What are the Unity render pipelines and which to use? | HDRP vs URP 2022

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welcome back everybody i'm brendan dickinson and today we're talking about the unity render pipelines specifically which one you should be using i'm also going to cover quickly the different templates that you can start with when starting a new unity project so you might be wanting to start a unity project and you see this list of templates this may not be exactly what it looks like depending on which version of the unity hub you're using but the choices should be similar these templates are just a starting point and if you were to start with a completely blank unity project that had no packages you could set up any of these templates yourself by installing the same tools in the package manager and changing the different player and quality settings so it's not the worst thing if you choose the wrong template or decide to change your game later so which template should you use well are you looking to make a game with high end graphics for pc or console if so i would say use the high definition render pipeline hdrp for just about anything else i would use the universal render pipeline urp this means 2d mobile maybe a more stylized 3d game this is going to be the case for most people but there are cases in which you might want to use a different template the first thing i want to cover is the difference in renderers in the past unity used a custom built-in renderer that was used for everything while this helped them streamline new features and tools it meant that creators were limited to this renderer and weren't able to get the highest graphics or customization for their specific game or project unity's answer to this problem the scriptable render pipeline srp the scriptable render pipeline allows users to customize the rendering engine for unity now that doesn't mean that you or i will be doing this unless you're a graphics engineer but it does mean that we can have a bit more control over customizing the rendering and graphics for our projects so what does that have to do with these templates well if you click on the template and read more you can see what render pipeline each of these is using all the templates except for hdrp urp and auto showroom are going to use the built-in renderer at this point there are only a few reasons i see to use any of these other templates first if you're just learning unity and you want a sample project to mess around in i would definitely recommend one of the learning templates it's going to be a lot more fun to have a working game that you're tweaking and learning the engine then to just start with nothing next if you want to start with a completely empty project no packages and no render pipeline just blank then you can use the 3d core template to create a completely empty project lastly if you're going to be using assets or libraries that do not work with the scriptable render pipelines you might want to use one of the core templates and if you don't know the answer to that right now just go ahead and use either hdrp or urp you can always change it in the future this applies for upgrading a project as well i'll add a link in the description for upgrading plus there are lots of tutorials out there on how to go between the built-in renderer and the scriptable render pipelines if you don't fall into one of these categories i would highly suggest using hdrp or urp so what's the actual differences between these render pipelines let's start with hdrp hdrp is focused on high-end hardware such as desktop or consoles it's meant for high-end graphic fidelity which also means it's going to be a lot heavier when it comes to performance hdrp leverages ray tracing a technique for modeling accurate lighting and is a big reason why hdrp looks so much better but it also performs worse i see this a lot outside of games with automotive showcases films architecture but this isn't needed for a good art style or aesthetic which is to say you can have a very good looking stylized game and not use hdrp but if you're looking to get as realistic and detailed as possible hdrp is a great choice some features that aren't really supported in hdrp would include camera stacking anything 2d or mobile so if any of that is stuff that you're wanting to use you're going to want to use urp not hdrp eurp on the other hand is much more lightweight and it was originally called the lightweight render pipeline but has since been renamed it supports all platforms and has a better performance than hdrp it also has support for 2d but it's limited in how much you can do with 3d lighting a couple of things that people were really missing in urp were the deferred rendering and screen space ambient occlusion but both of those have been added and are available in the latest lts version of unity vr can be done with either of these pipelines but hdrp does limit the number of platforms you can build for so normally you'll want to use urp it's also a good idea to use urp because you're going to be rendering the scene twice once per eye and you need that good performance to avoid creating motion sickness there are road maps available for both of the render pipelines if you want to see what's been released and what's currently being worked on they break it down into each version so you know which one to use also in the description i've linked the feature comparison tables for both the urp and hdrp when compared to the built-in renderer so you can see what is supported in each i will say that some of the docs take a while to be updated but the road maps seem to be up to date but keep that in mind when looking at these resources that's about it for this video i'm gonna leave you with some different examples of games and projects that are using the scriptable render pipelines if you enjoyed the video please leave a like and consider subscribing for more content like this in the future have fun creating and i'll see you next time you
Channel: Brendan Dickinson
Views: 56,086
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: unity, unity3d, unity software, unity render pipeline, scriptable render pipeline, high definition render pipeline, universal render pipeline, srp, hdrp, urp, unity templates, render pipeline, hdrp vs urp, hdrp vs urp unity, unity technologies, unity beginner tutorial, unity beginner tutorial 2022, unity 2021, unity 2022, unity urp, unity lightweight render pipeline, unity custom render pipeline, brendan dickinson, unity built in renderer, unity core templates
Id: xS6g15XL8jQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 14sec (434 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 14 2022
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