Asking for Salvation vs Trusting the Gospel to Be Saved

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all right I'm going to make this video today about subject it's very important a lot of people been talking about this lately and asking questions about this very thing and I get emails from people all the time asking me brother breaker what's the answer to this a lot of emails I get are from people who've gotten saved watching my videos and they say brother breaker we sure appreciate your preaching because you have led us to the saving faith of salvation through the blood atonement of Christ trusting the blood trusting the gospel many of them tell me they used to watch other people on YouTube or they used to go to churches where they heard this other gospel this perverted gospel and they said that they were confused during that time and they were confused by that teaching but when they saw the gospel when they saw the preaching of the blood atonement of Christ that's when they got saved and that's when all the confusion went away so let me begin here by reading a verse from second Timothy 2nd Timothy chapter 4 the Bible says preach the word be instant in season out of season reprove rebuke and exhort now watch what it says with all long-suffering and doctrine doctrine is so important and what I want to do today is give you sound doctrine verse 3 says for the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine there are some people out there today that don't want to hear the truth or sound doctrine but they after their own lusts shall seek to themselves teachers having itching ears and they shall turn away their ears from the truth and shall be turned unto fables but Paul says in verse 5 but watch thou in all things endure Fleck afflictions do the work of an evangelist make full proof of thy ministry what is an evangelist evangelist is someone who manages he preaches the gospel interesting the word gospel is if I'm helio in Spanish sounds like evangelize come from the Greek and I don't like to render the great but the Greek word is un Galliano this is where we get our word gospel from so according to the Bible it's all about preaching the gospel of salvation so what I'm going to do today is I want to go over this issue this subject that has arisen and people are liking to make it a controversy I want to fight about it but should we fight over it what is this controversy well the controversy is people are saying that salvation is by asking God to save you rather than by trusting in the blood of Christ to save you and what they're doing is they're telling people and they even go so far as to say well it's not what you believe that saves you and it sounds almost like they're preaching against salvation by faith and they're preaching against believing the gospel and so instead of that they tell you that salvation is by what you do with your mouth and they say that salvation is by asking God to say well let's look at this on the whiteboard today look Oh what where's my whiteboard ah maybe I need to change environment so let me get the whiteboard let's get back to this hold on okay much better here we are we've got the lightboard I I almost can't speak unless I have something on him to write so I have to have the right board okay where were we oh that's right we're talking about this subject of asking versus trusting for salvation asking versus trusting how do we get saved today are we saved by asking God to save us are we saved by trusting in something to be saved that is the question and a lot of people have asked me that push and that's a great question and so I tell them what the Bible says I want them to follow the scriptures I want them to follow the Word of God amen but I get emails from people saying well there's other people that say these other stuff which ones right so what we're going to do today we're going to look at what the Bible says about this what does the Bible say so let's look at asking in the Bible let's look up every verse we can find it says you're saved by asking God let's look for verses in the scripture that say you're saved by asking God to save you okay let me get my Bible out here and let's look up these verses that oh wait a minute there's not one single scripture in the entire Bible that tells you ask for salvation there's not one verse that says ask God to save you or ask for is our salvation our asked for the forgiveness of your sins there's not one now there are some that men have made up and they say well there are some verses but all of those are either twisting the scripture out of context are going back to the Old Testament so we're in Paul the Apostle Paul we're in Paul is there any verse of scripture that says you're saved by asking God to save you well I take you to those verses by good but guess what they're not any we are in the church age today and under the church age there's not one single scripture that says you ask God to save you and then you are saved the moment you ask there's not one so we have a problem from the get-go these people that are saying ask God to save you they don't have a leg to stand many of these men claimed to be King James Bible believers and they claim to believe in dispensations but what they do to prove that you say by asking rather than trusting is they will go they will literally go to another dispensation and then tell you know you're saved salvation is by that distance ation and yet they claim to be followers of Paul and I'm going to look at today the verses that they try to use to twist to preach that salvation is by asking God to sing I'm going to show you a bunch of those verses some that they probably have never ever even looked at themselves and we're going to ask the question are those verses that teach that God saves you when you ask God to save you what does Jesus say how do you get say let's look at what Jesus says because this is what we need to know we can know how do you get saved within Matthew chapter 13 verses 15 Jesus Christ says Matthew 13 15 for this people's heart is waxed gross and their ears are dull of hearing and their eyes have they closed what does that mean that means they're blind and deaf to the truth and Jesus says lest at any time they should see with their eyes hear with their ears and should understand and then be converted he says and should be converted and I should be a human converted let me spell that correctly so Jesus Christ when he's talking about salvation what is salvation is a conversion Jesus Christ says that salvation comes through seeing something hearing something understanding something and then you're converted when you believe and I'm going to show you the verses to talk about bullying so that's the words of Jesus Christ then someone might say well that's Jesus that's Jesus's ministry before he died that was the Jews only so Jesus is saying that and that's only to Jews okay I'm glad you brought that up because in Acts chapter 28 verse 25 through 28 Paul cites these words of Jesus Christ let me read acts 28 25 through 28 Paul says and when they agreed not among themselves they departed after that Paul had spoken one word well spake the holy ghost by Isaiah the prophet sent to your father saying go into this people and say hearing Esha hear and shall not adhering you shall hear and shall not understand and seeing you shall see and not perceive for the heart of this people is waxed gross well that's the same thing that Jesus said so Paul is citing Jesus about the doctrine of salvation and he says their ears are dull of hearing and their eyes have they closed that they should see with their eyes hear with their ears and understand with their heart and should be converted so not only jesus is telling us what salvation is that it's a understanding of something that you heard and then you believe in it you're converted Paul says that's for the church age as well salvation is by seeing something hearing something understanding something and then he says later it's by believing in something I'll put believing changing up a little bit that says believe and that's when you're converted that salvation now the very next verse in Acts chapter 8 where 28:28 says being on therefore into you that the salvation of God is sent unto the Gentiles and they will hear okay so this subject comes up and this is the question if the person saved by asking God to save them and say O God save me and then they're saved by God or does the person have to be saved by believing or by trusting and do they have to trust in something to be saved here's the question can you get saved by not trusting the gospel but by simply asking God to save you or are you saved when you have trust the gospel it is not the asking that saves you it's the trusting that's a great great question well here Paul says you have to hear understand and then you're converted so that belief is what saves you he says in other passages that we'll see and he says that salvation is sitting to the Gentiles and they will hear it who are the Gentiles well the Gentiles is anybody who's not at you and in wrong 7:15 to verse 16 the Apostle Paul says that I should be the minister of Jesus Christ to the Gentiles ministering what there's something that he was ministering to them something that they had to hear before they could be converted or saved he says they're ministering the gospel of God that the offering up of the Gentiles might be acceptable so this all hinges on the gospel you've got to hear the gospel to get saved without the preaching of the gospel there's no conversion there's no salvation because something has to be preached before a person can get saved as a persons got to hear and understand that before they could say what is that something the gospel Galatians 2 2 says and Paul says I went up by revelation and communicated unto them that gospel which I preached among the Gentiles but privately to them which were of reputation lest by any means I should run or had run in vain and then Ephesians 3:6 Paul says that the Gentiles should be fellow heirs and of the same body and partakers of his promise in Christ watch this by the gospel now there are men out there that claim to be ministers and they will come to you and they will say things like this oh you don't need to know the gospel you don't need to hear the gospel no salvation is not by believing it's not by faith no faith isn't what saves us you're just ask God to save you and then you're saved when you ask God to save you where does that fit in with Jesus words and where does that fit in with Paul's words they're literally telling you you don't have to hear or understand anything that the asking with your mouth is what saves you but the Bible says no there's something you've got to hear first something you've got to understand it's something you've got to believe or there's no conversion now so the gospel is what has to be preached to the lost and dying world for them to get saved what is the gospel well the gospel is found in 1st Corinthians 15 verses one through four that's the gospel I preached that so many times just about every message that I preached I try to mention the gospel so I'm not going to take you to the passage but I'll tell you what the passage says the passage said that Christ died for our sins was buried and rose again the third day according to the scriptures but I left that alert how how did Jesus Christ die that's the most important thing how he died was the blood atonement so the blood atonement of Christ is all throughout the gospel so it's all about that blood atonement of Jesus Christ I preached a message not too long ago and titled asking versus accepting the atonement and I showed how in the scripture salvation is by faith in the blood atonement of Christ and so salvation is by believing or by faith so that stated let's go to Romans chapter 1 verse 16 Romans 1:16 tells us what salvation is now remember there's not one verse of scripture anywhere that says you ask God to save you and your salvation is determined upon whether or not you ask God to save you so there's not one verse of scripture that says asking is what gives you salvation but there are a plethora of scriptures and say believing is what gives you salvation and it's something you have to believe in what must you believe in to be saved that right there the gospel the blood atonement the blood of Christ so in Romans 1:16 we find a verse and says for I'm not ashamed of the gospel of Christ for it is the power of God unto salvation notice that the gospel is the power of God and stomach so salvation is through the gospel salvation is through the blood salvation is not through what you say with your mouth you can ask God with your mouth oh god save me but that doesn't mean you're safe all you've done is ask God for something but if that's done without trusting then you've got nothing and people don't seem to understand that they think that the little asking with your mouth is what saves you when the Bible says no it's when you trust in the gospel but you can say how can you trust the gospel if you haven't heard so the Bible says for I'm not ashamed of the gospel of Christ whereas the power of God unto salvation to every one that asketh remember I've looked through the entire Bible for just one verse that says ask God to say you are asked for some ish it's not there but there's verse after verse after verse that says salvation is through the gospel it is to everyone that believes the gospel so salvation is by believing now people email me and they say brother breaker you're saying one thing and on YouTube there's other ministers that are saying the exact opposite and they're literally saying the exact up they're saying it's not believing that saying it's not the gospel it's when you ask well who's right this is not going to be a he said/she said when he said this she says that or he says that no what does the Bible say well this first says and I read it wrong I said need to ask it what it really says is for it is the power of God and salvation to everyone that believeth to the Jew person also to the Greek let me take you to first Corinthians 1:17 first Corinthians 1:17 and 18 the Apostle Paul says for Christ sent me not to baptize but to preach the gospel not with wisdom of words lest the cross of Christ should be made of none effect for the preaching of the Cross is to them that perish foolishness but to us that are saved it is the power of God what is the power of God unto salvation what is it that saves us our asking by our mouth for forgiveness to be saved or trusting in the gospel of Christ well the Bible teaches that salvation is by trusting in the gospel of Christ so clearly salvation is through the gospel and by believing in the gospel now what if a person asks God to save them and they've never heard or understood the gospel are they saved these people will tell you yes anyone that asks God to save them they will be saved and it doesn't matter if you know or have heard or understand the gospel that is a liar that is a false prophet that is a heretic that is someone that is twisting the scriptures to their own destruction and they're trying to you to make you think that salvation is what you do or say and it's not trusting in what Jesus did for you and that's the problem that's the problem that's why I'm to making this message I don't want people to be deceived I want to clarify what salvation is and how do you get it so if a person asks God to save them but they've never heard or understood the gospel or they say no it all hinges on whether or not you've trusted the gospel because that's when you're saved by faith now st. Trinian's chapter 4 verse 3 and 4 says but if our gospel be hid it is hid to them that are lost so if you ask God to save you but you've never heard the gospel never believe the gospel never trusted the gospel then you are still lost verse 4 says in whom the god of this world that's Satan the lil G have blinded the minds of them which believe not lest the light of the glorious gospel was the image of cry of God should shine unto them notice what it calls the gospel and says the gospel is light well that goes back to what Jesus said and that goes back to what Paul said they said except you first see what do you got to see you got to see the light what's the light the gospel you got to hear what do you got to hear you hear the gospel you got to understand what do you got to understand the substitutionary blood atonement of Christ you got to understand that it's the atonement that saves us it's what Jesus did in our place it's his sacrifice it's his dying in my place for my sins when you understand that it's what Jesus did that saves us and we believe in what he's done that's when we're saved but the misunderstanding comes when a person thinks no I don't know anything about that or I don't know what Jesus did or I'm not trusting about Jesus not trusting in what I did I think I deserve heaven because I ask God to save me so you have a problem the light of the gospel they haven't seen yet they're thinking they're saved by what they do rather than what Christ did so the gospel is light you have to see the light before you can get sight that is you have to hear the gospel before you can believe the gospel what if someone asks to be saved but has it heard or understood the gospel yet are they saved the answer is no the Bible teaches that salvation is through believing the gospel after that you've heard or understood the gospel so clearly according to the Bible not the opinion of Robert breaker but according to the Bible salvation is by hearing the gospel preached understanding the gospel what does that mean understanding us realising understanding hey that was what Jesus did that saves me it's not what I do that gets me to heaven I have to come to Christ through the blood I can't get to God once I come through the blood of Christ that's what you got to understand it's what Jesus did and God demands our faith to be in what Jesus did for us not in something that we do apart from what Jesus did so the gospel is by hearing understanding event believing the gospel believing their gospel so why did I say you don't have to here understand or believe in the gospel to be saved why do they say things like just ask God to save you why do they say that where is the scripture to back up what they're claiming that you're saved by asking God to save you they're not one but there are many many many verses that say you're saved by believing by trusting or by faith now this is just some of them I don't have time to even read them and since this is a video I thought you know you've got a pause button there so what I'll do is I'll just give you some of the many many many verses that say that salvation is by faith or by believing or by trusting and you can literally pause and write these down if you're taking notes we give you the other page by the way this isn't probably isn't even half of all the verses that tell us that salvation is by believing when we believe in the gospel is when we're saved because salvation is by faith or by believing salvation is not by what we do it's not are asking to save us if there was there'd be that many verses or more that say now you want to get saved ask God to save you but there's not one not one verse that says ask God to save you and you will be saved in that salvation but there is verse after verse after verse that says summation is by faith faith what is faith faith is believing in the Bible term that I like the most is trust trust you trust in the finished work of Christ you trust the gospel you trust the blood atonement so salvation is by believing or trusting if someone tells you otherwise he is lying to you and he's denying the blood atonement of Christ for salvation he's denying the gospel he's denying that salvation is through what Jesus did and he's telling you it's what you do that saves you and that's a grievous sin so salvation is by believing or trusting not trusting in what the answer is simple we have verses on that as well the blood atonement of Jesus Christ that's what we trust in Romans 3:25 says whom God has set forth to be a propitiation through faith in his blood to declare his righteousness for the mission of sins that our pastor for parents of God so salvation is by faith or by trusting faith are trusting in what faith are trusting in the blood now it's it's the blood atonement of Christ Paul says in Romans 5:11 he says that not only so but we also joy in God through our Lord Jesus Christ by whom we have now received the atonement how do you receive the atonement by faith when you receive the atonement you're saved that's salvation notice he says we don't joy in our Lord Jesus Christ because we ask Jesus into our heart or we ask God to save us are we begged and pleaded with God and ask God for forgiveness and so we think we should be saved because we asked no it was rather or not you trusted in the atonement you trusted in the blood that's what saves us believing in the gospel in the blood of Christ faith in the blood so I am bewildered I don't understand how there can be men that call themselves ministers and it can literally go on YouTube or go in churches and preach this other gospel and tell people no it's not faith that saves we're not saved by faith alone believing is that what say to you you're saved when you ask God to save you not one leg to stand on their doctrine but verse after verse after verse and scripture after scripture after scripture of the Apostle Paul saying salvation is by faith and it's trusting in the finished work of Christ it's by trusting in the gospel so you receive it by faith salvation is trusting in the blood atonement of Christ you receive it by faith that's Paul's gospel that is the church age gospel that is the Gumpel for salvation today it's faith in the blood it's trusting and when you trust the blood atonement of Christ that's when you're saved now then where is the verse that says you receive salvation by asking God to save you where is that where is that in the Bible you cannot show me one verse that says in the church age we're saved by asking God to save us because there's not one so what these guys do in order to prop up their false doctrine that salvation isn't through blood atonement or Christ or the gospel but by what you do asking God to save you literally what they're doing is denying the blood of Christ and telling you it's what you do that saves you is not what Christ does you doesn't that saves you it's not believing in what he did is believing in what you do but what these birds do is they go I have a list here of nine actually yeah nine different verses that I found that they use actually some of them I've never heard them use I found in myself that I'm probably giving them a gift right now because if they don't want to believe the true gospel I'm giving them a couple other verses that they can use to preach the false gospel the salvation is by asking and I'm going to show you these verses that they try to use to say that salvation is by asking you and I know most of my viewers understand dispensations so this will be a no-brainer for you to understand this will not be over your head this will this will make this plain this will make this simple this will make this clear and when you see this you'll say wow those guys really are twisting the Scriptures by teaching another gospel they perverted gospel so here's what they do they they want so bad to believe that salvation is by asking God to save you that they will take you to many different verses in the Old Testament and try to say that you're saved by what they say now before I go into this let me remind you the New Testament starts at the cross the Bible says the blood of a testator so everything back here before Jesus died even though it could be in Matthew Mark Luke and John and those books are in the New Testament of the Bible everything that's written in Matthew Mark Luke and John before actually Jesus actually died in those books it's still Old Testament so I want you to see where they go to to get these passages to preach that salvation is by asking God to save you the first one is Luke chapter 18 and verse 13 Luke 18 13 there's a man who's called a publican that means a sinner and he comes to the tabernacle he hits down his knees he prays to God he cries out to God he says these words God be merciful to me a sinner Luke 18 13 all right so here's Luke 18 13 and they say well here is a verse that proves that salvation is by asking God to sing and many people have actually taken this passage and they call it the sinner's prayer and they say if you want to be saved then you just get out on your knees and you say these exact words is this publican and you cry out to God and say God be merciful to me a sinner and when you do that they say you're asking God to save you by saying God be merciful from you soon yeah is that in that pulse gospel in depth the plan of salvation today when did this take place let me let me show you where that took place oh yeah that's right Jesus ministry so that took place right here that's not here in the church H so you're going to the Old Testament trying to pull a verse out of the Old Testament and force it into the New Testament and work it does not work salvation is not by saying oh god be merciful to me a sinner salvation is by trusting what Jesus did because by His mercy he he already died he already paid on the cross for our sins so why would you ask God to save you when God says the way to be saved is to trust in the finished work of Christ salvation is by trusting in what Jesus did so that's an Old Testament rember verse and they are twisting the Scriptures by going back to a different dispensation and trying to force that into salvation for today so that doesn't work why would they do that let's go to another one Luke chapter 23 and verse 42 I'm going to show you their verses and I'm going to ask you do they have a leg to stand on do their verses really teach that salvation is by asking God to save us today in the church age and that's how we are saved or are we saved by Paul's gospel which is trust the blood of Christ trust the gospel in your same another one they go to is Luke chapter 23 and verse 42 here is a man who's on a cross dying next to Jesus on the cross they call him the thief on the cross look what he says and he said it unto Jesus Lord remember me when thou comest into thy kingdom and they say well this also is a good sinner's prayer you just say lord please remember me when you come into your kingdom when the seasons come into his kingdom there's the millennial kingdom that that's interesting and it says here that Jesus says and Jesus 7:10 very laughs Anthony today thou shalt be with me in paradise where's paradise down here in the earth Jesus was three days and three nights in the heart of the earth so if you really want to take that verse that was written right here still in the Old Testament because that took place in Jesus ministry and by the way who did Jesus come to in his ministry he says it in Matthew that he came on to the lost sheep of the house of Israel so when Jesus is talking he's talking to Jews in a different dispensation before the death of the cross that's not New Testament salvation so again that's twisting your scripture and trying to force something another dispensation for today and also that guy got saved in the sense that God said you're going to be with me in paradise where was that down in the heart of the earth when we get saved today do we go down to heart of the earth when we die you see how ridiculous it is to run to the Old Testament Scriptures and try to tell people to get saved based upon an Old Testament reference you say but that's a New Testament reference yet it's a New Testament book in a sense that Matthew Mark Luke and John are in the New Testament but what is taking place there is before the death of the cross and so that's before the death of the cross that's not our dispensation and that's not the gospel that saves us so someone is twisting the Scriptures let me show you no Luke chapter 18 here's Luke 18 again here's the 1835 through 42 now here we have a man who's a blind man and his mind man is bartimaeus I believe that this is the same wavelength and I'm pretty sure it's talking about blind bartimaeus here and he comes in he's calling out to God and then 18 verse 35 he carried ninety to God and it says here that he cried out in verse 38 and he says have mercy on me Jesus thou son of David and guess what they say that's him asking God to save him no it wasn't he the blind man and he's asking God to heal him he wasn't asking God to save his soul that's completely different and where did this take place by the way oh yeah that's right back here still Old Testament but also what happens well he says o son of David have mercy on me and then a little bit later he says the same thing that son of David have mercy on me so he calls on God twice these guys say when you ask God to save you your sake which time the first time or the second that doesn't line up with their teacher they teach your save the very moment you ask the one this guy asked twice you see what happens when you go to Old Testament verses and try to force them in a new destiny don't need that work it doesn't work but let's give them the benefit of the doubt let's let's agree with them and say yeah this is the salvation verse look at what Jesus says to him in verse 42 and jesus said unto him received by sight thy faith have saved thee it wasn't the asking that saves it was the faith so if that was an Old Testament salvation verse that some reasons by asking God to save you God tells the guy you didn't get saved because you asked me your faith made you hope your faith faith is what saves us not asking so there are people out there that are preaching another gospel and they twist the Scriptures let's go to another Matthew chapter 14 what I'm doing here is I'm breaking down the false doctrine that these people are out there preaching because there are people out there in their own self-righteousness that want to tell you that salvation is by you asking God to save you and what that is is that's telling you that you save yourself by what you did and that the fact that you ask with the mouth did that save you what are they trust again they're trusting in what they did with the mouth seems to me the reason we're all in this Methodist mess today is there was a problem with the mouth Adam and Eve ate something alpha tree and put it in their mouth and we all became sinners it doesn't sound to me that the solution for the lost mankind is the mouth what is the solution for lost mankind the gospel because that's what saves the Lost not the mouth the mouth God has been this mess so they want so badly to say we're saved by what we what we say it's the mouth that saves us you don't have a leg to stand on I'm going to show you the scriptures that they use to try to prove that your by asking God to save you or saying some some form of a prayer and they say that what the mouth says saves you they go to Matthew chapter 14 here's Matthew 14 and here Jesus is out on the water walking on water and Peter sees Jesus walking on the water racist-ass amazing and he jumps out he says Lord can I come out to you and Jesus says come on out walk out in the water to me and so he steps out and he's walking on the water he's like this is great and he starts sinking down he said Jean but jinda give us a bag and it's right there in verse 30 lord save me now these people will say that's what you do today this is the passage of Scripture that's the same dispensation as today when it is when did I take place oh yeah it's right here before the blood on the cross so it's still in the Old Testament and they say that when he said Lord saved me that's all you have to do just say Lord save me and you'll be saved is that what the passage is speaking it out no he's not asking for the salvation of his soul Peter and asking God to save him from literally drowning right there in the sea it's not salvation of the soul it's a physical salvation now watch this verse 31 right after he cries out to God and says lord save me verse 31 and immediately Jesus stretched forth his hand and caught him and said unto Him o thou of little faith wherefore didst thou doubt Jesus Christ rebukes Peter for a lack of faith so they want to go back to the Old Testament and dig out verses and say salvation is by asking God to save you or saying oh god please save me or Lord save me and yet they won't read the very next verse or God rebuke them for not having faith how are we safe today we're saved by faith it doesn't matter today if you ask God to save you or not what does matter is whether or not you've trusted the blood I know people as though I have God to save me and I say well that's great but when did you trust the blood over the same time the very moment that I had God to save me that's the time that I trusted the bullet omen of Christ and I said okay get it I've talked to other people and they say well I ask God to save me but it didn't work and I asked him over and over and over and over every night before bed I pray that God to save me and it wasn't till years later that I heard the gospel for the first time that's when I got saved so you see how it's not that asking that saves you it's whether or not you're believing in the finished work of Christ it's belief that sakes here's another one John chapter 6 and verse 37 John 6:37 okay they want so bad to try to preach the salvation is by asking God to save you well John 6:37 oh that's right that's still right here before Jesus died so I guess we can pretty much just scratch that one off the list but wait a minute maybe we shouldn't let's look at John chapter 6 in verse 37 what does it say here remember this is Old Testament so this this cannot be salvation for us today because before Jesus even died it's another dispensation John chapter 6 and verse 37 they say Jesus says all of it the father giveth me shall come to me and him that cometh to me I will no wise cast out and people that preach this gospel rather than the true gospel of salvation by faith will say and so you just come to God and you ask God to save you and you won't cast you out no wait a minute where does it say ask where in that verse that it doesn't say anyone that cometh up to me and asks me for some days not no that's not there you are adding to the scriptures let's look at the context of John 6:37 and see how a person is supposed to come unto God because the context makes it very clear the context is verse 35 all the way down and Jesus said to them I am the bread of life he that cometh to me shall never hunger and he did believe it on me she'll never forgiving you coming to God by believing it's not coming to God by asking it's coming to God by believing verse 36 but I said unto you that you show you also haven't seen me and believe it's not 40 and this is the will of him that sent me that everyone would see the Son and believeth on him may have everlasting life and I will raise him up at the last day nowhere in that context is selling telling a person just ask thank you and coming in to God means coming to God by asking him to save you it's believing it's believing had enough yet I have I'm sick and tired of these people that preaching another gospel and tell you that salvation is by asking God to save you and they poopoo the biblical doctrine of believing in the blood torment of Christ for salvation why do they teach that they're in the wrong dispensation but let's look at another one John chapter 4 and verse 10 here's a strong one I'm giving you this one as a gift because I've never heard a guy use this one but if you really believe that this would be a good one for him to use John chapter 4 verse 10 Jesus sitting down at the well with this Samaritan woman and he says jesus answered and said unto her if thou knewest the gift of God and who it is that saith to thee give me to drink that would have has thou wouldest have asked of him and he could have given thee living water listen yes yes I'm excited there's a verse that says ask yeah when did that take place oh yeah it's still Old Testament you can't apply that today the gospel of believing in the blood atonement of Christ Christ hadn't died again but he says you should have to me What did he say to ask for some living water now let's go to another one so that one is John 4:10 actually I jumped ahead of myself I skipped one let me go back to the one that's getting there I skipped Matthew seven seven and eight Matthew chapter seven or seven and eight here's another one that I've heard people use and they will take that I've even seen gospel tracts and they write to people these gospel tracts and they tell people now you need to ask God to save you and so their gospel tract they say ask ask seek and knock and they say salvation is by asking God to say to you and they go to this verse Matthew chapter 7 verses 7 and 8 let's read it ask it it shall be given you seek and you shall find knock and it should be open to you for everyone that asketh receiveth and he that seeketh findeth him that knocketh it shall be opened and they say this is Jesus speaking when did this take place oh yeah yeah right there they're all the different dispensation you're trying to apply that to today you're wrong and you claim to be a King James Bible believer a dispensational truth teacher and you're pulling a verse out of context look at the context look at the context of this verse who is Jesus talking to is he telling a lost person to ask God to save them look at verse 9 or what man in there of you whom his son ask bread will he give him a stone if you ask officially give him a serpent it's the relationship of a son asking the father for something well if you're a son of God then you're already saved this isn't the context of asking God for salvation what a lie to twist this verse out of Scripture now here's another one Luke 11:13 here I'm giving you another one I have never heard any Bible believers which claim to be Bible believers that that believed to be dispensationalist but that teaching this perverted gospel of asking the unsaved you know I've never heard them use this but in the Pentecostal church I've heard this a lot I've heard a lot of Pentecostal people say we have to ask God for the Holy Spirit and they said that means you have to ask the be say let's go to Luke chapter 11 13 so tonight is that interesting that these people that claim to be Bible believers that preach the salvation by asking you they have something in common with the Pentecostals they're preaching the same gospel as the Pentecostal gospel because Pentecostals say you have to ask God to say you have to ask God from the Holy Spirit huh look at Luke chapter 11 and verse 13 13 why there's a bunch of 13s here they're things not a good number now look a lot of thirteen says if you then being evil know how to give good gifts unto your children how much more shall your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to them that ask him now they will literally say well the Bible says you have to ask God to save you and this verse says you've got to ask God for the whole screen okay first question what did this take place oh yeah right here still Old Testament not in the Apostle Paul's side not New Testament not church age doctrine Old Testament who is Jesus speaking to telling them they needed to ask for the Holy Spirit well notice what it says how much more show your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to them that ask him your heavenly father whoever Jesus is speaking to here they have a heavenly father already so what can you be speaking to well Jesus came to the juice so there is a time when the Jews are supposed to ask God for the Holy Spirit now I don't know exactly when that is but I know that God goes back to dealing with the Jews in the tribulation period and I know the Bible says in Joel the last days they shall see visions and they will have the spirit so isn't that something that these people that tell you ask God to save you while they're freaks in the tribulation on school instead of the gospel of Paul well when the rapture takes place and they're left behind what won't they be sorry but it'd be okay because then they'll be right and they're right to go around tell people ask outta sight you can do the tribulation that's what you're supposed to say but you I don't want to I don't want to deceive anybody so let me ask you this what does Paul say does Paul tell us what Luke 11:13 says does Paul ever give any command of Scripture that we should ask God to give us the Holy Spirit let's look at Ephesians 1:13 and see what Paul says you see here's the problem people preach this ask God to save you they don't realize they're doctorly perverted and they're also dispensational e wrong they are pulling a doctrine from a different dispensation and trying to force it into today and Paul says that's a another gospel and they are a curse Ephesians chapter one and verse 13 the Apostle Paul says whom he also trusted after that ye heard the word of truth the gospel of your salvation whom also after that you believed you were sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise the Apostle Paul says believing is what gives you the Holy Spirit back here jesus said asking it's how you receive always people Paul tells us his ministry was more to Gentiles or to the church yes Jews and Gentiles today can be saved but they must be saved through the gospel of forgiveness 54 so asking God to save you there's not one single verse that says that's got to save you but there's one verse that says ask for the Holy Spirit and Paul said you get the whole stream when you believe not when you ask so you have a contradiction in the Bible unless you believe in dispensations and the only way to reconcile that is oh well that's for that dispensation and we're under this one today so we're not saved by asking or say by believing and when we trust the gospel that's when we get the Holy Spirit it's not because we ask God to give it to us but you claim to be a Bible believer don't you well now we're going to get to the last one here Romans chapter 10 and verse 13 notice what has taken place so far people that say ask God to save you and they say you're saved when you ask some amount every single verse that they've given you is still a verse that is an Old Testament because Jesus had not yet then they come to Romans 10:13 and they say well I'll give you a verse from Paul well goody goody gumdrops great wonderful let's go to Poland see what he says does Paul ask us or tell us or instruct us to ask God to save us they say yes if that's true then that's the only verse in the entire Bible that says you're saved by asking God to save you in the church change so I can't wait to see it let's look at it let's go to Romans chapter 2 in verse 13 they say that this verse says ask God to save you and you're saved the very moment you ask God to save you okay so Romans 10:13 whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved um I don't I don't see the word I ask let me read it again for whosoever shall call upon the name of Lord shall be safe for those do you see the word ask there the word call and the word ask are not same word so what have they done they have taken the word call and they have defined it as what they wanted to believe now I would caution a person from doing that you don't go willy-nilly through the scriptures and find a verse and then say but that doesn't mean that it really means this and change a word to preach what he wanted to say that's perverting the scriptures that's a false prophet that's a liar that's a deceiver that's warning against to the Bible we're not supposed to change God's Word so what have they done they got at Paul and they said we'll Paul really meant ask if you would have meant asked when he had said ask there are a plethora hundreds of verses where Paul tells us that salvation is by believing or by faith and that you receive the atonement by trusting or by faith if that's the case then that's how you're safe why would Paul have one verse where he says the opposite of what he said in all the other verses does it make sense so what are these people guilty of doing they're guilty of changing one word called and changing the words asked and that's their one verse of scripture that they try weekly to defend their gospel of salvation by faith from the mouth it will work you don't have a leg to stand on but now they try to force asking into the church age and they try to change the word to make it say what they want in order to preach what they want so they are voting against all the verses in the Bible that say you are saved by believing or by trusting or my faith and they're going to clean that asking saves you based upon one verse of scripture in the Pauline epistles in which they have twisted and changed wow that's pretty presumptuous isn't it as briefly as possible as quickly as possible I want to read Romans chapter 10 I want to look at it in context and I want you to read with me Romans chapters in and see if you see anywhere Romans chapter 10 where it says ask God to say or if you see anywhere in Romans chapter 10 where it says you're saved by faith or by belief we're on the scene one brother my heart's desire and prayer to Israel or to God for Israel is that they might be safe so he starts out Paul saying I want Israel to be safe why don't they say well Paul tells us in verse 2 Romans 10 to 4 I bear them record that they have a zeal of God but not according to knowledge also they have a zeal for God they claim to be lovers of God and followers of God and they oh I love God I love God but there's something lacking what is lacking knowledge knowledge of the truth they don't hear they don't understand they don't believe the gospel so the reason they're not saved if there's a lack of understanding or knowledge what is it that they lack understanding the gospel so that sounds like these people that preach this over here what do they lack they lack knowledge they have a zeal for God but where is the gospel well they leave it out verse 3 for they being ignorant of God's righteousness and going about to establish their own righteousness have not submitted themselves unto the righteousness of God so what's the problem they are self-righteous they're wanting to trust in what they do or what they have done that self-righteousness and not what Jesus did for them I even ask well as we look at the difference between those that preachers say by asking God to save you and those that preach the true gospel let's all preach it that you're saying when you trust the gospel we do the same thing when I trust the gospel of Christ the last thing I'm trusting in is my own self-righteousness I have to give up and say I'm nothing nothing I can do will get me to heaven that's why I come in I trust Christ to take me there I trust what he's done what are these crowds do their self righteous they're saying no it's what I did it's what I did to come out it's me I am done and I say because what I did you self-righteous hypocrite no wonder you preach events against believing in trusting the gospel because you want to make it your own righteousness that saves you how about that self-righteousness continue verse 4 for Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to everyone that believeth notice that it doesn't say to one that asketh crisis even law for watches to everyone that believeth verse five for Moses described it the righteousness which is of the law but the manege do it those things shall live by them verse 6 but the righteousness which is a faith speaking on this wise say not in my heart who shall ascend into heaven that is to bring Christ down from above now notice what it says the righteousness of faith speaks what does it mean that means faith speaks to God God is looking to see not what your mouth says God looking at your heart and when your faith is in the blood of Christ that cries out to God that speaks to God and God said that's it that's it I receive you as my own you're safe because your faith is in my righteousness and my blood atonement not in your own righteousness so the verse here says literally that the righteousness which is of faith calls from the heart so faith calls on God from the heart if you come out of the mouth to as we'll see here in a minute but it's faith from the heart that saves us not what we say with the lips verse 7 or who shall descend into the deep that is to bring up Christ again from the dead 8 but what say it the word is nigh thee even in thy mouth but in my heart that is the Word of Faith which we preach Paul says we preach the word of faith he doesn't say we preach the words of your mouth save you and if you have God and say he says we preach the word of thing what is he saying we preach that you must trust by faith but love of Christ to be saved because you're saying when you believe not when you speak or ask or move your lips with a mouth tongue so what does what say it what what does the righteousness of faith say the word of faith is in mine heart now it can come out of the mouth too but faith in what faith in the gospel faith in the blood atonement of Christ we're find a dash of that if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus and shalt believe in thine heart that God has raised him from the dead thou shalt be saved now notice that it says their confession if you'll confess with your mouth do you know that the word confess is not the word ask these people have a time with it don't they they've got some problems in their mental capacity don't they they think that the word call me desk they think that the word can say you mean to ask they're two separate words they don't even know the basic definitions of words so they'll say well conversion means you ask I know it doesn't confession is what you do when something has taken place you confess to that let's say I went in the kitchen I stole the cookie and my wife says where's my cookie I didn't get that cookie by saying I took it I'd already taken it I confess I stole the cookie from the cookie jar a confession is what you do after the fact and it's you saying this is what took place confession when you're saved by trusting the gospel is I'm safe because I can pick up confession is not asking so it does here that'll sell just confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus and shalt believe in thine heart that God raised him from the dead thou shalt be saved confession is not asking those are two different words verse 10 when the heart man believeth unto righteousness and with the mouth confession is made in salvation so man believes unto righteousness what does that mean a man gets the imputed righteousness of Christ by faith Wow that's Bible God does not imputed righteousness to you when you ask him for forgiveness or you ask him to save you God imputes is righteous to you how through believing from the heart and verse 11 says for the scripture saith whosoever believeth on him shall not be ashamed so salvation is by believing and you won't be ashamed when you trust the gospel it's not by asking verse 12 for there is no difference between the Jew and the Greek for the same lord over all is rich unto all that call upon him no difference between Jew and Gentile same lord over all who call but call how by faith in the gospel not by asking God to save you apart from trusting the gospel that's not salvation it says here in verse 13 for whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be safe not ask call what is calling calling is appealing to God for salvation based upon the righteousness of Jesus Christ and faith in the gospel and his shed blood now let me give you an illustration of the court all right let's say you killed 20 people and rightly so you're captured by the police and you're before a courtroom you're standing before a judge and the judge says okay the law demands that when someone does a crime there must be a penalty there must be a payment for that crime now you're standing there and you're saying yeah judge I know I'm a murderer I deserve the electric chair you know I kill all those people then who cares whatever you know I really feel bad about it but guys let me ask you this I'm going to ask you actually I want to beg you would you just please let me go judge can we just pretend like this didn't happen and you just completely forgive me and exonerate me because I'm asking you to do you think that judge will let you go if that judge looked at you and said okay you're free to go take the chains off bye that is a corrupt judge that perverted justice justice is paying for your sin it doesn't matter how many times you ask the judge to let you go he can't the law demands someone pay for that crime now what is Jesus Christ Jesus Christ went to the judge and said hey let's make a plea bargain let's make a deal let's let this guy go by letting me take his place let me pay for his crime and then the law will be appeased because the law demands someone pay for a crime let me pay for it and then that sinner can go first salvation is not by asking the judge to let you off salvation is when Jesus comes and says here I've done it for you will you accept that will you accept what I've done and if you say yeah if you accept what Jesus did the judge goes okay quick case closed the law demands the penalty Jesus paid it you accepted that payment this case is over you are justified in the eyes of the law you are exonerated it's just as if you've never sinned it's over the payments been made through Christ but the problem with many people is they're never accepted the plea bargain they've never accepted the blood atonement of Christ they've never taken the deal they're still standing before the judge say please let me go please I ask it thank you to give me salvation and don't put me in hell and I'm begging you you could literally beg forever and continue begging for salvation in hell and asking God to save you but a long time ago the old account was settled and it's offered to you through faith and you can't receive it so salvation is not by asking God to save you verse 14 how then shall they come calling him who then not believe how shall they believe in him whom they have not heard how so they hear without a preacher notice that it's by believing and hearing and that those are key and essential to Salvage 15 how so they preach except if you sin as it is written how beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace and bring glad tidings of good things why are their feet so beautiful because you can't get saved unless you first hear and then understand the gospel so about their feet are beautiful because they're preaching to you the way of salvation those that say just that's going to save you their feet are ugly because they're not telling you how to get say they're telling you to go to a judge and asking him to be a corrupt good judge by letting you off without the just recompense of reward 15 and how shall they preach except to be sin as it is written how beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace and bring glad tidings of good things verse 16 but they have not all obeyed the gospel for Isaiah say if Lord who ever believed our report this is the verse tells us how to obey the gospel notice what it says who has believed our report how do you obey the gospel by believing the gospel no where at Romans chapter 10 does it say ask God to save you but over and over and over again it says you say what I believe you're saved by faith now look at verse 18 but I say have they not heard yet barely their shout when it's all the earth and their words unto the end of the world verse 19 but I say did not Israel know proposed to say thy will provoke you to jealousy by them that are no people and by a foolish nation I will anger you now notice remember verse 1 he says my friends rose that they might be safe now in verse 19 he's saying now God is going to provoke someone to jealousy and go to a foolish nation to anger Israel so Israel rejected their Messiah so God says I'm going to take to the Gentiles the what the gospel salvation notice what he says in verse 20 but Isaiah is very bold and saith I was found a BIM that something not I was made manifest unto them who's that the Gentiles that watch this as not after me these people tell you you have to ask God to save you that's when you get saved Jesus Christ through the Apostle Paul says that when the Jews rejected their Messiah gonna told Paul take the gospel to the people that asked not these people never ask to be saved but I want you to take them to gospel and show them how to get saved I can't make this stuff up how can you run around and tell people it's not believing the gospel that saves you is when you ask and the Bible says the gospel is what saves you and God sent the gospel to those that didn't even ask for it somebody in preaching false doctrine wonder who under him the Jews rejected Jesus they God took the gospel to a people that asked not after God look at that they did not ask God for salvation so this ask God to save you gospel isn't looking too good it has no leg to stand on it's not in the scripture now look at verse 21 but to Israel he saith all day long I have stretched forth my hands into a disobedient and gainsaying people I look at that word gainsaying and it just such is amazing to me God rebukes Israel for a lack of faith and not trusting he says they have zeal without knowledge and he said there the gainsaying people there are people that literally think that they deserve something because they said something with their mouth and they think they should gain salvation based upon what they say with their mouth and God says you're not saved by what you say with your mouth you obey the gospel by believing the report that's Romans chapter 10 no we're in Reverend chapter 10 doesn't say your say by asking God to save you all right so let's continue here so again what are what about all these people who say you were saved by asking God to save you apart from faith in the gospel what are they telling true are they are they saved by asking or are we say by trusting the well what does the Bible teach is not this another gospel by telling you you can gain salvation by what you say when salvation is no it's not what you say they get you safe it's when you believe I've showed this before I'm going to show it one more time quickly you can read this anytime you want this is a letter to my dad from dr. Peter s Rahman there it is in its entirety the ruckman says right there in yellow that a man can ask Christ to save him and then months later or years later the Lord may cash in and bring them in to the point of salvation what if mr. ruckman saying he's saying the man's not saved when he asks God to say man he says later down that it's about fully understanding the blood atonement and believing in the gospel the blood atonement of Christ that's when you're saved so you can ask God to save you and still miss salvation why do you miss it because you're not trusting in the gospel so if you ask God to save you without trusting God to save you my trusting in the gospel you're lost you're lost and on your way to hell Paul in his ministry dealt with people who preached another gospel and here's what he said about such people Galatians chapter 2 verse 2 through 6 and I went up by revelation and communicated to them that gospel which I preached among the Gentiles but privately to them which were of reputation lest by any means I should run or had run in vain verse 3 but neither Titus who was with me being a greek was compelled to be circumcised and that because the false brethren unawares brought in who came in privily to spy out our Liberty which we have in Christ Jesus that we might be brought again into bondage to whom we gave place by subjection no not for an hour that the truth of the gospel might continue with you Apostle Paul says we didn't get subjection that no not even for an hour to be put up with such people that are preaching another gospel because they came in and tried to take away the truth of the gospel and he says verse 6 but of these who seem to be somewhat whatever they were it makes it no matter to be God except that no man's person for they even seemed to be somewhat in conference added nothing to me he said these people are nothing these people preaching another gospel they're nothing they will not tell you the truth of the gospel they're trying to divert you from the gospel into you doing some with your mouth a work of the lips and not trusting in the blood of Christ it's so sad I'm going to close this by testimonies of people that have gotten saved through this ministry and they said from the breaker before that's all I heard and so I thought that saved me but by watching your videos then I understood this is salvation and I'm so glad that you pointed this out because I was lost believing in that and I'm saved trusting in the gospel today I'm going to read through some of these before I do let me read you what Paul says in 1st Thessalonians chapter one first just ellonija chapter 1 verses 1 through 8 matter of fact I'd like you to read these with me in salvation by asking God to save you or salvation by trusting in the atonement of Christ today by asking or believing first that's the Loney in chapter 1 verse 5 for our gospel came not unto you and word only but also in power and in the Holy Ghost as much assurance as you know what men are men we were to come in or among you for our sake and what became and you became followers of us and of the Lord having received the word in much affliction with joy of the Holy Ghost so that you were examples to all that asked God to save you know all that believe in Macedonia in Arcata now verse 8 for from you sounded out the word of the Lord not only in Macedonia Nakia but also in every place your faith to God word is spread abroad so that we may need not speak any thing notice what he says there everywhere you place your faith to God Word he says your faith is toward God you're trusting God you're trusting the blood atonement for salvation you're not going around telling people well I'm trusting in what I said because I asked God say you know your faith was toward God if your faith is toward God what is it in its in the blood atonement and our faith is toward that we're trusting in that to be saved so here Paul is saying that they believe the gospel and he was so glad they did and they accepted it by faith towards God that is toward his blood atonement I'm going to close here with some testimonies of people that have gotten saved through my ministry I wanted to say this to our sleep about the ghost last night I thought about this I thought about this false teaching of asking God to save you my wife and I several years ago went on a cruise trip and on that cruise trip the first thing they do when they take you on a cruise if they get everybody wrapped up in those life vests and they get them all on the line and then they put them into the lifeboats and they call it the instruction and then give them the instruction that if anything happens on this cruise we need you to know this this is knowledge that can save your life this is something you need to know so that if something bad happens you can be saved and I thought about that last night I was going to lay my head on my pillow and I thought wouldn't it be something to be on a cruise and it strikes an iceberg or a rock or something and it literally begins sinking and someone misunderstands the instructions of how to be studied and they run into the office of the captain of the ship and they say Kat bad save me excited me captain I began playing with these theories let me save me all they say because they asked the captain to save him no the captain probably look at me go don't you remember the instructions there was something preached unto you that you needed to hear and understand so you can be saved the captain couldn't save you the instructions were given on how to be saved well salvation is a lot like that people try to come to God and beg him god save me save me save me save me and God says have you not read the Bible here's the instructions I told you this is how you're saved just believe it and you're saying a lot of people are begging for the judge to let them off begging for the captain of the ship to save them and they're not trusting in the instruction that we're given on how to be saved and the instructions are hear the gospel understand it and believe the gospel to be converted let me read you some of look at how thick this paper is these are all testimonies of salvation from the last two years that I've gotten on YouTube another feature is some of these I'm sorry that I've gone a little long but let me read you this hi brother my name is so-and-so from Florida I thought I would say two years ago I prayed the prayer of salvation and got baptized and I even went to a church after that but later I became an atheist and practical practice horrible things for a little over a year not soon after a few months ago but we found your videos and believe the gospel after we heard it we never heard the gospel preached the way you do it and the people we listened to before showed no love and no long-suffering and it's a blessing that we were led to listen to you now listen what he says now I'm a believer in the gospel I believe in the death burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ and his blood washes me from all my sins thank you again brother Robert and may God bless you for being such a help not just to me but others that have come to Christ by listening to you here's a guy that was global just do something with the mouth repeat a prayer and he did it and he got baptized he was named safe he was out living in the world and became an atheist after he supposedly got saved by this gospel but any saw some preaching on the gospel he heard he understood he believed and he said that's when I got saved here's a guy says I've watched all your videos on but on salvation they're fantastic I feel like I've discovered some ancient secret like you I used to pray some form of the sinner's prayer every night sometimes I went to a mega church but I never really heard the gospel then at the end he always leads everyone in some type of a sinners from prayer repeat after me and say these words I grew up in a Baptist Church going down the aisle asking Jesus my heart and rededicating my life over and over it's just so reassuring knowing salvation that really saves now that I'm trusting the gospel here's a guy says my name is so-and-so and I live in some country over in Europe I've been going to church for 15 years and I've always doubted my salvation till today when I was hearing your message on how to know that I'm saved your message changed my life and he says the blood exclamation point exclamation point exclamation point in all capital letters thank you so much Jamie what did he get we had a misunderstanding he was thinking that this is the way to be saved but he didn't have a here's what this all boils down to that gives you no assurance of salvation just about everyone I've ever talked to but thinks you're saved by asking God to save you they say but I do it every night just to be sure they think that asking God saves you well how come it didn't the first time you did it why did you do it over and over see this gospel preaches no assurance of salvation but this gospel gives assurance of salvation other-- person hi Robert just wanted to say enjoyed your teaching about the sinner's prayer and tell you about how my own struggles I had with this issue in 2008 I went through a horrible divorce and all these things happened and I later even joined a certain church which brings me to why I'm sending you this when signing up for a class I provided my address followed by several members of the church joined up in my house a couple of weeks later we talked for a while about what all I was going through and they later talked about accepting Jesus into my life by repeating or saying a prayer well I had read the Bible from time to time and read the hole left behind book series and thought about God as well as heaven in hell but I had no idea if I was saved or not no assurance and I went ahead and said the prayer with them the problem was nothing in my life changed at all I still rarely attended church never read the Bible or spend any time at all in prayer while continuing in my sinful ways of watching the worst garbage on TV etc with little to no thought at all of how separated from God I really was supposed to be bottom line even though I had said the prayer accepting Jesus into my life which is what asking God to save you he says even though I did that I wasn't saved because I hadn't truly accepted him into my heart combined with no changes in my life to follow him path forward in June 2015 and all that finally changed after being confused as to why in the Baptist Church as I attended they would do altar calls for people to come forward to be prayed for I finally just got down on my knees at home believe Jesus died on the cross for my sins rose again from the dead and ascended into heaven all of which was saying that I believe the gospel I accepted him into my heart as my Lord and Savior long story short I finally knew I was saved praise God yeah that gospel before no assurance no change lifestyle he got this one and it changed he says here my life changed ever since - and all I do anymore is read the Bible listen to sermons and Christian music and on and on I could continue reading here but there's so many more here here's one that I accidentally deleted I believe in his email so from memory I wrote down paraphrase what I could remember him writing it was the funniest email it was like that it's Robert I am so sick and tired of this romans 10:13 crap that's what he wrote me this email and then telling you that you have to do something with your mouth to be safe I did ask God to save me in fact I asked God to save me every single night and I repeated the sinner's prayer over and over so many stinking times that's how he talked us but that didn't save me it wasn't until I heard and then understood the gospel that I got saved so thanks so much for preaching it pay plainly I believe in the blood atonement of Jesus Christ and I know that I'm safe I'm assured of it I don't doubt it like I did before trying to get assurance by repeating the prayer over and over and over again thanks for preaching the gospel of salvation by faith another person writes Rob breaker on so many years old and I'm from this place I like people have the privacy so I'm not going to tell you who or where they're from and what lets you know your message has reached me via YouTube you have taught me what being saved is and how to trust in the sacrificial blood atonement of Jesus Christ what he did for us and I thank God for that imagine how Jesus must feel when people reject him and what he's done for them how sad this is what he's done if you're coming to this gospel and thinking that this saves you and you're rejecting this by not trusting this imagine how God must feel another person right my name is so so I've watched many of your YouTube sermons and website is really great to hear someone teaching good biblical doctrine the gospel of salvation it's sad to see so many false doctrines out there running rampant all over the internet that lots of people are taking as the truth I am glad I stumbled under your channel I vote more do so as well for a while I doubted my salvation all the time because I never remembered a moment that I became saved nor did I ever really start our study to understand the structure of the scripture until a few months ago I've recently discovered I am really saved while watching your importance of the blood video at some point during that video I read Ephesians 1:13 but I wrote it up here but I guess I didn't and it completely jumped out at me I believed and understood the gospel of salvation it was like wow that's for me and that's when I was saved a brother breaker I'm trusting in the blood coming to Christ the gospel 1st Corinthians 15 1 through 4 thank you so much how to be saved I trust in Jesus Christ and his precious blood I've always heard to be saved you must believe in Jesus but that never made sense your video how didn't know you're saved made sense thank you for informing me and helping me realize that I was lost and realizing how to trust in Jesus blood sacrifice on the cross for my sin I don't have time to read all this this is 36 pages of people writing to Robert breaker saying Robert breaker before we met you we were confused all we were ever told was this right here ask God to safety we had no assurance of salvation no change lifestyle nothing happened in our lives we did that every night before bed that we weren't saved until we heard the gospel and understood and believed we weren't even say now we're saved for the printer and most of them say it was through your preaching on the internet and we thank you for saving us well I didn't save you but that's funny huh some people write and say thank you for saving me brother breaker and I ready well no it's Jesus to say but I know what that means I didn't get saved by any other preaching until someone directed me to the gospel to be said I'll close with this in mark 7 verse 6 and 7 jesus answered and said unto them well hath Isaiah prophesied of you hypocrites and it is written this people honors me with their lips but they're hard to start from me howbeit in vain do they worship Me teaching for doctrines the commandments of man if you're preaching and telling someone asking is the saving medium and they're say by they're asking you're hypocrite you're a liar you're to see where you have a perverted gospel and you're not saving people you're actually leading them astray it might take years before that person even get saved because you told them to do something whether you didn't take them to what has been done and instruct them to trust in what Jesus has done for telling someone to ask God to save you outside of instructing to them how to trust God for salvation is literally saying that the blood of Jesus is not important and in Hebrews chapter 10 the Bible says how much more sore punishment suppose ye shall he be thought worthy who hath trodden under foot the Son of God and it counted the blood of the Covenant wherewith he was sanctified an unholy thing and have done despite unto the spirit of grace I would sure hate to be in the shoes of a man who claimed to be a minister and a preacher who never preached the gospel and instead of preaching the gospel clean and clear to the point he went around told people ultrasounds gotta say I'm not sayin that bad if a person asked I wasn't sayin that shows they want to be saved and they're seeking it but they get saved when they ask how long will it be before they finally do get saved how long will it be before God cashes it so there's the message I hope that this has been a blessing to you and I hope this puts this to rest I mean I'm literally exhausted of talking about this subject the other people on YouTube that love to make videos and they want to make videos well this Robert breaker guy is a heretic because he preaches that you say just by believing oh what a heresy you know what's funny Paul said by that way that they call heresy preach in unto you the gospel sellers are the truth of the way of Salvage in his day Paul said those Jews that were lost said you're a heretic Paul and yet he's the one that had the way of salvation that's funny it's funny somebody tells me you're a heretic breaker because you're pretty salvation is by trusting the gospel I said yeah amen just chalk me up then I'm over here with Paul us heretics we're gonna hang together amen but it's not heresy its salvation by faith in the blood Tomin of christ now i've got many other videos that I want to make I don't have time to continue talking about this subject asking God to save you so I hope this is enough I'm going to let it go this will be the last video I preached on this for a long time I've got other things to preach on but I want to see people saved I believe the gospel is important and I believe the rapture is soon so the way to be saved is to trust the gospel and if you have asked God to save you but you've never trusted God to save you will get down on your knees and say Jesus I trust what you've done I put aside all my self-righteousness anything that I'm trusting in that I did I laid at the foot of the cross and I trust wholly and completely in the blood atonement of Christ and I take by faith your free gift of eternal life that's salvation god bless you and I appreciate you hanging in there for how long this video is but I hope it's been a blessing what bless is my soul in these testimonies of people being saved can't wait to get to heaven and see all these people that have gotten saved through the preaching of the gospel the Bible says the preaching of the gospel is power there is power in the gospel if you are a minister of the gospel and you want power in your ministry preach the blood preach the blood preach the life god bless you we'll see you next
Channel: Robert Breaker
Views: 14,581
Rating: 4.7407408 out of 5
Keywords: Asking for salvation, Trusting the Gospel, Begging forgiveness, Calling upon the Lord, believing, salvation by faith, receiving salvation, asking God to save you
Id: FxUcQ-wwhu8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 79min 35sec (4775 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 21 2017
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