HDRP vs. URP - which one to use? | Unity 2020 Beginner's Guide

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hey guys it's psycho Sam here and welcome back to episode 200 57.8 of quarantine blogs we're burning hot in Denmark it's really hot I got a haircut which I cut myself I'm really proud of it and I have my fan boy with me anyway so in this video we're gonna talk about you are P and the HDR P the two scriptable render pipeline templates in unity we're gonna focus on which one you should be picking if you're making a specific type of game including 3d 2d maybe something you want to have high quality realistic graphics in or maybe a stylized game so we're gonna talk about a bunch of different topics and you know being the professional that I am I actually have an agenda for you guys so we're gonna take a look at an introduction to SRP including what it is and talk a little bit about what the purpose is then we're gonna take a look at HDR P and u RP and take a look at SRP specific features that are available in unity such as the volume framework and those parts are gonna be pretty quick the thing that we're gonna focus mostly on is you RP features and HD RP features and then we will finish off the video by taking a look at word to use HDR P versus the u RP I'm going to be leaving timecode stamps or timestamp whatever you know what I mean I'm gonna leave the essence of time into the pin comment and in the description box of this video so if you guys want to skip to a specific part feel free to do it but for the more overall experience I was gonna say but actually the whole videos purpose is to talk about it as a whole thing as srp in general so give this video a thumbs up if you liked it and hit subscribe for more videos and on that let's get into it so let's begin with the basics SRP is a term you will hear very often and it stands for scriptable render pipeline it's a feature that allows you to control tailor and customize rendering via scripts if that sounds scary don't worry because luckily unity provides us with two templates to use for SRP the universal render pipeline which is you RP for short and the high definition render pipeline HDR P for short both of which you're going to hear me talk quite a bit in this video about what am I saying it's literally the purpose of this video now since the beginning of time as we know it or simply before the concept of SRP was introduced into unity we had the built-in render pipeline which is also called just standard and it's still there you can use it but SRP is the latest piece of technology in rendering that unity wants to shift focus on so it is highly recommended that you use one of the templates unless you want to create your own render pipeline or be stuck in the past with the built-in render pipeline one reason is and we're going to talk more about this further into this video but for instance two major features shader graph and VFX graph are not available in the standard render pipeline the built-in one they are however available in HD RP & u RP specifically and most new features that come along will adopt this lifestyle since you are P is also plan to replace the standard blender pipeline in the future there are a couple of ways you can get started with either one of the templates or both if you want to try both of them first option is through unity hub you can get unity hub installed through the link in the description if you don't have it yet and once you've got it running you can create a new project and pick if you want to use the built-in render pipeline HDR P or u RP if you already have a project and you just want to upgrade you can enter the project manager and install one of the two from here I also have a guide on how to actually get setup with either one of these so if you want to watch a tutorial on that feel free to check out my video that's linked in the description but why is SRP the way to go I mean why should you use a sarpy and not the built-in render pipeline and if you're gonna use SRP which template do you use HDR P or u RP I know you're asking that question hopefully you are because this is the purpose of the video you better be asking that question right now but yep so let's talk about it in case you didn't know you RP actually used to be called the lightweight render pipeline and along with it came the news that you RP would become the new default render pipeline in the future and you RP is arguably the most performant and lightweight pipeline amongst all render pipelines as you can see from this image which is taken from unities blog it outperforms the built in render pipeline and by the way sources that I show on-screen and refer to in this video are all going to be linked in the description just so you guys know now on the other hand we have HD RP which is the one that just like the name suggests is more commonly used for achieving high fidelity visuals and in just a moment we're going to take a look at the full feature list of each render pipeline but as a high-level overview and just generally speaking to get started the two templates have always been separated in a way that you RP is mainly used for mobile and 2d games whereas HD RP scope of focus lies mainly within the high-end platforms and consoles like PC ps4 Xbox one and so on now the tricky part is that you can actually build for almost whatever platform you want to from unity so technically speaking HD RP will still let you build your game for mobile devices but the feature set of HD RP within unity when you make your game is not the same as you are P when it comes to mobile development and that's what we're gonna take a look at now so let's start by talking about the features that SRP enables by default so this means that the features were going to name now are available for both you RP and HDR P and are a core part of the Unity workflow when using SRP one of the biggest changes is the fact that SRP introduces a volume-based framework both you RP and HDR P use a volume framework where each volume can either be global or have local boundaries if you have a global volume it will affect the entire scene whereas if you have a local volume you can define exactly what part of the scene it will affect each volume can contain scene setting properties and values that HDR P interpolates between depending on the position of the camera in the scene I'm not gonna go deep into details about the volume framework because I actually have a dedicated video on it on my youtube channel which I'm gonna link in the description below so if you guys are interested in learning more about this topic feel free to check it out but for example you can use volumes to change environment settings such as file color density set up a different skybox customize your shadow settings and much more the volume framework is also used for post-processing effects in SRP we'll talk more about how post-processing works for both you RP and HDR P later in this video but before we move on I just want to say that shader graph and VFX graph as I mentioned before are both available for you r pn HDR P but not for the built-in render pipeline shader graph is a visual tool for creating shaders without needing to code them and the VFX graph is also a visual tool but for authoring highly optimized particles with an easy workflow both of which I have videos for as well so I have my channel is like a unity library at this point so feel free to check them out in the links in the description and generally speaking SRP enables you the ability to configure rendering in unity from c-sharp scripts which allows you to optimize performance for specific hardware customized rendering processes according to your needs and control how your performance resources are being used and these things are a little more complex I'm aware of that as in for intermediate developers so don't feel like you have to do this because you absolutely don't have to edit anything you could use you could just use HDR P or you RP out-of-the-box as they come now with that being said let's take a deep dive into the feet your list of you RP and why you would want to use this template as mentioned before many times in this video now you RP is mainly used for mobile and 2d games though it's not limited to you RP supports a wide range of platforms including mobile devices running on iOS and Android and platforms ranging from Nintendo switch and all current VR platforms all the way to PlayStation 4 and WebGL one big Pro of using you RP is if you're making 2d games together with the you RP comes the 2d renderer package which is available through the package manager in unity the 2d renderer allows you to utilize a 2d space for your game which is far more performant than using a 3d space and it introduces the 2d lights as well 2d lights are actually necessary if you're planning on using the 2d renderer package because 3d lights will be ignored once you switch to a 2d space I have a video on this particular feature as well I know it surprised right and if you want to check it out which I'm going to link in the description so for the sake of this video I just won't delve into details here I just now realize I've made so many videos now is the time I mentioned this cringy metaphor where I'm like well I love making videos I love being a youtuber there are more 2d features that you RP introduces which I've covered in other videos as well and I'm going to leave links to those in the description along with a link to a webpage from unity where you can find out more about the 2d features hopping out of 2d though let's take a look at post-processing I know that's why you guys are here I know that be honest with me that's right boys time to talk about the graphics you RP includes its own implementation of post-processing which means that unlike the built-in render pipeline you don't actually have to install any additional packages this implementation uses the volume system as mentioned before which again is part of the SRP workflows it's got a wide list of effects available for you to use at any time and these include bloom color adjustments depth of field motion blur tone mapping and much more so it's not limited to that I'll have the image that I show on screen right now linked in the description as well so you can see the full list of effects available for yourself or you could just launch a you RP project with unity but Who am I to judge there's also camera stacking in you RP which lets you layer the output of multiple cameras and create a single combined output it's actually really useful for adding UI and such now to wrap up the you RP specific part of this video I'll just say that you RP has fewer features currently available than HDR P and standard but does the job more efficiently as seen by this table which compares the built-in render pipeline to you RP this page will also be linked in the description if you guys want to go through all of the features and compare it to the standard built-in render pipeline so as I mentioned before HDR P is mainly used for high fidelity visuals just like the name suggests and high-end platforms such as consoles and PC however just like with you RP this template supports a wide range of platforms so you can build for as well now the thing is you might be thinking then well why am I supposed to use HDR P for desktop and you know consoles whereas I could be using you RP for that too well let's talk about the features one thing that HDR P offers on the graphics and realism front is shader complexity for instance you can use the lid shader to easily create realistic materials and include effects like subsurface scattering and translucency you can also use layer lit shader unlit shader stack lit hair shader fabric and so much more there are also extra light types that come with HDR PA including the normal ones we're used to seeing like the directional light source and in addition to blights and disk lights for more lighting settings we can calculate reflections using screen space reflections additionally we can customize the environment lighting which allows us to simulate light coming from these surroundings of our scene and there are more complex effects like atmospheric scattering which you can learn more about in my tutorial video and in the unity manual which are both linked in the description for efficiency now for post-processing i know i know calm down i know your hype HDR p includes its own purpose-built implementation for post-processing stop it similar to you our peoples processing this is built into HD RP so we don't really have to install anything additional it supports a wide range of effects as well which are also linked in the description for full info on what they do unique to HD RP there is also support for retracing RT X so ray tracing is a feature that allows you to access data that is not on screen and in super simple words it's an incredible technology that was widely demonstrated in some videos late last year which also resulted in some fantastic memes by the way just gonna say everything just works contact hardening just works everything just works everything just works everything just works global elimination just works ambient occlusion just works just work everything just works just worse how do I run unity it just rents how do I make videos I just make them easy life now as of the time of posting this video RT X is still in preview in unity which is worth mentioning but again for the latest information on RT X and all the other features make sure you subscribe to this channel self promo there we go since we'll be posting videos about these things as they get updated alright so to finish this topic off in this video along with it let's talk about which one do you actually use HD RP or you RP or maybe even the built in render pipeline I'm switching back to the sunglasses by the way my hair keeps falling falling in front of my face and it bothers me I know that if you're getting just now started with the unity or maybe even game up as a whole topic its it feels easier if you would have just gotten like o use HD RP or use u RP and for that I think you can just comment down on this video and receive a reply from people and maybe even me I mean maybe I notice you I think it's just a question that you would be able to answer best depending on what type of game you're making and the rain rendering capabilities you want to use for your game what the focus area is gonna be for instance if you want to use subsurface scattering or which is available in HD RP or if you want to use something that is specific to you RP and not available in HD RP I think those things make sense to take into account as in terms of not even make sense but those are going to be the deciding factors in which rendering pipeline you want to go for and that is on top of the fact that you know if you're making a mobile game or even 2d game it is suggested that you use u RP because there are features that are specific to those so that is pretty much it for this video I'm sorry I'm gonna have to turn on my fan because whoo I know we're in June but also this is Scandinavia why is it so hot I'm sorry if the noise of the fan is bothering you I just have so many fans what can I say I'm gonna try to cut it off from the video editing software but I have no guarantee if it's gonna work so sorry but yeah so that is pretty much it for this video again I know you know these types of questions as in which one you should use I personally dislike giving an answer like oh you should use you RP for you know exactly this or HD RP for exactly this because I'm a hundred percent sure that somebody's getting comment on this video and be like you're wrong you can't use HT RP for mobile games and I'm not saying you can't I'm just saying the recommended one is you RP and it's for a reason and that's that's the thing I just as part of my job of making this video really the main purpose of making this video is to give you guys the reasons just like any other video on my channel to give you the reasons and let you make your own mind or make up your own mind you can't make mind's eye I think that would be very powerful of you but again if you feel like you're a little confused as in which one to go for and which one to take feel free to let us know in the comments section and we can help you out I mean I say we as in me but also other people who are watching this video because we have a lot of beginners but also a lot of intermediate unity developers and also we have the discord server which is Polly realms so you can join it it's a game dev server it's a game dev community and you can just chat to people there asking the Unity Channel and people are gonna help you out you can also chat to me if you want to I don't really know why people would want to chat to me I think I'm a little I mean I'm actually kind of funny now that I think about it this video is quickly turning into like boasting myself so without further ado I'm just gonna cut it off here but yeah so thank you guys so much for watching this video hope it helped and hope you guys found it enjoy and helpful so again thank you so much for watching hit subscribe if you want to see more videos and also give a thumbs up I this is the second time I put up the thumbs up but just just imagine that the first one was like a subscribe I don't know maybe I put something on top of my hand in the video editing be a subscriber absolutely another thumbs up and give this video a thumbs up and yeah I'll see you guys in the comments section in an hour discord server so thanks so much for watching have a good night and peace out
Channel: Sykoo
Views: 69,249
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: unity vs ue4, unity vs unreal engine 4, unity or unreal engine, urp vs hdrp, hdrp vs urp, unity urp, unity hdrp, unity hdrp vs urp, unity urp vs hdrp, unity high definition render pipeline, unity universal render pipeline, unity graphics, lwrp, unity graphics in 2020, unity heretic, unity book of the dead, unity srp, unity urp lighting, unity hdrp lighting, unity urp tutorial, unity srp tutorial, learning unity, learn unity 2020, learn unity basics, sykoo, gamedev, easy, quick
Id: j1cadH71rtg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 45sec (1065 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 13 2020
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