DECADE OF DUST IN MILLIONAIRE $3375 STORAGE ~ i bought an abandoned storage unit and found this

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I'm a Holmes baby oh look at this on for Mike it's all something that looked very intriguing ladies and gentlemen boys and girls favorites of all ages we are here we're about to get started once again in this millionaire doctors told you that paid 3375 real quick background story the reason why I call it a millionaire stories is very simple I did my due diligence as well as others and this family they've had a very long history of making over $200,000 a year between the two of them was a doctor when was like in industrial arts or so forth also dabbled in racing but anybody who makes two hundred thousand a year 55 years is a million dollars okay let's say you did it for 10 years that's 2 million dollars you obviously at some point are considered a millionaire they were a very prominent family they ended up moving out of state left his stuff here almost a decade ago or so and basically walked away from it at some point cuz they got tired of paying on it so that's where the title comes from with that being said we already get started when you get going through this video don't forget the like button the share button subscribe button if you already and turn on all notifications to all is set to personalized or none possibly because that's the new feature and you want to be on all I love y'all let's get started seeing nothing a brand new stuff coming out look at these brand new 2:256 you believe it or not those are probably 25 apiece yeah Haney's JC Penney's he's saying he's not saying panty there's one to two just medium medium look at that level of dust this is one of the most dustiest things I've seen in a long time Jim bet that's gold right there Uncle Mike look at the piece of furniture here wow this is gonna be good this is gonna be good look at this cabinet right ah golden hits our Silver Anniversary for arrow it's a little classical really good shape looking no harm covers or maybe these will be good on Lots on the YouTube option yeah Dean Martin Dean Martin music to keep your husband happy that's a good one priceless one of my favorite places are looking it you know in a room is in the dresser drawer if I'm packing somebody's stuff they usually tend to put some of their best stuff in a dresser drawer aha she did not she did not beat him tonight in second stamps look at this it does and it's good so this will go in an auction item two stamps your money right there ladies and gent these are all usable look at that stamp stamp stamp stamp stamp stamp more stamps more stamps luxury high rise Lake Tahoe Harvey's lucky token costume jewelry below / that's nice alright YouTube option to another calculator for my calculator law mm-hmm I want to keep all these that's all you should keep that I want to use these for the field there's a type of stuff I'm setting aside but more beakers yeah yeah more drawers while you go upwards again under Julian brand new Christ Ted I don't think this gentleman okay so what the coolest thing I thought I saw we saved it till the end we got earring backs we got earring backs cost in life open that was cold it looks silverish right there in costume jewelry parts alright so much to go it's not the Jaypee silly right is there there we go be careful set that over there that's kind of a nice set I would probably take that mom I don't know let's just get to the Jaypee so I'm not worried about tough worry we're try to make a video I go for about dollar items yes I don't want to touch X I'm afraid it's not gonna burn just a beautiful piece Wow and I want to say that's Jake that looks flawless right now okay I'm a home baby oh yes that's birds as well as well yes don't want a mess of it it says these are very very fragile yeah we need to take special care of this Indiana wool blanket high-value I think we're gonna take a look at that one whoa blanket no I just think it's today this is neat it was marked Indian wool blanket and it said high value potential look it's got a seam down the middle where they seemed it together it's a got low it looks like Thunderbirds it's pretty large-sized this is definitely something that I would get looked at costume diversity all right costumes good because uh you know we saw that it I don't come I was it costing Tori huh I think why don't you just leave your glasses on and make things a lot easier whoo hummingbird 22 karat gold painting it says on it aged to perfection you should wear that Uncle Mike we'll see when people say hey you're old what you scared of that we built Oh got you look at that more the pirate stuff these things are gonna be money there's like a handful of them right there something tells you it wasn't even broke it just got you just got to be careful when you put it back in the box it was but you broke it counterpoint San Francisco this is good some of this stuff is real good some of it is trivial there's no rhyme or reason and when the way they packed oh look at this Uncle Mike yeah we found money what is that very neat little things please be a Rolex nice can you guess what's in there Uncle Michael raise your 10 karat gold look at that is ILOG that's a good vintage hat right there actually most of the stuff just gonna end up back in here we're gonna sell it at a later date and have to go fine-tooth comb because like everything to me is really cool ballet vase earring not included I wonder if the little one would like that yeah she loves unicorns we're on a quick break here cleanse here with us like I said we're getting all that stuff loaded to go to the storage unit I'm going through some random stuff around and putting some cool stuff aside for the auction we're whittling a hole in this unit cuz I went I hopped in I saw all these records and I feel like there's a safe in here in a jewelry box and I just want to get to that so much stuff in here I saw something that looked very intriguing and the side of this tote it's bad that's what I get from things yep easy this is a nutcracker right or something like that winning you know and they say they got you by the balls that's what they hear you get you oh you use this opening jars mayonnaise and such I should bring that home for the kids you see some of three market stuff and the big fifthly market load this is one of my favorite boxes bedroom items from dresser storage what do you think could be in that box maybe some gold come on oh that maybe it looks intriguing I see how it's like all cool vintage stuff I mean look at these what are these like for what are you doing these got a gang of them that is jewelry open mic let's set that aside to be looked at later we'll have to inspect that there we go make a pile those are good color pencils other vintage modern manic you look at that thing that is actually pretty cool it's got little batteries it's it upside down damn it whatever that was was nice tags for Dave what did they do well I was hoping to see jewelry in here but I do believe we're gonna find some really nice jewelry in this unit somewhere oh you know what that's for hmm it's for making alcohols and it says distiller interesting this is a good month let's just this is a good box can this be promising that is neat interesting some type of orange tree that's a good item uncle Michael what do you think that is for the sake of not filming a bunch of boring records will you skim through this and tell me if you think there is any good records and save them out to film tray here at Uncle Michael touching here that's rat teeth come on please be sterling silver feels like it's been forever since I found sterling silver said it's not sterling silver yeah man it's not sterling silver though it's Japan so it says there five dollars for sure in the in the world of selling stuff canon is a very good brand I don't know what model the Canon is the canon lens it's the light fixture okay it's like an extension this is the money right here let's open this image they should this should just pop up and then this can come out no one with the vivitar series and it's got an additional thing I bet you that's at least a hundred there I don't know off without looking up to a 1 but canons a good brand this definitely goes in the good pile right here I like boxes that when you when you go to open them there's nothing on those are using my favorite boxes in a unit that is full of words all over the boxes so let's see gets annoying when everyone good clips because you can't have a party Mountain you do this way you swear nonstop and it's old I feel sorry for your grandkid always listening to you cursing like lo and behold this was not a good one I was like we need the flea market you can't open it oh it's a mantel clock they never impressed me he's a Plymouth SF Plymouth made in USA that's kind of intriguing well it says SF on this will definitely be a good item maybe for the auction maybe for Alameda pakrats all that's still doing that that's just DVD case I don't want to open that out this is what does that say accidental insurance half of a thousand over 30 where is what goes in here power of attorney insurance that's it good neither one of those the lucky one this is probably flea market stuff here look at this singular rat turd right there I want you to shake shake this and sometimes you think is in there shake it says fragile I hear Jing Li like like jewelry oh wow this is fragile you see this weird stuff right here these q-tips no oh yeah for my dogs no that's for yeah chemistry and physics that's Clinton will you do me a favor and read this real quick what you're just sitting there that's weird the world's largest cork gonna stay the cheapest I've ever seen that's the rattle was was this thing what is that is that jewelry then off doctor stuff screws all right so this box was a damn it I didn't know I gave up oh look little condoms for you uncle Michael oh I thought that's for you I was wrong let me give those away bailiffs right now see something okay but can you set open the case I wanna see if it's it's the only thing in here because that is not ivory introducing all right whoo-hoo what is that I'm gonna put this is that shrimp it is what shrimp tails hey what you eat one says you let me see this I've never in my life seen shrimp what is someone out there comment below why you would save shrimp look there's more oh my god that's what caught my eye though first thing look what's your hand oh oh I thought it was a knife a gun cleaning kit nope it's a knife slicer silly me she didn't that's a good one what is that it's a statue for the chip no it is onion pieces maybe that debate what weird stuff yes scale it is yeah some type of scale and we got crystals all right this box claims to have jade trees in it oh this is like the most promising looking of any box we looked in so far so these I'm filming right now this is a stand okay so these ones here are going to be the J trees we want to keep these aside where you going please wait to have one on your kid this is an interesting some type of weird this is a good item here microchip want to crack that open no this is a bird feeder in candy George I'm curious is there like paintings family pictures interesting it doesn't look like a drawing they could be though yeah drawing by yeah these are uh arts and the person's art that goes with the rest is collection right here so those will just leave them the rest is just regular wanna see one they said they will judge Freeh's nice Jade not high-end Jade but those will be good I'll probably put those on my online auction on YouTube pirate auctions there's four of those almost three I'll just jump this box right here is just a mess we have all sorts of neat little things national SPEA logical society I have no idea what that is we got a letter B Corvair okay I got some patches this is an interesting little box right here what else do we got in a row shape what do we got here somebody was smoking two pipe slide the chain we just set aside let's set all this aside Congressional Cobain's company they're just neat little pins we've got a silver ring we got a lock and key and we got a bunch of metals I don't know what they are that's neat we'll definitely have to take a little closer look at these make sure we don't have any goal to see some coin ring in there that's a neat little that's a neat little box there sprocket okay Geological Society I have no idea what that is Northern California Alaskan mailman Association this is pink capital D right there portrait and we love little Forks they're literally little Forks okay okay I did a transformer watch right there it is intriguing because that is a transformer that could be money right there what no tarnation's is this autocross may 1964 Richard powwow five driver this right here is an intriguing little thing Oh any idea what this Bay region auto championship memorial mix-up Corvair Bay Area Corvairs this is an interesting little lot right here and something that I wanted for everything's like bubble wrapped and this makes no silly goofy little fire or something staplers just garage stuff all right they Jim I'm exhausted I said you know what I want to call it a wrap cuz it wasn't quite as exciting as I was anticipating pretty much have not looked in most any box in this trailer right now we're gonna save this the film for another day we thought was interesting and set aside also we have this tons of boxes in here still to go through but they're books and things like this will be back on their day to wrap this baby I don't think it's gonna be one day but nonetheless what do you think although my goal some gratefully market stuff these were the pins right here they're kind of neat they're little vintage pins from the 60s and 70s right here was sterling there's all sorts of little cool metal pins here that was neat and then you come over here and these are a few things I sold some on my online auction they're all racing plaques from the sixties these things have a value of anywhere from ten to thirty bucks apiece but watch this it's like there's literally over 80 of them slides of the march memoral mix of cop car the unlimited Corvairs the Corvair Club a Corvairs we got first Daniel Golden State Grand Prix we got just all sorts of different plaques from cars these are all like I said worth anywhere from 20 or a ten to thirty bucks apiece they're all from the 60s Grand Prix 1966 1966 what if we could find one for the deal who Michael was born he probably like that just because that's from the day he was born yeah he was born in 1960 I believe scap'd you just see tons of them right look this whole box does nothing but these these might be a future ad Jelena sting son maybe look powwow car club they're all car club stuff car club car club are you doing good footage of these Grand Prix finale scat scat sports imports fixation series you just keep going and go and there's so many different plaques here I figure there's probably over a thousand dollars and plaques there's 84 of them I'm guessing maybe I haven't really put on you on ebay I tried nine on my YouTube action they didn't do too well for my eyes makes me want to just list them wanted a piece on ebay because the idea is to make me we got Trans Am 1970 I bet you that one's like a $50 plaque right there you just see tons of them I don't want to Kendall you can see you should go through them right there was a bunch of them and also these patches came from there I don't know what the National SPEA logical Society is there's several of those and I got even more for sale but that was a quick little recap I'm quite certain I'm definitely gonna make some money this unit so far we haven't even seen nothing like I said I've been moving stuff to set aside a pack but we we're finding great fine so I think this was definitely a good buy stay tuned because there'll be plenty more of them don't forget to like by the share button subscribe and tell Michael what a good cameraman he is
Channel: Storage Auction Pirate
Views: 65,884
Rating: 4.8368459 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit, i bought an abandoned storage unit and found, i bought an abandoned storage, abandoned storage locker, storage lockers, storage hunters, storage wars, treasure hunt, how to make money, mystery boxes, unboxing, storage auction, auction hunters, extreme unboxing, locker nuts, what the hales, curiosity incorporated, storage auction pirate, storage wars full episodes, American pickers, pawn stars, storage pirate, storage stalker
Id: yHp7DrG-G6A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 48sec (1788 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 02 2020
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