HDRP vs. URP - Which Unity Template should you choose?

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before when creating a new unity project you've got to choose between 2d and 3d harbors some of you might have noticed that we now have two new templates to choose between I'm of course talking about the High Definition template and the Universal template these two templates take advantage of unities new scriptable render pipeline and unity is working towards making them the new standard and new features such as shaded graph and visual effects graph are being built specifically for these templates which is kind of important so let's have a look at what these templates are while there's so much better than the old ones and most importantly answered the question which one should you choose but first this video is sponsored by Miller node Miller node is a free tool for organizing your creative projects into freeform visual boards it can be used for any creative project but it's particularly well suited to the early stages of game development I think we all know that that can get pretty messy they've recently updated their whole template workflow which makes Miller node extremely smooth to work with when planning a project also they just added dark mode we actually used Miller node in one of our videos when creating a turn-based battle system it was very convenient to pick up and make the planning process a lot smoother so if you want to have a look at Miller node in action definitely check out that video and find the millah node is free so get organized now by simply clicking the link in the description so which template should you choose well if you're creating a 2-d game use Universal start of the awesome patron supporters okay there might be a bit more to it than that but to answer this question properly we first have to look at what SRP is well the current default renderer also called the built-in renderer is a general-purpose renderer this means that it was made to fit as many types of use cases as possible however because it tries to do everything at once it can offer the best possible graphics features and it can be optimized for your particular needs to solve this problem unity build an entirely new rendering system SRP or the scriptable render pipeline SRP is unities new modular rendering system if your graphics engineer this means that you can customize the render loop in unity by a c-sharp scripts which is pretty advanced but for us mortals this just means that unity now has more graphics capabilities and that we get to choose exactly what type of graphics fit our game but creating your own render pipeline quickly becomes very programming heavy luckily unity has made to predefined pipelines that cover pretty much all of our needs and we can use them without getting too technical these to render pipelines focus on different aspects of graphical fidelity and therefore each one targets a specific set of use cases and these are of course the ones that we get to choose between when creating a new project the high definition render pipeline or HD RP and the universal render pipeline or you RP and fear not if you're already working on a project using the built-in renderer we'll have a link in the description to a guide that shows you how to port everything over to the new templates so now that we know what SRP is what render pipeline should you choose well let's start with HD RP HTTP targets only high-end hardware like PC Xbox and Playstation HTTP is meant for really high fidelity game's graphics demos architectural renders and pretty much anything that just requires the best possible graphics this is not to say that HTTP isn't performant it's still way faster than the built in renderer when targeting high-end graphics but if you're just making a low poly stylized game rendering everything with triple-a graphics techniques might be a bit overkill of course HTTP can create some amazingly beautiful scenes but it also requires so much more work to fully utilize all the power that HTTP has to offer you have to create dozens if not hundreds of texture Maps height maps metallic maps smoothness maps AO maps detail maps normal maps and so on the list goes on and this is for each of your materials so creating assets for each GOP can take a long time this means that the usual HTTP project requires a bigger team and therefore a much bigger budget in fact I would say that unless you're a graphics engineer if your team is smaller than 5 people HTTP probably isn't the right choice for you which of course leads us to you RP Europe is as the name suggests the go to render pipeline it's designed to run on any platform with grid performance so unless you have specific graphics needs that only HTTP or a custom render pipeline supports chances you're good to go with your P whether you're targeting mobile consoles web or PC Europeans just a great choice for performing rendering and at this point in time European does a lot it has many of the same features as a GOP but stripped down to make it more performant on all platforms this Arabic doesn't mean that you can create beautiful games with you RP on this channel we often talk about the difference between graphics and aesthetics graphics refers to the actual rendering while aesthetics refers to the art style and art direction and I would argue any day that aesthetics are so much more important to making a game look good than graphics in fact I think we see countless examples of games with a fairly low graphical quality which are still incredibly beautiful because of the great art choices that being said however it's good to know exactly what the different render pipelines have to offer so let's break it down so first of all shady graph and visual effects graph are now fully verified for both pipelines this is great because both are awesome tools for artists creating shaders or particle effects if you want to learn how to use them we of course have videos on both also if you're making a be art game this can actually be done with both pipelines however realistically we are with HDR P might get really performance heavy sense unity is essentially rendering everything twice one for each I deferred rendering though is currently only available in HD RP however it's currently in research phase on the you RP roadmap the same applies to decals which is a handy way of spicing up your levels by overlaying textures now one of the biggest differences between the two pipelines is lighting HTP offers way more advanced lighting features such as real-time global illumination which simulates bounce lighting volumetric lighting which simulates light passing through particles in the air and the big one ray tracing which is a whole new way of rendering light reflections and shadows ray tracing works by tracing the path of light as it bounces around your scene and simulates the way that light interacts with objects in real life this technique is definitely very performance heavy but it creates the most realistic results which is why it's been used by movie studios for ages to create pre-rendered images another thing that is very different though is shaders HTP offers high-end shader features like height detail and parallax maps which are used for displacement detail and simulation of depth in materials it also has subsurface scattering which simulates light passing through thin objects like cloth or ski and it features advanced shaders like these technically which allows you to use multiple material features like subsurface scattering iridescent and is and mr. anisotropy and as such a P and hazy parametrization at the same time when it comes to post-processing both render pipelines offer pretty much the same the most important things that you only get with HDR P are ambient occlusion which creates shadows in the places where two surfaces intersect auto exposure which simulates the humans eyes ability to adapt to different lighting conditions and screen space reflections which simulates reflections based on what's visible on the screen I should mention that ambient occlusion however is on its way to you R P but hdop doesn't get to have all the fun one thing that is only available in you RP is 2d lighting and shadows again if you're working in 2d you are P is the choice for you another cool feature that is now available in both pipelines is camera stacking this allows you to render from multiple cameras at once for example you can separate your environment FPS weapons and UI into different cameras which can have some cool benefits such as your hands and weapons not clipping through walls also physical cameras are available for both render pipelines as well I know there was a lot of information but I hope that you feel better equipped now to choose the right brand new pipeline for you we've created this table so that you can quickly get an overview of some of the main differences and that's pretty much it for this video if you enjoyed it make sure to subscribe and ring that notification bell so you don't miss the next one if you want to learn more about SRP and the to render pipelines we'll make sure to have a link to everything that we could find in the description also don't forget to check out Miller node again it's free and a great way to organize your projects to get started simply click the link in the description on that thanks for watching and I will see you in the next video texture of the awesome patreon supporters who donated in January and especially thanks to lost to violence dog forever see j69 phaser Murphy Megan Frazier Tara Versace Lila set Jim shoe Bob jazz Daniel die sonic marc-antoine Gerard no kirisaki Jacob Sanford Michael car bob gregory pierce the mighty Zeus Allison the fierce Gidget and Erasmus you guys Rock
Channel: Brackeys
Views: 418,447
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: brackeys, unity, unity3d, asset, assets, texture, textures, material, materials, beginner, easy, learn, tip, game, development, develop, games, programming, coding, basic, basics, C#, HDRP, URP, High Definiteion Render Pipeline, Universal Render Pipeline, HD, LWRP, Comparison, Choose, Template, lightweight, render, pipeline, scriptable, srp, which one, creating, new, project, graphics, mobile, pc, console, web, quality
Id: 5MuA92xUJCA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 46sec (526 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 01 2020
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