Airburst Rocket Launcher Vs Bugs Reality Check in helldivers 2 (Helldive Solo)

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wait guys look this video serves as documentation to the held Dage 2 Community some people have no idea what they're talking about we unlocked the airburst rifle it's only 8,000 shekels okay air burst rocket launcher yes there Bob it showed a picture of the shers folks folks in the comment section were hilarious they're saying things such as it's good for air units bro it's air burst I don't think the air burst means it's supposed to be used on only air units but let us the gy there's not that many to begin with if it was if that's the intention that doesn't seem a whole heck of smart if you ask me any who we got some helldin happening Purge hatcheries makes a lot of sense if being totally honest the scientist thing initiating scientist building is sketchy man just have a hard time doing it sometimes you're getting chased by the whole colony of bugs how you supposed to set off a hell bomb jum complete I want to see what you can break that thing with I heard Precision strike works I just haven't tried it yet I get around to it eventually any how hello how you doing let's go ahead and get into this Bo I guess we'll land over here makes the most sense we have the pocket classy in pristine condition the kg Precision strike and air burst strike is wh as build on rocking incendiary breaker grenade pistol stun grenade light medic armor I would I would consider the idea of rocking the C clay as the pristine Scholars call it sickle but I don't quite think I want to yet I'm going to keep using the incendiary breaker I have a feeling that fire damage might get nerfed in the patch coming out this Tuesday that's the date I'm assuming things will be changing and I expect some Nerfs it's hard not to with the recent structure of updates why does it look so bad do not let them fall it's atmospheric I suppose it get you immersed a little bit but I don't particularly love it I like the daytime stuff more that's just me um should also resupply we'll wait for that I'm rocking this on this Mission particularly so I can get some shots in on the hive I shoot that way it triggers more dudes got be careful with your shot but now we can shoot I was expecting the eggs to trigger it that just me but maybe air molecules there's not enough air molecules in that vicinity to trigger the shot I was really hoping is it close enough di Kia deploy repl I think I absolutely love this weapon what can I say request approved reinforce if that dude's not dead I don't think he died that's nuts to me that is nuts to me that he didn't die die I don't think at least right maybe he did smoked I believe so maybe this is the worst Mission possible for this thing 18 out of 16 but now I can't reload oh my gosh strike incoming Freedom structure destroyed I missed so sad oh I can't how do you kill B Titans if you can't reload your gun I know nice also nice so one death for that and then one death is something that you can't particularly avoid maybe you can but man I didn't know where the eggs were and I assume the eggs can set off the explosion if they can't I'm very confused cuz folks do some testing it turns out Supply boxes and a whole host of random objects set off the proximity mine proximity rocket you know what I mean and because of that it's just not particularly a maze balls you di you die a lot it's a nice Mission though there's no B Speers all right wait wait not particularly what I'm looking for should I be anything higher oh look at me I'm not sure what you're supposed to do like people they're saying use it on the bug Planet what are you supposed to do though just Runing orbital strike reload deploying equipment package I'm dead alive he broke two of those don't worry guys remain paused there good sir I can't shoot you with this thing this just should kill it 100% unfaced never mind there may be a spot I'm supposed to shoot that there may be a spot I'm supposed to hit him at I wouldn't know what spot that is but I assume there's a spot and this is exactly why I think almost all we should be able to kill a heavy in a meaningful time frame especially if you can get three shot by mediums or by lights I I just don't see a reason why you can't kill a heavy without having to waste your [Music] entire existence and you can't even shoot the gun now where wait wait wait wait wait I can't fire it I'll die I'll die there's no there's no way you can fire it what kind of difficulty youall play on some of y'all 28 you can't fire it the the bugs press W request approved deploying reinforcements I just don't see a Universe where this makes sense if you see some if you see folks beat hell dive with this and you assume it's good you're smoked beyond belief the way you beat hell using this weapon is by barely using the weapon you shoot you shoot it once and then you put it away and use other stuff to kill things and we got 28 kills on ROM things from the bugs how it's smarter i' have more than that just using a using gas strike air burst strike you could have gotten 28 kills in that bug breach itself so it makes no sense to use this on the bugs if you can just toss over a air burst strike a gas strike a Napal strike on a bug breach and get 40 kills and not not die yourself if you're just somewhat far away from it Hunters what's funny though here's you chargers the same way you kill hulks got to spam your primary weapon cuz your support weapon can't really do it that well on the hulks your plusy can take them out reload it's just a little weird wait testing little test opportunity here if I shoot behind it it should kill it Aiming High looks undamaged I'm in so much pain but maybe it can close bug holes and that'd be kind of cool if it could wasted a lot of time there just running around like a dent all right here comes the bug Holio I haven't seen it close Fabricators aside from shooting into the fabricator itself I what over here okay well oral strike incoming my gun's not loaded for prosity see what I mean though 28 kills off of that they just pressed W oh my God this weapon is something else man the real speed is what really kills it for me that's feedback and how can you improve that you make the reload speed a little bit faster hunters and those guys jump through walls recently not super recently but recent enough I'm getting lucky too if this planet had bow Speers or nursing spearers I would be getting destroyed going for a Reload I would just die there would be zero surviving that if they wanted to just kill me they could almost died right there myself it just got so dark oh Mylanta out of Amed now that is ridiculous what that b survived that that makes no sense I do a prec a Precision strike on that thing PE strike has not really been seeming don't tell me do not tell me I have a modifier that makes me miss that would just not be a cool thing at all we got to get rid of these modifiers man the ones that just make your game play the ones that just make things worse for no reason have got to go it's not it's not cute it's lame I'm pretty sure atmospheric interference means that you just don't get to play the game the way you should be able to play the game I won't speak on it too much but that's a little lame and I don't know why it's in the game still that one and removing a modifier they just make no sense if this was a hunter Planet I'd be dead cuz doing that you get head shot you're in Primo you're in Primo position to get Dunked On by a hter like this is a Weenie Hut Junior mission right now and even in a group You' be relying on your teammates so often it blow your mind there's a charger assistance a thanks Carl there's a charger assistance thanks Carl like Carl be saving your life oral strike you just can't really fire it anywhere cuz everything's too close a single a single jumper a single hunter gets too close it's GG n players are smoked man it's it's good it's going to be real good against the the bugs Mission area no it won't this is a it's a probably a decent mission for it too it's I disagree if we have the ability to if we can shoot the rocket and Trigger it when we want to it would be sick there's no B Titans either I'm getting lucky that's right trying to hit me again there brother guys pause Titan I can't shoot it you see this guy that guy kills me not cuz he kills me but because I just die I'm not reloaded it doesn't save the animation from reloading this is just I'm I'm playing remant 2 right now you get no reload speed excepted it missed me it missed me and still did all my HP reinfor don't worry guys we get the prey to RNG this lands strike huge strike incoming we'll just Mose on over here real quick yeah let's go ahead and get rid the modifiers game's 10 times better without them especially that one never made sense to me all right so far what do we thinking about the weapon is it just use your error should I just acquire more distance and we think about the the Precision strike I think that's a slept on a very slept on strategy you can one- shot B Titans literally one shot B Titans but you can't do it really easily when the game makes you miss so that makes it a little bit worse than it otherwise should be I'm going to wait real quick for my stuff and while I wait I'm going to hydrate every time I hit the reload I just don't particularly have the best time can't possibly imagine why all right please land oral strike incoming I'm not sure I could thr that better like what is wrong with this viego why are we doing that what's funny is the nuke lands correctly the kg lands correctly but Lord forbid Precision strike does reinfored I just don't get it I don't understand why joining the my [Music] leg there's got to be like a crash course on fun for this video game the folks that are working on it right now and players too did they say your support weapon your primary weapon shouldn't really be used that wild likee I've learned that hellbomb gets placed the screen for hell bomb gets gets placed facing where you throw it you know if only I could just oral strike have that land we'd already be done if only not hey landed we could have already been out of here but hey we got lucky say hello to democra nothing everything's great this is eag one we're back in business and you can't shoot it far enough to kill anything I shot that pretty high appr it don't quite matter though because you can't aim high enough to where it'll still do good damage and make a it Triggers on the first thing it comes in contact with and that first thing is in the front of the crowd how do players not see that being a bad thing for an air burst weapon you are moving the mission I'm trying to not trigger the B titon I don't know if that's working jump oh it's almost faster to wait for your cool down in the air burst rocket launcher instead of reloading it at 20 minutes you just steady moving this way looking for a clue he found it or he's close finding it orbital strike incoming I keep forgetting I can die to that thing I good sir I don't love having to do that it'd be way cooler if you had the ability to trigger the proximity explosion cuz Z you can make it so it it goes off you could trigger it right behind the charger and then that could kill the charger that'd be sick payad close enough should be of course not my badal strike incoming oh no it's good enough just I just can't dude it's good stuff H effectively just don't have a support weon here enemy assat here here's the thing I'll try it with the group Freedom never sleep administering freedom for prosity what what made him just goad and turn away from that that makes no sense orbital strike incoming ter hi structure destroyed hey 27 you know what cracks me up too what's the point in having air Burst when you can just use incendiary breaker the moment they fix the fire the fire dot bug cuz even after they Nerf fire damage which they probably will you just use this I just killed two guys shooting randomly it's going to work this time sure it works his time add pen he'd already be dead probably but last it didn't work out but last it didn't work out sample wow wow that's on me request approved deoy I don't see so many charges here deploying support weapons so when do you guys think I'm supposed to fire the gun just at what point here do y' all just never get a w pressed on you against the bugs they just never ever hold the young W what difficulty do y'all play on cuz I'm I'm definitely noticing some ween Hut Jor remarks I can't even fire right now I'll it'll die anti-air request approv on it way now administered it's kind of nuts how much damage that thing just destroyed those kg the goat reload this is just a nightmare of mass proportions here but maybe it's a maybe it's a big difference in group play if I do this it's going be the longest video I've ever made nah it'll be kind of close though I no shot out of no shot dude you're K there is no Universe where that makes any sense reinforce I don't get how and people defend it people defend this stuff it's crazy orbital strike incoming structure destroy frames want to buy frames mire I ain't going for full CRA I'm just not having a good time doing it that's the sad part for me I was I was so excited to play this weapon when it first had the whole ordeal and I know it's improving but at this point I'm not it's not that I'm disappointed in how the weapon came out necessarily I'm annoyed at how the players are reacting to it cuz before they even before they even knew it was scuffed they're defending it no it's good it's good it's good you're just you're not using against the the air units if they make a weapon it's only for a units that's a terrible idea and I'm not sure weapon said anywhere it's only for air I think players just made that up entirely they just they heard one person say it and when one person says it they repeat it like the seal from fighting Nemo 24 that's pretty good almost died for it though if one of those if a single cluster if one cluster hits you it's GG what can I say it's big old Jers all right so what's the dealio here I do have 10 minutes Mission at 10 minutes remain okay attack I can't kill the charger in a meaningful time frame I really should have done the objectives before finishing the mission cuz now there's a lot more patrols and I can't ever reload my gun to use it you're going to kill so many more things with other tools because you can't reload your weapon we got to tell these game developers and I mean all game developers sitting there reloading is one of the most boring things you can force a player to do but they love it if you haven't played Remnant 2 you should try if you ever get a chance actually nah it takes you far to unlock weapons in that game Remnant 2 a glorified puzzle game I have a I have 400 hours in that video game and for the longest time I loved it but now I don't know I just feel some kind of way reloading sucks reloading is a good thing to have you just shouldn't make it 7 seconds I have time now for sure can't fire it though I'll die you shoot above them 10 kills proed tot for folks are wondering I do enjoy the game I just think that there's some things they do that tilt me beyond belief for no reason things they should tilt all players in the grand scheme of things 21 can you do something for me talk to the Ops next for meag back at the fight and this was the easier Mission 100% deploying equipment package last reload oh my God weird Miss click it's on me I love you I love it so much that's all me though do it uning democracy of democracy get there is no time to R my gun especially not now there wasn't time before and now there's a lot more patrols happening I [Applause] need I know I have I have some stuff over here still I don't know where CU there is no marker but it's over here somewhere I see it get back some stamina no way don't jump through the building minutes left we can't stay this low much longer I mean you can you just don't want to eal strike I like how orbital strike is going to miss and it also takes way longer to come in than the nuke it didn't miss but the balance doesn't make any sense man AV so there was a mission where I said I couldn't really use my edit the anti-tank I couldn't sit there and stop and wait for that to drop down that's the same thing here except I can't use my primary weapon just like you wouldn't be able to use a record lless necessarily not ideally at least oral strike there's just not time to hit the young reload [Applause] skis there's another bug coming here momentarily reload for Prosperity I just want to finish this of Wilber took out my legs request Dey reinforcements at this point I don't even need the air burst in fact I'd have I wouldn't have extra lives but potentially I'd have more lives right now if I just didn't have ever at all lost reload say hello to democracy you will never destroy our way of life the frames are not existent at this point even right here you you can't fire it things get too close too quick on the bug planets that you cannot fire the air burst meaningfully you will just die okay well go and chock up not having that to uh just to the cards we were played sending down support weapon one minute remains destroy your departure imminent they could still land even SC to addition reinforc fing it hit something I'm just not sure what and they're spread as well wait aim above them you're not aiming above them bro you're aiming directly at them okay I would like to extract sweet Liberty my [Music] arm say hello to democracy Super Destroyer leaving low orbit emergency extra shuttle deployed I kind of need that wait I don't to be wait wait wait I don't have to be the extraction point I always forget that there is now there's not no way to kill it but I don't think it's going to be an ideal way to kill it now to kill anything anything that's heavier Elite ETA tus 2 minutes 30 seconds I don't think we're making out of here bro I do not believe that one beat for prosity if there's any heals in here and there usually is any supplies ETA tus 2 minutes I couldn't grabb grenades because there's a random interact thing right there it's unfortunate love that for me so this was an incendiary breaker video at least this part was I'm not sure if I'm doing the full video yet debating it and I was I was hopeful going into this too I had in the back of my mind I had the feeling that it wouldn't be ideal just because of how things go but I was still hopeful and I seemed like it but I was I shouldn't be here cuz he's a run he's a track [Music] star this should be reloaded I'm so bad about that minute I'm getting back stamina L going off all right shouldn't be at the the evat quite yet the come on dude I could go grab some supplies ETA te going those little Boba things is scary if he hits me and I get launched back into the crowd it's over it's wraps Z it's a dangerous reload pelic one arriving at coordinates all right we did it this is pelic one preparing for Touchdown okay spoke almost too soon countown initi standby for takeoff those guys don't jump on me in injury just go what injury we're good extraction complete I absolutely hate this weapon solo it it's terrible and not not just solo I can't say that yet but I'm pretty sure it's bad I'm putting the group play first cuz it's more genuine doing that I could put this first but people would just be like you're complaining blah BL blah try the weapon on seven difficulty plus with randoms and let me know if it's a good time or not weapons should be good enough that you can play them solo and have a decent time that's a great benchmark cuz if you're playing the game and your weapon sucks if your team doesn't help you that is a garbage experience we're not playing raids we're playing random missions that aren't that complicated if we had raids I could see having more of a structured roll for weapons we don't really have those the content is not hard yet the in fact the only reason the content is hard at all is because of arbitrary difficulty but that's Bes that's the point it just doesn't make any sense to have a weapon that takes you 7 Seconds to reload that can kill you more than it can kill the enemy that requires so much finesse for so little payoff that should not be a complicated thing to to comprehend but it is why I don't get it a new PR though 934 934 by spamming pretty much just the breaker and a few other things if I had the quazar Canon there I could have done so much more I could have I could I could Rock quazar Cannon gas strike air burst strike and napom strike that'd be fun air strike sucks if you want to be useless playing this weapon be my guest you can tell everyone in the world it's a great gun you can do that you'd be lying the whole time but you could do that as it turns out the pocket classy is even worse in a group because you now have more people people things that can trigger the proximity on the rocket and have it explode far sooner than you want it to you can't play as a group either if you are in a group you have to be so far away from your teammates that you don't kill them or yourself it's such a hassle and for what you could just use airburst strike the strategy gas strike if there's no dot bug napom strike if there's no host dot bug and all of a sudden you do the same job but better you have flyers in the sky bring incendiary breaker if there there's no dot bug and you now have a far better anti-air weapon if there's gunships you can't use this weapon to take them out and if you can it's not very meaningful or impactful just use the autoc cannon It Takes Two Shots the engine there is no reason for the weapon to exist if its purpose is for anti-air there's no reason for it to exist if it's only meant to Kill Light units that is a garbage design I hope it's not the intention if it is they got to lock it in this is just common sense stuff I'm not a Dev but I play the game enough that I have a decent understanding of what's actually enjoyable and I know people may disagree and say that's not fun you have no idea I've been playing games for a living for a long time now I have a decent understanding of what makes a game fun most of what I say not most a lot of what I some of the things I say end up happening and to great detail and extent of what I described them as you can look at my Tik toks and all the videos where folks are ragging on me you have no idea what the game you don't like it don't play it I like the games I wouldn't be talking about if I didn't like the game but this weapon is so damn bad it's frustrating it really is I I've waking up every day trying to have a good time playing the game and this and the spear have soed the enjoyment because they just don't work
Channel: OhDough
Views: 59,244
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: helldivers 2, helldivers, helldivers 2 stratagems, helldivers 2 airburst rocket launcher, helldivers 2 tips, helldivers 2 review, helldivers 2 ps5, helldivers 2 airburst rocket, helldivers 2 new stratagems, helldivers 2 team killing, helldivers 2 solo, helldivers 2 airburst rocket launcher solo, helldivers 2 airburst rocket launcher helldive, helldivers 2 gameplay, helldiver difficulty, helldivers 2 max difficulty solo, airburst strike, precisions strike
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 18sec (2958 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 28 2024
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