Healing and You: Darkest Dungeon Guide

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what's up y'all shuffle and in today's video we're going to talk about the healers so this is kind of like a healer guide trying to explain what each healer does and probably give you an idea of when you want to use each one and what situations they can succeed in so if you're ready to listen to that then stay tuned before we get started we always have to plug all the stuff so make sure if you enjoy the video give it a thumbs up leave your thoughts down below in the comments and then check out the description box below for all the cool stuff like discord twitter twitch and patreon i'm getting better at this before we actually start talking about healers we do need to talk about healing received and healing skills output so these are two things that are kind of like different sides of the same stat buff so with healing you can only cap it at 100 percent you cannot go past 100 bonus healing you can never do more than double bonus healing you know outside of crits and stuff so stacking healing skills output up to like 80 and then stacking healing received with like you know recovery charm so that's another plus 40 so you would like on paper have plus 120 healing you actually only get 100 of that you don't get the other 20. so keep that in mind before you go flooding healing trinkets on these people and trying to give them you know plus 80 percent healing usually plus 15 from chirogens is enough for most characters or if you have plus 33 percent from various trinkets like sacred scroll or commander's orders for instance medic screams there are a lot of things out there that give you a good amount of bonus healing and usually you don't need more than that so if you do want to run healers there are only a couple situations in the game where you need double healing trinkets usually having one healing trinket and then one other trinket for utility or something else that helps the team is advised all right so for the healers gonna be technical there are seven of them if we don't include musketeer because she's an overlap of our blessed and we're gonna start in alphabetical order because why the heck not who knows how to actually do a proper list like this certainly not me starting off with an aquarian she is a healer that can only heal in the back so that's ranks three and four so if she goes up front she cannot do anything about the healing although she can get herself backwards with get down and that's okay it's a decent move but usually don't run that kind of thing so since she can only heal in the back that limits her a bit in terms of party much like vestal but she has other stuff that's interesting that goes along with her so she has a very weak heel so if you're looking for just raw healing output from this character it is not there the only way you can actually get a respectable heal is if you have a trinket for it so having either her master's essence or candle life i think it's called or even a neutral healing trinket will boost her healing up considerably and give her a couple extra points so that way she can help and make it a decent heal and she also gets a bleeding blight resist buff on top of it i don't know why she gets a buff and i don't know why the buff is so weak i wish when it's like 20 so stacking would be pretty cool but they made it what it is and it is not that strong if you're looking into stacking a bunch of healing skills on an aquarium either with hippocratic or her trinkets keep in mind the 100 cap for healing and if you do stack it up enough honestly you really just need one trinket you just need master's essence or the candle of life in most cases because at max level that takes her heel of three points from three to five and that's okay that's a decent enough heal and if you run both the candle and like the master's essence to give her maximum 100 healing skills it only takes the points from or the point value from five to six so that's only a very small increase because of how the game rounds numbers with skill increases for some you know weird reason or i guess it's a mathematical reason but the healing from three to five with fifty percent is two points and then the healing from five to six with another fifty percent is just one point and honestly taking it from three to five is good taking it from five to six is okay but not the best an aquarium does a better job as a quote healer by mitigating the damage that your party's taking either through protect me the dodge vapors or flash powder this way the enemy is likely missing you instead of doing damage to you and damage prevention slash mitigation is much better than healing output in this game next up is arboles musketeer musketeer is a re-skinned copy of arboles that's why their skills look almost identical besides the names they have the same effects so with arbalest she is actually a great healer i think she's one of the best out there she's one of my favorites and that's because she gets access to medic screams very early they're just a green trinket with strong healing output and then also whenever she heals a target she puts a healing received buff on top of them and that is a very good buff to have because you can target who's gonna have the buff for you know some limited amount of time this helps other heels that stack on top of that character either through our list a self heal or reclaim restoration effects are boosted by healing received but something else that's very cool about healing received is it boosts healing from food so if you are eating food as a source of healing in a dungeon if you know who needs healing make sure you hit them with our bless once or twice so they get some healing receive buff and then immediately when the battle ends eat food before you move anywhere you're going to get a bonus arbalest herself as a playstyle usually spends the first one or two turns shooting or using suppressing fire or something like that just to mitigate threats on the enemy side she is then healing for turns three four and five that's usually the pace of most battles if your team is a well-oiled machine and then she's a healer that is position dependent so she has to be in ranks three or four to use battlefield bandage but she is incredibly durable as a healer she has one of the highest hp totals in the game she has more than vessels she has more than most of the uh the mid-range characters so the only people that have more than her are i believe man in arms crusader and leper that is good company to be in she also has a couple healing skills for camp if that's something that you feel like your team needs what makes arborless a very cool unit to use in a lot of teams is the fact that she is a healer capable of massive damage and then she has very solid healing output afterwards so if you need someone that can help you kill backliners for the first couple turns and then give you some solid recovery output for the last few turns of the fight then consider arbalest crusader is an interesting healer because most of the time you see crusader as some kind of healer and you're probably just scratching your head like what do you mean this guy's you know a bruiser but crusader is actually more of a support unit who can do some okay damage if he needs to especially with holy lands hitting those backliners so much like arboles he can do some solid damage if you need him to but with crusader what's important to know is that he has a power curve for his healing his healing in the apprentice levels so zero to two is kind of weak even with trinkets just because of the values of his heels and the way they scale with his trinkets but once you get him into veteran he can actually heal by himself somewhat reliably if you can give him a couple healing trinkets and then in champion this dude is more than capable of being the solo healer for your team just because he can have a good enough base healing on battle heal that he's able to get it up to like you know almost vestal single target heal levels although if vessel stacking more healing training she's gonna do more but if you're looking at vessel with like one healing trinket and then crusader with two crusaders gonna put out almost similar numbers and then he has stress heal on top of it and he is a way more durable unit than vestal so crusader is pretty cool for that fact and like i said he gets way better later as a healer than he is early but if you are in late game and you have some of crusaders healing trinkets and you're kind of looking for new teams to run or if you know you have to have extra healers for a fight that you're going into or maybe your best healers are in the sanitarium or the abbey for instance then consider crusader he will fit into most teams he doesn't need a lot of help he can heal from anywhere that's one of his greatest strengths is the fact that unlike arbless an aquarian vestal plague doctor and i forget who else is in this healing list here that he can heal from anywhere on the field that is really good because there are some fights in the game that mess up your positioning pretty heavily and that makes taking characters like vessel and whoever else uh we were just talking about arboles you know for instance like it makes taking them a bigger risk but crusader is someone who can just sit on the field get moved around he can get hit like two or three times and he's still over half hp and then he can heal from anywhere he's great at it so if you're high level or even veteran and you have a couple healing trinkets crusader can probably fit into one of your teams flagellant is who we're going to talk about next and he's very interesting as a healer because when you first see him you know he can yoyo his hp with a couple of his low health skills like exsanguinates and redeem he has some really solid bleed damage from punish and marine sorrows he's got some weird support utility moves like endure and suffer which most people probably just don't touch because the other buttons are much easier to understand and more straightforward to use but he has probably the best heal in the game that is not vestal's aoe heal and that is reclaim reclaim is a restoration effect it is a very strong heal over time it's one of the i think it's the only base game heal over time effect out there they added it specifically for this character and it does a lot of work so i'll talk about how it affects flagella and stuff in a sec but there are a couple important things to note the first is that reclaim the heal over time effect is not boosted by healing skills so any trinket that gives you plus healing skills so like junior's head or charging charm and i think flagellate has one green collar that boosts healing seals this does not boost reclaim it boosts exsanguinates and redeems heals it's pretty good for those if you need some extra healing output from them but for the most part if you're going to be healing with flagellate either you just don't care about the healing output on the unit by boosting it unless you have something like rbls or a recovery charm instead you have to be looking for that exact buff you need healing received that is the only thing that boosts the effective value of reclaim so those couple things that we just talked about guardian shield for man in arms that's why they're such a great pair is man arms can sit in the back and you can just dump reclaim on top of them over and over and he's not going to die because of it the other important thing about reclaim that's really cool is if you stack it up it will count both like however many stacks you have if it takes at the same time it will consider them together so if you have max level where it's four points for three rounds of healing and you cast it a second time then that unit is going to get 8 hp on the next turn the other cool part is that since single target heals have a just base flat 12 percent crit rate that you cannot modify every time reclaim ticks one time it's a 12 chance to get a crit heal this is pretty nice because it's less effective healing as if vessel single target heal for instance got a crit because it's just you know one thing it's basically like one third of the heal getting the bonus but you're getting three chances at a crit heal every time you cast for claim and that lowers stress so that is really nice to be able to do is sometimes even if someone's not taking a lot of damage you can just stack up reclaim and then it can get a couple crits and then you heal you know four or eight stress whatever happens it's really nice the other thing with reclaim is it is a very versatile move so even though it just does healing you can use it proactively so if you know someone's going to take a lot of damage like someone on your team got marked that you didn't want them to get marked and the enemy has mark's energy that you just drop or claim if you have man in arms guarding someone you can drop her claim before he even gets hit and the other really cool interaction with reclaim is that if someone has a damage over time effect so if they have bleed or blight on top of them and then you give them reclaim it's going to calculate reclaim first so if they get knocked down to death door with you know a two point blade on them and you give them reclaim for you know low levels it's two points of healing per tick so there are two points of blight they're at zero hp you put reclaim on them before their next turn comes up and then what you're gonna see is i can't really find footage off the top but i've done this a few times on stream is that you'll see someone at low h or zero hp and then you won't see their hp go up at all you'll just see like the reclaim and the blight tick go off and they're still at zero and it says death door again but that's because they like went back up and went back down so what happens is reclaim counts first so when it calculates all the damage it gives them the reclaim healing first so they get off a death store and then the damage over time effect will put them right back on death store immediately this sounds a bit scary because they're hitting death store again but think of the alternative instead of just dying outright because they have a blight on top of them at zero hp they're actually surviving so it's really powerful because of that if you're not trying to yo-yo flatulence hp by getting him low and then bringing him back up with his own self-healing that's completely fine all you have to do is stack a ton of bleed resist on top of flagellin and that way he can resist reclaims bleed effect so if you just want to mindlessly spam reclaim every single turn in between hitting punish and stuff then just stack his bleed resist with either a blood charm the fortifying garlic or the flesh heart if you are at endgame any of those will get him high enough to wear reclaim isn't a huge deal but also keep in mind that anything that boosts bleed chance will boost the chance for a claim to bleed him as well so you have her claim you have redeem flagellin is another healer that's like crusader where he can heal from anywhere so if you need to put him in the back to spam reclaim you can do so and he can do nothing else and then when he gets low enough he can just say redeem it's kind of weird to call a cultist a healer just because the heel is very unreliable you will have undoubtedly seen several zero bleed memes for this character if you play this game for any length of time and that's because occult's hero ranges from zero to some very high number you have a very small chance of hitting zero you also have a very small chance of hitting something incredibly high occultist is very swingy as a healer which means he's very inconsistent because you can go from zero bleed to five points of healing to crit 47 like there's no in between it feels like with this character and so even though his healing is potentially very powerful you should not be running this dude usually as a main healer you can do it but most of the time with occultist me personally i like to run with some kind of secondary off healer so someone like plague doctor crusader flagellance or even plague doctor did i say play doctor i might said it twice an aquarian there you go she can do it too so there are a lot of choices to run with a cultist that doesn't have to be vestal that's usually healing overkill and the reason you want to run a secondary healer with a cultist is because he can roll zero you don't want to troll zero and get someone killed this is why you're never trying to heal with this dude at death's door sometimes you will have to sometimes someone's just gonna get crit for half their hp and they're gonna be on death store and occultist is gonna have to save them but there is gonna be one time where he's gonna hit zero or he's gonna bleed them and you're gonna get upset so do not heal with this dude when they're low you should be trying to heal with occultists when they're at about half hp that way if he rolls something in the middle it's still a decent heal if you roll something low they're not in danger and then if he crits for like 50 then there's not a lot of value that's wasted occultist is a character that gets no baseline healing trinkets so what i mean is none of his class trinkets boost healing i don't know why that is i feel like that's an oversight on red hook's part because this is even compounded as a confusing issue for the fact that occulta's buff is a healing boost so this guy gets no healing trinkets but if he crits with hands from the abyss or roof spaghetti he gets plus 25 healing next turn that's so weird mathematically he is better at single target healing than vessel which is kind of strange but occultist is nice for the fact that as he gets higher in level the range on weird reconstruction gets better so from like zero to i believe 13 at rank zero or one or whatever it is and then it goes up to i think zero to twenty two that's a pretty big range at that point so you have less than a five percent chance to hit zero at max level that's good enough and occultist is someone that in the late game he's a little bit better at healing because it's a little more consistent but then inconsistent at the same time i don't know math is weird regardless you should usually pack a second person on your team that can heal someone for more than like one point of damage just in case on that note of team building a cultist can fit into most teams he's a character that can heal from anywhere we like those that's what makes crusader and flagellus so awesome occultist is another character that can heal from anywhere so you can fit them into most teams pretty easily if the team gets moved around by a boss or a tough enemy or a full light surprise or whatever happens occultist is not screwed and he can still keep people alive it may seem a bit strange to call plague doctor a healer because she's kind of like this weird mitigating inverse healer she's not a raw output healer though she has one ability that actually heals quite a lot she is a healer because she has battlefield medicine and i guess i should talk about that first so battlefield medicine it only heals for one to three points as you level it up and that doesn't seem like a strong amount because it honestly is not but the fact that plague doctor is a very fast character at nine speed max without any other busts and stuff going on at level five means that if she's able to cleanse a bleed or blade off someone before they get to go because she's that fast she's actually healing a lot in a preventative fashion so instead of you having to take nine points in bleed damage and then heal it up afterwards because you don't have a bandage plague doctor can heal you for two points take the bleed off entirely so instead of healing you for two you should think of it like she just healed you for 11 because instead of taking the blood uh i said bleed right so instead of taking the bleed damage all the way down you just erase it entirely before you take any damage from it and then you get some bonus healing on top of it so if you are able to get the bleeds and blights off people very quickly plague doctor can heal for strong amounts and it's very surprising the final reason you can consider her as a type of inverse healer is because like i said before she's very good at mitigating damage when you take a bleed or blade off someone before they take damage from it that's mitigation when you stun enemies that's also mitigation she's very good at stunning enemies and keeping them locked down sadly she can't stun rank 1 which is usually where a lot of damage comes from i'm looking to use swine chopper but besides that you know those mid-range bruisers or those size twos that go into like the mid ranks like ghoul in the front or something like that she's really good at just disrupting those and keeping those pinned down and so if they're not able to keep hitting you every single turn for damage then that means that's less damage you have to heal so she's not a healer in the traditional sense where it's just raw you know numbers output she's really good at mitigating stuff and plague doctor fits into a variety of teams you can almost put her on pretty much any team and i'm not kidding about that just because blinding gas is so good stuns win in every zone which means plague doctor can be taken anywhere and she's good for all of it i also forgot to talk about experimental vapors which is her camp skill and that heals for 50 of the target's hp and it gives them a healing receive boost on top of it so even though she doesn't have a lot of in combat healing she only has mitigation like i just said if you camp with her and someone is just beat to hell she can fix him the final character everyone's favorite it's vestal now i'm not gonna trash on vessel she's very easy to play she can fit into a lot of teams just because she has good consistent healing output she is position locked so she has to be in the back to get the most out of her healing but she also put her in rank 2 where she gets access to divine comfort which is the best healing skill in the game might be the best skill in the game just because it's absolutely nuts the fact that you can take multiple people off death store at the same time and the efficiency of divine comfort starts to blow away the single target heal in later levels because of the break points for the healing and the healing trinkets and how they boost it like the scaling of divine comfort and the way it's able to fix parties and how quickly can do it is absolutely nuts so if you're bringing vessel to a team it's specifically because you need that heel and maybe someone that can stun rank three those are the two reasons you want to take vessel on your team judgment's okay for zapping rank four otherwise vessel fits into most teams pretty easily if you can afford the backline slot for her there is also another mentality that people have with healers they think that healers need to be slow so that they can you know react and heal people accordingly and that is not a good way to approach someone like vestal the good part about vessel is if you can give her some speed she can heal people at the start of the next turn because she's fast enough but also she can stun on turn one before any serious damage is going out the way healing works in darkest dungeon is the amount of healing you do is so low compared to the damage output of the enemies that stunning enemies is usually better or killing them outright so you don't want to have a reactive playstyle in this game i made a video on this called action economy but with that concept you always want to do proactive stuff so for vestal stunning an enemy is proactive healing with divine comfort is reactive you usually want to do something proactive and then reactive is if you really need to and something went wrong something else we have to talk about since she has so many healing trinkets out there not just in her own class pool but also the neutral pool you have to keep in mind something like sacred scroll sacred scroll has a very nice number on it it has minus 10 stress that's always cool to have and then it has plus 33 healing skills that's way more than most healing triggers in the game besides junior's head so it's got some solid healing output but the fact that you lose stun chance from this item actually makes it pretty bad and then you lose damage on top of it so if you want to have vestal chip in with judgment you know normally it does like five to seven i think at like max level it's gonna do like three to five and that's horrible that's just absolutely bad and then at the same time you make her stun worse winter stunts are actual other good skill the only time to use sacred scroll is if you have no other healing trinket and you just need something or if you know you're going into a fight where vestal will not be able to do anything else to help out besides pressing a heal every single turn if you know you're in one of those two situations then use sacred scroll if not then use something like salacious diary just because that has a bit less healing but no downside i would even say that chirogen charm is better than sacred scroll in some situations but i don't know if people are ready to have that discussion all right all that's gonna do for this one thanks for watching let me know what you think down below check out the box for all the cool stuff that we talked about before like the social medias such as discord twitter twitch and patreon i don't know why i sang that part but anyway like i said that's it for this one so these are healers they're all pretty cool they fit into a variety of teams and circumstances so don't think you always have to just take vessel just because she's easy definitely explore the other options out there because you will be surprised and you might find some new cool teams and that is something we always encourage here at this channel as always thank you so much for watching and i'll see you next time
Channel: ShuffleFM
Views: 95,651
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Let's Play, Darkest Dungeon 2, guide, tips, help, playthrough, walkthrough, gameplay, build, ending, last boss, moonmoon, filthyrobot, speedrun, cohhcarnage, wayne june, ancestor, lore, optimized, best, challenge, hard mode, stygian, blood moon, baertaffy, dlc, crimson court, color of madness, ost, tier list, analysis, big daddy berkut, hidden squidz, bloodmoon, mods, christopherodd, marvin seo, indeimaus, splattercatgaming, northernlion, react
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 19sec (1399 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 30 2021
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