Helldivers 2 All 51 Stratagems Tier List

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the strategy of the hell D series are what really sets it apart from other games and today I'm going to walk you through which ones I think are best to use and which ones I think you should avoid putting in your hell pod all right we're going to start out with the strategems from the hanger in my opinion some of the best and one of the worst Strat of the game cuz you know what starting with the good ones makes for an interesting YouTube video and here we are the strafing run now the strafing run is unlocked only level two for only, 1500 credits that's real nice only problem is it's an early game strateg it doesn't do much it's going to fall off real quick for like level two missions this takes out some bugs real nice you know if they're a nice straight line this thing does come in quick I'll give it it comes in quick but other than that it's a d it just doesn't do much moving on to another Eagle stratum that I think is far better also unlocked at level two 4,000 credit at 1500 the eagle air strike early game unlock does a ton of damage I'm still using this more mid to late game it can take out buildings it can take out large terms of of bugs and robots it can take out factories and things anything you need it can take it all out and comes in quick I will say it's a little tough to sometimes aim the direction of the run where it drops the bombs and can kind of end up killing your friends so that's keeping it out of s but I'm giv this an a now another fantastic early game unlock in the hanger is the eagle cluster strike much smaller bombs than the actual air strike but is fantastic foring out large terms of enemies in early to even kind of mid game swarms once get up to like Chargers and bile Titans and stuff this thing's not going to do much but for early swarms of bugs early starms of light robots this thing does some awesome damage it's a level three unlock also cost 4,000 so that's super early game based on that it doesn't have as much longevity in the game I'm going to give it a b though next up in the hanger is the Napal Eagle Strike I'm conflicted on this one it's good at blocking off areas and it's very situational if you've got a choke point if you got a couple Hills and you're trying to like defend an objective between those Hills awesome because then everything has to go go through the fire otherwise some stuff can get around it and doesn't really get damaged by the fire it's good to for like a bug breach you can drop right in the bug breach and do a bunch of damage but since this is so situational and I might rather just have like an air strike or something I'm going to put it in C here okay I genuinely don't understand why the jump pack is in the hanger it's a level eight unlock 6,000 credits but it's not an eagle why is this in the hanger this should be in the backpacks and support stuff whatever not the point the jump pack is very fun though you can use this to get up on high points which I have found having The High Ground is actually very helpful as obon Kenobi has just said in bug missions I have found this to be really helpful cuz nothing can shoot back at you except for some of the spits we don't worry about those I've literally just stood up on hills and taken out Chargers before cuz they're just looking at me like oh crap how do I get up there so you know what I'm give the jump pack in a just because of that ability to get up to high points you normally can't all righty my first one I have some strong negative opinions on the eagle smoke strike it's a level eight unlock for 4,000 credits so still fairly early game not too bad to get but it doesn't do much against the bugs not really useful at all they just continue running at you enemies they don't care against the robots it does block them from Target you and firing on you but only for a short time while the Smoke's there and honestly when it goes away they just all target you again so great for a quick reprieve to call them some allies but this thing's just taken up where other strategems could be and not doing damaged is not the way I manage democracy so light Breeze On A midsummer's Eve all right 110 mm rocket pods I don't know what the hell A millimeter is that's already throwing me off but level 10 unlock 7500 credits this tier does Target higher Health enemies first which is nice but I feel like it doesn't do enough damage them to like wipe them out like this thing isn't taking out a charger in one hit which just kind of feels like the purpose of it so I'm going to leave this as C because it is nice to have it highly targeted and not you know wipe out your allies or yourself oh we've got a fun one here the 500 kg bomb still don't know what kilograms are I don't know when the metric system at all but level 15 unlock 10,000 credits so more mid game unlock here but this thing is awesome this drops one single huge bomb right on a Target this thing if you land this right on a charger or something right on a big robot boom dead no problem piece of cake it is pretty Limited in its area you would think for how big of a bomb is it would have a wider damage radius but for targeting High health things this is awesome I am going to put it up to the S of playing because this thing it's wiping anything out in its [Music] radius all right let's Mosey our way on over to the Patriotic Administration Center here or also known as guns you can pick up with your character and move around the machine gun is our first one it's a level one unlock you get it when you download the game first mission you got this thing and honestly I love it I still use the machine gun for Mission sometimes it does good damage it's awesome at clearing out waves of small enemies highle missions you really want to take out those weak enemies quick before they summon in the real strong guys so machine gun great at just lay into them it's a little bit tough to control with the recoil but if you get used to it get used to pulling down on the mouse and joystick and whatnot not terrible to control in my opinion I'm giving it an a I love this gun anti- material rifle it's a sniper level two unlock 5,000 credits unlock it's nice you get a scope which is cool because most things game have pretty weak Scopes you can see further with this you can take out some large enemies before you even alert them that you're there it's nice for taking out like armored bugs in my opinion does some good damage to robots too but like the bugs that have the real armored face looking at you this thing will wipe them up pop them in the head they're done other than that it's very situational and like once you start getting to the large starms later in the game it really falls off because low ammo low fire rate CD for me I think I'm going to put it in D just cuz it falls off pretty quickly all right another one I've got some strong opinions on the stall wart it's another machine gun unlock at level two 3500 credits I don't like it I'm going to come on and say it I don't like it at all I think the base machine gun is better in every respect this one here says lighter ammo less recoil to deal with I have had no issue getting used to the recoil to heavier machine gun this thing just does less damage the only slight plus is you can reload it while you're running the main machine gun you have to sit down and reload this can reload your running but everything else no light breze on midsummer's Eve I don't like it at all use the main machine gun all right up next here for our personal guns we got the Expendable anti-tank level three unlock 3,000 credits early game explosive tube you can ye large grenades at the enemies with big fan of that but there is a better one coming up The Recoil rifle perhaps that really pushes this down a lot because it's just a better version this thing only gets one shot low call in time 70 seconds you can get another one pretty quick but you only get one shot if you miss you're screwed so that's a d for me hey would you look at that here it is the recall rifle I was just talking about two levels later that's why I'm not a fan of the recall this rifle level five 6,000 credits still fairly early game online this is the same idea except it's reloadable it comes with an ammo backpack your friend can hold an ammo backpack and shove these into the tube real fast you can just be blowing up enemies with this awesome far better B maybe even an a I'm thinking a all right the flamethrower here is an interesting one level 10 6,000 credits little bit further into the game unlock where you're probably doing some harder missions which hurts it a little because shoots fire at enemies doesn't have a great range you be fairly close nice at wiping out weak enemies but once you're getting to this point in the game you're running into some much more significant enemies and I feel like it just doesn't keep up I really wouldn't take this at all I'm not a fan it's going in light breeze on a mids Eve another weapon you can use with the homies a big fan of that by the way the auto Cannon level 10 unlock 7,000 credits getting more towards mid game stuff here this thing just shoots large bullets at enemies fairly quick if you have a friend reloading if you have to reload yourself it's pretty slow but does good damage can't complain that's a B for me we've got a fun one here in the rail gun level 20 unlocked 10,000 credits so we're getting much later in the game but I will say I have had Fairly good luck finding these in Supply caches on the ground so I've gotten to use it a fair good bit even before I unlocked it so you know what I'm a fan I'm a massive fan of this you hold down to charge it up you can't overcharge and blow yourself up so watch out on that one but insane damage Yim for head shot on this you're taking stuff out there's very few things this can't take out it's an S for me it's simply an s just be sure not to blow yourself up all righty the spear here is a fun one it's a level 20 unlock as well 9,000 credits it's a rocket launcher which is cool it's got an extra ammo backpack you use with your friends again which is cool but it's got a slow locking time does insane damage by the way way better than the main rocket launcher but slow locking time got to stand really stationary and when you're us this on High level missions standing stationary kind of tends to get you killed a little bit so I'm going to put it in B I like like it but I don't think it's fantastic for where you get all right moving on to the or cannons you know the big guns that sit outside the ship and whatnot first up is the orbital Gatling barrage level two unlock 1,500 credits for a level two unlock I'm taking the eagle air strike over this any day doesn't do much damage takes out little enemies just fine but unless you're trying to take out just little cockroaches and stuff it's it's not worth it in my opinion there's much better stuff you can take at this level just it's a d for me I'm not going to put it as a light midsummer's Breeze because it does do damage early game but it falls off real quick orbital air burst strike level five unlock 4,000 credits I don't find it doing that much damage it's good at taking out a large stor of really weak enemies you got a whole big horde of bugs or something bop them with this it's fine it's just fine that's all I have to say about it I don't like it I don't hate it it's a c all right we're getting into here a couple that I personally feel very conflicted about the 120 M HD barrage one of the conf fictions don't know what A millimeter is still level five unlock 4,000 credits it's nice it does some good damage but it's fairly inacurate fairly slow to fire I just don't feel like it does as much as I want it to it's super cool to be shooting down giant shells from space and having them hit and I would love if that Fela did more but they're kind of slow and accurate I just see it's it's mid again same story for the 380 mm H here level eight unlock 7500 credits it's just kind of inaccurate in slow this thing does much more damage I'll say that it'll take out some buildings real good it'll take out some bug holes real good but you can't be close to this thing when you call it in it's so inaccurate if anyone's even in the general vicinity they're done for which is good for the enemies so it does do more damage I think that's going to put up to a B for me but I just wish it did more I wanted to do more cuz I want to use it it's it's big bullets from space that's awesome but it doesn't do it enough for really knock it up the list for me all right now here's one it gets a little more interesting it's level 10 unlock 75 credits the orbital walking barrage this is much more targeted I find this to be far more accurate and do better damage because it'll just walk forward in the line and start taking stuff out so if you've got a robot storm coming towards you it's actually real nice to use for that this kind of bumps it up for me and like of the orbitals I'm going to give it an a honestly it's it's nice to use does good damage and far more controllable than these lower level ones here all right now here's an orbit one that I am a big fan of the orbital Laser Level 10 unlock 7500 credits not too far into the game and it's a big laser from space that melts enemies you throw this down it starts targeting stuff and wipe them out I love it I'm a massive fan of this it's an S does great damage melts High Health enemies fairly easy to not kill yourself your team with it's an S all right IO another one again I love the orbital rail Cannon strike level 20 unlock 10,000 credits much further than the game but this thing is insane it's a rail Cannon you remember the rail gun how good that was that's in an S where do you think this is going going this is a rail cannon from space and it sticks to enemies you got a charger coming at you throw this thing at its head it's dead easy boom instantly I love the rail Cannon I can't say how much I love the rail Cannon it's so fun too it's a big bullet from space and it does so much more than the previous big bullets from space I'm rambling now all right let's ski datle on up to the bridge here with our other level one unlock the orbital Precision strike instantly everything in the aame you get it it just calls in a Precision strike from space not much more to say does great damage early game can take out some stuff real well awesome at taking out buildings you got a building you got to deal with poop it with this falls off pretty quick with the damage and unlike the rail Cannon this doesn't stick to stuff so that kind of hurts things I'm going to put it in a c you can use it for a while in the game but it does fall off pretty quick with some of the other stuff you unlock ah the orbital gas strike level two unlock 4,000 credits don't don't use it I I'm not a fan at all you poison yourself I don't feel like it does much damage that's a light Breeze On A midsummer's Eve it's like a stanky light Breeze cuz it's gas level five 6,000 credits orbitally a strike here I'm mixed on this one I feel like this is definitely meant for the robot front shock the robots slow them down hit them with other bigger stuff and it does do that job well you can slow down the robots you can hit them with other bigger stuff so if you like combos filling your friends with like an air strike very nice but on its own doesn't do that much I'm going to leave it at C cuz it definitely has its situational use but I haven't found myself taking it too much orbal smoke strike is a level eight unlock for 4,000 credits I've made my feelings on smoke known so we know where this is going to end up but I want to talk a little bit about while I was making this list I had a thought I feel like smoke would be so much more powerful if you're hell over got like smoke penetrating goggles or something so like the enemies can't shoot at you but you can shoot back at them just fine I feel like that would upgrade smoke a lot but for now this goes in light Breeze On A midsummer's Eve because it's it's just smoke the HMG in placement it's a level 10 unlock 10,000 credits it's nice in concept it's basically a turret that you can control which is nice because then you know you won't shoot your allies likely you can aim at Targets you want to but you're tying yourself up with a job that a turret can do just fine that means you're tying up yourself or another friend that can't call in strategems can't relocate and relocating this game is huge I feel like movement in this game is key because if you stay static something's going to get you you can get shot by a robot both going to jump on your face you got to keep moving so that lack of movement and tying up a hell diver gives it a d for me Shield generator this was a fun one it's a level 10 unlock as well 9,000 credits a little bit cheaper than that HMG might I say but this drops down a big bubble Shield to throw around you I like it you can shoot out of it enemies can't shoot into it awesome for the Bots I tell you what keep away some of that gunfire but also a very static position type thing if you're trying to protect an objective maybe trying to get some civilians to save you or something it's nice I don't know that it's that nice I feel like it's very limited use great for extracts maybe I'm really debating between B and C here as I'm thinking about now now that I'm talking about the extracts I really like that I'm going to put it in C it's definitely got its uses but it's not fantastic final unlock of the bridge here is the Tesla tower level 15 unlock 8,000 credits it's big zap zap time here this thing shoots lightning bolts at stuff and electricity has a very interesting way it works in this game it can travel through enemies which is very nice the problem though it can also travel into allies so if that's traveling through some enemies and your Ally gets close zap zap or if this travels through a bug into yourself that sucks does great damage wipes things out well but it's a huge danger to your team in my opinion so I'm going to put it as a c just make sure not to get too close to this thing if you do use [Music] it moving on down to the tinkerers in the engineering Bay they've cooked up an anti-personnel Minefield layer here which is available at level two for 1,500 credits I personally am not a fan I've tried it a couple times I find with like the movement in this game I mentioned before with the HMG you're moving around a lot more often than not you may be trying to push them back and go forward you're going back like no matter where you lay this you're probably going to run into it at some point or even if you're just like running around later the you're not fighting stuff you might run into this when you laid it down earlier you blow yourself up your friends don't know it's there they blow themselves up it's just it goes in light Breeze On A midsummer's Eve cuz I don't want you to use it not because it doesn't do damage it does damage but it does too much damage to your own team all right moving in the complete different Direction with the engineering Bay here the supply pack it's available at level two 4,000 credits I cannot say enough how good the supply pack is you get four ammo reloads that you just stick on your back you can give them to yourself you can give them to friends this thing is insane I think this is absolutely critical to take if you're playing solo because you will need the reloads and if you're playing a team I think it is very important to have at least one person take the supply pack certainly not everyone needs to take it that's not worthwhile but at least have one person take this and a even a bonus of the supply pack here if you call in a resupply it can suck up all the things in resupply put it right in the backpack boom mobile resupply that's an S that's an easy s always take this if you're playing solo take it yourself if you're playing a squad make sure one person has it the grenade launcher another one I'm very fond of it's a level five unlock 6,000 credits kind of expensive for that early in the game but it is awesome I love it I've done some solo playing I've done some team playing this is a must take for solo playing in my opinion you can shoot these grenades into bug holes to take them out you can shoot them into bot factories to take them out it gets a little hairier when you're playing with a team because these things sometimes like to bounce off of bugs and bounce towards your allies I've definitely taken out some friends with this thing before but I think it's an S not as strong an S as the backpack I was talking about but it is awesome to take works early game works late game I love it we got a very interesting one in the laser cannon level five unlock 4,000 credits fairly easy to get ear the game Super tempting because it doesn't use ammo it's got its own battery in it however the hell it keeps running I have no idea just got to make sure you don't overheat it great for ice planets if it did more damage wouldn't overheat on Ice planets as much but it just doesn't do that much damage in my opinion I don't know I don't feel like I'm taking stuff out fast enough I feel like you get overrun when I'm using this thing so it's a d for me incendiary mines level eight unlock 4,000 credits my statement on mines stands you're going to take out yourself and your teammate just just don't take the mines there's better stuff to take at this point just don't don't touch the mines please all right here's someone I have some thoughts on the guard dog Rover it's a level 10 unlock 7500 credits it's a robot that flies around and follows you and it's got a big laser on it it's nice that it follows you and takes St out with the laser that's honestly super cool but it is definitely a danger to yourself and others turrets I'm not too bad with because they're stationary you know where the turret is you can keep in mind all right turret's there got to make sure I stay out of line of fire this thing moves it's going to move around to start taking St out so it's kind of unpredictable I'm going to put it in a c very dangerous to yourself and your team but it does do good damage and it's a turret that follows you around that also doesn't run out of ammo because of the laser the ballistic shield backpack here it's a level 12 unlock 6,000 credits this feels like it'd be very good if it was like a level two unlock you could use it early game block some bot gunfire early on but level 12 there's a lot more going on I feel like this does not protect you well enough that's a light Breeze On A midsummer's Eve I really don't think it's worth taking ah the ark thrower level 15 unlock 7,000 credits my thoughts on electricity stand this is a very interesting one it does some good damage and it's mobile so you can control it a little better than the tower but this does still Arc through stuff which means it can Arc into your teammates I haven't had it Arc into myself before but it can definitely Arc into your teammates let me tell you what so good damage danger to others for sure I think we're going to give it a b it's a bit more controllable than the tower but still definitely end danger to others the little brother to the stationary bubble Shield The Shield gener generator Pack level 20 unlock 10,000 credits little bit more mid game but you know what you're going to need this thing for late game this thing can defend from some bot lasers charger coming at you you'll bounce right off and you won't take damage this thing is a lifesaver when tons of damage is flying around in the game cuz there'll be things you miss there's things you can't Dodge this thing will keep you from getting blown up I love this Shield there's other backpacks I like taking so it's not an every time take for me so it keeps out of s but that's an a the defense on this is insane for late all right let's go talk to the AI experts in the robotics Workshop because we have got some Sentry turrets here the machine gun sentury is a level two unlock for only 1,00 credits you can get this thing right away I'm a big fan of this early game does good damage keeps the small enemies off your back also keeps some bullets in your back because it does not care if you're in the way it'll just keep shooting anyways but in my opinion it's kind of a built-in learning tool to keep you to stay away from turrets later in the game and kind of learn about about paying attention to where your turret is and learning about turret placements you know what it's a learning strategy does good damage it's a B for me the Gatling Sentry is basically just a faster firing version of the machine gun Sentry it's a level five unlock 4,000 credits great for taking out the higher Health enemies my only big gripe with it is it has very low ammo I feel like this thing just retracts its way back into the ground real quick so I am honestly going to put it down at a c I love the damage and the high volume of fire output but it just goes away too quick all right we've got a bit of a um divisive a say in the community I've seen people hate this I've seen people love it it's the mortar sentury it's a level eight unlock 7,000 credits me and my friends have affectionately named this thing lucky because you're lucky if you don't get hit by a shelf of this it targets enemies much like the other turrets do but as the enemies get closer to you that means there's mortars flying out from the sky at you as well so this thing is insane at keeping enemies away from your position once they start to get close and overrun you things getting a little hairy but the damage output is ridiculous and this uses ammo pretty slow so I feel like this thing stays out for a long time this can be awesome at more mid-range Missions at keeping things away from your positions not giving it an S because of the potential to blow up your team very easily but I am giving it an a for that wild damage moving on down the list we've got the standard guard dog here it's a level 10 unlock 7500 credits like the normal guard dog Rover but this thing just has a gun instead of a laser I not a huge fan I don't feel like it does that much damage it's nice that it follows you but having a laser tape to a robot fing around is so much cooler than just like a Glock tape to a robot so eh it's a d for me I gave the handheld autoc Cannon before a b now we've got the autoc cannon Sentry that's a level 13 unlock 6,000 credits this thing is awesome melts enemies puts out big bullets throws big bullets at enemies I love that that is my S tier turret you want an S tier turret Auto Canon Sentry much less damage to your own team too because little more controllable where it's going because because it's not an arc fire straight line Fire coming in at a level 15 unlock here 7500 credits we've got the rocket Sentry I love the personal rocket launcher the rocket Sentry is also good now this targets High Health enemies much like the 110 mm rocket pods from earlier but again the same thing kind of feels to be true where it doesn't do enough damage to High Health enemies where I'd almost rather this thing be shooting at like swarms of low Health enemies and taking out big piles of them so it does good damage but the AIM for High Health enemies almost feels like it hurts it so I'm going to put it in B rounding out our list of unlocks off here we've got the EMS mortar Sentry level 20 unlock 8,000 credits little later in the game and I've made my thoughts known on the EMS effects from before doesn't seem like it does that much it slows things down that's good but this one I'm a bigger fan of because it's a mortar Sentry which means it's outputting them constantly for a good portion of time which means it gives you enough time to throw in other high damage stuff unlike the single m strike that wears off pretty quick this outputs some continuous EMS so drop down a 500 kilogram bomb on stuff why don't you maybe an air strike I am going to put this up to an a this feels real good on the bot front where you can slow them down all right rounding out our list here we've got a few more things are available right at level one here this is the resupply it's a basic thing in the game you need more ammo resupply you need some more gear resupply stems grenades everything but this has a little hidden secret did you know you can throw this at Chargers or other large things Stick it to their face and drop the resupply directly on their head and kill them I love this this is such a nice little feature that it sticks to things so not only do you get ammo back it's got an offensive capability I'm going to give it an S because it is vital to the game and you can kill stuff with it now I love how they've set up matchmaking this game with the SOS Beacon you call down help from random people on the internet I unfortunately have not been able to to join a single random game yet I've been playing mostly with friends but a couple times I got on solo I'm like hey let's join some random people let's see how it goes I have never connected to a game successfully and I feel like when you throw this down you don't get much help cuz people have trouble connecting I hope they ear on that out in the future Game's new there's bugs I totally understand I'm sure it'll work well in the future you can also pop things in the head of this that's cool so I'm just going to give it a b cuz I don't really know what else to do with it it's a utility matchmaking thing I don't really know what I'm talking about anymore we're going to move on same thoughts as the resupply bring your friends back and you can possibly Bop things in the head because you can stick it to things it'll follow them around now your teammates do have to steer it in which I have found to be fair hard to successfully steer in and actually land in the thing you want to I swear I usually land right next to it and a charger just kind of hits me in the face and I need to respawned again so not as useful as the resupply for killing things but it's an a because it brings your teammates back you got to have this you just need it finishing off our list last but not least we have got the hell bomb now I love the hell bomb because it's such a cool build in feature there's plenty of optional objectives in the game and the devs could have said hey you didn't bring a building Destroyer you can't do the optional objective where you got to take out the scientific lab but they said you know what no we want them to build 100% every level here's a hell bomb here's a massive bomb you can throw down and take out buildings in case you forgot a strategy that could do it I love this does insane damage called in it's meant to do the side tasks but it's not like you use this thing to take out like hey man there's a big bug over there calling a hell bomb it's meant for tasks but great damage I love that they thought that into the game so that you can 100% every level if you want to I'm going to give it an a if you found this list here informative helpful angering even if you disagreed with them I'd love you have a comment down below told me your favorite strems to use and if you really like this video consider hitting that like And subscribe button thanks and I'll see you guys next [Music] time
Channel: Nate's Game Box
Views: 7,365
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: rHosJqqR4GA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 56sec (1616 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 02 2024
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