The Battle is the Lord's (Part 1) (May 13, 2017)

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[Music] tell you why I'm excited first of all I'm excited somebody asked you this day what are you so excited about I said well excited then I'm born again I'm excited that we're able to help so many wonderful ministries I'm excited that tomorrow I get to preach the word I mean where do I stop anyway um this is this is not you have to know this but I want to share this is a reason why Sunday morning is very sacred to me Sunday morning everybody kind of sleeps Layton in our house and I get up super early you know like 4:00 in the morning and that's that's my time and the time goes by so fast and I sit there and I'm just praying you know let them sleep longer let them sleep longer but they get up anyway but they leave me alone um and and sometimes I I can I I get lost in it I get lost in the word I get lost in meditation and I get lost in and just spending time with the Lord and it could be like 12:00 1:00 o'clock and it's crazy right like eight hours later and I'm not braggin I'm just saying it happens it's beautiful and um but whatever whatever the case may be like Saturday evening I usually get a word from the Lord and then Sunday I usually get the message on the word and then I leave it alone it's not like I work on it all week or something like that I I don't have time I don't have time to read books and I don't have time to sit 40 hours on a message I just don't so Saturday afternoon like I got nothing and I started to panic a little bit you know I've preached about a thousand sermons that doesn't include India and Africa and you know churches and stuff and after a while there's just you know there's like you know now I don't do too many repeats so it's not like that's not like like I'm at a church for two years then you go to the next church and then you just bring your stuff with you and you just you know preach those I don't do that I don't like to do that it's not my thing and I don't do like expository preaching in the sense of what we'll go through the the Bible because then you know I'd rather I rather seek the Lord and try to hear what do you want me to say you know it's it's it's tougher but more exciting so when I was ready to like hit the sack Saturday night I just heard the Lord say the battle is mine the battle is the Lord's I thought he was referring to I'll take care of it like tomorrow morning I'll give you some right but but then when I thought that you know he knows your thoughts right he's omniscient so I thought that he's like no the battle is the Lord's and the minute you know when you read the Bible a lot you just you know where to reference it you know I'm saying you just know what's in Ephesians 2 and you know what's in Colossians 3 you just know so I knew there was three spots and threes the number three is the magic number because three is God's numbering gamma tree you know it's it's divine perfection there's so many threes in the Bible it ends with three it starts with three and there's threes all the way through because God is all the way through it so I knew it was three spots I knew I knew in Jehoshaphat's time king jehoshaphat time they declared the battle is Lord's I knew in David's time they declared the Battle of the Lord and I knew in Moses this time with the children of Israel the battle for three spots so I'm going to speak on those three spots if that's okay with you guys would that be all right okay let me rephrase that I'm gonna speak on those these three thing whether it's okay with you or not good you see what he explained something to you this isn't arrogant but if you come up to me let's say after the service and say wow that was really great should I be happy maybe should I be said the point is what if you said it was great but it wasn't what the Lord wanted me to share what if you said it wasn't good but it was what the Lord wanted me to share do you follow what I'm saying you can't be concerned with what people think when you're serving God you have to be concerned with what God thinks and you must play to an audience of one even as a believer not as a rabbi a preacher or pastor evangelist as a believer you have to connect with your father and be a conduit now who knows I don't know if this is from God or not I have no idea but the best I could do is seek his face hear his voice and put out what I think I heard right that's all I can do so with that being so you guys look so excited my god you boring the Dickens out of me okay we're going to start with King Jehoshaphat okay now the book of Chronicles how many people know about the Book of Chronicles not something you hear preached much I don't know why it's really good like everything in the Bible but you don't hear preach right you don't need too many you're not going to hit too many sermons tomorrow morning in churches about The Book of Chronicles trust me and then most people think the Book of Chronicles is a repeat right most people don't even know it's in Chronicles right okay Chronicles is not a repeat it looks although it seems like first Chronicles just repeats first and second Samuel because it's very similar right and second Chronicles seems to cover the same materials as first and second Kings but there is something unique about the book of Chronicles the books of Samuel and kings which first second chronicles cover emphasize the historical side of things not hysterical historical the history The Book of Chronicles emphasizes the spiritual side of things and there are a plethora of lessons for the child of God so Chronicles is a spiritual interpretation of the history now King Jehoshaphat just you know he was the real deal okay there were no good Kings in Israel okay not one good king from Israel and there was just a handful of good kings from Judah Jehoshaphat came from good stock who was Jehoshaphat father anybody know a son good who was aces father he ran out of answers lady huh Ibiza and Abbey's his father was Rahab um and Rehoboth father was Solomon and Solomon's father was the SVO one yeah he came from he came from an incredible line I mean he came from the credible line is that he's in the line of Messiah incredible line and he succeeded his father ace I believe ASA if I'm not mistaken reigned for 41 years and host about reign for 25 years you could check that in Chronicles second chronicles chapter 17 through 20 17 18 19 20 is attributed to King Jehoshaphat he has four chapters dedicated wholly devoted timber yeah incredible but the secret to king jehoshaphat success was really quite simple really really quite simple let's take a look let's start 17-20 I'm just going to give you a little bit from 17 a little bit from 18 okay we're going to have some scripture if you don't mind second chronicles 17 one through four and six it says then your hosts shift thought obviously it's it's a Hebraic Bible his son who's who's his then joho said yeah yeah when you read you got to know what you're reading you might say this isn't important if it wasn't important won't be in the Bible God does go now I like this the other stuff adds filling you know can I please um I used to read books I probably haven't read much of anything in the last 15 years besides the Bible I just don't have time to read and I'm concerned about reading books because when you read something you marinate in the author and if it's not true you marinating that so I'm safe with the Bible so I'm just want to go the safe route okay with that being said there are a few preachers in the history of preaching that really have a golden tongue very few there are a lot of good orator and teachers and so on but there was a guy Charles Spurgeon I don't necessarily agree I know he was a three point Calvinist I don't want to get into that so please don't write me but I'm saying this guy had the golden tongue he had the golden tongue and this is why he had the golden tongue nothing he said was filling a lot of times you'll hear a sermon and you'll be like get to the point and they could have got to the point twenty minutes ago right there's a lot of fill-in and stories and jokes and it's not necessary Spurgeon had no fill in everything he said was a point he somebody would have got something from everything he said and he was known as the golden tongue and he died of a broken heart he died of a broken heart at 56 years old and he suffered depression most of his life heavy depression and he used it to help people commanded depression but he was depressed most of his life does that now the 21st century high-spirited believer says he should have been listen to me if you if you are going to be a thief you don't want to break into the crack den but you're probably just going to get some videogames you want to break into a maybe the Louvre Museum and take a hundred and fifty million dollar masterpiece you're right you see what I'm saying those the best thieves go after the most dough Satan is a thief who do you think he's going to go after on a chess board the pawns are important but they just get in the way of getting to the king what I'm saying is the more you put yourself out there the more you're willing to share the gospel the more you will under preach the truth the more you willing to be uncompromising unswerving the more you cry for the loss the more you do these things the more gold God's going to deposit in you the more legitimate anoint you're gonna have and the more the enemy is going to come after you so that's you and you feel like you've been knocked around congratulations congratulations and if you tell me everything is perfect in your life I can tell you as a child of God something is radically wrong may we continue oh thank you so Jehoshaphat became King in the place of ASA aces reign was over he strengthened his position against Israel by placing forces in all the fortified cities remember there was a split in the kingdom you had the ten tribes up and north you had the two tribes in the south which he's the king of the southern kingdom and he has these troops he has these troops Garrison's groups of soldiers in the territories of Judah to fortify it they're like hey because enemies were all around constantly fighting and in the cities of Ephraim that ASA his father had captured so as a few cities north that he that they were part of the the southern kingdom I don't know he was with yo Scott that is crucial that was the secret of his success that will be the secret of your success if I don't know is with you and make no mistake either noise just is not haphazard years ago I think I'll bless you and I think I'll curse you I think I'll be with you and I think I won't be with you he doesn't do that ok I don't know it was with you hoshi fat because he lived according to the first ways of his ancestors david first ways because David had a little trouble in the last part of his life but initially he was the man he was the man not seeking the baleen not seeking foreign gods but seeking the god of his father and living by his mitts vote mitts vote is what Commandments Commandments there's only one way to be holy it's not by being pious it's not by acting a certain way the only way you could possibly be only is obeying the ways of God there's no other way ok seeking the God of his father living by his Commandments not by what Israel did ok Israel the northern tribes were they had their own priesthood Jeroboam set up his own temple they have their own priesthood they had their own holidays they were serving other gods they were serving other that they had their own religion religion in his heart he highly regarded out of noise ways moreover he removed the high places and the sacred poles of Judah look he followed the Lord was he perfect I mean I don't know why I have to say that every time but I I do I do have to say that every time no he wasn't perfect but there's imperfect and then there's imperfect there's people that momentarily fall short of the glory of God and there's people that are walking in sin that's different don't group yourself with them if you're walking in sin and it's something that God detests repents that's not what I'm talking about imperfection ok he followed the Lord the Word of God had high priority in his life the Word of God had high priority in his life according to the book of Deuteronomy the Kings had to have a separate copy of the Torah and they had to read it every day they weren't just reading it to know it they were reading it to live it so so far we've got him following the Lord we got him loving the Word of God and having high part in his life he was zealous for the precepts and he took the light no baingan not only this but look at the next few verses 7 and 9 this is this is killer in the third year of his reign he sends his leading men been kil Ovadia Zakaria Nathanael and myth hey Yahoo to teach in the cities of Judah so he wasn't only satisfied with knowing the word and living it for himself he felt responsible to teach it to all the constituents and subjects in his kingdom you want to know why he had success it's easy they taught in Judah having a stroll of the Torah I don't know with them they circulated through all the cities of Judah teaching among the people all the people he sent to Commission of princes of Levites and priests to teach and educate the people in the ways of the Lord what does that sound like guys that sounds like the watchword of Israel that sounds like the most important thing you could do it your children look at Deuteronomy 6 shema yisrael adonai eloheynu I don't know your HUD here Israel here people who strive with me the Lord is your God there is only one there's one God and you are to love the Lord your God with all your heart and all your being and all your resources these words are time ordering not making a suggestion not you know the word today the word today the political Accord word is in the church I just want to lovingly challenge you oh crap it's an order I am ordering you today are to be on your heart these words would be on your heart and you have teach that not only you it's not good enough for you to know them he's saying the reason why I gave you these laws Israel the reason why I chose you whiny choose the Midianites wanting to choose the Moabites how about the ammonites there were lots kids whiny choose them because Israel promised to teach the ways to their children that's Judaism most Jews don't know it but that's 2d ISM you want to teach them carefully to your children you want to talk about them now no no no no no thank you let me just say this some of you have taught them and your kids are wayward that's on them I'm not being insensitive but some of you have taught them and they went wayward and that was their choice just like my parents brought me to synagogue and I chose to go totally wayward that wasn't their fault that was my fault I made those decisions now does it hurt yes but it hurts even more when you blame yourself now some might not have taught the ways I can't do anything about that but the newbies that are prego are having kids follow this man follow it follow it you want to talk about them when you sit in the home get off the computer when you're traveling on the road when you lie down and when you get up sounds pretty all inclusive no this is the watchword of Israel but it was the watchword of Yeshua because in Matthew 22 and asked them what's the greatest commandment what do you say this so it seems like you schewe Jesus and the father in agreement go figure see most people think that Jesus is different from the father they're in agreement there's nothing new when he told his sermon he was teaching the Torah check how many sermons did you show at each one one parables are not served one sermon one that's what we have to know is 1 1 Matthew 5 to 7 you're going to see he taught her about adultery talking about marriage talk about murder you talk about arms giving he was just teaching the Torah why wouldn't he he was the Torah I just want to wave my hands and sing songs oh Lord I'm in Jesus strike up the band he didn't even have one I think music is wonderful but bloody I very rarely ever heard a song that convicts me the Word of God does damage and then it heals and then it restores it gets me to where I need to be get into the word yes word word so what you said work okay second chronicles eighteen one Jehoshaphat had wealth and honor God blessed them city s turret I don't think you should answer it but if God wants to bless you it's a nice thing right it wasn't bad thing people say that's bad actually the Torah teaches that poverty is a curse but don't go for it let God determine don't go for it and kill yourself you know work yourself to the bone to get a big house and not teach your kid the ways of God and then think he's blessing you that's not a blessing that's crazy that's loopy to kill yourself and work 60 70 hours a week for what when you're in trouble or you're sick is the wealth going to do it for you no it's not when you're in peace tis what it's not like when you're in P stand and you depressed as something's going on mentally this somebody comes in duck says look you're worth three million you shouldn't feel this way it doesn't change it but god bless them god bless them and by marriage this is where he went off everybody has their time we going off by marriage he allied himself with a hab AK of how did he lie himself Mara to who his son married a hips daughter if you keep reading in Chronicles you'll see it in second chronicles 21 because he befriended Ahab now is that a good thing Jehoshaphat allied himself that they have a.m. was an evil king he helped him attack the Syrians is that a good thing his heart was in the right place he cared about Ahab he cared about Israel his brother right his Jewish brothers so he comes and says look the Syrians are coming in from the north he's in the northern kingdom so the Syrians from Syria are coming down to attack a hab he doesn't have enough troops say goes to see his buddy his buddies like look at my brother will help you was that was that wise the Torah teaches don't align yourself don't make unholy alignments I'll show you where it says that look at x2 this it says I will set your boundaries from the sea of stuff that's the Red Sea to the sea of the Philistines that's the Mediterranean and from the desert all the way down south to the afraid is river in Iraq that's the area of Israel it's not there yet but it will be for I will hand the inhabitants of the land over to you and you will drive them out from before you you are not to make a covenant with them don't make any agreements with them don't shake or with their gods they are not to live in your land otherwise see this is the problem they will make you sin against me by in staring you to serve their gods I hang out with the lost all the time I hang out with the lost way more than the saved that's the way I've always done because like I don't know how many Bible says you can gonna how many Jesus shirts can you wear and just say hallelujah I mean it's cool but I like fellowship but that's not my job not as a rabbi as a believer my job is to spread light and be salt right and if I'm in a room with all people that will lit up what this is this is part of the cycling this is part of the cycling the send the troops out to be salt and light but I'd like to spend time with the lost but I won't do what they do in other words if you're well and you walk into close quarters with ten sick people your wellness will not go over their sickness but their sickness is going to turn you sick so you got to be careful I'm not saying don't don't be one of these people look he that is in you is stronger than he that's in the world you got to get that through your head you have to worry about the Devils or demons forget that stop it T that's in you is stronger if he's in you it's a big issue both of these nu and if he was in you last week that's not going to work you know it sounds great hey man I was such an evangelist for IVA in high school I was 20 years ago what's going on today but see they align themselves remember when did they align themselves you have to Exodus I'll give you him it wasn't Leviticus because Leviticus Levites that was the laws when did they align themselves I'll give you a hint it wasn't livid against it wasn't Exodus and it wasn't Deuteronomy we got one left numbers numbers 25 remember the corruption with the Midianites Balaam Balak all right well because of that then the Lord reminds them he tells them again in June Rana me now he's a little bit more Stern he says I don't know your God is going to bring you into the land you will enter in order to take possession of it he will expel many nations ahead of you to hit ty the Hittites the girgashites the Emirates the Canaanites the perizzites hivites right and the jebusites seven nations I just want you to know your God is good he didn't just kick them out he didn't kick them out and just put Israel in he doesn't do that he gave them his ways and they disobeyed and they disobeyed and they disobeyed and they disobeyed and finally he's like okay you don't want to follow me I'm removing you and I'm going to bring in the children of Israel and then he warned them in Leviticus let me tell you something guys I love you but if you follow the way to all the gods I'm going to remove you did he remove them yes twice they went into exile and you'll find that Leviticus you'll find that Leviticus 18 I'm not just speaking from the Talmud it's in the Bible what did they do two testable practices two testable practices six sexual perverted practices with animals and their children and they gave their children to Molech so they didn't follow God's ways so God didn't just arbitrarily kick them out that's not God God is love he doesn't do that kind of thing but listen what he says I'm kicking out these nations before you when he does this when I don't know you've got this Moses speaking hands them over ahead of you and you defeat them you are destroy them completely exclamation mark do not make a cup in it with them show them no mercy see today nobody you know today you know guys I've shared this let me share it again your shoe is coming back okay to execute his father's judgment and the blood will be up to the horse's bridle you don't want to leave that part out not a scare tactic it's just you got to tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth okay he's concerned now Jehoshaphat even though in his heart was good and he's worried about the children of Israel up in the northern kingdom he's worried about them there's women and children his heart was good it was motivated by love and so he lied himself with with a hat but this is the kick a man I'm loving this so much this is unbelievable man is unbelievable if you could just grab on to this he had enough sense to inquire of God he had enough sense even though Ahab comes and he says okay I'll do it but I'm gonna check with the Lord proverbs 3:5 six-man trust in the Lord with all your heart don't lean on your own thinking acknowledge him in everything every does everything everything look at look at the next two verses in Chronicles man 18 3 & 4 look at this 1/2 1/2 king of Israel Israel said to you hush fat Jehoshaphat king of Yehuda Judah will you go with me to romnod Gilead up north he answered him I'm with you all the way beautiful I care about you man I don't want you to fall by the sword think of my troops as yours Wow my men will be your men that's a covenant we will join you in this war but but Jehoshaphat said to the king of Israel first we should seek the word of all annoying now that means to speak to his prophets today we have the Bible because there are a lot of prophets running on America guys and they are working for a non-profit organization I know I mean I know a lot of yourself or all the stuff that was on TV in the 90s but it went away right and they went away you know why it was never of God the Word of God is of God the Word of God is of God will be here the grass may wither and the flowers may fade mm-hmm mm-hmm Rosie let me take over not only did he want to seek the Word of God listen not only did he want to seek the Word of God but this is incredible guys I mean that's why I it hurts my heart to think that people don't even read articles it's crazy it's it's it's bizarre she hosted that had spiritual discernment look at the next few verses this is crazy I'm going to lose my mind so the king of Israel assembled the prophets they have he had how many four hundred that's a lot dude that's a lot this place holds like 500 fix you the whole place filled with prophets and he says should we attack Ramat Gilead he asked them he's like okay look you're a good guy Joseph ed you're gonna help us fight I'll talk to the prophets or should I hold up should we go or stay they say attack God will hand them over to the king all 400 say attack but Jehoshaphat said this is where spiritual discernment because he people don't have spiritual discernment anymore because they're not connected to God he had spiritual discernment he said besides these isn't there a prophet of Illinois that's like a slap in the face he's saying I know you consulted your prophets can we find a prophet of God yikes yikes you can't say that that's judgmental no that's testing the spirit sweepy that's what God tells us to do besides these are isn't a our prophet of Allah knowing here that we consult look at this guy's this isn't this is one of my favorite stories I'm so glad just God let me do this the king of Israel said to your host Fett yeah yeah well uh well there's this one guy through whom we can consult the Lord but I hate him why do you hate him because he never promises anything good for me only bad because he couldn't promise anything good to him because he wasn't a good King it's myth ha who or some of you've heard the same mkhaya the son of the in-law the Xhosa fat replied the king should say such a thing Wow you shouldn't say that about a man of God not appropriate it is incredible the story gets better it gets better let's see what happens when they bring Micaiah in okay second Chronicles 1812 the messenger who had gone to call micaiah said to him here now the prophets are unanimously predicting success for the king please he's begging them to agree with them please let your word be like one of theirs say something good guys this is the state of 21st century American Christianity and you're falling for it and if I do that guess what I will fill this place up like nobody's business I will fill it up and I'll get it I'll get a professional band I'll hire some guy who's a Christian artist who's got records out there and I'll have 10,000 people it's not right it's not right don't you see what's going on it's the same thing just tell me something favourable in Isaiah's day you know they told Isaiah preach to us illusions you know what an illusion is in Hebrew tell us lies just lie to us in other words don't tell us the truth guys does this sound like just Old Testament let me show you second Timothy where Paul the great apostle to the Gentiles is warning the great disciple Timothy for the time is coming now if he said it's coming I'm telling you tis the season it is here it is here that is not judgment that's discernment it is here it is here for the time is coming when people will not have patience but sound teaching but will cater to their passions and gather around themselves teachers who say whatever there is it's too here yes they will stop listening to the truth but will turn aside to follow myths it's here and I'm not just talking about Shabbat that's the least of my worries guys I could care less what day you worship on knock yourself out just don't hold the Sabbath I could care less tell us what you eat I don't care but don't fall for this nonsensical non truthful non biblical teaching I don't want to hear some guy come in here and read one verse and talk for an hour thread the needle show me show me the scriptures now look at myths muthos is a fable and invention it's a lie and truth if you look at the word true that means the Word of God so they won't want to hear the word of God anymore don't want to hear lies people have relationships their lies they can't tell their spouse the truth how do I look you look great does this dress make me look fat don't blame it on the dress look what I'm saying is in my world would burn that night we are friends and even though some things we might say to each other we don't Bernadette is not easy she's not easy she's a tough girl she's not here today but she was on her own in 15 fifteen-year-old girls can't even boil water she's on her own working working and going to high school and paying her way 15 and if I try to have a pity party she goes Greg I got no time for this I got no time for this cry to somebody else she's tough she's like you got no business crying you're blessed she's tough and we could say anything to each other it might get it might get us into a fight in argument okay which pretty much nine times out of ten she's wrong but and I'm being conservative but the fact remains I can't lie to her what relationship would we have if I can't tell her the truth we got nothing I'd rather tell the truth and fight than lie and avoid it just boy I hope you're not watching now she was here she would tell you the same thing that's the way we are but guys this is this is crazy we're making things up to pacify the people we're afraid to preach the Word of God you don't have to you don't have to be mean about it you don't have to take the word of God like a sword and cut your people up that's crazy the Word of God in the Holy Spirit if it's energizing the Word of God it will do what it wants to do God will do what it wants to but you can't mess with it you can't add to it you can't subtract from it you can't color it you just don't do that it's God's Word you don't want to put words in his mouth you don't want to do that just just go with it now listen this is this is this is this is this this is should be the motto of every preacher of every preacher and guess what if you guys are parents you're a preacher but even if you're not a preacher I believe this should be the motto of every single solitary born-again believer worldwide okay it was Micaiah zanza look at his answer in verse 13 remember they said tell me something good but Micaiah answered as Auto Noi lives whatever my God says is what I will say woo you know if you want to highlight something open up your Bible and highlight that thing man highlight that thing see a prophet today if you're speaking the Word of God you're a prophet see people think a prophet foretells future events or he says you're going to work with AIDS patients that's a wannabe prophet a prophet is someone who speaks the unadulterated Word of God they have a prophetic anointing on their life macaé spoke the words that he heard nothing more nothing less that is unbelievable they was saying tell me something good it's still that way it's the Gospel according to your shoe the Messiah not Chaka Khan tell me something good I mean the Word of God is good the Word of God is majestic the Word of God is beautiful the Word of God it saves us from troubles and toils I mean the Word of God is amazing it doesn't get any better now let's let's finish up with with Jehoshaphat and then we'll close things up second chronicles 18 1822 why did those 400 prophets lie this this is incredible guys macaé continues therefore here the word of Aden oi I saw I don't know he's sitting on his throne with the whole army of heaven standing on his right side and on his left what a vision I don't know I asked uh Ninoy asked who will entice a have king of Israel to go up to his death God sending a hem to his death he's taking him out he gave him chance after chance after chance and he is a cancer that is killing the people of Israel so he's taking a hit on him one of them said do it this way another one suggested do it that way then a spirit stepped up stood in front of Aden and said I will entice him this wasn't necessarily a Holy Spirit what are you saying rabbi I'm saying God controls everything I'm saying that if Satan wants to talk to God he's got a kowtow at his door and knock and beg him entry that's what I'm saying then the spirit stepped up stood in front of Allah no he said I will entice him I don't know he asked how he answered I will go and be a deceiving spirit in the mouth of all his prophets guys be careful of what you're listening to even if it's 99 and you know what they'll do they'll give you 99% truth to gain an audience mega church to gain an audience and then to kind of or undermine the gospel they might give you so much truth but if it's if something is anti-biblical that's enough to make it impure but it's enough to gain an audience I will go and be a deceiving spirit in the mouth of all his prophets isn't this is this earth-shattering I think it is I don't know I said you will succeed in enticing him go and do it so now I don't know he has put a deceiving spirit in the mouths of these prophets of yours meanwhile Illinois has ordained disaster for you that's what macaé told them get slapped in the face and all that other good stuff so these so-called prophets were under a deceiving spirit a lying tongue but it is not without divine permission that the devil deceives men what I'm here to tell you guys on the side note is all that glitters is not gold second chronicles 21 through 4 wrapping up some time later the people of Moab now he's in a situation Jehoshaphat's in this situation sometime later the people of Moab Moab you know what that is Right today would be in the Jordan it's just on the east side of the salt sea the Dead Sea just a little south ok the descendants who are the Moabites yeah through in sexual relationships right his sons and daughter sailing off same thing with the ammonites they were just above but they had a decent relationship with his real why because they were lots kids so God was merciful they weren't one of the nations that God kicked out they weren't even in Canaan but they had issues they will warlike people and they had issues and they which is not friendly and they would you know they hated Israel so sometime later the people of Moab and the people of Amman the ammonites with other Amin came up to fight Jehoshaphat Jehoshaphat was told a huge army sire from beyond the Dead Sea from Arum is on its way to fight you right now they're in hot Sun tomorrow which is in getti which some of you know where that is it's just down by the salt sea right south area above the Negev Jehoshaphat was frightened so he determined should he be frightened yeah I mean they're just sitting around and all of a sudden these two warring nations are coming you know when they came in they were horrific you know rape and pillage and kill I mean just horrific so he proclaimed the fast good move look at look look at what a godly man for him know throughout old Judah everybody and the whole southern kingdom is going too fast imagine if we could do that we can't keep people to skip lunch and all Judah assembled and what they assembled to do to seek to seek the Lord that means with intensity they were fasting and praying and said father what do we do desperate that's why we read that Psalm today to seek help from our annoy they came from all the cities of Judah to seek the Lord man they had such faith in God and such faith in their king so justifiably so he's alone and he seeks the Lord and he lifts up this beautiful prayer it's just a few verses look at the prayer verses five through nine standing in front of new courtyard in the house of the Lord among those assembled from Judah and Jerusalem he said I don't know a Lord God of our ancestors you alone a God in heaven you see the way to pray not this is what I need nobody likes that I don't like my kids wake that we owned is what I need I really I need you to about-face I don't know I got of I insist as you alona God in heaven you rule all the kingdoms of the nations in your hand of power and strength so that no one can withstand you he was a god guy not just with his mouth with his life look if this is what you're saying but this is not what you believe God knows just know that God knows I'm not trying to be mean I'm just saying God knows you are God you are our God you drove out those living in the land ahead of your people Israel and gave it forever to the descendants of Abraham your friend they lived in it they built you a sanctuary in it for your name Solomon and said if calamity strikes us such as war judgment disease a famine we will stand before this house remember the famous second Chronicles 7:14 if my people you know you hear it a million times it's great to memorize but it's even better to do before you since your name is in this house his presence is manifest presence was in the Holy of Holies and we try to you and now a distress you will hear and rescue us man he was so wise and so anointed he's saying we are the Jewish people we are your covenant people you made a covenant a Brit with us the temple where I am standing I'm praying is your sanctuary we built it for you and you promised that you would here that you would live in you and here and you would answer our prayers in this place and then the prayer closes magnificently may fast forward to verse 12 it says our God won't you execute judgment against them question mark not telling them what to do begging them what to do and here we go guys so we haven't strength enough to defeat this you toward coming against us Lord and we don't know what to do guys look I don't know how to say this nicely I'm reading the Bible every day of my life for the last 27 years since I got saved I have not walked heavy with the Lord and then walked away I've been walking hard I've made a lot of mistakes I've fallen short of Laurie but I'm walking hard every day almost obsessively almost like not normal okay and this is my position is this your position people today tell me all the time they come to me they say they know what God's doing they know what he's up to I'm like man in my head I'm saying how arrogant are you Almighty God the Korean state of the universe the omniscient omnipotent omnipresent God you understand well King Jehoshaphat was a crazy man of God you compared yourself to him and this is what he said why can't you say it why do you need to feel so important that you feel like God's talking to you but nobody else this is how I feel every day I don't have enough strength to defeat the enemy and I don't know what to do but my eyes are on you [Applause] I'm telling you what matias model Jehoshaphat model his prayer this should be its model stuff we should model after it this isn't just for them it's for us it's timeless he went back to the ninth century BC this is timeless forget about the new wave after shape crap it's crap but you'll still fall through oniel yeah what are you gonna do what are you gonna do I guess Jehoshaphat didn't know what he was doing here and mikail wasn't legit father huh we need something new this this old stuff your old man we need a new god second chronicles 20 13 through 15 all Judas stood before I don't know why with their little ones their wives all Judah their whole families they're still fasting and praying then in the middle of the assembly the spirit of I don't know I came see God was answering their faithfulness he was answering their humility three things should happen for you when you become born-again not when you come up and get saved that's not getting saved when you're born again three things should happen and only three things should happen you should be have extreme humility should come over you if you meet the Lord in his glory extreme humility will come over you not the Lord saying this Lord saying that extremely millet II you should become happy you should have the joy the Lord and three you should become holy which is a process humble happy Holi these were these people and because they were these people and because they were seeking the Lord and humility the spirit of our annoy drops on someone it drops on a priest it drops on a priest and the priest from Levi from the descendants of ASEP and this is what he says listen all Judah listen Beth Yeshua you who live in Jerusalem and King Jehoshaphat here is what I don't know he is saying to you don't be afraid or distressed by this great board for the battle is not yours it's God's the battle has never been yours guys the battle has never been yours it's God's by faith the people believe guys if you go home and read the rest of story which I highly recommend if you have nothing better to do over the next few days read the rest of the story they believed and they start to rejoicing you know what they did they started singing strike up the band and they went down to the valley with musicians okay rabbi this sounds great say that rabbi this sounds great so when the next time you're faced with overwhelming circumstances and find yourself against insurmountable odds take out your guitar is that what you're saying rabbi no I'm definitely not saying that no let me give you some 20/20 vision on what I'm saying and go to 2nd chronicles 20/20 the next morning they rose early and went out to the Toccoa desert as they left your hosts had stood and said listen to me Judah and you inhabitants of Jerusalem trust in the Lord your God that's why they could sing trust in the Lord your God and you'll be safe trust in his prophets the prophetic word now we have the Word of God and you will succeed trust in the Lord you'll be safe trust in the word what does that mean trust to believe it to do it there's a ton of people who believe in things he's saying to do it he was just like his dad before him guys ASA had a very similar situation the King had the Ethiopians coming after him 1 million people 1 million people and all he could muster up was 300 thousand in Judah and they weren't ready in 280 thousand from Benjamin and they had chariots in him no charity is real Jerry - you can't fight him on foot and they came up at from look what his father did he learned from his dad he learned from his dad the apple doesn't fall far from the tree ASA cried out to Illinois his God I don't know there is no one besides yourself strong a weak who can help but talk like a king he is a king because he knows the king of all kings he says help us I don't know our God because we're relying on you we are coming against this vast throng in your name remember for your name's sake for your glory you are annoying odd don't let human being stop you so I don't know I struck him and and his kid knew that and when his kid became a king he knew how operate the way his father did and he learned it from Ibiza and Hobbesian learned it from real bowmen Raya Boehm learned it from Solomon and Solomon learned it from David and David learned it from God and you don't need to reinvent the wheel second chronicles 15 one seven we're almost home the Spirit of God came on Azara who's he he's a prophet during ASIS time he went out to meet a son said to him now listen to this guys I would like to tell you just the battle is the Lord's don't worry about nothing you live the way you want do whatever you want the battle is Lord's he's gonna find every one of your battle but I'd be I'd be delinquent in my responsibilities as a man of God this is what the Prophet says and this is what he's saying to me and this is what he's saying I believe to us listen to me ASA listen to me Beth issuer other know is with you as long as you are with him he will abandon you if you abandon him for a long time Israel was without the true God without a cohan a priest who could teach and without the Torah but when in their distress they turned to Illinois the God of Israel and sought him meaning said okay we'll walk in your ways they found him in that beautiful that God lets himself be found you know it's such a beautiful thing it reminds me I wasn't thinking about this when I read the scripture but the Lord just reminded me when I was young we lived in the project so you know you had six people living in a shoebox and we had you know you try to make the house as nice as you can it was concrete floors and concrete walls and little prison windows you know yeah no a/c yeah nothing but it was it was you know my house had a lot of love my father was crazy about my mother and that was a good thing but we had drapes that's what you know because you know you wanted to cover because if you look outside the window one window you saw the projects you know the other one that was right here and then if you looked up the other one do you saw the train and you heard the train all the way all the time it was the L elevated railroad only ones are in New York and Chicago and they came right by our window and so they put drapes up and my father would always play hide-and-go-seek with me but he'd always hide behind the drapes but he's always stick his feet out so I could find him and that's what I think our God is so good that even when we walk away even when we do detestable things if we truly repent and come back to his ways he says Here I am that's guys that's an amazing thing you're not going to get that with people not even believers they found them in those times people were going about their business they were insecure why could they were doing their own thing great disturbances afflicted all the inhabitants of the lands let's go to the next couple of verses so that they were shattered to pieces they were shattered by the enemy nation against nation city against city as God trouble them with every kind of difference why was God letting them get shattered so they would come to their senses why did the father of the prodigal son go on his way so he'd come to his senses he didn't want he knew his son didn't want to be there he knew what his son was thinking he didn't want his son there if he didn't want to be there he wanted his son to want to be there God doesn't want to force you into a relationship with him he has no desire to do that no more than I want to force my wife into relationship with me who needs that well I hate them but because we're Christians man that's crazy crazy I mean I applaud it if you're with a non-believer but remember we talked about allowing yourself how many people cuts me go well you know I met this guy rabbi and I think I'm gonna marry me he's an unbeliever but I believe God's going to use me to I believe hear an imbecile because it says that you shouldn't be unequally yoked and yes every now and then that could work but when you put a yoke which is a two-piece head set on a donkey and an ox guess what the donkey's getting his neck broken but you look what he says he says yes they weren't following but ASA the Prophet says you guys you forget about Betsy schewe forget about the church you you be strong don't slack off not now we're coming around third we're making the clubhouse turn time is short not now don't you see what God is doing Hollywood is putting out Christian based movies they never did they coming out constantly God is making every effort he can to get people to see that he's coming soon but you be strong don't slack off your work will be rewarded it's not for naught every single thing you do for God I would never do for God to get a reward never ever that's crazy thinking but I know he promises your shoe is coming back and his father's glory and his recompense is with him his reward to repay all those not for what they believe not for their theology not for their philosophy but for what they do we can't take care of those girls who are raped and horrific ly abused with our prayers our prayers won't do it I can't feed the people in India with prayers and we can't stream with prayers it costs and we have to make a sacrifice but it's rewarded the benefits so outweighs the cost let me conclude with the New Testament parallel and then this is the last verse and we're done first Corinthians 15:58 what happens in 1st Corinthians 15 man I mean this is this is the chapter about if he didn't resurrect all faith is a waste but in fact he did that's what's happening in 1st Corinthians 15 it's an amazing section it's an amazing section where death stings itself to death at the cross in death Yeshua will be the death of my death in death Yeshua is the death of my death so based on that great news based on the news that you too will resurrect that you'll be with the Lord forever that all your pain and sorrow will be pinprick and his presence so my dear brothers and my dear sisters so Beth Yeshua stand firm stand firm and immovable don't be shaken even if you're not going forward don't let the enemy push you back always doing the Lord's work always doing it always doing it always shining your light always shining your light always being a rep of heaven do it vigorously as you can knowing that United with the Lord your efforts are not in vain hallelujah and amen whoo next week we're going to see that the battle is the Lord's with King David and if you think this is heavy man you ain't seen nothing yet because he is the man um it's Mother's Day tomorrow obviously I lost my mother couple years ago we were best friends thank God I had I hit the jackpot I mean I know everybody thinks that mother's the greatest but you really didn't know my mother she is unbelievable she let me tell you what what what she could do that very few moon beings could do she could be suffering she could be in pain she could be depressed and sorrowful but if you were happy she could be happy for you tell me how many people you know like that she could totally come out of her pain you know people love to talk about that pain or when you mentioned something oh you got that you know what I got look at this mom never complained never never I remember going to see her and I remember making her a favorite little breakfast and her calling everybody for an hour I'm in clover my son just made me bagels and lox I'm in clover that to her was the greatest thing and if you were happy she was happy and if you were sad she was said the most selfless person I've ever met you know people say I need some me time my mother never had me time I don't remember my mother going out one night of her whole life and she worked full-time and it was a beautiful meal every night for my dad and us every night after working and she taught school in the Bronx to Hispanic kids that didn't speak English and how many did she have in a class not the first president one and what you get paid not much never ever ever complained never never ever st. st. Miriam but Hebrew name was Malta which means queen and so I'll miss it tomorrow but with that being said if your mother is alive don't take it for granted I know you might have issues and I know I know I get it but I'm just telling you a time move so fast and you don't want to apologize at the graveside it's not worth it if you can mend it do whatever you can to mend it it's not worth it it's just not worth fighting it's exhausting you know it's just not worth it so for you moms tomorrow enjoy your day if I don't wanna I don't wanna I don't want to say this in a mean way but I know some of you might have a child who's who's not talking and stuff like that if if it gets if it gets said for you give us a call and maybe this week if there's I know every year I kind of do this there's always wanted to you that this happens - I don't want hands now because it's not it's not cold this week I'll be here all week and maybe we'll go to lunch it will figure time we can go to lunch and we just go to once together and I'll be a surrogate okay with that being said I think there's some sweets in the back for the moms try to try to let them in first how would be really be really nice if you could I think they're in the Mika mocha so have a blessed day tomorrow in a blessed day today let's stand together middle Lord bless you and keep you may the Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious unto you I made a lot of lift up is very confidence upon you and give you his peace in the name of the Prince of all peace issuer evil wrath upon annoy face Maratha you're an annoyed Puna vilasa the who knew ha you sir I don't know horn poor novela ha the assembly hall shallow boom shabbat shalom guys
Channel: Getzel
Views: 6,145
Rating: 4.9490447 out of 5
Keywords: Hershberg, Getzel, Battle
Id: VK4nRKhOoVg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 2sec (3662 seconds)
Published: Sun May 14 2017
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