Old Storage Unit Owner CAME AFTER US! Sent Her Husband After Us! SHES CRAZY! Storage Unit Finds!

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oh do i have some entertainment for you guys you know we bought a storage unit recently for six hundred dollars and figured out the previous owner of that unit was in jail or went to jail for grand larceny and inside the unit there was weapons amongst other things trust me she's out now she made herself full away to us and started just going off on us and of course you know i had to go back at him just to make this funny video let's get into this [Music] so when i first released the videos on youtube by the way if you haven't seen the story videos those links will be down in the description you should check it out and see why they're so mad i got a message from her after i released the first video from that storage unit she said since you're putting my business on facebook when you're giving me my back and then i replied back and said maybe work on your attitude problems and this would not be an issue and then she blocked me so i figured that was the end of it right but yesterday in the last video from that storage unit we included a little segment at the end explaining what she had said and everything and i guess that kicked her off a little bit guess what i woke up this morning to being unblocked and having a lot of very friendly messages in my inbox but you guys know i had to go anywhere so this is what i got when i woke up i had a message that said really another one to say didn't you see what i said i said don't put my stuff online and you do it again and make me look like uh you know what how did i make you look like that i really don't understand the logic there but okay actually first i put a post on facebook asking if i should acknowledge this lady or just block her large amount of people on facebook said to have fun with her so we decided to have fun with it i responded back and said okay i'll acknowledge you let's have some fun you blocked me so who's the one acting like a female dog no logic nothing nothing going on here very hollow and then she replies back and says this beep is all fun and games to you isn't it i mean if i'm being honest i do love what i do so it is kind of funny games and i reply back if you must know yes it actually is i thoroughly enjoy what i do thanks for asking i appreciate your concerns for my happiness when you have angry and miserable people there's two things that annoy them to death one is you being happy when somebody else is miserable and they see you happy they hate it they hate it to death so as many times as you can insert the fact that you love your life and you're happy you're gonna get a more mad number two is sarcasm it's often said sarcasm is the body's natural defense against stupidity right well this lady was putting up like an abnormal amount of stupidity that could have been used in like nuclear warfare this could be dropped on a country and wipe them out it's that much stupid in these messages naturally my body did what i had to do to try to defend against this it did sarcastic responses so that's what i said and then she said you're a beat up vulture that's why you're stuck behind storage you just try getting a real job this is my favorite thing to get from people i never understand their logic it's like in their head unless you're slaving away working for somebody else hating what you do looking forward to the weekend and just absolutely hating your life you don't have a real job like what's your definition of a job this is a real job it makes us tons of money we're super happy and we love what we do every single day i just really think that annoys the crap out of some people because they hate their life and when they see other people enjoying theirs they just get mad and furious they just want to take their anger out on you instead of working on themselves which would probably reduce that anger just a little bit just saying so i'm replying and said real job doing what someone else tells you to do for a fraction of the pay no thanks i'll stick to enjoying what i do and loving every day you can keep the misery with the little smiley face little smiley emojis again you know you just got to show them we're happy over here because that just it digs it miserable people then i asked a serious question this is a genuine question i have because this is not the first time we've had angry bitter responses from people that owned the unit before it's just happened to us multiple times when you put it on youtube for the internet in the world to see it's bound to happen now that we've been posting stuff on facebook it's reaching an even bigger audience because what we learned recently is facebook promotes a page like our even though we just upload videos it's still technically considered a business page and since we live in virginia it promotes this business to other people in virginia so when we're buying these people's units we're getting the video they're being promoted to them because they're in virginia too so we've been dealing with this drama a lot more recently but it is what it is so i asked can you help me to understand your logic a bit you get in trouble and don't pay your bills the storage facility therefore sells your stuff because you signed a contract and somehow all this is the fault of the stranger me that bought the unit having no idea who it belonged to does that make too much sense i know like some people when you talk to you got to make sure what you're saying doesn't make too much sense because it could hurt their head she seems like one of those people but i thought that was simple enough wasn't it let's just say you bought new york stuff i know she meant my stuff but you bought ny stuff like yes technically that was your stuff but when you sign the contract there's this thing in this world called responsibility and you're responsible for your actions believe it or not when you signed the contract and you didn't fulfill your end of the contract guess what it's no longer your stuff you signed and agreed to that i don't understand how you're mad and then she says maybe you're deaf i said you're vultures this is installing sarcasm kicks in and i said well if you can hear text messages through facebook and you have a special talent i personally have to read them i don't know about you guys watching this video but do you have to read them what do you get to hear them i don't hear them i have to read them but i said but that's awesome you have superpowers maybe you can teach me you know sarcasm is what i do i'm a sarcastic person i just love being like that and when people give me a reason to be i can do it i try to be nice i really do you guys have to watch us know we have given back people their units free of charge multiple times we even went as far as like buying brand new stuff for one family before and after giving back their entire unit for free it's not it's not about the money it's about the way people approach it and how much of douchebags they are basically and then she comes back saying being a smart just means you're dumb you don't know how to take things seriously i already went over this being sarcastic does not mean you're dumb being sarcastic means that your body's trying to naturally defend against stupidity and like i said earlier you're plunging a lot of stupidity at me and it is a lot lot at this point she was just really getting annoying so i decided let's go in sarcasm and insults merged into one and i responded speaking of dumb you know a sentence is supposed to start with a capital letter right but then again you don't learn that until first maybe even second grade so i might be expecting a bit too much from you i mean i'm just being honest here she doesn't really seem like the type that got all the way to first grade i mean that's far you have to go to kindergarten and that's it but yeah still a bit too far for her then i just had to be more sarcastic and i said i can buy you some workbooks if you want and then i sent a screenshot of like a k through first grade workbook on capital letters to her just to see if i could take her off even more because you know the more math she gets the better our video is going to be the funnier it's going to be so well you shouldn't be a douche if you don't want people to be a douche back to you it's common sense and i said free of charge just tell me where to send it i'll send it right away i mean i really want to know she would have sent me her address i would have sent her that work but it was only four bucks that would have been nice help somebody out you know what i mean so then she goes you talk a lot of crap because i'm a woman if my husband got on here you stop fast here we go with the victim playing it's because of this it's because of that i'm talking crap because you started talking crap before remember we talked about earlier responsibility for your actions you can't just do something and when somebody does back to play victim that's just stupid and it's annoying don't run your mouth if you don't want people to run their mouth back at you i don't understand the logic so of course again had to be sarcastic i was unaware that our gender made a difference in the way we typed in social media did you know you read a message can you tell is that written by a female or a male no you can't no logic so then i said please don't tell me he's one of those big scary guys that types of all cats i don't know if i'd be able to handle something that scary because you know it's so terrifying when somebody puts all their letters in caps it's like oh no he's so serious and scary now actually we just think wow he's dumb he's really trying to sound intimidating but he's not doing a very good job at it just making himself look stupid but you know let's just play with him and then she says oh why don't you find out for yourself oh no she's the husband's gonna type then i said oh man i think i'm fully prepared the all caps does scare me though when i see so many capital letters next to each other i just start to panic i do it's crazy how do you handle it all those capital letters oh they're just terrifying and then i get the now what mother you know what i'm like oh no i guess this guy's in here now now we're scared he's typing oh everything's different now so i said oh man everything's so different now because you're supposedly a new person typing i'm absolutely shaking in fear you even cussed at me too man you must be so scary and tough like when you know when you have to cuss out other people through text messages over social media you're an absolute just super tough killer my super tough killer i mean wuss that's really compensating for that fact so just saying i wanted you to know that then we get the threat i'll knock your fat you know what out cold we really oh man after that i was so terrified i didn't know if i'd be able to sleep tonight you see how much i'm shaking i'm not shaking because i don't care your threats are harmless and then i respond to that think you could re actually reach my chin from way down there so i went to her profile and i can see their pictures together she doesn't look tall and he's even shorter than her i mean i'm guessing this dude's five foot on max i'm 6'5 so that's a genuine question can you reach my channel i don't know i don't think so well you did type cuss word so you must be a big tough guy even though in your picture you look like a retired member of the lollipop guild like i said he's like this tall and if you've ever seen the movie the devil's rejects you know what this guy looks like that's basically what it looks like imagine that thing at a five foot tall that's what we're dealing with here very very intimidating and then you really got to come back with it i knocked your lollipop out oh you took my word and put it in a sentence you're so creative not then i say i do like how you guys waited until we got everything out of the unit got back home hours away before you chose to unblock me and respond it shows how tough you really are so i gotta try to dig out his manhood and hopefully get him a little mad you know you could have said to my face basically what you chose to say or the computer because you're scared that whole thing you know when you have big egos and tiny other things messages like that really really get them going so that was my goal here is to really get them going i said i was literally in your city probably 10 minutes from where you live we could have had a face-to-face conversation very easily if you just asked when we were there but i understand it's much easier to talk behind the computer where you never have to face the consequences of your mouth this is very true with trolls i've literally announced when we go to auctions i announce if we have meetups i announce where the units are if somebody wanted to find me in person it'd be very easy to do very very easy but the thing is they don't they just like to talk over the computer where they're safe they know in person we'd say something back they'd have consequences for their action they'd actually have to back up their mouth which they're not going to be able to do so typing over the computer lots safer option don't blame you there buddy then i get the response back whatever you say bud which basically means let's translate that into english you're exactly right i'm not really trying to do anything i just want to talk tough because you know i'm a wuss so i replied back and said all right i've had enough fun messing with you guys here's how it's going to go i paid 600 for this storage unit well my voice just cracked there whoo i paid 600 for this storage unit if you want it back you can come to me pay me what i paid 600 not even looking to profit off your stuff seriously i would have sold it back for the same exact price i bought it for we got three videos out of it i'll keep maybe the knives and a few other things but for the most part it was junk anyway so if you want to buy after 600 bucks feel free but you have to come and haul it yourself then ensure literally giving you the opportunity to get whatever you want back at the same exact price i pay that's not even including the um three hour drives i had to make twice so probably another 50 in gas i'm literally offering to give it back to you after you've came in threatening and insulting i'm still offering to give it back to you after what i paid for it so i would still lose money if you don't include the video so then i reply back or no she replied back sorry i ain't paying you feet i don't deserve to have to pay to get my stuff back and at this point i was just like i'm just like it's just defeated you can't win with these people you really can't they just have this victim mentality that no matter what they do no matter what happens it's never their fault and everybody should have to do everything for them and i just i can't handle it i really can't so then i wrote back this wasn't even me trying to be mean this would just be me being me seriously speaking from the heart this is not the first time this has happened to me but it still amazes me the level of entitlement showing that people who store units we buy is just incredible you sign a contract and don't fulfill your end of the contract then you blame everyone but yourself if you wanted to keep your stuff then you should have simply paid your bills if you knew you were not going to be able to pay your bill you should have taken yourself out of storage the playing victim over and over again is never going to get you anywhere that was legitimately just my exact feelings not even trying to be mean taking what i'm thinking putting it to the keyboard and saying it then i get a course you really think anyone will take advice from you you buy people stuff for a living people's by the way grammar work on that but what does it have to do with anything like any company that sells something they usually don't make it they buy it from somebody else and then resell it every business like 99 businesses are resellers in some sort so i just i don't get their logic i really do think that it just comes down to the fact that we enjoy what we do we're happy and we make good money doing it and that irritates them and i don't think there's any more than that so i reply back actually i make videos for a living and the stuff i buy creates those videos with this which is very very true our bills are everything that we do is paid for 95 percent by our youtube and facebook videos maybe five percent comes from the reselling but a large large large majority of it is everything is paid through by the video so even in units like this when your stuff sucked by the way other than a few things it really sucked we'll still be fine we'll still make a good amount of money money because we have these videos and we have you off people to watch and support us so thank you and i reply back and said you steal people's stuff get locked up lose your own stuff for a living so i wouldn't talk ooh burned right there the whole reason we think she had lost the unit because we found the evidence that she had been locked up in prison for grand larceny so how where are you talking where are you getting this from who do you think you are but since you want to be like that i do have to say thank you for this hilarious video i'm sure everyone is going to love this conversation once it goes public i've already screenshotted everything and can already tell you this video is going to be hilarious i knew that she was already mad that i was posting the videos of the storage unit where we didn't say their name we didn't show pictures we didn't do nothing like that so nobody ever would have known this was yours except for you if you just kept your mouth shut just saying so then it says she says if this goes on facebook then it's over for you over in all caps what did i say earlier all those capital letters near each other ooh i'm so scared so scared for the life of me i'll never understand how one human being can be afraid of another human being i just don't get it i really really don't there's nothing anybody can text me over a computer or something that's gonna scare me i don't understand the logic in that plus i don't leave my house unarmed so i mean you're not gonna win you're just you're not gonna win just had to put it like that well then i reply back well i can absolutely promise you this will be on youtube today here it is guys leave it a thumbs up by the way on facebook in the near future with a smiley face again just re-emphasizing you know haha we happy you know then she goes back and says okay be ready then i'm ready i'm terrified and i literally told this is the truth too i said i've been hoping the day would come where one of you angry people is more than just a big mouth on a computer and actually tries to say something in person would be such a great video but three years into buying units still never happened that's very true what people don't understand is we make youtube videos for a living so the more problems you calls us is just more content for us so all you're doing is helping us nobody cares about your trash talk not one soul is even one billionth of a percentage intimidating by your mouth through facebook so all you're doing is basically saying i hate you so much that i want to give you this content to make more money and make more entertainment for it that's all you're doing you can't win against youtubers you really can't because no matter what you do or say all you're doing is providing content for us so we thank and love you angry haters and then i replied you came at me talking crap i still offered you to get your unit back for what i paid for and you still have a problem with that i can't win with you so i'm done good luck and then what what do you think happens after that when somebody puts logic in your face i was blocked once again so this time i guess we are done until you know something else pops up until they get some more liquid courage or i don't know but anyway guys i it was too good of an opportunity not to make a video they were just too much fun people present this much stupid you have to make fun of them if you haven't seen the storage unit this lady lost check the links down in the description because you know it'll leave you wondering why she's even mad to be honest with you but oh well hope you enjoyed it peace
Channel: Treasure Hunting With Jebus
Views: 60,144
Rating: 4.9083242 out of 5
Keywords: i bought a drug dealer's storage unit, i bought a storage unit and found drugs, i bought an abandoned storage unit that belonged to a drug dealer, storage unit, i bought an abandoned storage locker, i bought an abandoned storage unit, i bought an abandoned storage unit and found this, storage unit auctions, storage unit buying, storage unit finds, storage auction, storage auction locker, storage locker, abandoned storage units, found in storage locker
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 15sec (975 seconds)
Published: Tue May 04 2021
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