Helldivers 2 - the new eagle strafing run is tons of fun

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hey everyone hope you're having a great day I also hope you've been enjoying the new patch with hell divers 2 as much as I have I've been doing a lot of experimenting with not only the new war bond but also all the adjustments to the strategems they've made minor tweaks to most things but they've also given a lot of attention to certain ones such as the rocket Sentry the orbital Gatling barrage and the topic for this video The Eagle strafing Run delivering payload another Triumph from managed and before the patch the Eagle strafing Run was was you know pretty useless it was good for only one thing and that was just killing lightly armored enemies and could it killed the medium armored ones yeah but you really shouldn't expect that to happen most of the time scavengers and the bot Troopers will go down but the Warriors and Devastators will come out of the strafing Run only slightly damag it virtually had no effect on heavy units and maybe once in a while in a blue moon it's able to destroy a bug hole and a b fabricator but now it's a lot more useful now is it overpowered no is it a must take in higher ulties also no but if you were to bring it with you in your hell Dives it's at least now viable and that itself is something we're celebrating over so what happened you know what flipped the script for the strafing run and reviewing the patch notes it didn't get a list of changes the same way the rocket pods the rocket Sentry or the galling barrage did it's fair to say that it only got one real change you can't argue that giving it one more colon was a change and you know sure I'll give you that but it's not really an impactful change if we were talking about the same old strafing run all this tells me this extra Colin is that I get to be disappointed one more time before it needs to be rearmed but this right here the increased armor penetration is all that it took to now make it useful and in terms of what this usefulness look like it went from only being able to help deal with the most basic of enemies to now being able to take out enemy structures such as Sher nest and Sport Towers if you're able to line it up you can take out multiple nests in the same colon and this usage also extends to the automatons with its ability to take out Cannon turrets motor placements and when it comes to Heavies it's able to assist in taking them down as well and if they're damaged enough it can even beat the nail in the coffin the Eagle strafing Run is now at a point where it can pretty much take out every unit in the game even up to the baltin democ has and a factory Strider democ has well and beyond all of that it's still very good at addressing the light and medium arburn enemies and you get the call it in up to five times so like my other deep that videos I wanted to explore the entire ins and out of the Eagle strafing Run and here's a quick rundown of what to expect we're first going to cover the basics of the strafing run and explore a little bit more about the behavior and the Damage next we're going to review its use cases against the terminates and against the automatons identifying situations where it shines and possible pitfalls with of strategy then I'll share some neat tips and tricks that I learned while using it since it was updated and I'll close it out with my final thoughts so getting right into it the ship management menu has a very simple and clean description for the Eagle strafing Run a strafing run on the battlefield de clear a small targets delivered almost instantly in this description and video example the players can identify one the intended target and two the method of delivery from the video example you can see that the area of effect is narrow meaning you'd ideally want to use this on choke points or when enemies are lined up directly in front of you to maximize the effectiveness by itself the strifing Run has four Callins but you can get up to five by purchasing the expanded weapons based ship module upgrade I highly recommend saving up for this as being able to get an additional call-in on all your Eagles is helpful across the board it is also the only Eagle air strike to not have the explosive trait next to it but it is able to take out structure and deal with armored enemies the same way explosive weapons and strats are able to it's just a little odd cuz even the eagle smoke strike has the explosive trait listed you know but moving on bringing it in game we can see exactly how the strafing Run works when you call it in Eagle one's flight path will be directly behind you and the rounds for the strafing run will be even visible before the aircraft is the area effect as mentioned before is long and narrow and the range seems to be 65 M which is very long and the width of the strafing Run seems to be very small which is maybe I want to say between 5 to 10 m one quick note about the rounds being fired since they are fired pretty much at the start of Eagle one's flight path they are delivered at a steep angle so avoid throwing this while standing on a cliff to enemies right below you you will get hit and you will get turned into hamburger meat now when to comes at a question of is it better against the terminates or the automatons it does well against both but I think it does better against the terminats terminats will always try to approach you and get close to you so if you're able to run and position yourself where they are all following you in a line you'll get a lot of value out of a single straight draing run on higher difficulties multiple bug breaches will spawn at a time normally three and if you're able to you can move in a spot or we can get Firepower down on all three of them when you call it in you won't be able to wipe all of the bugs that emerge from the holes but you'll be able to get a lot of good damage in many of the enemies including brute commanders Hive guards and even stalkers can all die to a single strafing run for Chargers the basic ones The increased armor penetration can help you consistently take it out in three calls against a more durable Behemoth charger it could take you maybe five however I had a lot of success and positioning myself behind the Chargers and calling the strafing run right next to their backside even if it won't kill them outright one call in from this position is enough to chunk the flesh off and have them eventually bleed out it is able to take out Spore towers and Sher nest and it does a great job of disposing of the terminate eggs from afar before the patch I would say the stra Fring one will be able to take out a bug hole in one every 20 but now it feels like it does it every 1 and four so I'm not saying you should always use this for the sole purpose of taking out bu holes but if you did want to soften up a nest of some bugs you might as well will try to line up The Bu hole at the end to see if you get lucky for the batt Titan specifically a strafing run is able to kill them all by itself but you'll need multiple calls for that and for me it range between 7 to 9 and since the area of Effectiveness for the strafing run is long and narrow you want to try and throw it when facing the B TI directly so that the bullets will be able to coat the entire body of the B TI when against the automatons you'll be using the Eagle strifing Run in similar ways you want to find places or cut enemies in a way where they will line up nicely for you to get a good call in enemies are aren't normally grouped up the same way they are for the termined so you may not be getting the same level of Effectiveness all the time but there are still places where you'll be able to get decent value from it one of course are the bot drops the strafing run from my experience is not able to take out the bot drops and calling in on enemies before they drop we just have to Dropship tanking most of the bullets you should wait first until the enemies drop then line yourself up in the way where you can get most out of one strafing run and then throw it another situation we like to call this in on are for Cannon turrets because they are IM mobile enemies so you don't have to worry about them moving all the time I was able to call in a strafing run from the side the front and the back of a Canon turret and still destroy it it's also able to deal with a fair amount of the automaton structures you are able to take out B Fabricators a lot more consistent before similar to The Bu holes you're also able to take out a motar in placement in a single colon and although you can take out the command bunker entirely the Eagle strafing Run is able to take out the cannon turrets on top after maybe two to three colins when it comes to enemies themselves it's able to do a great job at taking out or at least damaging the medium armored enemies such as Devastators scou Riders and Berserkers it is possible to kill a Hulk and if you're approaching it from the front it may take you all five strafing runs and you'll do a lot better attacking from behind maybe taking only three to four the strafing run is also able to disable an arm off a Hulk which is very helpful and against tanks you may need also maybe four to five colins and for the factory Striders it can take them down as well but same for the B Titans it could be around 7 to n in those 7 to9 cins you'll be able to chip away at it taking out the cannon turret on its back and the mountain machine guns near the head something in both enemies enemy factions is also a great place to use this are enemy Patrols in patrols enemies are already grouped up closely and although not perfectly single file they're still nicely lined up in a way for you to affect them all in a single strafing run the only thing here you got to worry about is your positioning so make sure you're correctly either behind them or in front of them when you call it in additionally the strafing run because of its 60-ish MERS of range is great to use when you're approaching objectives against the automatons you're able to clear up fences and create rotations clear up the barb wire that slows and hurts you and get rid of any contact mines of the eagal hits against the terminat you're able to thin out the lightly armored bugs clear out the annoying bug mines that slow you down when you contact them and just pave a way to the terminal and complete the objective in terms of what mission is best to bring this on unfortunately I did not see it when testing it but I do believe that the evacuate high value Asset mission is a great place to use for the Eagle strafing Run enemies will be funnel through the map in these set checkpoints and I believe the strafing run will just shine in those situations moving on now I just wanted to wrap up the whole enemy structure section by saying that it can also destroy the illegal broadcast tower but it cannot destroy the Rogue research station it can also open up any storage containers but cannot destroy any other of the super Earth structure such as those blue house-like buildings when it comes to load out options the Eagle strafing Run is now at a place where we can address a lot of situations and this is great because it now makes your build a lot more flexible against automatons there's two things I'd suggest the first I would say is a shield backpack this is because of aim punch since the strafing run is very precise you want to make sure you throw it where you intend for it to land and being being juggled by rocket Devastators or having your ink get knocked to the side by every Wayward bullet can make it difficult to get where you want it to be if you have the shield generator you can still safely and confidently look your enemy in the eye when you throw the strategy another thing I recommend is just something for the gunships Because unless you're 100% sure of where they will be the reliability of you taking them out with a Eagle strafing Run is incredibly improbable and now that they've added patrols made entirely of air units you're probably going to see them a lot more often so it's good to at least bring something to answer for them in this case such as maybe a quazar cannon against the terid the only thing I can really think of would be the jump pack this makes it easy for you to quickly create distance between you and the enemy to make sure that they get caught in the strafing run and that you're safely away from it in terms of armor options I have to say that the Sero assist passive is very appealing the added throwing distance that it gives you on top of the 60 M of range from the strafing Run can let you rain bullets from so far away and above all my last tip would be to just use it I'm not used to having so many colins for one eagle and if you're like me and you have the first reship module for your hanger then you'll get a 50% cool down between your cins rearm time is reduced by 20% and you get an additional call in for all your Eagles you have a lot of uptime for your strafing run throughout the mission so don't be afraid to input your code and just throw it out there and that pretty much wraps it up for the technical analysis of the strafing run before the patch it was very poor in regards to damage and utility and now it's got more of both but it's also not a must pick that just completely overshadows everything else in the game it went from being pretty much useless to now being viable it's viable in high difficulties it's viable in low difficulties even though it's not the best option for every situation it's not well rounded enough or it can be used in every situation and I think it's that type of game balancing philosophy that will prove very well for the longevity of Hell divers 2 and the player base and that pretty much wraps it up for the video I appreciate you guys checking it out and hearing my thoughts if you like what you heard and like what you see be sure to like And subscribe I do intend to do a similar rundown on the updated rocket sentury rocket pods and orbital galling barrage so if you interested in that be sure to stay tuned thanks again for checking out the video and have a nice day
Channel: Wallbouncing
Views: 46,233
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Helldivers 2, Helldivers, Helldivers 2 Update, Helldivers 2 Eagle, Helldivers 2 Eagle 1, Helldivers 2 Eagle One, Helldivers 2 Eagle Strafing Run, Helldivers 2 Eagle Strafing, Helldivers 2 Loadout, Helldivers 2 Meta, Helldivers 2 Gameplay, helldivers 2 stratagems, Helldivers 2 Stratagem Review, Helldivers 2 Eagle Stratagem, Helldivers 2 Eagle Review, Helldivers 2 Tips and Tricks, Helldivers 2 Tips, Helldivers 2 Tricks, Helldivers 2 PC, helldivers 2 1.4 update, helldivers 2 Fix
Id: bVdvcGDcf7o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 6sec (666 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 18 2024
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