Yom Kippur at Jacobs Tent | Bill Cloud

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going to go ahead and get started come on nayla we don't want to start without you alrighty so you guys cue me when we're ready to go live i'm ready here if you're ready back there in the control room we're good all right so good evening everybody i want to welcome everybody who's joining us online um as we begin tonight i want to mention a couple of things first of all this this service is regarded as something that is to be very serious and it is to be considered solemn not in that it is sad or or depressing or anything like that but on this the eve of what is considered to be the holiest time of the year as we once again approach our king we do it with respect we do it with humility because we come to him in repentance and so tonight will be predominantly a prayer service and so consequently we're not going to sound the shofar we're not going to celebrate as it were as we typically do but we are going to approach our king with humility with reverence because again we are seeking his forgiveness and so as we go through this tonight there is some liturgy in our service tonight and um but we don't want to just go through the liturgy for liturgy's sake we want it to be heartfelt we want to say pray recite these things because it's in our heart to do and then later on there will be a time for prayer for individual prayer and so we'll begin in leviticus chapter 23 verse 27 and the lord spoke to moses saying also the tenth day of the seventh month shall be the day of atonement it shall be a holy convocation for you you shall afflict your souls and offer an offering made by fire to the lord and you shall do no work on that same day for it is the day of atonement to make atonement for you before the lord your god for any person who is not afflicted in soul on that same day shall be cut off from his people and any person who does any work on that same day that person i will destroy from among his people you shall do no manner of work it shall be a statute forever throughout your generations in all of your dwellings and it shall be to you a sabbath of solemn rest and you shall afflict your souls on the ninth day of the month at evening this very time we are convening from evening to evening you shall celebrate your sabbath so our father in heaven god of abraham isaac and jacob centuries later from the time that moses first presented this to your people through the years a remnant has been faithful to observe this time and so it is with us tonight we come here tonight recognizing your authority your sovereignty and this is what you have commanded your people to do and as we do this father help us tonight not to do it through the eyes of religion but to see it as yet another demonstration of how you love us how you teach us how you lead and guide us and how we as your people because we love you want to do what you've instructed us to do whether we understand the entirety of it or not we trust you and so we enter into this very solemn time to recognize that it is set apart among the days that it is the day of atonement it is this special time and we desire that you speak to us through it in it and help us father to do what is pleasing in your sight from our hearts in yeshua's name we pray amen in leviticus chapter 26 verse 40. it says but if they confess their iniquity and the iniquity of their fathers with their unfaithfulness in which they were unfaithful to me and that they also have walked contrary to me and that i also have walked contrary to them and they brought them into the land of their enemies if their uncircumcised hearts are humbled and they accept their guilt then i will remember my covenant with jacob and remember what it means to remember it's the same word as a memorial which means what then he will begin to act on behalf of the covenant that he made with jacob i will remember my covenant with jacob my covenant with isaac and my covenant with abraham i will remember and i will remember the land and so as we do these things tonight if we humble our hearts and we turn to him with everything that is within us he says that he will remember the covenant that he made with abraham isaac and jacob and will begin to act on behalf of that promise that he made to them and to their descendants which includes you and me if we are in messiah we are the seed of abraham and heirs according to the promise so let's rise please [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] lovely how lovely [Music] night [Music] israel and in thy great compassion i will come into your house [Music] there i will bow [Music] thy holyness oh [Music] just remain standing gentlemen let's lead the shema and then ladies you will come in afterwards [Music] [Music] ladies [Music] all the congregations [Music] [Music] m [Music] they hear o israel the lord our god the lord is one blessed be his name and his glorious kingdom forever and ever you may be seated oh god and god of our fathers you have given us this day as a time to examine and judge ourselves and to look forward to the messiah's return and so we remember yeshua our great high priest who brought his own precious blood the blood of atonement into your most holy place and through his blood which cleanses us from sin we now have our conscience purified from guilt and condemnation and can serve you in love with pure devotion soon you will bring this age to a close and herald the beginning of a new age with the sound of the great shofar then nations shall learn war no more the wolf and the lamb shall dwell together in peace and you shall be king over all of the earth in that day israel shall be delivered from her enemies and dwell in peace and all the nations shall come to your light the new jerusalem will be established in the midst of all the peoples and from one new moon to another from one shabbat to another and in the appointed season of sukkot all flesh shall come to worship before you and so we dedicate ourselves to you today for your purposes as living sacrifices we consecrate ourselves to you and we seek your will wherever you want us to go we will go whatever you want us to do we will do whatever you want us to say we will say if there is anything you want us to change show us by your grace we will do it we seek you we desire your anointing and your manifest presence that breaks every yoke let it rest upon us and we will be victorious amen father of mercy i come humbly before you this day of atonement father i confess that i have sinned much this past year both against you and against others at times i've rejected your counsel for that i ask you to forgive me i ask that these people that you have allowed me to shepherd would not be brought to shame because of me may my sin not be held against my children or future generations and i pray that you will not judge me according to my own righteousness but according to the righteousness of my high priest yeshua who made atonement for me for me with his blood which he shed for my salvation so i lift my eyes to you help me and my wife to shepherd these people whom you've placed under our leadership as we come to you daily draw us into ever increasing intimacy with you show us your paths help us to hear your voice teach us your ways that we may lead this flock ever closer to you help us to boldly proclaim your salvation and your truth give us courage and strength as you continue to show us how to build up our own faith because you alone are our rock our hope and our deliverer man in isaiah 58 verse 1 it says cry aloud spare not lift up your voice like a trumpet tell my people their transgression and the house of jacob their sins yet they seek me daily and delight to know my ways as a nation that did righteousness and did not forsake the ordinance of their god they ask of me the ordinances of justice they take delight in approaching god why have we fasted they say and you have not seen why have we afflicted our souls and you take no notice in fact in the day of your fast you find pleasure and exploit all of your laborers indeed you fast for strife and debate and to strike with the fist of wickedness you will not fast as you do this day to make your voice heard on high is it a fast that i have chosen a day for a man to afflict his soul is it to bow down his head like a bull rush and to spread out sackcloths and ashes would you call this a fast and an acceptable day to the lord is this not the fast that i have chosen to loose the bonds of wickedness to undo the heavy burdens to let the oppressed go free and that you break every yoke let us acknowledge and affirm that as we begin this the solemn day and this day of physical fasting that we truly humble our hearts before our maker that we deny ourselves and that we submit our will to his so that the bonds of wickedness may be broken that burdens may be lifted and that those who have been oppressed by the adversary may be liberated and that the yoke of sins oppression may be broken we further acknowledge that yeshua our redeemer has made atonement for all of our sins past present and thank god future and that he has reconciled us to our heavenly father father whereby we are accounted as righteous as paul said in romans chapter 3 even the righteousness of god through faith in yeshua the messiah to all and on all who believe for there is no difference for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of god being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is the messiah yeshua whom god set forth as a propitiation by his blood through faith to demonstrate his righteousness because in his forbearance god had passed over the sins that were previously committed to demonstrate at the present time his righteousness that he might be just and the justifier of the one who has faith in yeshua in acts chapter 10 we're told that yeshua of nazareth was anointed with the holy spirit and with power and that he went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil in luke chapter 4 we are told that as was his custom he went into the synagogue on the sabbath and in one particular case he read from the scroll of isaiah in chapter 61 beginning in verse 1. the spirit of the lord god is upon me because the lord has anointed me to preach good tidings to the poor he has sent me to heal the brokenhearted to proclaim liberty to the captives and the opening of the prison to those who are bound to proclaim the acceptable year of the lord and so now where yeshua left off reading at least as is recorded for us in luke we're going to continue to read in isaiah 61. it says and the day of vengeance of our god to comfort all who mourn to console those who mourn in zion to give them beauty for ashes the oil of joy for mourning the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness that they may be called trees of righteousness the planting of the lord that he may be glorified and so on this day that we are told to afflict our souls we fast physically we come respectfully looking at this day is one of reverence and awe and solemnity but in so doing we can be thankful because our messiah has come and he has redeemed us all from our sins and he is the one who gives us oil of joy instead of mourning he gives us the beauty for ashes he gives us the garment of praise rather than the spirit of heaviness and so he is the one who has made it possible and he is the one who has proclaimed that we as his people are trees of righteousness not that we may get glory but it's unto the glory of our father in heaven amen tonight is traditionally called called nidre which is a hebrew phrase that means all vowels and so there is a prayer that i'm not going to read it exactly as it is presented in a more traditional setting but we're going to adapt it for our purposes but the idea is this we all have made promises to him from time to time have we not and how faithful have we been to keep those promises hit and miss yeah i'll be the first one to admit that there are things that i say i won't do that anymore and then something happens and i find myself doing that which i said i would never do again or saying that which i said i'd never say that again or thinking what i said i'll never think again do we have any others who can identify with that so col nidrei is acknowledging that we try we want to spirit's willing but the flesh it's weak and so we come to our father respectfully asking him to forgive us of those times that we have said things that we said we would do that were right and then we didn't do it and for those things that we said we wouldn't do because we knew they were to be wrong and then unfortunately we did them so all vowels bonds promises obligations and oaths between ourselves and the almighty which we have sworn and taken upon ourselves from last yom kippur to this day of atonement may our father work them together for good and we acknowledge that we have not always kept our promises to the almighty or to our fellow man we have not always walked in faithfulness even though he is forever faithful and so then it behooves us to consider our intentions and our words today and every day and then let us remember the words of yeshua who said to us in matthew chapter 5 do not swear at all neither by heaven for it is god's throne nor by the earth for it is his footstool nor by jerusalem and is as it is the city of the great king but let your yes be yes and your no be no for whatsoever is more than these are from the evil one and so again we're just reminded to say what you mean to mean what you say because out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks and so it behooves us to make certain that our hearts are broken contrite tender before him pliable empty of self and open to his presence his spirit if it is our intention that he is to be our master then let it be so and let us declare it for all to hear let us declare that yeshua is our king and let us vow yet again to serve him with all of our hearts and so congregation if you will join with me in fact i would like for you if you will to stand if you can please let's declare this together our god and god of our fathers the kingdom of yah is within us we declare that yeshua he is king and his kingdom shall rule in our lives of him it was written this is yeshua the king of the jews with love and devotion we will follow him and keep his commandments we will love you with all our heart soul and strength and we will love our neighbor as ourselves we will bring the good news of salvation to all who will receive it for you are coming again with judgment and in that day all the earth shall know that you are the king of kings and master of masters blessed are you o lord our god king of the universe who has given us the way to salvation in messiah yeshua amen you may be seated i think that most of you already know this but we may have people that are joining us tonight here or on the live stream that maybe this is rather new to them but in the days of the sanctuary a long time ago it was on yom kippur or yom hakim that two goats were presented before the lord at the door of the sanctuary and lots pulled him actually lots were cast for the two goats in order to determine which one was to be given as a sin offering and which one was to be the scapegoat the one that was sent out into a desolate place considered to be for azazel the one given as a sin offering was presented to the lord upon the altar for the atonement of sin in effect absolving the people from the guilt of their sin the live goat the scapegoat was brought into the high priest who would then place his hands upon the head of the goat and then he would profess the iniquities of the children of israel upon it and this goat bearing their iniquities would then be led into the wilderness into that desolate place never to be seen again symbolizing the removal of the presence of sin from the people in leviticus 16 34 it says this that we just described shall be an everlasting statute for you to make atonement for the children of israel for all of their sins once a year as followers of the messiah if we look at this pretty closely we can see his suffering in both of these goats though he was blameless he nevertheless suffered on behalf of our transgressions bearing all of our iniquities as it is written in isaiah 53 verse 5 and 6. he was wounded for our transgressions he was bruised for our iniquities the chastisement of our peace was upon him and by his stripes we are healed all we like sheep have gone astray we have turned everyone to his own way and the lord has laid on him the iniquity of us all in hebrews chapter 9 verse 12 it says with his own blood he entered the most holy place once and for all having obtained eternal redemption for the blood of bulls and goats and the ashes of the heifer sprinkling the unclean sanctifies for the purifying of the flesh how much more shall the blood of messiah who through the eternal spirit offered himself without spot to god cleanse your conscience from dead works to serve the living god there is a rabbinic writer moshe ibn ezra who said this many centuries ago no sin is so light that it may be overlooked but no sin is so heavy that it may not be repented so there's not one of us who well all of us like isaiah said we've gone our own way we've done our own thing and some of us did that a lot more than others and each and every one of us have a story to tell but the common denominator that we all have is that messiah took and bore upon himself all of our iniquities all of our bad choices all of our intentional sins and there is nothing so great that the blood of the messiah can't cover it and can't cleanse us from all unrighteousness there is no sin so great that can separate us from the love of our father in heaven only our stubbornness can prevent that and so tonight let's not be stubborn in that regard let's be humble let's run to him with all of our heart everything that's within us and so underscoring this truth is the fact that the almighty said to his wayward people in jeremiah chapter 31 i will forgive their iniquity and their sin i will remember no more because of the messiah we understand that mercy and forgiveness is available to us on any day not just one day out of the year but every day because it is written in first john chapter one if we confess our sins he is faithful and just to forgive us of our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness so we understand that yeshua has applied his blood to the mercy the one that's in heaven he's the one who has applied his blood to make atonement for our souls but it is still incumbent upon us to be those who are willing to receive that and so tonight as we convene here if you have not yet acknowledged your sins you if you have not yet acknowledged that he is the messiah and the redeemer of israel and you have not allowed him to apply his blood to the mercy seat that's in your heart can think of no better time than right now and so to those of you who are joining us online those of you who are here let's make certain that before we leave here tonight that we have acknowledged our sins that we have been redeemed by the blood of the lamb because in second corinthians chapter 6 paul wrote behold now is the accepted time behold now is the day of salvation as his disciples we bear witness to the fact that yeshua's atoning sacrifice forever removed the guilt of our sin and cleansed us from all unrighteousness just as that one goat was offered unto the lord to remove the penalty and the guilt of the people's sin yeshua has removed that guilt from us as well he has cleansed us from all unrighteousness but we also bear witness to the fact that we his people have the responsibility to walk in obedience in order to keep the presence of sin from intruding back into our lives if you can imagine that goat the one that was sent to isaiah that one that the high priest pronounced all the iniquities of the children of israel and then a man another priest was to lead him out into a desolate place so that he would never be seen again indicating the removal of the presence of their sins what if that man had not been diligent to make sure that goat couldn't find his way back the picture would be that that goat bringing all of that iniquity would come wandering back into the camp so my point is even though he has removed the guilt of sin we have a responsibility to make sure that we do what he's told us to do that we abstain from the things that he said don't do in order to keep the presence of sin from creeping back into our lives psalm 119 beginning in verse 9 it says this how can a young man and if you'll allow me a young woman how can a young man cleanse his way by taking heed according to your word with my whole heart i have sought you oh let me not wander from your commandments your word i have hidden in my heart that i might not sin against you blessed are you o lord teach me your statutes with my lips i have declared all the judgments of your mouth i have rejoiced in the way of your testimonies as much as in all riches i will meditate on your precepts and contemplate your ways i will delight myself in your statutes i will not forget your word deal bountifully with your servant that i may live and keep your word open my eyes that i may see wondrous things from your law on this day it seems appropriate that we need to take note of the fact that as a nation and i think this applies not only to the united states i know we have some people who join us from other nations around the world i don't think that there is any nation that exists on the planet today that is not in need of mercy the nations are in need of his mercy this nation is in need of mercy and forgiveness because as a nation as it is with others we have forsaken his law and so let us be the people that appeal to him to forgive our nation and whatever nation you dwell in let's appeal to him to forgive our nation to have mercy upon our nation and to to bring the people of the nation to repentance because we have sinned grievously against him and we plead with the almighty and not just tonight but tomorrow and each day let us plead with him to pour out his spirit upon our land and heal its people i think that is something that he is willing to do the question is are we willing to be the ones who stand in the gap it's written in psalm 33 verse 12 blessed is the nation whose god is the lord we are not here in this day and age to fight for america and if you're living in france or new zealand or wherever you may be join us on the live stream as his people we're not here to fight for that nation first and foremost we're not here to fight for america first and foremost we are here to contend for the kingdom of heaven and his righteousness but if we contend for the kingdom of heaven how can we as a nation not be blessed by that so let's be the people that stand in the gap amen father you said that if we would humble ourselves seek your face turn from our wicked ways that you would hear us that you would forgive us and that you would heal our land so this people the people of jacob's tent we appeal to you father to forgive our sins to enable us by your spirit to turn away from those things that are not pleasing to you and to turn our face to you with every every ounce of our being and father we pray that you would have mercy upon our nation whatever nation is represented by the people of jacob's tent tonight we pray that you would have mercy upon our nation and that you would move upon our leaders that they would pursue righteousness in this day of pervasive wickedness it seems it seems unlikely but nevertheless we know that with you all things are possible and so we appeal to you father to have mercy to move upon our leaders to turn them from wickedness and to righteousness to stay their hand when they would oppress your people and father that instead they would extend a hand to have favor upon your people let everything father be according to your will in yeshua's name traditional prayers at this time of year proclaimed the kingship of the god of israel because the day is coming when the nations and the kingdoms of this world will become the kingdoms of our god and of his messiah and in that day there's going to be one kingdom there's going to be one king and his name is one and so the prophets lived and died declaring this truth congregation help me say this the translation is the lord is king the lord was king and the lord shall be king forever and ever and psalm 22 says for the kingdom is the lord's and he is the ruler among the nations and isaiah 44 thus says the lord the king and redeemer of israel i am the first and i am the last there is no god but me psalm 24 says who is this king of glory the lord strong and mighty the lord triumphant in battle lift up your heads o gates and lift up o everlasting doors and the king of glory shall come in who is this king of glory the lord of the armies he is the king of glory amen we look forward to this day we believe this day is fast approaching we're closer to it today than we were yesterday and tomorrow we'll be closer to it still but we're anticipating anticipating that day but until that day you and i are instructed to occupy until he comes not until we think he's getting ready to but until he comes we are to advance we are to move forward we are those armies that he captains we are those armies that he's placed here to contend for his kingdom and to declare his kingship and his righteousness and so we want to do we must do that and it'd be a lot easier to do that with a clear conscience knowing that there is nothing between us and our king that the adversary and the prince of this world has nothing in us that he can use as an accusation because we have met with our king and all guilt has been absolved and we are committed to doing his will unfettered by the past or what's going on in this world knowing that our king and his righteousness he is poured out upon us as his people and so we anticipate that great day when he rules over all but his kingdom is now it's here on this earth right now and it's in our hearts man must by his own choice follow the ways of the kingdom or he will find himself out of the will of the almighty we choose to do his will and everyone who agrees with that let me hear by amen amen i want to ask you to stand another time and i want us to recite this and once we recite this here's what i'm going to encourage you to do i want to take a few moments and melody's going to play some music softly i want us to take a few minutes to to get with our family if you don't have any family here friends and if there's someone who's alone invite them into your family for tonight but i think it would be a shame if we left here tonight and we didn't spend some time with the father as families and even as individuals and just have that intimate conversation with him tonight and to make sure that everything is right that anything that needs to be addressed with him tonight that we do that right now and so we're going to do that quietly as i said get with your family get your children together my children i'm going to want them right down here i know that some of them the older ones can't but i want my children to come down here i want you to get with your children again if we have somebody that they're here by themselves will you just let them come into your family for tonight well let's say this together king and creator of the universe let your kingdom be established in us we acknowledge your rulership not only with our lips but also with our lives may we bend our will to conform to yours and may our hearts find a light in serving you may our every act proclaim the lord god of israel is king and his kingdom rules over all so again if you'll just take a few moments and just go to the lord in prayer [Music] [Music] [Music] mystery so [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] me [Music] foreign [Music] there's [Music] so [Music] [Music] versions [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] yes [Music] [Music] sure [Music] [Music] so [Music] thank you [Music] so [Music] [Music] team [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] great is thy faith [Music] oh god my father there is no shadow of turning [Music] maybe [Music] now forever will be great faithfulness greatness thy faithfulness morning my morning new mercy [Music] greatest [Music] [Music] joined with all nature [Music] to thy great faithfulness mercy in life great is thy faithfulness greatest thy faithfulness [Music] new mercies [Music] faithfulness [Music] my own dear presence to cheer [Music] to of mine with ten thousand besides and great great is thy faithful men greatest high faithfulness morning by morning new mercies [Music] is thy faithfulness lord unto me one last time greatest thy greatest thy faithfulness oh great is thy faithfulness morning by morning new mercies i see all i have leadeth provided greatest [Music] thy faithful [Music] out of the depths i have cried to you o lord lord hear my voice let your ears be attentive to the voice of my supplications if you lord should mark iniquities o lord who could stand but there is forgiveness with you that you may be feared i wait for the lord my soul waits and in his word i do hope my soul waits for the lord more than those who watch for the morning yes more than those who watch for the morning o israel hope in the lord for with the lord there is mercy and with him is abundant redemption and he shall redeem israel from all of his iniquities amen we all know that every day is a day that we can turn from our sins we can churn from our ways we know that every day is a day that when we do so he is faithful and just to forgive us of our sins but he has instructed us on this day especially on this day to acknowledge yes our sins and our shortcomings but also his great faithfulness amen and so there is a traditional prayer i'm going to ask you to join me in this prayer that in this prayer al-shamdu we confess our sins we confess the sins of our community and we can we confess the sins of the people of israel but as we do we also are acknowledging that he forgives that he's long-suffering and compassionate and that he extends mercy to those who love him and those who keep his commandments unto the 1000th generation and regardless of how long you think a generation is as as few as 40 years a thousand generations is about 40 000 years that's a long time and it just goes to show how great his his faithfulness but one last time i'm going to ask you to stand with me and if you will let us proclaim this together we have trespassed we have dealt deceitfully we have stolen we have slandered we have acted perversely we have done wrong we have acted presumptuously and we have been violent we have spoken lies we have counseled evil we have spoken falsely and we have blasphemed we have scoffed we have rebelled we have provoked and we have oppressed we have been stiff-necked sorry we have been stiff-necked we have corrupted we have gone astray and we have led others astray i want to pause for just a second here i want you to think about something in the book of daniel in chapter 9 he says that he began to read the books of jeremiah and as he was reading the books of jeremiah you know the weeping prophet who warned israel who warned judah that the king of babylon was coming and the reason he's coming he's going to take you into captivities because of your idolatry and your hardness of heart etc you know that story but as daniel is reading the books of jeremiah it apparently occurs to him why he daniel and his contemporaries are in babylonian captivity and he says this we disobeyed you we didn't listen to your prophets we transgressed your statutes my point is this daniel didn't take the position on behalf of his nation that they did these things and those people did those things but he said we did these things we're guilty of this collectively we're guilty of this and that's why we recite this prayer we collectively are guilty of these things and you see by doing and saying these things and admitting these things we expressed we express to our father that just like in our congregation we're only as strong as the weakest member as a body we're only strong as the weakest one and so collectively we've been guilty of these things but we also believe that collectively that when we confess our sins and he forgives that we benefit that we can all be blessed that the body can prosper that the body can thrive if the heart of the people at large is to be humble and to be contrite and to come before him with respect and awe and a willingness because we love him to do what he's called us to do and so you are faithful and just to forgive us our sin and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness blessed are you o lord our god king of the universe who has given us the way to salvation in messiah yeshua and everyone said amen just remain standing [Music] may the lord may the lord bless and keep you [Music] may his grace and his face shine upon you may the lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace [Music] and give you peace [Music] [Music] this is the way [Music] you shall be blessed from day to day he'll be soon may the lord may the lord bless and keep you [Music] may his grace and his face shine upon you may the lord lift up his countenance upon you [Music] and give you peace and give you peace and give you peace and give you peace man blessings peace may your fast go fast [Music] that up all myself [Music] no i'll be safe going home we'll see everybody back again on shabbat this weekend and after shabbat what's next yes tonight and tomorrow we fast in a few more days we feast oh man all right good night everybody good night [Music]
Channel: Bill Cloud
Views: 7,768
Rating: 4.9187818 out of 5
Id: cBYro75lVic
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 30sec (4230 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 15 2021
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