Double Episode: Unusual Familial "Love" | Paternity Court

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All right. Miss Douglas. You are suing the father of your five children for a paternity test. You claim at times the defendant, Mr. Jones, doesn't treat your daughter, Cheyanne, as his own, and that he has always been suspicious that he's not her biological father. You admit that you kept a secret from him and you cheated on him with his cousin... (AUDIENCE EXCLAIMING) But say when that secret finally came out, he immediately denied fathering your daughter. You've also petitioned the court to order Mr. Jones to take parenting classes. Now, Mr. Jones. You say you wanted to be a family man, and worked two jobs to support your kids, but now you are fed up with Ms. Douglas' lies and infidelity. You claim you have every reason to doubt you are Cheyanne's father. You are seeking a definitive answer when today's DNA results are revealed. Now, Ms. Douglas. You admit to cheating. Do you believe the defendant has reason to doubt the paternity of Cheyanne? Yes, Your Honor, I do, because I did made a mistake, I slept with his cousin, and the condom had broke, but before that, Tyrone was downstairs sleeping with my cousin. And he was still having sex with his baby's mom. He was doin' him, basically, but yeah, I did. That was a mouthful! You made a mistake and slept with his cousin... Yeah. But he was downstairs sleeping with your cousin? Yes, and more. I don't cheat, I don't believe in cheating, I'm very faithful. But yes, he does, him, all the time. Yeah. Wow! I want to find out how this relationship began, before it got to sleeping with all the cousins... How did you meet? DOUGLAS: I met Tyrone... Was this relationship ever good? It got good. I met Tyrone, actually, at a party that happened downstairs in my building. I met him and his cousin, almost the same night. Me and Tyrone got together the first night, we watched movies. The next night we did have sex, but we weren't "together." We were just... We just had sex and after that he went back to his... To his other baby's mom. And then I met his cousin, and I did, yes, I slept with his cousin, but we weren't "together," so yeah, I slept with his cousin, but... After that I found out I was pregnant, I called him and I told him I was pregnant. He was basically like, "Okay," so I'm like, "Okay." I just never brought it back to his attention, 'cause I had three other kids I took care of by myself anyway, so I'm practically mom and dad, so I didn't pay no attention that he really didn't care. But a week before I had my daughter, he was actually there. He signed the birth certificate, and after that, he was a good dad. JUDGE LAKE: All right, now, Mr. Jones... Is that a good account of what your relationship was? JONES: I mean, sort of. We actually was in a relationship at the time she slept with my cousin. But she basically just denied doing it up until the point... That's the reason we here now. Okay. What did you feel, Mr. Jones, when you heard Ms. Douglas say, "I'm pregnant and it's yours." I wasn't too sure about it when she told me. But I'm like, "Okay," when she did tell me. I'm like, "Okay, I'll, basically, I'm gonna step up and do what I gotta do." So you did try to support her through this? Yeah, I actually did. I'm looking at you, Ms. Douglas, you're saying, "I didn't feel supported." No, not at all, and let's go back to the cousin part, like, when I did sleep with his cousin. I was gonna deny the whole thing, but he actually went in my room and actually smelled the bed, and actually said it smelled like his cousin. His cousin's cologne, I hope! DOUGLAS: Yes, but... I was gonna deny it, I was actually telling the truth. Yeah, his cousin was there, and he was just watching TV. So at first I was just gonna deny it, but... I ended up telling him the truth, though. After my daughter was two, I ended up telling him the truth. So you go in, you smell, you know the cologne, your cousin... You say, "Okay, I know my cousin was here," but she denied everything. Everything, everything. How long did it take you to tell the truth? Two years. After my daughter was two years old. Okay, so, you are in this... Are you in a committed relationship? No. No. JUDGE LAKE: You're just going along for the baby's sake. Mmm-hmm. But when I was pregnant, he didn't care. He did not care at all. JUDGE LAKE: Did you care? I mean, I cared, but it was just to the point to where, when I met her, she was pregnant by another guy, who was actually incarcerated at the time, but she was also messing around with another guy who wasn't the father of the child she was pregnant with. Was there any part of you that was excited? Did you... I mean, it was, 'cause I actually was there... Numerous of times during her pregnancy. It was just in the mix that I had kids already. So, I wasn't there like I should've been, knowing that she was pregnant with my child, 'cause I wasn't really sure at the time. All right. So the baby's born. DOUGLAS: The baby's born, and when the baby was two, he went to Chicago with his other baby's momma. We were together then, and I'm pregnant with his son. He went to Chicago, we didn't hear from him for about four months. Didn't call and check up on his daughter, didn't call and check up on the pregnancy or nothing. How I knew he was in Chicago was, his baby momma was, she texted my phone, like, "Oh, you looking for your man? He's with me. "You wonder why he's not calling your daughter? 'Cause he's with me." That's how I knew he was in Chicago. Were you with another one of your children's mother when you... ...went to Chicago like she's saying? Yeah, I actually was. 'Cause I was actually with my other baby's mom, before I was actually with Alexandra. Okay... DOUGLAS: It's confusing. It's very confusing. But now we're supposed to be together, he still talks to other people and his baby's mom, and I'm not doing nothing. Okay. As I read the statement this morning... I recall saying you had five children? Yes, Your Honor. Yeah. JUDGE LAKE: It's as if you speaking about this thing like it's, "Oh, yeah, 'cause I was with my other child's mother, "and I just went on to Chicago, and then he went there..." I mean, what? You have five children, potentially, together! Was your relationship ever committed? Was it ever an important thing to either one of you? Are we just making babies? Is it a baby factory? What is it? After I had my daughter... It's like, he was basically playing me. We weren't together, so I'm like, "Anything you can do, I can do better." So, but after I had my son, that's when we actually started getting together. Like, I was being faithful to him. I thought he was being faithful to me, but it was nothing like that. I would get played. I would sit at home with the kids, he'd be in Chicago doing him. I want to be with him to death, but he can't stop talking to other people. He can't. Even after child number two, you think he's cheating. Yeah. I just had my twins seven months ago. He's still talking to women. (AUDIENCE EXCLAIMING) I don't never talk to anybody first. After I find out he cheats on me, that's when I do it. But I really do want to be with him, and I want to make a family for my five kids. Now, Ms. Douglas, you just keep saying, "Okay, now, I do not believe in cheating. "I do not believe in cheating. "But when he does this, then I go do that." Now, at some point, the tit for tat, it just turns into a catastrophe! I mean, are you two supposed to be trying to be in a relationship right now? We was, but yesterday he was texting a girl on Facebook, writing a girl on Facebook. We supposed to be together, we working on us for our kids, and you're writing somebody on Facebook? And now he's trying to say, well, now he said, "Um, I don't even know if I should get a DNA test for the twins, "'cause you had sex with somebody when you were pregnant with my twins." When I was pregnant with your twins. So how is that, how is that their baby? She actually slept with that person last month. My twins is only six months, or seven months... And he had sex with my cousin before I had sex with his cousin last month. It's always him that starts. So, wait a minute, now. You had sex with his cousin again last month? And he had sex with my cousin again, three months ago. Before I did it. (AUDIENCE EXCLAIMING) Okay. You said you don't believe in cheating... DOUGLAS: No, I don't. Why are you doing it, then? When I cheat on him, it's with the same person. Because I wanna get back. I'm not gonna sit around and be played, like I said. When I cheat on him, it's with one person. What I'm trying to understand is, and this is in no way, this is in no way condoning Mr. Jones' actions, I'll deal with him in a minute... But how in the world can you have five children that you believe are by a man, and every time he does something that betrays your trust, you sleep with his cousin, or do something to get back at him, and yet you say you want to be in a relationship with him. It doesn't make sense! (AUDIENCE APPLAUDING) That's what I'm thinking. Now don't you go co-signing! JONES: I mean... Don't you go co-signing, because you're next! Yeah? How in the world can you potentially have five children with this woman? And be so irresponsible and disrespectful, that you continue to sleep with her family member... JONES: No... DOUGLAS: My favorite cousin. My favorite cousin! No, let me correct something, that's not your favorite cousin. Now it ain't. JUDGE LAKE: The day she laid down with the supposed father of your children, she's no longer your favorite cousin. Let me give you that. Mmm-hmm. I know. The day you go do that, you have not just disrespected your would-be-girlfriend, the potential mother of your five children, you're disrespecting the kids, too. That's the family. That's their family! They have to go to holidays in that family. They have to play with their other little cousins in that family. Why you all traipsing around in the family? Why you keep sleeping with her cousin? JONES: It's like this... You say that that's my child, and you say you going back to the same cousin, who was there from day one, that made me have these doubts. How could you continue to do that? You living your life as a mare right now. Basically, every time I do something, you gotta go do it. Okay, yeah, so I slept with his cousin a month ago. After that, we both made a vow to each other, that we're done. That there's no more of it. JUDGE LAKE: Okay. I kept my promise. I have not done nothing. He's doing everything, just like I said, yesterday on Facebook, he's talking to girls. I have not done nothing. I really do want to be with him. And it just doesn't look like he want to be with me. He says it, but obviously that's not what it is. He don't wanna be with me. And he should be a man and say that. What do you want? I do want to be with her, but... JUDGE LAKE: Do you really? Yeah, I do. I honestly do. Now, let's ask him why he keeps cheating. Why? I have not done... Why did you write somebody on Facebook yesterday? We're together, we're supposed to be on a little trip to ourselves. And you're texting somebody on Facebook? JUDGE LAKE: Why? Basically, she started writing me, and I'm like, "Okay, I'll just respond." I just responded to the texts. DOUGLAS: But on Facebook, it says we're engaged, so no other woman want to write him on Facebook. We're engaged on Facebook. I mean but, look at me. You can't blame 'em. Oh, my goodness... DOUGLAS: I just play detective too much. That's my problem. Mr. Jones. Yes, Your Honor? JUDGE LAKE: That was great comic relief, but let's be very honest here. (AUDIENCE LAUGHING) Okay. JUDGE LAKE: Let's be very honest here. It sounds like, to me, you keep stringing Ms. Douglas along, with the little carrot, giving her this feeling that one day, one day, you're just gonna go ahead and commit to her. And every time it's all said and done, and you all are through with each other, and in the bed with each other's cousins, next thing you know, you all back together again, and in the mess again. You got her thinking now, she got engaged on her Facebook! Yeah? And you sitting up here talking about you don't know what you wanna do. JONES: I mean, 'cause... JUDGE LAKE: How does one person think they engaged, and the other person don't know what they gonna do? JONES: I don't know, but at the same time... I never heard of such! You don't question any engagement, actually... So what do you wanna do? Do you wanna be with me? Actually... Actually, if you been sleeping with one of my cousins as of last month. JONES: And you talk about engagement... Wow! You did the same exact thing! It really don't make sense. How could you even be in a committed relationship with me, if I have doubts because you say you going back with the same cousin, which the whole reason I'm here is for the paternity! Oh, because you switched up cousins, it's okay, basically, right? All right. I admit... DOUGLAS: It's a different cousin. I had two things with two of her cousins... Which, all right. But it's not like I'm here to question the paternity of their kids. I'm here to... Oh, well, how big of you. JONES: It's different. I mean... You didn't bring all the family and make it a family reunion! I mean, I'm just saying, it isn't like her cousins is standing on the podium right next to me and I'm here to be questioned about the paternity of their kids. 'Cause it's not, that's not even a question... When it comes back that he is the father, I just wish he would get some parenting classes, so he could be a good dad to all his kids. Well, speaking of that, let's find out the results. Jerome, can you hand me the envelope, please? Certainly, Your Honor. Here you go. JUDGE LAKE: On that issue of parenting classes, I need to ask you a few things. How often are you involved with your children? Every day. JUDGE LAKE: Every day? Every day. DOUGLAS: Except when he's out with the girls... Or except when I'm at work, Your Honor. JUDGE LAKE: Okay. There are instances when a court can order parenting classes. But I haven't heard testimony today that would substantiate any reason why I need to order Mr. Jones to parenting class. What I do feel is necessary, is to advise and encourage you both to attend family and parenting classes together. The court is concerned about your relationship, to the extent that it affects the kids. Mmm-hmm. So, I am not quite certain you two really need to be together. (AUDIENCE EXCLAIMING) It's just a lot going on, and messy in the family. And I don't know how you all are going to be a couple, and then have to go to Thanksgiving dinner, and Christmas, and the cousins are there... I don't know how that's going to work! However, it's not for this court to figure out. What I just need to help you figure out, is whether or not you can parent together, whether or not you're in a relationship. Okay? You seem emotional, Ms. Douglas. What are you feeling? (SNIFFLING) I tried so hard... And I really do wanna be with him. We have five kids that want us both in the household, and it just doesn't seem that it's gonna be like that. My daughter is everything... He means everything to my daughter. I just wanna know... Can you just tell him that he is the father? So, the results now will determine whether you have four children together, or five. In the case of<i> Douglas v. Jones...</i> When it comes to four-year-old Cheyanne... Mr. Jones... You are... Not the father. (AUDIENCE EXCLAIMING) (DOUGLAS SNIFFLING) She knew this from the beginning. DOUGLAS: No, I didn't... Now I'm embarrassed that I've faced public humiliation because she didn't want to be honest before we came here. Your Honor. I didn't know. I didn't even know the condom busted! You knew, mare! You knew! I didn't even know the condom busted! How would I know if he's not the father when we're sleeping together every day? How would I know? She told me, "No. I have no doubts. "This is your daughter." 'Cause I didn't. I didn't at all. My daughter acts just like him. And looks just like him to me. And now my daughter ain't gonna have a dad. JONES: No, she gonna have a dad. That's what's hurting me the most... Now, Mr. Jones, you are the biological father to four, and I want you to be man enough, if necessary, to be the daddy to five. (AUDIENCE APPLAUDING) You walked into this courtroom loving this little girl. It is perfectly okay to walk out loving her just the same. That's great, because I do. I actually do. It's like, to me... That won't really even change the fact that I still want her to be my kid. I still love her. I'm proud of you. No matter what happens from this day forward, you remember that. And you think of that little girl. She thinks the world of you. Don't let her down. Okay? Yeah. Court is adjourned. Miss Hatcher, you confess that at the time you conceived your two-year-old son Josiah you had sexual relations with three men. <i> Now, you don't want your son to suffer for your mistakes,</i> so you've requested paternity testing on all three men. Yes, Your Honor. All right, now, Mr. Scott, you claim Miss Hatcher led you to believe you were the only potential father of this child until she told you in anger that she needed a DNA test. Yes, Your Honor, that is true. Mr. Blake, you claim... Yes, ma'am. There's no way you're the child's father, and you're gonna prove that today. Yes, ma'am. All right, the third possible father, Mr. Sneed, <i> says he wasn't even aware of the possibility</i> <i> until Miss Hatcher's son was almost two years old.</i> So, Miss Hatcher, please explain to the Court how you got yourself in this situation. Yes, Your Honor. Um, at the time I had sex with three different men around the same time my son conceived. I did have a five-and-a-half month fling with Mr. Scott, and I also had... MR. SCOTT: No, Your Honor, that is not true. I was just sex, period. That's what a fling is. Not to me, not to me. JUDGE LAKE: So, please, keep going, Miss Hatcher. I also had a seven-and-a-half year relationship with my ex, <i> and I had a one-night stand with him around the time.</i> <i> And I also had a one-night stand with Mr. Blake.</i> <i> Um, I have a calendar right here.</i> Oh, that will help us. Jerome, please... Hand me Miss Hatcher's evidence. Thank you. You're welcome. JUDGE LAKE: <i> As we see here on the calendar,</i> the yellow represents you, Mr. Scott. For Mr. Blake, that's represented in the blue. We're looking at the window of conception. Mr. Sneed is in green. <i> And then outlined in red, as you can see,</i> <i> is the window of conception,</i> <i> so green we have Mr. Sneed, your ex.</i> You say you had sex with him on the 23rd of December. Yes, Your Honor, one time. Did you use protection? No, we did not. Um... How much did he pay? Excuse me, Mr. Scott? You gonna be respectful in this courtroom. (AUDIENCE APPLAUDS) Your Honor, this is not... This is him. He is a disrespectful man. He is very ignorant. He's... He's all that to me and my son. Just recently he knows that we don't have a working refrigerator and a stove, and he comes over to my house, and he still has the same attitude, nasty attitude that he has... That he has now. You admitted in court today that you had a five-and-a-half month fling with a gentleman that can look across the aisle at you and ask you how much does someone pay for your sexual services. That's the reason why I wasn't with him, Your Honor. That's the reason why, I... After the five-and-a-half months, I see... Five-and-a-half months is too long. Well, you know... Yeah, you're right. So, you know, in this courtroom, we just keep it real. Now, Mr. Scott, I want to understand from your perspective why you are doubtful. Okay, I'm doubtful because she said out of her own mouth, DNA test. I didn't know nothing about her situation. When she came and told me she was pregnant, I believed her. Okay. 'Cause she's a woman who knows her body, who's supposed to know her body, knows what she done, Your Honor. So, when the baby was born, were you in the hospital? Yes, ma'am. I was there for... I was there... And did you sign the birth certificate? Yes, ma'am, I did. I have it right here. I signed the birth certificate. Jerome, hand me that birth certificate. I've been buying diapers, I've been buying playpens, I've been taking care of this side. Letting him come to my house on football Sundays. I watched... I spent the whole... Your Honor, this man is not doing... Your Honor, that man is not doing any of that, okay? I'm not doing it anymore. Ever since I found out that I don't think he's mine, I have stopped. That young man has my last name, Your Honor, and it could be not supposed to be... It's supposed to be... It might be his... It might be Mr. Sneed's. It is not fair to him. Okay. So, you're listed here as father. Yes, ma'am. At what point did you begin to doubt whether or not you were Josiah's biological father? Had a situation where we had to go to court. She said in open court we need to get DNA test because she was in fear that I was gonna try to take Josiah from her. JUDGE LAKE: And in your mind, that was the first... Hold on. I wasn't in fear of that... That was the first time you ever questioned paternity? I had a question when she mentioned DNA. Okay, stop, hold on. Hold on, hold on. That's a lie. I added up the dates and everything. I thought I conceived in January, then find out I didn't conceive in January, I conceived in December. So then I was like, "Oh, man." You know, I came to him like a woman, and I said, "You know what, Josiah might not be yours." So why didn't you just... When? Josiah might not... He's... When? Josiah might not be yours. When did you do that? And he was like, "Oh, I could've figured that." Because Josiah... The way Josiah was looking. He came to the hospital, he looked at Josiah up and down. I'm talking about he was checking Josiah's ears, he was checking Josiah's legs, his feet and everything. He searched Josiah from head to toe before he signed that birth certificate, Your Honor. And then after I brought my son home, after having a C-section, I sat there... He came in the house... After he done got him a girlfriend, he came in the house, and he said, "My girlfriend said that Josiah might not be mine." And Josiah wasn't home two days yet. Your Honor... That's what he did. MR. SCOTT: Your Honor, do you know that this is the second lady, Your Honor, that has come to me, told me that I am the father of her child, signed the birth certificate, 99% wasn't mine. It is clear why there's doubt in this situation. Now, that is a fact. You have to understand why all these men are doubtful. Mr. Blake. Yes, Your Honor? Did you sleep with Miss Hatcher on the 26th of December? That's the day after Christmas, you should remember that. (AUDIENCE LAUGHS) We got a hotel room that night. There's a possibility it could be mine. If it's mine, I don't have a problem taking care of mine. Was it protected sex on that day? Uh, we had a little alcohol, but I think so, Your Honor. All right, so Miss Hatcher, do you remember whether or not you two used protection when you... Yes, I do. The first time we did use protection, and then the second time, we didn't. Your Honor, there wasn't no second time. MISS HATCHER: We had sex twice. I only remember one time. I know I wasn't that drunk, Your Honor. Now, why are you doubtful? It was a one-night stand. So you feel like just because it was a one-night stand, your odds... Are very slim. And he also told me that he made his first child off a one-night stand. JUDGE LAKE: I was about to say there's plenty of people in this world... Yeah, I understand that but, Your Honor, um, if the child's mine, I don't have a problem taking care of mine. That's good to know. (AUDIENCE APPLAUDS) Miss Hatcher, now, you say you have reason to believe that Mr. Blake is the child's father. Could be. He could be a possibility because the way my son is built, the way he's growing up. How many people you gotta test before you find out? JUDGE LAKE: As many as it takes in this courtroom. As many as it takes. You say your son, you feel like he's built like Mr. Blake? MISS HATCHER: Well, he's... He got broad shoulders like Mr. Blake, and he has, you know... His hand are big, his feet are flat. I really don't know Mr. Blake that well. Okay. So, you also say you have good reason to believe that Mr. Sneed is the father. You see similarities there. MISS HATCHER: Yes, I do, in his feet. JUDGE LAKE: <i> Explain.</i> MISS HATCHER: <i> In his feet. Um, he has flat feet like Mr. Sneed.</i> I thought he had the flat feet. MISS HATCHER: I know how this may look. Only thing I'm trying to do is just try to find out who my baby's father is, because I know that it's hard. who my baby's father is. I had moved from a house, to having a car, to an apartment with no stove, no working refrigerator, you know what I'm saying? And this man, you know, he's homeless, and I let him stay at my house at night. I don't want him to be my... My baby's father because he's 43 years old, he don't wanna work. But you slept with him without protection! Your Honor. Yeah, I did. So, at this point... I did. The insults are irrelevant! MISS HATCHER: Yeah, it is. MR. SCOTT: Can I... Can I... Can I defend myself in a small way? I've already defended you. If you would listen and stop talking, you would already see. You're not on trial, you don't need to defend yourself. No, ma'am. I have children, I have three kids. Listen, you don't need to defend yourself, sir. That's not the point, ma'am. I have three kids that are watching me. And that woman just said something about my character, and I have a right to say something myself towards my character. What about your character? She just said that I... This and that, I'm this and that. I don't take care of my kids. Ask him what he does for a living. If I don't take care of my kids, call 'em. You don't take care of your kids, and you know you don't. Call them. You don't pay child support. Call them and ask them what they dad... Call them and ask them what kind of father I am. And I'm gonna tell you something else, Your Honor... It's not about that. It's about him being a man and stepping up to the plate. I'm not demeaning her. I'm gonna let you all run your own case and see what kind of results you get after this, 'cause I got the real one, so go ahead. But I'm not... I'm not... I'm not demean... No, go ahead. You said you want to defend yourself. Run your case, run your case. What I want to say is that I'm not demeaning her in any way. She made some mistakes, and she needs to own up to them because I'm the victim. I'm the one... MISS HATCHER: That's why I'm here. No, you're not. You're here... You're over here bashing the man. You've done it to me. I don't do nothing. You've done it to me! You've done it to me. Stop coming to my house. I'm the one who signed the birth certificate that might not be mine, there's two other dudes you slept with. Be honest with me. JEROME: Guys, calm down, please. Truth be told, when this man stepped up and signed the birth certificate, then really that should've been... That's it, because that's what babies deserve. Their mother and their father in the hospital when they're born, signing the birth certificate and living their life, not two years later still standing up here arguing. With eeny, meeny, miny, and no. I'm sorry, Your Honor. Talking about we don't know this, and she did this, and he did this... Talking about nonsense. I'm sorry, Your Honor, I really am. What I'm trying to get to is why you have doubt. I understand why he has doubt. I understand why he has doubt. Mr. Sneed couldn't be with us today. But, given this calendar, I know why he'll have doubt. This is what I really wanna do, just find out who his father is. JUDGE LAKE: And what are your hopes? I'm hoping that Eddie is not the father. I'm hoping that it's the other two men, which one of the other two men, and the only reason... So, that's your hope? Yes, that is my hope. Why are you emotional? What do you feel? Because, you know, I'm... I'm ashamed that I'm here for this for my son 'cause I would've never thought I'd be the kind of woman like this. It wasn't like I was in a relationship with none of these... But I feel that I should know. And now you've gotten yourself centered back in the place where you know this is really not about you. It's about your son. It's not about me, it's not. And that's... That's the place where we can make change, because this courtroom is about children. Y'all wanna go out here today and destroy your lives, there's nothing I can do. But I'm not gonna sit by and watch you destroy Josiah's. And it'll be better for us to get like our... My GED because I... Once I find out who his father is, I'll be able to go back to school, I'll be able to get financial help, you know? So you'd like to get your GED? Yes, ma'am, I'd like to get my GED. Because, look, I understand as a mother how difficult it is, period, okay? I'm getting people's hopes, and I wanna know what your hopes are today, Mr. Scott, as it relates to Josiah. My hopes, period, are that we find out who his father is, whether it is me, him, or him, I wanna know, because if he's mine, I wanna be with him. I got three kids. I will give... I will give my life for my... I will give my life for my kids. <i> And if that boy is mine, he gonna know he got love.</i> <i> When I'm around him,</i> you best believe there's no negativity in his life. If I feel like we got to yell, I will leave. I'm not fixing to do anything around that boy. Good, and the passion you're showing for this young man is exactly why this courtroom exists, because we want people to understand how important a child is, and... And that I will give you a chance to speak on that... They're the future. How passionate you are about a child. Now, Mr. Blake. Yes, Your Honor. What are your hopes today? If the child mine, I'll take care of mine. But if it's not, I'm sorry. JUDGE LAKE: Have you met Josiah? Never. Never, ever? Nope. I don't live in the same town as them. Um, I've moved. So, let me ask you this. If he is, in fact, your biological child, would you like the opportunity to meet him today? Sure. Good. Well, Jerome, I think it's time for the results. Okay. (AUDIENCE APPLAUDS) Thank you. You're welcome. These results were prepared by DNA Diagnostics, and they read as follows. <i> Mr. Sneed was unable to join us today,</i> <i> but he has been tested.</i> "In the case of Hatcher v. Scott/Blake/Sneed "pertaining to whether Mr. Sneed is the biological father "of two-year-old Josiah Scott, <i> "Mr. Sneed is not</i> <i> "Josiah's father.</i> It was a one-night stand. "In the case of Hatcher v. Scott/Blake/Sneed "pertaining to whether Mr. Blake "or Mr. Scott is the biological father "of two-year-old Josiah Scott. "When it comes to Mr. Blake "you are not... "The father." I'm sorry. "When it comes to Mr. Scott... "You are the father." (AUDIENCE APPLAUDS) Thank you, Your Honor. You're welcome. You happy? Thank you. That means he has my name, and I don't have to change it. Right. Thank you. That's good. You lost a year with him in doubt. Now he can meet his brothers and sisters. Listen, now you two have to help Josiah. You have to help one another and help this child. Why is it you can't be adult... I don't wanna hear anything else. I want to tell you something. Oh, my God. You all have to love Josiah more than you dislike one another. You have to figure out... What? I'm tired of all this eye-rolling! I'm tired of all this like I don't know what I'm talking about! This doesn't have to happen again, and you don't have to perpetuate this whole nightmare onto your child! And as long as you disrespect him and as you disrespect her, then Josiah is gonna pay for it! Now you wanna roll your eyes, you wanna go home, sit your butt down somewhere and think about what I said, 'cause I'm gonna tell you right now, I am furious! Y'all sitting up here acting like kids! That's not right. <i> Beautiful little boy.</i> <i> You're telling me he ain't got no stove.</i> This little boy ain't got no refrigerator, and you sitting up talking this nonsense. Court is adjourned! I'll see you in my chambers!
Channel: Paternity Court
Views: 1,601,567
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: maury, paternity court, full episode, couples court, divorce court, you are not the father, you are the father, dna testing, paternity test, biological father, father's day, baby, dna test, ancestry, 23 and me, season 5, mgm studios, judge faith, judge rinder, judge judy, court show, paternity court full episode, season 5 full episodes, maury show, steve wilkos, wendy williams, tv full episodes, double episodes, compilations, highlights
Id: iyp7WQuYvVo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 44sec (2024 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 26 2021
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