Unity Tips and Tricks for Photorealism | Tutorial 2020

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[Music] hey guys welcome back to another video it's been a while and I do apologize for the lack of content this was mainly because I wanted to focus on school and my exams but luckily now that is finished for year so I'll have a lot more free time to focus on the channel for today's video I want to do another tips and tricks but this time I don't want it to be only about the train system but rather I want to cover a whole range of areas so I guess you could call this a generic tips and tricks for achieving realistic graphics in unity yeah Nell do so sit back relax grab some snacks and enjoy post-processing is a necessity for old project if you don't want your graphics to look flat and lifeless so to add post-processing and navigate to window package manager post-processing next you'll have to create a unique layer which will tell the camera what post-processing volume to use an actual need to add the post-processing layer to your main camera an under layer select a unique layer you just created then select an anti-aliasing method and finally create a new game object rename it to something like post-processing volume and add the post-processing volume script and change the layer to the unique layer you created earlier then enable is global that is all the setup work required you can now click a new profile to create a new post-processing profile which is used to actually apply the various effects if any of this is confusing to you or too fast I recommend you watch my post-processing video which is an in-depth look into the entirety of the post-processing system for your profile there are two components which I believe are a necessity for every project and they are ambient occlusion and color graded ambient occlusion will provide greater fidelity to your shadows and lighting while color grading provides powerful tools to adjust the look and feel of your visuals in a more artistic way I would recommend under tone mapping to select the aces preset this will provide a more filmic appearance you'll find that the lighting becomes darker to fix this just increase the post exposure value to something like 1 these modifications are how I start most of my post-processing profile and I recommend you do likewise so this provides a great foundation to build up from when you walk outside or into a write room from a darker space we may notice her upon the initial exposure the light seems extremely bright but then after a few seconds you begin to adjust to the new write levels this is cold eye adaptation and we can actually achieve the same effect using post-processing this effect will greatly increase the realism of your scene to set this up you need to add the eye adaptation component to your post-processing profile then increase the slider of the filtering component to cover the entirety of the slider then move the min and Max evie to the far left and far right finally adjust exposure compensation to a value that you want your baseline to be as 0.5 is generally a good value for daytime scenes when creating a natural terrain ensure that included variations in the height to create greater interest this is especially important around larger mountains having strong deviations in hive will allow the mountains to feel more organic and connected to the world additionally this will also provide performance benefits due to frustum culling a good way to set this up is to create the Train variations before creating the Raja Mountains [Music] continuing on the terrain topic another important factor to consider is background detail in a mountainous scene if you include additional mountain peaks in the distance the entire space will feel more believable note that these background details do not need to be of high quality as the player should never be able to get close to these additions an easy way to create background details is to create a new train system and sculpt a single mountain or simple mountain range and then position this around the main train this option is generally better than using assets of the store because you can ensure that the style and color in matches your main train when you add grass to your train you should set the healthy and dry colors to white or at least close to white if you want some deviation in color however even with this change you may notice that your grass changes color occasionally during runtime this is a unity thing that is supposed to mimic the illusion of wind blowing through the grass blades however often I find this color changed to extreme or just distracting so if you want to get rid of this effect go into the Train settings and navigate to the wind settings for grass section and change the grass tint color to gray this will completely remove the effect if you want the effect to still have a slight presence adjust the color Wiley from the base gray color [Music] textures are an important element of any game and a good texture consists of more than just an albedo map you should be including normal occlusion height specular maps and so on for optimal results however it can be difficult to obtain all these different maps for a texture if you know how to use 3d modeling software like blender we can create a high-resolution mesh of your object and then bake those details into the various maps to use on your lower resolution model I'll include a link to a blender tutorial in the description below if you're interested in this however not all of us are 3d modelers so is there another way well luckily yes there is another way to create these textures relatively easy using materialise a free software that allows you to generate additional map from an initial albedo map I'll include a link to this software in the description below as well as a tutorial on the topic however note that directly baking these maps from an actual mesh will always provide superior results a reflection probe is essentially a second camera that captures a 360 view of its surroundings this captured view can then be projected onto surrounding game objects to add realistic reflections and overall improvements in lighting however please be aware that reflection probes can be performance heavy [Music] to create a reflection probe navigate to game object light reflection probe a reflection probe has an area of effect represented by the bounds indicated under box size you can manually alter the values in this section or click the Edit bounds volume tool to physically scale the bounds to your needs reflection probes can either be baked which means that unity will pre calculate the reflection data before runtime which causes the probe to have essentially no impact on performance this is only useful when a scene is static meaning that nothing changes ie no changes in lighting object positions etc another option is real time which will not creat calculate any reflection data and instead calculate during runtime this will have an impact on performance but allows a scene to be dynamic allowing for objects to move right into change etc when selecting real time you may notice additional options appear this allows you to fine-tune how often the reflection Pro updates is reflection data by default it is set to on a wake this means that the reflection probe activates once when the game first starts this is not good if your scene is dynamic so you'll have to change this to every frame but this can be extremely expensive in terms of requirements so if you need to improve your FPS I would recommend choosing the vias scripting version and then create a simple script that allows you to update the reflection probe on a set interval reflection probes also provide a custom option which allows you to apply a pre-existing Tube map [Music] [Music] other important settings to consider are importance which if to reflection probes affect the same object then the one of the highest value of importance will be chosen over the other intensity essentially amplifies the reflection probe effect generally you just keep this at the default value of one finally resolution allows you to set the resolution on the captured cube map the higher the resolution the higher the performance cost only choose a higher end resolution if you want the clarity in extremely reflective materials like a mirror object or puddle object to be crisp otherwise a lower end resolution will be good enough to get the overall coloring and lighting improvements [Music] reflection probes are good and all but they can be limiting since they generally are stationary which can cause strange reflections to occur if the plate camera is not in line with the reflection probe itself however there is a way to achieve realistic reflections and it is to use the post-processing component screen space reflections the feature uses the player camera to calculate the necessary reflections the options for this component are fairly self-explanatory and you'll mainly just be working with the different presets like reflection probes screen space reflections will have a large performance cost but luckily you can still gain a noticeable improvement even with the lowest preset for screen-space reflections to work you need to be using the deferred rendering pathway we can set this pathway by navigating to edit project settings graphics and take default and then select the third under rendering path [Music] alternatively you can just change it on the camera game object under rendering path black reflection probes and screen space reflections light probes can also improve the lighting fidelity of your scene but unfortunately you rarely see people using this tool mainly due to how complex it looks but trust me once you know how it operates you'll be using them all the time so let's have a quick introduction why probes store baked information about light that passes through empty space in other words you'll be able to capture bounce light in your scene to create a light probe group navigate to game object light light probe group a light probe group consists of a series of probes that indicate section that are gathering writing information the closest pro to a game object will have the largest effect on that objects lighting you can adjust the location of these alight pros by clicking edit light probes and then clicking on the light probe you want to adjust the color ship term blue is selected you can also create a new light probe by clicking add probe or alternatively use the shortcut keys ctrl-c and ctrl-v to copy and paste a probe in a project we usually use many live probes in order to capture as much lighting information as possible but as a rule of thumb you want to place pros where there is a clear difference in lighting and color [Music] volumetric lighting also known as gold rays allows beams of light to be visible this can add greater interest to your lighting and overall realism if used correctly and not overdone additionally volumetric lighting is a great way to draw emphasis HD PR has built-in volumetric lighting however for standard unity you'll have to use imported assets to achieve the effect luckily there are free packs out there such as aura and volumetric lights for unity fire by slightly man I'll have links to all these assets in the description below I won't be going over how to use these assets as I deserves its own video however I will mention that volumetric lighting is not just for beams of light they can also create an atmospheric fog effect which will cause since a sunrise and sunset to really pop I'll be sure that in future follow along level design videos we will explore this technique decals are simply textures and materials that are projected onto another surface the main purpose of decals is to add additional small details to an environment like coffee cup stains on a table puddles on the street and of course bullet holes a simple and easy way to create a decal immunity is to use a textured quad you can create a quad game object by navigating to game objects 3d object quad next create a material with the decal you want to add to your environment ensure that the texture you are adding is transparent aka a PNG or equivalent next ensure to select fade from the rendering mode options finally apply the material to the created corner and place the court in the necessary locations it's also good to disable and in colliders on the quad and also turn off cast shadows in the mesh renderer if you want to place decals on curved surfaces will not be able to use this technique and will instead require a proper decal system luckily there are some basic systems on the asset store for free I'll link these in the description below so [Music] that does it for this video I actually had another to prepare to do a composition and how you could position game objects in your environments to create emphasis and overall direct clays movement and behavior but that section was getting way too large so I'll rather release that as its own separate video so make sure to keep an eye out for that upload if you're interested if you have any other graphical tips be sure to leave a comment below and if there is any type of video in particular you would like me to make let me know as well as you guys know I'm very active in the comments section and is always awesome to read your comments so with that being said thanks for watching and I'll see you in the next one [Music]
Channel: Sketch
Views: 115,516
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: unity, unity3d, tutorial, terrain, speed, realistic, 2019, learn, advance, scene, simple, unity tutorial, graphics, detail, fps, game, speed level design, unity level design, good graphics, unity 5, terrain tutorial, unity tips and tricks, tips, tricks, programming, coding, indie, developer, level, design, level design, realistic graphucs unity, how to create realistic graphics, easy good graphics in unity, photorealism, volumetric lighting, grass, good, 2020, code, environment design
Id: Rfn9zM8Dfog
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 27sec (1107 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 15 2019
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