My Most Anticipated Roguelike is Finally Out!! | SpellRogue

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hello everybody and welcome or welcome back to spell Rogue the dice based strategy Rogue like that I'm very excited to be back to here today I played so much of the closed beta of this game often citing it as my most anticipated Rog like well I don't have to be anticipating it anymore because it's finally out in Early Access so in we are going to go to check it out if you haven't seen this game before first of all you're in for a huge treat it's really good second of all it is probably easiest to describe it as a combo of a slay the spire and a dicey dungeons definitely leaning a lot closer to the dicey dungeons we're going to be drafting out spells or like equipment and then we roll dice and Slot the dice into the equipment for various effects to do combat so in we shall go on our first kind of fresh run here so I will probably get a tutorial I would imagine uh yes but I'm going to go ahead and Skip through it it's not too complex and I think I could just explain it here so like I said we roll dice each turn we have three right here we know we're going to be rolling three dice it's going to be mostly that way for the majority of the game uh whatever faces we get we can slot them in you can see this needs a four to a six so I can't obviously put in the one it has to be a four or five uh or six and then we have Aqua for is here we need a one through four and they do various things deal X damage we put in a four we do four damage we put in a five we do five damage uh this symbol just means it'll take any die because this just rolls it to try and get something better and that's it like obviously the uh spells are going to have different unique effects it gets very deep that's kind of where it slay the spyes in the sense that there's like lots of really complex but cool deep builds that are very satisfying to make we have three different characters all with completely different spell options and uh yeah let's go ahead and start blasting don't want to take this three damage so I will go for a block for this but I like I said I I've played so so much of the uh the kind of closed beta uh I don't play a lot of the games I play on my channel off camera this is one where I like I couldn't stop I was on vacation playing this game it was it's just so nice uh so very excited that it's just out for everyone to check out iron Skin Potion we have consumables that we can use of course just one time use thing but here we get to draft out uh another spell and they can get you know more and more complex or or straightforward there's some that aren't that hard to understand as well but uh this one is a rarer one roll all of your other dice so this is the only other type of socket it is a countdown socket meaning that you need to put six Pips worth of value into it so you can put in a six or you can put in a five and a one you can put in a four and a two you can put in three or you know three twos you can put in six ones just as long as it adds up to six it will work and you can also partially do it on one turn and then finish it on the next turn I I don't think I've ever done a run using this kind of stuff like just a just like super duper roll damage uh there's synergies that make this into something incredible I don't think it's necessarily incredible yet but let's just try and do a lot of damage if we can okay you're going to gain two power at the start of each round power is just like permanent damage increase we're not going to give him the the time to do that so we we just need seven damage yeah early game is very easy I promise you it's going to get a lot harder and then even after that uh deal four damage to the front enemy increase by one for each block increase by two for each wait hold on that's kind hold on that sounds more fun a block damage build like that that's H cuz it doesn't even use up our block it just does damage and then you increase it per block you have okay that's the new plan new plan is uh is stacking up like a mountain of a block and then exploding enemies with it it's the dream uh it does have a countdown of eight so it's like it's pretty hefty you got to plan it for sure um but we got the six damage over there so i' have to roll pretty well to be able to kill him on this turn bad shouldn't have shouldn't have chanced it all right I do think I'll try and get you out of the way and I I guess I guess I'll go for a a dinky little four block so we only take two damage here but this is a little bit scary we got the grow guy but we now we had a turn where I felt the need to to push somewhere else could have just started attacking here anyways all right so we have five damage I feel like uh just doing a little bit here getting him to 12 so that we can pretty reliably kill him next turn turn seems like a good call all right so they have ignited me which is a bummer but also it's it's a pretty rough first uh first little go here we might might want to just use our 12 uh 12 block or we could just say who cares we'll probably just heal up kind of hoping for another six here would make my life really like a lot cleaner here all right so I'm going to go for the four block but you may see this is ignited so it does mean we will take two damage whenever we cast this spell it's not great means we're only going to be blocking two uh two really which it's fine there's going to be sometimes where we just are going to take a little bit of hits but uh come on now all right bye-bye gain three block and when depleted roll to dice we can also upgrade these so this could be gain six block every time we use it and run depleted roll three two dice or we could get three dice that seems like a must to me CU it's almost even a net neutral this has no value yet so I don't know I shouldn't I shouldn't care about this yet we only have uh five slots to start soon we're going to get shards that can either be used to upgrade our spells or we can unlock new slots uh very soon in fact right here so we can either drag this into one of these upgrades we cannot get both okay Deluge could be upgraded one big explosion or making it cheaper and you can do two explosions oh that's kind of a that's a that's a tough question there's a little bit of stability this is a funnier number let's do it the funnier number increase the damage by two for every block we could try and get like a pretty pretty gnarly smacking so like the thing is we go three we we put in a bunch of tiny numbers there I think we for turn one we obviously just want to go straight forward just just do as much as we can but then uh yeah let's let's work on a delu so that maybe we'll go for the ice Ward into this like in fact maybe even this I would need a six but we're going to be rolling two dice here we have three rolls not going to say it's um it's likely oh baby let's get the four and then delu oh it's the front enemy that's right I mean we might as well do it I forgot it's just the it's only the front enemy that actually does uh that causes some some problems can't deny it I Could Just Kill this front guy you're gaining power we need you out of the way so that you're the one in the front all right I've been marked take 50% more damage for blank turns okay this is awkward I need to roll for I need worse rolls thank you and now I would need a five so like How likely is that five or a six I guess it's it's not crazy unlikely Bonk I do like that I I like the idea of that okay he's still in the front I can't get Deluge this turn the thing is it's still worth it to get all of this block and then roll to dice it's just very helpful uh looking for high number did not get one okay yeah he's got his guys in the front now we'll get you out of the way and we're really set up for a deluge next turn all right okay we we should hopefully oh we rolled we maybe roll too well we could get eights 16 we don't that would not be enough we could get the iron Skin Potion on obious obviously like that's something this is this is we're looking for yep there we go so we're looking for low numbers now we're looking for like a yeah perfect that was that was tight that was that was banking on a little bit of luck when maybe we shouldn't but I guess we could have used the potion if we really needed it five week to All Enemies draft out a new spell hold dice till next turn and at the end of the turn gain block I mean it's a gain block thing but getting it at the end of the turn is not that helpful icicle blade deal four damage increase the damage of this by one for this combat it's so good it's so good though or you can make it cast a bunch it's it's innate scale it's just immediately good already yeah it's also it's a countdown we might be able to do something with that whenever you roll a five gain two block or get a Shard I'm going to do that whatever you roll a five gain through block sure that might be good we can disenchant the spell to gain eight Max HP spend 20 five bucks to heal 25 health or just heal 10 for free Let's disenchant uh ice spear I'm not going to use it over icicle blade which is just like kind of better go to a shop gain X block and then roll the dice what do we have over here roll 10 dice to deal seven damage to random enemy whenever you roll a four minus two countdown to a random spell is very useful I want that and and then I might want replenish Azure it's a little bit weird though cuz you need a one through a two you gain that much block and you roll it I think it's it is better than Aqua foris though so we can sell and get this reality Ripple immediately becoming like a little bit uh a little bit more tempting like if we roll fives we get Block so that's immediately getting somewhere we have the icicle blade as kind of like a nice backup I think we just start charging it up that we're just looking for a high number for delou all right 10 damage coming in weird 30 damage to the front I mean it's kind of exciting already 34 damage to the front Don't Mind If I Do and we do that by um by getting lots of block you know we're fighting on on both fronts there all right uh seven damage so you are you put the ignite on me I think we I think we just go for the smacking take the one damage cuz we we oh God I forgot what am I thinking uh it doesn't really matter for reasons you'll see in a second or I mean not a second after the boss we we will heal up gain 10 block unrestorable gain two block roll an odd die it's not a lot block though but it's so unrestorable means that we normally we could use this uh three times per turn but unrestorable means that they never come back so it's three times per fight you put any Dy in here any D at all and it gives you that back I think we take it grass flow is interesting but I think it's too slow every 10th roll is automatically a six I don't love sixes right now so actually I'm going to say no uh just get another charge and also it only takes a two maybe or increase the damage by four ever use I think that's actually like better one through four can be rerolled okay here's here's the thing if I do this I might be able to get rid of fluctuate soon because this I could get a I put in a four trying to find like a three like our fives and sixes are a little bit rough but then we use those in icicle blade I we're we're getting somewhere we're getting somewhere whenever you gain foresight gain a charge I don't have any foresight right now uh much like real life roll three dice this immediately jumps it up up to 18 block which is kind of gnarly I think we do that do I heal disenchant for Max HP what did I disenchant reality Ripple is what I disenchant do I want to not really let's heal 10 HP because after the boss we heal up a whole bunch I don't remember if it's a full heal or if it's like 50% or what all right we start here could already K we could kill the front line just in one smack there which is kind of incredible why do this I don't know just smack him with the is blade so he has this thing where when you do this amount of damage to him he gets stunned okay pretty good looking for a low number see there that's exactly what I was talking about in practicality it ends up being kind of a good thing there you could do 36 damage to you do take all of our stuff I feel like that's fine hard to be mad at that much damage right so that that got cast for free we're already we're already good for our block uh interesting okay come on now above a three thank you [Laughter] Jesus it's so good the icycle blade's not doing much right now but like it seems like it'd be nice to have as like a backup plan boss artifact on turns 1 three and five roll oh and every odd turn roll an odd value die on turn one roll two ether dice they persist between rounds and reduce the countdown of a random spell by their amount roll one extra die each turn and rolled sixes lose a value surely that doesn't turn him into fives like from a technical rolled standpoint right like I know it turns them into fives technically but that's not me rolling a five is it that's rolling a six and then it gets turned into a five mechanically pretty sure um yeah never being able to roll a six in a way it could be good right like we like the lower stuff it doesn't matter too much we don't care that much about it it just sort of hurts delu a little bit um I think this is the one we go with though right this will slowly decrease maybe not I don't know this is this is actually quite difficult actually quite difficult an extracise every turn can't roll sixes I'm going for it we we'll just uh we'll keep that in mind we don't have anything right now that really needs a six I should go for some more slots but oh wow I've never seen it split this much uh two elit on the left two Els on left no shop I feel like I'm going to want a shop pretty bad there's two shops over here but I don't know shops are quite good in this they're very fair priced too usually okay I mean good God technically we should roll this first to see if we get even more block yeah it works that way it does count it counts it actually counts that's a turn one kill that counts as rolling it as a five that's incredible I didn't think that mechanically that would work that way I I was like Ah that's too that works too well that's too nice um but no gain three power and receive a poison if you put in two dice of the same kind so like two ones or whatever on six I sleep C ward two times x block but it has to be one through three I sleep uh roll a die and then gain a surge surge apply one week to All Enemies when gaining block for a turn weak makes them do I mean yeah sure I could see that being our next thing I mean indominable form is kind of like a no-brainer ad for like a boss fight or something enchant to Target die with energize when inserted into a spell uh increase that Spell's damage and block by four add a charge to Target spell which could let us use delu twice uh these are kind of like active abil abilities we could also roll it but I'm going to go for this add a add a charge to Target spell so we could cast this twice in a turn at that increased value seems like it's going to be really good cover some bases on turn one gain 15 block on health loss gain delayed block equal to that Health loss I do really like the idea of having a stronger turn one so that we can focus on setup if we ever have that I mean what's our setup right now it's icicle blade I guess I might be able to get rid of icicle blade now that I have astral Attunement for the safety there I can't get both right like I'd have to sell I'd have to sell a lot of stuff more than I probably want to sell sure I like them both I think I'm I think I'm comfortable with getting rid of reality ripple at this point I don't think I want to get rid of the how much does that sell [Music] for oh they everything only sells for 20 now oh they changed that cuz I guess cuz you know players like I care too much about just drafting out whatever the rarest spell is cuz it SS for the most I hate this fight it's not bad I just hate it uh okay let's think ice Ward that helps we get that five I mean it's so good that that really is just that generous it's nuts okay uh front guy's dead I just I got greedy Bonk and then four damage yeah I think that I I have icicle blade as like a a scaling damage catchup if like something is a you know the matter but like at this point I don't really see our build having those particular issues right now okay 56 goodbye could add a charge to it but it's like why even I just yeah I don't know I think we can get rid of icicle blade at this point I just didn't think that was going to be a thing so soon okay it's beautiful 44 damage we're almost there in fact we even could be already if we just wow this is with the uh we have a debuff that made us gain less block every time we gain block gain three block gain a hail storm gain a fury whenever you roll it die okay that could be useful concoction the next spell does not cast any charge it's not bad at all gain two block poison random enemy I don't think I'm take I don't think I'm using any of [Music] this toxic skin on six gain two charge I just I can't I can't put in a six all right I don't think I'm using any of that keep up to 10 block between rounds or or get a another slot or honestly yeah we should get another slot I'm going to keep 10 block between rounds are you kidding me I know it doesn't seem like a big deal but like I'm overflowing my block most of the time that's so good okay 64 damage to the front man goodbye if we had the extra charge this turn we' we'd be all set yeah know you know like it's and we got nine damage there too for what it's worth when rolling a dice with this value apply one power to all the enemies it's fine we already have the 52 okay oops okay oh my God look at that too wait hold on look at that gimmick all right there's a 102 damage to the front enemy we're going to run into a situation where the uh the front enemy is not the one we want to hit gain six block and four Fury I got to be honest I don't really want to spend the money on the rolls 73 bucks we we'll check out a shop I I wouldn't mind selling some stuff I guess when gaining block from spells also gain one delayed block you cast less than six spells in turn gain a foresight so you roll an extra and I'm just not using those whenever you gain block from spells also gain a delayed Block it's not per you don't get it you get one delayed block whenever you gain a block delay block is a block that you get next turn a block that you get that's delayed I think we're slotting these in like indominable form for like a massive delug turn seems good so like I'll just accept this I suppose all right yeah it's one we get one block in the next turn for doing it it's worth it though I can't believe how good this was we turned this as a thing where it's like you roll an extra die but this bad thing happens but we turn that bad thing into a very good thing oh no he lived Psych okay lots of fours I mean good good bad okay let's let's not toy with our food he's dead stop he's like he was dead like the second the turn started basically uh gain three power Crystal snort increase the damage of all attacks by by three it's really a lot better on like multistrike it's not that big of a deal to me [Music] gain a fortify unrestorable plus one block gain from spells for the rest of combat that's that's scaling he there there's our scaling I was worried about I don't know if I want to disenchant it though cuz it's like it really is a it is our safety you know like it'd be smart to not disenchant it because it's it it helps us in the event that we yeah like this there's two Targets maybe I don't want to kill the one in the front right the good news is I think it's fine here I don't think it matters I think we just need to delug every turn that we can if I use these I receive Mark making me take 50% more damage for the turn so at a charge to the spell we can actually do that for title hobar I believe right oh can you not anymore or does it have to be used we'll see oh you used to be able to did they I guess they changed for balance reasons I'll take I'll take the marked I don't care about taking 50% more damage I don't think it's ever going to be enough rollad please thank you I can't cast that twice anyways so we do this we'll get that extra block all right get the kill and get the hobor so that we get two extra block whenever we gain block from anything I love that like we put in ones and it just doesn't matter like in fact it's kind of good that's fine all right doing a lot of damage to me but you know but but you know so so what an issue could arise if we roll a four that procs delu when we don't want it to I just want to see if what's Del is eight right so like I I know I'm not going to but like imagine I could do that again I could do 200 damage incredible roll an extra die every turn on turn one all enemies gain a power we could probably deal with that roll an extra die every turn but every turn you receive two weak reducing your damage output by two so I don't care about my damage I don't care about my one attack that does 200 damage doing 198 damage instead that is not going to bother me very much thank you for the concern should probably finally get a extra slot indomitable form is the you know probably the easy call it'll help us uh from being bursted enemies deal plus two damage while this enemy is alive okay should I try and should I just do this first it's a little bit it's a little bit on the riskier side but it's cuz the thing is you see and you're like you do it first because you get more Block it's like yes I do but it's also a little bit spooky in the sense that you don't know if you're going to roll the right stuff afterwards perfect Bring It On Punk so like here I'm I'm I'm doing it I'm risking it ones go here it's the law okay four five and then we can actually yep we can we can finally do it delou wait what is this until the end of the turn redirects the first targeted spell back to you this isn't a targeted spell it's a it it's a uh the front enemy which sounds like a Target but I mechanically know that that's not what it actually means gain a hail storm roll the die I think that we would rather have something let us roll like mostly the roll a Die Part gain three block when depleted apply three week to All Enemies now that we know they all sell for the same I I'll just take this one and see what's up oh I'll admit this path actually janked with my brain I thought that for sure this would take me here but it doesn't it goes would not have assumed this takes me here here so I was like I go fight ritual shop up to the elite but you know is what it is so both these rituals just go to the same place there's no point to care roll three odd dice flip all your dice upside down attacks gain 20% life steal for one turn what else we got minus 7 countdown to Target spell yeah I mean yeah that just gives me title hobber fore without having to uh suspend momentum that's kind of huge when casting a spell [Music] gain I've been weakened so we get the fortifi so they're going to get stronger we put the four in this ones go here we know we know this about ourself we're going to be making them stronger but it just doesn't actually matter very much yeah it just doesn't really matter we we already kill um well we've made them very strong but I going to explode one there's no point to no point to do this no point to not do it so I guess we'll use astral Attunement or uh red candle for something else so we got the title Harbor love it Forest go here ones and twos go here you just hit me with the three whatever no we we saved the threes all right there's that right there is the proofs okay can I cast two deles I sure can and I don't have anything to do with all these resources that's how you know we've got things set up real well oh my God we almost we almost cast a a delu immediately which I guess is it's kind of like the worst case scenario I guess it's not a big problem though oh no he blocked it I don't even want to spend money on a reroll I'd rather keep it for a a shop which we do have one this map is is very twists and turns 18 okay I love when the hob gets hit first there it really makes my decisions a lot smoother okay splits itself St into two smaller oozes when it dies inheriting half of the power I can't can't quite kill if I if I do this then I gain 11 block yeah we'll see how this goes if I can get a high number it's oh my God we could have we could have tried to roll that first I didn't think about that I did okay sure okay all righty twos just throw the threes should have done the hobar first for sure but it also isn't going to matter I will tell you that the things that he splits into have less Health goodbye looking for something kind of a little bit bigger there Kaboom yay no reason to even do that 24 bye roll all dice I do feel like that will be more potentially useful hello sir all spells only restore one charge per turn now that is pretty annoying okay you you look like a problem but I think it's going to be I think it's going to be completely fine uh okay huh I guess I won't be able to get the uh the replenish Azure at this point but that's okay we could do something we could do something wild but I'm cool with this we'll try and probably explode him with indomitable form next time okay so the good news is that does at least go fast looking for like a four short do we can we pop him with like a huge delu let's see what else can we get something better okay we got a better one okay uh one two three we could do like a one two oh wait we actually never mind we can have it on one what I thought we were I thought we needed another never mind yeah that guy was scary in theory H dice till next turn I think we just take whatever and sell it at this point whenever you gain foresight gain six block I don't think that's going to matter I think I go for The Shard the question is what do I do here probably just get another slot and get what wash away CU it lets us lets us roll a die it weakens them actually don't know how much I care about that okay if we get the upgrade where it also gives us a block that works well because we get the delayed block so yeah that that be will become good chop step one we could probably sell everything at this point we we have our full build reality Ripple definitely could be good just going to say screw it though cast 10 spells roll all your dice on enemy death roll roll a die there's not a lot of enemy deaths in the boss fights cast 10 spells do six damage to everybody I got to be honest these aren't particularly useful split Target time two three Valu all dice gain regen gain a Dodge I'll tell you that the Dodge is Dodge is super good on the final fight cuz like there's many turns where the boss just does one big attack and Dodge just blocks an entire attack yeah I don't know that any of these are that helpful there's an argument for a radic ey amulet we could hit the we could hit fives fine we'll do it I don't think it's good like let me preface that uh let's check on event and then this sure yeah I was going to say I was about to say maybe I could have uh gain two block and roll a die that might be better than wash away that's I think that's better better check the elite hello sir title haror do that first we love the force though ones on okay roll a couple things we get our three and this big boy but yeah Stellar Ward it's the fact that it costs six is is a little tighter I mean I think we just I mean I think we do the obvious thing might as well pop that first this is going to get rerolled interesting he does so much damage unstable this is whenever you cast it some he summons like a guy behind him but the important thing is that it is behind him done the hobber oh well who who who who the fact is like if we do this and then we get you know extra block every time we roll it's becomes pretty darn juicy I mean we can already kill right while avoiding every single one of the unstables pretty darn good pretty darn good bing [Music] bang gain a fury for each block increase the damage of your neck What's the upgrade oh oh oh and it's by one I mean it's good it's it's also like a win more I mean I don't care about the other stuff so I guess sure 150 gold this late in the Run no I don't think there's a shop left this has the potential to be very stupid like if if you got the haror so that every let's see four fortify so that each one of these [Music] rolls gives you I mean it's it's pretty good it's pretty darn good can also give me five block I mean something this is a pretty good thing to do for like the final boss in specific just getting a couple more charges in this like oh no button and it also helps me get more potential damage in like a hilarious explosion style way so yeah I think that's fine yeah all right in we go final boss he's got art now oh hello there [Music] you okay hbert got hit first that's lovely oh everything got rolled which is kind of kind of good that's our fours spot this is our ones and [Music] twos we're already blocking his whole sort of thing here okay is there any reason why we would do this a different way I mean I'll save the block potion for for later okay we we're going to roll our dice first thing okay so he broke a die I got a yeah okay all right let's um we'll count down we'll get this for free just that's out of the way that's all been done that's also yeah that's right du pretty huge uh pretty huge hit here roll that one it's already a 100 okay just thinking cannot lose more than 128 Health this turn okay well that that settles that I'd love to do oh I'd love to do the 128 though that's fine if he can't lose more than that we'll at least do that to him cannot lose more than 200 so obviously like that's our goal I think I feel like I need to need to replace that yes sir good ones don't mind it give me low numbers a little bit weird another chance for a low number there thank you got another six I mean this is pretty gnarly uh I Can't Get Enough dice to cast this twice but I think that's just fine unless I well but then I can't cast this twice anyways we'll just accept that this will take two turns I think that that's fine but the fact that we're not using that I mean it's we're not using it just because we can afford to be greedy that's literally the whole thing like I'm just I'm strong enough that I just don't have to care about that that that's really the whole thing on that one okay we're already uh we're already going to kill him or at least get him to the point where he can't take any more damage so let's just probably accept that yeah he can't he can't take any more do I just like add a charge to something to like I I just I don't know what to do because I'm just so he's Invincible like anything else is a waste I guess I I guess I gain guess I gain block next turn if I do that whatever yeah it doesn't matter I'm I'm there's no point there's no point to do anything all righty here we go you are screwed the r rolls we get another four oh I mean stward Stellar W is worth it there for sure one one two we're just going to try and gear up for probably the highest delu right delu don't want to bother hitting him twice with it cuz we could probably just kill him in one I I'd assume okay maybe I can't 150 oh never mind bye-bye tough fight it is though the thing is it is though it just didn't feel like it win a combat in your first turn oh my God all right we're unlocking more spells we're getting something up there unlocks mutation stages this is the Ascension system and let me tell you it's a really good one it's my probably my favorite Ascension system that I've ever played uh dang man it good to of protection new spells can now be unlocked from the to of protection new character to of offense new load out new starting load out for the character new spell and to of protection new artifact just all kinds of stuff there's like there's a bunch to unlock here uh we got let's see home of offense so we we've unlocked glaciate gain one to five block and also that much delayed block extremely extremely cool uh what do we do with these dice oh reach three dice to unlock by completing the Milestones gotcha it's just just uh it's just like a the new tracker system very cool uh yeah there's a lot to go for uh there are wait there's four loadouts have there always been four loadouts is the fourth Loadout new sure why not I think it might be but yeah there's uh three characters here I will say in uh I mean shout outs I did an interview with One their uh not maybe we we did an interview of the devs of this game in that they mentioned the desire at some point to add a uh a fourth air based wizard as well extremely curious and excited for the possibility of even at least hearing that that's a want at some point whether or not that become you know comes reality we'll we'll see but fingers crossed hopefully that'd be extremely extremely cool but for now we have so much to play with uh I'm so in game so good please check it out alas Al last though that is that that's going to do it here for today if you guys want more spell Rogue let me know in the form of a comment down below thank you for watching thank you thank you and I will see you next time bye-bye
Channel: Retromation
Views: 125,956
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: spellrogue, let's play spellrogue, let's try spellrogue, spellrogue gameplay, spellrogue retromation, spellrogue game, spellrogue review, dice-based roguelike, dice roguelike, dice roguelite
Id: XiHOmX33Q4E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 38sec (3698 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 12 2024
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