Flagellant | Origins | Shrine Of Reflection | Darkest Dungeon 2

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flagellant chapter one baptism he was a listless shade of the city indifferent to his penury with his skeletal build and bleeding gums he looked an easy target for a pair of drunks seeking an outlet for their frustrations the blows rained down a tooth cracked and of feverish Crimson eclipsed his vision in pain there was power he rose above his panting assailants and reveling in the marks of their sin who gave them their trespasses chapter 2 in service of the Divine prone to the somber depths of the church's hubliats he pledged his life to the clergy there he inflicted death by slow delicious degrees each crack of the Lash an honor a gift a morbid sacrament but his view proved too Ardent his Brethren through timid they cast him out rendered him once more onto the streets chapter 3 more more he wrote doubt in search of Torment consuming the sin of any who would Purge their misdeeds upon his body each wound fueled his fervor a Rapture only found in baptism by the Lash drunken his bloody intentions manic with the need for some elusive apotheosis he gouged at himself without Mercy as blood poured from his rendered flesh his Consciousness faltered and the Thundering hoof beats of death rang violent in his ears chapter four death's door her size promised numbing obliviation a premature end through his sacred journey of sensation good Ness foreign foreign foreign this is foreign from the world's gruesome Delights his power was enough to defy death herself chapter five we hold the man once more he wandered ravenous or fresh suffering and delighting in its novelty and excess offering himself to Glade and town alike he became an icon written in flesh a living prayer to whatever Gods would turn an ear undying he savored his delicious declension an eternity of pain and Wrath heaven on Earth foreign
Channel: Gatlee
Views: 114,344
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Qr4srmMqpBo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 13sec (433 seconds)
Published: Tue May 09 2023
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