Are You Balanced?

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okay welcome back I'm Robert breaker and yes I'm here in front of the white board again today last couple of Sundays I've been outside it's just it's too beautiful a summer to not get outside and do a little preaching and teaching outside it's giving a little warm but it's just it's beautiful and so I've enjoyed the last couple of Sunday's being outside but a lot of people said brother breaker we missed the white board want you to get back into the indoors and preach with the white board we want to learn some more so I was gonna do a sermon today on on Israel and I'll probably do that next week but this is a sermon that I had written down several months ago and wanted to do and I like to be several months ahead so that I can go do things I've been invited to go preach in several other places soon and it's good to get ahead in my messages so that I can wherever I might be I can just post it for that week's sermon but you get behind sometimes I went to Mexico recently and then I got back and I had family visiting so I'm behind a little bit behind so the last couple of weeks it's been well I'm just trying to keep up and give sermon ready for Sunday and I was praying about what to preach on and I think I'm going to talk about very soon the nation of Israel I think it's important that we look at Israel and how God is is working with them and what the Bible says about Israel but today I decided after much prayer and I had this written down that I think the Lord would have me to speak on this subject so I'm gonna do more of a preaching today than a teaching but the next couple of weeks Lord willing it'll be more teaching we're gonna look at today this question the question is are you balanced are you balanced are you a balanced person do you know what it is to be balanced have you ever seen what are called balances I'm sure you probably have but you see a thing like this and what what it is is it hangs down on either side and they're what's called balances and so what you do is you would weigh something this is the old way that they do balances now they have a digital scale but in the old days you would get a balance like this and you would weigh things and you would find out which was heavier because it was use this or it would do that and so today I want to ask you this question are you balanced we're gonna look at some balances today we're gonna put you in the balances today we're going to find out if you're a balanced person we're living in the last days the Bible says in the last days perilous times shall come I believe we're there weird some perilous perilous times today and it's so sad because there are very few people in the world today that are balanced there are a lot of imbalanced persons persons in the world today a lot of people that don't balance they don't have a balanced life some of it is because they're taught in schools how to become the term used today as snowflakes and they're not taught how to deal with life there tell it just go suck your thumb in a corner when things don't go your way and that makes someone unbalanced and that's not good the reason there's so many imbalanced people in the world today is because of drugs unfortunately they're people that get hooked on drugs then they become something that they normally wouldn't be they become drug addicts and when you become addicted to something well then you turn into a completely different person but I'm not talking about drugs like cocaine and things like that I'm talking about over-the-counter drugs oftentimes people will get on chemicals and they'll take these chemical drugs and that gives them a chemical imbalance so there's a lot of people today that are not balanced and what we need to be as a Christian and an individual is balanced we need to have a balance in our lives and I look at Christianity today and I and I see that Christianity today is very very unbalanced turn with me to proverbs chapter 11 and I will see I'll put this up here on this side proverbs chapter 11 I want to show you today the balance according to the Bible and how we who are Christians we should be balanced and the problem is many in the world today do not have this balance and because of that Christianity suffers society suffers people suffer so we all need to have this proper balance in our lives and Christianity is supposed to be a balanced religion you need to have that balance within Christianity if you go to an extreme the balance falls imagine picture somebody you know standing up on on the top of this may be somebody standing over here or somebody standing over here whenever there's not a proper balance what happens it turns any person Falls so what I want to try to do today is talk about how to have a proper balance and how to keep from falling I don't want to see people fall let's go to proverbs chapter 11 proverbs chapter 11 begins like this proverbs 11 says a false balance is abomination to the Lord but a just weight is his delight God says he hates a false balance if someone is not balanced then God says that's an abomination unto me there are some things that need to be balanced to go to one extreme or one another extreme God says that's an abomination to me I want things to be right I want them to be equal I want them to be the way they should be I don't like to see extremes so God wants a balance and we are to be balanced let's look at the context of this verses 2 through 6 when pride cometh then cometh shame but with the lowliest wisdom pride is something that if you get in your life you will become unbalanced and so we need to do everything we can to keep from being prideful according to the Word of God verse 3 the integrity of the approaches or of the upright shall guide them but the perverseness of transgressors shall destroy them if a person begins to go down the way of perverseness and speaks perverse things and does perverse things then they will begin to go and have an unperfect balance and then they will be what destroyed verse for riches profit not in the day of wrath but righteousness delivereth from death v the righteousness of the perfect shall direct his way but the wicked shall fall by his own wickedness and that's what I want to do as a Christian as a minister of the gospel I want to keep you from falling I want you as a Christian to keep from falling and the best way to keep from falling is to not go out on a limb to an extreme stay where the Bible says you're supposed to stay don't go off on this end or that in stay in the middle it's easier to balance in the middle but when you get off on one end or another you get in an extreme position well then you're gonna fall one way or the other we as Christians we shouldn't fall proverbs 11:6 says the righteousness of the upright shall deliver them but the transgressors shall be taken in their own not eNOS so what do we need to do well we need to remember there's a balance in our lives let's go to Isaiah chapter 28 what is the Christian life like the Christian life is like this and I think this is a good verse to explain it the Christian life is like a tightrope have you ever seen the tightrope act where a guy puts a rope a couple hundred feet and he walks on that rope and he walks across what is he doing he's balancing he's trying to keep from falling one way or the other so he's keeping his eye on that on that rope and he's balancing he's walking across that's why we read in Isaiah 28 10 Isaiah 28 10 says 4 precept must be upon precept precept upon precept line upon line line upon line here a little there a little it almost repeats itself again in verse 13 like what it says here the word of the Lord was unto them precept upon precept precept upon precept line upon line line upon line here a little there a little that they might go and fall backward and be broken and snared and taken so the Bible says the far start see that the Word of God is like a line so the body Bowl the Word of God is like a line yeah sounds like seagull every time I do that but here's the Word of God I'm gonna abbreviate wo G the Word of God and you got a guy and excuse this but I'm not the best artist but here's a guy you know here's his shoulders here's his arms and he's walking on this tightrope and usually they hold a stick so as you're looking down on a guy walking on a tightrope you find it's quite interesting he has to hold that stick for balance he'll what does that look like it looks like a cross always keep your eyes on the cross and what Jesus did for you what the Bible says the Word of God is like the line line upon line precept upon precept he keeps his eyes on the word on the line he won't fall but if that tightrope walker looks a little bit over here to the right what's he gonna do he gives his eyes off the line he's gonna fall off on that side he gives his eyes off the line kind of looking over to the other side what's he gonna do he's gonna fall off on that side so what we need to remember what we need to do as Christians is realize our Christian life is to be on that line on the Word of God it's like a tightrope act we're walking in our daily life on the line the line is the Word of God if we get our eyes out of the Word of God and look over there while we're going to fall into that whatever that is over there we get our eyes off of the Word of God and we'd love to start looking over there well we're gonna fall over there into whatever that is over there and all too often people do that they will follow something else rather than the Bible and that's the way they begin to go and they begin to fall instead of staying where they should be in the Word of God people fall go back to proverbs 11:14 all too often within Christianity today there are people that are Christians that fall into sin and it's whichever way they're looking that's the way they fall either to the right or to the left but if you keep your eyes in that book and you keep reading the scripture the Word of God you won't follow proverbs chapter 11 and verse 14 look what it says here where no counsel is that people fall but in the multitude of counselors there are safety okay so if you don't have someone there to cares about you to give you counsel then you're gonna fall what is our counsel what do we get the truth from the Word of God so line upon line precept upon precept on the scripture we stand we walk upon the Word of God we keep our eyes in the book so we don't fall one side or the other first Corinthians 10:12 the Apostle Paul says wherefore let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall that's a warning from the Apostle Paul that we should always remember in the back of our mind keep our feet firm in the Word of God we're like that tightrope walk Walker don't look one way or the other take heed always remember eyes upon the line so we don't fall into one side or another in first Timothy three six the Apostle Paul says about a pastor not a novice lest being lifted up with pride he fall into the condemnation of the devil the devil wants you to fall it is so easy when you're walking on a tightrope rope to fall it takes years and years of practice usually to be able to do that because our balance just isn't what it should be but the more you practice the less chance you have a falling and the more you keep your eye on the line the less you so as a Christian Christians are supposed to matures Christians are supposed to grow we're supposed to grow in grace and the knowledge of Jesus Christ the more we read that word the easier it is to stand on the line and not fall I've got a little boy who just turned one years old a little boy is walking now it's kind of a little bit of a sacrifice for me because he had only taken a couple of steps but he wasn't walking completely and then I went to Mexico for a week a couple weeks ago when I come back man he in that one week that I was gone to Mexico he learned to walk and he was running he was literally running around the house so I had to miss seeing my young boy learn how to walk all because I wanted to serve the Lord and do something for him you know well it's a wonderful sacrifice because it was done for him so I understand and I'm happy about that but the things we sacrifice for Jesus amen but he walks and it's fun to watch my little boy how he's just learning his balance so when he walks he doesn't walk like me in a straight line to go where I'm going he walks like this what's the problem he's still learning so he doesn't have that perfect balance it so he's he's walking and then all of a sudden he stumbles and he catches himself and then there's other times he just bumped falls right now so maturity it takes sometimes time to learn to have a balance and so as Christians when we get saved we aren't automatically perfect wonderful people we have to grow and the way that comes is by reading the Bible and the more we read the Word of God the more we get that balance as a Christian the more we get into the word and hide the word in our heart the less chance we have of falling one way or another so if I see someone who's a Christian in there they're having problems and they're in the world or they're not like they should be I asked him hey brother you've been you've been reading the word somebody has gotten their eyes off the line that's why they've fallen into either false doctrine or in the sin or something so we need to get back to the Word of God now what I want to do today I want to just give you five different things that I I thought as I'm looking at Christianity today in what's called Christianity today I see a false balance and the Bible says a false balance is an abomination to the Lord God does not want a false balance so what we need to do we should be balanced and we should have a balance in these things so we should have a balance or we should be balanced in these things I'm gonna give you five things that we should be balanced in and if Christianity would get balanced its did not be messed up on these things what a blessing and how God could change the world but a lot of times Christianity denominations different different churches different people different pastors they won't stay on the line and then begin to fall and within Christianity today we have what's called apostasy and I'm sure you know that but you know here's our timeline here's Jesus on the cross here's the church age here's the rapture boy I can't wait for the rapture the sooner the better but we're right here we're very close to the rapture in this time called apostasy apostasy means falling away so some have already fallen away into false doctrine or into the world that's why when I say the church today or Christianity not everybody that claims to be a Christian is there are many denominations that are full of lost people who claim that know the name of Christ but they're not even born again because they've never trusted the gospel of salvation so when I say Christianity sometimes I use the term loosely I'm talking about people that claim to be Christians that claim to follow Christ but I'm not talking to people that are all safe many of them are lost because they're not coming through the gospel to be saved there are many people within Christianity that aren't saved and yet they claim to be Christians so I want you to get ahold of that and once you understand that today I'm going to deal with Christianity but I'm also going to deal with you as an individual and I want to ask you this question are you balanced in what you believe what you practice what you preach and what you teach and how you walk as a Christian and if you claim to be a Christian but you're part of a false denomination or you're part of an apostate Church I want to ask you why don't you come to the truth once you come back to the line because that's all I'm gonna do I'm gonna keep taking you back to the this line right here is the King James Bible not another version there is no other Bible than the King James other versions are perversions if you don't know that you need to do a little bit of studying on Bible versions because other versions come from different fountains and they've been messed with and perverted we'll talk a little bit about that today but I want to say this do you have a balance are you balanced let me let me rephrase this are you balanced would be a better way are you make it personal balanced when it comes to salvation or do you take an extreme view you see one we're trying to do today is I'm going to show you the right thing to believe and then I'm going to show you the extreme view on each one of these and what I'll do is I'll show you how going to an extreme makes a false balance and by having a false balance what God says that's an abomination unto him according to Bible salvation is by faith the Bible says what you believe and by faith by believing we're saved now a lot of people today rather than going to first Corinthians 15 1 through 4 which is the gospel rather than going to the blood of Jesus Christ and showing you how salvation is by belief salvation is by faith faith in what well according to the Bible salvation is by faith in the blood so Romans 3:25 says and whom God has set forth to be a propitiation that's like a substitute through faith in his blood to declare his righteousness for the mission of sins that are past through the forbearance of God so our faith is to be in the blood of Christ to be saved that's salvation but there are people today that preach a false gospel a false plan of salvation a lot of people today rather than going to first Corinthians 15 1 through 4 Romans chapter 3 Romans chapter 5 you know all these different great passages on how to be saved by faith believing they'll only go to Romans chapter 10 and oftentimes they'll only go to one verse in Romans chapter 10 and they will take you to Romans chapter 10 verse 13 and they'll say whosoever shall call upon the name of Lord shall be saved and they like to take that verse and go to extreme with it and when they do they have a false balance so what they do is they go to you and they'll say whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved and they say now that's what the Bible says so all you have to do is with your mouth just say oh Jesus please save me now you know what you're just doing you said something with your mouth if you would read all of Romans you would see there's another verse says you believe with your heart unto righteousness so when you believe what the heart is when you're saved not when you say it with your mouth now you can believe from the heart the same moment you say it from the mouth and that would be great the problem is many people go to an extreme and tell you if you will just call with the mouth they say calling is mouth only then they say guess what you're saying because you said Jesus with your mouth all right so I guess every carpenter who's lost who's ever been up on a roof hammering nails and hit his finger with the with the hammer and said oh Jesus I guess he just got saved what a blessing man I guess every carpenter that ever lived is a Christian because they called upon the name of the Lord when they hit their finger with a hammer and said oh Jesus because but no they meant it as a cuss word you see it's not what you say with your mouth that saves you it's whether or not you believe from the heart so we got people today that go to one extreme the other extreme they go to is they as people say well if you'll just believe in your head what's the right balance what's the correct balance according to the Bible what is the correct teaching of salvation that's not an extreme view what is the right way to get saved what is the right way to call upon the name of the Lord well I'm glad you asked the right way to call upon the name of the Lord according to the Scriptures is from the heart so the correct way we're going to show this here is faith from the heart that's the balanced approach we're going to the scriptures and we're saying now god I don't want to be a false balance because that's an abomination so how do I get safe the Bible says when you believe from the heart acts you know eight 37-thousand believe us with all thine heart thou mayest you know a Romans chapter 10 talks about in you believe with the heart believing into righteousness but there are people that go to one extreme and say well you believe it but just believe it in your head that it's not important if you believe it in your heart well that's an extreme view that's your Calvinist you know that's the intellectual argument all salvation is by what I believe in my head the other extreme view is oh you just call with your mouth so if you just call say Oh God site me here say because you said it with your mouth no you've gone to an extreme whether you call from the mouth depends upon whether or not you believe from your heart unless you believe in the gospel from the heart then this is meaningless now there are people that have called on God said O God I accept you and I trust you as my Savior amen and when they said that from their mouth they believed in the gospel at the very same moment and they were saved because they believed from the heart but it's not the mouth that saves you or what you say with your mouth you see these people they they go to an extreme and God says that's an abomination why are you taking an extreme view why aren't you balanced why aren't you preaching the gospel correctly it's really sad to see people go to an extreme and try to argue their extreme well that will make people fall there are some people in YouTube that are preaching a false gospel and they're telling people oh it's just the one two three repeat after me or they're telling people if you'll just say these words or repeat the sinner's prayer or with your mouth say this I don't the other thing then you're saved what have they done they've taken an extreme position and they've taken the word call and then defined it as with the mouth only they don't go to second timothy 2:22 to say they call upon the Lord of a pure heart you see in the Bible the calling has to come from the heart not just the mouth if all you've done is called on God with the mouth and ask God to say you but you've never believed from the heart you are lost and you need to get saved because the true gospel the true doctrine of salvation is the one that is faith from the heart believing in the gospel from your heart there are people that accuse Robert breaker and they say well he's just the easy believe it's a person he just tell some of you just believe it and they think believing is with the head no you know how many verses are in the Bible to talk about believing from your heart so you can't go to an extreme I don't go to that extreme and say just believe it in your head never have taught that number will I don't go to that extreme and say well if you'll just repeat this prayer after me or if you'll just ask God to save you from your mouth then you'll be safe no I take time to explain the gospel to people I take them to first Corinthians 15 I take them to Romans 3 I take them to the scriptures and I show them now God says you have to believe with all of your heart to be saved you can with your mouths know the Lord in prayer and tell him Lord I do accept you I do trust you but the prayer isn't what saves you the words you say from your mouth are not what saves you God is looking at the heart Romans chapter 10 says the righteousness which is of faith speaketh in this wise say not in your heart your faith speaks to God when your faith in the heart is from the heart in what God said to believe in and that's what God is looking for so it's so sad to see people get get into this thing to where they want to argue and what they're doing without even realizing it is they're taking their eyes off the scripture line upon line precept upon precept they're getting out of balance they're taking an extreme position and guess what it's making them fall headlong the wrong way I can't tell you how many emails I've gotten over the last three or four years from people that say brother breaker there's this person on YouTube and I used to watch him and I just believed in him he's a King James Bible believer but he had me believing that salvation was just by my mouth and what I say with my mouth and they say every night I would get down by my bed and I'd say God please save me because they didn't know if they were saved or not and they'd go back to watch that person and he kept saying no you called on the Lord with the mouth so you just ask God to save you and they do that every night over and over and they weren't saved so many of those people said brother breaker when I started watching you and I saw the gospel for the first time and I understood what Jesus did as he died in my place I believe from the heart and that's when I got saved they said I didn't get saved watching that guy I got saved from hearing the Word of God and I just said well praise the Lord praise the Lord now I hope that guy understands that because he's still preaching an extreme position an unbalanced presentation of the gospel because he's not telling people to believe from the heart he's telling them only from the mouth just say Oh God saved me and then he's expecting them to be saved because something they said from their mouth and then he's blaming people like me saying all you're doing mr. breaker is telling people just to believe in your head and it's like has he ever seen any of my preaching probably not because if he did I tell people that salvation is what the Bible says line upon line precept upon precept and the Bible says when your faith from the heart is in the blood atonement of Christ that's when you're saved because that's what the Bible teaches you believe the righteousness which is of faith speaketh on this right faith is what saves us faith from the heart so that's number one number two sanctification you see the last thing that I ever want to do as a Christian is fall into sin and fall into heresy I want to have the right approach I want to be balanced and the only way I can find to do that is to sew right to the book stick with what the Bible says not my opinion not go to an extreme and take an extreme position but to stay where the Bible is and stay balanced otherwise I will fall and I don't want to do that and I've seen so many men who claim to be Christians that have already done that many of them have fallen off into an extreme position and God says that's an abomination to me because you've taken a position that's not a balanced approach and you've gone to an extreme with it and now you're falling and you're falling into sin falling into false doctrine falling into heresy another thing I want to say let's go to Acts chapter 26 how about having a balance when it comes to sanctification Acts chapter 26 and verse 18 look what the Bible says acts 26:18 the Apostle Paul is telling us that Jesus told him this and Jesus told him to open their eyes to turn them from darkness to light from the power of Satan unto God that they may receive forgiveness of sins which are sanctified by faith that is in me okay so according to the Bible when you're saved you're sanctified alright what does it mean to be sanctified sanctified means cleansed so when you're saved you're sanctified that your soul is clean or washed all your sins are washed away how in the blood of Jesus revelation 1:7 5 says unto him who loved us and washed us from our sins in his own blood so it's the blood of Jesus that washes our sins away when we're saying we're sanctified now there's another sanctification and that's of your of your body and as a Christian why what are we supposed to do what we're supposed to try our best to keep our bodies clean and the only way to do that is the Bible says and in John 17 to sanctify them through that word thy Word is truth so we we try to keep our bodies clean by daily reading the Bible and trying to keep and live a good godly lifestyle and living a good Christian life but when we're safe we're sanctified well there are some people that say no I don't believe that no no they say the way you get sanctified according to venom is water baptism and so they come home I still get people to this day that email me and say brother breaker it's acts 2:38 it's acts 2:38 it's the water baptism that saves and so they try to tell you that you're saved by water well that would be what you do if we're saved by water baptism then we do something to be sanctified the water wash our sins away no that's not what the Bible teaches that's someone that's gone to the book of Acts and they've only gone to Acts chapter 2 and verse 38 and they said I like that I'm gonna stop right there they don't go to acts 16 verse 30 and 31 it says believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved so what are they doing they're unbalanced in their Bible reading in their doctrine and they think that water baptism saves you so they think that you do works to get saved the Bible teaching is we're sanctified our soul is washed from the blood of Jesus when we believe by faith but then there's other people that come along and these people what do they do well they try to take you to the law and they try to say you got to keep the law in order to be saved and this is called legalism and so what do they do well they try to say well you know you got to go to the law you got to get back under the law while the whole book adju lations is all about that how we're not back under the law so you see people that going around saying you know we'll to be sanctified to be cleansed if you have your sins washed away you have to be baptized in water or you have to keep the law to be saved those are two extreme points of view the Bible says that we are sanctified by the blood of Christ we are cleansed I don't have time to go to Hebrews we just finished not too long ago our verse-by-verse Bible study through Hebrews and how Hebrews says that Jesus Christ sanctified us once for all through his one sacrifice of shedding his blood on the cross so our soul is sanctified we are forgiven of all sins when we get safe how by faith we don't keep the law we don't get water baptized thinking that that's gonna save us after we're saved we live right and do right Galatians 2:16 says knowing that a man is not justified by the works of the law or by the works the law no flesh shall be justified so you can read that verse and look at that there are some other people that go to an extreme that's crazy you got your Universalist I don't even have time to put them up here but the Universalist and your Unitarians the Unitarian Universalists they teach the brotherhood of man you go to Universalist Church we got one here Pensacola one of Universalist Unitarian is believe well they believe I don't know how they believe this but all people in the world are all the children of God that means they're all saved God will never put them in hell they're all going to heaven when they die so they're all sanctified so it doesn't matter what you do you're going to heaven that's an extreme view that's not a Bible view so we need to stay where the Bible says not go to one extreme or another unfortunately some people do another thing we need to do we need to make sure we have God's Word we need to make sure the line that we're looking at is the true Word of God unfortunately there's people out there that have different versions of the scripture said Corinthians 2:17 look at this st. Craig diems 2:17 says for we are not as many which corrupt the Word of God but as some of sincerity but as of God in the sight of God speak we in Christ now 2nd Corinthians 4:2 also says but I'm pronounced hidden things of dishonesty not walking in craftiness nor handling the Word of God deceitfully but by manifestation of the truth commending ourselves to every man's conscience in the sight of God there were some people who have corrupted the Word of God they handle the Word of God deceitfully they take the Bible and they and they mess it up there's people out there that try to tell you that the true Word of God is the critical text and they say oh you need the critical text because they're the true Word of God yeah well how come there's so many verses missing you know what the most famous probably today a Bible is the end is the NIV that stands for the non inspired version I'm sorry what was that oh the the nutty idiots version no no that's not right the NIV the oh the the New International Version if you go and you get it NIV you look through that there's verses miss everywhere you cannot find acts 8:37 you go to mark chapter 9 there's some verses missing you go to the end of the book of Mark there's a lot of verses missing who put out the NIV well there were two homosexuals that said they worked on that the NIV is not God's Word it comes from critical corrupt text so I'm gonna put down here corrupt because that's what the NIV is it's corrupt so unless you have a King James Bible you don't even have a Bible you're standing on a rope if you're using the NIV what that ropes about the break because that's a corrupt text and I don't have time to get into why the NIV is not God's Word maybe someday I'll do a video on that but there are doctrinal errors all over the NIV and verses missing and it comes from the wrong line of texts so what we should what should we do we should believe the KJV only we should believe the King James only KJV only why because that's God's work now I've got a youtube video and you can type in on YouTube Robert breaker King James Bible and you'll see I was invited to a church to speak on that it's a couple hours long and I'll show you beyond any shadow of a doubt why the King James Bible is God's Word I'll give you the truth about all the new versions all the new versions come from different texts texts that have been messed with by the Catholic Church critical texts that have been messed with where people who don't believe the Bible have deceitfully come to it and said I don't like that reading so I'm just going to take that out and I don't like that word so I'm going to take it out and I don't think these verses should be there so I'm going to take it out and they've taken away from the Word of God the true Word of God is the King James Bible because it comes from the true line of texts from where the Bible says they should come from now there are other people out there who will go to another extreme and they go to the extreme oh I don't believe that the King James Bible is the word of God and so they say for me it's the Greek and it's the Hebrew and so there you go I don't use the King James I go back to the original Greek and I go back to the original Hebrew and and I just don't I go back to the original autographs they say those people are liars because there's no such thing as any original autographs today the original autographs would be the actual paper that Peter and John and James and and all these people would have written Matthew Mark Luke and John those would be the original ones that they pinned with their own finger and you ask them where's the Word of God they City original autographs then you scratch your head and go well where are they they go well yeah well because there are no original autographs those original autographs that they pinned there were copies made of that and then other copies and then other companies and other comes and those eventually because their paper about two thousand years ago dissolved paper doesn't last a long time so we don't have any original autographs today all we have today are copies of copies of copies of copies of copies of copies of copies of copies of copies and people said well there were errors and mistakes in the copies yeah but we have the Greek Texas Receptus that matches over 90 something percent these 5000 different texts and we can take those and we can get back to what the original said if we do the process of collation now I thought I don't have time to get into that so the King James Bible comes from the Greek Texas Receptus all new versions of the Bible other than the King James come from two texts the VAT and the sin not a good thing the Vaticanus and the Cini Atticus those are two Roman Catholic corrupt texts that don't even agree with one another in Matthew Mark Luke and John the Vaticanus and Sinaiticus don't even agree and there's three thousand differences between Matthew Mark Luke and John those first four books in these two texts yet they want to take those texts and say that's where the true Word of God came from the one that's full of errors and mistakes when you go over here and you start looking at the King James Bible you find there's over 5,000 will pretty much 5300 Greek manuscripts and they agree with each other over 95% of the time where are you gonna go for a Bible to corrupt texts that have 3,000 changes in just the first four books are you gonna go over here to 5,000 witnesses and say let's let's look to those four the Bible especially when they came from the right place so there's a lot of people today that don't have the Word of God and so what do they do well they they want a Bible that's not God's Word one this has a lot of things taken out other people say well I don't believe that English I don't believe a translation can be inspired so I don't believe in the King James why go to the Greek in the Hebrew yeah which Greek in Hebrew you see these corrupt X come from the the Septuagint which is corrupt from the Greek New Testament also known as the Nestle outlet which is corrupt and from the Kittel whole Testament which is very corrupt so there are corrupt Greek and Hebrew the right Greek would be the Textus Receptus text but there's five different ones of those and they agree with each other mostly I think there's about a hundred different places where they disagree and people say well then how can we know that the King James is the Word of God good question you see these texts right here by the Kansas City atticus they're 400 to 600 years after Jesus the Texas Receptus comes from copies of copies of copies of copies of copies that go all the way back to 100 years after Jesus you say yeah but they're not they're only 95 percent in agreement yeah but you know what 100 years after Jesus the early church was in Antioch of Syria and you have the Syriac text which is about a hundred years after Jesus King James Bible they use the Syriac text they use the older manuscripts one hundred years after Jesus and so whenever the great Texas Receptus said something that they didn't know if that was right or not they went to Syriac and they said well there it is 100 years after Jesus oh that must be right so gods used the King James Bible and given us exactly what the original autographs would have said and you'll get more light from a King James Bible than you would ever get going to any Greek or Hebrew or any new version of the Bible you're gonna go off into an extreme and become a liberal if you're not careful are you gonna go off on extreme and become a legalist unless you stick with the Bible you see the Liberals use these modern versions and the legalists tried to go to the Greek and Hebrew and say we're gonna correct the King James Bible no you're not you need to stick with the true Word of God God used the King James Bible well it's got another one let's go to study I mean I'm having a good time hope you are there's some people out there to hate the King James Bible you know what they are they're ignorant I don't want to call names I'm going to put them down but the word ignorant isn't a name call ignorant means they're just unlearning they just don't know so I'm not calling them a name I mean scribing what they are they haven't learned yet so what do they need to do they need to study why the King James Bible is God's work and if you study it you'll find out that it is it's the only one that can be because it's the only one that comes from the right text that goes to the older text the Syriac as well as the Greek and Hebrew and it's the only one that God's given more revival throughout the world than any other book in the history of mankind study the King James Bible check out my video on what it says there YouTube Robert breaker type in Robert breaker King James Bible and it should come up and you'll see beyond a shadow doubt that the King James is God's Word to not believe that is to go off on to an extreme and get a false balance most of your modern churches today that use anything other than the King James are now teaching heresy it's because they found that heresy in the NIV and the other versions of the Bible because these all come from Gnostic texts and the Gnostics did not believe in the deity of Christ modern versions attack the deity of Christ so many things I can get go into but not time study study what does the Bible say 2nd Timothy 2:15 about the study to show thyself approved unto God a workman that needeth not to be ashamed rightly dividing the word of truth what are we to do today we're to rightly divide what do people do today they don't rightly divide rather than follow what the KJV says what the Bible says they will go by what their denomination says so they teach what their denomination says they've gone off to an extreme they're following men not God other people will go the other extreme and they said well you know the Bible says this but we believe in philosophy or we believe in you know what the world says and so we're gonna we're gonna teach you know the Bible where we want to but we're gonna also teach the doctrines of the world and and we're gonna you know we're gonna propagate philosophy they go to an extreme they're not studying the Word of God rather than line upon line precept upon precept only going what the Bible says they look over here they say Oh philosophy and they fall into philosophy well they look over here and they say oh look at that this man teaches why this guy wrote this book that says this well I'm gonna follow him I'm gonna follow this religion because they T and they've got their eyes off the line and they've fallen into false doctrine there are so many different denominations within Christianity today and it's a shame Colossians 2:8 warns us about philosophy and to stay away from it Acts chapter 20 verses 29 through 32 Apostle Paul tells us he says they're going to be men that arise and that are gonna come around and they're gonna draw people after themselves and make converts and they're gonna make their own disciples many today rather than following the Bible only they'll begin to follow men and there are so many different denominations in the world because men would come up and men would say well I know the Bible says this but I teach this follow me if we want to have the right balance we need to stick with what the Bible says don't be followers of me unless those men are followers of the Bible but there's a lot of men that depart from the Bible and they say follow me and they get people out of the scriptures and into false doctrine I don't want to be a follower of what a man says I want to be a follower of what the Bible says so what are we supposed to do today we're supposed to follow the scriptures go to 1st Thessalonians chapter 2 verse 13 1st Thessalonians 2:13 you see pasa Paul said be followers of me as I am of Christ so it's not a sin to follow a man if that man is following the Bible but if a man says hey I just got a new revelation come over here and follow me and what I say and what he's saying is not what the Bible says oh oh that's a false balance that's an abomination unto God that's a man that's saying follow me and what I say because I just came up with some new doctrine and I want you to follow what I say no thanks no you go have your own little little party and do your own little thing I'm not following you because you've departed from the Word of God you're starting a cult and you're starting your own teaching that is not the teaching of the Scriptures what I say first that's only it's 2:13 look what Paul says when he went to Thessalonica look at who they what they accept it when he went in he started this church at Thessalonica look at what they received first that's all he was 2:13 for this cause also thank we God without ceasing because when we received when you received the Word of God when she heard of us you received it not as the word of men we didn't come in here and say hi I'm Paul listen to what I have to say and follow me because I'm Paul and you follow me I'm Paul Paul said I'm sticking with scriptures I'm sticking with the Bible he says when I came in look what you received you received the Word of God while you received the thing that we're supposed to stay on the line upon line precept upon precept which he heard of us you received it not as the word of men but as it is in truth the Word of God which effectually worketh also in you that believe I'm gonna follow the truth I'm not gonna follow what some man says Bible says let God be true and every man a liar only thing we can stand on today is the King James Bible that's the truth I'm gonna stick with the truth and follow the truth last thing I want to say is another s here I started all these with ass sometimes it's neat when it does the problem won't work in Spanish but we'll see a lot of times its Spanish by my outlines don't line up but that's okay are you balanced are you balanced this is a question so let me put a question mark here do you preach salvation correctly do you preach sanctification correctly do you preach the Scriptures correctly do you preach how to study the Bible correctly I wasn't even mentioned that and I didn't get a chance to and a lot of people they go to the Bible study and they they believe in no dispensations other people or what they call hyper dispensationalists both of those aren't extreme we're just supposed to believe that there are dispensations in the bible we're not supposed to go to an extreme with it as some do I teach dispensations because the Bible teaches dispensations there's people and they they say there's no such thing as dispensations and they're adamant about it what have they done they've got their eyes off the scriptures the word dispensations used four times in the bible there are different ways and different time periods in which God dealt with different people to say otherwise is to be an extremist and in the fall and the heresy yet to go to an extreme like the hyper dispensationalists and over divide above says rightly divide not wrongly used to fall into an extreme and fall into error a mistake so the last one here I wanted to say is your state what is your state by state I mean daily how do you live what is your motive for doing what you do second Corinthians chapter 13 we all as Christians if you are saved if you are a true Christian we all live in sinful bodies unfortunately and boy do I hate it so we're supposed to do our best as Christians to get away from sin so as a Christian it hurts me when I sin and I want to please my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ so I do my best to stay away from sin what does the Bible say in st. Corinthians chapter 13 st. Corinthians 13:5 to 6 examine yourselves whether you be in the faith why it's faith the saves it says prove your own selves no you not your own self so that Jesus Christ is in you except you be reprobates but I trusted you shall know that we are not reprobates reprobate is someone who's not really saved so the Apostle Paul is telling you if you claim to be a Christian look and see if you really are saved or not alright so what is it that makes us safe how are we saved and he says right there also he says if you are saved then you have Christ in you well Christ is in you it's because you believed the gospel the gospel is 1st Corinthians 15 1 through 4 Ephesians 1:13 tells us that when we've trusted faith in the gospel we are sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise well there are people out there that don't understand salvation but they call themselves Christians and some people say that you have to do works to get saved others say you have to do works to stay saved that is a heresy that is a false teaching according to the Bible there is eternal security so once you're saved you're always safe how do you know that's true because it's called eternal life eternal life what does that mean life for all eternity when I got saved I got the free gift of eternal life that means I can't lose it because if I lose it it was not eternal God was a liar he only gave me something temporal eternal means all eternity when I got saved I became a son of God I am always his son through Jesus Christ I cannot get unborn again I've been born again so salvation is eternal it's eternal security all right some people don't believe it some people will go to an extreme a false balance which God says is the nomination and they say well you can get saved and you can get the Holy Spirit you can get Christ in you but when you sin while you lose it any leaves where's that in the Bible it's not there that's their teaching they say you have to do works to stay saved alright the right teaching is we're saved by grace through faith not of works it's not works that say we're saved by grace now there are other people that will take that and they'll say now grace why I'm so saved by grace that I can do whatever I want so I can go sin so they use grace as an excuse to sin and I've met people like this they say well I'm saved by grace so I'll do whatever I want I've heard a guy say this one time they claim to be Christian and he was a hyper grace person I guess they so into grace that they say that means I can do whatever I want and I can go sin if I want to no no no that you shouldn't I mean you can a Christian can sin but he shouldn't but there are people that go to one extreme and they go to such an extreme I heard this guy say to me one time he goes I'm saved so I can do whatever the hell I want his words quote unquote he said I'm safe so I can do whatever the 80 double hockey sticks I want that doesn't sound like the Christian attitude that we're supposed to have as Christians matter of fact that's that's just horrible God did not save us to sin what did god save us to do to serve you go to Ephesians 2:8 9 says for by grace you saved through faith and that not of yourselves it is the gift of God not of works lest any man should boast so we are saved by grace through faith but the very next verse says and it's it's interesting a lot of people forget this verse but the next verse says for we are his workmanship created in Christ Jesus unto good works which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them so we don't get saved by works nor do we stay saved by works once we're saved we work for Jesus because we love him I'm running out of room here so I'm gonna have to go back up here and put it because we serve so I don't do works to get saved I don't work for Jesus hoping that will keep me safe because I am saved I serve my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ I don't get the idea well now that I'm saved man I really like that cute girl that lives next door so well I'm not going to hell so I might as well go for the gate with her no that's that's a wrong thinking that's taking an extreme position does it do makes you fall and you fall in the sin if you think that way how is the Bible teach that we're supposed to do once we're saved we're so thankful that we're safe for all eternity they would say Lord I just want to serve you and the mentality in our mind is you know I just want to serve you Jesus Galatians 5:13 tells us not to use our our Liberty as an occasion for the flesh God does not want us to go sin because we're saved we're saved to serve not saved to sin so a Christian shouldn't sin and if he gets an extreme position that well I'm so under grace that I can go do whatever I want that he's gonna fall into what into sin they can't lose your salvation but that doesn't mean you should go try amen Romans chapter 7 verse 6 what does he say Apostle Paul says but now we are delivered from the law that being dead wherein we were held that we should serve serve in newness of spirit and not in the oldness of the letter so when we're saved we should serve that's why god say this is so we could go do something for him it's not keeping us safe because we do something for him it's because we love him we serve him we're saved by grace through faith Romans 12:1 I beseech you therefore brethren by the mercies of God that you forgive present your bodies a living sacrifice holy acceptable to God which is your reasonable service verse 11 not slothful in business fervent in spirit rejoicing the Lord serving the Lord so serving the Lord we're supposed to serve the Lord Jesus Christ 1st Thessalonians 1:9 you see a lot of people that claim to be Christians they get a false balance either they go to one extreme thinking that they've got to do works to stay saved and that's not right or they owe the other extreme and say well I'm safe so I'll do whatever that aichi double hockey sticks I want know the right slant on that the balance is I'm saved by grace through faith I can't lose it but you know what I have a great opportunity to serve Jesus now that I am safe to get rewards in heaven so I'm going to do everything I can to serve him so I can get those rewards first Thessalonians 1:9 for they themselves show us what mentoring a manner of entering in we had unto you and how you turn to God from idols to serve the true of the living and true God so once you're saved you're safe to serve you shouldn't be saved to sin there's a lot of people that do there's a lot of people that go around and they sin and they do wrong and they're just as saved as they can be what are they doing they're being an abomination to God they've got a false balance and they're gonna fall the Bible says you reap what you sow the more you get into sin the more you can expect to reap in the flesh from that sin and the Bible says there's a sin unto death if you get so far into sin as a Christian God can kill you and it says pray not for it so I don't pray that I don't ever get in these YouTube videos again god please kill so-and-so no no the Bible says the goodness of God leads us to repentance so I would never pray for God to kill somebody I would pray God please be so good to them that they can't stand it so that they'll repent that's the prayer that's a biblical prayer Leviticus 19 36 I'm gonna close with these two verses luigi's 1936 just balances just waits a just fo fo and it just hint show you have I am the Lord your God which brought you out of the land of Egypt God is talking to Israel in the Old Testament and he's telling the Israel I want you to have a just wait I want a balance I don't want you to be an extremist going to one extreme or another I want you to be where you should be and have a balanced life now let's go to job chapter 31 so I preached this today and have a question for you looking at you in your Christian life did you feel that you're balanced or have you fallen have you fallen into sin have you fallen into false doctrine have you fallen into heresy do you really think you are what you should be you know when you fall people see it people see it joke 31-6 Joe 31-6 says let me be weighed in an even balance that God may no mine integrity joke says look God weigh me put me here Lord and see where I end up am i way down this way where I shouldn't be into legalism or on my way over here am I just too liberal I want to be balanced I want to have the proper balance as a Christian god I don't want to be an abomination in your sight a lot of Christians out there but they're at one extreme or the other and they fall in you've got to make sure your hearts right you're doing right and you haven't fallen first thing you got to do is make sure you're saved a lot of people out there that only what the mouth said something that they'd never believed from the heart you make sure you're sanctified have you been saved if so then your soul is clean how about your life do you try to live a Christian life do you have the right Bible if not get rid of what you have and get a King James Bible do you study do you read the Bible as a Christian daily I hope so if so what is your state when people look at you do they say that is an upstanding righteous Christian man who's going out of his way to try to live a Christian life he hasn't gone to an extreme to where he thinks it's okay to sin he hasn't gone to the other extreme where he's trying to be a Pharisee he's balanced in his Christian life he's happy he has joy peace righteousness he's a good Christian man or woman how about it are you balanced I don't know what else to say I think I think I did the best I could to explain that all too often I see people they go to an extreme an extremist is not a good thing we should do our best to be balanced so that we don't fall one way or the other how about you god bless you see you next week
Channel: Robert Breaker
Views: 13,047
Rating: 4.7333331 out of 5
Keywords: Are You Balanced?, The Balanced life, the Christian life, the right balance
Id: T0MjnW1DQLc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 0sec (3720 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 26 2018
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