Heart of Worship (Part 3) (Jul 22, 2017)

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[Music] just to let you know I don't know Wednesday I came in here to pray and then I saw that the new drum set was set up so I I sat down and I started to play and I realized I don't know what I'm doing so I stopped really really quick but there was there was only one symbol when when I came in on Wednesday of summer it's symbolic that yoga nut yo let us sit behind the drum set and I'm going to stand behind the Bema I want to give you a quick report when when the guys were here you know our guys our ministry guys Steven in in Kenya and Samuel in India and on Ian in Australia there you know it's Beth you sure they have Betty issuer's like we have Betty schewe here and their ministries I mean I can't really take you there I can't take an Indian in Africa too easy it's a little rough but these ministries are not like I mean I golly jeepers I got to watch my say right there's so many people have ministries today there's so many people to have cards and newsletters and I just need to let you know they're not doing that much they could work and do that ministry they could work and do that ministry but these guys their ministries are crazy you wouldn't believe what they do with schools and orphanages and having passed as like Samuel has like 200 pastors on them it's crazy and these are legitimate guys that are ministering and sharing the gospel all over Southeast India but you know Steve um Steve Arnie his name is Steven Arnold but we call Lonnie of course he's in a different situation if you've ever been Australia it's so wealthy there's no racial divide there's no poverty there's no hood it's a very very tough place in and of itself to minister nobody wants to hear it I was dead twice okay but I asked him I said when you get home I need you to have an outreach not just an in Rach you know I'm big on that I mean if all you do is come to church and speak and sing and take care of the people inside you've missed the boat you've missed the boat I think that's what it's come down to a lot of inReach and taking care of your own people I mean you guys are taking care of what you need to do is take care of somebody else so that's the whole idea but I asked them I said I need you to do an outreach and man he is such a great guy and I love him so much he got on it so he started a ministry to the homeless in Perth Coast in Australia is so expensive and it's so financially strong that they charge the homeless $25 for a bed at night 25 bucks they talk to the homeless can you imagine what kind of ministry is that so so they're taking care of him now and just pray for them he only went back less than a month ago and he jumped on that ministry I you know I got people that are talking about ministries for 10 years they haven't done it so I just want to you know give Him DAPs about that Arnie I know you're watching I'm very proud of you thank you for that Vicky you tell these guys to do something and they do it no questions asked it's it's crazy it's so unamerican and let me read your letter you know that and also I know a lot of you people have been to Nevada Vail there's very few ministries like this in the world not just in Israel very very few and it's the only one of its kind in the whole nation of Israel they were in a crisis because they're girls crisis center was in disarray for years and they were trying to raise $250,000 and when I was at a meeting with these rabbis and a bunch of Jewish people and I just I just didn't want them to struggle getting 20 bucks and 50 bucks there so the Lord really put it on my heart that we were going to take care of the whole thing so you guys and us guys we sent the $250,000 to them and and you know that but I just want to read a letter I got from her three days ago and it seems a little bit of my praises so I'll try to change a little bit of it's not the purpose but dear rabbi Greg I have to share my feelings with you nothing happens by accident rabbi you and I met years ago and since then you have been a blessing you have been blessing nothing McHale and praying for our children I say our children because they are yours as well and we pray for you daily - she will not leave her house and so she prays for me it's crazy and this is this is a this is the closest thing you're ever going to find to a Jewish mother Theresa there's very few people like her in the world yesterday Ruth the house mother who began working at the Children's emergency crisis sent - 17 years ago when it open approached me hava do you remember the town but tal means daughter of God in English I replied Ruth she came to the center years ago why are you asking and then she showed me a clip a news clip of a beautiful Israeli soldier girl an officer giving awards to other soldiers and it was become she's being interviewed and telling all about her life and obviously telling you about her never Mikhail experience she came to the center after her father killed her mother in front of her in jail he then committed suicide and her brother killed himself as well this is the typical cadet never Mikhail and and this this is even much softer than what most of them go through and this little broken soul survived and she told the world if not for the crisis center it never mihail and the love and care and the professional hopes who receive daily she would not be alive today I mean I just need you to understand what you're part of most of you have been a believer longer than I you don't need another message the message is let's get out there and do something for God's sakes she is a success story a heroine a miracle the children's emergency crisis sent to open 17 years ago over 800 children ages 4 to 12 have gone through its doors all of these kids will court order cases remove from their homes in trauma during the day or in the middle of the night sometimes on Shabbat - by the sacred to them these are children who experience Hell at and witness seems that no one should witness the center is now being fixed up and repaired because of a miracle the air conditioning is finally working and there is hot water for all the numerous showers the classroom furniture is being ordered all brand-new and the broken glass bricks are being replaced this miracle happen because of you and Beth Yeshua we prayed for this day to come for many years and we had to say that it would happen and thank God you made it happen never fail is the only residential home for children at risk in Israel and with so many vital services on one site and you are making the difference and enabling us to give these broken children the life that they so so deserve to have your Mitzvah that's a blessing in Hebrew your midst that cannot be measured thank God you are our partner thank God you are all family thank God we have you with love and admiration appreciation and blessings hava and the children you guys know the story we don't have time for it but I'm here to tell you if I did not come to Macon I would not have ever heard of neva FL I heard of heard an FFL throw a rabbi and I was praying for a good strong month give me some Jewish children I could bless while I'm blessing the children Africa and blessing the children in India so had I had I stayed in New York no way had I stayed in Florida no way what's the take-home message guys let the cloud lead you wisdom is so lacking in the body today I see intelligence it's easy to be intelligent some people are born with it it's very easy to be intelligent you know what you do read a lot of books and you get intelligent and I'm not saying there's anything wrong there's a place for intelligence some people have great skills when it comes to fixing things but wisdom and common sense is so lacking the lead of the Holy Spirit do not just speak these scriptures you know trust in the Lord with all my heart lean not on your own understanding your teaching this to your kids but you're not living it in front of your kids just let him lead and by golly just follow you don't know why he doesn't tell you he didn't tell Abraham you didn't tell Moses and he's not going to tell you you got to trust them because this whole thing is all about faith and trusting the Lord there's nothing more and there's nothing less third week we're going to talk about worship first week we gave a detailed intro if you have nothing better to do grab it online and you'll understand the vast difference between praise and worship because it is night and day and it's very important for the body of Messiah to understand the difference between praise and worship it's night and day and and last week let me see that first screen for a sec last week these are the things we spoke about now I saw this last night and it hit me I told Bernadette I don't know why the Lord said you know speak about worship being connected to love that was the first thing we spoke about worship being connected to fear work being connected to glory worship being connected to bowing down of course worshiping to exultation we did it in this order because that's what the Lord asked but isn't it amazing to worship God is to love him to love God is to fear him to fear God is to glorify him to glorify Him is to bow down before him the bow down before him is to exalt him how'd he pull that off you would think you had something to do with that I had nothing to do with it I assure you I'm nothing to do with it that's the beauty of it that's how I know attempt there's one more thing we have to talk about as far as worship being connected to and it's the most important thing and worship is connected to wisdom and with wisdom now you have to understand wisdom is is the most important gift okay the gifts in first Corinthians 12 in order of importance with wisdom being number one and tongues being em annoying the reason being is you can fake tongues but you can't fake wisdom and and wisdom has to do with common sense and if there's anything that's not common today its sense I mean some of you all the folk I'm fifty nine but some of you are my senior don't you scratch your head when you see what's going on don't you just go wow wow it's unbelievable right and it's very frustrating right because you see the direction it's going and you know it's not going to go back and it's not it's not the way God describes the way things are going in the Bible is it's a downward spiral it's happened since Genesis 3 and it's not gonna upward spiral till Revelation 19 with that being said as the body of Messiah and his sons and daughters of the Living God you are not called to spiral down follow just because you live in a goat nation doesn't mean you have to be a goat so with that being said let's talk about worship being connected to wisdom we spoke all in the Old Testament now we're going into the New Testament and we're going to read from Matthew - okay it says after your shoe was born in Bethlehem in the land of yehuda during the time when Herod was king Magi from the east came to Jerusalem Jerusalem and asked where is the newborn King of the Jews so we saw his star in the east and have come to worship Him ok and there you have the word worship highlighted before we leave this we can talk about this or I could talk about this for hours and hours and hours and hours and hours and I won't belabor it because then we'll miss what we what the Lord wants us to focus on but you'll notice it says you were born in Bethlehem in the land of Judah because there's two Bethlehem's is one near Nazareth so it's very specific the Bible is very specific and why Bethlehem is fulfilling a messianic prophecy one of the 333 and Micah 5:2 that he would be born in Bethlehem what's Bethlehem the house of bread makes sense the bread of life born in the house of bread it's five miles or six miles south of Jerusalem and it says in Judah because what's that also saying that he's from the tribe of Judah and we know all Kings come from the tribe of Judah so therefore he's the King of Kings born in the house of bread okay and if you're hungry I would say take a bite out of him during the time when Herod was king now I don't want to get into dates but there's a chronology Herod be you know was not paying after four BC so Yeshua was not born in the year 0 or 1 AD I'm sorry to burst your bubble but that's just the way it is with that thing said Herod's called Herod the Great I don't know why it's called Herod the Great he should be called Herod the murderer he murdered his wife he murdered his three sons he murdered his uncle he murdered his sister-in-law he murdered his brother-in-law and a host of others including all babies in Bethlehem two and under and all these guys were bad guys really really really bad guys because they were power-hungry and money hungry and when you power hungry money hungry you do terrible things even if you're not aware Magi from the east came East we're talking Babylon and Persia and that's 8 to 900 miles away now just to say to you how many people have seen nativity scenes everybody some of you have them I'm not here to tell you to take down a nativity scene but you ever see the three wise men bringing gifts to your shoe when he's in the manger what's wrong with this picture tell me there were not three wise men so that's wrong they didn't come to him when he was first born that's why Herod said he would kill all the babies two and under they came to when he was about two maybe one and a half maybe one but it says they came to the house not the manger in the eleventh verse and the child a young child was with his mother now what's wrong with this everything and I'll tell you why because it's tradition Mount Sinai was not in the Sinai Peninsula it was in Saudi Arabia what's wrong with that tradition had that tradition come Hellena the mother of Constantine Constantine had another crazy dream not even a believer she deems it Herodias decides in Justinian let's build st. Catherine Cathedral in the 6th century and tradition tradition is that God changed the Sabbath tradition is the Temple Mount is the temple mountain I'm here to tell you don't live by tradition but people love their traditions so even when you show them they like rabbi get it it's a tradition but I'm not changing so you listen this is the issue I have tradition is ok if it were Phi's God when when tradition goes against the Word of God you're crazy to walk in that tradition because you're going against the Word of God how you going to explain that when it's been explained to you that it's not in the Word of God what are you going to say you're going to say that your traditions are more important than the truth and most of the time tradition does Trump truth but the truth is coming back to Trump tradition and I would be on fruits I'd not tradition for a fall I'm saying I mean again we're talking about wisdom right and common sense where's the common sense in it and some of these people are brilliant you show this the uneducated folks in India and Africa and they crush it they smash it and the more intelligent a person is the more they hold on to the tradition where's the intelligence in that ok let's look at the word Magi and figure out what it means ok it's Magos and it's the name given by Babylonians and Persians ok common day Iraq and Iran to the priests and experts of old in revealing mysteries okay by the first century though this is by the first century this this definition goes way back but by the first century the name Magi applied to a wide range of folks okay it applied to wise men it applied to teachers it applied to physicians they were called Magi astrologist astronomers dream interpreters and a whole host of others people even who studied the sacred writings but they were not sorcerers as some people teach some teach that Magi with these wacko sorcerers and magicians from the east no no they were not they were wise men of Babylon and Persia you ready for this rabbi you crazy they were Jewish they were probably Jewish how could that be how could it be because do you remember when Daniel during the Exile 586 he was taken to Babylon and he was the Wiseman undo' under Nebuchadnezzar right he had been the chief of the court seers check check the book the Bible he was under these guys and he pulled in his boys like the three in the fire and he would teach them all about prophecy now rabbi though they went back after exile no they did not go back after exile folks 538 under Zuba bail only five percent went back 95% stayed why do you think we have Hadassah and the whole story of Esther that took place over there so these were Jewish wise men who were very proficient in the Word of God and they stayed what do you think of that so therefore if they will want if they were Jewish wise men then they would first Messianic Jews in the way they came to worship you sure [Applause] not going to hear that tomorrow morning now the beautiful thing about this is in Daniel chapter nine there's a beautiful prophecy that sir Robin Anderson wrote a whole book about the coming prince and it gives a timeline of the birthday Yahshua so they knew this they were the Jews Wiseman under Daniel they knew this so they knew when the king would be born not only this though but they were probably aware of the prophecy of Balaam because they knew the Bible but plus Balaam was from a town right near Persia and it says we've come to worship the king because we saw his star what star back in numbers 24 Balaam the false prophet said I see him but not yet and he said I see his star there was some kind of star it's called a hob in the Hebrew and it means a messianic star I don't know what it looked like but they saw it and they followed it because they knew the Bible and they knew the prophecies of Daniel because they worked unto Him follow so please don't call them some kind of sorcerers or magicians or wacko you know they like they you know they're the forerunners to dionne warwick's Psychic Friends Network no no they were meant a God and that's why because they were men of God they came to worship the king let's look at this word worship you know in the Hebrew obviously this is not in the Hebrew because it's Matthew 2 but I want to show you in the Hebrew and the Greek how it's very similar in the Hebrew chacón we went over this last week for an hour so by all means please look at it if you get a chance it means to bow down to prostrate oneself and to pay homage to cast oneself face down on the ground in humility submission and adoration now in the Greek look at what it means to kiss the hand of in the New Testament it has the distinct meaning of kneeling in order to express respect or to make supplication that's beautiful it means to beseech to implore urgently to beg eagerly but it's derivative meaning in the Greek is the way a dog lays down by his master and kisses his hand and feet you're probably also not going to get that into many megachurches tomorrow they don't want to tell the kids that your job is to kiss the feet of Yeshua let's take a look at proverbs 1:7 for a minute says the fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge but fools despise wisdom and discipline this is the core maxim of the book of Proverbs this is the central guiding principle to live a life of God we that means you and I in every blood board believer must receive a creational revelation that there is a difference between the biblical pursuit of knowledge and wisdom and attaining knowledge and wisdom from the surrounding cultures once we understand something that's why a lot of times I'll say do you follow I'm asking you do you understand I'm not I'm not being disrespectful at all I ask my kids this because I don't want to move on unless they understand what I'm saying and if I'm giving them an order I want to make sure they understand what I'm saying so I'm not being a wise guy and I'm not being disrespectful but once you understand something you have attained knowledge once you understand something from understanding you now have knowledge but only when that knowledge is applied in your life you have wisdom my friends there are many people that have knowledge but they don't necessarily apply the knowledge to their lives or in their lives and therefore they lack wisdom knowledge and wisdom begins with reverence and humility before our maker in other words the very gateway the very doorway to the road walk wisdom is the fear of the Lord the Magi were truly wise men for three reasons you could probably come up with more than three I've just got three one they read and believe God's Word if you want to be a wise man or a wise women you have to I'm not telling you and you got to develop a routine you can't be HAP hazard with it think about trying to get in shape physically are you going to say well I'll go work out when I feel like it you have to have certain days in times that you designate I know you're saying rabbi have too many routines what I think is you need to get rid of some of those other routines and start to get some of these routines I'm saying to you but some of those other routines are crazy like first thing in the morning you know reading all your emails or first thing in the morning googling something or I you know you're gonna do what you want right I'm gonna do what I want right I'm not your dad I wouldn't even disrespect your father in any way like that I wouldn't try to tell you what you need to do but some of you was struggling and I'm trying to help you out of the struggle they read and believe God's Word to they obeyed God rather than man then Herod's say come back and tell me where he is and they said they would now rabbi that's a lie guess what you can lie all day long if you're going to protect life during the Holocaust when they were hiding Jews Corrie ten Boom say oh they're in the basement guys use some common sense some of you include scripture but you take it sell out of context it's it's poison God's all about life and preserving that life and 3:1 they believed God's Word they read it too they obeyed God over man and three they sought out Yeshua to worship Him if a person wants to be wise the place to begin is in holy reverence to God by trusting obeying him do do we really do you do I really think that it's unreasonable for the creature to trust and obey his creator and on the other hand isn't it sort of illogical for a man to reject God's Word and to live on his own punches the wisest thing to do is to repent of one sins trust Yeshua as Lord and Savior and then live to him wholeheartedly and devotedly in other words worship the king look at John for this is quintessential piece of Scripture three verses in three verses the word worship has mentioned seven times and 7 is the number in gamma tria for what spiritual perfection divine perfection is three that's God you're not going to be divinely perfected but you can be spiritually perfected and here is a quintessential section Yeshua says to the samaritan you people try that one today if you're trying to be politically correct you're never going to be able to worship the king you need to be biblically correct not politically correct unless you want to be a politician you people don't know what you are worshipping he's speaking to the Samaritans they were half-breeds I don't want to get into the whole history but they had their own form of worship they had their own priesthood they had their own temple okay they were not operating in the truth it was their heart in the right place yes yes there's no question they love the Lord but that's not enough and this is what he's getting at he's saying we who's the we he's putting him with them not with the Samaritans of the Gentiles you'll never take his Judaism away he was Jewish he is Jewish he always will be Jewish he's coming back to us and when he rules and reigns in Jerusalem in the temple he is going to be king of the Jews and anybody who is connected with them we worship what we do know meaning we know the truth God has given the commandments right he's given the Covenant at Sinai he's given the way to worship he's told us the truth he's told you the truth he's told me the truth we have the truth in its entirety nothing's missing here there's nothing to add nothing to take away it's not cafeteria Christianity you can't go like you're at S&S and go I'll do this and not that this they'll take it all we worship what we do know because salvation comes from the Jews it was prophesized he's saying Samaritans salvation comes from the Jews she doesn't know he's who he is but the time is coming indeed it's here now meaning if it was then now 2,000 years ago that it's definitely here now right if it was then it has to be now right is that logical okay so so what he's saying is going to apply for us today right now when true worshipers not just worshipers there are false worshipers he's looking for true worshipers will worship the father the father spiritually and truly having the truth without the right heart is a problem having the right heart without truth is a problem God is looking for us to worship Him with both the right heart and the right information but these are the kind of people the father wants worshipping Him God is spirit and worshipers must worship Him spiritually and truly so first we see God is looking for worshipers worshipers worship and they have to worship Him spiritually and truly and that's to you and me okay any argument we're on the same page then we can move on okay again let's look at this word worshipper same word that we said in Matthew to one who kisses the hand of it means to kneel or prostrate in order to express respect to to make supplication but the word we have to focus on is must true worship is must worship that's we're saying they have to worship that's what they do birds fly fish swim worshipers worship and this is what he wants from us worship there's different ways to worship but he wants worshipers and they have to worship Him with in spirit and in truth there can be no hypocrisy when it comes to true worship there can be no pretense of outward religious ritual without legitimate internal reality true worshipers have to have legitimate worship heartfelt worship their desire is to worship when they think about God when they hear about God they feel like getting on their knees they don't feel like throwing their hands up they feel like getting on their knees all of a sudden that the climate takes on a climate of holiness it's not goofy it's holy it's special and now although it's true that there are people that can have their head bowed and their heart proud a broken heart and a contrite spirit he won't deny this is what he's looking for he's not looking for you to be strong guys especially he some of you guys are too strong for your own good Paul boasted about his weaknesses he boasted about his weaknesses not his strengths and if you're strong he can't help you he won't help you and you can't fake your weakness just like you can't fake your desperation only God knows okay revelation 4 we sung about it we have this incredible massive worship service going on in heaven in fact I know we don't think about it enough but it's going on right now I don't know I think about all the time but I know sometimes it just you know I don't know why we forget but it's going on right now and revelation 4 you know it starts this future working out of messiahs victory messiahs victory started on the cross at Golgotha but it consummates with the new heavens and the new earth when the lamb shall be triumphant and the devil consigned to the lake of fire and I say hallelujah to that so let's read this after these things after he spoke to the churches and it was a microcosm of the body of believers and what's going on today we spoke about this this morning burning I mean it's unbelievable here was the first century in the very first century and you had the body of believers in Ephesus and they loved the Lord these guys were working harder than most of us they were serving and worshiping and and they were evangelizing they didn't even have jobs that was their life like a Samuel and yet with all that service they forgot why they were doing it they forgot that first love and you think that in the first century if it was so easy for them in the midst of all their hard Labor's for the Lord they forgot their first love you don't think it's easy for us to in fact the issue is it's too easy after these things I looked and there before me was a door John is speaking standing open in heaven and the voice like a trumpet which I heard speaking with me before said quote come up here and I will show you must what must happen after these things instantly I was in the spirit and they had before me in heavens to the throne and on the throne someone was sitting you imagine he was transported in the spirit not bodily and this is what he saw and the one sitting there gleamed like diamonds and rubies what does that tell you speaks of the splendor the majesty God can't be approached because he's an unapproachable light he was blown away by diamonds and rubies beautiful gemstones and a rainbow like an emerald encircled the throne the rainbow is a pledge that God will keep his covenant he will keep it he will be forever faithful to his word surrounding the throne were twenty-four other Thrones now there are people who are experts in Revelation I'm here to tell you nobody's an expert in revelation some things you just don't know for sure even though there are people out there who absolutely know it for sure there's certain denominations they are the experts surrounding the throne with twenty-four other Thrones and sat on twenty-four elders dressed in white clothing wearing gold crowns obviously they were purified and it speaks of their victory the 24 eldest symbolized some kind of unity of God's people because 12 speaks of 12 tribes 12 apostles whether the actual 12 apostles and the twelve leaders of the tribesmen nobody knows but we do know this revelation 21 talks about 12 gates and 12 foundations and what you have here is Jew and Gentile one and Messiah and then it says from the throne came lightening voices and thunder we know lightning and thunders terrifying splendor it's not enough to have splendid a terrifying when the like at Mount Sinai and before the throne with seven flaming torches the seven spirits of God is perfection which is Sevenfold Spirit in front of the throne was looked like a sea of bless clear as crystal isn't that interesting that's the bottom of heaven so if you're looking up and you see it what do you see you see that heaven is tranquil and if you're in heaven looking down what do you see the earth is in turmoil in the center around the throne with full living beings covered with eyes did the guardians of the glory they see all around the first living being was like one of the lion the second like one of an ox the third had a face like a human the fourth was flying like an eagle each of the full living beings had six wings were covered with eyes in sign out there a combo right there combination of the cherubim from Ezekiel one and the Seraphim from Isaiah six the blending of these living creatures is a reminder that prophetic visions may symbolize unseen realities that nobody understands but it is clear that they are guarding God's glory and they are speaking to God being the king the lion the man but perfect perfect man speaking of Messiah and he's sacrificial the Bullock but he's also overcoming the eagle and six wings remember what Isaiah said to cover the face to cover the feet and to a-flying what does that tell you covering the face and the feet at a worship out of holy respect and the two that are flying up for service so what's God saying you should worship Him twice as much as you serve Him each of the full living creatures that six wings were covered with eyes inside and out and day and night they never stop saying day and night they never stop saying crazy whenever the living creatures worship the eternal one on the throne that 24 elders prostrate themselves and worship as well declaring that the Lord is worthy and they cast their crowns down signifying that only God is worthy of worship hallelujah let's move on whenever the living beings give glory honor and thanks to the one sitting on the throne to the one who lives forever and ever the twenty-four elders fall down before the one sitting on the front of the list for ever and ever and they worship that's what they do they worship they throw their crowns in front of the throne and say you all worthy Illinois Aloha you to have glory honor and power because you created all things yes because of your will they were created and came into being let me show you this word will it's a word that means what one has determined shall be done it's one's choice one's design one's pleasure meaning it was God's choice and his design his pleasure to create you then that put a smile on your heart it was his choice is designed his pleasure guys God is a creative being and it gives him great pleasure to create birds fly fish swim creators create it's not out of need though don't don't make it too romantic because you'll miss the truth God needs nothing he self-contained the causeless cause but even more he created out of his love and an expression thereof it gives God great pleasure it gives God great pleasure to relate and have relationship with his creation man was created in His image with an intellect a moral nature emotions and the power to communicate therefore human beings have the ability to know God they have the ability to love God and they have the ability to fellowship with God isn't that stunning relationship with God naturally produces worship the more time you spend in God's presence the more you want to worship Him the more you want others to worship Him that's why we go out and speak the gospel yes of course we want to pull some out of the fire but more importantly I want more voices worshipping my father he is intimately involved in all aspects of our lives so in turn we worship Him he provides for us he protects us he tests us he challenges us he saves us and that deserves worship as far as I'm concerned now I believe we were created to worship I believe every human being worships something so I believe human beings were created to worship but the object of our worship is what's most important that's what's crucial look it from the Ten Commandments the Decalogue the first three verses Exodus 20 it says then God said all these words after he gave his commands to the children of Israel II said I am an annoying yo God who brought you out of the land of Egypt out of the abode of slavery you ought to have no other gods before me now I highlighted before me because it's very important you know what that means okay before me means either to the exclusion of another or in preference of another or in addition to another but in the more direct Hebrew means hostility towards meaning whenever you worship anything else than him it's hostile it's like fighting words I'm just telling you what it says okay our God is jealous he's a jealous God and he won't play second fiddle there are graven images all around us today they're not like I see you know other places like an Argentina defunct ad Korea and and the obvious high places where they do sacrifices I've been to these places I've seen them I've seen the legitimacy of these false gods but we have false gods in America they're just not as obvious but here was what I'm going to tell you they're more dangerous they're more dangerous than those gods because those gods are obvious you see the totem poles you don't see the totem poles I don't see the totem poles of my own heart and they're very dangerous when anything wastefully dominates our time or compromises our loyalty or confuses our priorities so that God and his work takes a backseat we are flirting with idolatry let me say that again when anything wastefully dominates our time compromises our loyalty or confuses our priorities so that God and his work takes a backseat we are flirting with idolatry some some are not flirting with idolatry they have full-fledged idolatrous for instance look at Matthew 6:24 because this is America no one can be a slave to two masters he will either hate the first and love the second or scorn the second and be loyal to the first you can't be a slave to both God and money now I am in no position to tell you how much you should have in the bank how much you should be worth how much you should save what house you should live in no way it's it's silly to say that because then everybody can sell everything they have and give it all to the poor and nobody's doing that so I can't say that I don't know what that means for you but I know someone who does know and if I were you I talk to him and find out what he says to you and then do what he says and everybody has to do that on an individual basis I do know that Yeshua taught more about finances than faith twice as much and I do know in all world today people are compromising who they are for the love of money I'm going to tell you a real quick personal story when Bernadette I got into ministry we struggled we made very little money and that went on for a long time and a church called me to speak and it was when I first moved here 15 years ago and back then I had a lot of issues I had a lot of sicknesses and I Daphne and I didn't know it so I was only sleeping a couple of hours a night and I wasn't even thinking straight and I was exhausted all the time and if you listen to some tapes from 15 years ago you'll go he was angry no I just wasn't getting sleep and thank God things have changed now other things but I don't want to talk about that let's move on but I went down to this to this church I drove after synagogue six hours I got there about 11 o'clock at night the elders were there they kept me up for about two or three hours asking me every question they ever had after that I preached Sunday morning twice Sunday night Monday night and Tuesday night I think Wednesday night Oh in this church was some of the wealthiest people in all of Daytona presidents of colleges I mean probably the brokest person was a doctor some of them were worth you know 50 million it was that kind of crew and I wasn't going there I've never gone for an offering I've never ever in my whole life asked can you take up or my minimum is never and I never will but they they said at the end can we help out the rabbi with gas money and I saw it I am exhausted they they asked me a gazillion questions I couldn't get away from them for five days you know I stayed in a basement which is fine it's good enough for me but I was like you got to be kidding me away from my family for five days and I was upset but you know what I was most upset with the fact I was upset anybody know what I'm talking about that's what got me the worst I was like I can't believe this Lord what am I being upset about but I'm just a guy I don't know what you are but I'm just a guy right and I was upset told burn that I said you know I want to go home I haven't slept I can't see straight and somebody called me a friend from Daytona who came one night to just hear me speak and his wife called and said I'm in a Bible study my husband has an envelope for you would you come by and pick it up and I said so and so I can't see straight I just want to go home was there than one I just want to go home said please we're not going to keep you you know gives me an envelope I don't open up I think it's a letter I keep driving and halfway and I'm like I'm going to open this up it was a check from a husband for $5,000 and the Lord said have I ever ever shortchanged two man we'll all day long I will never just wanted to share that story because the Lord asked me to share it it's very personal and you know I wish share personal stories but I'm here to tell you don't limit you know your salary to your income god has ways of doing things and there was seasons for us when we had and we didn't and we had and we didn't let God control those seasons not you Hebrews 13 God is speaking to the Jewish believers they says keep your lives free from the love of money and be satisfied what you have the God himself has said I will never fail you or abandon you I don't want to be derogatory but the car is the house the 401k the body the wife the kids can any of them say unequivocably and beyond any shadow of a doubt I will never leave you nor forsake you you might say my husband's a good man he would never do that I believe you're right I believe he's a good man and I believe his intentions is to never do that but he can't say what only God can say do you understand that because it's been done I'm not saying that you got to go home and worry about your husband because some of you a panic-stricken now he probably been worried about him for years I'm I'm not here to do that I'm here to tell you about how great God is not how great your husband is okay we don't worship our spouses we don't worship our physics we don't worship on money we worship the Lord and we worship Him alone everything that I worshipped was taken away from me I had this amazing I mean you think who's that Fabio guy you think he had nice hair you should see my hair in the eighties I mean if I was stupid as him I could have done commercials I can't believe it's not bought off my body I worshipped it he would come up to me and say how do you get that how do you get that and then I had screens put in and gone gone I had I had great ABS now I have AB the only six-pack I'm gonna have is six-pack of coke in the fridge I mean that when now when the surgeons put it in they said you'll you'll never have your abs ever again and I tried to prove them wrong but they're right and money you know you lose it and it's something it's just if your desire I'm not saying this going to happen for you because that's between you and God but if your desire is to truly be close to God in to worship Him and worship Him alone he's gonna he's gonna break him down I'm saying it's better that you do it than he does it because I let him do it and it was very painful and still is okay let's let's bring this thing home okay Deuteronomy 819 this is in the Torah of course and God is warning the people as they're ready to go into the Promised Land as we're ready to go into our promised land we could have the same warning okay we're in the wilderness right now we're not in the promised land yet we're really not people say no I sit in heavenly places how's your life is it heavenly come on when not there it's silly to speak things that aren't true okay otherwise we'd have nothing to look forward to I'll bless it hope that's coming okay so he's saying to us today if you forget I don't know your God and follow other gods and serve and worship them I am warning you in advance today that you will certainly perish this is a warning from God to us Joshua 23 16 it's his final address there in the land he says when you violate the covenant is that awful golly jeepers not if you when you likes when you violate the covenant von Oy your God which he ordered you to obey and go and serve other gods and worship them then the anger of annoyed will blaze up against you and you will perish quickly from the good land which he has given you so here you see how worship is totally connected to service I could have bottom-line this three weeks ago you're like I wish you would have I know but there has to be information and scripture that you have that drives the message home this is the message guys to worship God is to serve Him nothing else is not to sing to him it's not it's to serve Him which we spoke about about a month ago about slavery and being slaves and the three guys came from Africa and India and Australia I told you they're slaves they get it Paul was a slave it wasn't just the Paul wasn't well we we need to be slaves 2000 years but today no God's not here to do our bidding so let's look at the word just really quickly it means a baaad to serve a subject so to be enslaved to another's will this makes perfectly perfectly good sense to be enslaved to another's will and one scripture in the New Testament when your shoe is being tempted by the devil Matthew 4:10 he says away with you Satan yushua told them for the Tanakh says worship I don't know you've got and surf it's the same message in the new of the Old Testament the word in the Greek just so you see that I'm not talking out of my to render homage to worship it means to worship the word service serve means to worship okay the bottom line would you read the Torah or the writings of the Gospels the fact is we are called to worship God and to serve Him alone when we worship God and serve Him three beautiful things take place one God is glorified first and foremost God is glorified this is our very purpose in being I know most people don't get the message but this is the message we were here to glorify the Lord when we obey God and we obey the Lord we say we proclaim to him and the world you O Lord a worthy to receive honor glory and praise that's what we're saying with our service and I'll worship that's what we're proclaiming we love you O God and we're letting the world know he's worth it he's worth it to in turn when we obey we receive blessing there's no question about it we have protection our soul prospers we have peace peace the only thing you can't buy you can't buy it there is no way to buy it there's no way to attain it except through a life close to God in a life live of God and then third not as important but very important the world is witness to with a salt of the earth we are and we have to sprinkle this goodness on the world that is dying without flavor without taste and it's unpreserved we are the light of the world we need to shed the light of the gospel to turn off this darkness that the world is walking in that's on us I believe we were born to worship I believe I was born to worship because I worship so many things and I'm first figure out how important it is to worship God we just have to find something worth worshiping I think the grand finale of all Psalm Psalm 150 I think it does a beautiful job of answering a lot of questions but we just read it see it says hallelujah praise God in His holy place praise Him in the heavenly dome of his power praise him for his mighty deeds praise him for surpassing greatness praise him with a blast on the shofar praise him with loot and lyre praise him with tambourines and dancing praise them with flutes and strings praise them with clanging cymbals praise them with loud crashing cymbals let everything that hath breath praise Illinois [Applause] [Music] now I said two it answers a lot of questions okay look at the first question answers where should we praise the Lord praise gotten his holy place praise Him in the heavenly dome the sky it's not where should we wish shouldn't we the answer is everywhere in anywhere next question how should we praise the Lord with everything we got with all with all our heart that's what he's saying not instruments with all heart who should praise the Lord anybody above ground but guys here's the all-important question because you might know who or how or where and it's not that important the all-important question is why why am I doing this because if you know the why you'll do it with fervor and purpose okay why should we praise the Lord for all that he does and who he is for all that he does and who he is I want to leave with something I just want to take some artistic license and give you the ghv the Gregg Hirschberg version if I was writing this at the end of the Book of Psalms this is how I would do it worship God in his holy place worship Him in the heavenly dome of his power worship him for his mighty deeds worship Him for surpassing greatness worship Him the blessed on the show floor worship Him with the Lewton lawyer worship Him with tambourines and dancing worshiped him with flutes and strings worship Him with clanging cymbals worship Him with loud crashing cymbals let everything that has breath worship illinois hallelujah let's dance [Applause] now may the Lord bless you and keep you may the Lord make his face to shine upon you be gracious unto you and mid love lift up his very countenance upon you and give you his peace in the name of the principle peace schewe every car annoy bhishma raha your illinois pune vilasa Vanessa asado no horn for novela ha the assembly ha ha I love you guys about Shalom
Channel: Getzel
Views: 1,717
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Hershberg, Getzel, Worship, Heart, Part 3
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 31sec (3451 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 23 2017
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