Basics of Universal Render Pipeline (URP) in Unity 2019.3

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in this video you will learn how to get started with unities Universal enter pipeline or you RP which is previously known as lightweight under pipeline or LW RP you will also learn how you can convert your existing unity project from built in under pipeline to Universal render pipeline you RP or Universal under pipeline can be used almost every major platform and provides beautiful graphics and high-end performance that's why it's called Universal also in the future you are Piz going to be the default render pipeline in unity so with that said let's jump right into it there are mainly two ways to use European your project the first one is very easy open up unity hub and from this drop-down button choose unity 2000 19.3 setup your project name and the location and from these templates choose universal project template keep in mind that as of now you are P is only available in 2019 point 3 or newer versions so if you are using 2019 point 2 then you will find the ll orbit template instead of you RP so make sure to choose correct unity version to use you RP then just click on create and this will automatically create a fresh new unity project with Universal render pipeline already implemented and once is done it will open up unity editor with this sample scene as you can see it has a direction light and a basic post processing now you can delete or hide this example asset and start working in this pipeline simple now let's see how we can convert an existing unity project from built in to Universal render pipeline alright this time I have opened up an empty unity project and for this demo I'm gonna use this fantasy for s environment scene so click on import alright this is a demo scene that comes with this package it has a basic terrain with some grass and trees so let's try to convert this scene from unities built in and a pipeline to universal under pipeline so first of all go to Windows package manager and from here choose this Universal RP click install as you can see this package is a verified package which means it can be used in production all right now the package has imported the first thing you need to do right click go to create rendering Universal under pipeline and choose this pipeline asset I call this you are P then go to edit project setting and from graphics and from this scriptable render pipeline section choose the you are ps8 which we have just created and as you guessed it it will convert everything to pink because the default shaders are not supported in Universal render pipeline but don't worry we will fix them in a minute again to convert the materials go to edit render pipeline Universal under pipeline and choose upgrade project materials to universal RP materials click proceed and voila as you can see it did not convert the materials perfectly only the stem of trees are converted rest of the things are still pink now let's see how we can convert other materials manually into Universal LP materials here you can see few of the materials are converted but these two materials are still looking pink so let's see how we can convert them this package also has is asset scene and in the scene we have mainly trees and grass which we need to convert so let's first select this grass go to it materials as you can see this grass material is using a custom shader that's why it was not converted but don't worry it's very simple just a transparent texture of grass so to convert this material from this shader drop-down go to university under pipeline and choose lit or simple it I will explain the difference between 2 in a minute first use the lid and from the base map choose this grass mesh texture from the surface type choose transparent because it's a transparent texture in the render face mode choose both because we want both face to visible if you want to fine-tune the transparency of this texture click on alpha clipping and adjust the value in the base map set the colors to pure white and the smoothness to 0 because we don't need any kind of smoothness or reflection for this class now if you don't want this additional metallic or smoothness parameter you can also go to Eunice render pipeline and choose this simple lip instead of lid and you see in this one the specular nice food mess are by default turnoff that's why this simple it is more optimized than lit shader so now our grass is successfully converted let's also repeat the same process for this tree branches material as well go to shader and from this universe ender pipeline I choose simple lit in a basement assign the texture set the color to white surface type choose transparent render face mode both alpha clipping on and adjust the value and you will see our tree material is also properly converted let's go back to our main scene and you can see trees and grass are now properly visible only the Train is pink to convert this terrain material first select the terrain go to setting' and in the major section as you can see it is using default terrain shader which is not supported so I go to material folder and create a new material right-click create material I call this terrain then from the shader type go to university under pipeline terrain and use lit this is a special shader in unison and pipeline that is used for terrain then again select your terrain go to settings and now choose this terrain material and now you can see our terrain is perfectly visible again but there is still one problem if you notice our tree branches are not casting any kind of shadows only the stem of these trees are casting shadow so to fix that issue again go to tree branches material and from the surface type choose transparent to opaque and now it's perfectly casting shadow now let's also add some post effects to further improvise the scene to add post-process effect right click volume and choose this global volume and you can see the by default the mode is set to global Global's means that all the post effect will apply to the entire scene if you want to apply the effect to a particular area then you should choose global I will show this in a minute then click on new to create a new post process profile and voila our three branches are gone okay I figured out for some reasons it's not allowing me to change the Alpha 2 to 5 5 to fix this issue simply increase the smoothness to 1 and change the albedo alpha from specular alpha and now you can also change the transparency and now this is working fine I don't know why this happened so if anybody from unity watching this please fix this issue alright let's continue with our post-processing in university under pipeline all the post-processing effects are completely revamped to ask post-processing effect click on and override post-processing and here you will see a list of post-processing parameter same like HD under pipeline so let's first add bloom click all to enable all the option and you will notice the post pressing effect are non applied in the game view to see the post was in fact in a game view selected camera and unable this process processing checkbox and now you can see post processing in both views let's also add a white balance to cook it in the turning of the scene let's also add some depth of field in the mode you get two mode quotient or bouquet I'm gonna choose bouquet set the aperture to really low and the decrease the focus distance I think then is fine let's also add some shadow mid-tone highlights to change the toning and finally let's also add some mini 18o scene and lastly go to a camera and in analyzing choose one of the ontology I choose fast empathy lashing and you can see there's a huge improvement before and after adding the post effects let's also add just our for setting go to windows rendering light setting and in the folks adding slightly change the value okay now it's looking much better let's also see how this local mode works to use this local mode you can create a new global volume or go to volume and choose one of these box or a spare volume I choose this box volume and you see it is by default set to local mode so how this local mode works all the effects you applied here only visible whenever your camera goes inside this volume so let's create a new profile add override and in the color adjustment let's change the saturation to zero go in the top view and let's also increase the size of this volume and watch what would happen when I move my camera into this box you see the post-processing on this camera is changing because in this volume we have reduced the saturation and it is doing very gradually and that's the beauty of this local volumes you can apply some kind of post effects for a particular area let's also take a look at this you are psn this is very useful to control the quality of your scene here you can see you can add your render list so if you are using any kind of custom vendor you can add them here I maybe explain this topic in different video in the quality setting you can choose whether you want to use HDR or you want to use any kind of entia lodging and from this render scale slider you can reduce the resolution quality especially for very low-end devices from this lighting section you can control all the lights from one place such as whether you want to cast shadows or not and you can also change the shadow resolution same in the shadows you can define the distance how far you want to see the shadows you can also define whether you want to use cascading shadows or not in the post-processing section you can set whether you want to use HDR or LD arrange and in the Advanced Mode you can also set some various parameter and the best part of this you are bi said that you can save your parameters such as like high one for medium and one for low and now you can set different parameters to different values and you can choose any of the profile based upon the CPU power of currently running device and now let's come to the main topic what's the benefit of using this Universal data pipeline so here you can see I have also opened up the same scene in built in and pipeline and in the States you can clearly see a huge difference the triangle count in built-in air pipeline is almost 90 hundred K where in US and the pipeline it's only 95 K in built in under pipeline the vertices count is 2.6 million whereas it is only 121 K in human surrender pipeline as you can see I am using post-effects in university under pipeline but still the set path calls are lower than built in under pipeline so now if I disable my post effects you can see the set post-call are really very lower than built in under pipeline and that is the main benefit of using Universal and a pipeline it's give you better performance and better quality and in this side-by-side comparison you can clearly see the universal pipeline is very much better than built in a pipeline one more benefit of using Universal in the pipeline is that shared graph is fully supported in this pipeline and it's already implemented with this package so if you want to create your own shader just right-click create shader and choose PBR graph double-click to open up the sheera graph and now here you can create your own shader to work in this pipeline so if you want to see more videos about Universal and a pipeline and she red graph then please support me on patreon patreon is the platform where you can donate some amount on monthly basis and cancel anytime you want you also get access to unity project file of some of my tutorials so please give it a visit to my patreon page and support if you like link is given in the description I would also like to thank Hannah sim Conan Adam Smith and don khon apply and Jenko de madhu and reviewer and Nicolas gainer dakota for supporting me on patreon and finally for more videos please make sure to hit the subscribe button and turn on the bail notification if you have any queries regarding my videos you can always ask me in the comments section or join my discourse server link is given in the description so that's it for this video see in the next one bye bye
Channel: UGuruz
Views: 212,365
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Keywords: unityguruz, unity guruz hdrp, unity urp, lwrp unity, urp vs lw rp, lwrp lighting, universal render pipeline unity, unity urp lighting, unity urp tutorial, unity universal render pipeline post processing, unity 2019.3, unity 2019.3 urp, unity urp brackeys, urp vs hdrp, unity universal render pipeline 2d, unity setup lightweight render pipeline, lwrp unity mobile, render pipeline unity, lightweight render pipeline, lightweight render pipeline vs standard, unity 2020, uguruz, urp
Id: HqaQJfuK_u8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 52sec (772 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 02 2020
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