He Was My First: First Times, First Loves, AND First Babies? (Compilation) | Paternity Court

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Ms. Short, you and your mother opened your case today because your first love, the defendant, denies he fathered your 21-month-old son, Jabari. You are a single, teenage mother who needs help, and you demand Mr. Johnson step up and be a father. Is that correct? Yes, Your Honor. JUDGE LAKE: Mr. Johnson. You are in court with your mother and say you might have been the plaintiff's first love, but you weren't the only one. You refuse to do anything for her son until the DNA results prove you are his biological father, is that correct? Yes, Your Honor. Ms. Short, you say you need help. Yes. Explain. Yes, because he's the father of my son. And my son, as a boy, needs a father figure. And I need extra help, like while I'm in school. (CRYING) We got to do this for Jabari, stop. SYLVIA: She just needs to know, is he the father, so he could step up and do the right thing, hopefully. You know, we can't make him but we need to know because I did... I did stop him from coming over because I didn't want no feelings to get involved. Like, them get attached if he wasn't the father, because she did tell them it's a possibility he may not be the father. JUDGE LAKE:<i> Jabari is almost two years old.</i> How did you meet? Well, it was on Facebook, and we used to text. He was my first kiss, first everything. Okay, so after you met, you all started having sex, and at some point you find out you're pregnant. Yes. Me and Mr. Johnson had sex, April 23rd. I see him on Facebook with another female. And he was like, "I don't want you, I want her." He was talking about the other female. And I was like, "He just left. He just left me." After that happened, it was May 3rd. I went out eating with some friends. Okay. And at night, I had met the other boy. And this is not my first time meeting him but it's the first time we ever had sex. SYLVIA: Mm-hmm. So, I'm like, "Well... "Mr. Johnson don't care about me. Why not?" Okay, so, did you confront that other guy? I sure did. Did you say, "I'm pregnant and you're the father"? I said, "A possibility." She really believed in her heart, it's Mr. Johnson. JUDGE LAKE: All right, and she... SYLVIA: I'm hoping it's not. Mr. Johnson, at what point did you realize Ms. Short was even pregnant? See, Your Honor, I was away. I found out she was pregnant six months into her pregnancy. Okay. And were you informed that you were the biological father? Yes, ma'am. She told my mom that she was pregnant and I could be the father. So, at the time I'm thinking that the baby's mine. But at the end of the day when I come home from being away, I got her friends coming to me, talking to me about the other dude. So, you know how that making me feel, I was there to see the baby. I was doing the hair of the baby. I was there, when she called me and asked for help I was there to help her. All right, I want to hear from you, Ms. Mabry. Because, you remember having this conversation with Ms. Short? Yes, ma'am. JUDGE LAKE: You did. And you said to her, "If you need anything, just let me know." Yes, and it also went further into a blood test. They wanted me to do a blood test because this other dude saying he wanted to know if Demarzyea was the father, if Demarzyea's not the father, that makes him be the father. I'm not gonna go through all that. And another thing about the baby, <i> when we try to get the baby, she have to come and sit with us.</i> We can't get the baby, and she's talking about flexing and fronting and all of this... We was trying to be involved with this baby even though we know it was a possibility that it's not my son's baby. And I could back her up on that. There was times that I tried to come see the baby but her mother wouldn't let me come to the house. He's still trying to do things for the baby. Her mother wouldn't let me come to the house. You'd always have someone with you when you'd come. Your homeboys, you could never come by yourself. JUDGE LAKE: So hold on, ladies. Ladies, before we go there and all that, this is the issue I'm having at this point. I need to establish a connection. I need to establish a reason why Ms. Short, you decided that Mr. Johnson <i> is the biological father of your child when you said</i> <i> you also had slept with another person as well.</i> I'm going by the dates. My due date was January 14th. JUDGE LAKE: Okay. I had him on January 8th. I had sex with Mr. Johnson, April 23rd. And May 3rd is just too close. JUDGE LAKE: So Ms. Short, the bottom line is, is the other person that was a possibility... You reached out to them as well to say that it is a possibility that he could be the biological father. You also know that Mr. Johnson is a very real possibility because of the close proximity of the time you had sex with Mr. Johnson and the time you had sex with the other guy, right? Yes, Your Honor. All right. I'd like to see your evidence. Hand it to me, please, Jerome. So this is a communication between you and Mr. Johnson. Am I correct? SHORT: Yes, Your Honor. JUDGE LAKE:<i> And this is something he wrote to you?</i> SHORT:<i> Yes, Your Honor.</i> <i> He writes...</i> (JUDGE LAKE READING) So he wrote that letter and promised you in that moment that he was gonna be a good father to his child. And believed, it seems, that it was his child. Do you remember writing that, Mr. Johnson? I remember writing that letter, but at the time I thought that Jabari was mine. Me, growing up 20 years, I never had a father. If he's mine, I'm going to be there. Blink, end of that discussion. JUDGE LAKE: So when you wrote that letter, you had no idea the other guy existed? I didn't know nothing about it. It wasn't until you got back home and then people told you there is another guy, and then once you confronted her about it she admitted that, yes, there was. Yes. And there is another possibility, and there is a question of paternity which is why you're here. And what is troubling me in this moment, I have done my best to be patient. I have been frustrated, I have been trying to be compassionate because you all are young people, and now you've gotten yourself into this whole big drama with adult situations and adult problems. You can't even string two good sentences together in this courtroom about the situation, much less be prepared to take care of a living child, <i> this beautiful little boy, almost two years old.</i> <i> And this is babies having babies,</i> and this has got to stop. (APPLAUSE) Now... Mr. Johnson, you say you got more than one child. How many children do you have? I have four... With Jabari, I have five in all. (AUDIENCE EXCLAIMS) JUDGE LAKE: So you got four other children... Yes, ma'am. ...and Jabari would make five? Yes, ma'am. And you're 20 years old? Yes, ma'am. JUDGE LAKE: It has been determined by this court, Mr. Johnson... You are the father. (APPLAUSE) Like I said... I'll be there for him. JUDGE LAKE: Good. I'm glad you will. This is all I wanted, you know, to get all the extra stuff outta the way. It shouldn't have took this. JUDGE LAKE: You had to. But no, no, Ms. Short, this happens in life. It should not have taken this. But it did. SYLVIA: Yes, Your Honor. And we're here now. Yes, Your Honor. And now you at least have the answer. Yes. So now we've got to figure out how to get you two on the right path to be able to raise this child together. So let's get real. You all are gonna have to work out, together, when and how you all will see the baby, <i> when Mr. Johnson and his family will be able to see the baby.</i> And you can do this in your living room or you can do this through the courtroom. It's up to you. Because if not, the court will order him to pay support, and they will also set guidelines with which he can see the child. And the best example you can set for Jabari in this moment is to go after your dreams. But there's more to being a father than just running around and taking pictures for Facebook. Hello, hello. JUDGE LAKE: I'm just telling. JOHNSON: I don't even get on Facebook. (AUDIENCE APPLAUDING) But you know my point. Yes. It's more than just pictures and this and sneakers. It is food, it is care, it is time, it is setting the example, right? Yes, ma'am. Okay. Ms. Mitchell, you are here in the court today because you claim your childhood sweetheart stole your virginity, got you pregnant, and is now denying paternity of your two-month-old daughter, Ryalynn. HOPE: Yes, Your Honor. JUDGE LAKE: And Mr. Robinson, in your defense, you claim you doubt paternity because after Ms. Mitchell told you she was pregnant, you found out she was sleeping with four other men. Yes, Your Honor. JUDGE LAKE: All right, so Ms. Mitchell, explain to the court, how did you get yourself in this messy situation? Well, Your Honor, um, we hung out a few times and he, like, pressured me to have sex with him. And I said I wasn't ready yet. HOPE: And, so then, um... I was hanging out at, um, these apartment complexes and we hooked up, and had sex, I lost my virginity, and I found out I was pregnant three weeks later. JUDGE LAKE: Wow. So, Mr. Robinson, is that account true? ROBINSON: Um, no, Your Honor. We hooked up. One time. That was it. HOPE: One time? One time. JUDGE LAKE: Well, that's about all you need is one time. Yeah, that's about it. JUDGE LAKE: Did you use protection? HOPE: One time... Did you use protection? ROBINSON: No. No protection. All right. So that's... That's a recipe for... Disaster. JUDGE LAKE: Well, no, for baby making. (AUDIENCE LAUGHING) In her case, disaster. JUDGE LAKE: And for responsibility and consequence. In your case, disaster. JUDGE LAKE: Hold on now, ma'am. Hold on one second, I'm gonna get to you in one moment. So you tell him you're pregnant. Yeah. I... JUDGE LAKE: And what was... ROBINSON: She didn't even tell me she was pregnant, Your Honor. ROBINSON: She had one of her friends she grew up with, inboxed me and her on Facebook and said, "I'm not trying to start no drama here, no drama. "I thought I'd let you know that she had sex with four other guys." ROBINSON: Okay? JUDGE LAKE: Let me get this story straight. You start getting messages... ROBINSON: Yes. ...from the peanut gallery... Yes, Your Honor. From her best friend. JUDGE LAKE: ...telling you... My best friend wouldn't say that. JUDGE LAKE: ...they just wanna give you the heads up that she was sleeping with other people. Yes, Your Honor. JUDGE LAKE: So you don't think you're necessarily the only potential candidate. Yes, Your Honor. And you don't have a doubt at that time until you get Facebook messages. Yes, Your Honor. JUDGE LAKE: Okay. That's it from you. Ms. Mitchell, you say he took your virginity... HOPE: Yeah, he did. But did you have sex with somebody else... I never had sex... JUDGE LAKE: ...right after he took it? No! No, not at all! Did you have sex with anyone else during the window of conception? No. Who are these people telling him these stories? I don't know. They don't tell me, so I don't know. JUDGE LAKE: So, people just lying on you? HOPE: Yeah. It's him lying. And her. Oh, so you don't think he even ever got the messages? No, not at all. Okay. So let's fast forward to the birth. You have the baby. Is Mr. Robinson with you? HOPE: No, but his sister was. JUDGE LAKE: His sister came. ROBINSON: Yes, I sent my sister... JUDGE LAKE: So he wasn't at the... You sent her... ROBINSON: Yes, because I had got arrested the night of... (HOPE LAUGHING) I'm not gonna lie, I'll be 100% honest with you, Your Honor. So, I said, "Erika," I said, "Would you do me a favor?" She said, "What?" I said, "Will you make sure you go to the hospital for me?" She said, "Yes, I will." And she went. JUDGE LAKE: So, Ryalynn was born on May 7th, and you, Mr. Robinson, you were arrested on May 9th. Um, Your Honor, no. I was arrested 05/08 of 2014. In the morning! HOPE: Okay, but she was born on the 7th. At 10:00 on that morning I was arrested, okay? And that was the day the file... I have more than just one charge that they picked me up on. Trust and believe, I ain't gonna have no shame on my game. I was picked up on more than one charge. And I was lying in a bed for 14 hours in labor. He literally... (ALL ARGUING) Okay, but... DIANA: He cheated... HEATHER: He didn't cheat on me, sweetie, we wasn't together. I've never done anything to this girl, ever. I've never disrespected her... She's immature and childish, Your Honor. She's 18 years old and she's immature and childish. That's my point. She updated her status about me all the time, claiming that I was on Facebook talking about her, and I wasn't. Oh, who cares? Who cares? Who cares? (AUDIENCE APPLAUDING) JUDGE LAKE: I'm so sick of... Who cares? Who cares? This is just getting ridiculous. You all and this Facebook, and this... If you all would have just stayed in Facebook, instead of laying down in the bed with no protection, we wouldn't be here! DIANA: Amen. But, now... JUDGE LAKE: Now, you all wanna talk about Facebook all day. And I want you all to understand... DIANA: Oh, there's my baby. Your Honor, I take care of her. JUDGE LAKE: ...that beautiful little girl is what matters. DIANA: This is a beautiful baby, this is an intelligent baby, and it is about her, and that is why we're here today. Ryan... When Hope come to me and told me that she was pregnant, first of all, I never believed it was her. The very next day I took her to the doctor. Yes, she is pregnant, I wanna meet this man. I met him, he took me to his mother's house. It was a good time. I mean, it was a nice day. I thought, okay, well, maybe he's gonna be okay. Well, then... Evidently... He's back with Heather, or whatever, and everything changes. Have you told Mr. Robinson that he can come and see Ryalynn only if he leaves Ms. Hitchcock at home? Leaves her to come to my house to visit her, but not leave her relationship-wise. Your point is, you don't want Ms. Hitchcock at your house? HOPE: No, and I don't want her around my daughter, either. ROBINSON: She doesn't even look like me... JUDGE LAKE: Okay. She looks like... I got evidence. She doesn't even look like me, or my son, who is a spitting image. My son, and when I tell you he's a spitting image of me... She looks just like Hope here. My son is a spitting image of me, like, and when I tell you that... JUDGE LAKE: Hold on, what is this evidence you have? Jerome, will you please hand me this evidence? ROBINSON: Look at my son and look at her. They look nothing alike. HOPE: She looks like me. ROBINSON: That is my identical twin. (BOTH ARGUING) So, you submitted these photos to the court... ROBINSON: Yes, I did. Yes, I did, Your Honor. And this is a picture of Ryalynn, which is Hope's daughter. JUDGE LAKE: And your son on the right. ROBINSON: Yes. HOPE: That looks like Heather. ROBINSON: No, it looks like me. Just like me. And you're saying, you don't see a resemblance between these two children. ROBINSON: No, honestly, I don't. Well, they have two different moms. She looks just like me. JUDGE LAKE: Now, this picture... Is of me and our three kids, which, two of them are biologically not mine. But I've been there so much to them that they look up to me as a father figure. JUDGE LAKE: In the case of<i> Mitchell v. Robinson,</i> when it comes to two-month-old Ryalynn Mitchell... Mr. Robinson... You are the father. (AUDIENCE APPLAUDING) JUDGE LAKE: So, now... Before I ask, Ms. Mitchell, if it would be okay, if you meet your daughter for the first time, I have to say, concerning the arbitration, where you were asking the court for... $337.50, that's what you would be entitled to, if it was determined that Mr. Robinson was, in fact, Ryalynn's biological father. It has been determined that you are. And so, I am awarding Ms. Mitchell $337.50, which is half of the childcare expenses, for, uh, baby Ryalynn's two-and-a-half months she's been here. That she's spent and she's presented receipts for. So, you owe her that money. Do we understand? Yes, Your Honor. All right, so the judgment is for the plaintiff on that. And now, I have to ask you. Can this man, please, see his little girl? Please, that's all I want. I will meet you all in my chambers. Court is adjourned. Mr. Johnson you say the defendant, Mrs. Carr has been playing an emotional DNA game with you over her daughter's paternity for the past 18 years. You've brought her to court to finally end this game and prove you are not her daughter's biological father. Is that correct? Yes, ma'am, Your Honor. Ms. Carr, you say that Mr. Johnson has been dodging a DNA test and his responsibilities as a father since the day you told him you were pregnant. You claim the only reason he is denying her is because you are married and will no longer sleep with him, is that correct? Yes, Your Honor. Mr. Johnson, what upsets you the most about this? The lies. The up-and-down roller coaster. One minute I'm not her father. The next minute I am. It's been a burden with this paternity, you know. Ms. Carr, you say this is not true, what he's saying. Your Honor, Mr. Johnson has always acknowledged my daughter and he has always <i> attempted to be in her life.</i> JOHNSON:<i> Your Honor,</i> <i> that's incorrect.</i> When her daughter was first born her father came to my house, sat me down on my couch and said that they had a DNA test with another man and I was not the father. He was the father. Take me back to the nature of this relationship. You all used to be boyfriend and girlfriend? No, ma'am. My uncle married her aunty... JUDGE LAKE: Okay. And they adopted her. I used to go over to their house and help him out like cutting grass and things of that nature. And I would stay the night. And they would allow us to sleep in the same room. AUDIENCE:<i> Oh!</i> We had sex one time. JUDGE LAKE: Okay. One time. It was a lot of touchy feely before, and the one time we had sex it was, you know, wham bam thank you, ma'am. Your Honor, that's not true. Yeah. Well, do you agree that you had sex with him just one time? I agree that we had sex on multiple times. We have had sex... And at some point you realized you're pregnant. Yes, ma'am. At the time I was young. I was just coming on my menstrual, so this was still new to me. So it was brought to my attention that my menstrual was late or it had not come on when it was supposed to. So I was taken to the doctor and later on determined I was pregnant. I then called Mr. Johnson and told Mr. Johnson that I was pregnant. And Mr. Johnson's response was, "I'm going to Dayton, Ohio." Right. I was moving back to Dayton, Ohio at this particular time. Uh, family members were there. It was an emotional day. She gave me a call, "I'm pregnant. "Do you think it's yours?" Wait, do I think it's mine? Do you think it's mine is the question. You know what I'm saying? We never had the conversation about, "Do you think it's yours?" It was just, "I'm moving to Ohio." Your Honor, I remember this conversation verbatim. You hear me? This is something I cannot forget. I remember the whole day like it was yesterday. Crying and snotting. I told my family member after I got off the phone with Ms. Carr, "I could have a baby on the way." Okay, okay, let me understand this. At that time you had a boyfriend? I did tell him. I pursued it with him and it went nowhere. JUDGE LAKE: When you say you pursued it with him, what do you mean? When you pursued it with the other guy, what did that mean? Yeah, what does that mean specifically? She told him he was the father. That's why they came to my house two years later and told me they had a DNA test with another guy. There was no DNA test. There was never a DNA test. When you found out that you were pregnant, you told Mr. Johnson and you told the boyfriend. Yes, ma'am. I left that part out. I apologize. JUDGE LAKE: Okay. Now this is coming together. So you got the boyfriend and you told both. I told both. Mr. Johnson said, "I'm moving away." So at that point when the baby was born you still had your boyfriend, right? There was no one involved, no one. No one's name went on her birth certificate. So why would you get excluded from the equation? No one was involved. And you never did a DNA test with the ex-boyfriend? We had a DNA test within the last three years. JOHNSON: Wow. Me and the other father. And you did not know this, Mr. Johnson? No, ma'am, I didn't. Mr. Johnson has been active in her life periodically. At one point of time after her father came to my house and said that I wasn't the father, I move on with my life. Maybe about five, six years later, <i> I had my first daughter.</i> They see how I'm, uh, interacting with her and so I guess they say, "This is your daughter now." No, this is not true. JOHNSON: Let me tell you. I've seen the daughter in a grocery store. She runs up to me. She ran up to me. Like, "Daddy." Uh, I'm, I'm shocked at the moment, like, "What? Wait a minute. Daddy?" When I tell you, I'm looking for cameras to pop out. I thought I was on a prank show or something, like... How old is she? She's about five or six at this time. Your Honor, this is my first time ever hearing this story about the grocery store. JUDGE LAKE: Okay, so let's hear it. She run up to me like, "Daddy." You know what I'm saying? And I'm like, "Oh, wait a minute. Okay. "Uh, hey." I wanna say, "I'm not your daddy." But I can't tell this little girl this, you know what I'm saying? I recognized the family members so I just assumed this was Ms. May, but... That it was her. I'm confused as to why she's calling me Daddy. So I'm asking for a DNA test. Like, "No, you can't just say that "she's my daughter without me getting a DNA test." So what happened when you requested the DNA test after the run-in at the grocery store, Mr. Johnson? It never happened. So about three to four years later, I move in with a family member that they are close to. And, uh, Ms. May is constantly interacting with these family members. So she comes to the family member's house and like, "Your daughter is coming." Like, this is not my daughter. I, I... Your Honor, that is not true. Can I finish my story? I said I need a DNA test. And all the family, like, "No, she's yours. You don't need to get a DNA test. "She look like another family member when she was younger "and..." So I'm just full of emotion and so against my better judgment, even without the DNA test, I started accepting Ms. May as my child. What memories do you have of Mr. Johnson being in your life? Memories with Mr. Johnson. Um, my tenth birthday he threw me a party at the water park. I remember that. And then there was the time from summer at the fifth grade. I remember that day because he made me stay in the house while all my cousins playing outside. There was a lot of boys out there. She was the only girl. (LAUGHTER) I was not. I was not. And so when's the last time you saw Mr. Johnson? Last time I saw Mr. Johnson was the fifth grade summer. Was probably around... Hmm. ...2010. So you have not seen her or laid eyes on her? No, ma'am, she's extremely beautiful... (VOICE BREAKS) (CLEARS THROAT) JUDGE LAKE: Yes. (APPLAUSE) JUDGE LAKE: Ms. May, what was your understanding as it related to your paternity? What were you told? I was told by family members that he was my father and they would show me pictures of him and they were like, "Oh, you look just like him." <i> And so I was like, "Okay, that's my dad."</i> And growing up my mother had told me that he was a part of my life and so I don't have that many memories with him. Well, at there, Mr. Johnson, like, left me, that's when the man I call my father, Mr. Carr over there, that's when he came and stepped up and took his place. And so all these years I was like, <i> "Hmm, okay, so you know,</i> <i> "he doesn't want to spend time with me."</i> And so I recently got in contact with him and over social media and asked, "Are you going to come to my graduation or are you gonna lie and say you're coming "and then not show up?" JOHNSON: Yeah. I have copies of text messages. Jerome, let me see that, please. This is not the whole conversation, but it's just the part that really stood it out. She said, "What, you don't want to talk to your first born that you abandon?" AMBER: Because he actually contacted my mother. <i> He has told me to tell my mother to call him.</i> And so you said, "I did abandon you. <i> "I take responsibility for my actions.</i> <i> "But it's a lot you don't know."</i> And then Amber writes back, "Well, I'm of age, please enlighten me, Brandin." <i> And then you say, "You may not be my daughter.</i> <i> "We were supposed to get a paternity test</i> <i> "about four or five years ago</i> <i> "but your mom never went through with it."</i> JOHNSON:<i> Correct.</i> And when you reached out, all you wanted was your biological father and the man you know to be your father figure in your life. You wanted them to be at your graduation. In the case of<i> Johnson v. Carr/May...</i> JUDGE LAKE: When it comes to Amber May, it has been determined by this court, Mr. Johnson, you... ...are her father. (APPLAUSE) MR. CARR: I knew that. All the time. May I go hug my parents? Absolutely, honey. Okay. It's okay, honey. It's okay. (APPLAUSE) JUDGE LAKE: We came here for a beautiful young woman who deserves to know who her biological father is. And now we have that answer. Yes, we do. And I am so thankful that you have Mr. Carr in your life and I am so happy that your mother has been there for you. Every girl needs her daddy. And you've been blessed with two. (APPLAUSE)
Channel: Paternity Court
Views: 327,224
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Keywords: maury, paternity court, full episode, couples court, divorce court, you are not the father, you are the father, dna testing, paternity test, biological father, father's day, baby, dna test, ancestry, 23 and me, season 5, mgm studios, judge faith, judge rinder, judge judy, court show, paternity court full episode, season 5 full episodes, maury show, steve wilkos, wendy williams, season 4, season 4 full episodes, tv full episodes
Id: MiXWabjNxNI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 35sec (1595 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 28 2021
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