Unreal Engine 5 Beginner Tutorial - UE5 Starter Course 2023 #unrealengine5 #megascans #cgi

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Hello friends welcome back this is Amit from magnet and today we are going to create this ocean environment inside Unreal Engine 5.1 so first take a look what we are going to create today [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] before we start if you are new to this channel I recommend you to check my videos and if you find those videos useful please do subscribe this Channel and turn the notification on and here I like to shout out for all those people who has already joined me as a member so if you really want to support me you can also join me as a member so let's get started so I opened my Unreal Engine from here then I choose this games option and also choose this third person template and here I take on the starter content and name my project as tutorial and create so before you do anything first you go to the edit then go to the plugins and here we're going to enable some plugins so first we enable hdri backdrop type hdri and you will find this hdri backdrop just enable this and then before we restart we also go to the search bar and type for water body and you will find this water just enable those and then we search for movie render queue and here we find this movie render Cube and movie render view additional passes just enable those and then we restart our engine okay so here is the important thing that if you find this kind of error that Collision profile settings it's because when we use the water body it doesn't have the collisions you cannot make anything to float over this water body so if you find this error just click on here and then clear and then also you have to restart your engine once again so once you restart you will not have the error again okay so now first we're going to file and then go to this new level and we create an empty level here and now we're going to put the hdri backdrop to light up our scene so for this we go to this box and we go to this place actor panel and in the search bar we type hdri and you will find this hdri backdrop just drag and drop into our scene here just like this then we close display sector panel to make some room here and instead of using this hdri map we're going to use our own sdri map so here from you can download so many hdri maps and which is absolutely free so maybe we're going to use this one here and here from you can change all these resolutions and I am choosing this 4K resolution and many thanks to these creators who actually built this hdri map and when you're satisfied with the resolution just click on this download button here so I drag this hdri map into our content drawer just click and drag and drop here okay so now we select our HD array backdrop and into this details panel you will find this Cube map slot so we're going to change this Cube map slot hdri map with our downloaded hdri map so now you can see that our map looks something like this and before we change any settings we go to make our landscape we go to this select mode button and go to this landscape button here and we do not have to change anything from here just click on this create okay just like this and then we go back to our main mode here so we have our hdri backdrop and a landscape so first we're going to create a light for our scene so we go to this box and then we go to this slide and we click on this directional light okay just like this so it will be our sun then also we go back to this box and then we go to the visual effects and we make a exponential height fog here okay and then we go to this exponential height for go to its details panel go down and we check on this volumetric work okay just like this and now we select our hdri backdrop and we're going to change some settings first we go to this intensity and we change this value to maybe 0.2 okay just like this and also go to the size we're going to change the size to maybe 2000 [Music] okay just like this maybe we going to change it later on according to our need and then also we go to this details panel here and if we go scroll down and we will find this Skylight option here and here you can find this Source type we're going to change the source type to this specified Cube map and here is the cube map slot and again we're going to put this Cube map over here okay just like this and then we're going to change some settings later on according to our need so this is uh something we have to do for now here and now we're going to put the water so for this again we go to this box and then we go to this place actor panel and here we search for water and we're going to made in water Body Ocean so we choose this water Body Ocean here just drag and drop here and it will take little time to compile all these shaders and just we close this place actor panel okay so here is our water body and you can see that you can't see the infinite ocean is because of this hdri backdrop so we select our hdri backdrop and here is the Gizmo so we just put it little down to see all the oceans here okay and now you can see also that this is the island so we're going to decrease the island shape so we double click over this mask points here and we're going to decrease the shape and also you can see that this area this area have this high quality oceans so we're going to put our Island at the back side so we can get more of this space and maybe your water not look like this it's because that I have already changed the settings and because it's the settings saved in the engine content so once you change the setting it will query forward to your next project but don't worry I will show you that what changes I made to my ocean so you select your water body here and then we go to this water body into this outliner and now first we go to down and you will find this web Source just expand this one and also explain this and here you will find this water wave assets so that double click to open this one and here you can find this web Source just expand this also and here you can get all these values you can also change the value according to mine so here you can find this number of waves so its default value is 16 and here is the seed so if you change this you can change the random seeds so maybe I change it to 14. and then also you can have this Randomness Randomness so you can also change the randomness so you will get the web Randomness here and then we come to this wavelength so if you increase this wavelength you will get more long waves here and also if you decrease it you will get shorter webs here so you make this to 200 and also this maximum wavelength so you can also change it okay so if you change it you can see that the wavelength changes here okay and also this is the fall off you can also make changes here to make this fall off so maybe we set it to two and here is the amplitude so if you increase this you can get the higher amplitude to your waves and if you decrease it you will get less amplitude here just like this okay and also this this is the minimum amplitude and this is the maximum amplitude so if you increase it you can get something like this kind of result okay so I set it to my value that I set earlier just like this and this is also the follow and now this is the main thing that is the direction so which direction you want to your web so if you change it you can see that this is how it rotates its wave directions so this is for the waves so you can also change some settings to make your own design if you want and when you satisfied just save it from here just like this and close it okay and now we going to uh change the color of this water so maybe in default in your case it's look different because I am also change the color and this is the permanent change so if you make any change it will carry forward to your next project so in order to change the color firstly go down here and here inside this rendering tab you will find this water material so just double click to open this and here you can find all these properties for this water body so first you go down to enable or change the colors so if I reset this value this will be the default value and this color you can also see in your project so we're going to change the color so again we go here and maybe in your case it looks something like that that those are not selected so first you select both of this and then expand it just like this okay and now you can change the color from here so you can also go here and change the color from here so you can see that if I make it white you can get the Clear Water here so maybe sometime you also want the clear watercolor so you can also change it from here or maybe you can do one thing that you can go here that is the red color you can increase the red color here so you can also change the color from here and maybe also increase the green color and the blue color so in all depends on you that what color you want and also you can increase the alpha decrease the alpha to make it uh deep or light color here so I make it uh something like greenish color here so you can see that if I change it it can look something like this okay so feel free to change your color according to your need okay so once you're satisfied just save it from here and then I close this one and here you can see that your water looks something like this so now we're going to put the assets so for this I'm going to use some epic game content and which is absolutely free and I'm going to use this one that is the Nordic Coast collections so once you complete the download you will find this geometry folder here and also if you go to this Mega scans folder you also get all the assets from here but we go to this geometry folder and inside the geometry folder you will find this assembly folder just double click to open this and here you will find several folders which contains their Boulders here and also this Clips here so we're going to use the clip first so we open this clips and now you will find so many different clips here so first we're going to put the clips over here so we just use anything you want so everything look nice here so just use any of this and it will look nice so maybe first you're going to use this one here and you can see that this look nice so first we place it over here and then just place it like this and we press R to bring the scale switch and we increase the scale of this okay just like this so now you can see that this look something like this and also you can rotate this okay just like this and then also you can put another one here so maybe we use this one so just put it over here and then also increase the scale of it just like this and we place it over here okay so it depends on you that how you want to arrange those clips so I'm just showing you the idea and also you can increase the scale little bit more and also we're going to use another one so we put it over here and also scale it up just like this okay and maybe you can see that this look uh similar so we're going to rotate it just like this and also we increase the scale okay so something like this and now we come over here that is our Island so maybe we going to push our Island little back here so this point here and we're going to push it over here just like this and now if you want to make any size reference here you can do one thing that will go to this character folder go to this mannequins and go to the mesh and we can put this mannequin over here so you can get a nice size reference here and also we decrease our camera speed and maybe we do one thing that we put our mannequin over here okay just like this so now you will get a nice size reference here and now we're going to put some rocks and clips also there and make a cave-like structure here so for this we're going to use uh this geometry folder again and double click and just open this one and here you if you go to this clip you will find this one here so you're going to use this Cliff here so you can see that this Clips is so huge and it covers uh so many areas of our scene so we can use uh maybe three or four times to make a nice huge structure over here and also we duplicate it here and then we rotate it and place it over here okay just like this [Music] and also we rotate this one to this side and then we place it over here [Music] okay so now you can see that this getting better maybe we push this uh here maybe okay maybe we increase our camera speed little bit and we also rotate it into this side okay just like this and again uh duplicate it one more time and maybe we block uh this area maybe we increase the scale of this just like this okay so you can get a nice narrow password over here and here we can put our cave and maybe this look very huge Cape so we going to narrow it little bit just like this and also we place our mannequin over here okay just like this so it all depends on you that how large you want your cable be I mean this cave okay so you can see that this look nice and now we're going to put a material over this landscape so for this I am go to the starter content folder and then we go to this materials and here you can find so many materials so maybe we going to use this one so we just select and select our landscape and then we go to this details panel and go down and here is the landscape material slot just drag and drop over here and now we're going to put some assets over this area so for this we go to this content drawer and then we go to the geometry if we go to this assembly you can get this ground folder here and here you can get so many assets so first we're going to use this one or maybe use this one and then we going to place it over here okay just like this and also we duplicate it over here and place it here or maybe dip it down little bit just like this okay and now we're going to use another asset so maybe use this one so you can see that those assets are really amazing and if you feel the quality is not that good but uh believe me when you render it you will get a nice quality result in your output okay and then also we get this one here and you can see that The Rock looks amazing I mean look at that this look really nice okay so we going to use those rocks over here or maybe over here and you can see that you can see the edges but don't worry we also put other assets or maybe you can do one thing that you can just dip it down little bit and if you think that the snapping is not working right so you can disable the snapping so you can easily move these assets okay and then again also duplicate it here and rotate it to make it little different okay so here are so many assets so I'm not encourage you to use the same you can use others so it will make little bit of variations in your sim okay so maybe we use this one also here or maybe we can rotate it and then we dip it down like this okay so now you can get a nice idea that how you can put those assets and then also we go to our content drawer here and then we go to this Mega scans folder and go to this 3D asset so first we go to this filter which is the static mesh filter enable this and if you not have this static mesh filter over here just go over here and select the static mesh filter okay and then you can also get other assets from here okay so let's see what we have so you can get this Stone assets so we go over here and put the stone so you can individually put those rocks here and there and this is small so you can fine tune it and also you can rotate it like this and then we put it down just like this okay so now you can get the idea so I'm just making a scene by using those rocks and also we have other assets over here so you can also use those so maybe use this one over here okay and when you dip it down in the ground you can get some of the empty spaces so you can just fill it by using those small rocks okay just like this so you can see that this look nice and also we have other Assets in this geometry folder so we go to the geometry folder inside this content drawer you can get this geometry folder and go to this assembly and here you can get other assets so we're going to use this one here so you can see that this asset MLA placed uh where is the edges so you can just decrease the scale of it and then we place it over here so you can get this nice fall off of these edges so you can see that if you put this asset over here you can get a nice follow-up of those clips okay just like this and maybe you can see that uh this is look so low quality texture but don't worry when you render it you will look nice and also we have this one here so you can see that if you place it in the edges of this Corners you can really look nice and then also we duplicate it over here and you can get this kind of nice fall off of your Clips okay so just like this and also use those into this side as well so just duplicate and we rotate this then we place it over here okay and do the same to this side also just like this okay [Music] and you can see that and there are some empty spaces so if we just dip it down little bit it can match as the scene okay so now you can get in this nice kind of landscape over here and I know that the lighting will look really bad but don't worry we will set up it later on and then also you can get some empty spaces so you can just do one thing that you can push it Forward little bit to fill the Gap because we don't want that much of area here but I just show you that if you want you can make a very big Cape over here okay and now we're going to fill the ceiling so here is the ceiling so we're going to fill the ceiling so I'm going to use the acid from this Mega scan folder and then we go to these 3D assets we enable this static mesh and you can get this asset here so just use this one here and you can see that this is very small so we're going to scale it up to fill the ceiling area here so we just press R to bring this rotation Gizmo and we increase the scale of it and then we can also rotate it into this angle and then we place it over here okay so you can use other assets if you want uh what I'm just using this one so now scale it up into different angle to make it little bigger just like this and also we duplicate it one more time and place it over here so I'm just randomly fill the uh ceiling because it's not that much of importance in this scene because our camera work should be from here so we're not going to see the ceiling so I'm just use a random assets over here just like this maybe we rotate it into this angle [Music] and then we duplicate it here [Music] okay just like this so now you will get a nice ceiling over here so if you go inside this cave and you can see there are some gaps so you can also fill the gaps by just duplicating any of these assets so maybe we use this one and just place it over here okay just like this so very simple but when you're done you will get a nice result to your scene okay so now you can get this kind of nice area here and if you change your directional light position just like this you can get uh this kind of scene uh but now is the right time to set up our lighting but before we set our lighting make a camera for our scene so for the camera we go to this box option and go to the Cinematic and create a cine camera actor and then we go to this outliner Channel and then we right click over the cine camera actor and we click on the snap object to view and then we go to this perspective and you select our camera over here and when you put the camera you can also create a sequence for our scene so we go to this sequence option here and click on this add level sequence and we name this as our tutorial sequence so by the way I am also a save my level with the name of tutorial so if you not find this option over here you can just save your project by go to this file and then you just save your level by the name or any name you want so once you save you will get this level folder over here and also I name my sequence name as a real sequence and I save this okay here is the sequence and then I find my camera over here and just drag the camera here then I go to this camera option and go to this camera details panel go up and here is the film back option I expand and I choose this 16 is to 9 DSLR okay then also I go to this current focal length and I change this to maybe 15 and now if I go to our camera here and then we go to down to this lens properties first you go to this exposure option and we change the metering mode to manual then we go to this exposure compensation and change this value to maybe 10 for now and you can also change it later on according to on need and then also we go to this Bloom option go to this method and we change this to convolution also we change the intensity down to maybe 0.2 here and then also we go down and go to this lens flare option and enable this lens layer but we decrease the intensity two may be very low to point zero one okay and now you can get a little bit of nice Lighting in the previous settings okay but you can see that our sky is looks really dull so we're going to change the settings for this sky as well so we click on the sky and you just lead us to select this hdri backdrop select this hdri backdrop and then we go to this details panel first we go up and go to his intensity and we increase the intensity maybe one for now okay and then also we go down to this Skylight option and we enable this real-time capture if you enable this one you will get a this kind of error that we have to put a sky atmosphere for this here is the sky atmosphere component without this it will look this kind of black okay so for this we go to this box and then we go to this visual effects and here we find this Sky atmosphere just put it into our scene here just like this and when you put this Sky atmosphere instantly you will get a nice scene over here so if you disable this Sky atmosphere you will get this kind of scene but if you enable this Sky atmosphere you will get this okay so this look amazing and also you will get this kind of hard edges over here so just select this hdri backdrop and put it little down okay you can see what the change we made if we put this hdri backdrop into little lower here okay so now you will get nice fall off to your C here okay so these are the small thing that we have to make change and we will get a nice result to our scene okay and also if we go to our camera here and then we go to this current aperture if we decrease this this will be our f-stop so if you decrease the f-stop value you can also bright up your scene little bit more okay it's just like this but here you can see that it is look too bright so first you go to the search bar and type our directional light here is our directional light then we go to the details panel and you will find this intensity so we decrease the intensity to maybe two and now you will get this kind of nice result here also we can do one thing that we can go to the directional light and then we go to the source angle and we increase the source angle value so if you increase it you can get nice soft Shadow here but at the same time it will a little bit more laggy because you can get in this kind of diffuse Shadow here and if you make it small you will get this tight kind of Shadow here okay here you can also understand the difference so if you see here if you increase this value you will get nice soft shadow okay so this will look nice and also if you want to change the cloud position you also can do that so in order to rotate the sky you just click on this hdri backdrop here and you will get this Gizmo so we press e to bring this rotation Gizmo and you can just easily rotate it just like this okay so here you can see the sun is over here okay so this look nice and maybe we can do one thing that we select our hdri backdrop and then also go to intensity and maybe we decrease the intency to maybe 0.5 here okay and also do one thing that will go to our content drawer and I find our hdri map just double click to open this and here is the hdri map just go down and here we'll find this brightness and brightness curve so maybe we can do one thing that we can decrease the brightness little bit and then also go to this curve and we change this to maybe 1.5 okay and when you satisfied just save this value okay so you can see that this looks something like this but maybe sometime it look worse so you can do one thing that go to this intensity and change it to one and now you can get a nice scene over here so now if we go here and we change our light position so in hdrm map the sun is over here so we can also match up all sun to place over here okay just like this so you will get a nice similarity between the sky and the light position okay so but if you want to change the light position you can also rotate your hdri map just like this [Music] and then also we move our sun and just like this okay so this is how you can manage the scene and maybe also we go to the directional light and increase the intensity to maybe four [Music] or maybe three okay so this all depends according to your scene so it is not a specific value to put in you have to experiment by putting other numbers over here and then also we go to our exponential height Fork value here and we decrease the fog intensity just like this okay after the Box setting it look a little bit nice and now we're going to change some settings for this ocean as well so again we select our ocean body and then we go to this uh material setup so we go here that is the rendering and this is a water material just double click to open and then we go down here and here in the global static switch parameter value you will find this caustics so I am not using the caustic in my actual video but I will show you that what will look like if you enable the caustics here so just activate and enable it from here and you can see that this caustic look nice also and then we go down here and here is the color settings so we go to this Alpha and if you decrease this Alpha you can see that and the change we made is look something like this so I think this look more uh nice than the previous settings okay so just like this and also you can do one thing that we go down here under this water shading and we activate this anisotropy and if you increase it you can get more bluish version with this green shading underneath the ocean body so I think this look amazing okay so you can also do that and and then also we go over here that is this refraction settings so we got to enable those settings and if you increase this value you can get more refractive water here okay and you can see that this look amazing because the fractal is look nice and maybe you can decrease or increase the value if you want and also you can change this value here okay so this little change will look very amazing when you see the ocean uh over this top here okay just like this and now we're going to change some settings for the sky as well so we save this settings from here and close this and we select our hdri backdrop and then we go to the Skylight option here and we go up and here you can see the intensity so if we go over here you can see the the intensity of the light is so high so we're going to decrease the intensities so maybe 0.2 okay and this is a very less so we're going to change it to maybe one or maybe 0.5 will be nice okay and then also here is the indirect lighting intensity or volumetric scattering so if you decrease this value and also decrease this indirect lighting value here just like this and then also we go to this hdri backdrop and then we go here that is the intensity and we're going to decrease the intensity to maybe 0.5 okay so now it look uh more natural than previous settings okay so this is how you can tweak the settings to see that what will be fit with your scene okay and also do one thing that you can see that the direction of the wave is not right so we also going to change the settings for this web Direction so for this we select our ocean body here and then we go down to this web settings and then we go to this direction and we going to change the direction okay just like this okay so it look like that now it the wave is coming towards us okay so this is how you can make this kind of nice looking ocean body over your scene and now we going to design our whole seam so for this we go to this geometry folder here and then we go to this folder and also this folder here and here you can find some of this slope kind of assets which can fit nicely here so first we're going to put this one here so maybe you can just put it over here and then we just go down here and also we rotate a little bit and put it over here or maybe we go here and then we nicely put it here okay and also rotate into this angle and place it over here and then also we duplicate it also rotate it then we place it here okay so you can use different assets uh but for the time being I'm using this one here because you also use this one so just place it to fill these gaps okay let's like this and also you can extend this short area by just duplicating here to make this more nice gradual fall off here and also we duplicate it here then also one more time place it over here so you will get a nice follow to this ocean area and also we place it here [Music] okay just like this [Music] so you can fill the areas if you want if you want to make some cinematic shot no to this area also so if you're not uh planning to make any cinematic shot you don't have to fill the area because it will only heavy your PC okay so when you satisfied with this you can also use other assets so maybe we go up here and go to this ground rock and then we're going to use this one maybe and just dip it down and just make a little bit of variation to this area and maybe just rotate it okay and then also we use another one so maybe use this one [Music] okay so anything you put you you can see that this will look nice because everything you put it will make a nice random design to your scene so again we go to this rock folder and we use some random rocks over here and there to make it look different looking okay and maybe you use this one here increase the scale [Music] so this look nice and now we're going to put some other Clips over here to make it more nice so we go to the sleeve folder again maybe we use this one so you just put it over here and then also increase the scale maybe we put it little behind here just like this and also duplicate it and then we scale it up like this and also rotate it into this angle so the little behind here and also here maybe and also increase at this one scale [Music] and then we place it here okay so this look nice and also we have small Clips so maybe we can put this one over here and also we rotate it and also here and there you can also put other clip if you want so it's not specific so just put the clips here and there and it will look nice okay so now if you go here and you can see that this look nice okay and maybe if we change the light position here [Music] you will see you'll get a nice result here okay so now we're going to put some vegetations for the vegetations I go to this quick sell content and I have downloaded these two assets from this Crystal Bridge so I also gave the link in the description down below so you can also get those so I select both of this and I use this high quality and if you want you can also change the quality from here and then just click on this add button here and here is all these assets so first we going to change all of this foliage to nanite so just select all of this and then right click and just click on this nanite and enable Nanette for selected and then also I go to its material settings and then I search for wind and just enable the wind from here okay and maybe we can also increase some intensity from here and also this one speed from here and then I save it and then also I go to this Albedo map and just double click to open this and then we go down and also increase the saturation to maybe 1.5 to make it more green and you can see that it become more green so just save it from here and then I'm going to use those foliage over here okay so for this first we go to this selection mode button and go to this foliage here and then maybe we not selecting everyone from here so maybe you selected this one this one and this single one and also this one okay then we just select all of this and we go down and maybe we decrease the density to maybe 10 or now maybe you can also change it later on according to our need then we'll go to the scale and we increase this maximum scale value to maybe 1.5 then we go down here and here you can see this align to normal we disable this one from here and also this is the very important that the ground slope angle the maximum angle is 45 here so we're going to change it to 180 so in that way you can paint at 180 degree slope to every places here okay so I will show you that what uh in the change it makes and everything look nice here so and also we're going to this brush size we're going to decrease the brush size to maybe 60 for now okay and now if we go here and if we start painting and you can see that you can also paint to this area also it's because that we change the slope angle to 180 degree so you can go here and you can see that the ground slope angle we set it 180 degrees so that's why you can paint in this area also because if you set it to 45 degree you can only paint it this flat surfaces okay so this is for why we change the slope angle and now we're going to paint it and then also maybe we increase the scale so we maybe change it to 2 here and then we paint over here so I think this look nice for now and also we put some of this over here okay so this look nice and now we're going to put some vegetations over this ground also so we go up here and also we go to this Mega scan folder and then go to his 3D plants and also go to this folder and we change those as a nanite as well so we select all of this and make it nanite and then we go here and we deselect all of this from here and we only select this one so maybe this one and this one and also this one here and now we go here and also before we do that we go down and also we change the settings so maybe we change the density to 20 here and also increase the scale Randomness to 1.5 disable this align to normal and also you go to this ground slope angle and set it to 180 degree okay so now we going to paint and you can see that this is not moving because we have to enable the wind from this material so you go to the material and type wind to search the windward and enable this and also we can increase the speed also the intensity not that much okay and then we save it when you satisfied just save it okay so this look nice maybe we put some over here also and then finally we go to this cliff and we paint here so maybe you can see that this will be very small so we do one thing that we select both of this and also this one and then we go to the scale here scale and we change the value to maybe the minimum will be 5 and the maximum will be 7 here okay and now if we paint you can get bigger plants here okay and also we go up here and increase the brush size and now if you paint and also when you increase the scale you can also decrease the density okay so if we go to this density here and we change it to maybe 10 okay so now if you paint you can get decent amount of density also and then also increase the camera speed here then we just paint just like this maybe also we select all of this and make sure that we select all of this and then we go here and this ground slope angle we change it to 180 degree and then we paint here okay and also we put some also here so maybe here we can increase the scale to maybe eight and also these two four minimum okay so now if we go here and also we decrease the camera speed and we go to our selection mode and now you can see that this look nice sometime you can see that when you go very far from the foliage those foliage are disappearing and because we also enable those foliage as a nanite so when you are very close to this foliage you can see that those are reappeared here so when you want to make a cinematic shot from this close uh proximity you can make them as nanite so that's a way it can more easy to be rendered and you can see that this is very fast when you change those foliage as a near Knight but when you are so far away from this foliage maybe we can increase the camera speed so here and you can see that those foliage are disappeared at the distance so we can do one thing that so we select all of this and just disable the nanite and you will see that those are reappaired but you can see that this look very bad so we going to use a console command for this so we go here that is the CMD console command panel here and we type foliage and when you type foliage you will see this one that is the foliage LOD instance skill just click and then we press spacebar here and press 5 and just enter here and you can see that those look nice but at the same time you will see that your render will be very heavy here so maybe we can again type foliage then go to this foliage LOD instance skill and uh according to our needs maybe we can put three here and press enter and that's why you can little bit of more performance if you put three instead of five okay so it's all depends on the position that when you need them or when not and if you don't need them just make them again as nanite so if you enable nanite and you can see that and the performance is here again okay so it's all depends on you and this is the optimization because if you have a low end PC like me you can use this technique because when you are very close proximity to those foliage you can enable nanite and if you far away from it you just disable nanite just like this disable nanite and then also go to this console command and use the technique that I showed you earlier okay so this is a very cool technique to get a nice result and also the same time you can optimize your scene okay and for this timing I enable the nanite again so now we're going to put other assets so I'm going to use this ruler Australia pack and I am always use this pack because this pack has so many resource for any kind of environment and so many thanks to the Creator again so once you add you will get this ruler Australia folder here and maybe we select the static mesh object and you will get so many nice assets so here is this data tree here and we're going to use it and maybe we put it over here then we dip it down like this okay so you can see that and these assets is so cool and I mean I every time use these assets and this asset always gives me a nice result okay so just like this and also you have other one so put it here maybe also this one here so maybe we put uh something here also okay just like this and then also we have the parts so inside this will actually go to this effect folder and here is the birds so just like I do in my actual video you can put parts here and there so you can see that these parts here and also you can change the direction of these parts also so maybe first you put these parts over here and also this one so we can put it and you can see that this green arrow so if you select this one and you can see this green arrow this green arrow represents the direction of the parts so if you want the bars to fly to this side to this side you can easily do it just rotate it just like this to 90 degree and then you can get the bars fly from this right side to left side okay just like this and you can see that those parts over here maybe you can put a multiple arrays here so you can get more Bots okay and also put some close to the camera here okay just like this so this is so cool and you will get nice vibe to your scene okay just like this so this is how you can put those assets and also we can make some Roots also so inside this uh ruler Australia pack if we select the static mesh and then we go to this foliage section and you will find this root share so let's see where it is so here is this root and we're going to use it as a foliage system so we just select it over here and here it is so first we're going to deselect all of this so we're going to select all of it and deselect once and then only select this root and select okay then we go up here and decrease the brush size and then also we go here and decrease the density to maybe 20. okay and let's paint so you can get a nice Roots also so it will makes another level of details here okay just like this and if you want you can increase the density if you want but for now I just set it to 20 here but you can easily change the density and also remember that you can also deselect this align to normal okay so in that way you can nicely paint okay just like this [Music] so this look nice and in my original video you can see that there I put a water surface also so you can also do that so if we go to the selection mode and then we go to this box and we create a shape plane here so we go to this plane here and then we increase the scale of this plane just like this and we put it little down here okay just like this and maybe we put this plane to here maybe okay here and then we go to this water and we go to this water material here and we just put this material to this plane okay and it will take little time to appear here and now you can see that this small water area and also if we go to this plane and then if we put a little IR here and you can see this little water okay maybe we can put these things here also and you can get a little bit of water here okay and if you want you can put it little down and you can get small watery surface here okay and then also if you use this watery surface and if you think the reflection is not good and you can see that reflection is not that good so we go to the sequence and select our camera and then we go to this camera details panel and in the search bar we type reflection and inside this reflection we go to this Lumen Reflections and check this high quality translucent reflection and enable this one and you will get nice reflection here okay just like this and you can see the difference if we uncheck this you can see here and if we check this you can see that the reflection is changing okay so this is how you can create these small area with this watery surface okay so it will get a more nice details to your scene also okay so this is really nice I mean you can see that this look really amazing okay and finally we going to put a boat here okay so for the boat I download a boat model from the sketch scrap so I will show you that how you can get the boat model from the sketch Fab so here is this boat model that I am going to use here and if you go down here you can also see the Creator so many thanks to this Creator who actually make this model so in order to download you just click on this download 3D model and if you use this you can also credit this Creator to your video description and you can just copy and just paste it in your video description so you can see that the obj format is available here so we just download this obj format from here so once you download just extract it and inside that you will get the source file that is the obj file so first you're going to change this obj file to as fbx inside blender so I open blender and delete this fast assets and then I go to this file and go to this import and select this wavefronto which and here is the file I just click on this import so you can see this boat over here and we don't have to change anything here so if just to go to the file go to the export and just select this API and just select the directory just name this as both fbx and just export so in order to import the Board apx model into here first we're going to create a new folder here and we name this as ABX then you open this folder and here is this fbx file that we just exported from blender and just click and drag and drop here and then you just go here and you can also click on this build in Nanette if you want to make this model as a nanite model just click on this import all and you will get this error but don't worry just clear and cross this so and also we have to import all the texture file so in the download you can also get this folder called this textures so you just open and import all these textures over here okay and then you will take little time to compile and then we open this material which is uh already built so just open this material just double click here and then we first you delete this default texture and here you will get two types of color scheme so if you want you can use this or use this one so maybe I use this one for now so just put it over here and we connect it to this base color and then also we get this normal map and connect it to this normal okay and you can also connect this to metallic and the specular and this roughness also if you want and then just click on this apply okay then we close this one and now if you want you can just put the boat over here and also we decrease the scale and also check on this uniform scale switch here maybe 0.02 here okay so I think this is uh too small so you can also check the scale comparison with this mannequin here so maybe we can increase the scale speed and like I think that and the scale is nice because in compared to this mannequin here this look nice okay so if you want you can put the boat here but you can see that this is not floating so we're going to make a blueprint uh for this boat in order to float so for this first we going to select this boat and delete here then you go to this content drawer and we right click and create a blueprint class okay and we select this actor so here it is and now we're going to name it as a boat okay then we double click to open this blueprint here so here it is so first we're going to add a skeletal mesh here so we go to this add button and you can get the static mesh option here and then we name it as both as well and then we just drag this boat to this root file here so here it is and now we go to the static mesh here and we select the boat here so we go to here and we type boat and you will get this both fbx we select this port over here and also you can do one thing that we go here after checking this uniform scale switch we can decrease the scale okay and then if we increase the camera speed and here it is so again we normal our camera speed here okay just like this and then we go to its physics panel and enable the simulate physics so we go to type physics and here you will find under this physics tab the simulate physics just just enable this one from here and also we check these mass of this board and maybe we make this as 100 now for now and you can also change it later on according to our need okay and then we going to add a buoyancy component here so for this we again go to this add button here and we type with the buoyance and here is the buoyancy just click and there is the buoyancy so first we clear this search bar here and then we go to this buoyancy tab just expand this and also go to this buoyancy data and here you will find these pontoons so in order to make a stable boat we have to put four points which will be the buoyancy point or you can call it as a pontoons but we have to specify the area so so for that we go to this port and we add some arrows here so we go to this add button here and type Arrow okay this one so now we're going to put this Arrow into a point where we can make a stable boat so we have four arrows so first we put these arrows over here and you can see that where I put this Arrow so this is very important that where you make those arrows and this will be the mask point of this asset okay so maybe we put this Arrow over here and then I duplicate it just select it and Ctrl D to duplicate it this one and then I put it to this side so you can see that I put it over here okay just like this and then again I duplicate it one more time here it is and I put it over here okay so just like this okay so here you can see this one here and then also we duplicate it last time and then we put it over here okay so just like this so now we have this specific coordinate for each arrows and now we're going to copy all of these arrows my actual position or location and then we paste it to this buoyancy tune points okay so you can see that we have four arrows so you also have to put this four tool points here so three and four here and then we first we go to this Arrow one and here is the location so we going to copy this location component so just right click and copy and then again you go to this buoyancy and then we go to this index 0 and here is the relative location just right click and paste so very simple and we also do for the same to the rest of this areas so we select this Arrow one go to this location copy then we go to this buoyancy go to this index one relative location just paste it then do the same here also copy go to this index to relative location and paste and also do the same for this last one go to this location copy buoyancy index 3 relative location paste okay so once you've done you select this buoyancy and then we go down and here you will find this buoyancy dump so dump and dump 2 here so we're going to decrease the value for now maybe we can also change it later on so we can just put it 100 here and here we can put 0.1 okay and also you have to apply this one that is the applied drag force in water so if you check this box it can be move according to the wave of this water okay so just like this so everything look nice here so just compile here and we minimize this one and here is our boat so let's check if it is work or not so we put this blueprint over here and then we just put it little up to this ground okay just like this and then we go to these three lines here and then we click this simulate okay so we can make it in first attempt here so you can see that it's uh really looking nice and you can see that it float very nicely and it can float very stable and if you want you can also increase the boat uh Mass so just close it from here and then we open this boat and then we select this port and then we go to this mass of this boat and you can also increase the mass to maybe 200 so let's see so just compile it here and then if we just click on the simulate switch and you can see this mass is too much but once it's stable you can see that this look nice so maybe we can put 200 it will look nice okay so it's all depends on news so I think the 200 look nice here okay so now you will thinking that how you can render it into movie render queue so it is also very easy that first you have to check that you can set it to a simulate tab here and then also we go to this sequence and you have to extend your camera cut to this area to ensure that when you start the rendering and also you have to turn on the warm-up frames so in that way when this warm-up frames ensure that the simulation starts and then the actual timeline start it will render the simulation okay so this is how you can also render the both simulation into your movie render queue sequence okay so this is how you can make this whole scene and also in my actual video I put some Fox sheet over this Clips so I'm not showing it because it is already a very big tutorial but you can also learn how I make those foxes by watching my previous tutorial on there so I am also the tutor Link in the I button as well as in the description so you can easily learn how you can make those Fox sheets okay so this is it and this is how I build in the scene and I also go through all the small details that I put into my scene so I hope you really enjoy this tutorial so now lastly I am going to show you that how I make a camera animation so it is very simple and if you don't have any idea how you can choose the nice point you can watch my teaser video for this so you can get the ideas for those different camera movements so make sure that you make those extra frames here and now if you go here you can go to this transform switch and make a keyframe to this transform and also you can check this linear keyframe to make those keyframe linear and also check this auto keyframe switch here and then go to the very end or you can also change the frames you want so if you want to make a 10 seconds long video and if your video will be at 24 frames per second so you can easily put that 240 frames here for 10 seconds long video and also extend this cursor to 240 here and maybe you can also extend a little bit more to exactly pinpoint this 24 240 frames here okay just like this and also extend these camera cuts and also extend this here okay and make sure that you leave this extra frame here for the simulation start okay and now at the end you just make some little move here okay just like this and then if you play you can get a nice animation here and in sequence set the Bluetooth is not floating because we not start the simulation here but when you render it it will simulate okay so now I'll show you the render settings that I make for my teaser video so for this first you go to this edit and then go to this plugins and here we have to turn on the movie render Cube so type movie and you will find this movie render queue and the movie render key additional passes so if you not enable those just enable and you have to restart your engine you just close it here then you go to this windows then go to the cinematics and click on this movie render Cube okay and then we go to the surrender and we select our tutorial sequence so this is our sequence and maybe in your case it will be other names but select the actual sequence so here and then we go to these settings and unzip config first I delete this jpeg sequence then we go to the settings and go to this anti-aliasing and we change this Temple sample count to 32 here and also overwrite the ntlac and here is the main thing that you have to use camera card for warm-up frames okay so because you put some warm-up frames here so you have to enable this and also render warmer frames if you want okay and then we go to the settings and go to this camera and we change this to frame close here again go to the settings and go to this high resolution and also turn on the subsurface scattering then we again go to the settings and here you can choose which format you want so I choose always the exr sequence and then we go to this output and here you can choose the directory where you want to save your files and here you can choose the resolution and I'm always choose the 1080p because my PC is not that good but if your PC is high in PC you can also change it to 4K so everything look nice and just hit on this except and now just click on the surrender local and your file is ready and I am also showing my previous video that how you can arrange all those exr sequence into a video file and I choose the after effect but you can choose other composing software so I hope you can easily do that but if you're not you can also watch my previous tutorial on that and the link in the description down below okay so this is it and I hope you really enjoyed this video because I go through all the little process that I made to create my original video and I hope you can easily create your own version of this video so this is for today and I'm Amit and we will see in my next video so till then take care and bye bye [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Magnet VFX
Views: 114,734
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Unreal Engine 5, UE5, Game Development, Video Game Design, Real-time Rendering, Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR), Game Engine, Graphics Programming, Cinematics, Level Design, Character Animation, Lighting and Shading, Game Assets, Blueprint Scripting, Dynamic Environments, Photorealistic Graphics, unreal engine 5, unreal engine 5 sequencer, unreal engine cinematics, unreal engine 5 cinematics, game developer, game development, game dev, beardgames, magnetvfx
Id: gHnnAB2bxK0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 79min 27sec (4767 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 19 2023
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