Why Church on Sunday?

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hello welcome to cloud church dot org I'm Robert breaker missionary evangelistic Spanish and English speaking people and I've got a little message here prepared for today on a very important question a question a lot of people have confusion with and asked questions about and the question is why church on Sunday why do people go to church on Sunday there's another church around it says you can't go to church on Sunday it's only Saturday so there's been this argument for years so all you have to go to church on Sunday no you have to go on Saturday they even go so far to say it's a sin to go to church on a Sunday instead of Saturday is it true which day is the day that God said for us as Christians to meet to remember the Lord and why that's a good question so let's look at that the first thing I need to do is draw this up here because this all hinges on the cross of Calvary so let's draw that up here which day is the day that we as Christians should go to church on well here's the cross of Calvary and before the cross of Calvary there was what's called the law now if you know your Bible the Bible teaches that after the cross there's the church age and the Bible calls the church age in a day and age of grace it's a time period where we look to the cross and what Jesus Christ did on the cross and as we look at the Bible we find out something very interesting go with me if you will to Hebrews chapter 9 this all sits and settles on what did Jesus do on the cross that's what determines which day we should go to church on it's all about the gospel well for Hebrews chapter 9 and I'll begin reading in verse 14 look at what the Bible says because we've got two different Testaments in the Bible at all as I said earlier it all changes at the cross everything from here back is Old Testament and everything from here forward until the rapture of the church is New Testament so where do we live today which one of these are we under we in the Old Testament are we under the New Testament well Hebrews chapter 9 in verse 14 through 17 I'll read it talks about what causes the Testament what makes a Testament begin so Hebrews chapter 9 verse 14 through 17 how much more shall the blood of Christ who through the Eternal Spirit offered himself without spot to God purge your conscience from dead works it says to serve the Living God and for this cause speaking of Jesus Christ he is the mediator of the New Testament that by means means of death for the redemption of the transgressions that were under the first Testament they which are called might receive the promise of eternal inheritance for we're testament is there must also necessity be the death of a testator for Testament is a force after men are dead otherwise it is no it is of no strength at all while the testator liveth verse 14 talks about the blood of Jesus Christ and then we read in the passage that a Testament begins with the death of a testator well obviously this is where the bloody shameful horrible death of Jesus Christ took place bubble says that he was buried but then he rose again the third day according to the scripture they buried him down here and so what does that mean that what we just read we read we read that a New Testament began through the blood of Jesus Christ because the Testament begins at the death of a testator so things changed from the Old Testament to the New Testament and this is the pivot point the death of Jesus Christ and it started a New Testament so are we under the Old Testament today well many people say yes yes you've got to keep the law to be saved but what does the Bible say if the Bible as we just read said that a New Testament give begins with the death of the Cross then if we're no longer under the Old Testament that means we're no longer under the law so what are we under well the Bible teaches were under grace let's look at some verses on that it looks like it's a vs. but another thing I ought to say real quick was this beautiful beautiful word in verse 15 and it says the verse 15 there in Hebrews 9:15 that by the means of death death is what started the New Testament it says that by the means of death for the remission excuse me redemption beautiful beautiful word read them oh look at that minute to how that Christ redeemed us when we're saved and that when we redeemed were redeemed from the law which means were no longer under the law of Jesus Christ let me show you some verses stick with me and we're going to have to show I have to show this in order to get to when do we go to churches and on Sunday or is it on Saturday well before we can understand that we've got to look at this and see that there's two different Testaments and believe it or not in one it was one day that they worship God instead of five aside for God in the other it was a different day that they used and set aside for God so let's look it Galatians chapter 3 and I'll begin reading in verse 21 through 25 Galatians 3 21 through 25 is the law then against the promises of God God forbid for if there had been a law given which could have given life verily righteousness should have been by the law you see you can't get eternal life through the law but Jesus death on the cross his Redemption is what gives eternal life and when you're safe today you get internal life everybody knows John 3:16 for God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life how through the law know through Jesus Christ the Bible says so Galatians chapter 3 verse 21 through 25 says we just read 21 22 says but the scripture hath concluded all under sin that the promise of faith of Jesus Christ might be given to them that believed but before faith came we were kept under the law shut up to the faith which other word which should afterwards be revealed so before Christ came we were under the law and then look what it says in verse 24 wherefore the law was our schoolmaster to bring us to Christ and it says that we might be justified by faith but after that faith has come we are no longer under a schoolmaster for ye are all the children of God by faith in Jesus Christ so the law the Bible says was a schoolmaster and the job of the law was to bring us to Jesus Christ and this was Jesus Christ who suffered and bled and died on the cross for us but then what what the verse has just said is that once it brought us to Jesus we're no longer under the schoolmaster so once we come to Jesus Christ for salvation by faith we receive eternal life and we're no longer under the law let's look at some more verses Galatians where there in Chapter Galatians look at verse 10 through 13 Galatians 3:10 through 13 for as many as are under the works of the law are under the curse for it is written cursed is every one to continue with not in all things which are written in the book of the law to do them so that's law over here is a curse are we under a curse today will we continue reading their Galatians chapter 3 and verse 10 cursed is every one that continueth not in all things which are written in the book of the law to do them verse 11 but that no man is justified by the law on the side of God it is evident the Apostle Paul writing says it's evident once this took place this death of the testator it started a New Testament and the Old Testaments evident we're not under that anymore and he says for the just shall live by faith and the law is not of faith but the man that doeth them shall live in them it says Christ hath redeemed us what is redemption being redeemed Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law being made a curse for us for it is written cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree so we're no longer under the law in this time period in which we live salvation is by faith yet under the law it was by works and the law was given as a schoolmaster to point to the one that came in the future who died and shed his blood and who was the only one to show you look you can't keep the law I'm the only one who was ever perfect and never kept the law without sinning and I had to follow the law so I could die as a curse for those who were cursed under the law do you see it go to another verse let's go to Romans chapter 10 in verse 4 there are people today that say but we're still under the law we're still under the law oh really Romans chapter 10 verse 4 says for Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to everyone that believeth Christ is the end of the law for righteousness you see our righteousness today comes by faith we don't receive righteousness by works it's different there was something that took place what was it the death of Christ on the cross that changed from this Old Testament curse to this New Testament blessing if that was a curse then what is this this is a real blessing I tell you it's a blessing to not have to obey the law and keep the law and hope oh if I do enough good works God would accept me it's a blessing to know that Jesus died for my sins he paid for all my sins past present future he's the end of the law and by faith when I believe him I receive eternal life that's a blessing and friend that's what the Bible teaches we're in Romans chapter 10 for Christ is the end of the law it says for every one that believeth so Christ is the end of the law now let's go to Ephesians chapter 2 I hope you have your Bible there with you King James 1611 authorized version Ephesians 2:8 9 tells us for by grace are you saved through faith and that not of yourselves it is the gift of God not of works not of works not of works lest any man should boast so over here you were saved by works you had to earn your salvation by doing something but we're not under this Christ ended this law we cannot get under the law over here salvation is a free gift and by the way that gift is eternal life and it all comes through trusting the death burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ the Bible calls the death burial resurrection resurrection of Jesus Christ the gospel you are saved today only by faith in the gospel it's not by anything that you do it's not by the law go to Romans chapter 4 I'm just giving you a couple verses and then I'm going to get to this probably not going to be a very long video here but it's so important to see there's two distinct different ways one was the Old Testament way one is the New Testament way and we cannot get back under that way that's not the way for salvation today God ended it by his death the death of a test finger and started a different Testament and this is the way to be safe today not that way so Romans chapter 4 and look at verse 4 through 5 can't get any clearer than this that it's no longer by works it's by faith it's by receiving the free gift if he said before in verse 4 says now to him that worketh is the reward not reckoned of grace but of debt the law is it grace the law is of debt verse 5 but to him that worketh not but believeth on him that justifieth the ungodly his faith is counted for righteousness so he that works he's thinking he's saved because of his works what is he doing he said I can get to heaven my own way look how righteous and great I am in Jesus crisis no no no no the reason I came was to fulfill the law to show you how righteous I am and to show you you can only get to heaven through me not by your own works a lot of people bypass the way of salvation that God set up a lot of people think well I know Jesus kept the law and everything and nobody else ever has but I bet I can - and I'll try it you'll never make it you can't keep the law it's impossible that's one end of the law there were sacrifices that you had to make when you did sin well if you try to sacrifice a lamb today that'd be wrong because Jesus Christ is the Lamb of God who sacrificed himself for your sins so it's not the law it's not what you do that saves us a Titus chapter 3 verse 5 let me read that real quick a lot of people just for some reason they think that works have to be done for them to be safe well let me ask you this if you can get saved by your works then why did Jesus die what was that death for you say no we're still under the law then Jesus died for absolutely no reason whatsoever why did he even die well if you look at the Bible he died because his death started a new testament and a new way to heaven not by our works not by what we do but by trusting in what he did for us that's why he's called the savior because everyone needs to be saved because everyone's a sinner Titus 3:5 says it's not by works of righteousness which we have done but according to His mercy he saved us he saved us up won't read the rest of that but did you get that he saved us under the law you tried to save yourself by your works today you can't be saved by trusting what you do that bypasses what Jesus did the only way to be saved today is trust what he did not by works of righteousness which we have done but according to His mercy it's by faith if you trust him that you're saying let's go back to Galatians again to Galatians is a wonderful book it's written about this very topic as the book of Galatians tells you over and over and over again the things changed after the cross and that we're no longer under the law but under grace that we're not saved by what we do were saved but what Jesus did not have works but by grace through faith let's go to a Galatians chapter 2 verse 16 Galatians 2:16 says this knowing that a man is not justified by the works of the law back here but by the faith of Jesus Christ over here even we have believed in Jesus Christ that we might be justified by the faith of Christ not by the works of the law for by the works of the law shall no flesh be justified can't get much clearer than that we are not saved by the law we can't be justified by keeping the works it is not salvation by works something happened at the death of Christ at this blood started a new Testament and how are we saved by faith not by works so these are the two different Testaments one is the Old Testament and by the way let me say that the Old Testament was to Jews a lot of people today say oh we're still under the Old Testament let me ask you a question are you a Jew let me say this the Old Testament all males had to be circumcised that's what puts you under the law whether or not you were circumcised are you trying to keep the law well when were you circumcised I've met many many people that say well you got to keep the law and my first question is so when were you circumcised well uh they weren't I wonder if they even read the law because that's like the number one thing that has to happen first before you can even be under the law you got to get circumcised and I know a lot of men that wouldn't want to do that snip-snip so you're not even under law you don't understand that's not to us today that was to a group back then who are they Jews that were circumcised are we under the law today no we're under grace otherwise the death of Christ means nothing there's not one Testament there - this was the first one but Christ ended it he's the end of the law - all the belief now we're under this Testament it's that simple so with that stated I want you to you know I forgot to read a verse Romans chapter 6 let me let me go back to this one verse real real quick because Romans chapter 6 is so so important Romans chapter 6 in verse 14 Romans 6:14 I just want to make sure I remember this verse because this is so important and then we'll get to our main study Romans chapter 6 and verse 14 says for sin shall not have dominion over you for you are not under the law but look what it says but under grace so we are not under this Old Testament law today God deals with us not based on if we kept the law or denied but whether or not we trusted the gospel one of the might we trusted Jesus Christ for we are not under the law but under grace now with that stated let's look at this let's go to the Old Testament first and then we'll look at the New Testament and let's see what days God commanded in each one of these Testaments that people celebrate in a memorial to remember because in the Old Testament what we're going to find is they had to go every day and do some things but one day of the week which was a Saturday also known as the Sabbath that day had to be holy and they had to keep that day I'm going to show you those verses let's go to that there's so many um I'm just going to show a few look at Exodus chapter 20 or the old Ten Commandments are in Exodus chapter 20 and verse 8 remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy verse 9 six days shalt thou labor and do all thy work but the seventh day is the Sabbath of the LORD thy God in it thou shalt do not do any work thou nor thy son nor thy daughter know thy manservant nor thy maidservant nor thy cattle nor the stranger that is within thy gates so here God says remember the Sabbath day and keep it holy and don't do any works whatsoever look at verse 11 for in six days the Lord made heaven and earth the sea and all that is in them that in them is and rested the seventh day wherefore the Lord blessed the seventh day a Sabbath day and hallowed it so what is the Sabbath day we're going to look at another verse but that's the seventh day the last day of the week seventh day because God created everything in six days in the very last day which would be what Saturday is when he rested let's look at another burke's let's go to Exodus chapter 31 Exodus chapter 31 now we're not under this Old Testament law but if we were this is what the Bible says we're to keep the Sabbath so look at Exodus chapter 31 verse 14 15 and God says in Exodus 31 14 and 15 yeesh oh keep the Sabbath therefore for it is holy unto you every one that defileth it shall surely be put to death for whosoever doeth any work therein that soul shall be cut off from among his people six days may work be done to the seventh is the sabbath of rest holy to lore whosoever doeth any work and the sabbath day he shall surely be put to death why do i don't live in that old testament because under the law if you do any work on the last day of the week you did that's what the law says it says kill anybody that does any work at all on the last day of the week on Saturday wow that's interesting I mean I'd be dead a long time ago if I were under the law there's a certain church that that teaches that go into church on Sunday is what they call the mark of the beast so they go to church on Saturday and they brag and say we're we're under the law all right one's a lot of time you put someone to death in your church never right and I hope to god you never do but you claim to be following the law well how come you are killing people and putting them to death because you know there's people in your church they go to do some work on Saturday maybe it's just in the kitchen cooking dinner or lunch but you're doing something and here the Bible says you'll do no work whatsoever under penalty of death you still think that's for us today I was going to do this this chapter 35 verse 3 I sure don't want to be put to death I better make sure I'm teaching you right because I don't want to be killed what does it say well Genesis 35 3 says you shall Kindle no fire throughout your habitations on the Sabbath day actually let me read verse 2 also 6 days shall work be done but in the seventh day there shall be to you and holy day Sabbath the rest to the Lord is over do with any work therein shall be put to death just what we ran in the other verse and then verse 3 says you shall Kindle no fire throughout your habitations upon the Sabbath day well how many of you people that go to that church and say well it's mark of the beast or whatever to go on Sunday and you go on Saturday how many of you have a gas stove when you light a fire on Saturday after church and make yourself a meal well you're worthy of death the Bible says that's horrible how many of you you get in your car to go to your church and you start it up vroom vroom that's a combustible engine their spark plugs in they're letting out some fire uh-oh you should be put to death every one of you in your church on a stone everybody as soon as they walk in the door because they all had to start a car which started a fire in there in which meant that they said against the law according to the Word of God that in that silly do you really think that we're still under this law that law was brutal that's the death penalty to do certain things that people are doing today who claim to be following that law hmm what is the day of the Sabbath I told you earlier what it was it was a Saturday this the last day of the week because we know the first day of the week is a Sunday but let's just confirm it Exodus chapter 16 and verse 26 Exodus chapter 16 and verse 26 six days you shall gather it but on the seventh day which is the Sabbath in it there shall be nine so six days shalt thou gather it but on the seventh day so the Sabbath is the seventh day what is the seventh day of the week well the week starts on Sunday look at any calendar Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday so obviously Saturday is the sixth hour scuse me seventh day of the week it's the last day of the week well I'll tell you what if I was under the law I'd be dead four Saturdays garage sale day how could I not get my car and start it up and sparkplug starts spitting out fire how could I not go in new garage snails hey God I'm not under the law death penalty for doing something but we are not under the law we've looked at the verses in the New Testament how it changed from the death of Christ and how we're under grace we're not under the law anymore there were Jews that were under the law that had to keep Saturday but what about us today what are we under today well let's let's look again at the cross because everything goes back to Jesus Christ in his death burial resurrection it's all right there that we see that's something important in the Bible there was a reason for Jesus Christ to come and die and be buried and rise again what was that region well actually in Matthew chapter 28 actually in all four of the Gospels we're going to see something very interesting I want to take you to all four of the Gospels because after Jesus Christ died on the cross something happened and in each one of the Gospels they agree that the day that Jesus Christ rose again was not Saturday what day was it okay let's go to Matthew chapter 28 and verse 1 Matthew 28:1 says in the end of the Sabbath as it began to dawn toward the first day of the week Came Mary Magdalene the other Mary to see the sepulchre ok so it was the end it was the Sabbath day in the seventh day just ended and it was the first day of the week what happened in the first day of the week let's go to mark chapter 16 and find out mark chapter 16 look at verse 2 Bible is very specific about certain days mark chapter 16 and verse 2 and very early in the morning the first day of the week what day would that be Sunday they came to the sepulchre at the rising of the Sun now look at verse 9 mark 69 now when Jesus was risen early the first day of the week the first day of the week Jesus Christ rose on the first day of the week what is the first day of the week well look at your calendar again it's Sunday so Jesus Christ he rested on Saturday he didn't go to a church or anything and I think he rested in the earth but the first thing when the Sunday is when Jesus Christ rose from the dead let's look at Luke chapter 24 and verse 1 Luke chapter 24 and each one of the Gospels it's very specific what day Jesus rose from the dead it says now upon the first day of the week very early in the morning they came into the sepulchre so the first day of the week month that would be a Sunday Sunday June John's huge book at John chapter 20 John chapter 20 look at verse 1 the first day of the week come with Mary Magdalene early when it was yet dark unto the sepulchre and seeth the stone taken away from the sepulchre again st. chapter John 20 and verse 9 ok yeah verse 19 excuse me not nine but 19 then the same day and evening being the first day of the week me when the doors were shut where the sight those were assembled with fear so the very first day of the week the disciples assembled all right so we're look at that in a minute but what did the Bible say in all four of the Gospels it tells us that Sunday was the day that Jesus rose again so Jesus Christ died was buried and rose again when did Jesus Christ die well if you go to a big church in Rome they say that Jesus died on Friday and they call it a Good Friday but you see that that doesn't work for to find what day Jesus died on it had to have been a Wednesday let me show you what I mean let's go to Matthew chapter 12 and see what Jesus Christ Himself says Matthew chapter 12 in Matthew chapter 12 verse 38 through 40 Jesus Christ is speaking look what Jesus Christ says Matthew chapter 12 verse 38 through 40 then certain of the scribes and Pharisees answer saying master we would see a sign from thee and he answered and said unto them in the evil and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign and there shall no sign be given it but the sign of the Prophet Jonas which is Jonah and Jesus says verse 44 as Jonas was three days and three nights in the whales belly so shall the Son of Man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth so Jesus Christ said there had to be exactly three days and not just three days but three full nights that he lay in the grave now the Catholic Church says well Jesus Christ died on Good Friday all right is that three full days and three full nights so if you died on Friday that makes all day Saturday all night Saturday all day sunday all night all day and all night Sunday all day and all night so Jesus Christ must have risen on a Tuesday huh how do you get it three full days and three full nights and Jesus died on a Friday Friday Saturday Sunday that's only two days that doesn't work so here is Sunday the Bible says that Jesus Christ died and rose again on Sunday well the Jews they know they don't start the day and night and day and night day and night like we do they do it backwards they do night and day night and day night and day so here Jesus died he died on a Wednesday there's a half a night still on a Wednesday this is all day Thursday a day at a night of Thursday I didn't make it long enough so let me redo this here we go make sure I get this right for here so all day Thursday it's a day and a night of Thursday a day and a night of Friday and all day and all night Saturday now the only way this works out for three whole days and three whole nights is it Jesus Christ died on the Wednesday then you have Wednesday night that's half of a night you have all day Thursday all night Thursday all day Friday all night all night Saturday and Friday all day Friday Saturday all night Saturday that's three whole days and then here's the half night and a half night that makes three nights so the only way it works out is that if Jesus died on a Wednesday you have a full-day Thursday full day Friday full day saturday and Jesus Christ rose again on Sunday morning as soon as it became Sunday morning that's a full three days of three nights and when to most people that claim to be Christians go to church they go on Sunday matter of fact a lot of them have a midweek service on a Wednesday you think it's because that's tradition from the time of Christ not just religion from religion and tradition made by men but tradition because that's the actual days that Jesus rose again looks like that let's look at the what the Bible says Acts chapter 20 when did the early apostles go to church did they go on a Saturday were they still under the law you read the book of Acts that's the early church in Acts chapter 20 and verse 7 if we are to go to church on Saturday today and it's the mark of abused to go to church on Sunday that is acts chapter 20 and verse seven say acts 20 and verse seven says and upon the first day of the week when the disciples came together to break bread Paul preached to them ready to part of the morrow and continued his speech until midnight night here we are way far along in the book of Acts Acts chapter 20 and it says the disciples of Jesus Christ are meeting on a Sunday why would they meet on a Sunday I guess we should write it as som day because that's the day we remember Sunday that Jesus rose again from the dead they came on the first day of the week and Jesus had just risen again from the dead why couldn't he had risen on a Saturday remember can't do any work on Saturday Jesus was still under the law but when he came he came to end the law so what they did Jesus Christ rise again according to the Bible on Sunday and the early disciples of Christ celebrated that day because that's the day they remembered was the day that he rose again from the dead you said oh no okay let's go to first Corinthians chapter 16 first Corinthians chapter 16 Apostle Paul which is our apostle in 1st Corinthians 16 to verse 2 all tells this church in Corinth I'll read verse 1 also now concerning the collection for the Saints as I've given order the churches of Galatia even so do ye upon the first day of the week let every one of you lay by him in store as God hath prospered him that there be no gatherings when I come so Paul says I want you to take up the offering on the first day of the week well how could they be doing that if they didn't meet on Sunday so over here is the Sabbath over here is Sunday the Sabbath the Bible says commemorates the six days of creation you say I thought there were seven there are the last one was a day of rest so God told these people under the Old Testament to remember the Sabbath day and to rest on that day on Saturday so if you are under the Old Testament you celebrated a day of honor to God on Saturday but this is what changed it all and set up the New Testament and there's no doubt Jesus Christ rose on his Sunday and all the early disciples started the tradition of going together a meeting on Sunday to remember the Sun and it was the first day of the week in that something under the law you're under a curse and under the law you forget about God all week until the last day of the week but over here because God did something miraculous he died and rose again you put God first and you remember him the first day of the week and for all of us who are Christians we should go to church on a Sunday that's the day we remember Jesus Christ because that's the day we remember he rose from the dead so the Bible is very clear meeting in a church house is meeting on Sunday not because we're under the law it's because we remember when Jesus rose again because he died was buried and rose again to end the law so that we're no longer under the law but under grace do you know what that means all these people that go to this certain church a certain group the certain denomination that say you can't go to church on Sunday that's the mark of the beast what are they doing they're rejecting Jesus Christ they're rejecting his death burial resurrection and they're rejecting the day that he wants us to come together and remember when he rose from the dead to reject Sunday worship is to reject Jesus and the early Christians it almost sounds like going to church on Saturdays the mark of the beast you know it's not the Bible tells us what the mark of the beast is it's a literal mark and your hand on your forehead just go in someplace isn't a mark that's kind of silly but what does the Bible say well we've looked at it I've tried my best to show it to you why church on Sunday why the churches have Church on Sunday it's because they realize we're no longer under the law yes under while you had to go on Sabbath day actually you didn't go anywhere on the Sabbath we read the verses you stayed home and you did no work so you didn't even go anywhere or do anything on the Sabbath day the rest of the week you could come to the tabernacle and offer sacrifice but that was a day where you stopped and you didn't do anything you rested on the Sabbath day but if you're a Christian the day that God shows and God set aside the day that the early disciples chose to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus was a Sunday a lot of people obey they only go to church once or twice a year Easter Sunday and Christmas but what day is the day that we remember Jesus Christ what is the day that churches hold meetings it's Sunday it's where you're supposed to go hear good preaching of the Bible fellowship with other Christians it's biblical so I don't understand why people don't understand the difference there is a change with the cross it's a New Testament we're no longer under this Old Testament law not at all it's over it's done we don't go to church on Saturday Bible teaches Sunday is the day to remember the resurrection of Jesus Christ now there's been a blessing to you you get a chance to go to the cloud church org we've got a new sermon every Sunday on on different topics in English and in Spanish it also under past sermons you can look up one of our sermons we have one called the law verses grace we go through we show all the verses about the law but yet all the verses that show us that the law is ended Christ fulfilled the law the law is over we're no longer under the law we're not saved by works we're under grace were saved by faith get another video under pass sermons entitled faith vs. works how do we say today are we saved by works of the law are we saved by faith alone in the finished work of Jesus Christ give a chance go watch those videos this is so important to realize because the most basic division in the entire Bible is Old Testament New Testament and we are no longer under the Old Testament there's been a death of the testator thank God he rose again he started a New Testament it's no longer Saturday worship it's Sunday worship based upon the authority of the word of God the Scriptures but tell us that that was the day that Jesus rose again and that is the day his early disciples chose to celebrate his resurrection so thanks for watching visit us every week at the cloud Church done work god bless and have a good one
Channel: Robert Breaker
Views: 214,640
Rating: 3.5665252 out of 5
Keywords: Church on Sunday, Saturday worship, mark of the beast church on Sunday, Resurrection Sunday, Christian worship on Sunday, Sabbath worship
Id: xpj-ehWmiF8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 53sec (2273 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 16 2015
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