Multiple-Choice Paternity Questions: Many Possible Fathers (Compilation) | Paternity Court

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Ms. Puckett, you claim the defendant Steven Macon fathered your child while in a relationship with his current girlfriend Ms. Glover. Yes, Your Honor. You claim you can prove he got you pregnant at the same time. <i> And now you both have</i> <i> 2-year-old children named</i> <i> Steven Macon Jr.?</i> PUCKETT: <i> Yes, Your Honor.</i> JUDGE LAKE: You're asking the court for DNA test to prove that Mr. Macon is the biological father of your 2-year-old son. And, Mr. Macon, you claim to have concrete evidence that will prove to the court there's no possibility that you could be Ms. Puckett's child's father. MACON: Yes, Your Honor. She has five kids by five different baby daddies. And you could be the sixth. No, I ain't. No, I ain't. We didn't have sex till like three months after. I didn't have sex with her. JUDGE LAKE: But you did have sex with her. Me and, me and my, me and Ms. Glover, we wasn't together at the time. JUDGE LAKE: Did you use protection? Yes. JUDGE LAKE: You did? But it bust. (MUMBLES) JUDGE LAKE: Okay. But there was a malfunction. Right, right, right. Before we even had sex three weeks after I met her, she got my name tattooed on her neck. You got his name tattooed on your neck three weeks after you met him? MACON: We didn't even have sex yet. No, no. No, I didn't. JUDGE LAKE: All right. JUDGE LAKE: So, Ms. Puckett, take me back to this relationship. You were having sex with Mr. Macon. You find out you're pregnant? PUCKETT: Mmm-hmm. JUDGE LAKE: Then what? And then I called him and I tell him, you know, that I was pregnant. I told him. He said "How?" And I told him because I took a pregnancy test. Did you know that he had a girlfriend that he was off and on with? PUCKETT: No. So in your mind what was this thing you all had? Well, we were dating. He was treating me real good. He bought me stuff, he gave me money when I needed it. He said, you know, he'd say if I need anything, my kids need anything, he'd do for them. When I was pregnant, he was rubbing on my belly like he was happy and he was concerned about it. Take me to the day you actually gave birth. Was Mr. Macon there? He came in, you know, and he was looking at the baby. Playing with my son. And then, so he said, um, "What you," he said, "what you naming him?" I said "I'm naming him after my brother." I said, 'cause that's what my grandma wanted me to do. "No, you're not. You're not naming him that. "You not naming him that." I said that? PUCKETT: You never... I left. PUCKETT: You naming him... You naming him Steve. So he said, "Call the nurse." So I buzzed the nurse. The nurse was there as a witness. 'Cause, you know, the nurse gotta be there at all hospitals before they let you do, sign anything, affidavit or anything like that, and that's what I did. I called the nurse and she said, "Are you sure this is your child?" He said, "Yeah." I stayed there at the hospital, literally, I don't even think it was 10 minutes. I looked at the baby. She asked me, "What you wanna name the baby? You gonna sign the birth certificate?" I said, "Look, I gotta go. I got some things I gotta do," and I left. Why would a nurse... JUDGE LAKE: That doesn't sound right. Seriously. That's exactly what happened. So, when you looked at the baby you felt like there's no way this is my child. MACON: No. Do you think that situation is what she wants for her life? I'm not sure. I can't... Okay. So that's what... I just needed to ask you those series of questions, because sometimes when people give testimony, it's important for me to understand the intention behind their words. GLOVER: Mmm-hmm. And now, asking you that series of questions has alerted me that your intention is to completely discredit her at all costs. I get why there's animosity between the two of you. PUCKETT: It shouldn't be though, Your Honor. JUDGE LAKE: Look, but I get it. This is a difficult situation. And as I can see from hearing Mr. Macon's testimony, he does not help it any. Because you just right in the middle with your hands in your pocket like you didn't have anything to do with it, when you got everything to do with it and everybody got your name. (AUDIENCE APPLAUDING) Ms. Glover, how did you find out that the child, that Ms. Puckett's child, was named Steven Macon Jr.? Okay, let's talk about this. I go to the WIC office. We got a local WIC office. Everybody know everybody. Um, it's about two weeks. My son's probably about two or three weeks old. I go in there. He's there for his little check-up. They weigh him. They're about ready, they're entering his information in the computer. Next thing I know, the lady's like, "Oh, hold up. I made a mistake." I'm like, "You made a mistake? What kind of mistake could you have made?" She was like, "I entered your baby under the wrong person." And I said, "What do you mean?" She was like, "'Cause there was a baby born on July 4th of this year "and his name is Steven Macon Jr." She read it out and she's like, "The dad's name is Steven Macon Jr. too." <i> And then she realized she said too much.</i> <i> And I'm like, "What?"</i> I come outside and I'm like, "Do you know that this... "(MOUTHING) girl, "named her baby after you?" And, I mean, he looked devastated like me. I mean, literally. He dropped down like, you got to be kidding me. When you told him this information you truly thought he was genuinely surprised... Exactly. Exactly. hear that she'd named her child the same. Because he still... So, Mr. Macon, was this the first time you heard this, that this child was named Steven Macon Jr.? MACON: Yeah. Yeah. JUDGE LAKE: First time in your life? You lying, lying, lying as the day is long. I can see that from here. Okay. He already knew because he was there. He signed it. And ain't no nurse gonna let you sign a birth certificate. I can't just sit there and sign his birth certificate In the case of<i> Puckett v. Macon,</i> when it comes to 2-year-old Steven Macon Jr., it has been determined by this court, Mr. Macon Sr., you are his father. (AUDIENCE APPLAUDING) GLOVER: You know what? When you sent her that text message talking about some, uh, that it's your baby... MACON: Nah. ...that you gonna go out and go have sex until the sunlight? Well, sunlight time, baby. I'll holler at you. (AUDIENCE APPLAUDING) JUDGE LAKE: Ms. Puckett, what do you feel? Vindicated? Just hurt that he wasn't there for him. (CRYING) That, that really hurt. And I just tried to tell him... I apologize. I apologize. I apologize. I apologize. (AUDIENCE MOANING DISAPPROVINGLY) JUDGE LAKE: Yeah. Your jerk factor is on 10, Mr. Macon. I'm not gonna lie. (AUDIENCE APPLAUDING) Uh, you have gotten on my last nerve today. Came in here with no evidence. Could barely put a sentence together 'cause you're smiling and laughing. 'Cause your nerves are shot, 'cause you're lying. Mr. Jordan, you claim the defendant tricked you into signing her daughter's birth certificate, and being a daddy. But two years later, you were told another man is her biological father. You opened your case, because you want DNA proof, you are not the father, so you can get your name removed from the birth certificate. Is that correct? Yes, Your Honor. JUDGE LAKE: Ms. Heim, you admit to being unfaithful to Mr. Jordan, but say he is Caitlyn's father. You say Mr. Jordan abandoned you and your daughter, and you intend to prove paternity today. Is that correct? HEIM: Yes, Your Honor. So, Mr. Jordan, you say Miss Heim tricked you? JORDAN: Yes. Explain. Um, she tricked me into thinking that I was the, I was the father. She tricked me into thinking that, that Caitlyn was my, was my first daughter. She tricked me into thinking that <i>that the other guy had got a paternity test on Caitlyn.</i> 'Cause she told me, "Oh, he already got one," and... You know what I'm saying? So I know, it's just you. Uh, she tricked me into thinking that, that family was something sacred. JUDGE LAKE: You believe she was intentionally deceitful? Yes. JUDGE LAKE: And what was her motive? I've, you know what? I have... I think her only motive was to, that she was able to get away with it. Honestly. Um, 'cause at the end of the day, I think that she had the advantage. As far as to having a, a dad, that could take care, and provide for Caitlyn. 'Cause I was there since day one. You know what I'm sayin'? So... So you thought her motive really was that you were a provider? You were there for the child, and you were going to do right by the child. Right. JUDGE LAKE: But you believe she was being deceitful. Yeah. JUDGE LAKE: Were you being deceitful, Ms. Heim? No, Ma'am. I, um, he's a great father. And I only had sex with one man, when we were together. And I had sex with him one time, but we've been messing around for seven years, and I never became pregnant. I met Chris, and all of a sudden I became pregnant. So, I know, Chris is the father. So wait, you're saying that you were only having sex with one other man, other than Mr. Jordan? HEIM: Just one time, in April, and then I found I was pregnant in June. Okay, so was that potentially the window of conception? Yes, Your Honor. I know that Chris is the father. But how, if you had sex with the other guy? HEIM: He's the fa... I just know that he's the father. I was there for the, for the weird pregnancy cravings, I was there to rub the feet, I was there to get up out of my sleep at night, to get pickles and ice cream. That's what I was doing, you know what I'm saying? 'Cause, at the end of day, I never grew up with my parents. You know what I'm saying? So I'm real big on being a parent to my child. That like, when this little girl was born, like, that what changed my life. Like, that, that what did it for me. That's what made me start goin' in a positive direction, you know what I'm saying? But this what I don't understand, it was all going well. It was, you know what I'm saying? JUDGE LAKE: And so how does it go wrong? JORDAN: This is where it goes wrong. Her and a family member get into a, like, altercation, like an argument. You know, an altercation, an argument. And it's like, they started, like, throwin' dirt on each other. You know what I mean? So, she says something about this family member, in front of this family member's boyfriend, or whatever. So she turned, so the family member turned around, and was like, "Why you ain't told Chris that "he's not Caitlyn's dad?" JUDGE LAKE: What? So I'm like, at that moment, it was just like, I was more in shock, than... 'Cause at the end of he day, it's just like, hmm? It's very funny, but you know, people can, you can say whatever. But as she was sayin' it, she pulls out the phone, and she starts showin' me, I can pull it up, I ain't gotta lie. It's what, what the family member tells me. My family, they're messy, they're messy, they're messy... Man, that blew my mind. What does she pull up? HEIM: She's jealous... JORDAN: She pulls up pictures of... Of this other, of the other guy and my daughter. You know what I'm saying? Like having moments together, or... Uh, pictures of... JUDGE LAKE: Wait a minute! Hold on! Caitlyn's two years old, you think you have a daughter, and the perfect girl, you've got a good life. Yes, um, I actually have evidence. JUDGE LAKE: Oh, let me see that. So you think you're havin' a good life, and then they get into an argument, when Caitlyn's two, a family member and Miss Heim, and they start goin' off on one another... And then, like, everything just comes right out, right then. And I'm like, it hit me... JUDGE LAKE: And so, the family member showed you pictures... It hit me like an 18-wheeler. And this evidence you submitted is one of the pictures? Yeah. <i>Yeah, and, as you can see right here, Your Honor, like I...</i> I mean, I don't want to say people look alike, but I'm like, yo... It's a lot of resemblance here. <i>I need to know what's going on.</i> <i> She's old enough to know.</i> Who does she think her father is? Mr. Jordan or Santavious? Chris. Have you ever told Mr. Santavious Knight, this gentleman here, that he is her biological father? HEIM: All I said was that I was pregnant, when I first found I was pregnant. I did not say it was his child. So are you saying, he assumed he was the father? No 'cause, me and him was like, like, we could talk about anything, so... When I found out I was pregnant, I was like, "Look I'm pregnant." He said, "Okay." So, I feel like he assumed that it was his, but it's not his. It was Chris' baby. Your Honor, I object, I'm sorry. JUDGE LAKE: You know what, hold on. I'm about to object too, and I'm up here on this bench. I am not getting any truth out of you, Miss Heim. I am ready to hear from Mr. Santavious Knight myself. Jerome, please escort him into the courtroom. We're here discussing the paternity of Caitlyn. KNIGHT: Yes, Ma'am. And... JUDGE LAKE: It has been brought to this court's attention, that there are pictures of you with Caitlyn, where you put a caption that this is, "Me and my baby Kate." Where you were referring to this little girl as your daughter. Yes. Do you believe Caitlyn is your daughter? Yes, that's my baby. When she told me she got pregnant, like "I'm pregnant," I'm like, "What you telling me for?" She like "Well it's not Chris, man, "me and Chris been together a year and a half, "and we ain't got pregnant." So you touch me and I get pregnant. HEIM: No he's lying, I... When I came back in town in April. I admit we had sex, and then I found out I was pregnant in June. So how is that possible? I just called him to let him know that I was pregnant. JUDGE LAKE: What did you say she said to you again? She told me it were my baby, she said I'm pregnant, I said what you telling me for? She said, 'cause it's yours. Telling me, "I love it when you get home." "I let somebody else sign the birth certificate but I'll fix it when you get home." You didn't care. I'm like "Okay, say no more." She let somebody sign the birth Certificate, but she's gonna fix it when you get home? Yeah. HEIM: No. JORDAN: He ain't lying, he ain't lying JUDGE LAKE: Ms. Heim, what kinda game you running? HEIM: I ain't runnin' no game. It's a good game. Fact. He ain't lying. JUDGE LAKE: So how often do you see Caitlyn? I see Caitlyn when he ain't got her. Or the people at her school ain't got her. She gonna see you can't keep on lying instead of being real and tellin' the truth. You know what I mean? It's still gonna come out, any way it go. It's gonna come out anyway, they gonna tell. The baby mine. You gonna see here, you gonna have to apologize, this man's gonna be cryin'. Do you see her playin'? Go on tell the truth, keep it real. JUDGE LAKE: In the case of Jordan v. Heim, pertaining to whether Mr. Jordan, or Mr. Knight, is the father of the child, Caitlyn Jordan. It has been determined by this Court. The biological father is... Mister... Jordan. AUDIENCE: Ooh! Mr. Jordan, you are Caitlyn's biological father. Mr. Knight, I know you really thought Caitlyn was your biological child, how are you feeling in this moment? At the end of the day, you know... Your life, you kind of, you know... When it come out it comes out, the truth comes out, so I ain't too mad about it, you know... But, if I'm still allowed, that's my partner right there, you know, that's my friend. JUDGE LAKE: Mr. Webb, you have been waiting two years for this day. You claim the defendant, Ms. Forrest, left you for dead <i> only to find out once you got out of a coma,</i> that she was pregnant and that the baby could be yours or her husband's. Yes, Your Honor. Ms. Forrest, you and your husband are here today desperate to put an end to this drama. You say you have no doubt your daughter's biological father is indeed your husband. Yes, Your Honor. Mr. Webb, what are your intentions today if the DNA determines that you are the biological father? My intentions are to fight for full custody rights if she is my daughter. Well, it's my daughter and you ain't getting her. Ms. Forrest, how did you get yourself in this triangle? My husband got in some trouble and I end up, uh, meeting Mr. Webb through one of my friends. We hit it off and then I ended up leaving Mr. Forrest for Mr. Webb. So you began a sexual relationship. Yes, yes, Your Honor. All right. And were you using protection at the time? No, Your Honor. (AUDIENCE MURMURS) All right. Mr. Webb, what is your take on this? It didn't happen like that. At first, yes, we was in love, but towards the end WEBB: I was on life support. No. That's not how it happened. (STAMMERING) WEBB: <i> As soon as I got out of the hospital,</i> I had got a phone call saying that she was pregnant. I heard it from my aunt first. But on my way to Illinois with my dad... AMANDA: No. ...she had called me and told me that it was a possibility that Alayna was my child. She told you, "a possibility"? Yes, ma'am. So that means she was admitting that she also had slept with other people. Yes, ma'am. Did you think the other person was just her husband? At the time, no, Your Honor. You thought there were other possible... Yes, Your Honor. AMANDA: No. He was just... And why would you think that? Why would you have reason to think that? Because she was working at the time and some of her checks would be coming up missing every time she would get paid. AMANDA: No. And so what did you suspect because something was missing out if her check? She would get off at 10:00. It would take at least 15 minutes to get home. But she would come in at 11:00 to 11:30. It took about 45 minutes to get from where I was working. So it was missing time and missing money. When you realized you were pregnant... AMANDA: My feelings... When exactly did you realize you were pregnant? The middle of September. WEBB: That is a lie, Your Honor. 'Cause I didn't know at the time, I was pregnant. So, Mr. Webb, how did you find out she was pregnant? She had called me the day that I got out of the hospital. I was on my way to Illinois with my dad. I got a phone call, we had a discussion. She said that I may be the father but then again I may not be because she was back with Mr. Forrest. I was there with her at the doctor's office. So, it was the middle of September when she found out. WEBB: It was in August whenever she found out that she was pregnant. AMANDA: No. FORREST: No, it was not. So, there's a month discrepancy. WEBB: That's not true. You say September, you say August. Yes, Your Honor. So, when you got the news did you immediately think you're the father? Well, she had told me, ahead of time, that I may not be the father FORREST: <i> But there was a chance that I was the father.</i> So now, what makes you stand in Court today, Ms. Forrest and say that your husband is definitely the father? I have counted back the time from when she was born, nine months back, and it takes it to the week that I was only sleeping with him. Me and Mr. Webb were already over with. All right, let me grab my calendar. See this... My daughter was born on May 9th of 2013. JUDGE LAKE: Okay. And then if you take it back none months later that takes it to the week of August 26th through August 31st. JUDGE LAKE: August 26th through August 31st you were sleeping with your... Just my husband. WEBB: The thing about it, Your Honor, is the day they... Before I went on to life support we did have sex. JUDGE LAKE: Well, that was the question I was about to ask. What day did you go into the hospital? I went into the hospital on August 26, 2012. So, you say on August 25th you all were intimate. WEBB: Yes, Your Honor. Is that correct, Ms. Forrest? AMANDA: Yes, Your Honor. JUDGE LAKE: Without protection? WEBB: Yes, Your Honor. AMANDA: Yes, Your Honor. JUDGE LAKES: Oh... Okay. So that's intimate with Mr. Webb. Now you're here to tell me you know for sure that your child is fathered by Mr. Forrest and you've got this close proximity? She looks... Yes, Your Honor. She looks just like my husband, she takes after him. But you do realize this difference in time... This is all a part of the same window of conception. You do understand that. Right, Ms. Forrest? Yes, Your Honor. He called me about two weekends ago. I was on my way to Arkansas. And he told me that if I don't let him see her he's gonna take her to court or take me to court and he's gonna take her away from me. There's no way that he is getting my daughter. I have cared for her for two years. He hasn't. So... He wanted to see her, but he hasn't wanted to do nothing... If this DNA test proves that I am Alayna's father, I will fight for my full custody rights. FORREST: This is my child and I will fight for custody. There's no way that he is getting my daughter. Now, this is our child not yours. And I will fight you for full custody. There's no way that he's getting full custody of my child. No. I will fight. So, Mr. Forrest, you're convinced you are Alayna's father. Well, either I am or he is! JUDGE LAKE: Oh, wait! AUDIENCE: No! Are you... No, no, no. I'm saying, are you convinced you're her biological father? There's a possibility. Yes. But I don't know for 100%. You're raising her as? My own. So she thinks you're her daddy. Correct. She calls him daddy. JUDGE LAKE: Calls you daddy. Calls me daddy. She doesn't have a choice, Your Honor, because Ms. Forrest would not let me be with my daughter. He doesn't want to meet under my terms. it has been determined by this Court that her biological father is... Mr. Webb. (AUDIENCE APPLAUDING) Be clear. You did not just cheat him you cheated her. AUDIENCE: Yeah. (APPLAUDING) You cheated her. (WEBB SOBBING) You knew it could be a possibility. And I'm afraid I'm gonna lose my husband and my family over this. Well, this is my point. You think about yourself! (AUDIENCE AGREEING AND APPLAUDING) That's all he thought about when we were together. You're thinking about yourself. He won't see my daughter. (AUDIENCE MURMURING DISCONTENT) I think you need to step outside of yourself and your own selfishness... AUDIENCE: Yeah ...and allow him to see his daughter in my chambers for the first time. AUDIENCE: Yeah. So that maybe for the first time her mother can stop thinking about herself. (AUDIENCE APPLAUDING AND CHEERING) Can we do that? Your baby's not leaving this court. Uh, yes. Yes, Your Honor. JUDGE LAKE: Thank you!
Channel: Paternity Court
Views: 429,590
Rating: 4.8523378 out of 5
Keywords: maury, paternity court, full episode, couples court, divorce court, you are not the father, you are the father, dna testing, paternity test, biological father, father's day, baby, dna test, ancestry, 23 and me, season 5, mgm studios, judge faith, judge rinder, judge judy, court show, paternity court full episode, season 5 full episodes, maury show, steve wilkos, wendy williams, season 4, compilation, highlights, season 3
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 1sec (1381 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 27 2021
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