Intro to HD Render Pipeline(HDRP) in Unity 2019.3 (Updated Workflow)

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in this video we will learn how to get started with unities high definition and a pipeline or H TRP we will also learn how to convert your existing project into st under pipeline stn pipeline is used to achieve high fidelity graphics and photo realism so if you want to use unity for movies Triple A games or alt texture visualization project then this video is for you so without wasting your time let's get started before I start I want to tell you that this video is mainly for unity 2019 point three or any newer version because of some modification in newer updates so if you are using 2019 point two or any previous version then please follow my previous video about a seed under pipeline there are a few ways to implement a state under pipeline in unity project let's see the first and easiest method open up unity hub and from this drop down button choose the unity version you want next type the name of your project in the name section and choose a location where you want to save your project and then from this template choose High Definition RP template and just click on create this will automatically create a fresh new unity project with a cheer under pipeline already implemented it will take a few seconds and once is done it will open up unity editor with this sample scene as you can see it has a direction light as a sunlight a sky and for volume a basic post-processing to correctly visualize the scene and a light prop which you may not be needed at this moment now you can delete or hide this example asset and import your own 3d asset to work in this pipeline let's see the second way of implementing high definition pipeline and I think it is the better way because in this method you clearly understand what are the major required things to work in HD under pipeline alright as you can see this time I have opened up a fresh MT unity project and for this project I'm going to import this asset and we will convert this same into high definition to pipeline so click on import okay so now you can see that I have imported the asset even though there is some problem with the light map but don't worry we will fix this so let's implement the high definition under pipeline first go to Windows and package manager and from here choose the high definition to pipeline and keep in mind that if you're using 2000 19.2 or any previous version then you need to enable this show preview packages because in the previous version the HDR P is a pretty package but you can as you can see in 2000 19.3 it's a verified package click on install it will take some time now if you click on this little triangle button you will see that there is one more update of SDR P is also available but as you can see that this is not a verified package so if you are using SDR P for production then I would recommend you to only use this a verified package but for this demo I'm going to update this package first create a camera and press ctrl shift F to align the view now first thing you need to do go to it asset folder right-click create rendering and create a new high-definition editor pipeline asset I call this STRP then go to edit project setting graphics and from this section choose the HDR P I said we have just created and now you see everything is converted to pink and that is because the default shader are not supported in SDA under pipeline and we are also getting some error about a cheater pipeline but don't worry we will fix them in a minute to fix this issue go to Windows render pipeline and select this edge and pipeline wizard here you can see all the errors regarding the edgy render pipeline to fix all the issue simply click on this fix all button and it will automatically fix all the errors for you it will basically change your color space from gamma to linear it will also change your light rap encoding it will ask you to create a default template for new scene simply click create one and now all the problems are fixed but still our scene is looking pink the reason why our scene is looking pink because we haven't converted all the materials into high-definition materials to convert all the materials simply click on upgrade project materials to high-definition materials click on proceed and voila nothing happened the reason why this option didn't work because it only convert unities standard material to high-definition materials so if you are using any kind of custom or third-party shaders then they will not be converted into high-definition materials so before updating your project to high-definition to pipeline make sure all the materials are unities standard materials otherwise you will need to convert them manually now if I go to materials you see these materials are using unities mobile diffuse shader and the engine under pipeline only support unities standard shader so we how do we convert these materials into high-definition materials well there is a trick for that first select all the materials exclude this one and this one also because it's a different material and then from this option choose standard materials and now you can see all the materials are using now unity the standard shader and all the diffuse texture is also applied in the albedo slot so if you are not able to convert your materials like this way then you need to first convert them to unities SD render pipeline lit shader and then manually hope the diffuse texture in each slot so let's again go to windows render pipeline nested pipeline wizard and try to convert these materials again and voila this worked now all the materials are converted in to high-definition lit materials but still you cannot see any kind of texture on these objects and that is because of this metallic zero value so to fix that again select all the materials dislike the sky and this dust then change the metallic value to 0.5 or maybe 0.7 this is just a quick solution for this demo if you are working on a real project then you also need to create this additional mask and normal map in order to create a photorealistic material if you don't know how to create this additional mask and normal map then please watch my video about materialize in which I have explained the whole process how you can create this addition map and use them in unity now let's add a sky to the scene to do that right-click volume and choose the sky and for volume in the previous version this was rendering and scene setting but in the nude version it is changed to the sky enfoque volume and you see now our scene is looking horrible so first go to lighting and clear this big data because this light map is not supported in HD under pipeline and now it's looking much better and as you can see in the sky in fog volume it has added a physically-based sky for our environment you can also use your gradient sky or a HDRI sky this physically-based sky has a lot of parameter to simulate any kind of sky effect for example in the horizon and zenith tint you can change the color to create some kind of interesting sky effect the good thing about is physically-based sky that if you select your direction light and change the sun's position or angle it will automatically change the color of sunlight according to the sun's position but i will cover this physically-based sky in a separate video for now just change the sky to lji sky and see how we can use our own HDR image as a sky okay i have downloaded this HDRI from SGI heaven website link is given in the description to use this HDR I first in the texture shape choose cube and in the resolution change that for 0 9 6 because this is sky is a 4k sky then go to a sky in folk volume and from this add override button go to sky and use it as jri sky click all to enable all the option and from this SGI skies slot choose this abundant parking for KS GRI and now you can see our SGR is perfectly visible in the scene if you can't see the bottom part of this SDR I that is because of this fog for now I just disabled this for as you can see even after adding HDR image our lighting is not looking so appealing don't worry I will fix that in a minute but before that I want to show you a quick way to light your scene to do that first I disable the sky and direction light if you go to the asset folder you will find this STRP default folder this world was created when we use a render pipeline wizard to create a default scene route so now if I drag this default scene route into the theme voila our scene is looking much better all the lighting is already set up in the scene and that is because this default scene dude has a main camera a directional light with the proper light color and proper light intensity yes this is ten thousand that ten thousand is really very high but that is physically accurate for Sun and in the sky and fog volume it is using a default HDRI that comes with this unities package so if you want to use this default HDRI you can also find it in this folder and the exposure of the sky is set to 10 so you can also use this default scene route in your scene for lighting but keep in mind if you made any changes to this guy in for volume it will not be saved because as the name set is the default settings let's add a lift gamma game and you save your scene like this but next time when you come back it will automatically reset all the settings you can see that option is not there so let's set our duration light and sky properly first delete the scene route and in the direction light I change the intensity to 10,000 in the shadow resolution I'm using ultra just for demo purpose and in the sky phone for volume I change the exposure to 10 or maybe 9 also change the direction of this sunlight for the color temperature I'm using 5500 and now it's looking much better but still not looking good let's also edit a flexion probe because right now we are getting some unwanted reflection to add a reflection probe right click light and choose reflection probe over the top section and increase the box size to cover the whole scene you let's also quickly bake the lighting in the scene because right now it's looking very dull to bake the lighting in the environment profile use the profile you are using in esky in work volume click on a sky and folk and then click on this profile and in the environment profile assign this guy info profile from the aesthetic lighting sky choose SDRs sky mode i said to pick indirect and i'm using GPU to quickly pick the lighting let's decrease the resolution to 10 turn off compressed light map option and just be a cone a default setting and now you can see the lighting is baked you can go to bake light map and see the light map and in 2000 i did point three they have introduced this new light map exposure so now you can decrease the slightly to see the light map and you can see it did a very basic job maria it's looking much better but since it's not a lighting tutorial so i will not go into the details so now our scene is looking much better than before okay here i want to mention one more thing that is new in 2019 point 3 if you look at the sky we are seeing some glow and if i move my camera slightly up you can see my scene is getting dark so why this is happening why the exposure of my scene is changing so if you go to edit project setting and HDR p default setting here you can see all the default setting when you first implement the edgy under pipeline package and here in the bottom you can see there is a default volume asset and here you can see that there is a bloom a exposure visual environment and some other stuff are already implemented this may sometime lead to a confusion because people from previous version don't know about these settings and then sometimes they've seen looks weird they don't know how to fix it for example if every object your scene is glowing then just turn all this bloom to fix the issue so what i'm gonna do is i'm going to disable this option from here and i will create my own post process volume and reapply all these parameters so to create a post process volume right click again go to volume and choose this global volume I call this post process click on new to create a new profile and first let's add ambient occlusion Dan tone mapping a bloom and exposure then in the exposure you can use automatic but I'm gonna use fixed now you can control the bloom from this parameter for the tone mapping I'm gonna use ACPs if the scene is looking too dark after applying the tone mapping just decrease the exposure and also apply a min occlusion to generate some counter shadows and let's also remember the folk and increase the distance to add a little bit of fog in our scene okay that's much better now you can also add some more options to change that toning of their scene for example is the use shadow mid-tone highlights to change the color of the scene after adding that color correction is looking much better and finally to fix this jagged edges go to your camera and choose temporal anti lashing you can clearly see a huge difference before and after although if you go to your SDR bsut there are a lot of options you can choose and change according to the your scene settings for example the scheme space deflections are turned off by default so if you want to use them just unable this option and now the screen space reflections are working in your scene actually right now I don't want you to confuse by changing these parameters I maybe cover them in separate videos according to the scenes requirement and since my main goal to create this video was just to show you the updated STRP workflow in unity latest version that's why I will not go into details I know some of you guys must be thinking that why this scene is still not looking great even after applying the H under pipeline so the answer is that we haven't used any special feature that are only available in sta under pipeline such as volumetric pork subsurface scattering etc and also we didn't set up our metal properly I will cover that topics in different video so if you still have any issues with new etienne pipeline please ask me in the comment section or you can join my discourse server once again I would also like to thank anise in Conan Adam Smith and Tom Connolly and Jenko diamond oh Henry Weaver and Nicolas Gennady Cota for supporting me on patreon so that's pretty much it see in the next video bye bye
Channel: UGuruz
Views: 102,674
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: unityguruz, unity hdrp, unity hdrp lighting, hdrp in unity 2019, how to use hdrp in unity, unity 2019.3, unity 2020 tutorial, unity hdrp skybox, high definition render pipeline unity, hdrp vs lwrp, hdrp materials unity, unity hdrp lighting tutorial, unity exterior lighting, unity lighting settings, hdrp reflection probe, unity hdrp vr, unity hdrp vs lwrp, post processing unity 2019, unity post processing 2020, how to, hdrp, unity high quality graphics, uguruz
Id: VD5Qr4Rt7-Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 28sec (928 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 24 2020
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