5 Years of Making Games in Unity!

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around five years ago I use uni for the first time I just recently cracked open my old laptop to see what was on it and it is flipping slow in the past five years I've created so many projects many of them unfinished but all of them learning experiences many of these games have also been seen by my own eyes but in this video I'm gonna be sharing with you so you can get your own ideas and inspiration from them so like I said but five years ago I started using me for the first time I was about 14 years old at the time and I was doing lots of things like playing video games like minecraft and CS CO and I was interested in how to make games how do these people make these games so while browsing YouTube I found a tutorial about unity and how to make your first simple game that brings us to my first game like I said I felt the tutorial was basically just a very simple game you move around this cue you gotta try and dodge this red cube or if she hit it you die and you try to get to the green cube in order to complete your level and move on to the next one basically was a very simple game and it was just about learning the fundamentals of you fast forward a few weeks into the future and I was working on my own game I like this Volpone style I had seemed on YouTube so i did some low poly modeling using blender started making this game that was kind of like a supposed to be a survival game basically you could only do a few things like chop trees and man those those sidestep animations anyways i learned a lot about animation and could do some other things like move around logs I think I was making some sort of building system anyways I lost interest and moved on to something else those sidestep animation definitely the best part though so over the next few months I got interested in android games and started learning how to make them and upload them the Google Play Store so the first Android game I made is called cloud jumper it's very simple you basically just swiped and you jump to the next cloud and you had to get to the end of the level to complete it I made a bunch of levels and the got increasingly harder I also made this boundless mode which is basically randomly generated clouds that you had to jump on and basically you had to try and get the best score so this right here is the next Android game I made called roll on I was pretty proud of this game you're basically a ball that infinitely rolls and you have to click the yellow cubes to keep the ball from hitting the red cube because if you hit the red cube then you died I don't really know how I came up with idea but it worked moving on to the next Android game I made this one was called mad hops and I remember I made this around Easter that's why it it's a bunny and basically was just a mini exploration game where you explore this little wooly map that I made and he had to find all 10 carats basically and they were kind of hidden around the map it was fairly simple relaxing game to play really holy flipped the amount of tutorial text on the screen when you first start playing it's crazy anyways this is the next game it's called planetary pioneer this was also an Android game it was set in space as you can see this is like one of the first games that I really added a lot of things to you could fly around collect resources and then actually build a base when I tried building the base though the game crashed so I don't know what's up with that I was obviously a pro 14 year old video game developer so we don't need to talk about the crashes right anyways you could do other things like find these random ships around you know dogfight with them but the controls are just so far Woodley didn't do anything I also found myself kind of go out of control every once in a while and just spin infinitely it's a perfect game I don't know what you're talking about perfect game so that's about it for the android games that I made that I actually published they're absolutely terrible but for some reason you don't care the links are in the description this next game I made was basically a game of Bluff it was called risky rails and you were a minecart infinitely rolling down a track and he had to pick one of three directions before coming to this intersection and then you would go that direction and there was a chance to that direction would be blocked and you would die that's about it for that one you can tell why I moved on okay this next game I made was called Mars and as you could tell by the title it was set on Mars basically were just a ship that landed on Mars and you could really just do some basic things like build these little huts and open and close the door and refill your oxygen get in and out of the captain's seat that's about it I obviously wanted to make a cool like Mars survival game but I got bored okay this next game was called the corridor and it was a horror game I made on Halloween night this is my reaction okay okay okay the atmosphere is good though okay see I was bitter just a bunch of loud noises that randomly happened as you walk down the corridor so this next game was called glow with some sort of puzzle game that I was working I'm not gonna lie it took me like 10 minutes just to solve the first puzzle but you basically had to like hit these glowy balls against these cubes to try and get all them the same color and then eventually I figured out how to do it using this clue that was on the wall and it moved me on to the next stage the next stage was kind of weird it seemed like it wasn't even finished so I don't really know what I was doing to this game all I know is that the glow effect seemed to be the thing it was pretty cool this one was called Fink time this was a shooter game where you had a competing level but you had this special ability where you could slow down time basically had to kill these bb8 looking robots to complete the level and move on to the next one I completed the first level but then I moved on to the next one and there didn't seem to be any enemies like it wasn't completed and then I played another level which seemed to have tons enemies and it was actually pretty hard I couldn't beat him anyways that was think time let's move on okay this next project was actually one of my bigger ones I was trying to make a full real-time strategy game I actually made a youtube series on me making this but there was essentially a few things that I actually finished collecting resources from berry bushes and trees and then you could build houses and these houses could build more villagers and then I think the last thing I added was the like barracks and the barracks could make these military units but I never actually added the fighting er really added anything outside realized that this project was way bigger than I could handle at the time but nonetheless I learned a lot I had a lot of fun modeling all these low poly buildings and foliage and I thought the map looked cool in general but it was just a big learning experience and I moved on to something else okay so this next one was called cardboard zombies it was a Android game that was made for people VIII it was basically a wave based shooter game we had to shoot the zombies liver they'd be coming at you and eventually they got to you and you died and you're basically just supposed to try and beat your high score and every time you killed his on because you collected this cardboard which he could use to buy more weapons I don't really know why I stopped working on this I think it was just my code was getting really messy so I got lazy and didn't want to work on it this game was called soaring with the ancients I made this for Ludum dare 36 a 48 hour game design challenge it was basically just an exploration game we had to find all five of these locations in this map but the controls and flying mechanics were terrible I I don't think I knew how to properly programmed flying so I found myself places like underneath the map or in the middle of nowhere and I had no clue where it was so I could definitely see why I didn't win the competition but honestly going underneath the map was flippin cool [Music] this next game I worked on for almost over a year this was my multiplayer FPS game I got interested in kind of learning how to network using you need someone to play with my friends and make games and my friends could play with me so like I said it was a first-person shooter you could basically shoot each other and try and get the most kills there are three different maps one was like a forest map the other one was like an arena and the third one was like a bank robbery map I really worked on this game a lot like I said a whole year because multiplayer takes a long time to implement properly this here is one of the game modes I was working on it was like a attack and defend game-mode so one team was the cops that were like breaching these building the bad guys were in it was kind of cool you could like blow up in walls and breach in doors and even blow up in a hatch in the roof I thought it was pretty cool but like a lot of my other games this game got really complicated and the code also started getting pretty messy so I decided to move on to other stuff because it was taking up a lot of time so almost a year later I started working on this game that was called cuboidal drift this was supposed to be another Android game it was basically a level based game where you had to get to the end of the level without getting hit by spikes or Pistons or just falling off the level main goal of the game was to beat your best time on every level I also worked on a multiplayer feature so you could play with your friends and other people with Android devices this game is actually pretty polished and I would say it was ready to release at least an initial version so I don't really know why I didn't I think I just didn't get around to it which is kind of unfortunate cuz it's basically a finished game this is cat owner simulator me and my team made this game for the northern game design challenge that was hosted in my local city it was busy a 48 hour game making challenge and a theme that was given to us was a simulation game that involved cats so cat owner simulator the purpose of the game was you were a cat owner and you had to take care of your cat so you had to feed them clean their litter box make sure they had something to drink and you earned money by selling cat photos and man you could get a lot of cats anyways it was kind of a joke we ended up getting the top five position though in the competition so that was cool exactly one year later me and my team participated in the next northern game design challenge and we created a game called the rogue robot the theme of the game jam was you are the villain so we created this construction robot that was essentially a villain to the people but he thought that he was saving the world from the pollution that the people are making but anyways the people thought he was a villain so they sent the police after him and the military and you basically had to control the robot and destroy the city that was polluting the world without getting hit by the police or military vehicles that were chasing after you the more damage you did to the city the higher score you got our team ended up actually winning first place in this competition so that was really cool to accomplish we put a lot of work into the game especially for only having 48 hours to do so if you want to play either these two last games the link will be down in the description this next one was called the game of life but rather it wasn't really a game it was more of a simulation based off of Conway's Game of Life it was basically a simulation of an ecosystem interacting with each other so fire burned trees trees grew on grass sheep ate grass and sheep died from fire and lack of grass this is a project for school but I thought it was just mesmerizing to watch simulation happen and see if fire would actually burn everything or if trees but completely grow it's kind of interesting oh yeah this is the last project I work on I think it was an autonomous vehicle simulation basically I was trying to make this vehicle be able to drive autonomously using raycast to sense where the lines were on the road and where other cars were and where oncoming intersections were I also made it so that they were able to understand right-of-way at intersections this above view here shows a lot of the Ray casts and logic of the line following features this was a another school project but again it was just kind of mesmerizing to watch these cars interact with each other so that was most of the projects that I've made a nerdy in the past five years many of them stay unfinished but all of them were learning experiences and I'm sure in the next five years I'll be making many more projects a lot of them not finished but some of them will actually finish so I hope that sharing my unity journey with you inspired you in any way and if you're more interested in any of the games you see if some of the details are down in the descriptions on certain ones that I finished mostly but until next time thank you for watching this video I hope you enjoyed it see you later [Music]
Channel: xzippyzachx
Views: 2,221,356
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: LowPoly, low, poly, blender, unity, Game Development, 5 years, 5 Years of Making Games in Unity!, Making Games, unity3d, dev, game, dev log, programming, Indie game, video game, indie, c#, making a game in unity, game development, Game dev journey, indie developer, indie game development, story, shooter, multiplayer game, teenager, gamer, how to make games, learning game development, 3d, modeling, puzzle, xzippyzachx, zippy, zippyzach, five, five years, multiplayer game development, transition, map
Id: EezyHvMbILo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 27sec (807 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 28 2020
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