Bloodmoon and You Part 1: The Hamlet, Darkest Dungeon Guide

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what's up y'all shuffle and today we're talking about blood moon so we're gonna move away from the character guides for a video just because the creative urge struck me to do this which is why i'm doing it now i typed up a lovely two-page thing to talk about so hopefully it doesn't take more than an hour but i always ramble so if you're unaware blood moon is the hard mode of the game you can say torchless is harder because it is but torchless is also a self-imposed difficulty it's just like yeah if you want to take the risk here it is otherwise i consider blood moon probably the hard mode like the the fair way to consider a hard mode you know i think torchless is its own special case so that's that blood moon and stygian are interchangeable in terms of terminology the only difference is blood moon has crimson court installed so you get four more deaths allowed and a few extra weeks to finish the game because they just consider the crimson courts to be a little more threatening and then also make it so your game takes longer to finish with that said this is a spoiler warning this guide will have spoilers and usually when i make stuff i try to include the new players in the discussion and i'm not trying to gatekeep them from this i'm just giving everyone a warning so they're not blindsided when they stumble into this video by accidents either through the autoplay algorithm or some such thing so the reason there is spoiler content is because i'm going to be talking about the end of the game i'm going to be talking about what's in the end of the game i'm going to talk about how to complete this mode and if you don't care about spoilers so if you have already seen the end of the game you've watched like your favorite streamer play it or something like that or you just simply don't care and you're just looking for advice everything i tell you in this video will apply to darkest and radiance because darkest dungeon is one of those types of games where if it works in the hard difficulty it will trickle down to the other difficulties and still be applicable which means i'm assuming that if you're watching this video you have tried blood moon or you want to try blood moon and you're just not sure how to go about it or you just don't want to try and fail a few times because that's actually very normal with not just darkest dungeon but blood moon specifically and i'm also thinking that most of you watching have probably finished the game or made it a good way through the game okay let's talk about the changes you're going to see in stygeon slash blood moon so to start the enemies have increased hit points they do increase stress damage the hero cost or the goal cost for upgrading heroes is doubled which i actually forgot about so it's a good thing i read this the light meter burns faster and unlike regular darkest dungeon you can actually lose in this game mode so the cool part about regular darkest dungeon is every single week you are always given an apprentice quest like a green short apprentice quest it doesn't matter what week you're on it doesn't matter if your entire roster is level six you're always given somewhere that you can start over in case something happens which means that having a way to actually lose the game is pretty crazy the first way to lose in blood moon is if you have 16 heroes die this also includes the two heroes you can potentially lose in the final fight if you do not have some kind of way to deal 300 damage to the heart of darkness or if you don't bring a party that only has two heroes in it to avoid the come unto your makers the other way you can lose in blood moon is if you take over 99 weeks to finish the game this means you cannot spend 300 weeks sitting there leveling heroes purging every single negative quark consolidating all the power you can and then just trying to steamroll the end of the game that way so you have to finish the game rather quickly it seems kind of daunting at first but once you once you're focused on finishing the game instead of just playing it to uh you know have fun or like you're always trying to have fun right but instead of focusing on let me just explore around let me wait for cool trinkets that kind of stuff if you start approaching the game with every single week in the game and you have the mindset of i need to finish this as quickly and efficiently as possible the time limit is not insurmountable usually i would say you're probably going to finish it in around week 60 maybe 70 depending on what what you're accomplishing and what you're skipping or whatever to speak specifically about the changes the increased hit points means that enemies are usually sticking around for one or two extra turns each fight and that can actually have some pretty detrimental incremental effects a couple adjectives i guess right there if those qualify as adjectives it means that stress casters that you can normally like potentially one tap are reliably like two tapped or three taps unless you have a crit or something like that happen so that means that they're getting off an extra shot of stress it means that the damage enemies are getting off extra turns of damage or extra turns of guards and blocks and stuff like that and this means that your control or your ability to do damage with your teams becomes more relevant because if you're taking like six or seven turns per hallway fight and you're not just trying to stall you're gonna start falling behind in terms of stress and damage especially on longer missions the flat crit increase which i think i forgot to mention in the overview is very threatening so the extra three percent is noticeable you will feel that enemies crit you much more frequently even though it's only three percent as we all know in darkest dungeon crits are very strong and very terrifying with gold costs being doubled to upgrade heroes that means that gold is even more important than it was so you always have to be focusing on trying to keep up good amounts of gold and finding the best times to upgrade your heroes it also means that the discounts in the upgrade facilities and i guess the treatments and stuff like that too the upgrades are even more relevant because if you have double cost that means that any discount bonus that you get by upgrading your facilities is effectively doubled so for instance if you uh if it costs like 100 gold to upgrade someone and you have a 10 discount it goes down to 90 gold right and then if that cost is doubled it goes from 100 to 200 gold but then also that same 10 discount uh saves you 20 gold instead of 10. the light meter burning faster may feel kind of non-existent at first but it honestly does matter quite a bit just the fact it takes off one extra point per tile that you walk so instead of losing six light you lose seven it means that on average in a dungeon you have to take one extra torch than you're normally used to but sometimes if you're including how enemies lower torch by hitting you with certain things like the occultist girl with the stress blast for instance uh you should be planning to take maybe two or three extra torches per dungeon and then if you want to manipulate light levels to get extra loot you should be taking even more than that so the torch stuff is relevant if not uh obvious at first when you consider all of these changes together you have to look at the loss conditions for the game mode and you have to ask yourself which one is more threatening to you as a player and i'm not saying these things to put anyone down i'm making this guy to help everyone but you have to understand where you're weak to understand how to fix it so if you look at the lost condition of 16 deaths and you're saying i can only lose 16 people and if i account for the end of the game the final fight where i automatically lose two people unless i can do something like take two heroes or blow up the boss then it means the way you build teams and the way you fight battles is weak or like it's not good enough for what you have to get through so if you find yourself losing a lot of heroes then start considering how you can build better teams or the way you can more efficiently take down enemies if you think that the time limit is the hardest thing to deal with it means that you are not aggressive enough in how you're trying to get through the game and means you're playing probably way too safe like you're only taking short missions you're only taking like your best heroes and you need obviously 16 good heroes minimum to finish the game so if you find yourself in either of those camps then i guess pay attention to the relevant parts because we're going to cover both of these conditions and the best way to get through them for this section of the video the background is going to be a blood moon file that i have that is not finished blood moon but it is near the end let's see actually what week it's in i think it's like 80 85 yeah so this one's kind of near the end so you can see it in progress and hopefully that better explains things what we're going to talk about next is town management because you need a strong hamlet and you have to be efficient in what you're doing in order to get the most out of stuff and set yourself up for success as always you need a good foundation to do anything in life we're going to talk about the stagecoach first i messed up the take so you didn't get to see the mouse scrolling over the stagecoach is very important obviously it's how you get heroes it's probably the most impactful thing you can do is choosing good heroes or the heroes that you want to start with and building them up correctly you want to minimize their downfalls and maximize their benefits the other important part about the stagecoach is it sets you up for pretty much the entire game but it is most important as in it is the most important facility so every building that you have in the hamlet right it's a facility is the most important facility you have for probably the first like 20 weeks of the game and then going forward it's obviously important but it is most impactful at the start because you're gonna recruit a set number of heroes and then you're gonna go from there and build them up so it needs to not only be kind to you you also have to get the most out of it in that short amount of time i messed up yet another take but let's see when you're upgrading the stagecoach i want to say that you don't need more than four per week on this file i did it with three but i think four is the maximum you want to go to the reason you don't want to pour too many upgrades into the stagecoach is because they take deeds and you need deeds for the blacksmith the blacksmith is way way important it's probably the most important building or the second most important building behind the guild hall so you want to put all those resources in there and you don't want to spend a lot of time upgrading the stagecoach so i think being able to see three or four heroes a week four if you really want to be comfortable right you can see here it doesn't take a big upgrade it's just eight deeds and ten crests but being able to see four heroes a week should let you fill out the roster as long as you're patient so that's just the key factor of it is you have to go okay i want you know like another highwayman soon and you want to maximize that chance but you also have to be patient about it sometimes you just get you know a couple crap rolls of the stagecoach and honestly if you don't have enough good heroes that you want by week 10 or 15 just start over you could play it out and just be patient which is completely fine you can do well and succeed that way but if you really don't like how your first you know 10 to 15 weeks went start over there's no shame in it right there's no penalty besides you just wasted a couple hours i shouldn't even say wasted right you learn stuff in that time but yeah so i'm starting to sidetrack and digress otherwise you don't want to see more than four heroes a week i think otherwise you're spending too many resources that could be going to the blacksmith instead the hero barracks i would say upgrade as needed you don't need the full 29 set of heroes to beat the game you technically only need 16 probably less than that you could beat it with 14 heroes but obviously you want to have a couple extra of each class or sometimes you just like having extra heroes for certain roles or you know someone may actually die i'm not saying you need to beat this without dying so upgrading the barracks i would say as needed because the heirloom costs do start to creep up when i say as needed for this upgrade i mean like you find yourself at the point where you go okay i'm planning to tackle this boss soon or your week 40 and you're saying i need to start getting ready for the darkest dungeon and so you need to get a couple extra heroes and then train them up you might be missing something or what have you definitely do not upgrade the roster size if you need upgrades from the blacksmith make sure you are completely comfortable with where your blacksmith is at before you start upgrading the uh the roster size though i will say in terms of the stagecoach getting three or four heroes early per week so the first upgrade the network and then getting the barracks to like maybe two upgrades will get you through like half the game you should be comfortable with like 21 heroes and seeing four heroes a week for pretty much the entire game honestly but if you want more than that then go for it experienced recruits do not get them just just don't it's not even worth it like it's not worth the resource investment you know the busts are probably the weakest heirloom in this guide like the way i'm going to be constructing it even with that you can trade busts for other heirlooms that you need and then you can't really afford the crest costs so the reason experienced recruits was put in the game was to reduce grinding if you lose heroes right it was designed with the idea that you're losing level six heroes in mind in this mode you are ideally only losing level 6 heroes at the end of the game so you're not trying to get a level 3 hero and then build them back up there's also a lot of variants with the experienced recruits it gets better when the network is fully maxed out because you get more roles for heroes and then with those roles you also need to get the class that you want they also have to be like a high enough level right you have to roll a level two or three hero to make it really worth it ideally a level three hero and then also that hero has to come with the quirks that are just not completely garbage as a whole experienced recruits does not honestly gain you that much if someone has a different experience you are obviously free to share you can drop in the comments and say that it was actually the the upgrade that got you through the entire game i don't know but for me i think it is just worthless in blood moon because the time limit doesn't really well the time limit and the death limit doesn't really allow you the opportunity to lose heroes and then build them back up you know you can lose heroes kind of early not the end of the world or you start over and then if you're losing heroes after that you want to be losing heroes at the end of crimson court and you want to be losing heroes in the darkest dungeon those are the only places you can really afford to lose heroes because anyone you lose in the darkest dungeon was already not coming back so if you lose a hero there but then finish it it's the same as if they had the they'd completed the mission and gotten the never never again debuff thing or condition or whatever you want to call it next up we're going to talk about stress relief activities so when i say that there are three things to consider for stress relief the first is the tavern the second clicked really hard for some reason is the abbey and the third is actually the puppet theater district so which ones do we focus on i personally focus the most on the abbey the reason being the abbey has less less downsides it still has downsides but i routinely have people that go to the tavern that just disappear for a couple weeks when drinking or you know in the brothel but then also the abbey has the penins hall and if you plan to use the flagellant you need the pendants hall this is the only thing he can use you could take him to battles and try and keep lowering your stress through a gesture and stuff like that but i think the abbey is the safest bet it is the least costly bet and it applies the best to the entire roster it includes the flagellum whereas the other ones don't consider him the reason i do not suggest the puppet theater also is because the resource cost is pretty steep you're only going to be able to build a few districts in a blood moon playthrough you're just not going to have the time to gather the resources and 200 crests is a very deep investment it is very powerful the puppet theater is a very good stress relief activity you can just leave someone on the sidelines for a couple weeks and then they're good to go it also applies to your entire roster it saves you a lot of money if you try and maximize its effect so if you rotate your heroes to make sure that people who have a lot of stress sit out for a couple weeks it does save you the most money like the puppet theater could save you tens of thousands of gold probably like a hundred thousand gold i don't even know i'm just throwing out giant estimated numbers it's just those 200 crests are really hard to ask then you have to ask yourself if you get the puppet theater what are you trading off instead you know next up the sanitarium dramatic zoom in so for the upgrades here if you can afford to get all the treatment ward maxed out definitely go for it this costs busts which is or for this setup that we're doing where we ignore the tavr and we ignore experienced recruits that means all of the bus that you get can go to the sanitarium so this is just another reason to follow the other things that i've been talking about i think the treatment library is paramount to get as much as you can maxed out of it and then patient cells you can stop at two for each that's usually good enough you don't need all three and actually medical devices this is something i didn't consider until recently because more and more experience and the additional disease of gray rot being potentially upside instead of downside means that you don't want to go past rank one on medical devices just get your cheap treatment costs by a little bit and then if you need to get other diseases off or something like that then you can bring a a grave robber or a plague doctor or something else that can cure disease on missions and just do it that way and save some gold otherwise the reason we don't want to cure extra diseases is because sometimes we want to keep rabies and gray rot on our heroes for some reason whenever someone goes in there with syphilis and i don't know the og or something like that some other disease where i want to get both of them off the medical ward decides not to give it to me but when i'm sitting there going you know what i want to protect this gray rot but i really need to get rid of this red plague it takes my grey rod anyway so i actually advise against getting the extra disease cure chance the treatment library this is very important or the treatment ward i should say this is something i see a lot of newer players do and i i just fundamentally disagree with it but you do not need to purge every single negative quark from all of your heroes to succeed it's actually part of the quirk game so to speak to have bad quirks that do not affect the hero at all and leave them on there to block other bad quirks especially if they can lock in for instance an arbolest is purely range damage right so if you get torn rotator which is a cork that lowers melee damage you do not care it doesn't matter if that stays on your arm list ever it can sit there in fact you almost want it to land on her because you want it to lock in so you can block other quarks from showing up so you don't need to constantly purge everything to uh to win the game i actually think that's a waste of money in most cases and gold is very important so if you need more info on quirks i did make a quirk guide i will plug the relevant videos that i've made over time as we i guess encounter them or find the opportunity to discuss them next up is the nomad wagon click in here uh nomad wagon completely worthless do not spend anything on it the reason being the trinkets cost way too much and it takes a lot of crests to upgrade it to a efficient level and you can be spending those on the blacksmith and the guild hall so just do not touch the nomad wagon it's very rare that you will ever hit a point where you have enough gold that you can just burn it and not care and you should be prioritizing missions that give you the trinkets you want anyway so that means that the nomad wagon just serves no purpose in this playthrough next we're talking about the survivalist this is an upgrade you can actually skip at most i would say two upgrades the reason being you shouldn't have to need to buy camp skills hopefully when you're recruiting people you're hitting good camp skills or at least something that's usable you just need one usable camp skill on each hero and then you can build your teams properly from there the only one i would say is required is some kind of nighttime ambush preventer so as long as you have some way to cover that you can usually find some way to spend the rest of your points and it's still efficient even if it's just pep talk or encourage and stuff like that those are both good skills and everyone has access to them for the most part so yeah survivalist is another one that could actually be skipped entirely so the blacksmith and the guild hall are the most important to the run so we're talking about these now the blacksmith obviously try and get everything upgraded or at least as much as you can afford the furnace you probably don't need to take past three upgrades if you don't have the resources to support it but otherwise you do need weaponsmithing and armorsmithing maxed out for the blacksmith i prioritize armor over weapons the reason being the extra few hit points and the dodge that you get from the blacksmith armor upgrades are very relevant people will say that dodge is the worst defense and there's a case to be made right i'm not here to debate which is the best defense but i will say the reason to consider armorsmithing first is because in terms of the accuracy of enemies it scales the weakest between apprentice and veteran i think on average enemies have like a 80 81 chance to hit in apprentice dungeons and then it only goes up to like 87.88 for veteran before skyrocketing into like 102 107 in champions that means that armorsmithing is going to keep you alive very reliably in the early game so it's only in champion when the dodge falls off but then the hit points are still relevant so i would only i would focus on armor before weapons and then i would focus on weapons when you get speed break points so usually speed break points i think are at third rank and fifth for a lot of heroes which means that upgrading your weapon to two and four usually is not as impactful it's still important don't get me wrong you will notice having more damage and crit and stuff on your characters so i'm not saying to skip weapon smithing but i'm saying if you're wondering which one to focus on first i would say armor and then once you get your armor up and you can afford to get people to uh weapons safely right you can upgrade your weapons safely like you have the money to do it you know you have like 20 000 gold or something like that and you just don't care then sure then do weapons otherwise i think the priority order should be armor and then skills and then weapons so this is the blacksmith let's talk about the guild hall what makes the guild hall very important is the fact that it gives accuracy to your attacks so accuracy is the best damage stat if you can't hit anything you do zero damage so being able to reliably hit stuff is awesome also if your abilities have secondary effects like bleed or stun or debuff or move for instance then upgrading your skills gives them higher chances to stick so there's a lot that is encapsulated if i can use that word in upgrading your skills in case of your healers such as the vestal and the occultus it also changes the ranges of their heels and makes them better obviously occultist is a weird case because he can always roll zero but in terms of vessel specifically who we're going to talk about here in a second vestal really needs those skill upgrades on her heels the group heal at low rank is one to three in terms of healing and that is completely garbage once you upgrade it and it gets to two to three and then four to five those are both really good so it makes vestal a much more effective healer but just starting out her uh her starting heal is very bad so we always want to make sure that our skills and our guild hall are up to our current level of heroes you always want to make sure you can have skills either at the level of the hero or like one level behind depending on what your goal counts looking like so definitely do not skip the guild hall i would say it is easily the most impactful set of upgrades for the entire game one other point i forgot to mention about the guild hall is since we are skipping upgrading the tavern that means we have all the portraits to funnel into the guild hall so we don't have to worry about sharing districts are kind of difficult in terms of choosing which ones to get because this is really a playstyle preference so my suggestion would be the bank and the cartographers camp i think these give you the most universal benefit the bank saves you a lot of money over a run and then at a certain point it starts generating a lot of money for you but i was also trying to math out some time ago like i kind of gave up on it but i was trying to math out if the bank was actually worth it because sometimes it may not be i don't know if you never get enough money saved up to where the bank becomes relevant like if you're always under 30 000 gold the bank may just not be worth it so if you feel the bank doesn't work for you don't get it but i still think the bank is good if you are really good with your money and all you need is a couple of good missions with an aquarian and then the bank becomes a huge factor so i still think it's worth getting the cartographer's camp i'm assuming that when you're playing blood moon you are trying to play in high torch just to minimize your risk and the cartographers camp gives you a lot of good bonuses for the safest mode of play so it's just a net benefit and worth getting as for the other districts it really comes down to preference you're not gonna be able to get more than one or two if you get the two that i talked about unless you're really aggressively hunting uh heirlooms then maybe three but i would say plan around getting two so if you plan on getting two you have to decide which two you want the most this comes down to what heroes you like using i think the training ring is really good that's why i got on this file because i think man at arms and shield breaker and houndmaster are all pretty good to help you complete blood moon and it's a very good set of upgrades otherwise if you like your rogues yellow hand is good if you're worried about crimson court the venters or vintners is good altar of light if you need more healing output is good so all of these choices are good i keep using that word so it really comes down to which heroes you like the most and what you want to get out of them all right y'all that's going to do it for this one be on the lookout for part two which is going to cover your roster and how to build it what to look for in order to maximize your chances of beating blood moon and then after that we're gonna move into how to tackle the regions some general strategies including some tips for handling the end of the game so thank you very much for watching join discord if you haven't and then go check out the other couple videos in the series thanks for watching and i'll see you later
Channel: ShuffleFM
Views: 17,501
Rating: 4.953125 out of 5
Keywords: Let's Play, Darkest Dungeon 2, guide, tips, help, playthrough, walkthrough, gameplay, ending, last boss, moonmoon, filthyrobot, speedrun, cohhcarnage, wayne june, ancestor, lore, optimized, best, challenge, hard mode, stygian, blood moon, baertaffy, dlc, crimson court, color of madness, ost, tier list, analysis, big daddy berkut, hidden squidz, bloodmoon, mods, christopherodd, admiral bahroo, pvp, butcher's circus, butchers circus
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 4sec (1744 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 07 2020
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