Double Episode: Four and Counting | Paternity Court

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Miss Davis, you're in court today hoping to right your wrongs. When your 2-year-old son, Jayvion, was born, he had four possible fathers, including the defendant. You hope today's result help you find your son's father and heal your broken heart. Mr. Smith, you argue that Miss Davis actually told you you were not her son's father. And you say you just had a brief sexual relationship and you don't want to take care of a child that isn't yours. Yes, Your Honor. So, Miss Davis, please explain to the court why is this result today so important for you and for your son? I mean, Your Honor, as a child I had very... Excuse me. A very bad childhood, I went through 13 different foster homes, (VOICE BREAKING) I've been to four different, um, group homes, and I didn't grow up knowing who my father was until I was 18 years old. And my son's only two. I mean, it's not his fault that I decided to make... Well, practically, a hoe of myself when I was of that... When I was of that age. Sorry. (SOBS) It's okay. (DAVIS SNIFFLING) Take your time. (SOBS) And it just means everything to me for my son to know who his father is. I mean, my son's my world. I would do anything for that little boy. JUDGE LAKE: All right. Mr. Smith, I just want to ask you. You did have a relationship with Miss Davis, you acknowledge that, am I correct? Yes, Your Honor. And so why are you doubtful that you potentially could be Jayvion's father? 'Cause she said I wasn't, Your Honor. She told you you weren't? Yes, I asked if I could be the father and she told me no, Your Honor. Now, Miss Davis, we said that there were four potential fathers. Yes, Your Honor. I need you to walk me through that. There are four potential fathers and each of the individual men, I actually met on a chat line, within days upon each other. I made a calendar. JUDGE LAKE: Okay. Jerome, let me have that evidence, please. Thank you. So this calendar shows you were intimate with potential father number one on the 12th of November. That would be, uh, my ex-boyfriend. So this is the guy you'd been in a relationship with? Yes, Your Honor. For how long? Maybe a steady year. So you had sex with him on the 12th and the 13th? Yes, Your Honor. JUDGE LAKE: And then, in orange, potential father number two, we see is Mr. Smith, the defendant. Yes, Your Honor. Now tell me about that relationship. I don't think I can call it a relationship. We met on the chat line, I hung out with him and I spent a week with Mr. Smith, that is actually the time around that I conceived my son. It was mainly just sexual. It looks like there was a lot there. (AUDIENCE LAUGHS) (APPLAUSE) Okay. Now, Mr. Smith, she comes to see you, and you all basically spend a solid week being intimate. Were you using protection? No, Your Honor, it was just a fling. You know, a holiday fling, you know. It was a holiday fling? Yes, Your Honor. So when she went home, did you try to stay in touch with her? No, I think she changed her number on me, Your Honor. Oh, really? Yes, Your Honor. You did? Yes. Oh, well, explain! So you get back home, and you, what, you go back to your ex? After that week with Mr. Smith, yeah, I did go back to my ex. It wasn't satisfactory so I didn't really feel the need to go back. (AUDIENCE MURMURING) It wasn't satisfactory? No, Your Honor. I'm gonna leave that alone. (AUDIENCE LAUGHS) Um... So, the man in blue, potential father number three. Who's that? Another man, which I was intimate with only once. Where'd you meet him? Same place I met Mr. Smith, on a chat line. (AUDIENCE MURMURS) So that was just a one-night fling? Yeah, we talked for a few weeks but we only hooked up once. And then, two days later, potential father number four. Who is that? Potential father number four, Your Honor, he was a one-night stand, I don't remember his name. (AUDIENCE GASP) You don't even remember his name. Do you know where he is? No, Your Honor. (SMITH EXHALES) And now, after having this experience, that you voluntarily participated in, you're not feeling too good about yourself. No, I mean, I know I made mistakes, Your Honor. But I don't consider my son a mistake. (AUDIENCE APPLAUDING) That's a good thing. But you understand this type of sexual behavior is what lands you here, in this courtroom. Yes, Your Honor. And you need to change that behavior. You understand that, right? Yes, Your Honor. All right, take me to the point where you find out you're pregnant. When I found out I was pregnant, I was just randomly thinking to myself that, you know, I haven't had my period in almost two months. I had told my then boyfriend, now ex-boyfriend. At that time, did you remember that you had slept with all of these men? Yes, Your Honor. In such a close proximity? Yes, Your Honor. And so did you have any idea who your child's father was when you found out you were pregnant? No, Your Honor. What did you do? Go about just calling each one? Did you notify any of them? No, Your Honor. The then boyfriend I was with, I had actually told him, "You know, there's a very good chance "that this baby I'm pregnant with "is not your baby." So, and that's the man that's in green? Yes, Your Honor. The boyfriend now ex-boyfriend. Yes, Your Honor. He said, "It's not mine". We... I actually got number one and number three both tested, and they both came back negative. So did him not being his child contribute to the relationship ending? Yeah, it caused a lot of issues. And we just both called it quits. And you also had potential father number three tested? Earlier this year I actually got him tested because that's when I finally got in touch with him. So you basically, at this point, after it wasn't your ex-boyfriend's, now you have to do a process of elimination. So now we're left with Mr. Smith and potential father number four? Now, I remember you saying with potential father number four, you don't know where he is. I don't even know his name, Your Honor. You don't even know his name. (AUDIENCE GASP) Wow. So why are you convinced that Mr. Smith is your son's father? Number one has been eliminated, number three has been eliminated. And Mr. Smith is right there at the... Around the conception date. So in my heart, I have a feeling that he is. I mean, I've always had the feeling, I just... Honestly, I didn't want Mr. Smith to be my son's father. Really? Yes, Your Honor. Okay, why? Well, I mean, to be blunt, he's a mama's boy. He still lives at home with his mama. He don't work. He's very immature, he's like a boy himself. If I'm such a mama's boy, then why did she get me here? If I'm such a mother's boy. (AUDIENCE CLAPPING) Have you ever asked Mr. Smith... Mr. Smith, has she ever asked you to take a test? No, she hasn't, Your Honor. She skipped me and went to them. I guess I was the last option, Your Honor. (AUDIENCE MURMURING) But first you told him he was not? Yes. Now you see why I don't think I'm the father, because that was kinda slutty if I think. (AUDIENCE CLAPPING) What is your feeling? Because she did not come to you first, that fuels your doubt that you're not the father? 'Cause the truth is, if the calendar is true, you slept with her for a week or more, right during the window of conception. So you have to acknowledge that, right? SMITH: Yes, Your Honor. But I still feel like he doesn't look like me or favor me whatsoever, Your Honor. JUDGE LAKE: Have you met Jayvion? Yes, I only met him once, Your Honor. And what was your experience? I felt kinda scared, Your Honor, 'cause I felt like he didn't know me and I felt like a total stranger, Your Honor. DAVIS: Your Honor? May I say something, please? Yes. Why doesn't he know you? You've told me yourself. 'Cause you said, you felt it in your heart that he might be yours. Why didn't you step up then? You had... Your father passed away, okay. 'Cause there are other guys. Other guys you slept with. And I'm the father? I think you're just leaning on me. This would be a gold digger. Get me for my money or what I got. What do you have I need? You want me to boss, huh? 'Cause the other guys don't want to be there. I thought you didn't have nothing. To her, I don't. But she don't know what I have, Your Honor. So what if she just wants to know who her child's father is after she admittedly made a lot of mistakes? Maybe she just wants to know for her child's sake and for her sake. Is that all right? Don't you want to know? Yes, Your Honor, I wanna know 'cause I never had a father. 'Cause he died when I was three years old, of prostate cancer, Your Honor. That should be your motivation to step up. JUDGE LAKE: So it is important to you. Yes, Your Honor. And if it's determined that Jayvion is your son, I'm sure you want to be there for him. Yes, Your Honor, I want to make up for the two years I missed. JUDGE LAKE: Two years? Yes, Your Honor. So how long have you known that you could be a possibility? In terms of being the biological father. After she told me, Your Honor, I was confused about it. How long ago was that you told him, Miss Davis? The first time or the second? The first time! The first time my son was around five months old then I told him he was a possibility. When Jayvion was five months old? Yes, Your Honor. So it's been like a year and a half after that? Yes, Your Honor. And you've only seen him one time? Yes, Your Honor. But if you knew you were a possible father, you just didn't want to make any connection? What was it? You didn't wanna get... Your Honor, it was because we lived in two different cities and I don't drive, Your Honor. Okay, so you had transportation issue. Two different cities or two different states? Two different cities. Well, don't some buses run in between the two cities? Yes, but they cost a lot, Your Honor. (INDISTINCT TALKING) JUDGE LAKE: So, for a year and a half, you've known you may have a son, but you have not made your way to go see him except one time? Yes, Your Honor. And so, for you, Miss Davis, if you believe, in your heart, after your process of elimination, that Mr. Smith is truly a possibility, have you made your way to bring your son to go see his father if his father couldn't make it? Your Honor, just getting a hold of Mr. Smith is hard. No, Your Honor... He lives at his mama's house, call his mother! (AUDIENCE LAUGHS) You don't have that number? I do. So why is it so hard to get in touch with him? He doesn't answer his phone. You see, what I'm trying to get at is... What I'm trying to get at, we've had a two-year mystery going on here. We've got a baby boy that's two years old. Your Honor... And you all have been in contact, in the same state. I'm just trying to figure out why hasn't this happened? Your Honor, it's not hard to reach me because I always answer my phone. If I don't answer, she could send me a text message. That is not hard. So, what I'm trying to get at, Miss Davis, is did you really think, after the process of elimination, eliminating potential father number one and potential father number three, did you really think Mr. Smith was the most credible option left or did you think maybe number four was it? And that's why you just really haven't been pressing him on, trying to establish a relationship. Um, no, I'm very positive that Mr. Smith is the father. And knowing that he is the father, I would actually like for him to be put on my son's birth certificate as listed... As his father. Because it actually does mean a lot to me. JUDGE LAKE: And what is that? This is my son's birth certificate. Jerome. Hand me that. Who's on the birth certificate now? Uh, me. And no father listed? No. (AUDIENCE GASPING) And I'm sure... You know, having gone through what you've been through in your life, as you talk about, going to foster home to foster home, that has to hurt. You don't want that for your baby. I want my son to have the closest to perfect life as he possibly can. But even after the results come back, Your Honor, I still don't see Mr. Smith stepping up. So, me and my son will continue to live how we've lived, me taking care of him, 110%. Your Honor, I don't see how I won't step up. I already stepped up for my one child. I got a daughter that's five, Your Honor. And I'm there in her life every day. DAVIS: She lives in Cincinnati. So you have a child that you do see and you do parent? Yes. Yes, Your Honor. And if, in fact, Jayvion ends up being your son, you're gonna step up to the plate for him as well. Yes, Your Honor. Yes. Well, I'll tell you what, this court is gonna make sure you do so. 'Cause I'm sitting here... (APPLAUSE) Still trying to figure out how two able-bodied grown people, in the same state can sit up for two years with a baby not knowing who his father is, and just not do something about it. I'm ready for the results, I don't wanna wait any longer. And I don't want Jayvion to wait any longer. Thank you, Jerome. JEROME: You're welcome. These results were prepared by DNA Diagnostics and they read as follows: In the case of<i> Davis v. Smith</i> pertaining to 2-year-old Jayvion Davis, Mr. Smith, you... In the case of<i> Davis v. Smith</i> pertaining to 2-year-old Jayvion Davis, Mr. Smith, you... ...are not Jayvion's father. (AUDIENCE GASPING) I'm like so hurt, Your Honor. You look crushed. Yes, Your Honor. Yeah, I can see that in your eyes. Because even though you consistently said, "I doubt it, I doubt it," there's a disappointment that I see in your face. Yes, Your Honor. So we've been through potential fathers one, two, and three, and you said the last guy, number four, you used protection. Are there more? There's no easy way to ask that question but it needs to be asked for Jayvion's sake. There shouldn't be no shame in your game right now, this is about the truth. Are there more? No, Your Honor. So without a shadow of a doubt, knowing what we know now, potential father number four would have to be Jayvion's father. Yes, Your Honor. But you don't know his name. No, Your Honor. (AUDIENCE MURMURING) (EXHALES) The only thing I know about him is that he lives in Columbus. JUDGE LAKE: That's just sad. Mr. Smith, I commend you for coming to court today. Yes, Your Honor. I... And I wish you the best of luck. JUDGE LAKE: Ms. Boyer, Ms. Fields you've both brought the defendant, Mr. Sandifer, to court today, to prove that he is your biological father. But you each believe that you are his only daughter, and the other is not, am I correct? Yes, Your Honor. JUDGE LAKE: All right. Mr. Sandifer, you state, you do not believe that either is your daughter, but actually hope that one is, and one is not. Yes, Your Honor. JUDGE LAKE: Okay. I will start with you, Ms. Fields. Ms. Boyer, you may have a seat. So, Ms. Fields, start from the beginning. About two years ago, I sent him a message on Facebook, asking him if I could borrow some money, and he responded with, "Maybe I need to find my real dad," that he wasn't even my father. That's not true. I was upset, Your Honor and at that point in time because she just kept on aggravating me about money, money, and that's the only time I've ever heard from her, is when it was money. But you've never done anything for me. With me... What do you mean, I've never done anything? You've never done anything... I carried you to the park, I carried you to the fair... When, when, when? When? You don't remember all this? You were such a small child. All I remember is you saying... You don't remember a lot of things. Mr. Sandifer, so you said, you had been there for her, her whole life. No, ma'am, not her whole life. So you'd been there in what capacity? I would say half of it. And you acted as a father? No, he did not. He did not raise me. I did the best I could as a father. My grandparents raised me. JUDGE LAKE: All right, so Mr. Sandifer... Yeah, yeah, they adopted you Because I could not be financially supported. I didn't know nothing about it. Because you're not on my birth certificate. You didn't do anything for me. I rest my case, I'm not on your birth certificate. So who is your father? I don't know, I don't know. If you're not, I don't know. But I've been lead to believe my whole life, that you're my father. You introduced me as your child, why change now? Why do you have doubts, specifically? For one reason, Your Honor: my name's not on her birth certificate. She doesn't have no comparisons to me or any of my family. You are my father, you are my father, I don't compare to you, because you were never around me. I have doubts, young lady. All right, tell me about your childhood, Ms. Fields. Growing up, I was... Him and my mother were married from the time I was four until about the time I was nine. JUDGE LAKE: This hurts you. It's okay. JUDGE LAKE: Take your time. I was adopted by my grandparents because my mother couldn't afford... She couldn't afford to take care of three children by herself. My grandparents stepped in to help me. That's a lie, right there. Let her finish Mr. Sandifer. Because she was working in a bar and a burger place. She could not afford it. Three children by herself, you didn't help! Why should I help when I wasn't the father? How did you know that you weren't the father? Why not get a DNA test then? That's why we're here. Why not do it then if you had doubts? (AUDIENCE APPLAUDS) (INDISTINCT ARGUING) How old was I? You're the adult. I'm the child. How am I supposed to do this? You're the adult. Why didn't you ask? Act like it. Why don't you ask? Ms. Fields, continue on please. I'm listening. My grandparents adopted me. They did everything they could for me. They took care of me. They did more than what they were supposed to do. Yeah, they forced me out of the picture... Because you were never in the picture. How could they push you out of the picture, when you were never there to begin with? Then why did you call other men "Dad" all the time? Your mother's married right now. And you're calling him... I call him "Dad", because he raised me from the time I was 13. Bull-hockey, girl. No, he didn't raise you. He bought my senior pictures. Then why did you always come to me for money and not them if he's your dad? I go to them. I go to them. But you're my father, you're supposed to do for me. (INDISTINCT ARGUING) You are my father. Introduce me as your child. Then I should get what I need. (INDISTINCT ARGUING) JUDGE LAKE: Okay, uh... Family, ladies, gentlemen. Let's settle down a little bit, because I do want to understand this. Ms. Fields, your childhood. When I was 13 years old, January, my grandmother passed away. Right after that I lost my grandfather. On my grandfather's death bed, he specifically asked my dad if he would take care... Take care of his girls, stating me and my mom. He said, "Yes." If he wasn't my father, why would he... Your mother found another man in her life. So why would I need to be in the picture? He took care of me! Okay, so Mr. Sandifer, did you date her mother? Did you have an intimate relationship with her mother? Yes, Your Honor, then she come up pregnant. And I was always told by friends that Samantha was my child. But when the baby was born, I was there. Now wait, this is what I'm trying to understand. You said you were at the hospital. And were you there because you thought that you were about to have a baby with her mother? I was there for a friend. You weren't even at the hospital. Oh, yes I was. And your mother had some other guy she was dating at that time. He was there and he said, "Oh, I got me a new daughter, "I got me a new daughter." I don't remember this. Well, of course you didn't you was a baby! (AUDIENCE LAUGHS) Yeah, you wouldn't remember that. Right, right. JUDGE LAKE: Mr. Sandifer, there's another guy there. Yes, Your Honor, there was. And he was saying, "I have another daughter, "I have another daughter," Yes, Your Honor. Speaking about Ms. Fields. Yes, Your Honor. FIELDS: My mother was good to you... Then why were you there as a friend, instead of as a potential, or new father? I didn't know if I was the father, because she slept with so many different men. So she slept with different men? (AUDIENCE GASPS) You were the one that stayed in the bar looking for women. So what? And your mother was one of them. She worked at a bar. She had two jobs to support me and my sisters. She hung out there afterwards. Okay, just because she hung out, does that mean she's sleeping with other people? You hang out at a bar, are you sleeping with everybody in the bar? If I get the chance! (AUDIENCE LAUGHS) He told the truth. I guess he told that! He's a womanizer, he's a womanizer. Ms. Fields. All your life, you were told, that Mr. Sandifer was your father. Your biological father. Yes, Your Honor. And were you ever told, it could be someone else? Never. Never. Not until I was 23 years old and he told me that on a Facebook message. Tell me about your relationship with Ms. Boyer. We don't have a relationship. We don't have a relationship like sisters should. Y'all have a lot better relationship than me and you do. Of course, because I fought custody for her and everything. And you would've never done that if it wasn't... How could I when you was adopted out from under me, Samantha? You weren't there before I was adopted out from under you. When I was nine years old, you could've done something. What did you want me to do? Act like a father. I was there for you Do what you had to do to get custody of your child. There was no other man in your life to be your father. Do what you had to do... I took the responsibility to man up! You didn't! Responsibility to man up? When? When you were at the bar drinking? I wanna hear from Ms. Boyer. Please, stand up, ma'am. Ms. Fields, you may take a seat. Thank you for your testimony. Ms. Boyer, explain to the court why you're here today, exactly. I am here today to prove that Mr. Sandifer is my father. I have proof otherwise, Your Honor. (AUDIENCE GASPS) You have proof that she is not your daughter? My name's not on the birth certificate. JUDGE LAKE: I'd like to see that, Jerome, please hand me that evidence. But, Your Honor, he was in a relationship with my mother when I was born and he lived with us until I was five years old. This is a copy of Ms. Boyer's birth certificate. The reason there is another man on my birth certificate, Your Honor, is because my mother was married, and separated. And tell me I was the father. But because she was still married, back 30 years ago, you had to put your husband on the birth certificate. Mr. Sandifer, you were there when Tuesday was born? Yes, Your Honor. Were you there again as a friend or were you there because you thought you were the father? I raised her for eight years, until me and her mother separated. I paid child support religiously then this child would call me up, and tell me there's no food in the house, mama's gone, we don't know where she's at. Bring me some money or some food. I would call my lawyer, Your Honor, she says, "Next visitation, Mr. Sandifer, "pick your daughter up and don't take her back." I said, "Well, I'll go to jail." She said, "Don't worry about that, I'll get you out." So, we went to court, judge gives her mother three opportunities to show up... She never showed up to court? Never showed up. And you were awarded full... Yes, Your Honor. After that entire legal battle, did you believe Ms. Boyer was your biological child? Not really, Your Honor, because I still have doubts, just because of the paperwork. If you're not my Dad, why did you fight for me? Because I love you and I manned up. Why did you leave me when I already had custody, and go back to your mother? That's what I don't understand. I didn't go to my mother. You did. I lived with my brother. You went to Georgia! When I went to visit him, though, when he brought me back, You were at your mother's. I was 14 years old. Right. We pulled up to the house, and the house was abandoned, there was no one there. Everything was gone. You had moved to California. I found that out by going to my grandmother's house. No, no, no, no. That's wrong, that's wrong. So, I went back to Georgia, with my brother... I come and pick your butt up, Tuesday. Yes, that was after I had been there for almost two years. You decided you thought things were better on the other side living with her. I didn't want to move to California... JUDGE LAKE: Mrs. Boyer. Ultimately, do you believe he abandoned you? Yes, Your Honor. I have never abandoned you. Just tell me how you feel. What do you feel? When I was ten, he got a divorce and I was left with my grandparents. You quit school on me. I quit school because I had no one to sign me up for school because you wouldn't sign over rights so someone could sign me up for school. Why should I sign over my rights? Well, how could I go to school if no one could register me? But Your Honor, when he had a woman that had children, I was in his life. When there was a woman without children, I was left at my grandmother's. You're an adult now, Tuesday. Yes, but I have three kids that need you. They don't have another grandparent in their life. You know I'm there at least twice a week. At least. Yes, but you don't do things with them like you used to. I work. I'm so tired I barely have time for myself. I spend as much time as I can, you can't say that I don't. Yes, but, their other grandparents... I went to Huntsville this last summer. Right and they enjoyed that, but their other grandparents have passed away, and they have no one else. They need you in their life. I need you in my life. I believe you are my dad. And that's why I want to prove it. I mean, the difference between me and Samantha, okay, is, I'm 5'1", she's 5'10". I look like him, she doesn't. And there's a picture of me and him when I was a child. That was right after he got custody of me. JUDGE LAKE: That's such a cute picture. SANDIFER: Thank you, Your Honor. May have not been the best dad in the world, but I tried my darndest. I worked my butt off so hard, and tried to do things for y'all when I can and when I can afford it. I don't have an education... (AUDIENCE APPLAUDS) So pretty much, Ms. Boyer, you blame him because... Yes, Your Honor. feel like this relationship, or lack of relationship, caused you to drop out of school. Yes, Your Honor. What's the last grade you completed? Seventh grade. So, you're suing him for the cost of a GED program, because you believe he owes that to you. Something I already paid for? That way, I can help my kids with their homework. So, you believe he owes you another GED test, because the last time he paid for it, you were so distressed because of your relationship, you were not able to effectively study and pass. And that's why you're suing him today for that. Yes, Your Honor. Yes. Okay, I think I'm ready for the results. Jerome? (SIGHS ANXIOUSLY) Ms. Boyer, I will start with you. These results were prepared by DNA diagnostics. And they read as follows... In the case of<i> Fields/Boyer v. Sandifer,</i> when it comes to 31 year old Tuesday Boyer, it has been determined by this court Mr. Sandifer, you are not her father. (AUDIENCE GASPS) BOYER: Oh, wow. JUDGE LAKE: You okay, sir? You need to take a seat? Yeah, I'm fine, I'm fine. BOYER: I was sure he was my father... God, almighty. Sorry, Your Honor. Mmm. Mmm. Mmm. My kids need a grandparent so I got to find... You got one. You got a father still. You still got a father. (AUDIENCE APPLAUDS) I would love for you to be in their life. Mr. Sandifer, did you really want to be Ms. Boyer's father? Yes, Your Honor. JUDGE LAKE: I'm so sorry. Are you ready for the next result with Ms. Fields? Yes, Your Honor. These results were also prepared by DNA diagnostics, and they read as follows. In the case of<i> Fields/Boyer v. Sandifer</i> when it comes to 25 year old Samantha Fields, the court has determined... In the case of<i> Fields/Boyer v. Sandifer</i> the court has determined, Mr. Sandifer, you are not her father. FIELDS: Oh my, God. (FIELDS SOBS) I presumed Samantha wasn't but I never thought Tuesday would've. I'm still here for you, girls, any time. (AUDIENCE APPLAUDS) And your childrens too, I'm still their grandfather. Ms. Boyer, the basis of your suit was that your father, the man that raised you was responsible for providing you with an education and unfortunately I cannot award you any money for an additional test, because there have been no facts presented that he was at all negligent. Your claim is denied. Yes, your Honor. Mr. Sandifer, you have indicated you will still be here for the girls and their children and I think that's commendable. Yes, Your Honor. And ladies, take advantage of Mr. Sandifer's offer, do the work and just help move forward (SANDIFER SOBS) I think your dad could use a hug. (AUDIENCE APPLAUDS) I'm sorry, girls. It's okay. It's okay. I'm so sorry.
Channel: Paternity Court
Views: 174,152
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: maury, paternity court, full episode, couples court, divorce court, you are not the father, you are the father, dna testing, paternity test, biological father, father's day, baby, dna test, ancestry, 23 and me, season 5, mgm studios, judge faith, judge rinder, judge judy, court show, paternity court full episode, season 5 full episodes, maury show, steve wilkos, wendy williams, tv full episodes, double episodes, compilations, highlights
Id: mGeGIiX25Qo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 22sec (1942 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 07 2021
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