to targets as well I be careful with that AR throw it I don't like it I think I'm going change I'm scared of it yeah the lightning could jump from the enemies to friendlies so it's a bit of a team kill gun then I guess all right let's go and get this Jammer oh what's this here I've not seen that before flamethrower oh don't mind if I do I need help yeah I'm here I'm here I could try and get a grenade in that there outp spotted did that go in dude the T2000 is here F oh my that's actually actually quite effective oh yeah it's full aliens now come on get some we got a Mech you guys need to get behind it and shoot it in the back whilst it's focusing on me yeah I'm pushing up I can see it hold on he's looking at me again though I'm going to flame it and get his attention this is quite dangerous come on me turn around he it's looking at me that where that's good shooting in the back oh my God I got him there you go there you go explod I mean everything explodes in this game let's take this out here in the that's it three points right there boom area secure well done Lads we need to get Clos to that thing and disarm it yeah a rare sample this is my new primary weapon by the way guys check this out it's the full John Wick four dragon left incendiary shotgun I think this is the Jammer here right oh wait there's a panel here I can interact with here look oh yeah yeah yeah Focus that yeah okay come on come on Terminal that's done G deactivate Str Jammer there we go deactivating 50% come on done there we go we can use our strategems now going to resupply here we are back in Action boys let's go three more objectives to complete help oh look at bong beaming with that machine gun that's sick Jesus I still war of the machines then we need to take out that bot Factory down there let's push over can cover me die all right I'm making a move go go go go go go go we exp blow the factory you make your move once I make my I'm I'm doing it right now grenades in there I'm putting the big artillery on it oh no no no no no what am I I think wait I think I'm stuck I think I'm stuck under the map guys um interesting did you appear to be under the map no I'm going to get killed by my owning I think I heldo too far maybe I can kill myself somehow um I don't know can you nade yourself check hell di would never do that you'll have to do it St can I I can kill you jack ready not like this for the for justice like this for democracy no the samples no the samples I might be able to get I got them I got them oh the sound effects are just Supreme in this game me to the enemy okay uh it was there wasn't it I think the explosion like made a hole in the ground and then like got knocked into it I've got my stuff back anyway guys so you think destroying stop PS of ammunition would be explosive to you yeah I don't know might be well maybe let's let's have a look whoa is explosive as it turns out reload careful on the left activating jump I mean they're already on fire maybe they just set themselves on fire to look menacing got him I had to Mele him I didn't want to help D he's coming help it is he dead yeah he's dead nice right now what I'm just like blowing chunks off him he's so tanky as well look at this God they don't stop coming what else we got to destroy here one more one more sock P somewhere it should be just a giant pile of ammunition weirdly well you find that and I'm going to go and use this giant machine gun and keep the robots at Bay they're coming oh it's here oh it's there he found it nice I mean guys there's some Heavenly armored robots marching menacingly towards us here yeah yeah I'll get them don't worry I've got my big Cann kill bot confirmed this machine gun doesn't seem to have an effect on them yeah you just got to shoot in the brain Jack shoot them in the brain the robo brain rather than putting the CPU behind you know armor they thought let's have it exposed on a little scalp and they say that AI is going to be the downfall of the world and they can't even put their robot brain behind armor they put it in their head even was a weak spot look at that pathetic if any of our future robot overlords listen to this I'm sorry and please don't kill me I'm at the next objective here LS yeah I'm going to do an barrage in that will that take it all out I hope so I'd leave okay I'm leaving maybe I'm too close oh oh a God yeah it's the what the what is going on so me around like a little kissing I mean that did do significant damage to them going to need these robots here three of them surely that's got them oh what I didn't kill him those are horrifying they're just so chunky right where's the ammunition last one last one ooh careful the m find that ammo stop last one's here last one's here on my left look at that Gatling gun R right careful careful mine are here move out the way hold on I just want to get this sample complete oh wow again far too close to the explosion right fuel reserves and then we can extract that is East right there b I'm just killing just killing what he just fed there in air flare uh yeah I think means B drop's coming in well should we move or fight we can move andite both at the same time who the f get uhoh I'm getting anti-tank for this look at all these at STS that have just come in watch out for the Ewoks Ewoks didn't have these though did they boom okay keep moving let's go go go do just a hell bomb for the last two objectives so let's get out now everyone remember to look over your shoulder as you run away I mean st's still there I'm not oh you took a tumble what happened I'm killed by Bongo accident happened oh my visual effects are just on another level for the explosions okay all objectives complete we got to get to the extract now drop ship coming in yeah yeah oh there another dread not here watch out watch out yeah yeah um I'll turn wait turn around I'm grenade in it hang on I'm to get an angle I'm out of ammo damn it I I couldn't quite get itting no that's not effective is he dead yeah are you sure he doesn't look dead oh wow okay yeah that's pretty dramatic when that thing explodes okay I'm going to call in the extraction now there it is 2 minutes on this one I'm going to pre-fire a npal air strike too just in case we need that lovely South Side watch out NE straight away I'm just doing it all send impact's coming oh my goodness going to get anti-tank just in case going to put a Gatling Sentry down too this side as well uhoh now they're splitting us up here sentes coming in one minute it's beautiful West Side got him oh I don't want to get in the way of that oh my God look at this that is so awesome it looks cool as well drop sh come on oh the grounds all on fire here from the napon I mean that just look at this it just looks like Star Wars I I put Sy Min down as well too far away oh my God something around that rock is it a dreadn what is it West side's good yeah almost there don't know what this thing is it's got rockets on it give shot out I say he's gone come on ship where are you Isel the it's coming okay everyone use all your ordin can't they just glass the planet oh my God I guess they could glass the planet yeah a we just going to put one more strike in let's go let's go get in make sure they pay ini it's so much fun it's so good you have maintained our way of life [Music] la
Channel: jackfrags
Views: 1,055,675
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ufdoWS5nYFk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 15sec (1215 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 15 2024
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