HC3 DECIDER! BacT vs Lyx, Only one will make it!

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all right so I'm asking questions my twitch chat twitch chat I'm gonna I'm gonna bring that up here in just a moment but guys Oh back changed his name to backed married that's hilarious we were just saying ahead of this best-of-seven that backed has his wedding this weekend and so if he wins this best-of-seven and makes it into the main event of hidden cup three he's guaranteed to get an extra hundred sorry eight hundred dollars even if he loses in round one and the total prize pool is 50k for the main event so fact wants to have some wedding money I get it the scoreboards not here for whatever reason but it's fine there it is everything looks good we're having no issues whatsoever so guys this best-of-seven is going to be incredibly competitive back didn't really have the biggest challenge in round two one of the qualifier he did play in hidden cup two licks tried to qualify for hidden cup two did not make it in but times have changed man fact before he got given his spot based on rating and that was not the case for licks he did not have the rating and tried to qualify when only two people could get in and hc2 now eight people have to qualify and back included in that so we'll back show that he's worthy of being in the event again or will lick show the importance of having qualifiers and events like this a very interesting matchup to start off this huge best-of-seven guys this could go either way I expect both players to not only perform well today but whoever does win this best-of-seven and makes it into the main event I think they could go I think they could do some damage let's put it that way Alex a Chinese legend he's here playing as the qamar and then we have Frank's for back so interesting no Mayans in Game one where a lot of other pros have been choosen Mayans Game one is on Arabia and then they chose home maps a game for in Game seven or set maps that are new many of you guys have probably seen them already the interesting matchup and interesting that out backed is going to weaken the bore with his town center now keep an eye on that like licks does that a lot as well he didn't do it there but those are the things you look for in the main event when we don't know who the players are and those are the things to look for if you're trying to guess so how do these stiffs these sieve sorry stack up against each other I feel like it's going to be very even at the start I personally I like Frank's better than converges anyone else agree there I like Frank's better than c'mere I still feel like they're underrated now it's so weird how they were so good before de and then all the pros are just like no Frank's are bad I feel like with the forge bonus with the Scout HP bonus the farm bonus and the best paladin's in the game that can do some real damage Coomer do have Halberdier but they lack the final armor upgrade and I just always with chimera I'm wondering what you go into with them besides elephants and if you go elephants then you know good for you that's that's not easy to pull off but can you get there is always the question map wise the big thing I noticed as Lix has this hill here I think this hill is going to decide the game actually you see how this hill extends to the center so imagine if lick secures as he has an extra gold he protects his resources he set up shop in the middle of the map me that'd be a great hill to control backed there's less Hills in front of his base which I think will be good for him an early game but again mid game who controls the hills again and then the one thing you have to mention with Franks is the fact that they have the cheap castles so they can control those hills but Lix he'll know all these things right he's a capable player and I would say the best way to actually let me ask my twitch ad here if you've watched licks play before how would you describe his style what does he try and turn the game into I wait for a response but he's unlike some of the other players in this qualifier he's a bit like he's a bit like Ruben stock yeah there you go he likes to make it sloppy can be a bit Yolo but he likes to make the game sloppy he's going for 20 population scout rush and then backed his going up a bit earlier back has even gone for 19 pop they were both pretty greedy they both pushed in dear they both have all their sheep I expect some wall send some scouts and my question now is will licks build the barracks so he can make Spears with c'mere you don't have to do that right you can just go straight for the stable and see walling you see one lumber camp and only seven on wood so it looks to me like he wants to just go for the stable Deborah and thank you for the two gifted my friends hello welcome welcome yeah I mean I think people the meta was very much before te the meta was very much Scouts Kermes in tonight elite skirm and the meta shifted with de I'm not completely sure excuse me sorry I'm not sure this is because of the game as much as players just realize oh fast ballistic sinful walls is really good it was a mix of both so yeah maybe the reason franks aren't being picked is as often now is because people don't play with melee like they used to but again I still feel like franks are fantastic and melee pathing has improved for sure there's a stable for like so kenny does not have a barracks back has to make a barracks and then he'll probably add some spears and defense and possibly go for a small spear push forward nice little hit from licks there he's not really he's you wouldn't call him the fastest player but getting a little hit on the frank Scout like that is nice because the scouts have more HP from Frank's I like the way he's setting up his base at the moment might even get another hit here now back to takes his fight back still has more HP Lakes pulls the bill over and back runs away this is good my girl from both and expect walling expects more Scouts did that Scout take any damage from the TC it didn't take any extra damage from the town center actually this is all we'll talk about for now there we go there's a hit and now there's a slightly flexed but this is what you can do this is how you can punish Qamar before the farm bonus and everything people could still take advantage of the fact that they could build a stable before a barracks well without a barracks and this is how you punish that you go for heavy Spears on the front so backed has already walled his bass licks unfortunately has to go four walls that would wall out his main gold you can take this gold in this stone if he needs to but this is why I said you might want to add a barracks because not only against Frank's are you behind in HP with the Scouts but then if you go for this style and all this is so bad for licks if you go for this style and they go forward spear there's not much you can do except fight with villagers which is not so good so I think back to be very happy with his opening and he might get a villager kill alex chooses to fight and send his Scouts over that villager might end up surviving actually let's see I mean at least yeah okay she goes down but at least licks was able to take some precious HP off the Scouts I really think it's a mistake to go straight stable backed is punishing this though it's not like licks is making a big mistake a setback is being an absolute beast here in Game one and oh you can hide inside the houses forgot about that little bonus okay so the villagers save for now of Alex needs to wall further back what a an aggressive start from back I really like it obviously he's gonna wall himself both of them going Scouts you think a mirror match up we're starting out mirror mattress but mirror strategies would lead to some passive play but he got in there nice and early and he could get another villager as well if licks isn't careful okay now this Army's trapped in here but do you want to do you want to trap the army inside or outside and he loses another villager licks is just getting massacred right now yes you can hide inside the houses that's cute and everything but baptism inside your house licks back tis inside your house you better finish speaking of houses you better finish this house so he can hop inside if need be backed is way ahead guys to kill that many villagers and have licks do nothing is huge very clean even taking the deer no bats fact we'll have no complaints about this good players good players make other good players look bad if that makes sense I can't say licks really did a lot wrong after deciding to go for the stable he was trying to watch his back was a bit faster of a futile age he went he went up 30 seconds faster used the fact that he had the extra HP on the scouts and this is what I'm talking about man with Frank's right now the only thing Lakes can do is invest into more Scouts and now he's fighting uphill as well.if back loses this fight he's gonna be fine with this he won't produce anymore Scouts he's going towards Castle age if you kill villagers and then your opponent invest more into fuel eights on you that's just best-case scenario for you I think back to will get some value actually he's Mike growing really well here backed is going to end up with three Scouts remaining he could still kill villagers with this this is sout vac just playing so good I really had to ask some questions of him because after the first round there wasn't an opponent that was all that strong against him alex has a weak fill there uh-oh little I think there's a hole right no but anyways I wasn't sure how good he would perform here obviously he's a solid player but paladin who is his opponent was just not good another villager goes down in fact paladin probably played the worst out of everyone in the qualifier and that's saying something because there were a few sets in the qualifier that were three O's and paladin I just don't know what happened but is it's just over in Game one Lix who normally makes the game very messy he's so far behind right now someone said Hwang was worth listen we don't talk about him okay long is he's an angel from heaven sent to give us entertaining rated games all right we don't we don't talk bad about long there is a feel there ah backed wants to take the hill so something you can do and you normally see this in oops where it always leads into Scouts and tonight's is you can add Spears turn into pike and siege or pike monk now Frank's don't have exceptional seeds they don't have exceptional monks or anything that's one thing you can do here I think that's exactly what he wants to do backed is safe at home so he can still boom but also apply some pressure in a different way yep there's this each workshop at least Lix knows about that wait hold on a second did shark-fin give 50 subs this is shark fin soup gifted 50 subs shark fin uh is he still there I don't know if he's still that shark fin I don't know where he's come from but he went crazy with gifts obsessed today as well shark fin thank you he is there shark fin you will probably be VIP after this I I don't know but that's amazing thank you for the support guys span the emotes for him which you probably already did I'm full fully focused on these games and I need to see if licks can possibly come back here now it's a best-of-seven you lose Game one whatever warm-up game first game today syndrome but if you come back in this situation and there's such a huge mental edge for you if you can somehow find an answer to this but everything about this game so far for fact has been about momentum okay faster Daffy you tile punished faster to castle starting to punish tonight's get in here this is going to be so bad for legs and all the house foundation goes down the Knights will go in this is looking awful for licks and guys I feel like this could be a quick game one he's falling back to two monasteries to defend but if the Knights get in here and they don't do damage back still has a huge fill League he's still booming behind it alex is just on one Town Center but the Knights are getting in here and they are doing damage one villager dies there the mag and L killed a villager there there's a farmer there I think this will be a very quick game 144 villagers to third for all ready not to mention that there's 20 idols for Lakes that backed is on he'll soon be on three Town Center's backed his played this perfectly made it look so easy it's incredible sure he might lose tonight maybe he'll lose to two conversions but this is why when you go for this type of a push you add your own monks because the weakness is if you just go Knights and see it is that they'll convert one of your Knights and they'll send the knight in after the mag Annelle but not only is looks not doing that but if flicks were to do that there's monks here waiting and Pike's as well or Spears rather so this is why this push is so successful because you can't really do anything against the mag Annelle when you Alexis position R is I man resign listen licks alright everyone here believes in you every single person in the chat including the moms out there all right so just resign or just warm up like you get your hot key fingers ready for the next game and just go into game number two forget about this forget about it okay it will be a long best-of-seven he is from China so you have to expect that he'll play on for a couple extra minutes that's just how it works in the age community like if this was the main event we'd be like Tim Tim by the way by the way Tim and Al on Monday I'm gonna be so heartbroken hey either way either Tim's out Tim's not making it in or doubts not making it in that will be that will be great and that will also be disappointing in so many ways it's a tough thing about a qualifier man licks you have 39 villagers you have to mcih Nels against your town center okay he's getting Redemption now he's getting Redemption so a counter to the siege monk push is to get Redemption and then you can convert enemy siege I don't think that really changes the fact that he's twenty-one villagers behind but he swoops in with Scouts this is probably his last attempt here doesn't seem to realize that redemption is in and the monks what they didn't even convert am agonal oh my god that just that was so much worse he killed maybe one monk with all the scouts he swooped in with and then his monks didn't convert anything it's ok it's ok for licks that was game one was very good for back look how clean it was man yes his map was slightly better but he was faster to feudal had the higher HP Scouts and he punished the spear push is punishing you can't like the thing with Qamar if your opponent's going Scouts against you I think you need to have a stable or rather sorry obviously you need a stable for scouts but I think you need to have Spears because then if they send forward Spears you have your own Spears there to match it it's not realistic for you to make archers that early so I really think you need Spears we just don't see that a lot like Qamar are very rarely up against someone else who's going Scouts or you just don't see them on Arabia too frequently in these high-level games and that was something you would see a year ago against comer that was what we punish them alright more food more wood more gold collected fact is married he's feeling good and he is ready for game number two now what I wanted to bring up is the fact that backed seems to have done his research hidden Cup two qualifiers Lix verse stark I remember this he picked Cup as his home map and he went for address on the fish and chips and then he went for a tower rush okay that's what licks did he won that game licks versus oopy guess what happened this was in ground one of this qualifier licks picked Cup is one of his home maps he did the same thing he had this funky into tower rush strategy and backed must have realized that and so fact bans that home app so what licks does have his cross he is El Dorado and he has hideout and will hop into game number two right now you all right so bear with me I just have to get the scoreboard up and up and ready there we go guys welcome to game number two in the hidden cup three qualifiers this is a decider best-of-seven winner of this best-of-seven moves on to play in the main event with a hidden identity against the big boys AB act is married and he's gone for Berbers Berbers will pogchamp let's go man we so rarely see Berbers and telling you there's it's so interesting and this is why we can't this is why I don't like sip drafts right it's so interesting how certain players see the game differently and in this case vac chose Berbers I know say my name who's also a Vietnamese player chose Berbers on the hideout in round one I just I like the fact we have different sips here licks has gone for the more traditional pick of Japanese I don't hate it and maybe backed wants to have Japanese for later on so and Persians for later on so he decided to go for this Berbers have faster villagers we don't talk about the save too much they have cheap nights and camels in Castle H and they have camel archers I think the faster villagers on cross can be interesting because these pawns are so important now two big changes we made or I guess I could say minor changes we made with the hidden cub 3 cross version the relics are in the north south east and west and then there's a fifth relic in the center also I don't know if this will be here for the main event but there is a cross or the Rock Church in the center that gives you a little bit of vision it basically just tells you if the relic is there that's about it so you need a balance of water you need a balance of lands on this map Japanese are one of the best for this because of how cheap there are sorry not how cheap they're efficient ships are but how cheap their mining camps lumber camps and mills are now what's interesting to me is you can't for lame but back does run forward really early and he's stealing a sheep and he also is he notices that licks has not docked there yet you could snipe the dock villager but again you cannot bore steel in the qualifier as for if we'll do that in the is yet to be determined all right so he saw the main gold he saw the bore I think he's waiting to try and block the villager you can vill block you just can't bore steel but on the patch we're playing on thanks te I don't think it's possible to vill block let's see seatbacks can prove us wrong all right well that didn't work out too much the licks is going to bring in his boar now all right oh I love this four licks if he walls using the cliff there's no potential for back to sneak a villager over there and backed as docking himself I feel like Berbers seen d-cup in the chat salutes out to knee cough who will be playing on Monday but I feel like any help civilization is really good against perverse and so for that reason like normally it's held sea DRAM just destroys Berbers there's nothing they can do but Japanese do have the best helps are arguably one of the best helps so I think this could get dangerous if you go for are blessed and help a deer in the Imperial age against Berbers I guess their first option is to go on injure against that but the perverse is still an interesting pick for me yeah you have this slab helps but considering the fact you don't need to research through Xena I'm sure Xena is super expensive right you never see that in one be once I would say Japanese helps probably and you could you can consider Byzantines for the cost as always it depends right it depends FPT novice is seven months for the best of sevens perfect timing oh yeah that is perfect Doug funnie thanks for the twitch prime tilted skirm tilted skirm is that your first sub I thought you've been sub for a year or something might be a glitch there or a new tilted skirm GTX Crosse thank you we'll see the fuel age play come in soon and then the question is do you go for any lance aggression do you try and go for pond aggression I see backed is on his way to futile now and he's going for two lumber camp so very much looks like Scouts right now but what does this feel up to oh she's gonna sneak she's gonna sneak I think this is why he picked Berbers is this a strategy you want to use in the qualifier that's the other thing you have to think about the obviously priority number one is make it into the main event but if you have this special strategy with the sneak Ville with the faster burber villas do you want to reveal that you'd like to do that in the qualifier he's not gonna make it in because of the way it looks is walled and licks is going for double dock back here at least I think it's going for fast castle here I don't see him going to feudal age so seems to be the play herb act is doing the wise thing and he's going to Scout to see if this is open here it's not open he sees the cliff so he probably knows what's going on maybe now he'll show just build houses there I don't know house in that stone it's not something lexis seen there's not much you can really do about it either all right this is what bat sees you did still doesn't see the walls but he's clicked he's for sure clicked his Scout passed there and the Scout won't go through all lakes don't wall with the weak villager door wall with the weak villager licks no oh that's so bad it's also super unlucky because he had loom too well that is his lucky day man these early feudal engagements have been so good for him but on the bright side for Lix he has so many fishing ships he has a gigantic eco lead the scalp probably cannot find another villain less the villagers a week are you kidding me Marv what are you doing out here we we said that you had to be on the stragglers today it was on the schedule now check the schedule it was on the schedule its straggler tree duty oh not you Marvin oh sorry hmmm still unaware there's a villager out here and where'd she go she's going over here now I might maybe she'll just dock the left side well packed is going to lose that scalp but he's making more oh oh my god at least back to scouted this with his fishing ship but this whole time we didn't see that there was a sneak villager from lakes oh this is gonna be so annoying for backed now he has to fight on water he did not want to do this and okay so this is very fascinating I don't know when that villager snug but sneaky sneak sneak and honestly it's perfect - because you're safe is your fish is safe you're fully walled from scouts he's going up to stone now what this is such a licks move he's looking for the Vil cuz he sees the house why is he going to stone his Japanese and this villagers is now going to die I highly doubt Lakes is going to try and micro nerd wallet in I don't think I've ever seen licks try that no he's played the game the same way for too many years to try and adapt forget about it but now just the fact that backed has committed to to dock fire gely and the pond that should be safe is a pretty big deal there's just blue all over this map though I'm so surprised that Lakes decided to go out here on the stone that's such a weird play for me he's about to click up to Castle age and backed is really nowhere near man that snake phil was huge we saw the importance of it in the north right licks walled in so that wouldn't happen that's what back was thinking old mo the fish demo the fish it's the lik special demo the fish all right you got one fishing ship Beck's was paying attention good playback licks did that in qualifying round one on Bay this is so ballsy imagine if fact would have built an outpost here licks looked for an outpost saw there wasn't one like back we'll never think that there will be villagers on that stone that's the one exposed resource everything else is looking pretty good for looks now you have to keep in mind that it's just one pond for both right now but backed since he has that lands control is going to take the water on the left so your land control gives you water if that makes any sense and you will over fish in the North here licks and I guess he can go for fish traps but still this chaps are expensive he is making a stable now is that something that backs can see back to cannot see that with the outpost back doesn't even fully walled yet he could have taken this time to Stonewall this boom-boom just Stonewall everything not that you should do that but it's an option right all right backed reacts to the fact that there's a Spearman flicks will he see that those villages are on stone now it's possible but he's running the opposite direction now still backed hasn't clicked up he is going to stone so I think he wants to go for Camel archers guys I have to say that this is a nice position for licks here oh and he's also docking the right corner and that sloppy from back the fact that back let that happen is not going to be good for him because now he can diversify with that fishing eco at least back to scouting the fact that the villagers here but the villagers walled in and the villager will get that dock up and now back side well hmm what do I do he's gonna have to deal with a few Knights coming out right but what does he do to stop this he would have to dock oh wow that was speaking of sloppy I don't think Luke should have tossed that villager away oh wow okay licks that is a slap in the face to the caster right there because I said earlier I've never seen him do that but he's come to play okay quick walls beautiful stuff everyone's a nerd you're a nerd I'm a nerd everyone's a nerd this is hidden cup viper confirmed new tc4 licks and another TC forelegs all in a sneak villager now there's an outpost here but the scouts are not over here I think licks is playing this perfectly now he's lost this dock but look how many look how much Navy is here four backed he had to over invest for a pond that he should have had secured anyways now I don't know if back to seize the villager in the night now he should be able to see that but how can you stop it so this is shifting into is the Japanese player having a whole lot more water control and then the Berber player will probably go from land because soon fact will be in the castle age and he will probably build a castle on the front I think right here would be great actually to protect the golds and then he'll make camel archers what's fascinating to me though is that licks really wanted to be on stone and I wonder if that means he wants to go for a defensive castle or even some Japanese towers I don't think that back to played this properly in some ways he certainly didn't get the better engagements when it comes to the water I think licks will be very happy there [Music] yeah and we'll see I mean these ponds are still very important this pond here licks needs to fight for control and so does back then this pond licks will probably just fish we'll find out soon enough backed is building a very passive castle and now I guess realizing he'll be behind in fish he's starting to add farms so the only pond that fact has safe alex is home map cross is this one in the south hey good stuff 290 official does anyone go for relics on this map no I first off this was not a map where you would see a lot of relics to be brought in anyways before the change so the relics being in the corner is a bit different but I don't think it's gonna massively change how people play it the priority here is going to be getting conversions on knights and camels and that's about it yeah my only worry now for Lix as he gains his big eco lead is how does he came back Camel archers because I think backed is going to go heavy heavy pressure with camel archers and even a castle possibly so crosses such a cool map for one be ones because the player who is now gained the corners has had to give up the centre control right so he's expanding his economy that's great but you're expanding away from the centre and as you do that then the centre can be pushed and you can actually lose so what's his back tavern here just two fires they're not even fire ships or just fire galleys I think once that dock is cleaned up lakes will take that as an opportunity to just fish here and he has gill nets now his eCos looking good he actually wants to make some skirmishers look at this casual one villager TC out here such a lick smooth man but he is on stone has the stone secured this is what backs can see he doesn't really know where to go he's hoping there's fish here he can snipe he would not have a chance against Japanese fish and chips anyways look at all the fish from lakes lakes is playing this perfectly this is exactly what you want in the best-of-seven and I'd said this after Game one don't stress it okay just go to your home map have a strategy prepared so far I can't really say that Berbers has has helped backed out much I think he only chose Berbers for the faster bills or maybe because the preference all right backed fortunate they're not to lose a camel Archer the Knights are not very upgraded so he should be able to take the Knights out with his camel archers licks is prepping scurbs he only has three of them now so yeah it's a bit risky he's only now getting fletching is he sending the monk over here to make a transport ship and get the relic licks would be the first person to get the relics from the corners I feel like it's just there for protection 81 villagers including fish and chips obviously verse 57 so big big lead economically for licks and another town center over here on this extra gold he's so many Town Center's - he's on five to six town centers wait no 500 when backed is gonna punish him for not having not control let's go this is what you want this is what you want to see on cross back - no Z's behind he knows he doesn't have the water eco but he has camel archers and he has the ability to pressure Oh Oh X is going to make his own castle here I almost feel like the skirmisher should just hit the bills yeah just hit the bills just to slow the castle there elite skirm Snell and I guess this is really the only area as Lix will now build the tower it's a weird tower to build but this is the only area that's disruptive from this the gold still going to be fine that's that's good this is while Ickx needed to be on stone I like it I like it from both I think that's good from backs cuz it punishes the gold but guys now with that fish boom licks has so much food and so much gold he can actually go in and just Rev that down now he also has squirms now he's not even getting bodkin arrow now he's not too worried yet he'll definitely go for it but he wants to click Imperial then start getting upgrades and then masam skirmishers the skirmisher certainly are not in numbers to combat the camel archers just yet but now what's his back dude now it can in fact build a castle here possibly can he get a castle up there maybe that would do it no relics collected yet guys again I doubt we're going to see relics become a huge factor on this map I just wanted it to be different it might it might boost the male a little bit which is not a bad thing on this map Malay can be good but I don't think they're necessarily top 2 or top three I think Japanese Persians are preferred I say oh could boost Malay because Malay are gonna play more towards pond control than some other sips sometimes if you think about how Piper plays it for example hmm all right there's a mango now thus curves have bodkin now they have armor now they're getting dangerous Lix is trying his very best to micro here and he's doing a great job losing some villagers but still ahead and still on the way to the imperial age I like how he recognized how vulnerable that stone would be nice and early that was pretty slick and now the camel archers are all dying like why are you picking Berbers back was it for the fast villagers in Dark Age because if that's the case it has not played out for you played out well for you at all and licks is a micro blix is a micro god look at this guy go Mike growing uphill against camel archers hanomag melon and back needs to run out of here this is this is worry time for backs like what do you do at this point your mango goes down trebs are going to come out of this castle fact is he's only he only has 100 food guys always making a castle over here I'm not sure about that castle though I feel like of all the spots to build a castle that's probably the worst because there's there's Rams inside of that siege workshop I'm not sure if you know how they howl Rams work but they take out castles yeah siege destroys castles I guess he really wanted to protect that side and it just happened to be a siege workshop there Lix is like well that's great that's fantastic thank you he should probably wait for capped Ram but there's no real reason not to ram that down now and he'll trap this one down and I I expect licks to get a whole bunch of map control I mean he already has the map control if you think about it it's just that he needs to wait for this each straight skirmisher saving so much gold I love how licks also did not go for just fish and he expanded his economy elsewhere has some farms out there has the extra TC on the gold even has a side little base on this on the right VAX played so good in Game one but now what does he even do it doesn't have as much to do with the saves either it's just also how licks played it obviously I still think Japanese are better and I'm really surprised we saw Berbers picks for this boy Lix was he took the initiative and he took the southern corner and delayed back he also took all the other ponds and backed had scouts out there to stop that yeah I mean this this is pretty much expected at this point this castles going to get rammed down and if the castle gets rammed down the houses get rammed down the TC gets rammed down and the camel archers don't contribute anything to this game so Berbers exciting yes glad we saw it was this the map for it I don't think so I think I really think that back to wanted to try that sneak villager strategy and Lix knew it was coming and he walled in his pawns licks was fortunate that he had that cliff there to help him you never know what could have happened without that but I think it's a risky pick if you ask me Lix should see the mango there he might be preoccupied kind of looks like he is there we go now he sees it and skirmishers with imp upgrades can actually be quite decent against the mag Annelle and all that really matters is that you have Rams behind so the RAM could come in and help and there's just so much red and so little blue now and now he's just putting on a show for us a show of death as he loses scurbs but you know even here again the camel archers I think back to knows he's probably in trouble now he's over microing them against a few bills I don't see how long that's gonna last thus Kermes and rams against a state that has cheap nights the fact that this is working is just incredible and who cares about the KD it doesn't need to be pretty you just take this hill licks and start pressuring from the other side with trebs now you've done a lot of damage here wait a second it's at the MTC oh I wish it would have been looking for that AI that actually could have been the MTC believe it was this one but alright he rebuilds the town center really he rebuilds the town center next to the RAM all right that's fine so licks you've got to finish this game off man we've been talking about all the good things you've been doing I could see you want to drop a castle here that's great what backed is going to try to do I don't think he has the food for it is switching the Cavalier he probably can't make many but that would counter the straight skirmisher play from Leafs so if you're expecting that if you're going full skirm and you know you're open to the the CAV counts or what you can do is just go for our blessed our blasts are significantly better against CAV and you can just mix in are blessed with screams the other thing you can do of course is go for the Japanese helps but then you'd have to get infantry up right so since you already have the ranged upgrades it's so easy to do what he has done here in a tarp and honestly quite honestly it's perfect perfect timing on that perfect positioning he didn't send his shrubs forward too early he's spamming from these ranges right across the center area well Alixe is receiving a little bit of the treatment that he received or that he dished out in Game one he doesn't want to give up backed but uh I just don't have everything he makes dice everything you make you make Cavalier dead you make camel archers Ted man Wix is building a castle with two villagers in the center that's how confident he is right now you can't take your golds either because of the control that Lix has what a series this is going to be well now now back to can now if facts loses this game he can just say that's cuz I'm spending too much time with the wife they blame it on the woman now right that's like it's so funny to me it's not funny to Viper and Debbie but I remember after Viper like it was public that Viper had a girlfriend he would lose a rated game and everyone in chat would be like oh you spending too much time with his girlfriend and then Viper shows up to at ornaments like yep I'm still the best but it's right back to you can use that excuse all right there you go man and he calls GG this score is now 1 to 1 let's go let's go I love home maps in torments it gets me all all excited and giddy because VAX destroyed licks in game one wasn't even close game two licks had a strategy prepared backs probably didn't prefer this map cuz he didn't pick himself you really have to train all the maps packed has to be said Berbers was weird Fabrice was very very weird alright I should probably show you this actually we'll go back to the achievements back to actually had the more impressive kill death ratio but the lack of food was obvious you can't let someone go for the pawns he went for Scouts and somehow with a faster feudal age licks ended up docking back spawned and also licks had the pond on the right and the left so the person who went for stable units for Scouts that could block villagers from sneaking did not do that in fact he didn't fail once he failed three times basically with his own pond and then the ponds in the east and the west and that's what lost him the game so sneaky from lakes though so sneaky and now we go to back home map so score is now one to one back has a few home maps available it's all on the screen there so you can take a look at that I don't know what he'll go for here he is Bay available he has high tide available and he has gold rush available now players seem to have using their home maps in the order that they picked them I'm pretty sure you don't have to do that but maybe the players didn't know throughout the qualifiers because I'm assuming the next one will be Bay I don't think I've seen a single time where they're not taking them and playing them in order they picked them but if it is Bay you have so many sibs that are good but it's all about what civilizations you're prioritizing to each map we've seen Mongols we've seen Japanese we've seen Persians we've seen Italians before on this we've seen a lot of differences by the way can you guys hear with the fire in the background we did say that the qualifiers will be called a fire but it's the game it's the it's the game it's the menu that's just like burning the whole time well these games have been pretty lit so I don't think anyone can complain and another non mover matchup keep in mind that there's a global band for each so we won't have aztecs and what was the other one chat we won't have Aztecs and we won't have Chinese in the whole best-of-seven but then from there it's hidden civilization free pick and backed has gone for Mongols so back to went for Mongols they hunt 50% faster because we're using the old patch not the new patch that was added but you have all this hunt out here I think that's what back we'll try and take advantage up now do you wait hold on he's also running forward nice and early too lame again that you can't more steel now the question becomes yes Mongols are strong on lands but can they compete with Persians since Persians are more flexible I'd say Persians since they start with extra food and wood could probably dock and fight for water now everyone calls us map pants now I'm not sure how I feel about that but I will acknowledge your pants chat this is pants ok this is the this is the area between the legs I guess technically it's like shorts I don't know but yes if you look at the mini-map and use your imagination does kind of look like pants so Persians possibly a bit more flexible their town centers work faster in each age they start with more wood and food Mongols they probably wants to take advantage of the hunt I just think it would be a big mistake for bat do not fight for water it's tempting when you have all this food to take the food with the hunt bonus and say yes I'm ahead but if you do that then you actually end up being behind in the mid-game because you're giving the bay to the opponents you see how lakes is patrolling on the shoreline he wants to snipe the dock Ville it's possible he could get this mat Lakes came to play today guys does he see the house he doesn't see the house he should know if he sees the house that that means the villager is coming to there we go he sees it don't patrol on a tax dance oh wait he could house he could house backs he could house backs oh but well now backed is going to be delayed with the dock and he also needed to build a house here because he would get PopCap's and then on this side backed is trying to block the Ville but no you can't in fact you can't oh he also lost scout HB you can't block villagers thanks to e but you just can't block bills it doesn't work that's the second game in a row he's tried to do that too I'm very surprised I feel like he's playing enough where he would know that that's not really doable oh sorry there was there was this fly that lands it on my monitor hold on this is a very lethargic fly I'm gonna get him I'm gonna get him oh oh oh he's flying around anyway he landed on my screen and it freaked me out I thought it was part of the game for a second well back is docking with two villagers now I mean I have to say yes muggles still have that hunt bonus but I don't think that the Dark Age has been all that good for fact I think it's been very good for Lakes MBL MBL hello thank you for the 600 viewer host I saw you're playing a show match against the fat dragon earlier how did that go also MBL check your discord messages the cockroach as arrives actually no we don't call him cockroach because I want him to co cast with me possibly today - so we can't insult the man it'll take him a while but eventually he'll realize that that's actually a compliment it went for three okay teen ID you missed the $60 dono did I crayon it oh god I always say his name wrong is it cran fini or is it crayon theny I think it's cran theny Isis been watching for years as the lurker saw the last hit and couple on YouTube I'm ecstatic to catch this one live thank you for breathing life into a v2 and being such a pillar in the community I love those messages but when people start to say that I'm like a pillar in the community or thank you for everything you've done for this game all that nonsense forget about it all right I'm just a nerd obsessed with the game all right it's you guys that do more than I do like you guys have to watch all right you guys had to watch you guys had to show up you guys had to start playing again so Pat yourselves on the back but thank you that's that's a big dono man thank you no I'm not a column I'm not a pillar I'm just a dude all right I'm just a guy but backs will still be in futile age faster going for water is a pillar of this map uh-huh now is bad MBL please please Kok assed with me so people don't judge only me what's the scouting like here for Lakes what do you do here is it full water he's got one dock this doesn't look like he's going to fight for water control that's very much is and back to also as taking the deer I think this is the correct approach as I said take the deer also fight for water t90 how did you decide on the size of the water for this map we just tested multiple versions until i eyeballed it and felt like it was right initially there was a lot more fish in here we've changed the amount of fish in here multiple times I think it ends up being eight fish with 250 food per salmon and then you of course have all the deer on this map too and backed is a well aware of that it's actually scouting to see if flix is taking his own deer Mongols don't just have the hunt bonus but they also have that excellent Scout bonus so they can see what's going on I'm a bit confused all oh my god Lix is doing the same thing he did before he did this on this map in round 1 he fishes in dark age and then he makes a demo and tries to demo the enemy fish and then he just gives up water all right well here's the deal though there's only one fishing ship so this is such a oh wait no there's another one this is such a weird strata will he even make it to a fishing ship I don't think so watch him use his own fishing ship to block the fire zum-zum all right he sees one he might as well just take it now that's so weird what Lix tried this in the previous game as well he loves to demo he's doing it again man he's doing it again now back it seems to realize what's going on and he has his fish separated but in round one he killed three fishing ships one demo it was pretty sick soup he was not expecting it all right now he's just investing in the farm Eco still hasn't taken the deer for me this is not playing the map properly I feel as though back just playing the map properly even if he wasn't Mongols is what backed is doing makes more sense but licks has something else in mind okay he'll just go for another fishing ship he's making money he's making more man he's making more of that imagine if licks wins this best-of-seven imagine and then we see demos on Cup then we'll for sure know it slicks no one else will do this with hidden identities if anyone else is doing this it is licks confirmed absolutely confirmed to be licks and all lakes tell me you scouted the deer oh no you you should at least know they're there he should at least know they're there and know if you attack the walls now back to will be aware that his oh no he already has Spears anyway okay so I actually don't feel as bad about luksus situation because this Spears are already out nice playback all right so he's making a demo he's also making a fire galley this time but back to played this perfectly guys protecting his villagers with the Spears he's gone for the deer he's gone for the fish he's still at keeping an eye on water he hasn't really gone all that aggressive on the water he was quick to add the fish and chips here's there's a risk in that actually on this map licks could stand in between yeah I could sit here and you could actually attack the fishing ships as they come in Lexus I think the best word to describe him sometimes is the pest I mean that in the best way possible one person's a pest the others the cockroach but seriously he's just he just knows how to be annoying and here he comes out with a villager to repair the dock but backed immediately reacts to that however now with the demo oh my god the demo comes out and now back has to be careful on water all of a sudden because that was a perfect demo that was a 200 IQ move with the repair and now back to losses fishing ships that backed is only producing one fire galley the villager comes over to repair oh my god leaks see this is why you clean up that dock as quickly as possible because otherwise you could be right on your fishing ships again hmm well here comes that scout for backed I don't love the move I'll wait no the villagers weak the villagers weak maybe that's why he's doing it and the scouts for licks are scouting the other areas of the map now guys licks still has not clicked up to Castle age backed has backed is also on stone as Mongols and hunting away so you have to consider that and also as fish and chips have brought in more food than lakes is fishing ships have and now it's just a matter of how you prioritize this I feel like you could justify going full on land if you're in backs position but if you think about it if you do that you only have to three farms and then however many do you're left and there's none so I think you actually need to go you need to make sure you keep your fish and chips alive here I believe that is HUGE what licks has been able to accomplish with the just one dock on water to something else and his mid game will be stronger because of all the farms didn't take the deer at all but maybe could build the town center out there and backed as losing fishing ships now incredible I'm really I'm really impressed by licks as anyone else like if nothing else is just impressive that he seems to view it differently because there's always a structured meta in the back of my mind and pro-players minds and look he even splits here and micros away it's not like he's derping and not paying attention he's paying very close attention to all this but again Beck's might still be in a nice position if he gets his upgrades on water when he arrives at Castle age they should trade demos against each other alright licks needs to be careful very careful don't stack your fires what's the first thing the pack does when arriving to the castle age as he loses a fishing ship nice pick off the licks but I think he wants a castle where will he build it notice how he's not going for any upgrades on water it's interesting to me so water will still be very much up in the air but don't say anything don't say anything why does that villager there I need answers why is that villager there okay well the Scout sees that the castles going up what was she doing I think he wanted to go for a siege workshop he's having a town center there in a town center there so he wants to boom I don't know what she's up to but you know she's she's walking oh man yeah she's walking away back back probably he can't look he just got married but if he knows that villagers there if he wasn't a married man he would go chasing after her let's just say that hmm so castles now up now Mongols can get access to their ideal unit to everyone on the forums freaking out about the fact that Mongols got steppe Lancer not only are we not playing on that patch but the reality is I don't mean to be negative I'm just being truthful the fact that Mongols get steppe Lancer doesn't really change much about them at all because their best unit their best composition it always includes mega day and so I think the mid-game worried for backed is all eco at this point right he's on to town centers he could be taking these dear whereas you have a lot of food and come from farms for lips and he's gone three town centers so I think licks will get an eco bead so one person has the Eco lead seriously what is she up to licks is such a funny player licks is such a funny player is she scouting now I does he want a town center up here or what oh now there's a Spearman here I don't understand what she's up to initially I didn't understand why she ran across the map I definitely don't understand why she's sitting there but backed as a Spearman there it's just to make sure that your opponent's not on the extra golds archery range what oh he's making a lead scrim okay so he doesn't want to make Knights he wants to make a lead scrim I don't love it I don't hate it it's just kind of awkward to make to make two knights get bloodlines and then stop producing them is a bit weird now you're going to be investing into elite skirm upgrades but the way the walls and town centers are positioned for licks will keep backed away from his face but Beck's could maybe build this next castle in the center oh she's building a town center okay well there she is t90 look at your sub 69 69 69 69 watts I don't know what to say to you guys you realize this isn't in the main event right you realize not that these games aren't good I don't want to make my own event look bad but this is just the qualifier iron spark oh man who knows what that prize pool is gonna be looking at because one dollar from every subscription goes into the prize pool that includes gifted subs so iron spark thank you did you guys already see it chat I think chat already saw it thank you guys seriously I I it's very much at the point where there's no words to say thank you - whoa whoa whoa Spearman scouted the town center but I don't think the pointy boy has a chance she's very much out of his League that town center wait wait for it hey man go for it go for it the worst that can happen is she can say no that's the worst that can happen get her get her up see it now you leave all right now you just leave all right you went for it now you just have to peace out of here that was hilarious the timing on the timing on that it's right and now he leaves respectfully that's the way to do it now here's the issue with going scurbs and nights you're kind of going 5050 and if you go 50/50 while your opponent's going for their ideal unit normally doesn't normally doesn't play out so well for you and I think flooding nights would make a little bit more sense it's just this is we're actually having faster working Kesey's can hurt you because your t seas are working faster you also want your town centers to be producing fills at all times that's more food you're putting in to build production and backed has gone for the right move here and I I definitely feel like he might even castle drop in this game it's not easy to push Persian town centers because of the extra HP but having some mac and else next to the manga die is the way to go now Lex is on stone but only with four villagers and obviously he does have this extra gold out here but he's under a lot of pressure right now but man that's the third manga die that backed his loss to the town center fire that's extremely sloppy put them on no attack stance or something also I didn't mention it but you probably seen that backed did end up adding fish on the water and back is sending villagers forward to drop a castle he's still losing mangu tied to the town center though with only this many manga diet I mean this is doubt castle territory this is actually quite risky we have elites crumbs with bodkin and armor and then we have Knights all this could this could not that this could not work for fact this could be a doubt castle I think licks will go to stop this I really do use the knights against the Macan ELLs and then use the scurbs against the magna die and here we go back tis going for the forward aggressive castle at Lakes house your micro with the scurbs how's your microwatt the scurbs it's good Micra with the skirmishers no backs back no will it be a doubt castle it's at 80% now 85% oh man this is a nightmare for back seed 7 in the qualifier versed's 10 and c10 is showing what he's made of the castle is denied doubt is glorified and licks will build his own castle and remembrance beautiful and now all that extra eco is really paying off now you have so many farms 36 farms you could actually go in Finn likes his position now backed wouldn't have been as wasteful with the manga die I still don't know if that castle goes up but he would have more of a chance just imagine if if he did have a second castle he could have the least castle defensively but he felt like offensively was the way to go and that eco kicked in and the defense was stellar and now again we'll probably see a similar result though the start to this engagement was not so good for Lix yeah that actually was a pretty good fight for backs all things considered but I think you just heal your units up you go to the Imperial age and you know what you shoot towards you definitely shoot towards cavalier and paladin and probably trash bow now what's funny about this map is Lix benefited from not expanding much right and back tried to punish him for that but if you don't expand look how many people he has on wood here so you need to expand to wood lines and to golds and stones so if that castle went up I feel like you would be in the game but he'd be way further behind and he also wants to expand out here there's this Spearman that Spearman will go down so you should have the golden command and now backed is on the way up but Baptist has lost manga dine numbers which is the key for Mongols this is danger territory now you have some fish traps for back I love that that will help out it's always an option for Lakes to come back on water but I don't think he should probably over ties that at all doh gals in the chat what's up doe gal spoilers at this point if you didn't see the games yesterday but it's kind of hard to avoid it when we have so many games doh gal happy for you man the gal is gonna go places in the main event ok this is not a fight you want to take manga dire just insane yeah good microphone backed that that's how he's gonna bring his way back into this game is full manga day needs all the upgrades and then he can think about making other things and licks no need absolutely no need to take that engagement none just keep the Knights alive keep the Knights of life no no no no why why why you do this why you do this there's no need just wait for your upgrades man wasteful MBL did MBL say something now what's that mb l say mb l said he's gonna co cast vélez verse rubin stock with me today right that's what he said well I can tell you let's say licks makes it into the main event let's say he wins the best-of-seven today can guarantee you that no one wants to play him round 1 yes you know the the top eight who are already guaranteed a spot and they're in the main event I know that they're more than capable beating Lakes and many of the other players out there right it's just how competitive the scene is but Lakes is an annoying player to play against again you're fighting before Hershel upgrades he does have Harmar I don't like the engagements that Lix is taking it's like he wanted to take advantage of the Imperial age and so he ran in I think maybe what you can do here cavalier they don't need to be in one spot it all the time like magnetized so you could patrol along here and then mass units in the middle paladins on the way already four licks so i guess he didn't go too crazy on the production of the units he went for the upgrade first macho it has been a hot minute since I've seen you around man he says with 11 months just one more month to get 12 might actually make it match oh thank you nice to see you man Chris and heavy W thank you guys and heck's also for the for the new twitch primes oh this is going to be a sick sick game let's check relics back to his two relics there's no relics for licks Blake's has extra gold out here though which is better for now paladin and elite mega die this is this is a post imp dream right here manga tires so insane oh oh do you want to fight this I this is the thing even with paladin thanks to e why are the unit's not running even with paladin you can't engage against like 40 manga died this is 23 but the manga died numbers are going to go up for both players as well you're looking at civilizations where you want to get wins Persians and Mongols are top tiers so if you lose with whatever civilization you're playing us now depending on the player that could be rough for you later on my Persians could be used on later maps and you could say the same about what what is she what is she doing over here there's always one Lix there's always one yeah you could say the same about Persians okay now paladin is in there not quite fully upgraded blast furnace is on the way I think what licks is going for is to take out the castles he realizes how dangerous it is to fight against Mongols so he wants to to sacrifice um paladin patrol in and TREB down those castles and he's not making a mistake you saw from players in the past of trickle Trebek he's not just starting with one trip he's starting with three it's a great decision now can he keep the production up can he keep the numbers where they need to be can he drop that castle there can leaks finish off backs or will backed hold that is a lot of paladin and backed only has 23 manga died on her screen that was the number he had a moment ago he seems very concerned with walling this up who knows if that will actually work he'll lose a castle this is not good for backs 180 population for leaks he is more military and the manga die are just not in high enough number now if you're going for pikemen in bats position that's when you know it's bad because Mongol pikemen are not good they don't get how it Pike's against paladin maybe if you have 50 of them in front of manga Dian accomplishes something only concern for licks now is how many he's producing and you can see the production here for two times it seems like it's only four stables could probably bump that number up a little bit but there's a lot he's doing now licks just you need to get the trips on the castles my friend backed is hitting and running and hitting and running and hitting and running back does not have the production he needs he does not have the space on a map where it's all about expanding think back to that failed castle imagine if fact would have been able to get that up earlier he could have possibly had more manga died numbers wow is paladin expensive guest if you can afford it and then produce it's fantastic forget about trash bows forget about everything else full paladin back to only has ten manga died that castles going down for sure is very much feels like it's game over how do you come back from this he doesn't have stone for more castles he doesn't have wood even to make magnet I and backed on his home map loses two licks the guy who has the wacky strategies he went for the weird demo water play it delayed backs back to ended up getting water anyways but at that point licks thought ahead and went for a crazy farm boom he denied the castle he expanded to these gold super early licks is a beast in Game one backed brutalized licks it was pretty much over thirteen minutes into the game but Lakes has come back and the score is now two to one amazing amazing stuff I've really curious about the food count here wow that's crazy Persians only Persians 24,000 food in a 44 minute game 15000 gold I've wonder how important that that villager was in the north getting that extra gold secured nice and early was huge I backed had the stone but of course he lost 600 stone with the forward castle and I think he needed he definitely needed more magnetite numbers to have a chance there once the person eco gets rolling if you're not damaging them if you're not pressuring them it's it's trouble so the logic from Lakes was probably I'm not gonna go all-in on water because that doesn't last very long instead I'm going to disrupt backed on water which he very much did for five to ten minutes and then as I'm doing that because remember he invested less in the water significantly less I'm going to farm and he farmed way earlier than back to did interesting whereas back those Mongols and he took advantage of the hunt which is great hid 97% of the map explored he did all the things that Mongols do but the economy was too strong for Lakes in the end you whoo someone says this is what happens when you get married yeah that all the married people who are watching right now the reason that they're unable to be top 10 in the world top 20 in the world or top 30 is because they're married that's the only reason Huang donated $10 he says this game how I wanted to play so bang so good I don't think that's actually wrong is that wrong I don't think that's actually long however thank you long very much and please salute long just in case it is him hiding 55 thank you for the prime thank you a xylophone Oh for the twitch prime and Ella tree hello saying hello with some gifted subs alright guys so now slopes is the next map back to cannot go for Mongols we've seen a lot of Indians and Mongols on this map so I assume this is just going to be in an Indian war right I feel like this is just going to be an Indian war the only reason you wouldn't pick Indians here is if you're going to save Indians later on all right let's get into it ladies and gents Slavs Blix is an interesting player man Lix is going against the grain again and he's gone for slabs on a map where I expected it to possibly be Mongols are Indians so Lakes is up - whoo - one he goes for slabs on slopes which was a set map if we make it to Game seven Game seven is set as ravines and backed has gone for Indians now I just thought of something I'm actually going to tab out of the game for a second take a look at this licks is a mastermind look at the maps in the bans per second global ban backed globally bans Chinese so if we get to El Dorado which is one of Lex's home maps licks we'll have Indians available on El Dorado you can't pick Chinese then Indians could be better there cuz that's another map there's actually more food there with fish on that map so we'll talk about that more in this series this whole thing's going to YouTube the one set but if you haven't seen this map before it is amazing and you what you can't do this you can't do this what it did he miss quick it I think back to realized you can't do this this is against the rules he's running the wrong way I think he oh my god he made a mistake he either miss clicked it or he realized oh shoot I can't boar lame well the boars not being lame so he just lost HP on his scout for nothing yeah you cannot boar lame in these qualifiers and that would have been an admin win I guess the admin said well he just put himself behind in the boar still there so we'll let it happen oh that's so bad I cannot stress you how bad that is well backed leekens the boar with his town center as some players do finishes off with the villagers at least he still Indians so as it stands there's deer in the north and there's deer in the south and then there's fish in East and West ok Indian villagers collect Shore fish faster that's why we're talking about Indians so much and then Mongols hunt faster which makes Mongols good for here but licks hasn't used Mongols yet he might be saving that one as well he's gone for slabs instead and I feel like the approach here is to forget about oh wait is he palace a ting that because he wants to lame it or is he palace a ting that because he wants to see if act is over there because you do get vision if he plays Palisades I think he's just Palace ated that so we could get vision interesting and I believe that what licks will shoot for it's a stronger mid game with farms with slabs instead of a stronger early game with the fish or the hunt with Mongols or Indians all right so what's funny about back situation with the Scout is that licks probably didn't realize his board run away so he if if backed runs by licks licks won't immediately go to attack if he didn't realize that this might be one of those things that and the players just never even talked about after the facts I'm really glad we didn't see an admin window can we at least be glad that licks wasn't like oh you're student my bore and then you know call the admin win which he easily I think technically you could have done that but he is ahead now because of that and he sees that fact is not taking the shore fish at all so we'll back to take that later and you start with two bores you pushed in some dear that's nice whereas licks is going to to go up later I imagine you have to go for feudal age you just you just absolutely have to all right lick sees the lumber camp so he knows that fact is probably up that is norm here guys now Slavs with the choice of what was at VIN Chester against land yesterday on this map it was Slavs versus Indians so some players are thinking the same I just I personally and here we have lik scouting to see if there's any bills out here I personally feel as though I get the logic I need to see it more before I can really form an opinion on it if you wall your base and you go for early farms I can see why you might do it and it back doesn't take advantage of the shore fish at all then there's really no difference I mean sorry there's no huge benefit to having Indians in this matchup Indians still have very cheap villagers they still can go for a fast scout rush and all that but if you like now licks is just gonna wall his base eventually he needs to expand but the fact that backs is backed sorry has not gone for the shore fish at all is very odd shouldn't you Lane the deer is licks uh it's a strategy that's idle time to send if a Woodruff forward and shoot it but you could do that could also wall on the shore fish like we talked about earlier does anyone else feel like the building positions from backed as weird as well the way he built his barracks in his house on his main gold bothers me and the stable now is in front of the stone you could build it over here he's using the golds and the stones as walls I've seen that in a few low ela legend episodes it's nice because you don't have the wall as much again I can see the logic but where are you going with this back what's your long-term plan he still has that gold in the back if this gold is fine it's probably the gold II would go for anyways I I doubt Lakes is gonna go for this main except with maybe a town center he'll probably take this it lakes is probably confused why is this Scout weak it probably has no explanation for that that's funny to me and and back to snout gun the shore fish now okay so you're taking advantage of the Indian bonus now that's good and what's also interesting is that licks might assume that he's never taking it because he didn't see oh no look that's why you placed palisade like that he gives you vision yes you have to spend the would but you can see anything that stands over top of it he's collecting fish from the sand he's going for crabs uh-uh be careful you know god you're gonna dude you're gonna get your buddy there be careful okay so it licks might pressure that area then just Age of Empires things lots of long to be done but the walling is happening licks is even going for little quick walls here and he's farming notice how there's no farms for backed so this is the strat with slabs now I saw a bunch of practice games Daniel sent me a bunch of practice games he played verse other opponents and the players were experimenting these are all players from the qualifier they're experimenting with different ways of playing now some of the players he was training with are still in the event and I'm not going to talk about who it was so I don't spoil anything but some players would practice with not taking the deer or the shore fish at all and when I spoke to Daniel about it I said that I think those resources are almost at ease sometimes you think you should take them but you don't necessarily have to take them stronger early game sure but if the mid games weaker there's a risk in doing that the 28 villagers for both remember no villagers were lost a backed is now adding an archery range again my concern for him is actually the food economy we'll see how strong those Shore fish actually end up being for him because he doesn't have near as many farms the slab farmers farm faster I still think they're underrated I talked about it yesterday hey is dough gal still here by the way Doug ow are you still watching I have a question for you if you are Samuel says what's this emot-- lowell well we have the the t90 mommy mo because every time dave is here he always asks for all the moms to show up and dave hasn't been here for a little while so I think for the main event when we're trying to break viewer numbers we need to have the moms here all right it'll also make sure Dave's here well the main event be casted live all in one weekend the main event will be over four days 19 through the 22nd Arc's Berg okay so no real pressure oh wait that's ville she's a forwarder with food is this a Miss click oh my god I think he guys this is a Miss click from back are the nerves getting to him this is just a straight up miss click I can tell you what he did he wanted to make sure he was fully waltz so he clicked a villager out of his walls forgetting he had a gate that's the best way to find holes in walls but you need to lock the gate before you click out and so he tosses that fit which are away the 700 food for backed and it's 504 licks and this food will run out eventually but again Indians seem to be a very good pick for this because that is still going to be an insane time oh god damn it why did I sorry one second alright it's fine my phone already had a few cracks in it it's fine so the worry now four licks is he doesn't know there's an archer transition coming from back so he's in a nice position mid game you have see two Slavs you have Knight two slabs it's all good going Knights against Indians not so not so good that's no bueno but the concern for him is will archers surprise him and overwhelm him he did take the side goals and that's something that backed is not scouted yet but if backed goes her over there with crossbows it could be extremely damaging fact honestly has not had a great game by his standards he he made the mistake with the boar he threw away a villager though that's just sloppy for this level you would not expect it and he's also down two games to one right now and could mic her from lakes to take out the leaf Scouts seriously good stuff so is it too stable oh oh my god Lakes gonna get so surprised by this guy's I think he wants to go Pike siege pike siege is an interesting one on this map if you go Pike siege in the center it's great but if the archers arrive before you get this each workshop up it's bad yeah he's adding more spearmen this is going to surprise him and this castle time for backed is going to be massive I also love how packed is not showing licks he's distracting licks to Scouts and he's not showing like so he's going for Shh alright t90 was the mom emote a joke or are you actually gonna upload it well we have it right now glorious I spoke to your mom she said she didn't want her face as the emo I said that's fine I respected that I kind of liked her but we added that one it's a fake mom and she's thinking of Dave so is either your mom thinking of me or the fake mom thinking of Dave oh okay I have a prediction Lex wants to TC this imagine if he builds a town center immediately oh this could be so bad he might delete palisade walls too so he can place a good Town Center oh my god this is perfect for Beck's this is your wedding gift congratulations on the wedding that is your gift from Lex now how he didn't kill more villagers there I'm not sure Lix at least can go to this cold how did he not lose more villagers now you still can't build this Lex I'm sorry but that's just gonna be straight-up denied beautiful play from back to add the crossbows yeah he wanted to go Pike siege because he was expecting camels I believe or he was hoping he would be in Castle aged faster than that that's good damage for bactin now at this point he's actually going into cap archer and a few camels with proper micro I really like Beck's position and lakes actually has to all this is huge lakes actually we'll have to delete this town centre if he doesn't address this soon and if he does that he doesn't get all the resources back nice TC four lakes on this side by the way but he won't get all the resources back which means he can't go for a new one right away he would have to collect stone first oh this is going to affect the rest of the game can he get to that town center 60 HP okay he's put more HP on it he's house wall and behind he has the scorpion this is pretty well played from both prepare the scorpion now but licks it's just it seems like he's falling a party as so many idols this is not what he would have wanted Beck's might not have had the best start but he actually has the stronger mid game it's funny you would think slabs would have the stronger mid game because of the farms but due to the positioning from back it was fantastic this is why I was surprised that Lakes took this gold I feel like he could have started on this gold originally not saying he would have wouldn't have eventually gone for a town center here anyways but good like her from back man he is he has turned it on after the slow start and I believe he will Town Center the left side now so that's actually going to be three Town Center's for backs and you can see he has a slight vil lead - he's also over here with calves archers and a camel so mobility of Indians just fantastic for this despite Slavs potentially being very good if they could take control of the middle there's so many scorpions pikemen here but vac doesn't carry kills another villager can you get that one doink wait wait for it right oh this is huge licks can't keep up with it it's 48 villagers for fact and 43 for lakes what a series what a series this has been this is so sick and I love the forward siege some players might shy away from going for the forward siege workshop because you're against slabs who are very good with that but I think it's a good move here because it's all scorpion 4 licks and if you you can continue to pressure this if you have a mag on our - it's honestly so bad for licks but he does have farm economy expanding out here Indians can struggle against CRM how the dear auditor all the goodness that Slavs can offer but man backed it backed is having a field day here with his micro and licks licks is defending well considering the circumstances how fast you have to be to be able to control multiple armies and still boom behind on three TCS that is ridiculous this is this is unreal stuff from bat easily his best performance today right here his Army's everywhere it needs to be he reacts immediately with the monk does not get a conversion fortunate no he does get a conversion has the camels waiting has the crossbows waiting this is unreal from fact very impressed and actually I think the mango he needs one hit will stay alive as well ridiculous play now the town center finally goes up but it took 10 minutes to get that thing up I love games like this I love games like this and somehow the Ville count is still relatively even now the idle time was disgusting that was not so good for Lakes but he's still alive and he's building a town center on the left so I love this map so much because whether you oh this is a Idol villager for fact I don't know how long he's been there but you can take the center and take the golden stone control but you can also die if you don't expand to the outer edge awesome well you have gold now if your licks you have would you have farms he's adding a stable seems to really want to add some nights maybe nights and pikes and siege could do it yeah I think that could make sense beautiful micro from both of them their licks didn't take any damage at all and we're looking at eighty-nine population for backs and seventy-five licks now backs you can tell that he was focusing a lot on the micro he has 14 villagers on five trees really needs to expand more I do love the fact he's on stone which means we could see a forward Castle at some point and and licks is not on stone at all but I would say the economy at least is better for licks when it comes to the food eco 21 slab farms first twelve farms from from Indians so it's more of the approach of investing a lot of wooden golden to siege and have archers right now for bats but if he lacks the food then he might lack the Imperial age he might might lack a lot this could go either way and we could we could be looking at another doubt castle if back to tries to go for it at any point because if you get a lot of good engagements with the siege in pikes like full siege pike is really hard to deal with when you're up against slabs they can create so much siege how did licks catch up and Bill's well he lost villagers but I think Beck's probably had some idle TC time when he was producing it when he was fighting the micro looks pretty but if you're unable to keep your villagers producing at the same time I think that's the struggle also the big thing I noticed is while licks was dealing with all of this on the right side here he had he was booming and he was adding farms so he was losing some but also expanding at the same time pretty incredible from leaves to be able to do that I'm seriously impressed with how lakes is played today I expected this to be close I expected this to go to seven games and it looks like it could but licks is playing way better than I would have expected the same time you could say the same for back to Game one and this game as well but we'll see if he can close it out he's now starting to expand farms which was going to be the key like I said think one thing that Beck's could possibly be doing a bit more and it's tough because you have to do so many things at once but it's probably just a harassing licks more like for the first time in a long time he's actually broken in a wall and now in the middle he's going to struggle oh no backs the second he sends his calves archers over to the left Lix is going to clean up the siege he's gone Knights with full armor he is Pike's with armor and attack now this does hurt four licks but Lakes takes the score lead and I think licks has enough to clean this up no problem how is licks winning this game after that that awful start to castle age what a beast what a freaking beast and now it's now you start to sweat when you're Indians but guys remember what I said about the home map if you beat Indians here which for most people is a clear pick and then you have Indians available for El Dorado which is licks his home map I think licks has an instant advantage going into the El Dorado as well so back has to win this otherwise he's at a disadvantage in the next game just based on the strategy choices with the sim picks 93 villagers for Lakes 102 for fact I haven't seen the cab archers accomplished too much in this game let's be honest they're the CAV Archer takes out the siege there's another siege workshop for Lakes and I think he'll go for another one and he has the Knights here too and the Knights have armor normally you don't want to go Knights against Indians but pact went for CAV archers and the Knights are just going to flood this is the slab flood I don't think there's ever a situation where slabs shouldn't spam all in Castle age for map control this is about to get out of hand for backs he's sitting in the gate I think licks will just follow him licks will just follow him and say thank you very much for letting me in here oh no back maybe he'll hold in the choke point and with the TCF I but on the front this is dangerous there's some good micro from backs can he get another one licks isn't paying attention to this uh-oh beautiful micro from licks okay so that's actually quite good for back because he stalls it out a little bit he does clear up those nights there's a monk just chilling over here what's up what's going on with that if you attack with one bill that's a conversion okay all right you just handed a villager to your opponent it's like that does the stone to Castle no but he doesn't have a position he actually wants to castle he would wanted to castle here but licks pushed at the proper time slabs are so sick with all in Castle age pushes and now he's castling behind all this but what does that secure guess he has no choice but oh man the law says he's about to take you're going to be unreal maybe not you never know a few villagers died a few calves archers died a few camels died oh this is so messy for backs oh this is ridiculous 145 population four licks it just won't stop do you consider going imp now or do you still flood I think you still flood just flight underneath the castle you almost have full upgrades on the nights you have pikes in the Rams just pop them out of here you could pressure the left side - he's gonna do that he has a ram ready on the left side as well this is an unreal performance but you know as I say do you continue to push it does seem like the Rams are not enough the pikemen will die to the CA whoa whoa whoa did you see that they teleported that's actually a known bug we've reported that so maybe instead of pushing the castle you pushed this side of the economy back he was so idled there he probably no he's not on his way up to imp yet and backed his this game is so good backed his twenty military now and he has camels and CA which in theory do count sir everything that looks is making this is this is awkward Lix was winning there because of pure numbers in spann but now maybe licks needs him otherwise he could be in trouble but he does have a TC on the right so TC on the right - on the left and then - in the center big economy and there he goes on the way to the Imperial age himself so what's his back to gain from the Imperial age I feel like he's obviously gonna go for CAV Archer upgrades it seems like he's still making more of them CAV Archer and Camel is great but a can struggle over siege and help it here but it always depends on how you're using them like if you can use mobility it can be good I just hasn't been easy for back to use some ability at all because Lix is the one pressuring this is this is a dangerous area now for Beck's because he has to deal with this but he also feels like he needs to pressure the center probably need to do a bit of both a big thing to point out is that Lix has not been heavy on stones so he does not have his own castle so he can't make trebs and yeah he's actually gone to this stone which I don't think is the best stone to be at right now and we'll see about that I think this is winnable for backed it really is with proper micro we saw the micro and early castle I think this is winnable especially because Lix is so exposed in the center and all back to wanted to build a castle but he's focused on the micro and those villagers are dying tonight's whoa friendly fire they're like she just killed three of his own Knights underneath the town centre here Lakes has to fight what a map I love slopes slopes is amazing produces some ridiculous games how are the villagers doing okay the villagers seem to be doing all right it's really the economy where there's a difference right now 132 eco 4 lakes they should be able to get those upgrades that he wants that Mac and I'll go down to villagers in a camel well they go down to villagers in a camel it will and now the villagers pay a price and there's so much idle time per pack that's crazy she does have stables on the right I just don't know if he has the economy to do much more than what he's doing right now I don't think he has the eco to go for camel and calves Archer I feel it's inevitable that he's going to lose the left side to what will soon be cavalier there's no real reason not to go for cavalier if your opponent doesn't have camel as Indians had these villagers there's 25 villagers back to what go below 100 bills he has to address this back to cannot push the centre because licks is on the left side well he realized with some CA there's Rams and there's scorpions the Scorpions are actually getting some amazing shots and it could take care of most of that and now there's a castle from lakes I'm so it sounds fanboy right now but it's genuine surprised that Lakes is playing like such a beast today I thought back for three I think I said Lakes for three yesterday but I was mainly doing it to root for who I would have considered the underdog they're so close but backed is falling apart oh and he'll have crabs to deal with soon as well and to beat Indians on a map we're pretty much only Indians was the pick for high level players makes it so much more impressive to have El Dorado available for Indians later I mean that's what I'm assuming if you even get to that point right of course that is one of licks his home maps well we would get to that point if there is a chance for back trade back would have to win some games and then lakes could go for his home Maps him back to get enough out onto the field right now the cap trams he will deal with the trebs I don't think he has anything to dive underneath the traps he's trying to go like calf no he's trying to go into camel and while we have that weird graphic bug again let me see if I can fix it fixed okay good okay so now you go camel that's better camel will help you against the scorpions camel will help you against the calves I did see these stables on the right but they're getting cleaned up now licks spotted them like says one relic and he's working on getting his second by the way the back does not have any as far as I'm aware now he's no relics and most of the gold is sprinkled in the center right now there's just red everywhere and blue is just responding what a ridiculous game I don't know if you saw yesterday's games but this so far has easily been the V Series in the final rounds again the winner of this best-of-seven guys will be in the main event of hidden cup three win or lose here back to still has plenty of games that can play out but I think licks is game plan is to raid with stable units now and just have one big ball in the center with helps and siege yeah just just keep moving pressuring on either side it never allowed back to be in a position to raid you all backs military is just responding now and he has two licks is forcing him to every single time a hundred and fifty hills four licks and you might think that's crazy but if if you have 50 military that's fully upgraded the best possible military it's worth it that leaves you 50 pop space to make C german-held or auditor whatever it's totally worth it see grams on the way because of that eco 63 slab farmers is no joke you just wait for helps in the center now now the downside of that is that you won't have pop space for military so if backs can get he's 120 bills so if he can get 80 military maybe he can hold but look at licks licks is everywhere he's writing here he's been raiding over here we've seen that before he's pushing in the center licks is everywhere this guy he's not seen as a fast player but back just can't keep up with it what a freaking comeback this is an unreal game that castles gonna go down for backs for sure with that he'll lose pops face he might get howls because of it if that castle goes down then surely this castle will go down unless back feels like it's a wise idea to dive in against the trebs I almost feel like he has to dive in against the trips because there's no help there now I think you have to kill as many as possible he's just getting suffocated though okay absolutely suffocated he takes out one trebuchet can take up a second backs will I think he gets that right he gets to the fact has just as much military but Kenny deal now there's a castle from Lix year so more trebs probably an area to protect his treads Rams coming in you're using villagers against Rams that's when you know it's bad look at Beck's economy it's a wreck it's a wreck he has 30 idols he doesn't have secure gold except for this - and he also only has one relic so it licks every time battery reacts and and defends an area it licks hits another so now licks this is incredible play now licks is just going to ram this TC down and send like tap there while he's dealing with the other side this is truly unreal guys beastly play from licks I'm so impressed okay maybe now you stop producing pills though maybe now you have enough to just stop 155 bills is a lot he is also lacking the gold despite having two relics because they both been they're both like back-and-forth fighting in the century I think HUS R is needed instead of just like keV look at these bills go me give back credit he is rebooting a little bit on the sides and he's done a great job keeping the calves Archer numbers alive huh stars now in okay and perhaps now this is where you just need a little bit of patience if your licks and wait till you get more halberdiers and how stars in the center and then continue to rate on the right yeah rate on the right sand huh starts into the main farming eco and then here just a bit more patience instead of sending in unit after unit just wait till you have a big ball of them yeah again the huh stars are hitting the gold spot that's perfect 14 on gold four lakes he does have it right here he's gone for a heavy scorpion flicks is a legend man Lix is a legend and he wins the game back to taps out in game number four the score is three to one this is all after backs started off the day with a victory Wow that is how you count to Indians that is how you play slopes guys I genuinely believe there are ways I said it at the start of this game there are ways to counter Indians and there are other areas to move Indians this is not a Mongols only map this is not Indians only map there are ways to beat it how many people with the show of one's thought licks was dead when the crossbows arrived to the town center I thought it was over like backs goes to town centers Lynx's town centers delayed villagers are dying I figured gg but the mid game of slabs the farms the ability to expand here it maybe in fact went here but also prevented licks from expanding then it's Gigi but lakes expanded and got these town centers I think these towns time is here won the game for him hey definitely day there's so much food let's see that's ridiculous so yeah you get a faster you get faster food income an early game with with Indians and Mongols on this map but in the mid game look at that if you get the sides 37,000 food 36,000 wood ahead more gold collected obviously if you if you collect a lot of food and wood as well and you don't have gold you can sell that and get some gold in return that's always an option what a performance I don't think backed ever expected to be facing slabs there this is maybe what Vin Chester was thinking yesterday when he went for slabs and it didn't work out against land so now the score is three to one if flix wins the next game that means that licks will be joining players like well all the players at the bottom of your screen right there Harrell Erie mvl tatto max the Viper vivió Lando gal he'll be joining the main event seems crazy to say that but that's exactly what would go down here so backed has high tide and he has gold rush as his home maps we will see one of those for game number five I'm actually just going to take 60 seconds here to drink some water and relax because we have another best of seven later on after this between Ruben Stockman Velez I need to pace myself hello the biz thank you I know this series has been awesome oh I can't really say that that map is similar to Acropolis Phil's kill mills I mean yes you do need to expand but there's so many different elements to it the only thing that similar is that there's rock rocky slope Teta thank you very much for tattoo for the twitch prime I'm just gonna say all the names all right it doesn't matter if you've been subbed for three years or three seconds warlord cursed tank de deux BTX Darth Cyril Lego Thank You sharpshooter samurai gorni and shooter guys every single sub is just tacking $1 on to the prize pool for hidden cup three main event thank you do I think back to the plate more all in no I think he should have prevented the expansion but it's hard to say that's like good in that game it was not that he played bad all right what am I missing here one two obviously these are Rex ah okay something was was bugged right okay so next game will be game number five and game number five here it is hmm so not a map that we've seen too frequently but we have high tide this is one of Beck's home maps and if he does not win this game and then the next game and then the game after that he is not participating in hidden Cup I forget if fact participated in hidden Cup won but he definitely didn't hidden Cup - and that is one of those names and I mean this with a lot of respect fact is one of those names throughout the competitive scene that has been included in tournaments kind of based on reputation I like hidden Cup - and it was also based on rating but if it's just they don't based on ladder rating it depends who you're playing against it depends the time zone you play for example if you're a European Pro you're more likely to face off against some of the bigger names and not have as much rating and so there were big names in hidden cup - that didn't get in because we had the 14 highest rated players in and then we had only two that could qualify well here the 8 biggest names voted by other pros got in and then eight had to qualify and I think we've seen already based on this series that there needs to be more qualifiers for events players have to earn their spots otherwise someone like leox who seems to be doing outreach ously well would not get to participate now that's exciting for me it's exciting for me that Lakes is getting to play and play so well now this is high tide I'm not sure why back to chose it but this map is called wild Bactrian camel so he has that the help from Gaia these Gaia camels in the center who maybe give him the win he's gone for Japanese I think that's a solid civilization here and then it's Malians for licks which is also a solid civilization so this is how I think the map plays out it's definitely more campy we have closed maps and we have open maps in hidden cub but I kind of expect them to fight heavy for water so waltz villager out here and dock if that happens you do have to keep in mind that if you dock this shoreline any land aggression like Scouts man-at-arms anything you send this way can still hit the fishing ships but I think the safe play especially as Japanese is probably to fight for water okay I'm gonna tell you I'm going next level prediction I'm gonna try and predict this whole game you ready here it goes they're both going to dock and they're both going to go fast butyl twin water backed is going to win water Oh quick wall beautiful you beautiful otherwise you would have lost that villager then Lix is going to go to monastery once each workshop in the center of the map and castle age and go Yolo pressure that's my prediction I could see it playing out that way if you think of bae licks really likes to transition off of water to lands and since players are so close together on lands i feel like that's a good approach we'll see but i'm shocked i thought it would be to to we're going into game number 5 to make it 3-2 but it's actually 3:1 legs I am shocked Malians are pretty good on water as well right they might not have the same type of flexibility as Japanese but still all of their wood buildings are cheaper so they can save resources to make more fish make more Navy and I like the rest of their tech tree a bit more they have champion they have amazing light calves they've amazing camel Cavalier but I still feel like because they're gonna be fighting on one spot on lions it's almost more suitable towards Japanese because the weakness of Japanese on land is the lack of mobility and you could go Halberdier champion samurai tribes are blast all those those strong options that are quite slow Kaede I'm with you he says he's rooting for backed because he wants us to go to seven games I'm with you man this is what I mentioned earlier about docking here this is gonna be so annoying because now Lakes has the sail away with the fishing ship Japanese you don't have to worry too much but that's some idle time every little bit counts this is why I think players will probably send a veal here to dock when they go for second dock and then that can't happen nice play from backs Lex will probably either do the same or send his gal over to defend from that okay well now it's a Japanese fishing ship so you're doing three damage a hit it takes forever 120 HP this is so stupid like it's smart it's it's why like the reason we added this is because we didn't want water to be too strong right so it looks dumb but if we don't add this then it's just full-on when water and you have no other option and I should mention there's also gold and stone and relics here for the person that does have water control but alright they're both doing it and I would say that the back has benefited from that what's super interesting is if you're going for a second dock the enemy scout is out here so where is the ville look it's happened it's happening already I think Lix is going forward it's happening already yeah he's going forward he does not want to fight for water here is he on stone not on stone he's gone to Gold's backed will be in futile age faster and all fact is making militia so he might even go from man-at-arms so if Bach doesn't view lage faster that means he'll get a little bit of extra speed there and he might win that Scout war if they end up fighting forward barracks for Lix what is the plan Lakes t90 official is one relic roughly equal to one gold miner yep yep now with the camels here if you see them move around you'll actually know that there's something there let's see if we can see an example of that fact is trying to go man-at-arms but he doesn't have the food for it yet fascinating and back to I believe assumes wait a second ho see the spearmen now and he sees the house okay so back twill now know something's up and he does avoid that Spearman he doesn't seem to want to check this out though which is weird see how the camels move oh there's a hole here Oh packed you've got a check man you've got a check okay and now there's a tower that lakes scouted that gold this is actually what I envisioned with the map you can take water but then you give up so much important control of the rest of the land so Lix has gone for an early forward Alex I don't think lik saw the militia and that's a weak villager on the gold back to get to villagers at least here if that one's weak that's one when out Lakes is off of gold back to might be off of gold as well but beautiful play from back to it ended up working out back to needs a defensive tower here soon and and licks needs a whole bunch of walls now back should be better off because of the fishing ships alex is still fishing though and that's a bit sloppy from back to allow him to do that that is precious food and is this tower too late I I'm not even I'm not sure what I think about this tower Lix is going to just attack the tower with his villagers and then send archers in here I don't like this for back I think this is quite bad at the same time though backs will get another villager and it aw Japanese man-at-arms are so strong he gets two more will it be three probably unlikely but that was beautiful and a ton of idle time as well this is as messy as you would have expected Lakes will lose a forward villager as well so he's oh my god he's way behind an eco look at those numbers I think the important thing here is that licks does have some archers he could send in he is not on stone though and if he's not on stone he can't build any more towers so was it - Yolo four licks or will this actually work and say goodbye to your fishing ship slaves again I think back to dock here if you dock here and you have very unexposed fish and chips but backs he doesn't have store oh it's panic time he doesn't have stone either not for a tower anyway oh no oh what a mess okay at least you took care of one Archer that's good but these archers have fletching oh my goodness well again this is what we envisioned for the map that we weren't envisioning it to be quite this messy but we thought that if a player goes aggressive like this there can be some benefit to it should you give up water entirely probably not but if you get in there's definitely benefit and backs land Eco looks awful now can lick somehow get back on the water and snipe fish just against Japanese I don't think it's possible fact guys he honestly seems really frazzled at frazzle dazzle man and licks is going for farm eco there's a real possibility that licks could have a solid uptime and continue the forward like I said monks each keep in mind that back does not have fletching so if licks micros properly he could stay alive here but it's too tempting to take villes I think he needs to catch up so he'll go for the bills and gets her but that might not be it right without fletching licks will micro milk a little dance and licks will take oh oh oh she's so weak that's funny Alex will not take that Vil what's the walling for backed right now he really seems frazzled what a disastrous economy for him but he is making some marches he is making some scurbs and he can counter-attack so licks you either need to make the offensive units or you need to wall your base and there's a lot of wall and yet to be done here there's a pointy boy out here poking with a fish 39 eco for backed 31 four licks can see what Lex was thinking was it too much though what was it - Yolo it's what he likes to do he's done it before he'll do it again backed it almost doesn't seem comfortable pushing out at the moment and now he'll be off of those berries Dan I'm just looking at the amount they have on food it's only nine four backed and it's thirteen four licks so if that's the case here I think lick should now sense that back might be going for a counter in fact he's building a market here so you might find out the hard way but if that's the case yes fishing ships are great licks is using Malley and Spearman to poke fire galleys down that villager goes down what Marv how is more of a life oh the camel the camel oh the camels helps nice job all right so the markets delayed what will the up times be like fact has squirms he is fletching he gets a good start to the engagement yeah this will be better for licks I think the army numbers in the center is how licks is gonna win this game yes backed has the fish but it gets slightly more inefficient as the game goes on depending on how he's docking and it really could be a dangerous push coming from Lakes licks actually rebuilt a new market and just left this one here that's funny and now he's getting wheelbarrow he'll probably go heavy on golds I expect you all though but all backed okay he's still doing okay here the the worry for me is that backed is only going for fishing ship boutique oh I'd like to see some farms as well so he could mix it up but with those resources I think with some market abuse and he's about to go for it he could have a faster castle time and he is but also producing archers out of two ranges there we go okay so if he's producing arches out of T ranges licks needs to get up soon it backed has a farm he's not even using right now to to prove my point licks did not forget about water he's been doing his best to go back on to water but backed was already so far ahead there I love this doc that's hundreds of food that'll be coming in in no time alright back to use that market all licks is up slightly faster but will licks will licks have what it takes to deal with these archers that's good actually loop the whole way around all that be so that be so pro if back to doesn't even show licks that he has these archers and he just runs around that'd be so good yet don't show him backs don't show him run around you have the water control kill the skirt beautiful wait licks has the doc though wait wait wait till you take out the doc first wait till you take out the doc now go now go just to stay away from the houses because with town watch houses give you some vision Oh licks licks all these archers oh and backed is gonna just join the rest of the group alright so he will get a good engagement from this this is actually very good for him with the army numbers is there a worry though if flick still has the forward villagers that is now my question still feels like backs could be okay here licks it's not like he can go only aggression if there's this many archers licks also can't track those archers easily scurbs with armor very tough for archers to kill however they were only talking four units but the micro nerds beautiful micro four legs alright licks needs to pull these units back he needs to patrol them he is not walled at all so if those units get in its danger fact has a gigantic economy meet but look look at this licks is going back on to water he hid the docks how many fishing ships is back to have he has ten on this part of the screen he has yeah he has ten fishing ships if flix goes all in water and backed isn't expecting it it could be licks his chance to come back backs still looking around he knows that that that could be bad for him just just finding those docks is huge because now he knows to upgrade his Navy we're still only talking four fires two fact if you reacts immediately could be okay he's actually going for nights with his archers here and then the other way you look at it is if back says whatever I don't care about water anymore goes to land Eco and then goes for land pressure himself and goes crossbow night licks doesn't have enough to deal with that right now so look she's just planning on booming my prediction was wrong sadly if I'm licks though just snipe fish and chips don't even fight on water just snipe fish and ships find them and snipe them that's 14 fishing ships which is essentially the eco difference I love the night choice I really do however Lix will see it now what he does against that it's got to be walls mana so it's it's tough it's really tough to fight the composition that backed has Japanese fishing ships are not so easy to take down a few have gone down backed still seems to be defending though he's defending very nicely I have to get back to a lot of credit for scouting those docks because if he didn't it could have gotten out of hand a whole lot faster and so he's still fine again my worry is is he farming so he's starting to do that a little bit he's adding a second TC himself Lakes is in this game but backed as ahead with some good pressure this is just this is ridiculous to me this is so exposed but licks doesn't run away he doesn't wall he's just like whatever I have scars here and I know that you're going to try and engage against my skirmishers so I won't wall in fact I'm going to commit to another lumber camp there Oh Oh sneaky fire fact you've got to clear up those docks my friends they're not doing anything now suddenly this is a little bit closer in each and every game Lix has gone for better mid game if you think back to bay back to one for faster feudal backed went for the he went for the the dear licks had a better boom in mid-game previous game licks had a better mid game whoa a castle from backed nice I was wondering if he was going to build one a castle and and then a TC I like that as long as backs can keep that mid game economy strong he has much better army composition right now mmm well I've been having fun I hope you guys have been having as much fun as me these games have delivered today fact is ahead when he needs to oh the god split not the best whatever doesn't matter still has the Knights here still takes out the Magno still will take out the skirmishers well played back but yet backed is delivering on his home map when he has to I'm sure the pressure is on for him takes out the monk no problem we're looking at 80 population for back and 61 from NYX and it's yes Malians have options but I brought it up before what to Malians do against Japanese Viki tried go champions Japanese have better champions or they have samurai they can't really go archers I guess you could go gunpowder possibly guys has lit chosen Japanese yet I don't think he went for Japanese right he did not go for Japanese so we didn't go Japanese he didn't go Mongols or Indians yet either right no Mongols for licks he could go Indians on El Dorado I'm thinking about the upcoming matchups maybe maybe Mongols for ravines if we take it to Game seven seems like licks either sees the game very differently or he's just saving civilizations but I don't know what he can do now I really don't that backed it still worries me his mid game worries me but he has fish still he's still fishing now your score inflates big-time when you have water control but Lakes just calls it he doesn't even try and fight at this point he knows that against Japanese and against the fish boom he's probably going to be the inflator and he can't deal with it so backed gets his win the score is now three to two let's go a wee two hostas his Japanese on cross oh he did choose Japanese on cross that's true okay so he went for Japanese already yeah I was forgive me for thinking ahead but you kind of have to in this and now the score looking good for potential Game seven if fact can win another one maybe I'm skipping through the achievements there because I want to move on to the next game we do have Velez and Reuben stocking a best-of-seven later and if you're watching on YouTube that will be uploaded as the next video most likely but back to had way more wood to stone and gold collected in that game is it actually interesting he had less food it was similar but less food just a lot more of everything else obviously had the map control both on water and on land game number six is now on El Dorado this was what I was thinking if you don't use the Indian Fish bonus on slopes and you get the win which licks did and Chinese as globally banned you can see that on the left side of the screen which is probably the best Eldorado Civ I think Indians gives you a strong start will he go for Indians on El Dorado Indians in El Dorado fascinating whereas you have licks or sorry you have backs going for Mayans Mayans is not bad for El Dorado but the fact that licks thought this far ahead and didn't pick Indians and saved it for this is interesting so so here's the bonus if you don't know about this I'm a texture Inu one second here's the bonus Indian villagers the fishermen work 15% faster and they carry +15 and on this map these fish here have 525 food each and there's two of them so that's over a thousand food this is I always forget the order it's either faster than Mangal hunt or just as fast as manga pond or clothes right so very strong start now El Dorado is such an interesting map right you have the water on the outer edge you can fish you have the water next to your town center you can fish you have you have the the turkeys you have one boar and then you have all that precious gold and stone in the center you only have two tiles of gold and two tiles of stone at your face guys there's the two tiles four licks and there's the two tiles of stone so if you get gold here I feel like the mezzo play the Mayan played Aztec play the Inca play is normally to go heavy Eagles Indians can really struggle against that on any other map I would say that Mayans are better than Indians but it's all about the start here for links so with that in mind I wonder what he'll do with his faster feudal age it has to be a faster feudal age right our lease is back to so close to the center T Nadi he is very close that's actually that's actually a disadvantage for him I would say though I've seen your both ways Lix is pretty far but the fact that you're this close to the center if a castle goes up anywhere four lakes or towers it's also close to the the Eco it's good point Indians are not a medicine so sad nobody knows their geographies titus pullo as a caster it's about how many words I feel it was worthy to use in a certain at a certain point so if I say mezzo sibs excluding Incas because if you think about their history it does not not been it just it just so in Age of Empires I just call them the mezzo suit it saves me from having to explain things that people probably already know and that people don't know it then that's life but yes you are technically correct but if I had to be technically correct every time I was casting I would quit very quickly trust me and I I also would encourage you if you don't agree with with my logic there there's lots of games to cast hidden cup three is open streaming go for it my friend I will I will host you one of these days okay Titus do you want me to call them Eagles is what I've been calling it the same way for four years I think I'll stick with this but we'll see now struggler says Incas not a medicine alright they're just called they're called we're gonna call them the bird sits there we go the bird sibs oh that just lamed the bird he lamed the turkey all right nice work still waiting now I think this is a missplay well hold on a second I was going to say that not taking the fishes Indians is a mistake however you could be saving the fish for later he's taking the fish now it's really hard to click these things to okay he's over fish that one I can't click to see oh there's 500 food remaining there he's getting loom and he'll be going to feudal what about backs fact has docked he's making fishing ships the same four licks and there we go perfect t90 official do donations go to the prize pool does anyone know question mark question mark question mark if you would like to contribute in a sizable way to the prize pool contact me and we'll make it happen like I've taken some community of donations of larger amounts apart from that it's just one dollar from every sub goes to the prize pool it's just way too complicated and I don't know how people do it and it's just not worth the headache for me to take like five or ten dollars here they're from the community as much as I would like to we're looking at over 50,000 dollars already so shoot me a message on discord if you'd like to what eight insane feudal age time-release I think this the best strat is to go fast feudal for for winning water normally on maps like this but on El Dorado you're so far apart it might not be worth it because it takes so much time to get to your opponent it's already on his way okay it looks like a scout build now probably not going to be man-at-arms but then again he's sent to two golds and it's licks what's the size ball mount CI I don't know like the the goal of this guy's I don't as much as as awesome as it is from the community to contribute we have Microsoft on board now and some huge donors and sponsors I don't want to take your money alright I want you to buy a nice meal and if you have a lot of money buy five very nice meals over the four days and enjoy the show you know but I guess using other examples it is man-at-arms and it is forward and he's going to the wood line this was a really bad question to answer I should have known better as a streamer because it just leads to five minutes of talking about things other than the game we're talking about the game now lick saved Indians for this and that is the only wood line that backed is on right now that is huge pressure oh man so Batz doesn't see the tower he doesn't know about that he's looking he doesn't know don't build an archery range first thing back because if you do you won't have the wood for a lumber camp you won't have the wood for lumber camp he's building the archery range will he now have the wood for another lumber camp we're a low e low legend now boys because we have to chop the straggler trees oh the timing on that was brutal he does not have the wood to build another lumber camp oh and he's trying to drop it off oh okay he's got it he's got it all right there he goes wow this is some insane pressure from Lakes that's a beautiful Tower and I wonder now what he does with his villagers maybe he'll just mind that stone backs gold here is more than fine his his stone has just been towered he has fish uh-oh but how long will that last if flix is coming in with a fire galley so backed cannot take stone as Mayans he can see the fact that Lix is in the middle mining and we'll see he has options there he can go for gold or he can go for stone or he can go for both and backed guys he's under pressure he's howls badly he's stonewalled the flank he's that scared Lakes will he react in time to deal with those fish I think he might always attack in the dock right now this is some insane pressure and it's just amazing to me because it was all part of licks this master plan he went for this he saved Indians intentionally what did he not notice the fishing ships there well that's that's a mistake I guess he felt like the fish and chips went elsewhere all but here comes back he could still build a tower and now backed is backed and he arrives to the middle and licks is now building his own Tower okay so we have an archer no fletching we have two eagles okay - Eagles - archers against scowl and to man-at-arms and all Lakes this strategy would have been perfect but he didn't see the fish max will be very happy about that and now he can take some stone not too comfortably though also how many times do you see pro players not wall in their towers licks does not make that mistake if that tower wasn't walled in it would get battered down hmm backs can't really take that stone actually not with that tower and licks just relocates his mining camp now guys it's not looking good for bats it's really not lakes is good resources sodas back they might have good Castle times but if flicks clears out these fish and chips which I believe he's about to do and then goes for a heavy fish boom himself because backed isn't fighting on water and maintains decent control in the center everything is links links notice it there we go everything is better for the Chinese player the back to did make one fire galleon he has another one on the way behind this this is what I mentioned earlier your closer to the center that doesn't mean anything on El Dorado it's not necessarily a benefit for you the fact is on the way to Castle age and also licks he's not attacking that fishing ship instead he's going for the fire galley maybe he'll see it now it's not as bad as I thought it would be whoa hold on a second where did all the resources go for licks licks is going full futile against this he's adding more man-at-arms or he added one more man in arm I believe he's adding scurbs to have fletching and armor that's where his resources went fletching an armor on scurbs I figures if he can pressure the archers with the scurbs the man-at-arms can take care of the Eagles how is this fight gonna go so far I love the microphone back that was that was well done unfortunately he'll probably lose an archer or two here unfortunately it's not the easiest goal to secure but I think maybe a town center in the next stage he took out this tower so he could he was able to batter it down in some way so maybe he can take his stone in Castle in the near future it was going so well for Lakes but what happens he had six hundred food and then it just all went into skirmishers and man-at-arms okay now here's a tower if flix is going to win this game he needs to tower that for sure and he needs to continue to micro as he is are we going to see all in man-at-arms okay let's think about this fact needs gold to make eagles he has 700 gold there but I don't think he can comfortably take this goal if he's committing to eagles licks could just make a whole bunch of man-at-arms possibly but then again he's not going to be in Castle age this is so messy Lakes does have 700 food all of a sudden so he stopped queuing up what he was queueing up and he he has saved her economy back home now he's on his way to Castle age I think backed for sure wants to drop a castle though so it's not the prettiest economy sure but the best way to clear out the towers is delete that lining camp and just drop a castle right here and if you do that then licks will have gold problems and maybe he can take the golden stone over there but and then you have to deal with plumed archers instead of just regular archers there's positives for licks here but guys are we going to a game 7 is it going to come down to one final game to see who gets that hidden cup three spot looks very much like it it's what we wanted it's it's what neutrals once I can't say I prefer one player over the other back does probably the player who's more well known most of you will probably see back before and backed is married and he is going to be married to this gold long-term now beautiful Castle and I think this is the best Castle spot I also like how he's using the eagle to distract the tower fire I think it's worth losing a few villagers here to get the castle of it's halfway up Oh Big Shot there's not much you can do about this if your licks if you try and attack the bills with your army backs tower attacks the mining camp back to use your tower please back to use your tower man use your tower use your tower why is it attacking a building use your tower back no oh my god that's a ninety ninety three percent you can't lose a series like this you can't get knocked out of the running for hidden cup three like this you can't let it happen fact oh my god Bodkins on the way in for the tower to that castle has to go up okay Oh oh my goodness well now what's you prefer you lost a bunch of bills but you'll have most of the control all the goals I'll tell you what doe gallon would do because we saw it yesterday do gal would doc and he would just go crazy fish boom with food and wood and then it also take that 200 gold do gal showed you how to win when you don't have control of the center actually that was round one to gal did that seen a lot of players win without the sensor on this map but if you don't expect to lose it and you don't expand early then back says alright well I have the castle up now we need to make sure he doesn't take water control I think that's what backed is thinking right now there's also all man there's some eagles here there's a mango there's some archers what do you have your lakes is position to counter this slick move impressive to think about saving Indians but in the mid game Indians are significantly worse than Mayans especially on a map like this oh when it's a town center for leagues he wants some gold I think this will be a doubt TC and the villagers will eventually die right because they can't hide inside the towers the towers are getting shot down this feels very much like we're heading towards a game seven can back to continue this pressure and take us there oh man no vodka nyet so that hurts but he's denying that 200 gold and he's denying the rest of the goal like I said I don't see these villagers getting to finish that TC crossbows in you're looking at crossbow against plumes plumes are better the plumes are in higher number the villagers are fighting I think this means that Lakes is about to resign 60 to population for back forty seven four licks what a ridiculous series now licks us from China so give him a second all right give him give him a minute licks Tim the vivvy yo well yo it's not too bad but certain players they don't like to resign I don't see why you would ever want to resign no he resigns he taps out he's dead we're going to a game seven just started off back to one game one licks won three games in response to go up 3-1 and men backed called his way back we're going to ravines for Game seven beautiful beautiful set wow these qualifiers have been a treat okay so it all comes down to this winner of this game will participate with a hidden identity in the main event of hidden cup three march 19th through the 22nd every sieve that they have used which is listed on your screens they cannot use again the winning players sieve is in bold the losing players sieve is not bold I'm thinking fact already went Mongols on game bay ravines does have some hunt I think we see Mongols for links because he still has that available the conversation throughout the whole best-of-seven has been the saves that he's saving I think it has to be Mongols wait wait a second oh no no okay okay so I need to clarify something here we do not see gold rush and we do not see hideout those home maps were not used by back the next we go to ravines so Mongols four licks is what I'm expecting what would you choose your backs he also can't go francs which is strong do you think he goes Persians here you go Persians you can go Huns it's an aggressive map you probably want to go with the CAV Civ I don't know maybe Archer sibs could be good there's a lot of options out there well before we get in here guys thank you for being a part of this I don't know how many people are here watching this qualifier but if you think this is good just wait until we have the main event names ironed out here we are guys game number seven he's gone for qamar if you would have told me a year ago that in the hidden cup three qualifiers best of seven to get in the main event that someone would choose Qamar for Game seven I would have said what are you smoking and I'm not saying this because c'mere bad now come here are good now but the fact that we're in a reality where Qamar are picked in a game seven decider it's just what is what is this comber were a bottom five sieve last year I just this is so interesting to me anyways backed as gone for Coomer and then licks has gone for Mongols does not come as a surprise to me guys Mongols hunt 50% faster and there's a lot of hunts you have ten deer so push them in look towards a fast feudal age of your licks you do have berries here again Franks or good option because of the berries you have lots of gold lots of stone and then you start with outposts it's very awkward in mid game on this map because for the most part players are always going to be pushing in their food it's actually interesting to me that back does not she's opting to scout instead but mid game your farms are going to be an awkward spots which means that comer could be good for this with all these trees here sometimes you can't farm comfortably there and they're not as placed they're basically t90 farms and I feel like career is the way to go it with that in mind now that's pretty volatile as well so if you're worried about muggles you can pretty much expect the Mangal Scout to be pushing in the deer and then you can wall up well the wall ability if that's a word of this map is something we'll review before the main event but the way I see it and I've spoken to main event players about this yes you can wall but if you choose to wall it's still a lot of walling and you're giving up other areas the map so you have two stones and you have two golds next to your town center but you see all these extra golds and all these extra stones on the map it's so important here so I've actually seen the walling player fall behind more often than not due to lack of map control you might survive longer right because you have walls but are you better off because of it not necessarily yeah so recently with the patch the other day that Microsoft pushed out the Mongols hunt was changed to 40% faster we are not using that balance here and we're still unsure and if we're gonna use the new changes in the new patch in the main event that information will come out in a few days we're still talking about it asking player opinions there's a lot I that Microsoft wanted to stick to having a patch a month and that's cool but to do it right in the midst of the event and make changes is is no bueno so we'll see but for now let's still 50% faster there was no change to Khmer in the recent patch except the fact you can't what was it it affects all tech games I forget something like that the licks is actually getting loom before he goes up to the next stage which is interesting because you don't see players get loom a lot with Mongols before going to feudal every other City you do but the reasoning for is because you're in the next stage so quickly ah there we go okay so he goes feud light and then loom exactly there's no risk that your opponent will be at your base to snipe your villes now back to getting loom that makes sense because the Scout is on the prowl a back to a full wall his base now what you do when you're up against full walls is it's really hard to decide sometimes because if you see walls you might think wow I I'm not gonna make military then that doesn't make any sense but then they make military and then you have nothing to defend yourself so I think that we'll probably see a Scout opening due to all the food and then it always becomes will Mongols transition into archers will they go CAV archers or will they go mango die as a follow-up t90 seems very upset with Microsoft these days am I has there been some some impostor complaining about Microsoft on my stream if you think that I'm not sure what I've done besides meme it up a little bit your ego is miserable I have an ego - damn whoa hello this is interesting right because he's in feudal now fact if you want to wall that's fantastic but can you quick wall now because that villager will go down if you don't I think that bill is dead that quick little joint and then get out of here it's back just going fast castle oh fast castle with Qamar and Game seven I don't know if I should like it or hate it it's a new map like we don't this is also different than the de version so if you wants to play this with your friends the de version has so much more hun we changed that we added more berries we added less hon just so wouldn't be mongols everytime it's just so peaceful over here and then here comes the pressure from lakes and there's a tower okay so when someone's walling like this the counter to a greedy fast castle is a lot of towers but at least back seems to know what's up you know what's interesting I saw backed and licks play practice wait no it was backed and a CCM I think it was either a CCM or say my name to Vietnamese players who actually be facing each other tomorrow they were playing a game on this map against backed and it was a CCM who went for the fast castle and back to and for the towers oh my god if I'm remembering this correctly it was actually qamar - for a CCM did anyone else see that it depends where you're from they stream at a weird time zone for most Europeans but I actually believe it was a CCM who beat backs while going commercial wall fast castle and was back to when Scouts and towers that's uncanny I could just be lying to you guys to make it interesting but no I swear that's actually what happens huh all right well double palisade wall buys you some time 600 food for backed he's he is on golds this is a pretty pretty interesting stuff here if there's a hole in the wall back his he's not dead but he's way behind he cannot afford to have a gap here but he has these berries he saved all the resources that he would want for last on the back it's actually half decent now why are you go from here I'm not sure okay he knows there's a hole there he double-checked licks behind this is not on stone yet what no hole right oh that would have been so bad if there's a hole all right so licks is just going home I'm actually quite surprised he didn't go to stone now he's going to stone but if you went to stone he could follow that up with a tower and continue to force backed into some walls backed his on the way to Castle age so weird and so greedy we saw this in round one a bunch of times never did we see someone go for this strategy hmmm t90 viper says vietnamese is going to be topped - you're safe now while looking forward to Viper picking Vietnamese in hidden Cup three let's see if he can put his money where his mouth is and pick Vietnamese can't wait so 11 on food for backs we're talking the goat Vil's the villager you can barely see she's what that is really weird she doesn't want anyone to know oh she's she's overeating she's really sensitive about how much she eats she doesn't want people to know but anyways she's hiding in there but that food will be gone the berries are gonna be gone obviously you can farm in all that but you only have one farm right now if you're back so I just wonder is it a straight boom does you want to town center here and go straight boom it's so greedy again when you wall on this map there's not many good Town Center spots I guess you could delete holes here and build the TC I don't think we'll see any aggression from back for quite some time okay you can place a town center there huh okay so here's here's the difference Lix is going to have less villagers when he arrives in castle age but licks his Mongols lakes we'll be able to make manga died because he's on stone fact is not pressuring him whatsoever so licks is about to click up the other aspect of this is fact can't just start applying any pressure because he only has three farmers so all that would he's going for three TCS I genuinely I feel like it's hard for me to judge but this is really hard to balance your economy now because you need to have six farms for every town center so you need eighteen farms to keep these town centers producing all times so yeah he's gonna pump out a batch of bills right he'll get like six to ten bills but is he going to have the consistent foodie code to keep them producing or is he just going to add the TC for them to be idle and then you're giving Mongols a free ride to manga die which is their unit that that is one of the best unique units in the game Lix is fantastic with Marvel's here come the t90 farms beautiful but fascinating so maybe a ten villager lead but no military yet for backs and what do you do is commercial offense in this game can you get the economy to do that can you go siege can you go scorpions against manga die who have a bonus against siege also dodges here the town mill I think I heard the town but look see this he's three Town Center's this one is in producing bills this one isn't producing it's it's it's very close right this is my point so if he gets that farm number up great he's just accepted that he will give up momentum for the boom there's the castle malphur wait that's a TC four legs uh uh legs this is this is a much better approach than an early castle he knows what vac is up to so what he will do is he will add TC so he's even there and then he'll make the castle after the fact that's actually quite smart so if you go for the castle first then you don't have the stone for the TCS for another couple minutes I also like the scouting from lakes not Auto scouting he's scouting manually and he can see where the other resources are which as I said very important on this map but guys does anyone else feel very uneasy for back I can see what he's set out to do here and I'm not saying it can't work but does anyone else feel like the does anyone else feel like giving up full map controls so risky he is making a siege workshop so I believe he'll actually make scorpions well he has 49 bills verse 37 forth TC now Felix so it's still delaying that castle I really like that move because there's not a lot the mangas I give him right now beyond maybe killing a few villagers so you kill let's say you kill two villagers best-case scenario with the manga tie then you snipe two bills but you're behind five more because you didn't add the town centres so yeah this is the correct approach hostage I don't know man with qamar you're talking scorpions you're talking elephants right so hostage was just asking what unit backed is going to shoot towards you know what might be the approach here maybe around 60 70 villagers back should add a stable and just make a few Knights from app control with with siege instead of going straight in wait did he just okay he's made he's made a stable I don't know this is for Scouts to snipe any monks on the relics or but I think pushing yeah there's some nights okay so take some map control before like you don't want to be overly greedy basically because if you take map control then you can expand which is your current worry and then you decide on what you go with later seventeen farms four licks its twenty seven four backed and he has tumor farms his T Caesar pumping he's pushing out with some siege it's kind of working licks it's time for the castle man where is that castle going to go for him will licks his badly PopCap's at the moment that slows down your boom even more does he have I'd like to see a castle here but then again if you build it there your goals are exposed on this side are a key castles they're his backed on stone if he spots that castle what do you guys think about just going in building your own castle here and trepang that down it's working the c'mere bummed Game seven is working now I'm beginning to get very upset because I know one of these players is going to be out like there's no way around it one player wins this game whoever wins this game is going to move on to the main event both of these guys two very capable players if you want more heartbreak we'll have plenty of it Velez and Reuben stock is up next tomorrow we have say my name and a CCM we have doubts and we have Tim which will be a huge heartbreak niqab and Stark I'm missing a set there's definitely another one what will the Imperial aged times be like fire and borrows is the other one yep that will be two Morrow backed guys I think he's going to do exactly what I said he's nagging whatever relics he can now does he know about the castle spot if he knows where the castle spot is it's huge he's getting town watch I don't think town watch will show him where that castle is right if it does he's the luckiest boy in the world oh oh wait what was the villager wait we shoved wait he wants to go are blessed okay imagine if he sees that oh okay oh oh it's so close there's a mag and I'll push from Lix anything you can do to delay back to this point the better for Lakes he's three relics guys three relics and he's expanding t sees two other stones and golds all backs backs Knight just spotted it backs Knight just spotted it licks doesn't have near the food he needs look how fast the farming is with comer on the night also takes out the Maggie no it's almost as if that mac and L wasn't created that that castle wouldn't have been spotted because the knight had to run over this way to take that out oh there's so many other areas of this economy that are exposed for licks you know that's a bad sign for licks when his score is lower than backed and backed has invested all those resources into the next stage and there's the castle Wow should licks in feudal age have been on stone when he went forward this these are the things that start to go through my mind should he have built more towers and pressured back to more instead of just building one tower should he have built another tower broke through with the scouts pressured build another tower and take that farm space out of the equation perfect hassle spot for backs he is now going to be able to make a trap and that unit that unit that you want as Mongols licks did not make because he had to catch up with the boom can licks hold Mel the thing is back also is going to have our blessed this is just damn near perfect from bat because yes magnet I are strong but you need a lot of time you need the castles to produce them and you need a lot of upgrades and backed has units and numbers and upgrades to trade against well pretty much a non-existent army ok licks knows it guys licks man what a horrible realization for him he's just had to accept that he will not be able to commit to manga die which normally means disaster normally that means game over he's making stables and to make matters worse back to will see the stables so back to Nell knows all right well he's gonna go for huh SAR or cavalier hope thank you very much for the relic going back is in such a good position he was down 3-1 yep there's the armor now and there's like cap so it would just be us are at the start for licks and he'll hope for the best with that backed went for such a passive strategy with Qamar with freaking Qamar oh oh no he can't deal with this he can't deal with the orbs alright I mean that will buy him some time it's worth losing those villagers to buy you some time there are parables here are just buying time fact has 150 population and licks has 1 106 I'm with you curly beard I doubted the boom as well easy for us to say but I think as licks slowly crumbles I think he should have pressured more he ran forward to build one tower he couldn't he had so much time to build more towers and continue to pressure in but he didn't go to stone and continue the pressure and he just let the Khmer player do what he wanted it's also possible that maybe licks could have made the castle earlier maybe he could have had those manga died maybe going for the TCS wasn't the approach but one thing certain qamar are a force to be reckoned with on ravines no one picked them in round one but back just picked them in rounds to game 7 and it's freaking working right now now mumble huh stars are great they have 118 HP that's fantastic but they lack the final armor upgrade so had they're good and they're bad at the same time so much eco for facts he's slowly starting to expand also his relic count isn't going to be the worst either he has one he could get this one so it's not like it's five relics for zero and licks has to hold and back will know that huh star was the choice for licks now with all these choke points here fact is just creating these nice little chokes for himself sorry with all the wood lines I guess he's making jokes for himself and he's also starting to go into elephants which is definitely not something that you can fight with huh SARS manga die fantastic against that you can't make manga die your castles or crumbling links no leaks it's falling apart my heart is breaking he was up 3-1 and how does he engage against this he'll try oh oh oh try but back says sorry good luck surrounding my units beautiful move from backs beautiful and elephants even regular elephants just tank so much where the ARBs conduced damage behind it's it's really looking rough now for leaks he does have this out here I like that but backs backs might be able to spot that one with the houses let's see oh no he can't see it okay so there's a lot of resources out there you almost need to go I just don't know what you do actually I don't know what you do if you don't have manga die because you can't a camel won't wear cavalier won't work it backed places perfectly he should continue to push his vendôme and make it into the main event possibly look at the production from backed elephant Oh after elephants Oh are blessed after are blessed the trebs are now taking down the stables so even if hustlers were the answer he'll have less of them I thought that I genuinely thought we're looking at three one up I thought that backflip maybe win the next game and then he would lose two lakes and the final score would be for two I didn't think that backed had it in him to fight back I didn't think the reverse sweep was in him especially after seeing how good licks was playing and what's what's ridiculous too is we felt like or I felt like the logic from lakes was to save Indians which he did and he lost and then he saved Mongols which he did and he's losing so when these maps does anyone even know what civilizations are best I don't think so it's ridiculous it's amazing actually is this the final fight always making mongol monks oh no one month goes down to three all the monks will die he gets a few conversions but guys as the elephants continued to rumble and storm in here as the final armor upgrade comes in it's sixty two military for backs it is twelve for leaks unbelievable series series of the qualifiers so far I'm speechless I'm speechless so if someone chooses Qamar in the main event in hidden cup on ravines fact confirmed remember every single time he used his civilization in how he played it all right because this is the last time you will see Beck's name while he's playing the main event he'll have some hero name we won't know I think there's relics in there oh no there's three relics I I know why licks is continuing to play always me yo hold on a second Lix has a lot of resources holy cow but now these are elite battle elephants you just don't kill that you just don't kill that one thing that Beck's could do a little bit better is patrol some units to the sides a hussar elephant rating would have cleaned up all this a while ago does he really need to though I don't think so should lakes resign should he resign I wouldn't yet is he dead 99.1 percent sure he's dead but it's game 7 just try and get some manga die out and see what happens maybe backed has to throw of all throws and you know you end up coming back [Music] the thing is we actually saw it before it was licks who had Persians against Mongols you need so many manga dine I actually have not seen Mongols win a game yet on ravines which is a map where everyone's picking or has been picking Mongols because I remember a project Belgium against Reuben stock round one a Reuben stock when Mongols and ended up losing so that's that's interesting to me yep and here comes the expansion from back it's like right after I say it he realizes it beautiful he's on the stone he'll find the gold he'll find that gold he's strapping the castles it's the one thing that kind of stuffs for back does he doesn't have the the most mobile units so the elephants are a bit faster for Khmer but he just has to keep an eye on on where his units are in the middle three castles in the back of your base their elite manga died too that's incredible the fact that he got to elite manga dies somehow yeah again just keep an eye on the trips right you don't want to lose those these tanky elephants look at this economy ah resign Lakes I feel so bad for the guy like this guy played so good licks they both deserve to be in the main event like there's only 16 names though it's so competitive and the best of the best get to participate in hc3 ah the elephant's can take out TCS too so it's not as if he can make ha stars there to defend there's a castle over here I believe licks was on the skooled a moment ago not anymore I want to see ballista elephants I want to see ablest elephant backs chop his trees with ballistas let's go he won't do it there's no real reason to do it he needs to make sure he is double the score of licks who's just like hidden cup two licks just did not make it right I think he was beat by I think he was beat by Stark 3-1 licks played way better in this qualifier then I've really ever seen him play to be honest because we're talking hybrid maps licks is a very good team game player and licks oh wow there's a small base over here the licks is also a fantastic Wow and he's still staying alive unreal he's also good Arabia player but I have not seen licks play in tournaments with hybrid maps and that's what hidden cups all about and the guy is just I really wonder how many people think he was training with mr. yo because mr. yo teammates with licks they played together all the time and I believe that that would make a lot of sense and yo probably wants a practice partner so win or lose here I think yo would probably train with leaks so maybe if licks doesn't make it in because he he looks like he's gonna die eventually then maybe what happens is any time we see likes his strategies used its mr. yo at lick snipe the trebs normally I'd freak out about that but guys his eCos awful backed his 82 farmers look at the food Kalin holy qamar 10,000 food here we come holy crap that's crazy 82 farmers with comer who needs gold just sell it all that's ridiculous and then 7 lix is seven forms Oh No Oh God and the thing is back to also is getting relics fact also is he has gold to take look at this boom boom boom what's weird is how quickly the guys on top of the elephant move I don't have any explanation for that might be some type of drug don't do drugs kids but apparently pick Qamar for game sevens because Jesus this is crazy I like I like how he's casually farming next to all the elephants that just destroyed his castle I like hella got to the point where back there's nothing else to do so he's he's trippin down the mining camp wow what a series licks played so so well unbelievable chat licks probably doesn't watch twitch he probably doesn't care no offense but can we please salute him before we get too backed please salute him because that was incredible his performance today he was choosing different strategies he was thinking out of the box and to lose in a game seven especially like forget about the prestige forget about the competition but when there's so much money on the line and hidden kept through main event feels bad for him Bible thumps all that good stuff or bad stuff in this case back though he has never struck me as a player who's had a strong mentality in my opinion he's always been a player who's had the skills but when it when he needs to show up when it really counts he would falter and here he showed up he was down 3-1 he made some really iffy mistakes - I remember the slopes game he made some weird mistakes and the guy came back he was down 3-1 and 1 for 3 backs is confirmed to be one of the players in the main event of hidden chop now now I'm curious like with the other best of sevens coming up we'll have Velez and Ruben stock next what are the sieve choice is going to be in those best of sevens and what are the sieve choice is going to be in the main event because what we confirmed in this best of seven is Indians is not necessarily best on maps where there's fish when before everyone was picking it there are ways to counter that what we've also confirmed as Mongols are not necessarily the sieve that always wins on maps with hunt Mongols backs lost with Mongols and backs lost with Indians and so did licks how crazy is that there's nothing best of seven series with Shore fish and the hunt maps where that has happened before that's ridiculous okay well I'm gonna add his name to the bottom now on the bottom right this will be the the peace out time for YouTube YouTube I hope you enjoyed that one again a little bit of sellout I have to let people know sorry guys the main event for hidden cup will have hidden identities and it will be March 19th through the 22nd the meetup information for the two European meetups I have the big meetup announced tomorrow the other ones will be coming soon and I'll talk about that more on YouTube but backed is there backed is on the list and we need to decide who the other or sorry we don't decide we find out who the other five names are to join Hera leer embl tatto max viper vivvy and yo
Channel: T90Official - Age Of Empires 2
Views: 81,822
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: twitch, games, age of empires, aoe2, age of empires 2, age of empires II Definitive Edition, aoe2 DE, aoe2 HD, HD, Game play, casting, expert, rts, commentary, overview, Hidden Cup 3, HC3, Hidden Cup, BacT, Lyx, TyRanT, VNS, VNL, SY
Id: HQ1-LOxn1qo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 182min 38sec (10958 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 02 2020
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