I can't stop playing Battlefield 1...

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am I on Tatooine or am I playing bf1 I guess there'd be two suns wouldn't there I was on Tatooine but welcome back to bf1 this could arguably be the funnest or most chaotic Battlefield game that's still got a player base right now and today I wanted to use this weapon here the double barrel or the sword off shotgun because there is a very rare Easter egg where when you shoot and reload it will do the super shotgun from Doom reload and I think maybe I've had it once I even has it even been in one of my videos before I'm not sure but I wanted to get it again cuz I saw a clip of it and I was like damn that's cool have I ever actually put that in a video I don't know but here we are back again that guy just tried to bomb me didn't he that's not cool he's coming back by the looks of it I missed that right let's get shooting never going to get the reload if I start shooting am I basically shoot as many people as possible as quick as possible man I have not played this map for ages foul Fortress what a great map though when the game came out I was on this all the time okay I've reloaded twice now I still haven't got it three times they down here bit spooky to be honest I tell you oh that reminds me this here I'm sure this was an Easter egg as well but yesterday I went to Bletchley Park in the UK I don't know if you guys know what that is but it's where they did the code breaking of the Enigma machine in World War II and there's a whole museum there now oh there's loads of people here yeah definitely recommend that if you've ever got a few hours to burn in the UK definitely recommend going to Bley Park full of interesting information and history you going to go try and ra that guy come on I know you want to squadmate is going behind him we clear okay sector clear good job Lads yeah code breaking super interesting and you can walk around where they were doing it you know where they made the bomb machines and figured everything out awesome there's a guy up there wait how do I get up there got be up and around there right I think there's enemies up there too come on medic let's go B me up right up here time to get the shotgun out is that it down here man this thing is insane the amount of damage it does the range is gone on it too there's a pyro kit there flame Trooper don't really want that also look I have a guy in my squad called Gary crons for legend just that name Gary crons you know that's a gamer that guy plays games all the time gas oh they taking that F point there a guy down there I'm sure I can hear people there's some shotgunning going on down there there a rocket gun that okay I'm dropping there's more down to the right here can hear them they're jumping up I need the range though who that's fine you're not dead I'm dead surely I'm dead yeah there we go I need to get back there ASAP no Gary kons is dead Gary don't you worry every little thing is going to be all right they still around here that guy is oh he's dead now we clear can you swim in this game you can can you go oh you can go under as well we did this in the last video didn't we it's weird how in lots of Battlefield games they remove and add features and then the next game they remove and add them again and then they remove them and then they add them and then they don't then they change them all right lad did he just say is me Gary KRW turns over here reposing for Duty that point is just so weird just a gimme flag in the middle of nowhere oh we got some snipy boys here we have got some snipy boys does this guy have a headset on well if he did he does anymore cuz I don't think he can wear it without a head is that a big lad oh yeah it's a big lad I don't know how I've been allowed to survive there being honest with you doesn't seem real oh there's a boat there look at that a guy down there as well okay they're both shooting at me it's intriguing can I hit him two damage it's hardly worth it is it did he get off it think he did I'm going down there though with my bloody shotgun let's go okay got to close the gap close the distance made the biscuits I will find my way keep reloading keep shooting I wish I was a medic and I could help you everyone's dead everyone's dead Dave I like this map it's good it's different is it you can imagine a a modern Battlefield game here no horse horse Gary where's Gary oh wait Vagabond go for the race thank you Vagabond is that horse still running around no one expects the horse do they I'm tr get that thing there's a horse again over there enemy cry oh Direct Hit come at me bro come at me oh no the horse again oh this is a rivalry starting up here watch out Lads watch out bomb is coming in right where's that goddamn horse that's not a horse I think I hear it do I hear it I hear something this is just pure chaos no oh my God that was low this is how you take out a horse from a bomber if I see it it's going down that's the enemy plane I think this plane's going down jeez wa okay he actually put it down on the ground though to be fair so we survived the crash that's kind of cool horse I see the horse the symbol of the horse there's aot oh come on that's a direct hit 58 damage yes there's more over there though plane no not quite yeah oh horse horse the horse is on fire eat it horse come on I Know You Want It Last Enemy Cavalry all right come over here horse come on horse stop horsing around I think it's dead enyo that's a direct hit be gone playing this game is just fun as hell man it's so fun wait that's a guy isn't it in the water enemy Cavalry off his horse enemy Cavalry off the horse this is my chance why is he so strong they breed him like that nowadays do they where have you gone where have you gone Horsemen no no Horsemen there he is I don't know if that was him Gary I don't think it really counts unless I actually kill the guy that's on the horse do you know what I mean it's got to be a horse kill that's a giant tank I thought there some Dynamite here come on roll over it roll over it that is unfortunate mate that is very unfortunate how many kills was that one two three and vehicle destroyed lovely 10 out of 10 IGN I love that that feels good not many games can give you that feeling it's all Dynamic multiplayer controlled man so fun sniper enemy machine gun get my head down get his head off another one def uhoh missed go go go go go friendly he killed him job Lads that's a close game I think we're going to lose it though these Lads are getting pinned down he's dead I'm getting away from that [Applause] let's see if they push into the shotgun medic medic oh game over GG just fun as hell it's just so fun o close one look at this pretty even right now R chre to her which one are we going to get which one I sounded a bit like alpacino then didn't I which one are we going to get what do you want boys what do you want what if I became the horse do you ever think about that I could be the horse in instead of this endless struggle in my mind of trying to kill the horse I could be the horse that plane has almost crashed I got the horse with the spear horse customization is available in this game I have gone for the spear wider AOE bit more difficult to time the attacks though than the Cavalry sword we'll make it work into battle time look at this look at this game where else can you get this it runs at 200 FPS it looks amazing 64 players World War I cars driving everywhere it just is not available anywhere else it's just not a thing anywhere else oh flame tank everything's on fire here H going there's an enemy zound back there and I do have anti-tank grenades on the horse oh no they've got my number couple of grenades there okay support Player dead all right I'm just going to wait until they come on come on give me one give me one okay it's dead someone else got it they got to wait a little while for those grenades to respawn they are very effective against Vehicles though H up H up a didn't quite nail that second one did we enemy horse horse Warfare this is intense this is intense that horse is Running Scared ow who's shooting at me right there difficult to aim a gun when you're on a horse you know not the easiest thing to do horse come on horse I've got the advantage now this is horsing around where's he gone I've got a fellow horse that's joined me I think he was killed GES up here of nades on him yes double and we horse out we'll be going back we will be going back there don't you worry oh oh no missed can I switch sides oh I can switch sides I forgot about that grenade grenade that's a machine gun no go go go run him down run him down like the dog that he is okay I'm off the horse horse you proved yourself this requires a bit more of a personal touch I think watch out for those explosives as well and we to the point wait I can get back on the horse then does a horse regenerate Health horse gets all the health in the world I'm going across the bridge they're across the bridge and they're dead 40 HP on the horse heading to bait running down oh no I was slayed the mp8 trench in the back yeah sometimes all you need is a road kill with the horse trample them I'll do the job I need to get back and focus on what I was trying to do which is get this bloody reload I'm got to start shooting start blasting I mean that thing is very weak isn't it come on yes oh my God that was so cool horse I see you Horse no what is that what the hell was that oh my God medic nah the entire house has been crushed there's no way I'm getting a res there is there there's a guy behind this dude on the mini map know what these guys are doing gunshot from over there there a blood support player there okay bit low has he moved he's not moved there ah tooo low I have to go and investigate what's going on I don't see that support player there he is it was two no reload though I just want this I just want the secret reload guys more players over here I'm cleaning out the edge of the map man that's what I'm doing I'm going to go protect B as much as I can that's friendly dead was it just those just those people here yeah looks like it all right Watch Out Tank you want to take me somewhere bro take me somewhere not to Valhalla I didn't want to go there well you live and you learn don't you you live and you learn these Maps everyone's scheming and planning aren't they what are they scheming and planning superp line hero were you on your own X mob games were you on your own popping out that morar by the looks of it I see a guy on the wall there I go prone here a that's got to be a kill Yeah Carl Johnson no this isn't a good idea going over there I'm going to wait here by this photogrametry log and study its beauty I'm not a m who's capturing the lots of dead teammates here as well which is peculiar hey Mo games again I mean this guy appears to be going for objectives though which I appreciate right I need a different approach here cuz shotgun at a closer distance around the back good flare whoever put that up no no let me go let me go let me go that ain't going to work throw a grenade there oh they're blending in talking blending in I did not see that guy at all I did not wow oh the big tank's in theyve actually got the big tank in careful because there's two snipers right in front of me here I see them got me right the other one no idea didn't even turn around there is another sniper looking at me there though how is that no damage 65 okay I'm done for yeah we should move back this ain't going to happen yeah that's nearly my head blown off I'm going to stay down here can I take out the big boy before the runs witness me no I was going to put Dynamite on the big boy oh man it's too good way too good should we do another one let's do another one why not okay Monte grapper I guess I could just shoot the shotgun over and over again until I maybe get the reload but I don't even know what the chances are of it I bet it's so low to get it and this will be the most disappointing video if I don't get it you know what I don't care I hope you've enjoyed the game playay either way shoot and reload shoot and reload there's got to be a chance proc I mean I could just get could just scar clip it up on the internet and show you guys I think there's little sound effects too but I feel like that would be cheating wouldn't it got to get it the real way I see someone run up there yeah oh spring ladder interesting choice of name there Sho and reload what's that that's just a flare shoot and reload I don't think you're on the mini map in this game if shoot maybe I'm wrong I don't remember there's a lot of people in the tunnel though underneath that was the most casual kill I've ever got I want to get behind the tunnel I know I'm on the radar though cuz there's a bloody flare there I grenade that I get a kill with that grenade no we clear I think I've cleared it out good into the tunnel open the door mate oh a bit of Reverb on that kill enjoyed that my team have locked me out please why have you locked me out that's an enemy where the where the bloody hell did you come from can't believe I've not seen the secret reload yet we got so many kills and so many shots and it's not it must be so rare come on there's more I know there's more okay next kill we're going to get the reload I know it's coming a didn't do it and next one secret reload a why is it so difficult to get the secret reload man that's all I'm asking for they're pushing I'm on the flank excuse me do you guys know how to get the secret reload uh uhoh ah behind me killed by a random string of numbers and LS get a grenade over there oh that's the big boy where's our big lad we had him a second ago hear him shooting over there o oh here we go get behind him Cog wheel back of the head P good M oh he nearly caught me off guard there the question is can we take the turret cuz this is what I want wait there's a chance it's just not enough damage is it you jumped out no no stop killing teammates oh do we have the turret okay we do have the turret that's fine there's enemies on the point though over here and where do I just I'm just going to creep with a shotgun no that's no good just creep we're just going to creep you guys are got to watch out they got little front line going here but easily get flanked took aade there think there's an enemy there definitely one there see them on the mini map ahead don't think he spotted me the other guy spot me we're safe we're sound Keep The High Ground oh that was a chance he pushing here good L the shots hit that GG vehicle destroyed got the anti-air over here I think blasted guy down there I barely saw him we're in we've taken the cannon okay what do I shoot at you where's that gone then where's that plane oh my God my mouse says it's so slow it's so slow there oh that was close that was close everything's fine try again how was that missed there was a bloody guy I think the giant artillery CH actually went through that guy maybe they were either side of him maybe that's what happened this game is insane oh those animations are great aren't they jumping around the different seats of the plane uhoh watch out watch out is that friendly oh that looks so cool man yeah don't fly into it buddy fly over it beautiful love it find me a Target put a couple busts down there maybe he's dead enemies here anti air no it's a turret oh no someone's on us we're dead I'm jumping let's see if we can take the a point instead anti just ruined us there take this objective why not no one's here this skin super cool black and gold suppressed 1911 don't even remember how you get that okay someone's come to block me and now they're beating me that's a grenade they know I'm here didn't see me run away oh no couldn't get the third close close but no aigar at least they came out to protect it though fair play the Behemoth has been absolutely hammered look it's only just spawned in it's almost dead what the hell how has that happened wait I want to see I'm the pilot okay I'm the captain now for the last few drags of the Behemoth I drop a couple bombs I think you drop bombs can't I got a kill right I'm bailing out surely it's going down it's got a tiny bit of Health left look at it oh there it goes there it goes you should watch your head mate he coming down it's excellent look at this it's going to make make a whole carcass on the map a skeleton and I'm glad that I moved that is hot yeah then you can interact with this look a carcass of a zeppelin that's awesome the last Stitch effort here try and proc the reload come on believe in me dop spoon believe in me I know you believe in me dub spoon I wasn't expecting a kill I'm just shooting dance Spartan enemy there more here no come on I believe 15 tickets this is ruining my accuracy stat but I don't really care it's whatever 10 tickets come on five tickets I believe this last shot's going to be it reload no it didn't there's a giant plane there watch [Music] out right I'll find it I'll put a video on the screen so you can see what it is it's pretty neat anyway yeah bf1 is magnificent it is a beautiful game love it to Pieces hope you enjoyed watching thank you appreciate you being here drop me a like if you liked it dislike if you didn't that's fine subscribe if you're new and I will see you next time bye-bye [Music]
Channel: jackfrags
Views: 449,725
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: fcv2vh_Nr7g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 51sec (1731 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 07 2024
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