Helldivers 2 - the new rocket sentry is insanely strong now

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hey everyone hope you're having a great day I'm still spending a lot of time testing out the stratum updates and revisions from the most recent patch and today we'll be discussing the rocket Sentry another Triumph manag now I already made a deep dive video about a month ago for a rocket Sentry and although I try to be as objective as possible when it comes to these analysis videos it was really hard not to highlight just how poor the rocket centry performs there was a lot of issues and there was about one in every 10 comments for that video saying that the autoc Canon just outperformed the rocket Sentry in every way and you know what I couldn't argue against it and after trying it out and comparing it myself I just couldn't help but agree with them but now the rocket sentury is back and it feels like it had its own little character development Arc because in my opinion it is now one of the best centries in the game of course we'll go into the patch notes but before we get into that let's quickly review the weaknesses of the rocket century and why it needed these adjustments starting with the Enemy partiz the targeting it had it was one of the main selling point with a rocket Sentry but it did a really poor job at deciding whether or not to hit a BAL Titan or a scavenger and that for me was really frustrating as I can imagine it was for a lot of other people it also suffered from poor accuracy like a buly poor like if it was to Target something like a jump pack bot Trooper or a hunter they will be able to outrun it because it doesn't even look like the rocket Sentry was doing a job at trying to lead the shots and if it was to hit it the damage output was also really poor not all lowed to be desired it would always shoot two rockets for a single Target and that also made ammo conservation a concern the shock absorption gel ship upgrade wasn't giving it all the extra ammo it was supposed to get and survivability for the sentury was also just really poor it would go down to something like a single rocket and the blast absorbtion ship upgrade was not affecting it or really any of the sentries exactly so I'm not going to hold this against the rocket sentur specifically and when you combine all these weaknesses together it kind of made the rocket sentury this very high maintenance low return type of strategy that it kind of just left a lot to be desired and in the patch nodes thankfully a lot of this was actually addressed so let's get right into it and let's start with the fact that they decreased the spread which makes the rocket Sentry now a lot more accurate they also said something here where it prioritizes larger targets and I don't know what to make with this statement it sucks that didn't explain anything specific about this because we know it prioritizes larger targets or it should or supposed to but does this mean here that they fixed it or what exactly you know happened here range was also increased which is good you get an extra 25 M and they decreased the rocket Pavo from 2 to one so it has better ammo economy and this is good because there would be units that only need one rocket to kill like a bot Trooper or a scavenger but you would always commit two the explosion radius was quadrupled from 1 M to 4 M and this is actually a great change because in my other video I was just showing how virtually there was no splash radius let alone Splash damage and it sucked that the rocket Sentry had poor accuracy but it needs direct hits to be able to do anything because it had no splash damage or Splash radius so I'm very glad about this change and even though they did mention that the explosive damage well the armor penetration for the explosive damage was decreased the rocket projectile is still able to penetrate heavy armor and even increase the projectile damage by 50% from 200 to 300 looking it a bit deeper we read the block post which kind of justifies arrowheads changes for the rocket Sentry they highlighted here that it was very inconsistent against medium and larger enemies and although it wasn't specified I'm going to say that this wasn't meant in regards to Target prioritization they wanted to make it a lot more consistent against these enemies and they're also improving the ammo economy honestly kind of disappointed about the lack of details here I was wishing they would give us just a bit more insight as to the tweaks they made about the target prioritization to the rocket sentury because it was one of the main selling points for bringing it with you but you know the only way we really going to find out about how much it's improved is by bringing in game and since I've already done a deep dive video about the rocket Sentry I'm mainly going to be highlighting the differences between the rocket sentury pre patch and post patch a large majority of the things I've covered in that video a month ago I feel are still valid such as my recommended play style load out options and other interactions such as the Sentry's back blast so let's start with Target prioritization and for the most part yeah it's more consistent you know the units I'm expecting it to hit it does hit you know most of the time it would still lock on the things such as bot Fabricators and command bunkers you know things it cannot destroy and on the bug front the only thing it has an issue with is B Titans for some reason it would shoot enemies beside it or underneath it before it actually targets the Titan itself pre patch I did acknowledge that there was some form of Target prioritization that was being calculated for the century but I felt like it was just a variable amongst the other things I was considering the distance from the sentury to an enemy still seemed to be the deciding factor when it came to which enemy to Target but now I'm seeing the rocket Sentry focus on units even at the max range despite there being smaller units closer to the Sentry which is what I'm expecting and that's great so Target prioritization for the rocket Century although not perfect I would say it's still greatly improved now let's see the damage accuracy and to start it just has Splash damage like meaningful Splash damage a big issue pre patch was that due to poor accuracy whenever the Sentry locked onto something like a hunter it would shoot at it and just barely Miss now this wouldn't be an issue if the rocket explosion had Fair Splash damage and radius but it had neither so what you basically had was a Sentry that needed direct hits but was really bad at Landing those direct hits and now not only is it more accurate but in the event that it does miss the splash damage is enough to at least damage that intended target beyond that though the rocket is now a lot more useful when it comes to mob clearing you can now get multi kills with a single rocket and this helps the Sentry because it gets rid of targets both approaching it and targets that could potentially block projectiles then for the larger high value enemies the increase of the projectile damage also reduced the time to kill on a lot of heavy units pre patch it was able to take out things like the automat drop ships it still can but the difference now is it can actually kill them before they leave the map very consistently you're also able to kill Factory Striders hulks tanks and battle Titans not insanely faster but comparatively faster the reduced spread made a lot more consistent with the Rockets hitting the target as I mentioned earlier watching this thing try to hit gunships for example was just so hard to watch I would get second hand embarrassment knowing that that was my Sentry missing every shot and now it's actually rare to see a rocket Miss and I would go far as to say that it is now a great anti-air option which is great because aerial patrols now exist as for the extended range I was not expecting it but I'll definitely take it it's a great buff to have this gives you a lot more options as to where you want to call it in something although I did notice is that when affected by the environment such as a blizzard or a sandstorm visibility is reduced across the board including your sentries before the patch the range was limited to 30 m but after the Patch it's still able to shoot targets that are as far out as 45 m in regards to survivability pretty much all the sentries were buffed against bullets Arrowhead introduces this thing called durability which is basically Small Arms fire or resistance to Small Arms fire and sentries went from 0 to 80% durability and this would do great against the automatons not so much against the bugs because they're really going to be killing your Sentry by just meleeing it to death or with bile spew if it was to get shot at by let's say Troopers or heavy Devastators it would do well but what's really putting it in the grave were rockets and right after the Patch I would test out some sentries and they would still get one-shotted by Rockets but thankfully less than a week after that big patch was a small fix which gave sentries now a higher destruction value so most explosions do not instantly destroy them regardless of the damage amount this is so so I feel like this is what's going to make sentries a thing now because now they can survive even at the high difficulty levels against rocket Devastators gunship barges they're going to like still power through them and still put out a lot of work now as to what they meant by higher destruction value I'm not sure I'm not sure if this meant that they fixed the blast absorption upgrade or if they gave sentries either increased explosive resistance or just higher base Health but to sum it all up sentries can now tank a lot that does not mean they can tank everything they're still going to get one shot by like a cannon turret a charger can still run them over and they won't be able to survive entire B Titan's puke so it's not Invincible but can now survive a whole Litany of things which is making them a lot more viable these days beyond that though there's also a couple new things I learn about the rocket Sentry post patch one is that when fighting a factory Strider it will First Lock onto the cannon tur on its back before shooting at the body it's able to kill the Canon turd in about seven shots and then finish off the factory strier with a little over 10 more Rockets next I was not aable to have it successfully Lo lock onto a streer nest pre patch but now I'm seeing it lock onto a nest and even destroy it so now it has a lot more utility when it comes to bringing it into bug planets also now that behem Chargers are a common thing especially on higher difficulties in terms of how it do against them well it does maybe four to five rockets to kill a basic charger and about 8 to n to kill a bema charger everything else about the rocket Sentry though in my opinion Remains the Same it's still suffers from that one Quirk where if an enemy is locked onto and it gets within 10 m of the sentury the entry will not fire essentially soft locking it and the few ways it's going to break out of this Loop is one the target gets out of range two the centry loses vision of the Target or three you intervene or someone intervenes and kills a Target and it's because of this that I still feel like with these changes it still does better against the automatons than the terminats pre patch and against the terminats the amount of bugs coming at you would make it hard for the Sentry to even get a rocket out because it would just Target a bug and then just stay on it and there's so many bugs that you would have to clear them all out yourself before it's able to lock onto something else and fire against the Bots it would have a similar issue but not for the same reasons and that's because it would even be destroyed before it can fight back but now with the increased survivability and the explosive and bullet durability it does a lot better job against automatons and these additional explosion and small arm fire resistance doesn't really do well or doesn't really apply when you're fighting against the bugs still it's not unplayable against a terminat just make sure that you're close enough to your Sentry to supervise it just not too close that you're affected by a back blast or the explosive radius sends you into a ragd doll also just be sure to bring a weapon that can one draw a lot of enemy aggro quickly and two something that you can use to peel enemies off of your Sentry without damaging it so I'd avoid using things like a crossbow or an Eruptor and would offer something else like a SMG or that new carbine Liberator so overall the rocket Sentry definitely improved there's still some kingst workout Target prioritization still sometimes does not do what you expected to and the shock absorption gel still only gives your rocket sentury an additional 25% extra ammo rather than the 50% it's supposed to it is great to see a lot of people now realizing the potential of the rocket sentury and bringing it with them in their Dives I will go as far as to say that the rocket century is now a useful anti-air anti- heavy and a decent mob clearing tool and if you haven't tried it out I encourage you to at least give it a shot especially if you're going against the automatons that's it for the video if you like what you heard and like what you see be sure to like And subscribe if you enjoy videos such as these and Hell divers 2 content in general be sure to stay tuned as I have a lot of ideas currently in the works I'm also curious to see how you guys feel about the rocket Sentry after the changes so be sure to let me know in the comments thanks again for checking out the video and have a nice day
Channel: Wallbouncing
Views: 29,427
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Helldivers, Helldivers 2, Helldivers 2 Rocket, Helldivers 2 Rocket Sentry, Helldivers 2 Sentries, Helldivers 2 Patch, Helldivers 2 Rocket Sentry Stratagem, Helldivers 2 Rocket Sentry Review, Helldivers 2 Update, Helldivers 2 Updated Rocket Sentry, Helldivers 2 Gameplay, Helldivers 2 Review, Helldivers 2 Patch Testing, Helldivers 2 Testing, Helldivers 2 Sentry Tips, Helldivers 2 Sentry Turret, Helldivers 2 Sentry Build, Helldivers 2 Rocket Sentry Tips, Helldivers 2 Rocket TIps
Id: 9BBGYccu4SY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 12sec (672 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 27 2024
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