Heart of Worship (Part 1) (Jul 8, 2017)

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[Music] so I've got to tell you a little fun fact about that probably if you've been here for a while you already know because I've shared it with you at least two or three times but how many times have you read about Isaiah's experience you know Isaiah six where you know he meets the Lord he sees him high and lifted up and his train filled the temple right and so we probably just think like anybody would think okay he has a really long train because because he's the king right but if if you know the history back then three thousand years ago when a kingdom would fight another Kingdom and one kingdom would win the winning king would not just take a possession but he put his foot on the neck of the king who was defeated and he would take out his sword and he would cut a piece of his robe and he would take that piece of his robe and he would attach it to his robe so because our king is the king of all kings and the Lord of all lords and the warrior of all warriors and victorious beyond the grave how long do you think the Train of his robe would be you see why it's so important because you can read that a thousand times and you'll get something out of it but when you when you know the history behind it because you can't you can't read this with Western eyes you got to read it with Eastern eyes and you have to read it in not only the context like I told you but also in the historical context this was written a long time ago right and it's not going to get you more saved but you'll probably get closer to God it will build if it if you don't if you don't get closer to God it will probably make God bigger and can anybody refute that it's a good thing to make God bigger which is what we're going to talk about today before we do I want to show you just a few pics pics do we have those pics this is uh this Stephen law at work you met him a couple of weeks ago right Stephen you'll pronounce his name the Ganga but it's actually nega nega and those are the teachers and that's that's all school guys I mean it might not be much but what a little congregation like oz is doing around the world is is all you can say is god you're amazing trust me when I tell you that let's see a couple more how many pics do we have rocks I mean you gotta understand what we went there there was no school there was just a dirt floor and they were meeting in this dirt floor and now we have a school in Northridge and we're paying teachers and isn't that wonderful I just wasn't sure cuz you're kind of anyway I get excited about when God's doing stuff I don't know about you but that's what excites me you know sports doesn't do it for me you know stuff doesn't do it for me just doesn't so let me just read you a letter because this is phenomenal we have anymore is that it rocks our look at the kids these kids were naked and they couldn't go to school because they can't afford uniforms so instead of sending em to school we built one and they're learning in that beautiful and they have hope you can understand this was a hopeless situation there was no hope so let me read you a quick letter from from Steven he says Shalom rabbi Greg made listen to this I mean and this isn't this isn't doctored up he writes like this off the cuff because because he's like a first-century believer he doesn't like say I'm gonna pen this and make it sound good he'll write like he'll write this wallies you know just like like I'm talking to you Shalom rabbi Greg may grace and truth be your spiritual wheels as a chariot that you'd have Ave uses to win his battle to his esteem sounds like he gets it yeah yeah just because you live in the 21st century you don't have to be a 21st century believer just cause you live in a goat nation you don't have to be a goat Daniel did pretty good in Babylon another battle is won and we are already celebrating you are entitled to dance with us because you played a role in the year August 2013 we took a big step of faith to help in need a young man to join the University despite having qualified to join the University in 2009 the flags of poverty could not allow him a chance and it was lost having joined our congregation I was led to ask him after being with me as a disciple what his life streams was he told me he wanted to pursue his dream as a teacher three years had passed but still desired to learn and I told them all things are possible through faith through your help I encouraged him to apply to see if he still had a chance he was allowed a son from a poor family by the son of the Most High father ahmadiyyat hey ba hey never failed him so he remains faithful even when we are unfaithful and faithless it has been a journey that has been tough but we have a happy ending through your support I was able to share with this young man to realize his dream what a joy to have our first graduate hallelujah mr. Daniel miner has been with me he will be graduating December 8th with a zero balance he will get a job as a secondary teacher and start earning his living and the dragon of misery will not sing over him anymore thanks for being with us this four-year Safari safaris journey in their language Swahili pass our gratitude and appreciation on to the congregation Shalom guys I love you but if I had to just take care of you I'd kill myself no and I'm not kidding I told the Lord the first year if you think I'm going to take a bunch of Southern Baptists and just teach them about their Jewish roots god you're going to have to really make it clear that do you want me to do that but if you're not going to give me the poor the would only offer in the nations then I missed the boat because there's enough churches in town right I just could really look how cute this is I get letters every week but I just felt the need to read this to you dear rabbi Greg I live in and I want to say where they live but it's in Canada I am almost seven years old almost seven that means this is a six year old okay my name is I'll leave that out we wave to you every Shabbat I love how you are helping the children in Kenya thank you for all you do six dear rabbi Greg I live in and I'm almost nine eight year old I really enjoy waking up and listening to you hello eight they'd give their eyeteeth to be here and some of you just take it for granted this family drove from Idaho you're telling me it's fall from one Robbins they paved paradise and put up a parking lot oh it always seems to go that you don't know what you got till it's gone I really enjoy waking up and listening to you the Lord has taught me so many things for you eight we wave to you every Shabbat you're probably thinking I can't believe he's reading my letter I collected bottles with my siblings to raise money for the orphanage in Kenya so this 8 year old is raising money for these people so he can go to college and some of you is sitting on your wallets wow you got an 8 year old that's collecting bottles for some vol 4 so far crazy god it's crazy right crazy thank you for you do don't forget my name is Pierce I hope we can visit one day dear rabbi Greg I live in on Shabbat more I'm 11 years old on Shabbat morning I wake up and I run downstairs to watch Betty schewe 11:00 we wave to every Shabbat my brothers and my sister me walked around our neighborhood and collected bottles to raise money for the children in Kenya we pray for you your family and your children Joshua 1 5 6 rabbi no one will be able to stand before you all the days of your life just as I was with Moses so I will be with you I will not fail you or forsake you huzzah huzzah be strong 11 so this morning my back was hurting so much I went to swim this morning in our little Court Street so I'm sort at 7:30 and the FedEx guy comes to the pool and he says rabbi I have a package for the synagogue nobody was there expecting with you I'm like really you've got given me like 20 minutes loosen my back I said sure I'll take the package with my baby suit brother Felix guy finally but um so I had this idea while I was swimming I want to throw this out to you where's some of the young adult you Cod people okay you're meeting tonight right this is what I have an idea I just want to throw this out and I want you to discuss it tonight your meeting at Dave's Dave you'll be there to discuss it with them and you guys will be there too right this is my idea it might be nuts it might not be of God but I don't believe in mission trips so much I believe in putting somebody on the ground that lives there who can get the work done when you guys go on mission trips I see it all the time in Atlanta right I see the 30 kids they just dropped five grand a kid it's 150 thousand dollars to send them over a week to Honduras and they put a little roof on a church for believers and then they come back and they go mom dad we have it so good that's not worth 150 grand okay when you when you put somebody on the ground who lives there who loves their people they get a lot more done now don't misunderstand sometimes it's a good trip but it's not what I'm looking for what I'm looking for is you guys to get involved in a mission and the mission is making and I'd like you to start with one Sunday a month and I'd like you to find out maybe you can call the rescue mission okay Dave and get involved in the hood I want you to take care of anybody elderly poor it's obvious they're in the hood elderly especially a single mom or a widow anything they need in a house fixing a toilet whatever will pay for some of you guys are into construction I need you to be a foreman I don't necessarily need you to do the work these young people they're studs they can do the work they're in great shape you just need somebody to help we'll start doing it maybe once a month we'll see how it works okay that would be far superior to a non-believer helping them out than it is going to a believing Church in Honduras and putting on a roofie so came to me right before the FedEx guy got there and then as soon as I drove into the synagogue there was a construction truck that said you know construction on it I think God might be up to something let's see if we can pull it off okay and if it's you guys pray and fast and if it's not of God I'm more than happy to bow out and humble myself and say it's not of God all right but I think when you really do something in the name of the Lord you don't want anything back people slip out that's the date and then when they say why are you doing it they say we're not doing it the Lord is doing it through us then they find out that there is a good God and then they want to get to know that God because God definitely wants to get to know them okay and guess what you know I've spent a hundred fifty grand because to be honest with you if I send you to Africa you'd be no help they're doing it you know what I mean they're in the trenches that I could send you Steve would be like okay rabbi sure I could send you and not have things for you to do but it's not worth the expense to send you all the way over there when they're already doing it but you can go downtown make it in 15 minutes sound like it's got some potential all right and and see you there in construction just pray about it think about it okay we're not talking about the taskmasters of Egypt but you know we need somebody who has to know how who can direct them and somebody who knows okay they're going to need this for the kitchen they're going to need that I don't know that stuff okay and let's all pray about that all right and see because as I'm doing all this food for you know all these nations I just think we should do something in our own backyard it's there's nothing greater than helping a single mom or widowed I mean it's a beautiful thing you know but they usually can't help themselves all right where were we before you rudely interrupted me that's right that's what we want to talk about all right so um as my friend left less Sunday and everybody it was quiet on the western front in my house you know I had prayed and all I heard the Lord say was worship all I heard him say was worship the word worship and you know I'm sure you have a wonderful relationship with your father he only has to say one word any no where were you going you know he doesn't have to talk too much he's um so we're gonna talk about worship okay would that be all right all right it doesn't matter if you think it's all right just I got the microphone I'm going to talk about it because I think that's what God wants to talk about okay so let me show you the Webster's dictionary this is Webster's definition of the word worship follow along reverence honor notice it doesn't say honor reverent honor and homage some people might think that's homogeneity edge doesn't necessarily have to be god this is Webster or to any object regarded as sacred and that opens a whole can of worms because you know we'll get into it now the word this word in the English doesn't come from the Greek or the Hebrew that would be biblically speaking but where does it come from the Old English and the word is worth ship now that's very telling isn't it because when you break this word down worst means having value or excellence worse when something is worth something you know whatever you have that's worth something you generally protect it right if something doesn't have value you don't care you go that's a knockoff I don't care oh you broke it I don't care I paid 12 bucks for it like this watch looks fancy $19 $19 when I first started working in the gym this is one degree the stories how do you know I'm telling you this but I have a lot of time today I don't be anywhere to the airport to 9:30 so I got no friends I got no food so so I'm gonna hang out you can leave whenever you want I'm not kidding you if you feel like sitting too long just walk out you're not it's not going to send me in the least bit I I I share the gospel with farm animals so you're not going to stop me so I start working in the gym and because I'm trying to subsidize my income because I'm getting paid a hundred dollars a week at Bethy schewe so I'm working in the gym I'm working from 5:00 in the morning till 8 o'clock at night sometimes without a break and I can't even see straight and this really rich guy comes in he's worth he was worth four hundred twenty five million dollars and he goes up to the owner Jimmy who's your best trainer and so so I was really pretty good at it so he comes over we introduce ourselves and he was a great guy we've become friends I've shared with him the gospel so many times I haven't seen him in a while but an older gentleman and so he just assumes that I'm an idiot because I'm 35 years old and I'm working in the gym and I have two kids right so obviously you're you know you're a loser you know what I'm saying anybody know I'm saying like why am i loser if I'm doing what I'm doing and I do a good job at it because I'm not wealthy right okay I get it so I play along with him and he says to me you see this watch I said yeah he says it's a and he says it you know when somebody thinks you're stupid they say things loud and slow you know when you're in a foreign country and if they don't speak English they still don't understand where is the bath it's still slow loud English it's not like they don't understand so he says to me this is a Rolex now I used to be in business I know what it is but I played them I go really tell me about it so he said it had diamond sight he said it's twenty four thousand dollars and I said wow so I'm playing along with this guy and I know I'm gonna get to him I know he's going to get this door for me right so I said wow $24,000 what does it do you feel me so he stops he's like what do you mean what does it do I go what is it twenty four thousand dollars it must do something phenomenal what does it do he's like what are you talking about I said I said you sound like a smart guy I'm it must do something more than tell time and he just he's disgusted because I'm not praising his watch and I said by the way this is a Timex and it costs me twenty four dollars and it does exactly what your Rolex is doing he called me a few choice words which I can't use here but whatever you have it could be your bank account you love it you're afraid to do I know people have bank accounts and they can't wealthy people poor people some poor people they have whatever they have but they it's like gossip it they have to tap into it what is it therefore I'm going to tell you what it's there for you're going to hold onto it you're going to drop dead and your little princess and Prince is going to go through it like grant went for Richmond they're going to fire through it you saved it your whole life and they're going to spend it in a weekend worth ship worth having value of excellence and ship is a native English suffix of nouns which means condition character so what does this word mean the origin of the word comes from a word meaning excellence of character so we have to determine what is God's excellence of character if he has excellence of character above all others then we have no problem worshiping him follow let me give you a few synonyms to help you out adoration we adore a lot of things but we're supposed to adore the Lord aw we'll get into this we're probably going to talk about this for a few weeks because it's a very important subject I think worshiping the Lord right didn't you schewe say when the devil came F tomb worship the Lord and sir bow to him only it was a big deal right it's like the first few Commandments I'm the Lord you God worship me don't have any before me it's huge we're called to be worshipers in fact Yeshua said God is looking for love what do you think was happening in Exodus 14 when he put the Israelites between a rock and a hard place and he put water and the cavalry was coming down he was creating worshippers he was creating worshipers they would see how awesome God is listen awesome God is we're going to get into this word don't let me hear you use it for anything but God not in my house I'm a lot more lenient but they years ago if somebody would say that and my kids around a little Shane Oh Jeremy be like Oh dad's going to rip him a new one adoration or devotion devotion is hard to come by these days people just don't stay devoted but this is what worship is about devotion to God exaltation lifting up high you know one of the best words to lift God up is to put you down humble yourself in the side of the Lord see see he's already high and lifted up you ain't listening of any higher but if you get low and he gets higher yes yes and reverence these are the synonyms now here's my question for you okay and I guy said it's gonna take a few weeks it's alright because you don't want to rush something like this it's too it's too beautiful of a subject it's absolutely stunning is there a difference between praise and worship have you ever thought about it the short answer is yes so in conclusion there is a difference between praise and worship now may the Lord bless you and keep you you can leave now we can't we can't stop there because I don't really think people think about that because there is a difference and I'm here to tell you it's huge the difference is huge guys look at the word praise you'll see this all over the Old Testament that's why we have it in the Hebrew the old test was written in Hebrew a new test was written in Greek people argue about that I don't know why halal allow to make a boast to be commended or to celebrate that's what we do when we praise we're making a boast about how great God is right hallelujah praise the Lord praise the Lord praise Allah it's all over the Bible praise the Lord praise the Lord praise the Lord but just on a side note the commandments don't start with I'm the Lord your God praise me you shoot and say when the devil came hey praise the Lord and serve him only huge difference we'll get into it it's going to be fun I promise a lot of you don't believe me right now but I think it's fun I really think it's fun now look at the word worshiped haha to bow down you see the difference exactly different guys to prostrate oneself and pay homage to cast oneself face down on the ground in humility submission and adoration go back to halal for a minute to make a boast to celebrate sounds like a good time right because it is that's why people love to praise the Lord they love it it's fun it's unclose much and it's easy it's easy and when do we do it wasn't anything goes well right when anything goes well it could be even a little thing and what do we say is so good praise the Lord did that cost you anything no God did it all you did nothing what are you doing - celebrating well look at the word worship again Wow Wow it's vastly different and we're cold to be worshipers not Prazeres to bow down to prostrate oneself and pay homage to cast that means to throw yourself on the floor in humility not just throw yourself down to impress people during worship but to throw yourself down because you're humbled you it's almost like you can't stand you can't sit and you throw yourself down not just in humility but you're saying I submit to you King I am your slave it's like the feudal system in the Middle Ages like you have a lord and you're the vassal and he gives you some land and you work it and you show him total honor and reverence adoration to adore when you adore something nothing rivals that adoration nothing comes close now I think in our Western mindset I say Western meaning America even Europe is westernized Christianity I think in our Western mindset and and don't let me bad you is just my thinking I could be wrong when we hear the words praise and worship we think singing or songs yes I know come on when we say we're going to do praise and worship what does that mean singing those songs right or wrong and even when I say it is that when I said earlier five minutes ago there's a difference we praise and worship at least one person here said yeah well praise is more celebratory and worships more serious and you think and singing now there is some truth to this and I'm sure I'm saying the Psalms because I don't want to disparage how important praise and worship is but if that's where you'll praise and that's where your worship ends my condolences but it's a it's a very small part of praise and worship so in part it's true and let's take a look let's look at Psalm 9 verse 11 now rabbi what do you got to talk kanta who cares what the Psalms about I care what it's about okay I choose it's about because whenever you hear a song if some of you was secular at some point I was very secular I backstage for you name it I did the concert security okay and every song when you're into an artist you have no idea what they're singing about they're singing about a life experience are they trying to send you a message but if you don't know what it's about you'll have no idea right so you look into the background on the origin of the song these are songs and Psalm 9 it was written about God's final victory over his enemies final victory so now you can relate where he says sing praises to our annoy who lives in Zion he's victorious the victorious King he's taking his throne sing praises to honor who lives in Zion proclaimed his deeds among the people talk about what he's done he's defeated the enemy he's taken his throne praise him with singing right says sing praises so there is an element of singing when it comes to praise yes yes yes I'm sorry I just it's not like one of these turn to your neighbors but come on you know some of you get more excited about going on vacation you get more excited about you know getting $100 from somebody for nothing to get more excited about going out to a restaurant trying a new food right oh there's new Indian place open up come on get excited about the Word of God for god sakes the problem is you need to read it more and then you get more excited about it some of you went a whole week didn't read the Word of God it's crazy because I know you watch TV I knew it's a magazine so praise them with singing yes yes okay Psalm 98 4 it says shout for joy what's going on here the second coming of Messiah shout for joy not annoy all the earth besides coming you're a week closer remember last week you're a week closer maybe you got here 10 o'clock you're two hours closer come on I know some your lives you should be excited about being two hours close to the Messiah coming back come on don't put on any front I'm excited if I can get him back right now I would do it whatever it would take I would do it I kid you not so Messiah is coming say shout - Jordan oil break forth sing for joy sing praises so you can praise it with shouting right obviously it's a command almost then Psalm 150 the grand finale right the grand family the final song the glory of God was the purpose of creation the glory of God was the purpose of creation the glory of God was the purpose of creation the reason why you're here is to glorify the Lord the glory of God was the purpose for creation therefore a man finds the sensual reason for his existence in praising the Lord to me is saying rabbi you're out of your mind that's supposed to be my purpose and that's the central reason for me yeah I know it's hard to believe see some of you need so much extracurricular because you're not satisfied with God there's nothing wrong with going away don't get me wrong I'm going to see my sister there's nothing wrong with enjoying God's creation but some of you need it because you can't just sit still with God because he's not enough see when I go some way when I went to Alaska I fell on my knees I was like I didn't know I didn't know how powerful you are and I coward and he said nobody does son don't feel too bad nobody knows how powerful I am so I'll take them with me you know what I mean I'm not I'm not I'm not retreating I'm advancing I'm not going away to get away from God I've taken what I just want to take them with me wherever I go you know remember that old calm old America Express don't leave home without it I don't leave home without them so here it is this is our central purpose this is what the Lord says and it says praise them with tambourines and dancing so we could praise them with singing we get praise them with shouting we get praise with dancing yes so far we're good to go all right what about same Psalm 150 verses three through five praise him with a blast on the shofar praise him with the lute liar praise them with tambourines and dancing we did that yes so we could praise him with instruments so we praise them with singing we praise them with shouting we praise them with dancing we praise what musical influence how look at Psalm 148 - it's a command that the heavenly host should praise them praise him all his angels praise and wars armies will sometimes you read hosts that means you took them out the messenger angels and the warrior angels the psalmist is saying hey angels you're created to praise him praise them heavenly hosts praising warrior angels praise and messenger angels and then 156th it ends with this is the end it says let everything to have breasts hallelujah everybody under God's dome is called to praise them every knee will bow at some point they might not be in but they're going to balfus when his glory comes it's going to push them down they'll have no choice are you breathing you know how many breaths you take a day at least at some point you should go Lord praise the Lord I mean don't you just walk around your house and see the roof and go praise the Lord don't you get in your car you go I'll praise the Lord when I first moved to Florida I was an executive and I was riding my bike to work for five miles now with cleaning toilets and burning it was making finals an hour ten dollars now between the two of us and you know what we did we praise the Lord for the finals are now the log you get breast lard it could be taken away once it goes no more praise might as well practice why you still here praise is the joyful telling of all God has done for us when you get good news or you get an answer to prayer or something it happens what do you do praise them you tell other people right and there's nothing wrong with that there's everything right about that hallelujah praise the Lord hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah praise the Lord yes it's connected praise is connected with Thanksgiving with praising him to something he's done for us or a friend or the world of something okay so praise is connected with Thanksgiving it's basically saying quote we appreciate all you've done for us over praise is universal what do I mean by that it can be applied to other relationships as well I mean praise is not exclusive to God you can praise your spouse right I've got such wonderful wife I gets even if you're lying I'm only kidding you've I've got such a wonderful wife I got such a wonderful husband how many of us praise our kids by the way some of you are over praising I'm just saying you're in for a rude awakening start with a good job good job good job he defecated big deal it's a biological function good job the job come on enough already give the trophy just for participating no he's no good take the trophy away not only could it it's it's it's over done it's over done we've gone from one extreme to another some of us had nothing so we give our kids everything a kid that has everything appreciates nothing if you make it too easy and too soft they're just going to be soft and they won't be able to handle life I know this to be true firsthand praise them but not for every time we come on the world's not going to do that form we can praise our friends yes we do a good friend does some first man praise the Lord for you and then thank you coworkers we have a team of co-workers they do a great job right I mean we even praise our house pets now let me tell you where some of you will off with that it is easy to form your your love with your dog because your dog doesn't make you work for your love you take your dog in the groin two minutes later you call them all buddies look in your hand they're not that smart but with an individual of human you got to earn their love in their respect it's a little bit more difficult but still when doggie does some oh good boy good boy and then he licks your face and then don't give me a kiss okay but that's what what I'm saying my point is not whether you should acknowledge your kids or very little thing that's a whole side point that's just Greg being Greg but listen to God being God okay praise is universal you could praise the Lord you could praise your family you could praise all kinds of things you follow it does not require much from us praise is just a righteous recognition of another like let's give them a big hand a round of applause Bravo hoorah that's praise but when we talk about worship it's a different animal totally different animal worship comes from a different place it doesn't come from a place of Thanksgiving it's deeper it's way more intense worship as opposed to praise should be reserved for God and God alone the problem is we have other gods they're just not totem poles it should be reserved for God and God alone let me tell you what I think worship is worship is the art and I say art and I'm not autistic but there is an art to worship it's the art of losing oneself in the adoration of another I put my kids I don't know if it's getting to them or not but I tell them all the time the world doesn't revolve around you you've got to learn how to consider others more important than yourself I mean think about it the world is on selfie mode I mean all all these first of all I just want to send that a newsflash your Instagram photos and not how you really feel sometimes we take an Instagram photo and the family on the boat and the family's totally dysfunctional father's an alcoholic you know the daughter is suffering from total esteem issues I mean it's okay you want to post them knock yourself out but we need to be real in order to get healed that's what we desperately need but we live in such a self-centered world but worship is losing yourself when you worship God it's about losing yourself it's about decreasing so he can increase it's about not being the issue it's about not being the center of attention it's about giving God the glory giving him ascribing his due the greatness due his great name and his great fame praise can be a part of worship but worship goes way further than praise way further praise is usually loud right we just had praised they're marching the dancing people are talking praise praise its uninhibited doesn't matter what people are doing but when the Bible mentions worship the tone changes look at Psalm 96 verse 9 worship I don't know in holy splendor now that means holy attire but let me just say a side note I don't care what you wear to synagogue I wear suit because God told me to okay I don't know why but he told me to it does not matter what you wear but this is the issue I have some of your kids come with shorts and a ready t-shirt but when they go to the prom they look like a prince and a princess I just want to understand the logic behind that and and sometimes people come in lounging clothes because they're gonna lounge around the synagogue lounge around the Lord you don't have to dress up per se I remember one time I was gonna wear I just said I'm gonna be cool I'm gonna dress down to be cool you know and I was putting it on and Shana just looked migos what are you doing you're the rabbi like how dare the student teach the teacher the lady I find that presumptuous and rude get out of my mirror but you know there are people who can't listen to you unless you dressed up so I don't want to be a stumbling block now my suit and going to make me anointed and they get to connect me to God but if it helps people certain people listen and surely somebody who dresses down could listen to somebody dressed up but just certain people can't get past that they're like ah he's not a real man of God I had somebody tell me these years ago when I first moved here they said you're a preacher I said well I don't know what that term means I'm a rabbi teaching they said you know preacher I said why they said you're too skinny southern culture I was like what is that is that a scripture thou shalt not be skinny like I did and back that was back when I when I was a lot better but I said I don't get you a lot this this is right outside of SunTrust because I've walked in and somebody said rabbi and then this lady said and I said what does that even mean she said if you ain't feeding a flock your flock ain't feeding you what kind of stupid theology is that doesn't the Bible also say it's better to take a knife to throat than to be a glutton push away push away anyway so worship I don't know an Holy listen to this it doesn't say praise Him in holy splendor it takes on a whole nother it's like all of a sudden we realized God is holy God is holy that term is reserved for God the Bible says his name his Shem his fame he's holy no that means he's perfect no matter how many times you question him he's perfect and you are the furthest thing from it the further I am the furthest thing every day all day I tell God I don't feel holy I want to be and I want to feel holy I never do never but you not holy and just hearing that word makes you wanna you know makes you want to just get on your knees doesn't it because God is holy and he puts up with our unholy chatter in our unholy thoughts and unholy actions on a self-centered ways and he overlooks and he doesn't pass back as our sins deserve and it keeps allowing us to apply the blood to our sins Dan day out and says every morning my mercies will be renewed in your life what do you do with that that's something you don't praise that's something you worship it's different takes on a whole different tone it's his tremble before him when we're doing praise you don't feel any trembling people don't even do this anymore why should I tremble before the Lord no it's just the big guy upstairs just my buddy it's my homie tremble before him all the earth I always feel like even though it's not about music at all I mean I tell you this all the time I do enjoy music most of the time I don't listen to it there are people that read the Bible and have music on how could you do that don't you want to hear what God has to say not with the I need to be shuttered even Yeshua in order to hear from his father he went away and you don't see you schewe traveling with a band I'm just saying worship is different praise is easy worship is not but when we do do praise and worship and there's a reason praise comes a full worship because it was set up by God through David in the system the synagogue system see praise is like you're marching up the mountain you're excited you're going somewhere it marched up the mountain everybody likes to hike and get up to the mountain and you're marching and you're marching and you're excited and you're talking and you're inhibited but when you get to the summit and God is there all you could do is fall down and worship at that point praises over it's over it's through worship guys that we realign ourselves through worship and I'm not talking about songs it's through worshiping God through getting on our face that we realign ourselves as we invite the Holy Spirit in to speak to us and the Holy Spirit will speak to us and yes it will convict us and it will comfort us yes it has a way the Lord's Spirit is so powerful and so righteous it has a way to to kind of comfort the disturbed and to disturb the comfortable to people can hear the same word to people even a married couple did the same word and once ago I feel so confident and the other one go I feel so disturbed in that beautiful that only the Holy Spirit can do that no man could pull that off no man could connect with each one of you no man I don't care how eloquent he is only the Holy Spirit can do his work of edification exhortation and consolation that's the prophetic word that's the Word of God energized by the spirit but know this edification means to build up but sometimes when God is building something up new he has to tear something else down to make room for him praise is a no-brainer it's easy to say hallelujah when something good happens right it's easy we all do it it's a no-brainer there's nothing wrong with it listen to me there's everything right about praising the Lord for something good but anybody can do it it takes no effort it takes no work worship on the other hand is work it's connected with surrender praise is connected with Thanksgiving so God has done something good and we praise him but how do we worship Him when all hell is breaking loose in our life how does one do that it's not easy with this in mind let me delve in a little bit into worship and then we're going to stop because there's so much to talk about and I don't want to just overwhelm you and I want to listen my prayer role is when I sit there is God please turn me off and you turn on I don't know how well I do it but worship or its derivative is used in the Bible over 300 times so it's mentioned a lot the word worship first appears in the Bible in chapter 22 of Genesis way back and usually usually I don't say all the time but usually the first occurrence of the word used in the Bible sets a pattern or a tone for that word throughout the entire scripture okay when you find a word used and it's used like 300 times usually will you see it used first will give us an understanding of how it's used in the entire Bible got it okay perhaps no scene in the Bible except for Golgotha no scene in the Bible except for growth is more poignant than Genesis 22 namely the binding of issac you can just see guys how love and worship those hand-in-hand therefore as far as I'm concerned and you don't have to agree with me this isn't like the student it's not like a textbook where we have some textbook I'm teaching textbook stuff and it's very rudimentary and I'm teaching it you have to agree with it this is just my take with my time with the Lord it seems to me that the most important part of ship is that worship is connected with love look at Genesis 22 just a few verses says after these things God tested Abraham now that's very telling because we don't realize that if God tests Abraham he's going to test us God tests us all the time I mean I think we do this with our children a lot we give a little rope and see what they'll do with it right so if we do this because we're wise parents we want to see what decisions our kids going to make with a little bit of rope don't you think God's even more wise than we are so he does test us and you might say that's not nice first of all God created you he has every right to do what he wants but there's good purposes in it he's not testing to go AHA he's testing you don't take a test to show the teacher what you know you take a test to find out what you know or the lack thereof so he's showing us who we are as we need to know so he tests Abraham and he says to Abraham Avraham and of course Abraham answers right away he Namie Here I am meaning what you need that's what he Nene means Isaiah said the same thing Here I am send me in other words when you hear in the Hebrew Heaney you're saying what you need in that beautiful like not ham busy let me pray about it what you need God what you need how many times do you think he says to your name and we don't respond well sometimes we might not hear our name that much anymore because we have so much unfinished business he's going to get it done he's just looking for somebody say he nee nee and it's an honor what an honor it is God doesn't need us he allows us to work in his business you know when you have a kid a son and you built up a business for like 40 50 years and you let that little punk just come along and get paid a nice salary and he didn't do any blood sweat it tears you know what an honor that is you know what an honor it is to be used of God or to be allowed to work with him wow that's crazy and you know what I'm talking about some of you will share with somebody you know you were just used of God that's incredible right you feel like wow so blessed and humbled and honored and everything else so he says he nany I am he says take your son , your only son , whom you love that's intense take your son your only it's not like he's going to get another son anytime soon he's a hundred it's old I mean Sarah's womb should be in the Smithsonian at this point and he waited his whole life for a child and not only was this just any child but he was the son of promise so there must be so much confusion here it's like I don't get it I waited my whole life for this and you're taking it away you've got to read between the lines you can't just be a textural fundamental believer you've got to see it like a movie you've got to get a visual you must otherwise it's going to be very religious and very austere and it won't hit you in the heart and he says yes the son you love that one and then he says just in case you get shocked give me it's gone what people think is just like okay cool dad and he was just walking lalalalala are you kidding who would do that is a human being could be la la laaa is they're bringing their son to be sacrificed and everybody says oh he knew it was gonna happen how do you get that who told you that if that's what you surmise from the story go to the land of moriah there you ought to offer him as a burnt offering clearly to sacrifice him make no mistake he knew what burnt offerings were on a mountain that I will point out you I mean there's no break he's like Abraham says who's young man stay here with the donkey so he gets up he takes his journey with the boy now the boy isn't a five-year-old the boys you know he's a hundred but the boys probably somewhere in his teens thirteen fourteen fifty but strong otherwise you can carry all the wood Pablo can't do that so any good did theologian any good Jewish rabbi knows that he's probably in his team strong strong boy now look at the word worship we heard it before shahe he's saying we're going to go and bow down we're going to prostrate ourselves before the Lord we're going to pay him homage and reverence and respect we're going to put our face on the ground and humble ourselves before him I submit you gave me the son the Lord gives the Lord takes away blessed be the name of the Lord this is nothing new job experience many great men of God experience it I'm going to submit to you Father I'm going to give him to you he's yours he doesn't belong to me Wow and I'm going to adore you through it what come on stop making me feel bad and why is he doing this why is he worshiping because at a love a hub he's showing love isn't a noun it's not an ideology love isn't a philosophy it doesn't mean anything when you say I love you that's easy just like praise the Lord it's a no-brainer show me God is saying and he's saying I'm going to offer my son to prove to you that I love you now did he say it like I'll show you I don't know did he do it totally willingly not any begrudging I don't know I know I've been in this situation and I've done it but grudgingly I don't know why I experienced it and this clearly is not about me and I struggled when I first got called to ministry Jeremy came down with a disease and he could have died from it was a blood disease there was no cure and I could not believe one day I'm cold to ministry the next day I feel like I gotta say goodbye to my son it was the most awful awful 24 hours of my life and and God needed to show me how much he loves me that I can let you know how much he loves you it's a long story it's in my book I don't want to belabor it because it's not about me it's not about Jeremy I'm just telling you it was the worst day of my life bar none and I could not reconcile it to God's love and I'm sure because I am human and there's nothing that sets me apart from Abraham he was struggling I am convinced that he was struggling you might make him out to be a superhero I don't buy it Yeshua was the Son of God and he said take this cup from me you can glamorize it dramatize it make it very romantic but the truth is man this is hard stuff worship is hard when nothing's going right and I know it and God knows it and now you know it love is sacrifice love the sacrifice there's no question about it love inconveniences itself love is not well I can meet you at three because it works perfectly for me love is sacrifice and the greater the sacrifice the greater the love no question Abraham was demonstrating his love member in in fifteenth chapter of Genesis his faith was credited to him he didn't it didn't cost him nothing he just said I believe now all of a sudden he's got a knife in the air and he's going to put it right through his kids heart he's demonstrating his love make no mistake Abraham was demonstrating his love by his willingness to give up what he loved the most his son his only son his according to second chronicles 3:1 Moriah is the mountain range where Jerusalem is situated and also wiggled otha stood the same range do you see this prophetic picture guys don't miss it it's unbelievable it's a prophetic pictures what was to come on Mount Moriah Golgotha namely the sacrificial offering of God's only Son the one he loved the sacrifice of Isaac was a prophetic picture or a foretelling of the greatest act of worship mainly schewe laying it down a self-sacrifice to accomplish and fulfill the will of God for our behalf but Isaac was a teenager why didn't he fight his hundred-year-old father why did he lay there look at the face of Isaac nobody talks about that they'll talk about Abraham's willingness he lay there because Isaac is like a Jesus Isaac did not resist his father's wishes to be sacrificed laid there Yeshua gave himself up to his father's will as well what are you saying rabbi guys I'm saying to love God is to worship Him and to worship God is to love him and if we truly love God then we would try to submit more and deny ourselves which basically means to yield to God's control so completely that we don't have any rights and we live in an age where everybody has their rights everybody's entitled and I say you want to be a believer show that crazy world that with all their entitlement we're entitled to nothing but we received the very blood atoning sacrifice of God's one and only Son so the world that when they're claiming things and grabbing onto things we're letting go of things show the world when they're raising themselves up we're lowering ourselves down show the world when they're talking about their accolades and all their trophies we're talking about the glory of God show the world show them the difference turn off the darkness didn't you schewe basically say the same thing for all intents and purposes he's the son of God he's one with the father look at Matthew 16:24 this is right out of the gate they realized he's the Messiah and what does he say he says then you shoot old his Talmud Deen his students if anyone wants come after me if anybody wants to be a Christian it's what he's saying make no mistake if anybody wants to follow me that's what it means to come after to follow him to call themselves a follower of Yeshua let him say no to himself it's not self-denial self-denial if like I'll give up chocolate to the Lord or I'll I'll give up food for three days that's self-denial denying you is saying I got no inalienable rights this is crazy but this is what he said I can't doctor up what he said I can't make what he said and turn it into a nice 21st century message is it easy if it was easy everybody be worshipping God I told you at the front it's hard it's hard for me it's hard for any of us to get out of ourselves the beauty of God is he's not going to have you on call 24/7 he's not that's not what he does if you think that you're crazy because nobody can handle that he's not going to abuse you he's not like the taskmasters of Egypt he's going to bless you he's going to let you on vacations he's gonna let you go out to restaurants he'll let you play with your kids but when he speaks to you will you respond even if it's once a month will you please respond to him he's not going to bury you he doesn't bury me Oh what was ministry it's horrible ministries not horrible you guys are horrible now a little bit am i I'm only kidding am i guys I'm your friend I love you some of you I know for 15 years God is not mean he's good and he's wonderful and he's holy and he's perfect but I'm saying what an absolute some of you have too much time on your hand to constantly think God is telling you things to say but you're saying them in your own will and there is no anointing on them and God is not breathing his spirit and that's a shame because when you speak to people outside of the anointing of the Holy Spirit it D glorifies the Lord just wait on him you might be on vacation and the Lord says this one and tell her this it's so beautiful can you imagine that he's just mind your own business this isn't a story we went away somebody gave us their house one time when I was here in st. Thomas we're in st. Thomas and I got this huge thing in my hand and I didn't know from a doctor anything and this taxi cab drivers lady pulled it out that night I'm preaching at her church and in a way it did and then a year later I went back with Bibles and preached all around the Caribbean what I'm saying is it did not amaze me because I'm always looking for God to do something because that's by nature of who he is it don't get me wrong it is amazing but yet it's God because God is amazing by definition it's supernatural but God is beyond the natural it's incredible but God is incredible it's unbelievable but yet we believe so I'm just saying open yourself up to the Spirit of God if he uses you once a month great just whenever he calls you answer the call because you're going to benefit I promise it's going to be a sister in a well that you can go drink from you can't do this thing on your own it's going to kill you and you can't fake it to you make it because you won't make it if I could help you from avoiding the pitfalls I've made that would be a real blessing for me and a blessing for you and I think a blessing to God I made so many I remember the first two years I was trying to show my prowess when we first moved to Florida and I would not go out with Bernadette and she would not go out with me we stayed home with Jeremy we stayed home with Jeremy and one day finally I guess we came to our senses and we went on a date and as we were pulling away from the house as God is my witness I turned over and looked at Bernadette and she looked exactly like the 18 year old her face changed and she was the 18 year old girl I met and God was just sending me this you need this you need time with me you need to now if you feel like you're running every week something's radically wrong something's wrong and you got to fix what wrong because you can't keep running but there are times you need and it's not just it's not just to go away and just let your hair down you've got to spend time with the Lord alone Monday morning I was soul man it was so good that when I came to the office I couldn't talk if I tried to talk to this Roxanne I started to cry I cried the whole day I cried the whole day because I just finished teaching Steven and Samuel I love them but it was 14 hours a day and then I went away my family knew you go away we family what do you got to do you got to have some family time otherwise you feel guilty right and sometimes you feel like you walk on eggshells it's going to be good well is this going to be is this going to blow up right right are they going to be happy are they going to are they going to show themselves little bit am I going to have to say this is what I get to take in you anybody know what I'm talking about this is a reality of life guys and God knows this Noah got drunk and naked abraham lied about his wife being his sister Jacob was as dysfunctional as they come David knocked up some girl this is the reality of life stop making out for yourself to be perfect God is holy and if you will admit to your unholiness he will sanctify you he will do it so he gets the glory but he is God and He is God alone and that's why worship is reserved for him and for no one or nothing else the four tops were wrong I kissed the ground she walks on I don't kiss no around the burn that walks on okay she even wash my clothes me before she left not only doing I had all Bernadette but Bernhard they can't say to me on the believe you know forsake you she might want to say it she might say it I might believe it but the truth is only God can say that and he's proved it so he's the one we worship he's the one we pay reverence and homage to he's the one we glorify he's the one we respond to he's the one that we lift up he's the one we answer the call to he's the one we tell the world about because God is great and greatly to be worshipped and he will not hurt you and he will not overwhelm you and the only reason you're overwhelmed sir is because you are not surrendering yourself to God you're giving him a piece of yourself and it's not going to work with him he is not going to have any other gods before him or alongside him and he will run he will run because he's jealous and he's so in love with you he does not want to share you no more than you want to show you a spouse with another man or woman he's that same jealous nature that we have this is biblical worship guys this is build worship laying down even Yeshua says say no to yourself deny sup what about taking your execution stake the willingness to endure suffering or shame even maybe more to them now that's not going to happen for any of us anytime soon but it might but he's saying the willingness the desire yes Lord this is a tall order no this is not easy that's what I'm saying to worship takes work this is what God's calling us to I'm going to talk to you in the next couple of weeks about not just worship connected to love but worship connected to fear worship connected to glory worship connected to bowing down worship connected to exaltation worship connected to wisdom as that sound and then we're going to see an incredible massive worship service in Revelation and then we're going to finish off with some closing things it's probably going to take about two more weeks I hope you don't mind but we are called to worship God and Yeshua said we are looking for worshipers not Prazeres praising is good but that's easy because we're praising God for something that he did for us what if all hell breaks loose how do we get to that place of you give you take I worship I know it's a tall order I'm not I'm not guys I'm I always tell you listen to me with one ear if I'm telling you something that's not right if I'm telling you something it seems over-the-top I know I'm very pushy let it go don't let me be that guy who dictates to you how you should conduct your relationship with God don't let anybody be that guy you spend time with the Lord you meditate you pray you read his word and you find out what God is asking of you but what I'm saying is getting out of yourself is freedom it is an absolutely stupendous thing and God won't ask us to do it if it wouldn't benefit us amen let's stand together maybe um you know maybe I missed the boat cuz sometimes I listen to other services and it just doesn't go in this direction everybody leaves happy and there's no conviction and and God is good and he's blessing you and don't worry about a thing I just don't think that's real life and I don't think that's real God so again I submit to you that I'm just giving you meditations of time that I spend with God doesn't mean they're accurate that does not mean that I'm here to say it's a very difficult thing to do this because I don't want to be responsible for hurting anybody I don't want to be responsible not because I'm afraid because what kind of sick person would want to hurt somebody I just want to be a help but I you know I go to other countries and I share this with believers and it's like duh they're like look at me like of course plus we worship the Lord of course we did a selves of course we give him the where I mean Samuel has a bounty on his head he gets killed the government gives that person money and you won't hear him tell you that and you won't ever see him complain this is worship I'm not trying to put him on a pedestal I'm just saying he's worship very humble worship at that but if if this thing changes for us in America then I just think we have to prepare and I think if we don't prepare that I'm making a grave mistake you know when when you go to a self-defense class and and they bring a lady forward and they say okay if somebody grabs you like this nobody's going to grab you like this they're gonna grab her by her hair they're going to bang her head against the wall until she's somewhere in conscious and then they gotta look to raper and that's what you have to prepare for you follow that's the reality of an attack and so I just want to make this spiritually real but make no mistake God is for you God loves you I'm here to tell you listen to me God loves you more than you know God loves you more than you know as much as you know it I know that everybody in this room including me has no true concept of God's crazy love for them and God wants the best for you and when you are struggling it is killing him he wants to absolute best to you and he puts these fences up not to keep you from having a good time but keeping the enemy out of your way God is good in every sense of the word and he has never hurt you not one day now may the Lord bless you and keep you may the Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious unto you and may the Lord lift up his very countenance upon you and give you his peace in the name of the principle PC schewe evil wrath upon annoy this maratha yo Aaron oi pono Vanessa Vanessa Asano hoy por novella ha the assemblée ha ha oh I love you guys about Shalom
Channel: Getzel
Views: 3,807
Rating: 4.9191918 out of 5
Keywords: Worship, Getzel, Hershberg
Id: yORblPZ5S8s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 34sec (4354 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 10 2017
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