How to convert to the Universal Render Pipeline in Unity (Tutorial) by #SyntyStudios

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hey I'm Chris from cinti Studios and in this video we'll look at how to get a cinti Studios pack up and running with the universal render pipeline we'll cover both the Old and the new urp converters so this tutorial will have you covered no matter what version of unity you're using so if you're creating a new project you can select the urp template from the unity Hub and skip the next step otherwise we'll take a look how to install urp into an existing project so the first thing we want to do is install the universal render pipeline package from the package manager this process will be the same no matter what version of unity you're using so we'll go to window package manager and the packages will change this to Unity registry and we'll search for Universal RP for the render Pipeline and we'll install it into our project so with that installed we'll start off with unity 2021 this process applies to newer versions of unity also we'll import the polygon City pack so we need to set our project up to use the universal render pipeline so in our project if we right click and create rendering to RP asset with universal renderer we'll give this a name in my case I'll just call this urp and if we go to edit project settings and in here we'll select a new file that we just created and continue that breaks our project so we need to convert all of our materials to support Universal render pipeline so to do that we'll go to window rendering render pipeline converter from the drop down box we'll go to built into urp and we'll tick our rendering settings and our material upgrade and initialize converters from there we can click convert assets that's upgraded all of the materials so everything works with the universal render pipeline and from time to time the converter may get a few of the materials wrong so in this case you can see here we've lost the transparency so with this material changing it from opaque to transparent we'll fix that and moving on to the older converter so this applies to Unity 2020 and earlier the conversion process is slightly different like before we'll set up a pipeline asset so if we go to create rendering Universal render Pipeline and a pipeline asset and again we'll call this urp and then if we go to edit project settings and we'll apply our urp asset here now I've imported the polygon Farm pack and you can see like before everything's gone pink it's broken all of our materials so this is where it differs we'll find the converter under edit render pipeline Universal render pipeline upgrade project materials to Universal render pipeline materials proceed and that's converted all of the materials in the project and the last step you'll need to take to get some of our packs to work you can see here I've imported the polygon Sapphire City pack and after running through the standard conversion process I still have some broken materials in my project and the reason for this is some of our packs will include custom shaders they're running through the standard converter won't convert those materials for these packs if you open the root directory of your pack you'll see we have a urp extract me file double click this import that into your project and that same process will apply no matter what version of unity or urp you're using if no uip extract me is included in the pack then it doesn't use any custom shaders and you can skip this last step I hope you found the tutorial useful if there's anything specific that you want to see more of then let us know in the comments subscribe to the channel to keep up to date with all of our newest videos or check out our community Discord the link is in the description
Channel: synty studios
Views: 21,168
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: universal render pipeline, urp, convert to urp, unity tutorial, how to convert to urp, fix pink materials in unity, synty studios, universal render pipeline in unity, unity 2021+, new universal render pipeline converter, urp converter, universal render pipeline converter, universal rp, built in to urp, synty, unity urp, convert to the universal render pipeline, unity 2020 urp, unity 2021 urp, universal render pipeline not showing, universal render pipeline tutorial
Id: KpTK-OraZ-g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 16sec (196 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 10 2023
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