Randy Clark and Catch The Fire Worship - Revival 25 (Session 1)

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good evening so honored to be here with Steve all senior leader of catch the fire Toronto welcome everybody's hosting our awesome epic celebration of 25 years since the Toronto blessing and Steve has been here since the very beginning and I'd love to hear maybe stories from the original about 40 I Sandra and I came on day five we were good Baptist pastors John and Carol had actually invited us to join their their team prior to the revival beginning so we knew them and we got a phone call on the Monday when John had Randy come for the weekend and everything wonderful happened and so that was our first experience to come to those meetings loved it one week later so that was that so that's a Monday on the Sunday night I got a phone call around midnight from John free Oh who's the Baptist bachelors working with is now a vineyard guy in Richmond Virginia and I found out that I had been loaned from our Baptist Church to this church a pastor was traded I have neither so I was very happy to to be loaned and so that's what the Baptist Church did they paid my salary up until June not thinking that the meetings would keep on going to have any keys for the audience after seeing this move of God for 25 years of how to position your heart to receive not having found turns in to your wife and you you receive yeah it's uh it's a hard one to to say because the more you try to receive the Holy Spirit that usually works opposite it's sort of like just sort of relax and just welcomed him be a piece of your spirit be hungry and thirsty because the Bible promises jesus promised that the first that will be ended a drink but the scribing part of it opium Jesus Jesus Jesus unusual is more it's just sort of holy skirt come and if you have like a prayer or an expectation friends I know you're hosting and you're emceeing a lot and preaching what is your expectation for this week we're expecting that this would be a for like to use them for futures and we're going to be celebrating 25 years but you're going to notice those of you that are watching that most of our event is talking about what God is about to do so it's not just going to be a history although we're celebrating our history but it's like how do we say this Colossians talks about result in glory to glory so that means our future is more glorious than their past so I'm thinking for those of you that are gonna be watching joining us on livestream if brandy tonight says cause our words of knowledge just stand up and say that's me pretend that you're in the room when we dismiss for prime ministry usually there's the cameras stay on for a few minutes to sort of get a sense of what's going on but definitely just enter in and that you're here you're not going to get the sweat of people beside you other than that we have some of the best technology available for cameras and for sound and I guess what I am so enjoyed working one of your sons John who heads up a lot of the media and communications and your other sons in ministry how have you been able to like steward in an episode ministry pub that was so busy and like probably party kids are chasing up indeed we never forced them to go to any meeting so if they wanted to attend that was their choice they didn't have to go to youth they always didn't want to go part of it was we never pushed them too I experienced what they were ready for so my kids 25 years ago so there are little kids grew up and they just began to go through the normal process of experiencing a spirited kids trip on Sundays junior high end never pushed them to become go in ministry I actually trained both of my boys and both them could have been down that road and chose not to so yeah I'd say my wife prayed a lot santa is a state whole month and so that was another [Music] prioritizing them ahead of church so both of my boys play baseball really well played on all-star teams represented the city so I get their schedule and I would work my schedule here for around their baseball head so I rarely ever missed the baseball game where every missed the football game from who got drafted and all that kinda stuff NFL you not be an opportunity they pursue God for themselves with their mom dad quietly encouraging we so appreciate I don't know if you might be able to take even for people that are streaming all over the world the whole conference is actually going to be free so there's 10 a.m. sessions 2 p.m. panel discussions and 625 every night we're gonna go for a free service show but I would love this and the movement and father in the faith to just release a double portion and everyone that's watching well I don't know if you can hear the buzz that's in the room but people downstairs are very expectant and are going to be experiencing the Holy Spirit hopefully many people first encounters and even more second third encounters a little spirit so father for those of you that are watching may the Holy Spirit visit you and your house in your office wherever you are watching today whether it's by yourself or with a group and may the Holy Spirit find you I was telling someone pastors today one of the years that Randy Clark was here he prayed for everybody to be filled with the Holy Spirit I was not in the room and I got knocked over by the Holy Spirit so expect to receive from the Holy Spirit tonight so we just released a double portion Oh spirit [Applause] yeah so friends we're just about to start yes did they get to see the videos they get to see all these we have a CD dropping on Friday and Randy Clark tonight I'm gonna miss anything god bless you all god bless you [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] hi everyone welcome to catch the fire church it is our absolute pleasure to be hosting you this week we are excited for you to encounter God's transforming presence here are a few things you need to know let's start with washrooms they're located underneath the stairwell at the back of the auditorium we have an awesome coffee shop here make sure to check it out you can access it through the front lobby for those of you who purchased a meal plan the cafe is where you need to go if you are inspired by anything you hear this week and want to take it home with you come and visit our bookstore let's talk parking the main parking lot is reserved for premium ticket holders and staff the school ministry and Maura Mack parking lots are available to you for free when those fill-up there are two paid parking lots available next to the Crowne Plaza Hotel the doors to the main auditorium open at 9:00 a.m. every morning we would love to pray for you this week during ministry times there will be prayer lines in the Ark in the chapel and in the back rooms that's all the details if you have any questions come visit us at the front desk now are you ready to run after God together we are gonna start worship in just a minute but first watch this [Applause] we are catch the fire from our humble beginnings we've become an international movement of people living in God's presence and leading others into encounters with God millions of people have walked through our doors over the last 25 years and found new life through Jesus we never could have imagined what God would do through us I catch the fire helping people to encounter God's presence is at the heart of what we do [Music] we started in 1988 when John and Carol Arnett felt God called them to plant a church in Toronto by mid 1991 they were deeply involved in the practical aspects of running the little church by the airport but they yearned for revival they prayed for God's direction and felt him say if you're serious I want you to do two things commit your mornings to prayer and interact with others who are anointed so began their adventure in seeking and hosting the presence of God John and Carol canceled their engagements who gave their morning's to the Lord they worshiped read the Bible prayed and spent time with him for a year and a half they invited many anointed guest speakers to our church to minister to learn from them on Thursday January 20 1994 Randy Clark was ministering when the holy spirit took over the meeting and fell on 120 people no one had any idea it would look like this people were laughing rolling prying falling down and speaking in tongues as they encountered God people were so touched that emotional trauma from childhood would lift off some people were so physically overcome by God's power they couldn't walk and had to be carried out within days the word spread that God was visiting us powerfully thousands flocked to the church lining up outside by 3:00 p.m. waiting for the doors to open at 7:00 p.m. people came and it didn't matter if they were Pentecostal Catholic Methodist Baptist charismatic the Holy Spirit would touch them many pastors and Christian leaders such as Heidi Baker and Bill Johnson received prayer and carried the anointing to their own nations ministries and denominations this anointing became known as the Toronto blessing [Music] however an unconventional move of God of this nature did not come without its critics and naysayers after seeking God's counsel and receiving assurance John and Carol pressed on stewarding this outpouring of the holy spirit tirelessly for decades day after day for 12 years curious and spiritual hungry people came from around the world the Toronto blessing gave birth to partners in harvest a network with over 11,000 churches that we are part of catch the fire is now a worldwide ministry of churches events music missions and books and we are expanding further still we are committed to seeing the whole world encounter God's transforming presence the incredible presence of God is still here and working every day in our midst hearts are healed the lame walk the blind receive sight lines are transformed [Music] this is a truly special place in the world this is our legacy and your inheritance we encourage you to dive in and immerse yourself in this incredible blessing encounter God's transforming presence and bring it to your workplace family city and nation this is our heritage and our future catch the fire [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] to celebrate his [Music] [Applause] [Music] you say Jesus Christ [Music] this the laws Jesus Christ mistake [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all this wash away [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I'm gonna celebrate your goodness [Music] mrs. McGinty celebrating this everything [Music] let's fix our eyes on Jesus the Savior [Music] the season boogies [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] just fix your eyes on Hinton he's so faithful he's so faithful you're so faith [Music] Hey you guys sound like you're ready to us [Music] to say father kindness [Music] you brought me out [Music] you're [Music] now [Music] does he sing outside faithful yawn [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] you pulled me from the ashes 17 [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] to rest [Music] [Music] seeing your face [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] boys what'd you say [Music] or you always follows [Music] farm arrest I will find my rest [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] come on let's lift our voices [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Jesus [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you believing for that music [Music] I'm circumstance Wow [Music] Oh it's only by [Music] Jesus [Music] is our hearts cry [Music] we just want Jesus this is why we're here this is why we're here isn't this why we're here tonight [Applause] [Music] [Music] in the crush in the pressing you will make it in the soil I surrender you will break you [Music] when I [Music] in the crushy the press [Music] in the soil now surrender you will [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Jesus [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh joy our charge is read on a friend [Music] don't be afraid [Music] there's Troy you surrender [Music] there's power this red [Music] your ways are higher than our ways we surrend [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] really [Music] [Applause] [Music] begin to lift your eyes [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Jesus [Music] [Applause] with all of our all of our solar strength I got this turn to tell somebody feels really good to be together again like this it's really good to be together again come on Thank You Ben worship team well up to an amazing start I tell you what I'm sure there are those of you who have been me who are here rather for the very first time if that's you never been happy puppy you're here tonight give me a massive way where have you guys been yeah but I'm gay and the adventure of a lifetime for the last 25 years we have and it's been nothing sort of glorious nothing short of glorious and amazing Wow well you know what if you can make your way back to your seats that that will be helpful and we'll just kind of take a moment find out where for everyone is from and who's come look farthest I know it's amazing we want to welcome you especially all your newcomers I wouldn't like her take a couple of testimonies at some point so Amy if you're here from from London we spoke this morning over breakfast the hotel can you make your way up to the front here I'd love you to just share a little bit about what God's been doing over the last 25 years with you and Baldor from Iceland I saw you at the back Balder why don't you come on up and I'll get you to say hi well we we get rearranged but I'm wondering Carol exactly as everyone got a seat now for you to for you to sit on tonight I really hope you're not sort of still wandering around looking for a place to sit down but this is amazing.i I would like you to just turn to the person next to you and say something like the fire of the Holy Spirit comes on you right now right now [Applause] yeah may the fire of the Holy Spirit just come on you right now oh my gosh hello before we meet her have we got groups of people like I know there's a group here from Russia and and Ukraine if you don't mind me putting you together you all speak English Russian together but where is where are you people Russia and Ukraine stand up give us a big way right slob up all go to you guys and I'm not sure that Brazilians are here yet well get them off some are here from Brazil or it where's the farthest away is there anyone here from New Zealand guys your ear about as far away from Toronto as you can get yeah here you are the ends of the earth and how many Canadians are here it's always you know does my heart good to see a bunch of Canadians carry on its wonder does listen we need revival as bad as anybody so come on guys I'm glad you're here catch the fire and take it everywhere won't you how many from the USA how about from the UK United Kingdom what about from France look at them all from France from cool Germany anybody Germans back there ich liebe dich from any other countries in Europe Norway Sweden Spain Italy all you guys give us away that's great how about Latin America [Applause] we're we're excited to be going to Mexico alarm to weeks I think there it is and it we're just gonna have a great time in Puebla and in Mexico City so yeah it's gonna be a raging fire the Holy Spirit I am absolutely sure well welcome everyone and if we didn't call your country please don't feel left out there's a there's about 200 other countries we could have called but we're really thrilled that you're here and you know what our prayer is that you not only come and and worship and meet people and meet friends internationally and all of that but I want you to be deeply touched and moved by the power of the Holy Spirit yes Lord and the reason we call this place catch the fire is because this fire of the Holy Spirit is so transferable and we want you to get immersed in it and then get a contagious load to take back home and then just begin to spread it everywhere that's the idea and before we get started I just want to welcome the Holy Spirit Holy Spirit we just thank you thank you thank you ahh for 25 years of incredible faithfulness Lord not only here but other places around the world and Lord you are welcome Wow here tonight we welcome you to do what's all in your heart to do Lord not our agenda but your agenda Oh Holy Spirit just come and take over we welcome you in Jesus mighty name well yeah just had to do baby okay a big welcome to everyone who's watching online feel free to call your friends and say hey join us it's going to be amazing brandy Klark will be speaking here yeah yeah yeah half an hour or so and so it's gonna be really great let me welcome to you guys and everyone that's watching at home or wherever you are so Emma thank you for coming up Emmie and you were telling me this morning when I was having breakfast with David Campbell and some others about how life-changing all of this is being for you so can you just tell us your story what happened to you back then well back in 1994 le month that came to Toronto and came back to London and prayed for a number of our clergy and I heard that there was a move of God here through my friends the UDC here tonight Philly you DS been with you catch the past team and so Nicky Gumbel came back to our church he was late for our meeting and I said Nicky before you go please pray for us and he stood at the door and just said Holy Spirit thank you that you're moving powerfully all around the world please bless this team in Jesus name our men turned on his heels to walk out and the Spirit of God fell on his PA and on me and I'm quite a normal person but I was tired that day I was weary and I had said as I walk cross to the meeting Lord I don't think I've got much left to give and basically the spirit fell on me and I I just fell in love with Jesus in a completely new way and I had this roar that came from my belly that went and it just happened over and over again and I remember thinking who is that you know cuz I don't do that but this went on and on and on and then that Sunday Ellie came to our church and she she basically ministered and she preached and then someone came out to me and said God told me you should go to Toronto and I said I don't need to go to Toronto I've been blessed here and they said no God told me you should go so three days later I was on an aeroplane and I came to your little church and I remember you were praying on the first day for a group of nuns I had such a heart for God to move through every different denomination so you asked us to just you know let just your hands out which I was doing and there's a spirit came on me and I started doing my war Jesus's and I remember you saying who's that over there and someone said oh it's Emmy from London so you said bring her up here so I came up and then then I got onto the stage and I was like a Canadian cowboy with my last shooting I think I just wanted to last you everybody with a spirit and then and then you said can you pray so I said yes so I was on the floor for about an hour and a half and then David pitches was prayed for and he was then beside me and he used to roar like a lion and I used to do my word Jesus's and we were there for nine and a half this basically this this outpouring basically um loofa course into our prisons in the UK who would have thought right because I was certain love of Jesus I had no fear of these naughty boys in prison and and then I've been doing that now around the world and in 2011 a Ugandan Bishop pick me out and said I would like to ordain you which they can do and he said I'm not ordering you into a parish either in London or in Uganda I'm going to ordain you as chaplain to the world why prisons so that's what I do I travel the world and I take God's love and God's good news into our prisons all around the world Wow go and Go Go Go Go Go Girl doll fire on the second installment [Applause] go go go more MORE come on stretch your hands to order here send the firearm worldwide prisons do they need a move of God or what fire on ume in Jesus mighty name the Lord let those prisons have the greatest move of the Holy Spirit that she has ever dreamt of because you've only just begun in the name of Jesus let the fire fall in the prisons any importation importation Wow come on give it to her we bless you in this wonderful calling thank God for it it's so amazing Thank You Holy Spirit for a change British life yeah you've gone from normal British to normal heavenly yeah big yeah go go come on this this young man is one of our pastors in our partners at harvest network can catch the fire Network and Iceland he's got an amazing testimony have we got any Icelandic people here besides you guys over there come on guys make some noise back there [Applause] that doesn't sound very Viking to be a bit anyway come on make some noise back over there yeah anyway can you give us like a five minute version of what God's got a hold of you I mean we we've known you now for what 15 years maybe 12 okay come on tell us yeah man I've been in love with Jesus since he started to love me like 12 years ago my life is a story of pain suffering and I've been going through my like childhood because I'm writing my story now and seeing all the files from the Child Protective Services and seeing all the rejection seeing everything that I went through as a kid it really makes me wonder why we as as people I'm not talking about like us as church but we as people judge Scylla guys like me because people pointed the finger at me and I said that's the bad guy but my story and where I'm coming from and the pain that I needed to go through I mean I totally understand why I became where I became with the fear and the hatred and everything but when when everybody had given up on me yeah but God God came into my life after I liked after I finished my sentence of six years in prison I was accused of six frugal assaults one leading to a death of a young man and they put me in prison a year after I came out God found I did not find God God found me so we turned the brothel into a halfway house in a church [Applause] we started to take people from off the streets because it's really like Jesus got birth on the inside of us and we just start seeing people in need we just took them in and I there was a guy sleeping in my bag for eight months because there was no room in the house I mean God led us to go into the psych ward outside the psych ward I met this guy told me to come and meet him like just I was soaking at home I learned to sew cure in Toronto yeah January 2008 yeah so soaking on the floor at the old brothel that was now a halfway house in a church and God told me to don't go to the psych ward and I went there and I saw and when I was standing there outside I'm like God what am I going to do here and then this guy comes out and and God say talk to him talk to him and and and and I went to talk to him and so this was his last chance he already made the rope in his hotel room and he was going to kill himself that day so I asked him to join me in my car and and we drove to my place and he lived in my place for like eight months in the brothel we preached from the bar we were smoking in the meetings and you could see the Christians because they were all coughing so so we moved to smoke breaks and and finally we stopped smoking as well but we've been seeing transformation happening last year the president came to one of our meetings and the president of Iceland was there and and and so after after I gave my sermon in the end it was about like why all the young kids are dying in Iceland from drugs and and after that he's been treats in that sermon in the Congress and and and in the TV and there's something about where you just start trusting God because we've got a big God and Jesus lives on the inside of us and when we talk to people Jesus talks to people so I mean some of the churches they don't like when we start talking to the politicians but when we if we can influence them it's like we in it we invited all the Congress no one came but God had a way the president came and he opened the Congress three days later and he told the speech there so so there's unity now around ending this thing that is killing our young kids so all the political parties so I don't I just feel Jesus is coming I just feel like that his Cramer's our hearts with new longings and like new brokenness for other people because we can't look the other way anymore because the bridegroom is is in our hearts and and when the wedding is coming we're gonna we're gonna be merged with his longings and his longing is to end the poverty and the pain for people and we're gonna see that happen come on and strategically God is racing up his church in a new way today I'm so excited I'm so excited science wonders and miracles but people being restored people like me people like me the bad guys I mean we're just good earth whatever you saw will be like there's there's a harvest coming there's a harvest coming and I can feel a hunger for Jesus in my heart like never before like we were like last Friday last service we had I couldn't even pray for people because I just broke down we ping for my Jesus because Jesus is coming back and I'm gonna tell you a little story it's that okay just a short one okay so this guy really hurt me he was supposed to be my father and he really hurt me and I was really offended and I got really angry at him and I called him and I told him off and he hung up on me and I called him again and I told him off and he hung up on me and I called him again and I told him off again so three months later I'm I'm worshiping and and the Holy Spirit asked me like tells me his name and he says what about that guy and I say yeah what about that guy he really hurt me and he really broke my heart and I'm so offended so all of a sudden I'm standing in front of Jesus and he's sitting on the throne and I'm just standing there and he's just looking through me he's just saying he's saying to me bubs like what what what about that guy and I said yeah he hurt me really much and Jesus said yeah really understand no no bring your pain and your friends to the scale so went to my pocket and I and I and I got the I don't know how this stuff works but I just went to the pocket and I just looked at the offense and the pain and the suffering that it cost me because I mean III have trust issues after all my past so I really let that guy in so jesus said put it on the scale I'm putting the scale and remember the scale it was just lifting up and then Jesus looked me in the eyes he didn't judge me he didn't say like there was so much love when he said these words to me and he said both do not bring all your offenses to the other end of the scale whoo and I just went straight and called the guy met him and asked him to forgive me and and I wish that he would done the same and we would restore the relationship but it wasn't like that but I just we cannot allow ourselves to live on that justice place we will miss out on what God is gonna do in our lives since we are gonna sit in the Justice seat because there is mercy for those who show mercy yeah yeah come on this is gonna be great you know there's there's a story in his life that I think I just like to try and tell real quick but he mentioned that he was in prison because of getting in a fight and one of the guys actually died and then he was charged with manslaughter and sent to prison over that well the upside was that he came to Jesus in the prison I think after the visit but that doesn't bring the boy back well he came out long story short became a pastor in the city of Reykjavik and everybody's amazed by that but the mother of the boy who died had a dream that she was to go and forgive Baldo she walked into the meeting one day and everybody's like oh no but she's like no I'm I'm here because I I came to forgive Baldor the Lord told me he's not the same one that killed my son yeah he's completely changed by the power of God give Jesus a big hand right here Oh yeah him up fill him up Oh fill him up oh my goodness you know friends there's there's just so many prophetic signs just buzzing around the whole world right now this earthquake after earthquake and and and volcanoes and all that kind of stuff and just Sunday many of you know it was like a whole Blood Moon which super Blood Moon was a sign of you know the presence of God and it was it was the final one I think the tenth in a in a whole very sort of complex and interesting figure that God had done and we're just hearing of these things in the in the moon boat today as Carol's looking out the window we're up in our room in the school reading the Bible together and she's like what is that on the roof of the church she and and so I looked over and I said it's it looks like an eagle or or a large bird was really been and so I zoomed in with my iPhone you know took a picture of it I called Andrew and he came running over and got a picture of in here right on the top of our church for 15 or 20 minutes yeah gigantic eagle yeah and and it stayed there for that length of time and we've never even seen one around here let alone one just lighting on the top of our amazing and sitting there right on the highest point of the roof on that section back there which is higher and I don't know if we if we got that picture together Andrew or not Dibley there it is yeah there is what kind of a bird is that Duncan Steve said it looked like a penguin [Laughter] now that's that's a hawk or an eagle of some kind and you know I was hoping to get some feedback from all you prophetic people here that just said that that's a sign but you know Eagles in Scripture are a sign of the of the wisdom and the prophetic of God that's activating and just moving all over the earth and so come on we bless that outpouring yes I do static anointing and anointing the wisdom and anointing for vision and it's waiting for revelation all over the place we absolutely want to see that don't we where's all the russian-speaking people went wave at me guys stand up I would like all of you to just run to the front and don't come if you don't speak Russian okay just put you put your toes on this green line here and we want to send you back to Russia with the fire of God like never before so I need submarine catchers here but can we all stand and just stretch our hands toward these guys they really need a revival there but you know what it's really really happening and and the pastor I talked to on Sunday and there he is and are you from Moscow you're from Moscow and you're from Siberia somewhere and they're saying John if you would please come to Russia we can gather many many pastors and do a conference and just let the fire of the Holy Spirit spread all over and so stretch your hands out toward them everybody and let's say Dan how do I say common Preedy Duxford oi come Holy Spirit are you ready say that everybody Preedy dukes bethought come Holy Spirit come and fill these guys with your fiery love and presence in Jesus name let it come fire on him here yes yes yes Shah Baba bah Oh more on her Lord more on her Lord fill him up Jesus oh yeah I'd let it come let it come let it come fill him up my father RUP father fire on this brother yo more than they can possibly manage Holy Spirit we love what you do let it come non-stop upon them in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus Lord let it come double it double it doublet doublet ministry team come along behind us and just give them a really good soak in the Holy Spirit Oh fire on him yes Lord God fire in the name of Jesus Lord let your glory fall in this room in the mighty name of the Son of God fill him fire again yes yes yes yes yes Holy Spirit fill him up yeah fire yeah fire on you is it good hejdå show fire on you how going yes why don't you lean over to your friend and say may the fire of God burn on you right now as well we want this all over the world fire on those feet fire on those people fire on these feet in Jesus name more more MORE bullsháá bullsháá increase it increase it in Greece it in Greece [Applause] fill them up oh my goodness don't forget to lean over to your friend and say fire on you in Jesus name [Applause] fire and if you're wondering why do people fall down Randy had the best answer to that years ago he said well it's because they can't stand up and that's what happens when the Holy Spirit comes on you there's this this wonderful transition where he begins to take over and there's something debilitating about his presence Jesus we worship you we worship you we worship you we worship you we worship you we worship pray for the person on the other side of you as well let the Holy Spirit come mightily upon you may you be revolutionized by the glory of God thank you lord thank you Jesus thank you Jesus we worship You Lord God we worship You Lord God I'm gonna ask Brandee to get ready to come on up and we'll turn this over to him but some of you know the story that after a time of seeking the Lord both for Carol and I and for Randy quite independently neither of us really were in touch with with that part but the final bit Carol Carol and I got wonderfully touched in benny hinn meeting and subsequently went to argentina and we're prayed for by claudio Friesen Randy Clark had a similar journey where he went to Tulsa and then Florida where rodney howard-browne prayed for him and there was a powerful impartation and when we came back from Argentina I knew something was on us and something was up and so friends 1993 felt very much like it feels right now that the air is electric and something is up with the presence of the holy spirit he's about to do amazing things so when I heard about what happened to Randy I called him and I knew him slightly we were in the same denomination and in the same region and I said Randy I want you to come to Toronto and he said well John I've never been out of the country before and I said well that's alright but I heard God had come upon you and God was using you and he said well it only happened once and I said oh well that's all right to do I mean just everything's pretty fresh come on and he said well the soonest I could come would be in maybe two months on the 20th of January was the day and he came tentatively we were both a little tentative but I'm like Hank come on we'll have some fun anyway do you remember Randy you were saying yeah come on up well we well we talked he said I only have two sermons may I bring my youth pastor and so he preached that night a Thursday night with about a hundred and thirty of us maybe in a room at our other church our little Church where we were beginning over on Terry and Dixie Road and when he came time for the altar call he said something like if you would like prayer for importation and you want some of what I have received I'd be happy to pray for you and right at that moment it was like the Holy Spirit exploded across the room and the room erupted into people falling shaking laughing crying screaming and they're just all over the floor and I'd never seen piles of people quite like that ever in my life and the difference was these were these were our people for the most part we kind of knew them and we just never seen them all over the floor like that before and so right away the Holy Spirit began impacting lives doing miracles and healing marriages and restoring sick bodies of his it with the fruit of it was so amazing friends that's why we fell in love with this it wasn't the manifestations per se what they told us was there were merely an indicator of the kind of power that was going into people but it was the transformation that happened in the heart and Carol and I had Randy pray for us because he stayed on and then stayed on again and after a week he was going home after really a complete week and we're like God what's gonna happen Randy's going home are you going with him or what's gonna happen but we said well alright but we want your background e as soon as you can but we'll we'll try to hold the fort and tell that but you know what the Holy Spirit has kept coming and coming and coming and coming in this place so Randy thank you so much for coming and keep way back then and for coming back and back again and to Deanne for saying yes he can stay another two days okay can stay in another two days and all that kind of things so it was amazing and all that God has done over 25 years I mean we had no idea at all god bless you let's give them a great welcome back thank you John but I also want to say that it had not had it not been for John's perception and realization of what was happening I would have gone home but it was his wisdom to recognize the uniqueness of what God was doing and I remember he said Randy you and I have prayed for this and looked for this and desired this our whole lives and now it's here you can't go home so I figured if he can talk my wife into letting me stay it I have to be God I remember after I was here about 42 of the first 60 days I remember the perfect prophetic word is given to me the night before I came here was testing me now test me now test me now do not be afraid I will back you up I want your eyes to be open to see my resources for you in the heavenlies even as Elijah prayed Ghazis eyes would be open and don't become anxious because if you become anxious you can't hear me I saw God be so faithful here and I remember the very first meeting we did outside of Toronto I actually went back to the town that I had been a Baptist pastor in and I remember praying Lord that word was that only for Toronto is it or is it gonna be forever I gone and I didn't know what would happen and then when we got to that place the Spirit of God fell there in southern Illinois even as it had here in Toronto and I found out that it was a word that wasn't relegated or limited to a geographical location that it was a word for his church and all over the world we've seen God come yes this is the first time I ever left the United States when I came to Canada my first trip but I've been to 54 nations now and a hundred and five times to Brazil and I thank God for what he's doing and there's some new places coming up and I'm glad it didn't end right now one of the things I'm so excited about is is what he's doing in traditional denominations we've got to go and be used in a reformed denomination in the Netherlands and the leaders of the movements that we want to move from cessationism to believing that gifts are still for today and we were just in the last four years of the greatest brief outpourings of power i've seen in brazil has been amongst the traditional like our Southern Baptists in the United States the traditional Baptist denomination in Brazil they have a charismatic Baptist Association or denomination and they traditional and it's it's been amongst the traditional that God has been moving and you know it only took the pastor of the largest Baptist traditional Baptist Church in Brazil for revival to hit his church to cause many of the other largest to say we want what God just did in your church last December I was with a Baptist guy when we went there the first time and I met him right here actually over there and in that area and it's 12 it'd been 12 years since I'd been there when we were there like three or four years in a row power God would come we'd stack all the chairs move him out because the place would only seat like three or 400 people as a small as a central is a very important Baptist Church but it wasn't very big and it just had lots of crisis and he was very discouraged power God came and he told me since I hadn't been there in 12 years he said what God did in those three visits so touched us and strengthened us that we were able to grow from 300 to I don't know if it's 13 15 18 thousand something like that half of it was his church I think it's 15,000 because the there was another 15,000 in daughter churches they had started in Belo zone she and then I was he told me he said but we also have given away what God has given us we have 3000 cell in Brazil cells in Brazil that's related to people we have influenced it and in those 3000 cells or 3 million believers and so on I can't well so what do you want this time he said we're exhausted revival is exhausting and we're exhausted and we need to be refilled and we need to be refreshed and he said and besides I have another whole generation that has arisen in this church that don't remember those meetings and they need their time and I just tell you it was an amazing meeting and the grace of God was there I'm excited about what God is doing in his church and those of you know me I love the whole church and I love what he's doing in the Pentecostals and the Karris Mattox and the evangelicals I even have a friend who is a very liberal Old Testament professor theologically who's part of a denomination is a peace denominator he's a pacifist and he came to my house because he had been speaking at Messiah College is one of the three best highest rated Christian colleges United States about five minutes from my house and he said I got to tell you my story he was working with the poorest of the poor in Nicaragua he was working with prisoners in the worst of the prisons around the world he go in and administered prisons he's very passionate but theologically liberal professor and he said that I burned out I believe the same thing but my passion was gone I burned out I believed the same but it didn't feel the same and I needed to be refreshed and somebody had been to Toronto and came to where I was at and prayed for me and I hit the floor and I laughed and I laughed and I laughed and I got drunk now he still is a liberal Old Testament theologian who still has a wonderful ministry but he's now been able for another decade to keep on keeping on because of the renewing of the holy spirit you see the Holy Spirit really doesn't care if you're an Arminian or a Calvinist he doesn't care if you're an evangelical or liberal he doesn't care if you're Orthodox are Roman Catholic what he cares about is how much you love him in your heart and how much you love his son how much you love is presence so he's renewing the church the revival he wants to bring is so big it's gonna take more than just the Pentecostals and charismatics to hold the harvest it's gonna take I believe every building every Church in every city to hold the harvest that's coming now I want to I want to do something I get to do anything I want they said does they get to speak one time and so here we go I want to introduce my assistant attendant intern today I talked with about 15 or 20 people who I have a personally intern of in turn 40 thirteen women and 27 men who I've taken with me and poured into them and there's really a blessing to me one was in China one was in South Africa one worked with four Heidi for a long time they're getting ready to come back to the United States after he's been there I think twelve years one of them was going into Indonesia living in Germany but going in a woman going into Indonesia preaching to indigenous people in Indonesia and I'm listening to their stories in it I was so blessed the rest of my life i want to spend pouring into the next generation training them educating them praying for them seeing god and power them and that's i think that huge on god's heart and that's one of the things we're gonna go for tonight is not just for the leaders but also this next younger generation that you're not old enough to remember when the power of God first fell here and and then there's people and I wanted to ask about this I'm just curious then there's people who you didn't discover what God was doing till recently and so even though this is like 25 years for us it's like one year or six months or two years for you or are you just this is the first time you've ever been here and maybe you this is new to you I'm not gonna ask you Stan but I would like for you to wave your hand and say hey I'm kind of new to this and just wave at me yeah so I really want to believe God that even though this is new to you your hunger and your faith that brought you here is gonna bring a blessing to you and some of the things that you hear and see you may not understand them but I'm so glad God doesn't wait till we understand what he's doing before he does it if that was the case some of the things he's done to me I would never have received and still wouldn't be receiving because I still don't understand I just thank God for it I want to introduce Marcus died Gert and reason why I want to introduce him ISM I'm not going to go for healing tonight I'm going to go for impartation but I though I'm not gonna go for healing we began to see not at least 20 25 percent of the people 20 25 percent healings - the number of people in a meeting for about six months now and in the United States in North America I'm not talking about Brazil or Argentina or somewhere in Africa I'm talking about in the United States we've also began to see and it wasn't when I ministered hi mark I just recognized you marks one of our adjunct professors at our seminary and he is one of the most favored teachers - so and I met him here and he's I don't know how many times I've seen you at these meetings but it's amazing man so I'm gonna introduce Marcus because the creative miracles happen when he prayed not me I'm not talking about healings I am talking about creating miracles bill is here - Holy Spirit can really come now cuz Bill's here [Applause] so I've asked Marcus if God gives him things which he does - just Minister briefly on healing and for creative miracles now sometimes the creative miracles we don't hear about it for two or three years I mean - three days after they after the prayer time because some of the things that need us to be created you you can't tell if it was created instantly or not and we were in Tulsa Oklahoma there's this Mennonite woman she said that she didn't know who we were but she had gone heard me somewhere on television and she looked it up and saw that I was gonna be in Tulsa and she was I think Lincoln Nebraska several hundred mile drive so she and her husband drove down she told me that on Friday night Marcus goes for creative miracles on Friday night on Sunday morning we have to fly out pretty early and be out of short period of time and so we just briefly prayed for healing and I said I want somebody that has had a significant healing and you can prove it and you know you've been healed and it's a big thing I'd like for at least one of you only have time for one because we have to fly out to come forward and this big guy on the back seat that the church stood up and he's really really excited and he starts to come forward and he is excited now I don't don't use your imagination but I'm gonna clean up his testimony and make it pg because it was somewhere between an R and an X so he's coming forward and he's so excited and somebody gave him a mic and mine one of my rules was never give up the mic and somebody gave him mic and he said I said what was healed he's and he didn't use this language he said my behind was healed and my face is just because this is being live-streamed he said no am i I'm just old country boy and my behind was healed he said more specifically my rectum was healed and again I'm gonna clean this up but he said you know when they take your rectum out you can't have a normal bowel movement there's things you can't make anymore all you have is diarrhea then I'll go through three or four rolls of toilet paper a day it's totally devastating and if you don't have a rectum you there's certain things you can't do anymore and it's embarrassing you know and I'm thinking oh my God he's not had time to go to the bathroom how's he know if he's been healed how could have we gonna verify this it's you know I'm actually embarrassed I'm thinking this is getting bad and it's going from bad to worse and how do we even prove it and and then he said I was at your meeting Friday night and Marcus prayed for creative miracles and since Friday night I've been able to make something I couldn't make before [Laughter] and I've been able to have normal bowel movements nobody's gonna get up and tell this story to fake it so humiliating but he said it I've got my life back because every since that prayer I've been made whole so I'm gonna ask mark this is Minister Jessica a little and then I'm gonna have one testimony not so much of the healing I'm gonna ask somebody to give a testimony of impartation thank you ready and thank you to catch the fire and John Carroll y'all been wonderful just I feel like family already it's been great and just place Jesus how about that right praise Jesus all right here he's about to do some more things tonight right that's what it's all about it's all about Jesus and I love what John said a while ago I heard God's saying it that we're here to catch the fire but we're gonna go out and spread the fire right and that's the reason I give the testimonies is this about what Jesus does because he's gonna do it again and he's undo it again now that you've been told you need to spread the fire so as you can bark on this journey this week what you catch you need to go out and spread take it out to the ends of the earth write to every tribe every nation and spread the fire right and I tell this because of what God's done and as we give the testimony it's not just of what I'm going to talk about that happened in 2010 but Randy was saying we get testimonies all the time of the the rectum that was healed kidneys that are healed new gall bladders new livers God is moving and God is creating and healing the bodies and miraculous ways that the doctors are just completely dumbfounded that's what I love to pray right and so I want to tell you about what happened that was my life was completely changed in 2010 it was actually a bill Johnson was in Austin Texas I am from Texas and yeah praise Jesus right oh I do want to say this I want it I felt like God said this for ministers because I'm this is where I was at and I feel like it's something tonight God wants to release minutes we feel like sometimes we've seen healing we've experienced some healings but then we have some physical conditions and we live with it but God wants to release you from your pain and your suffering that you do it in secret and in hiding places right God wants to release that tonight I was a minister I spent 14 years in ministry I was burned out took a sabbatical about the time the bill was in Austin and I was literally physically in horrible condition I had two back surgeries fourteen screws two metal rods and a metal plate put in my spine my whole lumbar area was 360 fusions I had a kid genetic kidney disease I was born with born with three kidneys right get a bonus no but when I was five one of the kidneys stopped functioning kidney start failing that kidney got infected infected the other kidding next to it so they had to take out two kidneys when I was five from the time I was five until 32 I had kidney stones every couple of months severe kidney stones chronic kidney stones all the time a doctor told me when I was seventeen he told me that your other kidney starting to fail you're starting to lose function that kidney is is gonna fail and we can't give you a kidney transplant because you have a genetic kidney disease there'll be a waste is that good news and so but I lived I lived on faith with God I seen healings I experienced hilley's before but at this time I was I was burned out I was I was just wanting more but I was suffering my blood was tainted I couldn't take antibiotics anymore I was really in bad shape so the first night the meeting bill just says hey you know we're starting to see metal being released in bodies and my wife my daughter and family we're family of faith so they're like pushing me up you got all this metal in your back you can't bend you can't do anything right and Bill just had the people around you just pray I felt nothing to me so try it out and say okay I'll try it out you know I'm gonna look like a fool because all I could do is go like this I had to have help putting on my shoes socks I couldn't do anything I was really actually the one the worst testimony you probably had someone coming up medow I was really frustrated that night I kind of kept my own toenails and that's what I talked about when I call it up but and when I went to bend I moved and bent like I couldn't bend before I can't do anything I'm talking about full release people Jesus completely release the met on my back a hundred percent I go on rollercoasters play basketball I do whatever I want like I never had surgery before isn't that great isn't God good come on the next night had a word of knowledge come from one of the students that bill had with him of kidney stones hello mr. kidney stone here of course my wife and daughter like get some more you know and so I stood up for kidney stones people around prayed I felt a burning pain started my back right here it burned so bad it hurt I mean I was in pain from the burn it lasted for two hours after that I moved to the other side lasted for another two hours I am didn't have a kidney stone sense not one period kidney stone sense right so good a year later bill comes back to Austin I went out wanting to follow up give the testimony do that follow up with the people they love they here and I went until Bill about it bill said your lightning rod for healing give it away and so I started pressing in and just giving it away glorifying God praising him going for healing seeing cancer heal sending all these things healed and years went by for years went by this praising God and glorify Him and giving it away and seeing god they're amazing things and God just moving right and then I was at work I was just a by implication at the time I was just at work and I moved the box heavy case and I got a hernia simple hernia so I went in it was painful as irritating I went into doctors when you have back surgeries and I have a lot more surgeries than anybody ever feel like you've been through the wringer yeah I have a lot of surgeries but um I went in doctor they checked my back out they're doing all the MRIs cat scans and the doctor comes back in after hours and hours of tests and my wife and I are sitting there and they come in we said you know your back looks great and it's good here it's not your appendix that's a good thing your kidneys look great but whoa what what do you say she looks at the paper says I'll be back and she leaves my wife and I like what what's going on and she's gone for like an hour and a half and she comes back in and she goes I thought the radiologist read it wrong I had to look at the films myself you have two fully functioning kidneys praise Jesus right come on he created a kidney in me yeah and he's do it again I want to encourage you tonight if you have an issue he'll do it again he'll do it again but I also want to encourage I feel really strong about the courage that when you've been healed before and you're dealing with another physical issue that doesn't mean God's not God's just done with you that you had your one healing now it's for everybody else because I had to her neo to deal with it so I went in for surgery had one of the best surgeons in the nation do the hernia surgery he severed the femoral nerve yeah great thing so I went through all kinds another surgery all kinds of testing the neurologist came back I mean he said that your your nerve is 90% sever you have no function going through it whatsoever this is this is bad news I mean this is real bad news I keep this report on my desk just to remind me of what God did and so he he said this is what's gonna happen your leg will stop being a you stop being to use it your quadriceps is gonna ball up your neck their knees gonna buckle up now I'm doing a ministry at the time training a Nazarene Church and they're healing and I'm just you know getting to the point where I'm walking on a cane I get to the point where I can't I can't even stand putting pressure on my leg but I'm saying cancer healed see God just do all these amazing things and I'm not getting my healing I get the point where I'm completely bedridden I'm in so much pain I'm on a max doses of lyrica fencin all hydrocodone hydromorphone I was on the max doses of all these medications they even tried to put a device in my back to stop the back from singing sending signals they did all kinds of things to try to stop this I was in lotta pain anybody been in chronic pain where you just had enough you just had enough and the nerve pain when I broke my back when I fell those 14 feet that is hard I heard that nerve pain was so tremendous and then to see your family suffering my wife my daughter my kids suffering hurts I was one day I was laying in bed my family was outside and I prayed to God this I said God either you heal me you me cuz I can't take it anymore now serious right there and that's when the door opened up to my room and the room feels like just as bright lights unbelievable and this figure came out of the light and he came up and he literally comes to the bad and he kneels next to the pattern and I knew this this piece came upon me and I knew it's Jesus he's kneeling next to the bed praying when he gets up he sits on the bed and I feel the bed move the bed can pressed down and he tells me I mean her seating for you I know your pain I want to encourage you tonight that God knows where you're at jesus knows your pain the Holy Spirit and Jesus intercede for you he intercedes for you and he knows where you had and I tell you look at me right now I'm not supposed to be able to walk I'm not supposed to do anything but I am here and I am fully fully moving because of Jesus because of Jesus so if you have I want you to stand for some things if you have one if you have any kidney stones chronic kidney issues any of that stand up right now you need a creative miracle you need a body part whether it's a gallbladder a kidney a heart liver I've seen and heard testimonies what God has been doing I've even lost count of the numbers of kidneys God's replaced I mean get stand up right now grab a hold of this if you have a prognosis or a diagnosis like they told me there is just no chance no hope and you can never do anything again stand up if you have metal in your bodies if you have a foreign object stand up because we're gonna release this I also heard tonight during worship psoriatic arthritis and and grandi has seen that's 13 out of 14 women completely healed a hundred percent of psoriatic arthritis in the last 12 months God is healing the body stand up if you had a right knee issue is getting a lot of right knee issues right below the kneecap stand up and so put your hand well let's do this right now you know what just try it out if you're in pain from moving or something try to do something you cannot do because God doesn't need a prayer the testimonies power enough to release the healing try to do something you cannot do and if you're healed 80% are better give God the glory by putting two hands over your head and crossing them back and forth try it out right now and then give God glory where he asks people being healed in the back I see one two three four five six seven there's a bunch of people being healed right now that's just trying it out just trying it out all right now take your hand if it's appropriate put it on where you need the healing right put it on where you need the healing I'm gonna pray over your father God right now just release your healing power on your people heal the issues that the chronic pain and the nerve conditions father God heal the knees in the backs right now in the name of Jesus release the metal in back's a metal in the body's metal in the knees and Jesus name what is not there I call it to be their new kidneys new gall bladders new hearts new livers right now grow them right now in the name of Jesus restore your people because we are on the other side of the cross and the restoration power of Jesus Christ I proclaimed that on the body tonight in Jesus name pain you have no right you're illegal here no more pain in the name of Jesus I rebuke it out in Jesus name in Jesus name now try it out again try to again try to do something you can it do try to move around if you had metal in some area move it around I wasn't healed until I moved I didn't feel the release of the metal until I moved now and Texas when it got cold I would feel the metal now I'm up here I don't feel nothing right so try it out and if you got healed a pain or any condition 80% or more do both hands over the head like this and get God the glory don't take the waves we got the glory just look around the room God is moving and healing the bodies around the room right now in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus I want to see also if you're being touched right now but you can't say I'm 80 percent or better put one hand up if you are being touched and you say you know what I am being a he'll something's happened there is healing there is heat there is electricity something is happening in my body but one I want to pray for you again but I want the people around you to pray for them just if there's someone with a hand up put your hand on the NBP around appropriate way and pray for them for 30 seconds just pray for God to release the healing release healing in this room in Jesus name let your Angels release healing release the pain in Jesus name no more no more pain in the name of Jesus and the name of Jesus glory to God thank you God we every good work you start father you complete heal your people tonight and Jesus name that an outpouring a healing come on this place in Jesus name in Jesus name in Jesus name hallelujah hallelujah glory Jesus praise each other see tomorrow to see that us took over the city more Lord more Lord more Lord more Lord now try it out again and if you're if you are 80% are better and you couldn't say to a while ago give God the glory right now to show the hands and wave your hands overhead look around either around the room that going healings over here praise Jesus praise Jesus all across the room praise You Jesus glory to the Lamb of God I want to ask a question real quick like Randy said sometimes we need some time before we know we're healed if you had a crit you need to create a miracle you need some time or a test right and we want to give God glory what he's doing for people that don't have an evidence right now but they felt something if you felt the power God moved through your body and you needed to create a miracle or something that you need to test to prove just give God glory by waving a hand over the air you felt the power of God moving through your body look at that all around the room all around the room look at that God is touching his people I encourage you please as you get tests that you get tests done or you get evidence of your healing please email us we'd love to get the testimony it's really simple Marcus at global awakening calm that's real easy to remember right Marcus at global awakening calm but I just want to do one more thing to give God glory everybody that was healed tonight of something just stand up Dube really big for about 30 seconds both hands are there just everybody that was here tonight just stand up and put both look around this is what God Roddy's right here in Jesus name thank you lord thank you Jesus thank you lord thank you lord I don't remember how many years ago it was but it wasn't that many years ago we were doing a conference in Orlando Florida and this young man who's a professor at a seminary in Detroit Michigan I don't know where he's at now but I saw him earlier during worship if you're still in here so I can know where you're at it way that me where there you are okay so his name his father Mathias Phelan and he had a friend with him I think your friends here tonight Patrick you're good Protestant name teasing you Patrick the two of them came to me and father stainless said would you pray for a Catholic and I said well of course and I asked him that we just stepped into a private place because it was coming out in the hallway or somewhere then there wasn't I want to emphasize something don't put your faith in your manifestations if you have enough power going three that it causes you to manifest thank God for it but it doesn't mean you're not touched if you don't manifest it doesn't mean God didn't use you anoint you if you don't have any manifestations so they got on their knees Patrick and father thing and held her hands up like this and I just prayed for him I didn't see anything happen I didn't see any manifestations of any kind but then I heard about the fruit so father thing with June Patrick just come real quick and kind of tell us what you guys have been doing and and I need a mic thank you I had him speak at our conference in October so you know I I I can say it one thing this guy's gone he's on fire so thank you again god bless you tell us just a little bit you guys what you're seeing what God's doing and what he's doing in the seminary and go ahead take off get up close though get in the light come out of the darkness into the light so long long story short I was asking one of my friends who's a professor at the seminary who do you know that can teach about healing because I was getting into the healing ministry and she recommended a guy named Randy Clark she says his theology is really good he's really anointed and so I brought my friend Patrick to one of his conferences it was voice of the Apostles I believe it was 2015 and we went to that conference and we had read the book there is more are you familiar at that book that book changed my life and so we started asking for more and I was at a conference before that I just received this outpouring of power and love in a way that I had never experienced before and we knew that there was more after that so we came praying or actually asking for Randy to pray for us and we had a couple opportunities to be prayed with by you one was in that private meeting the other was when you were doing impartation over the entire crowd and I remember you were praying and there's about 7,000 people there and you were coming out and praying for people in the front and we were along the back and also we're praying and I started manifesting just a little bit and it's the power of God was coming and out of nowhere comes we'll heart out of nowhere he sees me 20 feet away he just does this and I go flying onto the ground I hadn't experienced manifestations like that in my entire life it was so powerful and I remember being very touched and moved by your humility and by your love for Christian unity because we really believe that the Spirit of God unites us it is by the Spirit of God that we live and is by the Spirit of God that we go forth and power to witness to the Risen Jesus oh we were really really moved and so we actually ended up starting this ministry called encounter ministries to actually further this in our own church package atella tell us a little bit more about that so we started encounter ministries in early 2016 and everything we did God just started breaking out in power and one of the first things that I did I led Randi led love dating it was a crusade in Dayton Ohio and I was in Columbus at the time only about an hour away and so I contacted the bishop over the region and I asked for permission to lead a Catholic ministry team to work with Randy's so that salvation healing and miracles could flow through the city so we got permission the bishop gave us permission to do that and I was part of the Catholic team that went door to door I'm part of this mission and before we were sent out Randy had another impartation flow fourth and I'm pretty sure Randy didn't know who I was at the time and we're going he's going and praying for everybody isn't amazing that he'll just stay and just pray and pour himself out like that and so I remember being there and he comes over me and just stops and I remember he just said wow there was such a fire on you and he's just says there is such a fire you're like you're like a modern-day Saint Francis and the Lord says renew my church and a blue on me and I flew back and I got filled with so much joy I went to Franciscan University and reform is in my blood my name is Patrick he st. Patrick converted entire nation and I felt this weight of prophetic significance from the depths of the old the treasures of the old and new were coming together like a waterfall and so I was laughing for an hour just being filled with the power of joy we go out the next day everyone we pray for door to door gets healed it was absolutely incredible I called on my friend Ryan Meili who is a um he's he was a theology teacher at the local Catholic High School and I'm telling him all these stories that Patrick you had to come in and share with my students so I said alright I got permission from the leader to go out to the high school and I had 15 minutes to share I told stories about what God was doing and as I started telling stories about what was God was doing just like Marcus was getting knowledge is started calling out conditions and left and right these students in a very culture of doubt and unbelief they wore uniforms and that was about as Catholic as that got they started getting healed like left and right and it set the seeds for revival fast forward two years we got no openings to go into Catholic high schools and we were doing healing meetings in Catholic High Schools and salvation healing miracles are flowing and it's all because of an opportunity right here and to make it even bigger God has used us to start the first Catholic school supernatural ministry in Brighton Michigan and not only that but we have an annual conference and we filled the entire Toledo Convention Center and there were just outpourings we're going after healing impartation is the prophetic it's just shaking the Catholic Church God is doing something amazing and we're so excited and just to say that the the outpouring of the Holy Spirit is impacting more than just some people who are used to it it's happening all over we simply get into a meeting we just say come Holy Spirit and he comes and but one guy actually came to a conference and he was so utterly rocked he said father he was actually another priest he says there is not a single part of my life that has not been radically changed I guess some one of you now right so so what's happening is that the seminarians are getting touched there are people who have been closed off to this in our church who are being touched as saying this is God and once we start training other people on how to pray for healing how to deliver prophetic words we're beginning to see that actually go across the country and people are experiencing healing all over so because of the ministry and because of the power of the Holy Spirit that started here and through you Randi it's actually touching our church in a new way it came before but it's coming again and this is really really exciting so thank you very much faithlyn is a professor of geology he's the professor of theology out of seminary in Detroit Michigan and he takes the students who are gonna be future priests right is that right he takes him out on the street to do power evangelism laying on to the hands and seeing people healed on the streets of Detroit thank you guys ah and I get excited I want to emphasize is that God risk looks for hunger I've reached this message you want to preach tonight I think I've reached it one other time and if I preach it enough it it'll get better but I'm not there yet so this is the second time it's simple I don't have a lot of illustrations that's just but I think God's gonna touch people and I want to ask you to open your Bibles to first Kings chapter 19 and we're gonna talk about Elijah and we're gonna talk about Elijah later and we're gonna talk about a man whose name isn't written a man who for all reason to me was next in line to be the successor to Elijah we don't know his name he didn't get to be the successor I want to talk about the difference between him and the Elijah and I want to draw some just insights from the Word of God so Elijah has had one of the greatest victories of his life he's had this amazing victories and he's had praying that the the three-year drought would break and he sent as the servant to go check and see if he can see in the distance if there's a cloud because he's praying for rain and there's not been raining three years and he's told the king that rain was coming and the the servant the unnamed servant he obeys but this seems like there's something lacking and 4/7 times Elijah said to him go back and see if you see anything and in verse the latter part of verse 43 of chapter 18 the servant comes Magnus says he said this there's nothing there that's really simple there's nothing there cuz there was nothing there but what if he had said there's nothing there yet see there's nothing there yet is acknowledging there well it's not happening but I believe it's going to because you're praying and I'm gonna come in agreement with you I'm adding my faith to your faith cuz I believe if you're praying that it's gonna rain it's gonna rain but it's nothing there yet but there's no yet it's just there's nothing there and after this victory Jezebel threatens and gives him as sure as sure as I live before this day is over you're gonna be like those prophets those the the priests that you killed I'm gonna take your life and in verse 3 of chapter 19 it says Elijah was afraid and ran for his life and I believe that many times it's right after our greatest victories that we have some of our biggest battles that some of the times were most vulnerable right after a huge victory and I believe that the fact that he ran he's his own worst judge now he's going into depression because he feels like a failure and he's moved from the height of victory and God answering prayer and a three year drought being broken and being able to give us energy to outrun a horse and you know he's just and then he runs to save his life and it says when he came to Beersheba this isn't verse three when he came to Beersheba in judah he left his servant there i just want to focus on what it says and doesn't say we don't know why he left him did he leave him because he realized I needed a man I needed an attendant to say there's nothing there yet and he didn't I don't know did he leave him there because he he wanted to stay did he leave him there because he didn't want to go on we don't know why he left him there but the servant was left in Beersheba and elisha is going into a spiraling into this depression verse 4 says while he himself went a day's journey into the desert I'd like to point out that when you disappoint yourself be careful because if you don't know how to deal with that self disappointment and self condemnation and self judgment you will find yourself going into a spiritual desert other people can say all types of things about you and it won't have as much an impact as yourself talk about yourself it's what you're saying to yourself that I have even more impact on you than what others are saying about you and he came to a broom tree and he sat down under it and prayed that he might die we have serious depression going on here we have serious disillusionment going on when I went to see Rodney in 1993 few months before I came here I was in the desert and I was disillusioned I was depressed on the verge of a nerve breakdown myself talk wasn't very good but God rescued me and he gets all the glory but I know what it's like I think if we live long enough I mean even famous people that I've read about who are very famous like Spurgeon had serious bouts of depression it's not uncommon for people who are powerfully used of God to have deep and big spiritual battles if you don't know other people have struggled you can feel really bad about yourself and it says that he wanted to die and he says I've had enough Lord take my life he's not having a good day anybody ever felt like that I've resigned from the ministry and in my head a lot revival is tiring in 1906 a pastor of a First Baptist Church of Confederate Kentucky in 1905 had prayed God give me revival ride or I'll die God gave him revival in one year he baptized a thousand new believers in his church and he did die of exhaustion he was an older man revival is tiring and when we get tired if we don't take care of ourselves if we push ourselves too hard we become vulnerable and this is also a warning to watch out for that and watch yourself talk and if you are tonight in that place of the desert that there's good news here because God is the rescuer he's the one who can do for us what we cannot do for ourselves sometimes we think we will behave one way and then when we fair-faced with the trial we may not have passed he doesn't flunk anybody he gives us remedial work until we pass so he says take my life I'm no better than my ancestors then he lay down under the tree and fell asleep do you know one of the signs of depression is there's you want to sleep a lot and says all at once an angel touched him and said get up and eat and he looked around and there by his head was a cake of bread baked over hot coals and a jar of water I mean we got delivery service from heaven I mean he's in the middle of the desert this is supernatural meal oh wow I thought of that you know the Lord Jesus has provided for us a supernatural meal that brings Grace and strength to us he ate and drank and then he laid down again the angel the Lord came back a second time and I said get up and eat for the journey is too much for you see God knows when the journey you're facing the challenge you have the call you're gonna go on the prophecy has been spoken to you is too big for you and so he will anoint you as they did Heidi when she's burned down when she came saying I can't go on I don't know how I can continue this God unless if you don't touch me at this meeting I don't know how I can continue doing what she's doing with the orphans there and Mozambique enough Jonathan had told me that hit and told me her name was Heidi I never met her never talked to her but when she came up that morning or that day whatever it was night whenever it was that and she's weeping and I see her and I know her first name is Heidi I don't know her last name the Lord did something for her she can't go on he knows she needs to be refreshed my faith is not in your ability to have enough faith to be healed but my faith is not so much focused on you or me but my faith is focused on the faithfulness of God that he can do things in our lives to create the faith we need to create the hope we need to create the strength we need and what he does in Elijah's life he sends an angel well I see Heidi and I said Heidi God wants to know do you want the nation of Mozambique and she's crying yes yes I said God's gonna give you the nation Mozambique see the blind see the Deaf hear the lame walk dead be raised now I'm so glad I never heard her testimony in the next 18 months because if I'd heard your testimony during the next 18 months I probably would have quit trend for people for impartation because she prayed for every blind person every deaf person every lame person that she saw or lots of them and what happens the next 18 months and by the way when I said that to her God to instantly power came on her she told me later she felt like she's stuck in another profusely sweating from the heat supernatural heat the power so strong she she would die it's kind of like Moody and Finny purse either this electricity in waves of love would have continued overthrowing only wave after wave of would have died stay your hand let's just leave me I can't stand any more she got one of those then she has problems I won't tell too much she has from they lose a lot million dollars promised him gone because they wouldn't quit talking about Toronto know what God did to him here buildings confiscated by the government nobody's getting healed instead of them getting him hide he gets em s daughter gets malaria three times in 18 months a Rollins in the hospital of cerebral malaria it doesn't here's my point does it look like the word that was spoken is coming to pass see if it is story it ended there none of you would want me to pray for you so I I meet Heidi and hear the rest of the story for the first time really at Bill's church and he's scheduled hiding ID beating it again which she usually doesn't do that and when Heidi starts telling her story all they went through and the opposition had the difficulty and when the doctor says if you go back to Mozambique you'll die she says I will not die because I have a prophetic word from God and he's gonna give me the nation to Mozambique the bynes gonna see the deaths gonna hear the lanes gonna walk the Dead's gonna be raised I went to Heidi excuse me and I need some water and I asked her Heidi I have one question for you do you think you do you believe you could have sustained your faith in the words that I had given you if God hadn't it backed it up by his power and she said no she could not have continued to believe that was really God but for the power that was so strong that she could not doubt because of what God had done to her that was the strength and the source of her faith in the word the Rhema I believe that sometimes there's a degree of anointing related to the degree of difficulty of the call and if God knows that what you're going to go up against is like hell with a pistol of water water pistol he will give you an experienced to give you the courage to do that Billy Graham said you don't need power to evangelize if you don't evangelize you don't need grace for dying and you're not dying he talks about this things you need that God knows what you need and he gives it to you and that's what I see here God it's not about Elijah it's about his God it's God's got more for him to do his God is not condemning him as God is not blaming him his God is not harsh on him but it's encouraging him and so he's fallen asleep in the angel gives him this stuff T coz the journeys gonna be too much for you and in verse eight so he got up and ate and drank and strengthened by that food he traveled forty days and forty nights until he reached Horeb the mountain of God one thing about the desert and one thing about the valley my friend Graham cooked talks about learning how to celebrate the valley and the desert because he often speaks to us in those places of brokenness and dryness when we become desperate when he so much in his wisdom turns off all the water so to speak so that we become so desperate for his presence that it takes us into the setup for the next mountaintop experience so he goes from the desert to the mountain of Horeb the mountain of God because God had a rendezvous set up for him and it says there he went into a cave and spent the night it's this place of safety the cave is its also was a place of shelter and so he's gone there to spend the night and it says and the word of the Lord came to him what are you doing here Elijah when God asked us a question he doesn't need information God's not confused about Elijah God knows why is there God knows everything about him the comforting thing for me is it God knows you and he knows me better than we know ourselves when I was here in those first 42 days preaching at night and all heaven was coming during the daytime Carole and a guy named I believe as Steve was this person if I remember I was taking me through in her healing for the brokenness in my life and I was weeping realizing all these places of brokenness and places of weakness and and things that I needed to get past how to do all that he wanted in my life and it was amazing it amazed me one of the things that really helped me was that I was really self-conscious indications of brokenness that I didn't understand and I thought that a lot of mistakes I've made and since I've made in my life it's just my weakness and poor a weak will and especially my teenage years and and I realized as Carol and Steve was taking me through in her healing that a lot of my decisions that I thought was due to my free will making bad choices was not that it was really I was not near as free as what I thought that there were huge like logical issues and needs in my life that predisposed me to be vulnerable to certain types of temptation and then predisposed need to make it was like some places I wasn't near as free as what I thought and I begin to realize that David really knew what he was saying in sin did my mother conceive me and I realized that there was just iniquity there's this brokenness sin and all of a sudden I got a revelation of grace here's what I got when I came to understand that it wasn't just bad decisions but it was the power of sin in others or in my parents in other's lives that had affected me that I didn't start out with a clean slate that there were huge subterranean faults and trembles tremors and in my life and I realized yeah I I fell I made mistakes I sinned and I've always blamed myself I've been very critical of myself and I've done but I realized now man that I didn't get a fair start this makes sense and if the N in that revelation I realize wow now that I know all that's really going on I'm I'm not so judgmental I'm more merciful to myself and then the revelation came that's why God is so full of grace and abounding in mercy because he understands our brokenness he understands our fears he understands the problems we had he understands the effects of others people's sin on us he understands all that and because he understands it so gracious so this message I said it's about Elijah it's about Elijah it's about the unnamed servant but you know the hero will the story is God a rescuing God what are you doing here Elijah he replied well I've been very zealous for the Lord God Almighty the Israelites have rejected your covenant broken down your altars and put your prophets to death with the sword and I'm the only one left and now they're trying to kill me too that's why I'm here verse 11 the Lord said go out and stand on the mountain I really think there's something about those two put together we're gonna have a mountaintop experience often they're connected to they have two words go out go out oh but God I'm not worthy to go how I failed you go out get out the desert get out of that cave go out and go to the mountain that's where I want you that place of presence that place have experienced the mountain of God because I've seen your weakness I've seen your fear I see your depression but that's not how I see you you need to see yourself the way I see it I'm saying to you go out in spite of all that you may feel go out stand on the mountain in the presence of the Lord for the Lord is about to pass by Moses had an experience like that in the cleft of the mountain where the Lord passed by he's all the glory of the Lord in the midst of your darkness of your feeling like I failed Lord if you're feeling like I I'm not measuring up I didn't pass the test whatever it may be you need to understand the devil is the call to condemn err God convicts us or sins but God condemns us I mean the enemy condemns us God convicts us the enemy condemns us he is the Satan means the accuser of the Brethren don't line up yourself talk with his condemnation line up your self talk with the cross line up your self talk with the gracious Savior see yourself as he sees you then a great powerful wind toward the mountains apart I said I can agree and a shattered the rocks be for the Lord but the Lord was not in the wind and after wind there was an earthquake but the Lord was not in the earthquake and after the earthquake came a fire but the Lord was not in the fire and after the fire came a gentle whisper and when Elijah heard it he pulled his cloak over his face and went out and stood at the mouth of the cave so while this is going on he's in the cave but when he hears the whisper and realizes the Scottie goes out of the cave now for that mountain to get a better perspective you know one that we have a place in southern Illinois called cave in Rock it's a big huge cave one thing about caves are dark some of us need to walk out of the darkness because we're hearing the whispers of God sometimes like also we want this huge experience there's nothing wrong ilove huge experiences I love them crazy manifestations and I love all of that but I know I've heard Bill say this one time he in it and I know he's had the huge experience I'm not going to tell what that was I love that story the hope you'll hopefully you tell us sometime here but one of the things that changed his life was just an impression from God a word that he took I had one of those yes there was one time I got my prayer to answer God come with so much power you scare me to think well good you're gonna kill me in 1989 he answered that prayer after I started praying it in 1970s it was nineteen years later and I think God for it it's part of my history five years earlier he had touched me a little electricity went through my body and to the point my joints all ate that was awesome I was like walking into an electric fence I mean if you've ever done that I'm a country boy I'm a farm boy I know what those things are and they actually do cause your joints to ache sometimes all day they'll ache from that electricity when I had that experience from the Holy Spirit but when Rodney prayed for me is peace but one of the most important moments in my life that was life transformative didn't come in the earthquake the fire or the wind came in a whisper I was 18 years old my first day at a Baptist College I'm no longer going to a secular school no longer pursuing the career I'd thought I was going to I'm now gonna be in the ministry this is my first day I'm in the light of the bookstore here's the whisper the issue of your life is going to be the Holy Spirit and if every time I could take a course in college or seminary that I could focus on the Holy Spirit or the gifts of the Spirit or even twisted to get there you know get special permission to write a term paper on that subject I did because I believe the Lord had said the issue of your life and now that's a strange word to get with your Baptist guy I mean you know if I'd been a Pentecostal that made sense or charismatic that made sense that's Baptist but I believed it you know what you know what the issue of my life has been now Holy Spirit so don't belittle the whispers and sometimes he made knock you down and shake you rattle and roll you so he can whisper to you while you're there he just needed to get your attention then the voice said to him what are you doing here Elijah he said it again he complains again gives him the same whole thing and then God gives him a commission he's gonna anoint two kings and his successor and God tells him he doesn't get to choose he just gets to obey who God says I don't get to choose who gets walked here tonight I don't have any power in myself to give you anything impartation is not that impartation is teaching what you believe God's going to do and then God the sovereign Lord does it and if you see what he's doing you bless and become an agreement with what he's doing that's what impartation it's a it's not a man thing it's not a woman thing it's not a Protestant or Catholic thing Orthodox or Pentecostal it's a god thing it won't do you any good to tell me what you want what gifts you want because it's like coming to the mail person and saying checks only no bills the person who delivers your mail they don't determine what you get they just deliver the mail which means if God really does touch you don't confuse the mail person for the person who gave you the gift keep the focus on the one who is the source besides I like being the donkey and I love it when I'm in a meeting that he showed up and we were able to carry his presence I know it's not us human beings that you're drawn to any of us any of these his presence that we have sometimes the great privilege of carrying so I got to get off the story time it okay then in verse 19 says so Elijah went from there cuz he's been told what he's supposed to what he's supposed to do and he's gonna go now gonna his replacement and he found Elijah's son of shaphat he was plowing with twelve yoke of oxen i I've tried to picture that in my mind and then it says and he himself is driving the twelfth pair was he pretty wealthy and did were there 12 other people each with two oxen each and he was driving the twelfth pair or did he have him lined up like Wells Fargo and he's got him 12 in a row I've I've never kept it's hard for me to picture how you could keep twelve oxen in a row I did anyway that's so that's a farm thing with me neither here nor there and it says Elijah Elijah went up to him and threw his cloak around him that's Benny Hinn's biblical basis for throwing his coat it's in the Bible it's right there even when it's in the Bible people sometimes still get upset say show me that Navarro right there there was some symbolism in it but they I believe he did it because God told him to and they lie then left his oxen and ran after Elijah let me kiss my father and mother goodbye he said and then I will come with you go back Elijah said and then it says this what have I done to you I love that because he realizes that what God has just commissioned him to do is gonna radically change Elijah's life and if he was a prosperous farmer with twelve oxen and other people working for him I mean just one ox was a sign of prosperity but this guy's got 12 of only we need to understand this is not some farmer that's poor and doesn't have anything this is a very successful man and he says Elijah said what have I done to you because he knows what just happened and God is gonna radically change your life I hadn't remember when I first got involved with vineyard some of the guys I was hanging around with while I was a Baptist they had they say we knew you were doomed we knew you wouldn't be able to stay we told you to stay as long as you could but we know you would gonna get kicked out we knew you were in trouble and when we'd seen they say when I've seen it these guys and men and women who get powerfully touched it's almost like you want to say what did I just do knowing God did it but still owe that person it's not gonna be the same one of the things that my friend Tom Jones is vice my ministry did was doing a study of people who were powerfully touched by the holy spirit and and and and and rating different things that changed their life one of the things that changed was a very uncommon Lehi change of address shortly after the impartation sometimes you were fired and sometimes you were promoted sometimes it got you in trouble but that same blessing also brought you a promotion it's like the guy in Brazil we prayed for and got knocked him down he's weeping he's a present he's over a prison and he had so many 200 and so on people got healed the next year after that he never had a healing his life prior to that and he raised one person from the dead and then he said in man's Kingdom I got busted down from being the warden of the prison to just a correctional officer because I witnessed too much but in God's kingdom I got promoted and he made me a pastor so there can be a demotion and the natural and a promotion in the spirit it's worth it verse 21 so Elijah left him and went back he took his yoke of oxen slaughtered them he burned the plowing equipment to cook the meat and gave it to the people and they ate then he set out to follow Elijah and became his attendant he's moving from a place of great blessing and prosperity to be an attendant to a profit most prophets didn't make much profit and he's following Elijah as an attendant the point I want to make is sometimes God's looking to see if we will burn the bridge to go back some of you have had to make a choice that was going to be very costly to you one of my friends he was making like three hundred and some thousand dollars a year and three million dollars in GE stock options it just stayed totally retired it in his 50s but in his late 30s he resigned and went from three hundred and some thousand dollars a year to I use forty thousand a year to become a system pastor of a church there's people I know I look at you and I know your story and I know you walked away from pension and mance walked away from a lot of good things just to follow God that really touches God's heart the point I want to make this servant alive shot he burnt the bridge he burnt the equipment I'm not going to go back to farming I'm gonna follow that man sometimes we don't become all we can be because we won't risk that radical surrender and commitment that that place of consecration that God is asking of us have you burnt your plow no one having put his hand to the plow and looking back he's fit for the kingdom it's using it in a different way it's like being consistent and committed so we're gonna leave this story at this point especially we've got one servant who stayed he left his servant there and the guy just stayed and Elijah we want to turn over to chapter of second Kings chapter 2 and Elijah is destined for a promotion to heaven and when Elijah was about to take a life when the Lord was about to take Elijah up to heaven in a whirlwind Elijah and Elijah were on their way from Gilgal and Elijah said to Elisha stay here the Lord has sent me to Bethel now the other servant we don't know why he stayed but this guy lasha Elisha his boss says you stay here the Lord's taking me the bathroom but Elisha said as surely as the Lord lives and you live I will not leave you so they went down to Bethel the company the prophets that Bethel came out to Lodge and asked do you know that the Lord is going to take your master from you today yes I know I'm not gonna miss it God's just gonna show up I'm gonna take Elijah I'm gonna be there for it I'm not gonna miss it alright I'm adding that to it that's I see Jesus reading in the text something that's not there they said yes I know but do not speak of it then Elisha said to him verse 4 second time stay here Elisha the Lord has sent me to Jericho and he replied as surely as the Lord lives and as you live I will not leave you so they went down to Jericho that's twice he's been told to stay back he won't do it it's a different spirit than the first servant the company the Prophet said Jericho went up to Lajja and asked him do you know who that the Lord is going to take your master from you today I mean the Lord's been telling everybody that's a prophet does he do anything about speaking to the prophets yes I know he replied but do not speak of it then Elijah said to him stay here three times Elijah tells him to stay but he will not be like that other prophet that other attendant who was left behind who stayed behind then Elijah said to him stay here the Lord has sent me to Jordan and he replied as surely as the Lord lives and as you live I will not leave you so the two of them walked on fifty-minute the company the prophets went and stood at a distance faced in the place where Elijah and Elijah had stopped at Jordan Elijah took his cloak rolled it up and struck the water with it the water divided to the right and to the left and the two crossed over on dry ground we got a huge miracle here verse 9 when they had crossed Elijah said to Elisha tell me what can I do for you before I'm taken from you what if he had stayed when Elijah said stay here but he didn't I believed he knew that there was the possibility of receiving a great blessing the possibility of becoming a successor the possibility of the anointing on Elijah coming on Elijah the Lord had been speaking to them then he knew what relies on you he knew it the prophets knew it the company the prophets knew it so when he asked him what can I do for you when I'm taking up he says let me inherit a double portion of your spirit in Elisha in verse 10 said you have asked a difficult thing yet if you see me when I am taken from you it will be yours otherwise not as they were walking along and talking together suddenly a chariot of fire and horses of fire appeared and separated the two of them and Elijah went up to heaven in a whirlwind I believe that's an angelic escort he makes his angels wins his servants flames of fire and Hebrews one a Elijah saw this and cried out my father my father the chariots and the horsemen of Israel Elijah saw him no more then he took hold of his own clothes and tore them apart was a sign of grief a Jewish way of showing grief to rip your clothes sign of great greed and then he said in verse 13 he picked up the cloak that had fallen through the mantle that had fallen from Elijah and went back and stood at the bank of the Jordan then he took the cloak that had fallen from him and struck the water with it where now is the Lord God of Elijah and when he struck the water it divided the water for the rider in the left and he crossed over in first fifteen the company the prophets from Jericho who were watching said the spirit of Elijah is resting on Elijah and they went to meet him and bowed to the ground before him and they thought they needed to find Elijah now he knew they weren't going to find him but they went looking anyway and they didn't find him what can I do for you I want a double portion of the spirits on you study the life of Elijah and Elijah Elijah had double the miracles Elijah had I believe we live in a day in which God is looking for the servants who burn their plows go all the way in he's looking for the servants that are going to follow after God not only will they not let the in and he stopped them they'll not even let the man of God stop them sometimes we intend well and ask somebody to do something and but the Lord's told him to do something else God is looking for people who as much as they respect their spiritual fathers they're going to go after what God has shown them is theirs and God wants to increase he wants to take us from glory to glory from faith to faith as bill says our ceiling their floor but you want to be in that burn your plow and obey God and do what he says even when sometimes very spiritual people give you advice sometimes it's God and sometimes it's not because you know he's told you something sometimes people want to protect you from something God's wanting to stretch you and they intend well it's important to know the difference it's important not to stay back when God wants you to go on it's important to know the timing to leave and the timing to stay the timing that the anointing is transferred it's time for you to begin what he's put you on I want one of my spiritual fathers Jack Taylor told me he said Randy sometimes God takes you beyond the people who are spiritual fathers in your own life don't hold back say yes to God I believe God wants to do some things tonight and I want us to have a time of impartation and we're there Steve is gonna come up later and tell us what all's going who's gonna go where and and but I want I felt like we were to do two things and I don't want you to come forward on this first one cuz it from one there's no room before the numbers of people I'm talking about and two I don't want you to look to any person myself included I want us to believe that he wants to do something so big that the catcher becomes your chair and when the power comes you're not looking to having to be up here because you could be on the back row and God says I've got somebody on that back row I want to touch there's no way they could ever get up there and I want them to know that I can touch them and I believe that there's a generation of people who have not had their own experience of the power of God touching them with love to the point that they're just weeping with the love of God or the power they actually feel God's power in their hands or on their head or in their body or the glory to the point they feel heavy or the joy to the point that they're just overcome and laughter the drunkenness of God and you've never had an experience with God like that you've and you might say I've kind of been on the backside of the desert but I've come with an expectation and a hunger and I'm willing to burn the plow and I'm willing to go on when everybody else is saying stay I'm willing to look a fool for Christ but I'm hungry and I want to know him and what I heard that God did 25 years ago I want to believe him do it again tonight we don't serve the I was we serve the I am so first thing we wanna do is I want everybody to stand we're gonna invite the power of God to come do not want you to come to the front seriously don't leave your seats I want you to hold your hands out like this I'm gonna ask actually I'm gonna ask rushers don't let anybody come up here so I really felt like seriously God said don't have him come up front now later we're gonna do something different but this is this first invitation I want you to believe you can touch it where you're at I want you to believe and he can send his angel to you your spirit can fall on you you don't have to come up here I'm trying to obey what I think he told me the whisper but if you really want to be renewed refreshed touched filled the spirit for the first time or the tenth time and you want to say yes to everything God has in your life and in your future then I want to give you 30 seconds to tell god what you want him to do to you and also to tell him it's not so much of asking him to give giving more of you as much as your willingness to give me more give him more of you so the ushers are gonna keep everybody back nobody comes forward don't let anybody come forward not yet hold your hands out like this God we recognize that you're a great big God we recognize for 25 years you've been coming and touching people of all generations but Lord there's people here is a lot of hands this is all new to them I believe they're here because they're hungry and thirsty I also believe there's some people here that they're kind of down depressed or they're discouraged or their self-talk is but I feel like I failed God is in some way you know and it seems judgment against themselves and I pray for you to come and so touch them with your love that you break their judgment against themselves and they're able to receive your refreshing love and your grace keep your heads up but your eyes close your hands out take this is your time to pray tell god what you want him to do to you tell me what you'd like to do for him I remember before I went to see right now prayed this prayer God I'll go anywhere and do anything if you'll just touch me I prayed another prayer God make me a coin in your pocket and spin me any way you want just don't have to pray loud just underneath your breath that with your lips form the words you want to say with your lips you don't have to make a lot of noise or anything but tell me what you want him to do to you okay there's time to ask there's time to receive pay attention to your emotions and pay attention to your body we don't want any courtesy drops that's not God but neither do we want any resistance don't try to fall don't try to stand put yourself in neutral God I'll not do anything to resist you I'll not try to control my emotions I'll not try to stand if I feel the glory coming on me I'm just gonna be totally yielded father in the name of Jesus I bless the people there's standing here i bless them in the name of Jesus and the authority of his name I call upon the Holy Spirit to come the great God would be I am come and what you did 25 years ago you're still doing it come refresh the church release gifts God you said the first prophesy ever had on my life that you were going to use me to pray for people to see gifts activated in them and to be filled the spirit so it's God that was for that prophetic word I believe it and so I call for people to be activated in gifts of the Spirit especially the ones that you put on their heart that they want I pray God for a fresh fire I pray for the anointing of your spirit I pray for the whispers of God I pray for the power of God I pray for the heat of God I pray for the electricity of God I pray for baptisms of love and baptisms of joy come Holy Spirit do again do again tonight do it again in Jesus name release your power touch them touch them multiply your power in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus multiply your power release your gifts in the name of Jesus Holy Spirit more more MORE I feel like the Lord just told me some of you you're the the here's what you're sensing a team and a trembling in your legs this like your legs are starting to shake now it's not everybody but some of you are feeling that now some of you I can actually see your whole body starting to tremble but some of you're sensing trembling in your legs I just want to let you know hey that's the Lord don't worry about it don't try and figure it out I know when he first touched me one time my thumb started jerking and I said I think I could stop that but I don't want to God just do whatever you want give him permission don't resist anything don't resist as he touches you some I feel he's going to break off shame guilt sense of failure depression others who's going to activate gifts in in the name of Jesus I pray for your hands some of you are going to receive an anointing for healing and you maybe have never seen anybody healed before in your life but you're going to start and this is going to be the sign that he's giving you that you'll know that he touched you and he's going to use you and anoint you and give you a healing anointing and gifts of healing is he's going to put fire power electricity energy gold oil on your hands it's going to be something in your hands and for others it's literally gonna be a weeping baptism of love because he's gonna give you his heart for people is sickness and disease high every one of you that's feeling that love or that power in your hands in your legs lift up both hands toward heaven just lift them up if that's you if that's happening live if that's not happening just keep them down like this God in Jesus name I bless your presence I bless your presence god I pray in Jesus name for there to be a glory come to your name because of what they do in your name and the power your name activate and release a fresh new anointing and gifts in the name of Jesus father thank you thank you I pray especially for anybody 40 and younger I pray a special grace to come upon that generation in the name of Jesus those who may not have been here are old enough to remember and they've never had an experience but they've heard mom and dad or grandpa and grandma talk about it I pray God touched them and give them their experience in the name of Jesus to reach their generation in the name of Jean as more god more Lord more Lord more Lord in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus the name of Jesus thank you God thank you lord listen closely Steven you want to give some instructions aware by he's gonna go and then I and when they start to do that then I would like to pray for the senior pastors down here but after you've given instruction so everybody can be prayed for okay friends this is gonna be fun we have 250 pastors and staff from the various catch the fire churches from around the world else over here wave your hands catch fire people they come from almost every continent we have 60 prayer ministry team from this church at the back wave your hands protein some of these people have been praying for 25 years hey man there's a gal named Vivian that's in her 90s been on the team for 25 years that's who's gonna minister to you tonight would that be okay and so all of our American friends that are here they're gonna be praying in the room back here so those of you especially in this section over here we're gonna encourage you that's the closest for you to go back into that room you'll find green lines on the floor and Maria Nash you probably need to get the back there quick so that's where you'll go and the American folks are gonna pray for you we have all of our Brits are Europeans because the Brits are about to go out of Europe and Austria not-not-not Austria Australia New Zealand our churches there those folks are going to be praying inside the ark underneath the elephant and up on the upper level and so I might suggestion would be all of you that are in that area over there that's the closest place for you to be prayed for in those rooms and upstairs and the North American team so the Canadian team and the South American churches we're gonna pray for you at the back and so can I ask all of you on a folding chair in the back can you pick up your chair fold it and then behind you you will see some orange markers on the wall that says put the chairs here and so it's real easy friends don't lean your chair put it flat on the ground you can do that right now just pick it up go to the back and we can go about 50 high make sure that the chairs are all facing the same direction that the seats up or down whatever it is that you start but if you folks can begin to do that and then a whole bunch of people are going to be able to go to the back there's also going to be one row and I'm going to suggest that those of you in the back three or four rows of the main section they're gonna be one row that it's going to go from a green line that's right near the post by the stairs to the posts over here friends you need to in that area you need to be on a green line don't don't extend the line in per to 'ti and think well if it was further on it I didn't know have to be in that section just because of people movement you need to be on a green line and a whole bunch of you are not gonna need to go anywhere because when Randy's praying it's gonna be right here you're just gonna be staying in your seats and so those are going to be the three areas for prayer sort of four years for prayer back to the auditorium upstairs Ark and our would call our burning room our Chapel room behind here so your choice and don't go yet don't go yet because Randy's not done it yet and here's what we also need we need about 250 people to be catchers so a whole bunch of you folks here when you go back if you don't mind volunteering you'll see the prayer team all have a staff badge it's a blue badge or there'll be a pro ministry team badge if a whole bunch of you can say I'll prefer others for a couple of minutes help them if there aren't getting to the floor same thing at the back our prayer team are gonna be putting their hands up that means they're gonna need a catcher they're not allowed to pray for you until they have a catcher so if some of you can give us 15-20 minutes and assist and here's here's what we've learned over 25 years those folks usually get far more because they're around it they're hearing every prayer and they're receiving all the stuff and so they just seem to get a lot so we're gonna be having our prayer team when Randy dismisses they're gonna put their hand up find one of those people and again those of you going into the Ark those who are going upstairs our prayer time we're gonna put their hand up and that means they need someone to help and you will be prayed for you won't miss are we good on that perfect so those of you sorry back in that area over there with those plastic chairs thank you for stacking them they can go against the ark or right by the green worm don't wall that'd be great as well Brady you're on there's no way I could have figured that out I don't have the gift of administration or organization we've done this with 25 years you guys are good I do want to say this to encourage you all the world I've gone and I've had people come up to me pastors of large churches like Joseph Garlington and many others they said I stood on a line and it wasn't anybody that it would had a name it wasn't you it wasn't Bill wasn't John it wasn't Heidi it was just just little a woman little gray headed woman on the ministry team or this two older guy and just lay people or people and and that gave him words they didn't know what it was they had prophecy for me there was such power God is commit in this move to honor that we all get to pray and so I want your faith to be in God not the age or the sex or whether they're full-time or ministry not of the person that stands in front of you but in the god that they're praying in his name all right if you are a full-time senior pastor of a church I want to pray for you and everybody else can begin to go if you're not a full-time senior pastor you can go get start getting on a good green line somewhere but if you're a senior pastor I want you to stay in here and we're going to pray for you you still are see that's right you told me that it's right let's come on up all the way up if you have a business card that says you're in ministry that's who we're talking about here not your hope in the start of church someday and again those of you that would like to help as catchers the prayer team are putting their hands up back here the prayer team will be doing that over there and the rooms behind and so find one of those rooms where you'd like to be prayed for and the pro team as soon as you have your catcher you can begin to do that okay sold your hands out and close your eyes father we're praying for the multiplication we're praying for multiplication we're praying for the pastors to receive fresh anointing to be able to carry this back to their church and to their pastoral friends in the name of Jesus increase your anointing increase your anointing increase your anointing in the name of Jesus more Lord we bless them in the name of Jesus more more God more Lord more we bless him god bless Terrie the name of Jesus God refreshing afresh in the name of Jesus more God more Lord we bless them in the name of G we need a few more catchers that are going to be helping right up here if you can just come on up and help Randy and myself Marcus so that some of our young adults that are here if you're in a second row third row just be ready those of you in the prime ministry team as soon as you have someone who is there to help you we call them a catcher that's the person who stands behind and as soon as you have that person you're praying and importation friends today that's prayer team your that's what you're ministering to you're just saying more Holy Spirit give them something to go home with give them something to change their community with change their church change their country with so Holy Spirit we welcome you to come right now welcome you to come those of you in the front I want you just to be pushing in for the Holy Spirit welcome his presence welcome his presence one of the most powerful encounters I had with Randi was doing this kind of stuff I was in a in a different room watching on TV and just got it it's the Holy Spirit we welcome you here all over this room Holy Spirit we welcome you we welcome you we welcome you place Spirit come Holy Spirit come Holy Spirit come fill us fill us fill us fill us come Holy Spirit come Holy Spirit come Holy Spirit come Holy Spirit come Holy Spirit come Holy Spirit and again friends if your haven't found a line I know that there's at the beginning there may be some of you just need to wait in the back to find a spot I'm not sure if there's still some space upstairs so maybe someone who's upstairs can just let me know if there's more room up there there's space over by the arc I believe for people to stand in lines by the arc and inside looks like there's a queue to get into the room behind Spirit of God comes Holy Spirit common place spirit calm welcome you here friends I know it's easy to sort of take a little sneak and see where Randy is I don't know if you heard Randy say it he's not the one given away the impartation it's the Holy Spirit Holy Spirit come Holy Spirit calm okay we're needing some more people to be acting as catchers in the upper room area the mezzanine level and so if you're up in that area and you can help the pro team just for a few minutes and just protein put your hand up if you're upstairs put your hand up if you don't have a catcher or what I do there was someone down just look at someone and say can you come and help me and so those of you that are upstairs or if you're downstairs and you're thought okay you know what I'm waiting here anyways I could help for a few minutes if that's you just go on upstairs find somebody's got got their hand in the air and prayer team if you're in the back area and you don't have someone to help you again put your hand up and can I just encourage those of you if you're standing and no one is praying for you and you're really feeling the Holy Spirit on you our encouragement is to just sit down is if you're feeling the Holy Spirit because if there's no one behind you there's no one behind you and we just want to make this a safe place so if you're feeling the Holy Spirit powerfully on you and no one's ministering to you just have a seat kneel down the prayer team when they come they'll lay hands on you you won't miss out spirit of God come Holy Spirit come my spirit come [Music] you keep coming Holy Spirit keep coming Holy Spirit keep coming Holy Spirit for those of you that are waiting I want to encourage you to to wait what encourage you just as Randy said - don't be striving don't be thinking well how long is this gonna take Holy Spirit where are you did you pass me by don't think like that just position yourself to begin to receive welcome the Holy Spirit welcomed his presence ask him to come and do something even if your your head doesn't understand it your body doesn't feel something to receive to receive to receive our founding pastor John Arnott rarely ever feels the Holy Spirit on him and yet he's full of the Holy Spirit one of our pastors probably went 20 years before he felt anything in his physical body and yet when Randi prayed for him in the very first meeting received an incredible release of the Holy Spirit to be able to give away so Holy Spirit come he's here friends he's with us he's with us come Holy Spirit come Holy Spirit come Holy Spirit come Holy Spirit I absolutely appreciated Randy's talk tonight my wife and I were that first servant that he talked about or we were about to be that first servant we were the opposite and we were about to leave the meeting that Randy was at because it didn't make sense we were at the first extra holdover meeting with Randy Clark and a Monday night day five and we're sitting in the back row and we were sort of the opposite of the story instead of staying like the first servant did didn't follow we were ready to bail out and we're putting our coats on because it was January 25 1994 and Randy sauce putting their coats on and he skipped people at the front John our dad had said those people over there they're Baptists and because of Randy's background or whatever but Randy ran down the aisles were getting ready to bail out on the meeting and Randy asked if he could pray for us and so that touch that Sandra and I received that night was the very same as Randy talked about his first experience it was a it was a touch of peace we'd gone through to church splits my wife was recovering from a nervous breakdown and God's presence came with us as we were about to run and we've stayed so it's the opposite of the story the story that the guys stayed what he should have gone and we almost ran where we should have stayed and Randy prayed for us they were so grateful and what we didn't think was a big deal was a big deal and the Holy Spirit same Holy Spirit friends he's here tonight the testimony of Randy of just saying prayers like calm Holy Spirit without him physically touching most people is that literally friends thousands and thousands of people are in the ministry today or have been propelled further into the ministry who already were in some sort of itinerant or pastoring kind of leadership role and most of the morena never prayed for they were touched he just welcomed the holy spirit randy carries something unusual in the body Christ that people can receive easily so Holly spare would you count again friends just beat the best suggestion that I have is just to close your eyes and just to wait ask him to come don't be striving in it but be asking him to come ask him for more ask him for more I love the teaching of Jesus in the New Testament where he says that our Father is not like earthly fathers and how much more of the Holy Spirit does he want to give away to those who ask it's simple friends if this is your first meeting and you're a little cautious and just wondering what's gonna happen the teaching of Jesus is that if you ask for bread you'll not be given a stone if you ask for the Holy Spirit this is the teaching of Jesus if you friends get this if you ask God for the Holy Spirit you're not gonna get anything other than the Holy Spirit you're not gonna pick up a demon you're not gonna be deceived jesus said my father is better than earthly father's she asked for bread you're gonna get bread asked for fish you're gonna get fish and then he said how much more does the father want to give away the Holy Spirit that's what Jesus was saying in that passage you want the Holy Spirit you get it you get it it's the father's good pleasure to give the Holy Spirit so whoever you are friends standing sitting lying down up at the front at the back of the sides come husband calm just feel as presents friends feel his presence feel his presence fearless presence [Music] countless calm he's here he's here he's here Randy didn't preach this part but I don't know if you noticed that when Elijah first saw Elijah and put his coat his mantle on him don't know if you read it recognize it but when Randy read that second passage a few years later guess who has the mantle back Elijah is wearing it again and I find that fascinating that it would appear that Elijah sorta gave away at the beginning an opportunity and then took the coat back and he's wearing it when he's off to heaven and it falls out of the sky and it would be like Elijah knew even without the full importation because he didn't get it that day he got a hope that day and that was enough for him to pursue and serve the prophet Elijah did not get his anointing until the day that Elijah died and so he was pursuing for years months whatever it was to get that mantle and perhaps he had a touch for the day the hour that Elijah's coat was on him that that was enough to stir him to say I want more and he served Elijah until the day he died and perhaps it was out of frustration and what am I gonna get that come when am I getting to get that full importation what am I gonna get the fullness of that promise that I had maybe he was angry with Elijah but he says you know for all that I've been through waiting I need double it so friends I think that's a good prayer and if you're feeling that you haven't had what's been promised just call out and say father I need it I have to have it some of you have been especially those at the front you've been faithful in ministry without the real release of the anointing of the Holy Spirit on your life you've been serving the Lord out of obedience you've been preaching out of obedience you've been praying for the sick but really haven't seen the sick being healed friends I'd say you're like Elijah waiting for that mantle to drop from heaven and Holy Spirit would you come play spear would you come drop that drop that anointing from heaven right here right now drop it may our friends be able to pick up more may they have double may there be a great release of anointing in this whole room everywhere in this room and those that are leaders and Christian ministries at the front we bless all the prophetic words I don't know how it works but prophets seem to know who's in the ministry and so usually people who function him to fight fivefold in a ministry sense usually get more prophetic words and I believe that that's because hope disappears very quick the hardness of ministry that the difficulty of serving people and loving people the challenges of being in the ministry require people in the ministry to have hope stirred up and stirred up and stirred up over and over and over and I want to remind you friends that hope is an appetizer for faith Bible says in Hebrews chapter 11 that faith begins with hope faith begins with a word a thought an impression God speaks a promise to you you read a scripture passage it jumps out and you just know that's for me you get a prophet that reads your mail sometimes and they prophesy that is to stir up hope but friends hope doesn't do miracles hope doesn't raise the dead hope doesn't heal the sick faith does that and faith is acting on a revelation that's what hebrews chapter 11 says all the way through you can you can discard the word faith in hebrews chapter 11 and substitute the word acting on a revelation and you'll just see every single story in Hebrews chapter 11 someone had a word had a thought saw something and they acted on it they took their hope to another level they they began to say I don't feel that I have it a healing anointing but I've been prophesied that and if you wait for the feeling to kick in you may be waiting a long time but the people that function in faith begin to pray for the sick when they don't feel it and they begin to do it and so daddy we're asking that hope would be stirred up again hope would be renewed again hope would would come all over you tonight that the word of the Lord would just come into your spirit you would know that you know he's with me the father's with me the father loves me his spirit is in my is in inside me Holy Spirit we welcome you come come come come come come come come come come come come come come come those of you that are catch the fire pastures
Channel: Catch The Fire Toronto
Views: 37,849
Rating: 4.7401576 out of 5
Id: yKukXKsieNM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 229min 58sec (13798 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 22 2019
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