5 Signs You Are Playing Well: Darkest Dungeon

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what's up y'all shuffle and today's video is a bit unorthodox compared to the usual content this is five ways to tell if you are playing well in darkest dungeons so if you want to make sure that you're doing all the stuff and winning the game this is kind of how you tell that it's happening so before we get started make sure you like comment subscribe check out all the stuff below in the box like discord twitter twitch and patreon and then also for you new people who ask like oh is there a video on this and that cause i get a lot of those comments and a lot of the times there aren't videos on this or that but if you are curious make sure to check out the playlist tab on the channel because i usually put all my videos into some kind of playlist the first metric i point to to see if i'm playing well or if the team i made is performing the way it should be is the fights are ending in about four turns this doesn't mean that the last enemy dies on turn four because sometimes you do want to stall a little bit and heal and i have talked about this before in other videos but the easiest thing to point to to see if your team is a well-oiled machine is to see if fights are pretty much wrapped up on turn four this means that the big threats on the enemy team are gone and you're working on the last maybe one or two units and they're heavily subdued either by being out of position or stunned or their damage is lower just anything that makes it so they can do minimal harm to you you can come up with any creative random team in this game like i get so many comments where people just say hey i made this team isn't any good and my response is usually are you doing okay in fights you know if you're killing enemies and you're not taking a bunch of damage and you're not hitting the store and you're not afflicting the team is fine so it doesn't have to be some mega optimal thing that i post or that you see in some other streamers game there's so many combinations of characters that work so if you're ending fights around turn four consistently even if it's mini bosses or if it's bigger size two enemies and stuff like that only some bosses usually go past four turns but as long as you have some kind of comfortable lead on turn four then you're doing fine the second thing is probably something the most people point to and say hey i'm doing well or i'm not playing well and that is your stress level so if you're leaving a dungeon where people are pretty much not entirely stress free because it's really hard to get everyone down to zero unless you camp at the end but if you're getting out of the dungeon with like 5 10 15 even 20 stress you're doing fine it doesn't matter if everyone is at 20 stress like you still did fine in most cases you don't have to have a stress healer to make this happen either there are a lot of ways to mitigate stress like you can have a stun comp that can stop stress dealers from dealing stress to you you can have really good knowledge of the environment so like the ruins has a couple or one big thing to heal stress for instance that's the confession booth and you can disarm traps there are a lot of ways to get rid of stress besides camping besides skills so if you're able to leave the dungeon with minimal stress and you don't have to spend money on facilities then you're doing fine it doesn't matter if you get stressed out a bunch in the middle of the dungeon because you know stuff happens that's just the nature of the game there's variance there's crits there's surprises there's all kinds of stuff that can happen that causes you stress you can just run over a trap you didn't scout for instance there's just so many things that add to stress in this game but it's how you recover from that did you stall enough to heal the stress off did you camp at the right time did you hit a couple curio and you had enough provisions there are a lot of ways to mitigate stress so as long as you're mitigating stress and you're coming out with a low amount then you're doing fine number three you are getting a ton of loot and spending most of your provisions i am someone that over prepares with provisions i think i made that disclaimer in my provision guide so i'm someone that usually has to throw away a couple things in the middle of the dungeon but even if you bring extra torches and extra this and that to handle the curio you can still manipulate your light level to get good loot so bringing extra torches is fine so as long as you're not throwing away like half your provisions at the end of the mission you know something like food's a bit harder to judge because sometimes you just get no hunger checks but all the other stuff like if you bring four herbs did you use at least three of them if you brought six holy water did you use five or six of them those kinds of things are much easier to tell than food so if you're spending most of your provisions that you brought and you're not finding yourself going man i wish i had an extra holy water or i missed like not having the shovel if you find yourself in that situation where the amount of provisions you're bringing are perfectly or almost perfectly matching the curio you're finding or the battles you're getting into then you're doing pretty good especially if you end the mission with a ton of loot sometimes there's just no loot curio and there are not a lot of battles like that that happens but on average if you're leaving dungeons with full packs of stuff that are not your provisions then you're playing well number four which probably should have came after number two just because they're kind of the same thing and that is the fact that no one is dying if you're getting through your missions you're not getting afflicted and no one is dying then you're playing well it doesn't matter if someone gets beat up it doesn't matter if you have to heal them a bunch that's just the nature of the game but if you're getting out of the dungeon with no deaths or you have like a death every i don't know like 10 weeks or something like that maybe more than that probably more than that like 25 or something like that then you're doing okay it doesn't really matter how much hp damage you take over the course of the dungeon as long as no one's dying because all of your hp is healed the moment you leave the dungeon and there are a lot of ways to heal hp in dungeons either through skills camping or curio so as long as people are not dying and you're not having to repeatedly see death store checks then you're doing fine so if you have teams that are really good at control or they have really good uh recovery mechanics recovery what kind of words that if you have really good recovery mechanics then you're going to be fine you're going to come back doesn't matter if you get for 25 if you hit dust or you can heal back up sometimes so it's okay it's okay to take damage in this game you're never gonna not take damage i think that's something a lot of players just about they stress about like oh i took you know 50 stress you know from this one fight and sometimes that sucks but you can heal it if you take a bunch of damage you can heal it if you have like a decent team and you're playing well so as long as people aren't dying and they're not afflicted so these kind of things go hand in hand so as long as they're not dying if they're not afflicted then you're doing okay the last thing we're going to talk about in this video is something that nick brought up and i thought it made a lot of sense and that's if you're just having fun i know it sounds kind of cliche and silly but honestly if you're having fun in the game then you're doing fine you're playing well especially because it doesn't matter like all the other stuff i just talked about if you're enjoying yourself because if you're learning from losses i think that's something that's really big to talk about here so you're having a good time even if you're losing it's your first time playing the game your characters are dying you don't know what anything is because you you know haven't checked the wiki or maybe you're just like watching videos like mine for the first time so if you're still enjoying yourself that's the most important thing and if you're learning from your misfortunes and your setbacks and your mistakes that is probably the best metric to say that you're playing well because no one's an expert the moment they boot this game up the first time you can watch every single video i've ever posted and you're still not gonna be an expert like you're not gonna know every single in and out you're gonna run into a situation and go well shuffle didn't talk about that and it's gonna happen it's gonna suck so there's just so much in this game that can go wrong and as long as you're learning from that experience then it's good so one of the things i do like to make sure that people understand is there is rng in this game it can be bs sometimes but most of the times that like something goes wrong it is usually preventable even some of the things you think are not preventable like you don't think they are your fault you should go back as far as like two three four turns to see if you made a mistake somewhere go back to how you prepared for the mission go back to like what you did in town and see if you can understand it and i have a story that does explain what i'm talking about this was during my blood moon run originally on twitch so the first set of vods that i was uploading i had a highwayman going to champion wards and he had level 4 armor this highwayman got i think crit twice down to exactly death store he had i think i don't know like 38 hp or something like that 36. i figured what highwayman's level 4 hp is and he got crit for the exact amount that needed to happen for him to go to death store and he died immediately after because the enemy got three turns back to back so most people look at that and go wow you really got screwed on speed rolls because the enemy went back to back there's nothing you could have done and for some for like that specific instance they are right to some degree however where i'm saying that you need to go all the way back sometimes to see where you might have messed up and this death was still preventable by me so what i'm going to highlight here is the fact that highwayman had level four armor i had enough money i think to give him level five armor i chose not to because i thought he was gonna be okay had i given that highwayman level five armor he would not have death stored from the two crits and he would have survived the third hit that hit him so because i didn't give him level five armor he died and that's not the game's fault although it was kind of you know garbage that the enemy got two crits back to back and went three times in succession you know like that's a low percentage thing to have happen but even with that low percentage thing i still could have played around it had i prepared better so that's something i want to make sure that people understand is sometimes you do get the completely unfair thing you could not have done anything about it like you get crit down to death store die on the first check your flagellant dies at 87 death low resist on a black reliquary or something like that that kind of stuff happens was it no it wasn't a flagella that was left right thing anyway that's besides the point so regardless of that there are things you can mitigate and as long as you're doing your best to mitigate them you will minimize those chances where even the fringe like 0.5 of situations will kill you and so that's one of the biggest things i want to make sure darkest dungeon players understand is they go yeah well you know 70 of the time this works and it's like yeah you don't want it to work 70 of the time you want it to work you know 90 of the time which is good 70 is fine and passable but the goal is to make it work the vast majority of the time and then have some kind of strategy that mitigates those super fringe cases and it may sound silly to play around that sometimes but like sometimes you have to sometimes butcher pig crits you for 20 something and put you on death store with a bleed on top and you weren't expecting it because he can hit rank three sometimes that stuff happens it's on you to try and play around it the best you can alright sorry for that little filibuster there at the end i don't know what else to call it but anyway that's the video thanks for watching i hope you enjoyed it make sure you do all the other stuff that we talked about all the normal youtube things like liking commenting subscribing hit the bell which i never talk about but some of you do hit the bell i see it in the twitch they're not twitch that's the youtube stats i see it i appreciate you and then check out discord and all the other cool stuff in the link or box below i should say because there's a lot of cool stuff there for you anyway that's it for this one next video i'm not quite sure what it is yet so i can't give you a sneak peek but that's it for this one so thanks for watching and i'll see you next time
Channel: ShuffleFM
Views: 120,049
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Let's Play, Darkest Dungeon 2, guide, tips, help, playthrough, walkthrough, gameplay, build, ending, last boss, moonmoon, filthyrobot, speedrun, cohhcarnage, wayne june, ancestor, lore, optimized, best, challenge, hard mode, stygian, blood moon, baertaffy, dlc, crimson court, color of madness, ost, tier list, analysis, big daddy berkut, hidden squidz, bloodmoon, mods, christopherodd, marvin seo, indeimaus, splattercatgaming, northernlion, react
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 1sec (661 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 09 2021
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