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what is up everyone guys listen up for today's video after 400 hours of game playay we're going to talk about the best primaries in Hell divers 2 as the title States this is a tier list against terminates there's going to be a few things that we need to keep in mind we're going to rate these weapons for the end game that's what this is going to be about whatever is more effective on the highest difficulty no matter if you're playing solo duo or as a full Squad that's what I'm going to take into account the most now this doesn't mean that these weapons are going to be bad on Lower difficulties no they're going to be just great but the main focus of this here list is the end game and let's start with the normal Liberator pretty decent weapon but there are just other weapons that do what this one does but way better the ammo economy is okay it's not the greatest but it's not the worst the weapon is fully automatic and overall it feels pretty good however do keep in mind that this weapon doesn't do anything against medium armor so what we're going to do is right away we're going to put this in B tier this is the first weapon you start off with not saying it's horrible but it's definitely not a tier or S tier it's no secret that the breaker shotgun has been an absolute monster a lot of people love it and what makes this gun so popular obviously is that you can get it pretty early game and on top of that honestly it's pretty good it's very strong where it struggles though is medium armor it really falls off when it comes to that but however anything else than that that yeah it gets the job done if you're getting pushed by stalkers or tons of hunters whatever it is in front of you it will destroy them they did Nerf this weapon when it comes to ammo economy and The Recoil a little bit we're definitely going to put it at a tier I do not feel like this is an stier weapon and the reason is that it can't really deal with medium armor that well which kind of forces you to use your Strat gems on medium armor this brings us to the spray and prey shotgun Theo con has been changed so this weapon is pretty decent now if you're trying to find a weapon that clears the ads and when I say ads I mean anything without medium armor this is pretty good however I do not find it as good as the breaker still I actually added a new tier we're going to slap it right in here between these two I think that's going to be fair and that's where I think exactly spray and prey is going to end up now the incendiary shotgun the damage of the burn is just not strong enough I hope that they buff that in general like in the future let's say they add some kind of toxic weapons more incendiary weapons or whatever it's going to be I hope that they increase the dot damage by a little bit just to make him more efficient because the problem with the incendiary shotgun for example is you're dealing damage but it's not enough and then when the dot damage kicks in it just doesn't get the job done fast enough I might as well use the spray and prey or the breaker and just kill them much faster now when it comes to to medium armor penetration this weapon is different from all the other weapons meaning the direct shots from the shotgun will be deflected however the burn will still deal damage and in this case once again we run into the issue of not having enough dot damage so it is going to take a lot of time for the enemies to burn and go down that said this weapon absolutely destroys streakers keep that in mind you know I call them the dragons and I know they they're not dragons but you know I love dragons so every opportunity I get to call something a dragon I'm calling it a dragon it is what it is so we're going to drop this at B tier which brings us to the next shotgun SL grenade launcher the Dominator now this weapon guys in my humble opinion is extremely underrated it absolutely annihilates medium armor stalkers are not a problem pretty much anything gets destroyed you just got to get used to it it can be a little bit clunky now that I think about it we're going to add another tier just for this weapon cuz I do feel like it's not as steer but that said it's definitely better than the breaker or any of the weapons that we went over so far just because of the ability that it does everything so well clears ads destroys medium armor and if you're good with the weapon you can destroy charges too so overall we're going to drop it right here between s tier and a tier if you haven't tried this weapon yet make sure to do so guys this is a really really strong weapon now let's talk about the Scythe aka the laser weapon it is dooo we're not going to waste a lot of time on this when it comes to the bugs this weapon doesn't do much it only makes noise you might as well just pick up the gun and throw it at a bug and hope that the bug gets knocked out that's your best bet okay it's going to take you anywhere from 7 to 24 minutes to kill a hunter and we're looking at 40 minutes on killing anything higher than that no we're not going to put this anywhere above due do this is where it belongs this is where it's going to stay and now let's talk about my baby the one and only scorcher the weapon that destroys everything in front of you small ATS no problem medium armor no problem Chargers no problem you can easily deal damage even to bile Titans and if you land your shots right they're going to lose the ability to spew their disgusting whatever that is that they're throwing up at you so overall this gun is easily eser now the ammo economy could be better but there's just so many good things about this weapon that outweigh all the negatives on this weapon and now that we have the flying enemies that's another reason to use this gun it's hit scan does tons of damage destroys eggs destroys mushrooms from like miles away usually it's a four tap but if they're like across the map it will take you five shots easily stier across the board you can damage yourself with the scorcher do keep that in mind so you got to really Master the weapon stay at the perfect range you got to understand how to kite your enemies so it's one of those weapons that takes time to get really good at but the good thing is this weapon is 100% worth your time don't say no to a weapon just because you haven't really mastered it give it time trust me you're not going to regret it now let's talk about the Liberator penetrator this weapon has medium armor penetration however the damage is pretty low the ammo in the magazine is just not enough when you're going against even one medium armor Target you need to shoot way too long to take them out we're going to drop this in B tier right here next on is the new arc weapon the shotgun the Blitzer a lot of people were very hyped for this weapon we're expecting this weapon to be extremely good and after using this weapon over and over it's not good guys just because how slow the reload is on the weapon you're not going to get efficient at clear and yes you can have a secondary weapon and you can swap shoot that one then come back to this one but overall it just doesn't do anything better than any of the other weapons that we went over I wish that they either increase the damage or decrease the reload time because one of those things needs to happen for this to be viable and I understand it has infinite ammo but so does the sickle and it's amazing and we're going to get to that weapon here in a minute for me personally this goes to C tier I could even put this in dooo tier here but we're going to be kind here and put this in a c tier and we get to the Liberator explosive kind of has that effect of like stunning the enemies but that's about it and you might have people that enjoy this gun but at end game it's not effective and just because you and me enjoy something isn't going to turn it into Ester we got to look at the facts realistically in real situations when you're getting swarmed by enemies this weapon doesn't perform better than any of these weapons right here which is why we're going to put this at B tier we get to our first Marksman in the game which is the diligence the normal one overall these weapons feel pretty weak in the game right now I feel like they need to have way more damage for us to use these weapons especially when you're playing against bugs everything gets so close to you so fast that you don't even need that range in most of the cases we're going to drop this in C tier personally I enjoy the weapon but you know it is what it is it doesn't really do much and this brings us to the sickle one of the most powerful weapons in the game infinite ammo amazing fire rate really good damage feel of the weapon is just so good and overall an easy pick for anyone that is playing the game if you enjoy playing against terminates sickle is insane so we're going to drop this at stier the design of the weapon everything is great I wish they would update the sound a little bit to make it just a little bit more unique but apart from that this weapon is very very very powerful and it's also easy to use now the one thing that it struggles with is medium armor penetration but just for the fact that it has infinite ammo it's easy to use it destroys ads very well we're going to put this at stier let's talk about the plasma shotgun you guys know for me personally this weapon is stier this is all I use when we're playing hell dive difficulty doesn't matter if I'm playing solo Duos full Squad this is my thing I run this weapon I love it because it destroys Chargers you don't even have to get into the right position as long as you're Landing the shots correctly you can destroy Chargers from the side from the front it doesn't matter it's a very powerful weapon it does the same damage as the scorcher if you're placing your shots correctly it kills the smaller ads and Hunters with one hit it destroys and completely ignores medium armor overall a great weapon but now that we also have shriekers in the game they fly around we're not going to drop it in s tier we're going to drop it in between s and a tier as I said it's pretty hard to get used to there's definitely a skill Gap there and now with the flying enemies it does fall off there because you're not going to be shooting those plasma shots in the air and hitting those guys so we're going to put it in between s and a tier but if you haven't yet please give this weapon a try Master it you're going to be destroying charges in the game too which is crazy coming from a primary weapon now the same thing that applies to the scorcher applies to to the plasma shotgun which is you can damage yourself if you're shooting enemies that are right next to you so as mentioned there's definitely going to be a skill Gap here just take your time and master this Beast the second diligence Marksman is just this one but worse okay it looks worse it feels worse it's just so clunky this version of the diligence easily goes to doodo tier it's not even a question I gave this weapon so many tries just to make it work but it just simply does not work against terminates it is horrific there is no reason to use it at all now let's talk about the Knight SMG this is one of those weapons that I personally really really enjoy I feel like it's very good to destroy ads and I think it's very underrated it doesn't do anything with the medium armors but if you put this weapon on Burst Mode you're going to enjoy it a lot however I do feel like the breaker is still going to be better than this so what we're going to do is we're going to put it in between A and B tier Defender is one of those weapons that feels like an AR but it's like an SMG and you can like one hand shoot it overall a great weapon doesn't have any kind of medium armor penetration but it has really good damage and it destroys anything without medium armor I do not believe it's as good as the Dominator it can be as useful as the breaker shotgun so we're going to put this in a tier The Punisher shotgun is also going to go in between A and B tier and here we are ladies and gents the one and only Slugger which is instantly going to go to stier and I know that some people say you know this is not a great gun in terms of clearing the ads but guys there's just so many good things about this weapon that overweight its negatives yes it's not the best weapon to clear ads it's not going to be sickle for you but guess what the sickle will never be the Slugger because the Slugger absolutely annihilates medium armor and even when you're talking about bile spewers or any any type of medium pretty much this gun annihilates them yes it takes time to get used to yes there's definitely a skill Gap there however if you do put in the time and master this weapon you're going to be sniping enemies with a shotgun and it's just going to feel so powerful because you know that you don't have to worry about any of the enemies in front of you including the stalkers if you're Landing your shots you're destroying them and I had one guy drop a comment in one of my videos about the plasma shotgun the way he put it was if we're not able to use the gun to its maximum potential that doesn't make the gone bad it just means that we need to get better with the said weapon so I'm not going to punish a weapon just because there's a skill Gap there I feel like the Slugger is exceptionally strong I think that it takes time to get used to but I also think that once you do put in the time you're going to be destroying everything in front of you there we have it guys that is the overall tier list after 400 hours plus this is the tier list right here I would love to hear what you guys think in the comment section below now keep in mind we're all grown-ups here obviously we're not going to agree on everything but that's why I love to read the comments have a discussion break all of these things down if you guys did enjoy the video and only if you did slap the like button and subscribe to the channel we got more videos on the way builds tier lists a lot of testing to be done in the future so if you don't want to miss that also slap that Bell notification button for all the people that don't know I also stream both on YouTube and on Twitch and I would love to see every single one of you guys live on stream as always stay positive stay disciplined and I'll see you on the next one let's go go let's go baby let's go I mean we literally have the best community of all time oh oh he got no scoped
Channel: Crazymrpipz
Views: 62,273
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: helldivers 2 best weapons, helldivers 2 best weapons tier list, helldivers 2 best primary weapon tier list, helldivers 2 weapon tier list, helldivers 2 weapons review, helldivers 2 stratagems, helldivers 2 tier list, helldivers 2 best stratagem tier list, helldivers 2 best stratagems, helldivers 2 best build, helldivers 2 tips, helldivers 2 guide, helldivers 2 how to, helldivers 2 how to level up fast, helldivers 2 how to get medals, Helldivers 2 how to upgrade
Id: JryiovZmK-E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 12sec (852 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 27 2024
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