Players Are MISSING OUT! Module Combine & Dismantle The Right Way The First Descendant

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tons of players are making a massive mistake with this system and I want to make sure that you guys fully understand it it's combining modules and or dissembling modules what modules should you be getting rid of and what modules should you actually be fusing and so we're going to dissect this and get a little bit more in depth so that you guys fully understand how the system works so you won't need me anymore right now first things first we're going to actually take a look here and we're going to just go look at our descended modules for example right now there's something that you can actually do you can see all modules that you have uh you have a capacity of a thousand modules that you can hold at any given time now I have my modules currently sorted by quantity um and the reason why I'm doing that is so that you guys can see firsthand um that you are going to have modules stacking on top of each other now the beauty of certain modules if you're using modules say for your descendants they're uh interchanging so uh a module that you invest in technically like for example these increased defense HP Shield shot punch I can slap that onto another descendant and I'm good to go right cuz you can only play one character at a time um but again when you're looking at other you know descended variations in the build and what might be required for what they scale off of you're going to have some modules that you're obviously not going to be using on others but there's some of those general ones that you'll be able to put across the board right but the main thing about this game and the reason why we get extra modules is again for the opportunity to dissemble for Cooper and or the opportunity to fuse for more modules now I'll show you these two systems right because cuz I wanted to just kind of explain that so you can know that you have modules there's probably some people that haven't even touched this yet and you probably already in hard mode and didn't even realize that you had all these modules stacked on top of itself and you're trying to now figure out if you should sell them or if you should combine them what's the most efficient thing to do right so let's go ahead and let's talk to syon right now this is going to be our MPC the module master and again enhanced module dismantle modules and combined modules we already know that enhancing modules is going to power up your modules and make them stronger you spend Cooper uh a coup a if I'm not mistaken and gold uh so that is very straightforward but dismantling mods I want to start off first um with I would say combining mods right so we'll get into the Dismantling in a second but combining mods now the thing about this is that if you are looking at your say uh normal mods um it is going to take four modules to combine into one now the thing that you want to actually understand is that combining mods gives you a chance to fuse a rarity higher or fuse a Transcendence for example right so you can get an ultimate or you can get a Transcendence um and that is massive right now even for the normals it is a very small but it's a chance for you to be able to get higher Rarity mods from fusing these and yes that is including transcendences now the thing that could be argued here which I would say um we'll come back to that in a second but what I would say is basically that these are still still going to be worthwhile for you to utilize for Cooper right now when you're looking at things such as your rare mods these are going to definitely be worthwhile fusing you would not want to in my opinion I would not advise you to fuse or to dismantle these for Cooper because you have a chance to get a higher Rarity mod now if you're that guy that has every mod in the game then hey go ahead and sell him for some CER right but I feel like that's going to be something that will happen once you get to that point um and even then as new mods come out it might be accessible to where you might be able to fuse for the newest mod that comes out and not actually have to farm it right um again farming still advised but this is just another extra thing that you can do in conjunction that will help you with that process now for example let's take uh anything that we have crazy amounts of dupes of uh let's say this concentrating ammo right so we're going to fuse these see if we get anything and then we have the weapon tuning now the thing to understand is that this can either do two things it will never fuse if I'm not mistaken lower um it will either fuse as the same Rarity or go higher right so just kind of keeping that in the back of your head so let's go ahead and let's combine this real quick all right and you see I got a magazine compulsive which is actually kind of funny cuz that's just the irony of that um now again you can do this process also for your gold modules so let's see if I have any gold dupes right so we have a overwhelming defense dupe D we have a brisk walk dupe um and let's see if we have any others um I don't know if I do I might um we'll know in a second I might not maybe okay so this is what we're going to do all right so we are going to let me see cuz I'll just go and Farm These I'm doing this for you guys by the way no don't do this at home guys don't do this at home um but we have our bris walk uh lethal Fighter um there's certain ones accuracy minus 20% um okay so what we'll do here uh we have a overwhelming HP I'm probably not going to use that right now that is for Max Shield uh resets uh let's see cool down okay so yeah we'll do this one because I I just want to show you guys right in Snowflake conductor right so we'll just do this this is for video sake so that you guys can see it right um again if we combine this right 12K all right let's see what we get all right it gave me Unstoppable Smasher um now obviously I didn't have this uh so defeating an enemy shell capacity Plus 30% for 5 seconds at a 8% chance right now the thing is is that you can get an entirely new mod like again like I told you guys I do not have and never have had that mod um the other thing that's actually pretty cool too here um is that you can actually fuse transcendences now the cool thing about this and what I would say is that if there are like obviously ones like for units that you plan on using hold on to them I would say holding on to all transcendences right um but I know that there's going to be those individuals is like yo I'm never touching that unit you can realistically right for example I know I'm probably not going to be trying to go for ultimate bunny anytime soon and I actually know the dungeon I could just farmer to get that again this for video this is insane do not do this at home we're going to do Jers um we're gonna hold on to fra Sharon um I'm not really messing around uh Kyle uh I think that these we're just rearm it's okay all right so you'll see that this is going to give us an opportunity to also combine again this is just showing you at every Rarity dude like I'm probably insane to be doing this but this is to to show you o actually that ends up kind of working out for me so it modifies the orbit barrier and hypercube barrier to only be affected by the C the casters uh HP ironically um I think that that specific mod uh is for ultimate Ajax so um there's that that's actually a character I'm probably going to end up farming anyway at some point um so I guess that kind of worked out guys you got to subscribe for that I don't know like that that I would never tell anyone to do so that's not a part of the video to do but it's just to give you the perspective that as you're grinding things this is something that you can do with the resources it's going to give or spit back out something um and keep in mind guys that as you're fusing like those uh ultimate ones that you have extras of uh as you're fusing the ones that you have for the rares that are extra it is a chance you can get an ultimate it's a a chance you can get a Transcendence so this is going to allow you to maybe even potentially cut out some farming that you might have had to do for certain mod drops um that you didn't have access to before so just kind of keeping that in mind guys again if I had to be the sacrifice here to show you it I'm more than happy to be that so hopefully you got that lesson now the next thing okay uh is dismantling module so what does that leave left it leaves all your rare dupes U or sorry your normal dupes that you are not utilizing I would argue that right now the only things that you should be getting rid of for extra Cooper is going to be your normals right now the thing is is that if we go here we can just hold down press and hold the L button and you'll see we have 36 I haven't farmed anything normally when I do like a full Farm probably farming for like an hour or two I I have somewhere around like you know 200k like around there roughly of extra mods right just to sell um and so I would sell those mods now the thing that I have uh set up here um is that when I am uh selling uh it will select duplicates now you can change this to only be rares which or sorry uh to only be um uh normals and not do any of your uh your rares or your ultimates I would definitely suggest not to fuse or sell any of your purples or your oranges right or your yellows right keep those because it is more beneficial to you to fuse those so you can get more or newer modules that you don't have um and then later on once you have like your you know your access info filled with a ton of those modules then it might be a little bit better for you to start getting rid of some but I would even argue then you still have those transcendences which are a little bit harder to get and you never know you might get lucky right so this is a huge huge asset um because again these all have like guaranteed drop rate places or drop places that you can get them um but you can actually sit here and do this and maybe potentially get something that makes it to where like I said you don't have to farm right so that's again another thing that could potentially save you time um and if you're doing this over the entirety of your account you could very well be seeing some value okay so that's that guys I'm not going to draw this video out any longer I just wanted you guys to see firsthand how does the system work how can you take advantage of it and how can you utilize it properly so again happy Hunting hope you guys get a lot of farming done get a lot of progression done um but that's going to be that everyone stay blessed going I catch you guys in the next one
Channel: Zox
Views: 72,405
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The first descendant, the first descendant guide, the first descendant beginners guide, the first descendant beginners guide 2024, the first descendant zoxaskun, the first descendant guide 2024, looter game 2024, the first descendant tips and tricks, Players Are MISSING OUT! Module Combine & Dismantle The Right Way The First Descendant
Id: 1alQtXbUczo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 55sec (595 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 11 2024
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