TheViper vs Mr Yo | King of the Desert 3 Quarterfinal #3 (Best of 5)

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in here man all right so viper quarterfinal king of the desert three against yo thanks again to member and microsoft and pin stack and cassini and all the names all the viewers all the players viper's gonna lame which we didn't see a lot from mbl in his quarterfinal a viper wasting no time dave already heading right towards joe's base this was i was mentioning it last series like most players lame when they're serious like viper right here as he takes that elephant all the way around the far side of that wood line and yo is going to try and distract that most players lame when they're serious mbl lames for fun and then doesn't lame when he's serious yeah that's that's a good way to put it i think viper is going to try hard lame in tournaments until laming's removed from tournaments yeah like um as here he goes and joe's here to stop it now he's obviously attacking viper scout it's already quite weak i think when you're next to this woodline here dave you might try and block it viper's never he's just gonna sit oh the elephant stopped aggro interesting okay all right good for you viper's lost hp and yo has his elephant back yeah huge for yo he also did not find some of the resources at his own base so if he didn't have that elephant it could have been really awkward for him and plus viper's mongols so he would have benefited from all that extra hunt risk not paying off for viper and i'm expecting scouts here from viper would you disagree or agree on that one we did see uh we did see a drush into archers from leery with mongols yesterday so maybe viper has a similar plan still hasn't gone out to the to the berries here so we might we might be seeing josh no he's going to the berries now okay yeah he also had two on wood i feel like it's so bold from viper to send his weak scout forward again but i guess he also realizes that yo just took the time to scout his own base so there's no risk there and he might actually find these goats not yet it's a scout build it's a scout build from viper right well he'll have plenty of food and yoast slabs a good scout siv in the mid game but it can't really compete with the up times that mongols can pull off with that hunt bonus i want like i wonder about the sieve selections because me and you are both a fan of choosing your best sibs early right and then first game viper and yo we see slavs vs mongol i don't think either of us would argue these sieves as being their best in the draft i agree you took the words right out of my mouth that was going to be the next thing that i brought up by picking mongols that's because i know you dave's gotten to the point where he's just like stealing lions from me you're see what i did okay no i didn't mean to feel calm down take a deep breath in the first place deep breath i didn't mean steal all right steel is an aggressive word i apologize viper's going to go up hey i talk about random goats and birds more than you ever do nowadays so i have no i did it before it was cool yeah and viper's on the way to feudal okay so yo probably is expecting scouts and that's what he's gonna get from viper this is 18 pack really fast did viper push in yeah he didn't even push in his zebras and ostrich in the dark age he's gonna do it now well he's got some extra goats coming around too viper zico is gonna look really good here even with the the time he spent blaming attempting to lame that elephant mr yo really really nice tempting a 20 pop up and he will do that it just feels so slow compared to viper's time viper's lucky that some of that stray tc fire didn't kill that zebra i think i've seen that happen before as he was shooting at the scout from mr yo the worst is when you shoot your own sheep yeah that's the worst i wonder okay viper only has 12 hp on his scout he's definitely not in a position to attack yose when he gets the extra speed in attack um yo could be annoying with his scout and just block that stable position but at least he knows what viper's up to this is the first time in a long time we haven't really talked about map stave but it seems pretty fair overall yeah i think the adjustments they made some adjustments to these uh map generations and it's it's really looked better in the later stages of this tournament like some really really um more fair yeah maps than we've seen before and there's the stable immediately from viper he did go up on 17 pop tristan 17 fills yeah i have 17 villas sorry not pop but he's getting his eco upgrades he doesn't even need to seed farms for a while so expect a few scouts from him and also a spearman i love the forward spearman it's such a good play obviously it can't do that much damage to villagers but what it does is it it forces some defense of spearman from mr yo there's no other counter at this stage yo immediate spearman he's trying to get the wall up and he knows he needs one uh in order to do that i don't think viper's gonna let him get that one up at the front that's a lot look at yo's berries okay never mind villagers were bugged out the stable was pretty late for yo he's been in feudal for a bit well he needed he needed the spearmint first right i i think he'd need the spear before yeah the table there plus he's pushing zebra okay so lots of things to do for mr yo right now there's the spearman from the viper i'll check viper's eco he also pushed in all the use the weak scout to push in all the hunt some both players getting as much food as possible yeah and viper with two forbid spearmen on the hill just denying that well until scouts get there really nice play from him and he knows how important that hill is the main goal from yo is under there um it's going to be really tough for you to to get those walls down eventually a viper with three scouts coming in one is weak and yo he's like still pushing i'm still gonna push they're so good dude how is this a quarter final look at that he didn't even care that there was three scouts attacking him he just kept pushing it and he also walled in his woodlot how is this a quarter oh my god that was great and a viper still camping the palisade walls on that other side which yo could actually see as well yeah and we were talking you know i was talking about how open this map is and how tough it is gonna be for for yoda wall that area but his face is looking pretty secure right now yep look at vipers though he is he's going full mbl style but it's not really comparable but yeah he's gonna wall up and and sometimes dave if you're against the best of the best you can't guarantee you're gonna get fuel picks with the fast scouts you just take advantage of uh what the map will do for you yeah good micro from both there viper tried to distract the spearman get that one bill that was on her lonesome didn't work no defending on the other side this is good all-around play and i think this is an invitation for viper to consider going for something like archers now yo just now adding a scout weird why are you delayed for so long crazy he's a good player i think he just wanted to get the walls down and what's going to enable you to get the walls down spearman that's what he made like we're adding more scouts and he has a lot more spearman than i expected i thought one or two would come out but i guess now he is adding spears to match yo spears no archer range for viper just walls on the right and yeah if it's scouts if you added a lot of scouts you wouldn't be able to break through those walls yep look at how many scouts from viper seven that's who it is yo has to be careful it's tough to be in yo's position cause he doesn't know just how much viper's gonna commit her viper's gonna go ranges and the quick walls from yo the house goes down but here come the three spearmen viper's gonna have to run again all right viper backs away uh whoa a couple scouts with a death sentence there it's strange pathing there from viper yoa's economy behind this looking pretty good actually he's got a good solid number of farms he had that zebra for a long time so that enabled them to bro this level is out this level's nuts like yo having one less scalp but pulling the villes means the fight's good this level is insane viper did like no damage with the scouts all he did was force spearman production from you yeah that's it right yo is making an additional i just made one more dave and he's even added another one and viper's already at 450 food so i think viper's uptime should be faster to the next age no ranges or anything yet for him so still no sign if he's gonna make a switch or if he'll maybe stick with stables which is not that common with mongols nowadays viper zico looking good like you said five almost 600 food but yo does have slavs yeah i'm surprised he hasn't gotten wheelbarrow yet and he has slabs he also has some berries remaining he will be walled maybe not the wall he would have wanted probably would have wanted to wall to the edge but he couldn't do that he clears that up and now viper will probably use the scouts to scout the other resources on the map as he looks forward or looks towards excuse me the next age but no range tape does that surprise you or do you think maybe a stable option works against laughs i think viper just saw how good of a position his eco was in and figured i can get away with going straight castle yeah a bit late to gold i don't need archers but yeah a little bit late but i mean it's it's going to work out he's going to be up before mr yo mr yo though not too far behind and also has spearman so if viper tries to go as viper oh we forgot the blacksmith oh wow wow we were talking about how high this level is and then a little mix up like that and suddenly they're gonna go up at around the same time a viper just now clicking up 20 20 is he's going up 20 20 in 2020 fitting but it's not the most impressive time and you will do the same okay so viper if he was going ranges would have built them behind and hid them yeah and if he was going crossbow the ranges would be creating archers already so could go ranges into something like have archers which i saw him do against back i i don't think you can do that against yeah yo it's kind of that's a little bit difficult now what's what's yo gonna go here we see bloodlines for viper and second stable for yo okay so double stable knights it'd be very much like viper to make one or two step lancers at the start but i don't know if he normally he does that to raid but you can't really raid when yo is fully walled so i'm not sure about that one no i think your first priority should probably be trying to clear up the army at the at the gate there yeah two nights now mongols get camels slabs do not it's just that as the game goes on stable units is not really what you want to make as mongols ideally it's mangadai yeah we always talk about mongols you know struggling in castle age it's arguably it's the worst age because they really don't have many bonuses to come into play uh they're great imp civ they're great dark age with the hunt bonus great feudal with the time you can get up there but viper's gonna have to find a way to stall out yo until he can get the mega dive mass and i would say that castle age is the best stage for slavs because at that point you have all you have eco upgrades and you have farms that's an interesting clash of civilizations here yeah and they're they're in relatively the same position i mean viper's got wheelbarrow yo does not have wheelbarrow yet and that's basically the only difference i know these two players right now yeah a few more kills for yo but that was just on some throwaway spirits wow so that means a forward bill then he's got the numbers well he had the numbers viper's now taking them out and actually saving the wounded knight to probably keep that in the back until he has a monastery and then heal it up again they tried to do the same with the other knight and yo wisely uses the scouts okay so pikeman and boom i guess and a monastery and viper added a second tc as well with a monastery i don't love viper's tc position we we mentioned mangadai i also don't love his stone positions in fact i can't find his fur tile stone anywhere look at look at where the hills are man like does he really want to put a tc forward like that yeah can siege workshop that hill and then mangano pressure right so that's really like the only area to drop a tc yeah the stones are not going to be kind to viper going knights and monks so similar comps but joe's got the pikemen and this is the power of slavs you can afford to make knights and also ridiculous yeah the farms are so quick and you can always be great too yeah he's getting it out nice they're good upgrades and i think viper what he needs is a little bit of momentum dave before this gets out of hand so whether that's an over chop or breakthrough of some kind piper needs to start controlling this game before yo masses too many units is it just me like i'm thinking about the last viper vs yo matchups i've seen it seems like yo takes the first game every single time from what i can remember um the last two sets i remember yo never lost the game it was 7-0 for yo [Laughter] i mean yeah but he took the first game yeah yeah i think there's another set i'm remembering another set where he did that too oh there's an over chop i think oh oh the repair on the palisade oh my god we're talking about an over chop for who for who for who yo oh and viper's in i dude i didn't know where to look i didn't expect it myself you you were saying viper needs a way in here somehow and he's got two scouts in that army so i think yo doesn't even try and convert here right i guess one conversion dave he does not get the other but in the end i think viper's army's a bit trapped and he's still gotta uh find an answer to what yo has at the front of his base this is why viper didn't want to put that tc there because if yo followed up with some villagers with a siege workshop that gold would be that tc would be completely denied viper wants him to go through here viper wants him to go through so he can get two conversions he's waiting for it conversions or a trap of some kind but yo is just right through next to the butt that's a hole my turn yo it's like my turn buddy let's go and he sends the knights this way where viper's building a tc on the stone and i don't know if that was part of the plan for viper but well played because that could have been so bad if you didn't have a getaway oh but yo yo sees that tc look at how exposed that location is over there all these hills man viper can't place tcs on this map i'm thinking maybe a bit more aggression from this if it's weaker in castle age it's tough here comes the oh the siege workshop there's also pikemen out there but they won't group up with this scout's splitting off excellent micro from yo viper's gotta be really careful here could lose a monk and he will lose one what nope doesn't lose a single one and the knights are like let me out let me out you might have to delete this army like do you want to fight here or do you just delete them [Music] i think you have to delete them i would have dove in towards the monks with the two weeknights oh he only gets one all right that's worth it viper should have converted a bit more and yeah i guess that's some more value the viper got three gallons there still okay viper plugged the hole into his base that really did not look like a hole to me tristan between that house and that blacksmith i don't think viper thought it was one either and now he's going out to the left-hand side so he's gonna see if he can punch his way through joe's base i don't i don't think he can engage against his arm in the middle not yet anyway viper has 16 on stone and he's getting the stone mining upgrade you rarely see that he is worried man he's really worried about this he wants to secure the front of his face somehow and yo you should add more pipe in here oh viper oh he fails to snipe that monk which is very unfortunate for him is viper waiting for yo to open that gate or something he once in well yo doesn't have any okay he's bringing the pikemen back he has a monk he's waiting he's trying to get in the gate dude he's trying to get in the game dude he looks so sus hanging around that gate there he's trying to get in that stable's going down viper will get a castle but is it going to secure a lot of the map i think he needs it on that okay never mind between the town centers desperate times for viper but oh he takes a fight against the pikeman not the worst fight ever this is insane pressure from yo he's only he's got so much more uh pressure on the field so much more military and he's only what like eight villagers behind viper but also viper just built his first castle and he almost has the resources for a second mangudai just gets stronger and stronger throughout the game so yo needs to pick a spot and damage vipers soon oh that's a third tc fourth tc for viper on that wood line in the north that's really far away i don't yo ever finds that yo has two lonely magnels next to the wood line and he's not engaging with them against the bills or anything he sees them now dude this is this is all over the place even for us casting this like this is crazy it's amazing that these two players how many villager deaths have there been this game with all this pressure there's been like two or three not many i can always go down that's a good fight for yodo that's a very good fight and he could also get conversions yo yo is gonna is he gonna castle drop that hill he is gonna castle drop that hill here he comes more pikeman more knights and viper also wants to build a castle on the same hill dave viper's gold is there there's two golds on the left-hand side and there's two wood lines he's been taking well one wood line and then the remains of the other one needs one stone okay he has enough stone for a castle joe's placed the castle foundation stop this he can't stop this right there's nothing what's he gonna do [Music] oh he decides that there's better places for that castle okay so joe's castle seems like it's gonna go up look at all the gold vipers found on the left by the way how is there that much gold there that's crazy he found it i don't know if he's gonna keep it yo didn't know this tc was here before now he knows viper's mangady numbers are being taken out oh man the castle's gonna go up and that denies production from like both of these tc's that's halfway for ziko that's so bad for viper viper with 20 idols right now and these other villagers are exposed and where are they gonna go for a panic tc closer to joe's base this is how you need to play slabs dave all in pressure utilize the farms knights siege pikeman pressure viper before viper can get the manga dynamics we're going on the right whoa he's castling the middle of the map okay so viper's gonna i guess cockroach it up here trista yeah yeah and try and get the megadye numbers up try and get his economy rolling but mr yo with the superior economy with the superior map position and the superior military right now and joe's got to be confused now as to where viper is going to expand to because he he's denying most of these golds he's going to take out this tsum tc from viper in the north that's that's a given but he's looking to the right side now thinking is he expanding over there and he actually spotted with the monk castle yeah that's oh that's so bad for viper and here come the knights over to this side of the map i so it is wow is yo really going to dive underneath the castle no they're too weak you can't do that yeah there's too many weak knights i think yo needs to just forget about that additional castle and you see all sorts of villagers though over there with that monk who's going to dodge all the arrows too ballistics is on the way for viper it's just a couple speedy boys that'll be relic number four but yeah joe's imping now piper's villagers will die the tc's gonna go down and there's more villagers in there viper's also going to imp dave but his eco is significantly worse yeah he does he is getting the magnetite numbers up though like if you give viper like 30 manganite he's always got a chance to come back into the game but he's losing all the villagers in the north now the tc finally goes down even his market goes down he'll have to rebuild that geez man this pressure the level of we talked about how good the first and second quarter final was today uh or were today but this is on another level and i love resources right now what resources doesn't have resources it's bad but he oh it's also the right play because getting bracer and chemistry will make the magnetite even stronger i just don't know if he's going to be able to get eat manga die or make any tech switch whatsoever i wanted to mention how important this castle is in the back of yo's base he knows that viper could maybe trade in that area and pressure those gold so he's denying viper's golds and also protects his own main stone is in the middle of the map yep so he can't take that to get more castles up i don't think he sees the oh he does see the stone in the right so that's a possibility but he has to survive until that point he's actually continuing to expand to the stone on the far left of the map tristan viper is going everywhere right now 95 maybe are the map explored viper sees a lot of this map oh yo found his tc on the left he's like what are you doing over here hmm it's gotta be so confusing viper is everywhere but how on earth does viper survive if cavalier and play barton comes in and viper can't afford all the upgrades for mangudai like rip those villagers and rip that tc and viper now runs back to his main base with very weak mangudai he's still producing magdai he's still fighting these knights trying to whittle down the numbers but yo not letting him do that pressuring all these random tc's killing all these villagers on the left oh boy it's worth reminding everyone that slabs do not get paladin so they get full upgrades on cavalier they have awesome farmers but no paladin so it's not like frank's where yo might have the resources and the time to go paladin he does cap out with what he's about to go toward i think for yo he's got a he's still on a bit of a clock here uh well i see he's on a clock he's way ahead but he's still got to be careful not to throw too many of these units away and push vipers castles first and foremost i'd love to see a castle somewhere in the middle of the map from yo and take out the castle on the right from viper because that's a production building for him that's really important for him yeah i don't think you can go for the one in the main base i think also just raiding like viper is he can only fight in one spot with the magnetic you can spread out the cavaliers and yo he's just gonna dive in okay or not never mind well he's bringing he's bringing his rams and he has two trebs too yeah maybe you sacrificed the army has to be careful and there's the castle in the middle of the map from yo so while viper's distracted over here repairing his castle and trying to snipe these trebs yo is gonna make a castle in the middle and then try and trip that other other castle position from viper the viper has to hit and run for the manga that's successful from yo raids from yo on the right too those cavaliers are gonna do so much damage he knows viper's gotta be out there dave viper is not repairing his castle does he believe he's gonna save that no i think he knows it's dead yeah bye-bye bye bye not looking good for the snake raids from yo and trebs from yo in the middle now dave this is over yeah yo it's gonna take game one there's no way mr yo mr 7-0 maybe getting ahead of ourselves here and viper starts slow though it's it's like you see viper lose a game and then you just know he's going to bounce back it's dangerous well that was i have to say that was an incredible performance from you the amount of things he was doing in like early feudal and the amount of adjustments he was making just to adapt to viper's viper's play and viper's choices was insane this is what it just snowballed this is one of the highest level games you and i have seen in a long long time like high level from viper higher level from yo and maybe just maybe that castle age is what made the difference because slavs strongest in castle age mongols probably at their weakest in castle age i'm not sure if viper could have done more the stones were in unfortunate positions but uh i i didn't see a lot from viper when it comes to the counters beyond that one little hole in the wall yeah i think he needed to do he needed to do more military on the field earlier to get that position in the middle of the map because like you said his map was just bad in terms of hills on wood lines and like his stone position and whatnot so he needed to adapt a little bit more to get tc's uh forward yeah it's tough like you know it's so tough for me to know what to do in that situation because do you want to go archers and camels if you do that you're going to be behind an eco compared to slavs they still have the answers to that i really i come back to feudal age typically mongols kill two or three villagers and that early pressure smothers people but yo think about what yo did though he made five spearmen before he made a scout yeah five spearmen walled the important areas and then he could force fights on the berries with viper there with his five spearmen and viper had nowhere else to hit and then you give yo such a tiny little advantage doesn't matter against what player it is and he's going to snowball that to victory uh the castle age and the imperial age was fun to watch i had the most fun watching them in feudal it was just viper uh being proactive yo being reactive and it was near perfection from both okay so it was 95 of the map explored for viper and didn't matter for him with that economy from mr yo who's apparently locked in we'll see if viper can respond uh you almost always expect it dave viper tends to start slow i actually just gave viper a one on my scoreboard because i'm so used to it i'm so used to not even fight for win not against yo dude not against you you brought it up in dark age 2 with their sieve drafts which i'll now show on screen uh they didn't go for their strongest picks joe went for slabs first and that was his final pick and then viper went with mongols so there's still lots of top tier civilizations to pick from mods upgrade the update the co-caster command i'm not i'm not nilly i'm not german what's going on come on how many pods do you have how many mods do you have tristan aren't you a mod i guess you're casting so i don't do mod work i believe that how many mods do you have i don't do mod work fair enough [Laughter] that's fair they're they're all coming out now uh willis is going to get it cool all right so dave um nice to know you're not nearly otherwise i would have been very confused sound a lot different how does viper approach this with his sieve selection does he go for something in the middle or does he go for i don't know lithuanians mayans for example he goes lithuanians okay i think he just like if you're a viper i think he's confident enough if he gets a sieve that's on the same level or with a slight advantage he could just carry it home to victory yeah so i think he takes the second game here uh with lithuanians or maybe maybe he goes mezzo yeah i mean it's hard to say i'm also wondering how yo is going to approach this because if you feels like yeah like aztecs would probably be his strongest pick but i'd normally would see yo as a guy who would always pick a strongest and he didn't do that in game one so who even knows yeah but neither player really picked the strongest in game one i know oh we got the game we got the game we got our answers then i don't have to guess anymore all right well we're both wrong okay tell me because de won't launch i have to reopen my game so just tell me what the sieves are we've got a malian versus kilt match up which is very interesting oops sorry guys and tristan i know you can't see it yet but these players are like same postal code basically they're close to each other and it's really open too okay so i'm stoked this will be fun uh everyone just say one moment please with a smiley face in chat uh as i reopen my game we're patient dude i'm just thinking about the possibilities like it's gonna be fun celts with the faster militia the laming that is probably happening right now if i'm not mistaken i'll be in in like 10 seconds dave and we'll speed right up to real time all right let's go guys mallians vs celts so yo went for his second to last pick leiper went for a pick i think it was number three what the they're so close what is it they're a screen apart and look at viper's goals all of his goals are forward they're in your space holy cow like this map gen is not favoring the viper that's for damn sure viper playing as the mallions yo playing as the kel to dave which sieve would you favor if they're close together i favor celts probably you get the militia out faster you're going for josh anyway you can get some pressure down it's just what do you do in castle age against malians right and what do you do going into feudal age too also the berries are forward yeah like the baby is gonna have to do something he's gonna have to go aggressive here you can't i don't think you can play this defense even mbl wouldn't play this defense yeah so what's what was really going to be fun to look at is their scouting patterns look at yo he's heading to the north because that's where players normally would be so he's not going directly to where viper is and viper's actually staying at home uh just scouting his base and he's probably going to go to the right corner and he very well may pass joe's base and at that point yo could be making militia so we'll see but scouting will be huge so it's going to be very interesting to me how viper decides to play this game because the golds are just going to impact everything all this decision making is going to be centered around you know keeping those gold safe keeping the berries safe i i think we're going to see a premium dress here i would imagine that that's very common with celts but no never mind there's the mill or yo up you know from a mentality standpoint it's definitely not the worst to see you have forward resources because then you know you have to be aggressive on a map you should probably be being aggressive on anyways but against yo we saw how he was able to deny the stones from viper for a while look yo was never expecting the tc to be there nope he even saw the magic carpets too and he still went in oh man and so he's going to see the berries though and he's going to see that hill and he's going to be like all right but viper saw yo scout come from the north so i think he's going to scout more to the north than he would have originally done he's not going to know where yo is at all nope there he goes he's looking around this is where yo would normally be he's like there'll be camels over here what is this what is this wide open on the front he is making a barracks dave i think he might regret the um the mill decision once he finds joe's location maybe getting a little bit of military out would have paid off now guys viper pushed to a deer or zebra i guess so it definitely wasn't a game where viper sought out the scout early and while the map is rough for him if he gets surprised her into the tc nope [Music] thanks to the magic carpet there's the barracks so viper sees that early he knows the dress is coming he had to suspect that though is you even going for a drush though i think it normally comes i think yo is going for man at arms oh he's going men at arms yeah interesting and that i mean we'll see on the plus side for viper he already has a lot of food income so he can make a few militia get the militia numbers higher than celts take map control then go feudal but if you gets man at arms at viper's base you just blink and they're there because they're so fast with celts and then viper might not have the defense is viper gonna go the way he's building his building here is he gonna go for the mega wall or is he just walling those like protecting those berries yeah i think it's there just for later but he's going up to feudal after this this is a sick build from viper this would be 27 pop feudal after the militia and this might force this is going to force a reaction from yo and that's not what yo would want when he's going to be in feudal before viper viper taking the goats but getting a hit from that militia so only two hp difference between the scouts here would be so good for viper to clear oh doesn't know before they become men at arms okay i lied he knew he needs a quick wall he quick walls he quick walls the goat is there as a tasty little distraction yo we'll likely go for four dave i think you normally go three but against drush flush adding four makes a lot of sense piper's just protecting the goat at this point it's the goat bringing the coat in and uh for militia yo engages before upgrades probably something the viper be okay with but he might get destroyed with a really good fight actually oh my god great fight dude oh my god viper's gonna regret that now here comes the pressure you have the forward berries you have the forward gold and your opponent still has three minute arms left over and a scout with 17 hp that's it's not good for viper and i think if you compare the players i think viper thrives when the players would be a bit further apart he's definitely more defensive of the two i think back to the no wall mod show match they played and they were right next to each other and joe's pressure was suffocating and again we saw suffocating pressure from viper early in the previous game smart move from viper to pull the villagers off the hill that we're on the berries do you think a tower here from yo since you're so close do you think that would be effective on the gold fold you go right now bold yo would do it yeah but current yo and current meta i don't think we're seeing a lot of forwards but maybe after you take military control because the worst thing you can do is place the tower and have no nothing to back it up but yeah definitely something to think about i mean viper's still on that gold as he goes two ranges dangerous for viper he's gonna have to really micro the hell out of these archers and yo arty with the skirmisher on the field so that's going to be tough for viper like just look at the military account right now what are you doing for viper is viper's macro behind this and also his patience i i think that was all intentional to get as much gold as possible oh he's housed that's not good yeah it's he's really under pressure right now now he's very much under pressure he has no gold options too like both of the secondaries are forward he has nothing to go to if he wants gold and fletching or yo with more ranged units yeah i mean fortunately for viper he's able to take some gold for now but dave i think he's gonna need to use his micro here he certainly has it [Music] but with man at arms and skirms and archers here viper not looking good at all did he lose his scalp by the way uh i thought it was still alive somewhere no he's got it he's got it okay i think he should scout the north of the map it's at the back of the base yeah how many look for a neutral gold that he can sneak out to yeah like how many times have you seen viper do that is find a neutral gold and survive it's a bit harsh to say he should do something like that but he really has to right now stable hidden stable from viper he knows he needs military advantage in feudal age to push this back he knows he needs access to that gold and he's hiding it behind so that you won't know that the scouts are on the way will yo advance further though will he spot it when it matters the most dave he will he sees it he sees it and what's the response from you is there an immediate response spearman right away so this is actually this is going to be really good for viper oh not so much on the wood line as the man but um good sneak around from you i think with the amount of range units viper has in a few scouts this could be awkward for yo if you don't get more archer numbers i don't know the worst thing for viper right now is he's constantly being idled off these resources yeah like his military count is fine what he wants to tech into is fine but it's hard to do that if you're not accessing gold you're not on berries you're off wood for 30 seconds it's really hard to manage that and here he comes with the three scouts dave remember one's very weak so it's basically two and one eighth of a scalp math is hard but something like that yo has been on one freaking range he hasn't gone to two this entire time so this is in my eyes a little bit risky when you are so close to viper but also pressuring the gold never lets up he'll go back for a second snipe a skirmisher then come back to the gold tranquils yeah even letting the villager go by here knowing how important the army numbers can be it's the scouts have done nothing for viper thus far all but the micro to loot four archers around pick off the spear this is dangerous for yo he's got viper military on either side of him now yeah i think yo already with the defensive tower okay that's good he's trying to get the walls up but i feel like he needs another production building of some kind because viper can snowball here i was thinking make your own scouts it's not ideal just just now gets the wall down to deny those scouts coming in viper will assume that's fully walled i think he will assume that's really wrong with the archers he's gonna no he's gonna click through oh he's it's wide open there's so much eco back here but now yo has at least had the time to come back to defend that choke yo this is so greedy from yo but viper just doesn't realize that's opened up oh boy it would have been different if he got the scouts back there he could have harassed the woodline he could have kept those skirbs running around in the back of joe's base forever while he solidifies the front of his base but on the bright side for viper that entire time he's on gold he could finish off some of his berries only one ville behind somehow or even somehow the uptime there should be a pretty big difference on um yo was lacking bid axe for a while so his eco was not as strong as you would think he will probably hold and look towards castle age can viper break through i think viper's in trouble if he doesn't do more damage well look at his resources man he's not that far away from clicking up he's stopped archer production completely so he's going to have the gold and he's going to have the food once wheelbarrow completes you know viper's not going to be too far behind wonder and also remember malians camels malians bloodlines celts do not have that and viper will have an edge when it comes to the stable units but why is stonewalling from yo he adds the stable he's on his way you're right viperware is not as far as behind as i would have expected uh considering he didn't even take 300 food at his berries yet yeah he's gonna he's still gonna need to do something though at the front he actually rang the time bell did he low legend here yeah okay he is working on walling it there's still a lot to wall but houses on the left side houses in the north things will be a lot more secure for viper as he sniped a villager on the farms that was the wheelbarrow bug what what is that so i think so the reason he might have rung the town bell is because wheelbarrow does not affect villager this is a bug that oh yeah yeah yeah okay wheelbarrow does not affect villagers that were farming prior to the upgrade so if you re-task them they then work that's faster dude can we talk about how yo has a mill in the back of his base and he chose to build all those farms forward that's i mean i'm not the voice of reason when it comes to farms i know haha funny funny but that's huge when you need farms for nights double stable from viper yeah it should be the same for both it's just can viper defend can he defend that gold position i know he needs something there it's completely open that tower isn't really going to help against castle age units that's in the middle of the two bases and yeah but to be fair dude it's right beside you yeah you didn't have to walk very far so oh man but it's exciting it's the play against viper's defense because viper will have knights and camels yeah and you always saw this stable too so i don't i don't know maybe he thinks if i pressure the gold viper's not going to have gold to produce knights yeah so like if i get on that quick and i can kill the first couple nights then i'll be in a good position as the scouts loop around viper still has those alive and now that he sees the monastery i think he wants to keep those alive yeah i think it's wise for you to never show siege until the monks are out then it's a different situation also i love the addition of spearman but viper even using the three skirmishers he has remaining to take out whatever spearman he can always hasn't been too successful with it yet keeping the scouts alive keeping the skirms alive scorpion out first for mr yo we tristan we are going to see an all in castle age battle here in the middle as it should actually i'm super stoked for this this might not last all that long either this could end soon uh it reminds me of a really weird like these unit comps reminds me of a micro mania uh like stage get like four spearmen three archers three skirms two scorpions four nights now micro like what so awkward they are both one screen away from their base and they're fighting it's crazy they're so close together oh the micro from viper that was huge for him i'm not sure about the camel hp because that's really weak but he was able to snipe the monk and prevent a camel from getting converted and now swoop in with the knights ooh killing his own units with the manganese two spearmen of his going down the knights are going to pick off the manganell yes that was clutch from viper because as we know if he loses a fight here or a big once they're still alive it's probably game over field mr yo be careful with your monk monks are not safe monks are safe maybe they're not i don't know limited time only viper adding a town center okay do you agree with the town center being on the stone yes you're gonna have to like down that hill somehow because you definitely don't want to build it forward because like you would think lock down the gold but that just gives yo a building to attack you with the siege if you build the castle when you get the stone to like the left of that gold perfect i think i think it's pretty good because then you can build another one later on once you've secured this middle uh hill gonna take some time to get the stone for that castle i think this is gonna come down to how the micro is and the conversions and yo's army's only about to get stronger as pikeman is on the way yo adding a second tc too right also yo uh needs to sort out some farms man okay he's he's back to it monastery down for viper so does he have another one no that's his only one dave so no more monks for him i think that could hurt he's got three on the field which is okay trying to go in with the camels now the camels aren't gonna do anything against those pikemen and look the scouts are still around limited time only tristan that's what i said viper might be left in king of the desert for a limited time only man look at the pikeman the pikemen should wreck the camels unless i'm missing things here no mobility mobility from the camels viper's gonna take that monk get out of there the monk survives interesting the viper needs another unit man he needs something straight pikeman counters him at the moment pikeman scorpion kills camels won't cut it the monks won't even cut it you can't make any more monks the magnel is decent yeah we'll have to avoid the tc fire there he's not doing so he is doing so an attack round from viper big shot so many of the pikemen are weak the monks probably gonna die no he decides not to attack the monk goes back and the manganese shots this is so micro intensive for both i'm so stressed i'm not supposed to feel stressed i'm watching the game three seasons insane series so far i have to say yeah like if viper wins this game you always got to be thinking only viper only viper can survive that with the elvis golds forward and it's kind of like it's a sick kind of karma too because for years like a decade viper's been getting the best match yeah yeah there's only one player with the map hacks emote on their channels right now he's down 1-0 and he's gotten arguably two pretty bad maps so far this series and he's had to adapt he's done a really good job i think yo while i i like the second tc approach i think he should be going a bit more for the kill piper gets one two was that three conversions there or just two i think three he got there right he's repairing the manganol too is it going to survive it oh my god that's surviving two nights it won't two nights it won't oh one night what wow look at the score the magnel stays alive and yo has got to be really careful now also it's kind of a race to a castle because they both are on stone viper's even going for another stone on the right right hand side of his base oh the magnolia uh i don't understand what's happening the shot from viper and the swoop in with the knights and camels and the pikemen are out of position yo gets two conversions though yo got two conversions on the knights now he can attempt to snowball this i think viper's just got to distract this army until he gets reinforcements oh boy and viper's tower could go down viper's making a panic monastery there's a knight there viper has no counter vapor has no military dave nothing he's got no military he almost has enough stone for a castle but he doesn't have the military to uh take control of the position to put the castle down no gold no gold for the snake even one back gold would have saved him he's castling the secondary stone on the side he's gonna have to give up this main area and tristan he doesn't have any access to gold do you think that these knights and camels fleeing will find a gold somehow well i think it's good for viper that he's distracting that many pikemen yeah over there but even if he does find a gold like what's he gonna do the only one he can access is north if viper wins this and i think we can all agree that it is unlikely at this point because of the lack of gold but if he were to win this this would probably go down as one of his best comebacks ever considering the stage and considering the map it would be unbelievable it'd be a classic but it's mr yo mr yo is right behind him when it comes to eco mr yo has his resources he has control he kills that army in the north viper's going to find that gold viper's going to find that gold izzy viper will see the goal sees the goal he's making gabetos too which is very good against pikeman but castle drop from yo this is such a strong position he controls all three of those golds now with this castle and he can pressure the tc from viper viper has a manual out though well i think the castle goes up it's just a matter of how many villagers viper can kill i think the answer's one piper's tc's are about to get wrecked like he while he found gold is going to have very little farming uh economy in a moment yeah i'm not i'm not betting on viper's unit choice here i hate you oh god you and nelly have been out dad joking me today and i'm a little bit concerned yeah i think at this point yo's just got to make sure that the kabeto mass doesn't happen and if it does that he's prepped at home to defend because at the front he's basically stealing piper's gold at this point i think you just gotta get get better you better step it up dude why are you silent did you like switch to face cam are you like looking right at them oh sorry my mic was muted okay anyways we're back 12 on food for viper but i have a feeling even that's going to change because of how many farmers like he's adding farmers right behind tc's that are about to go down yo do you see the counter attack from viper look gabetos huge counter from viper [Laughter] let's go in dude they're going in there's being a micro nerd and then there's what viper has to do right here man viper still has 90 villager any other player would be dead i'm not sure how he's accomplished that exactly right and he is picking up relics he does have that gold for a limited time only the gabettos one of which goes down so fifty percent of that counter has been dealt with dave yo is going to go in i think yo could choose anything right now he can go he could go hal bram he could go paladin he could go right now it's so open viper's face too he could just go like cavalier raids yeah and and viper all he just dives all his military under viper's buildings just to kill villagers yeah and i think he's still he still wins this game wow it's intense stuff viper without any gold at the moment he will have castles but castles will go down pretty quickly to the celt siege and that kelt seat is gonna be a common dave we've got 41 on food 21 on gold 24 on wood for yo i mean perfect eco balance piper he's he's building castles to survive at this point but he's just he's not pushing forward at all he's not threatening you at all i i don't see how he ever wins this game yeah he's he's done so much to even stay in this to be at 100 villagers right now is so impressive but woad raiders being produced from yo at least a few of them he's got the manganals he's got the rams viper he's done a good job the last two games finding the extra stones and gold i can't help but feel like if this gold came in faster it could have been a different situation for him those gabettos might run right into these scorpions and they only have 30 hp they are weaker than a villager hello ladies ouch yikes dude that's not what he needed that's really not what he needed they're not the cheapest unit either oh or die i think viper's about to go down two games not the best tournament so far for the uh the gl team right no they've been struggling a little bit here at tattoo doubt earlier now stable switch from viper is he going full light cav he's about to go all right he's going he's actually going him so i mean there's insane he's actually insane dude okay i really hope yo goes for i don't think he should but it almost seems like with this many scorpions he wants to go on the right side i profound the gold on the right side you had outposts out there so he'll be aware of that yo what is what is yo choosing to do here he's dave he's getting siege engineers is this heavy scorpion i don't i can't see it it's so like it's so immobile i know it's gonna take you forever to push with a heavy scorpion see is he sending more he's sending more villes to wood and stone look at those resources he could be researching she jonathan right now he also it was very slow to adding he's trebs going trebs that's it just traps spend your resources yo uh can you imagine like what if it's a bit of overconfidence from him and then viper comes back he has quite a few jebedo infantry armor so another treb [Laughter] well he does have a jump start on quite a few castles here biker will lose one if not two i think if yo just like if he castles that neutral gold on the side or it like secures that nutribullet to the right what does viper do well he's got the rally open to raids if viper could get in there with light cavs so also just protecting your eco well viper's base is open now that that first castle or sorry second castle goes down there's so many it's hard to know viper good recognition to make houses because he's losing so many castles he'll run out of pop space another tread from you oh help okay here we go box formation in the middle trebs helps manganese that's the way that looks joe's been practicing with the extreme ai seeing the extreme ai do that heavy scorpion with celts there we go hog it's over i it has to be i mean only viper could come back pure celtica so have higher hp on the scorpions nothing's gonna kill that mass only thing viper could do is get some crazy counters in cause yo so vulnerable at home with no castles there well look at how house viper is right now yeah he's making a few more trebs are exposed oh dave i want to see a scorpion shot on these two beds so badly oh oh my god it's ladies night in yo's base right now oh my for no not the gibeto uh yeah half his military goes down and gg what are we seeing here dave that's it we the memes anytime we we'd see yo play for weeks after that 7-0 show match and after that at 4-0 victory against viper in red bull was mister 7-0 mr 11-0 now it's mr 2-0 add it all up that's a pretty big count viper has three games he has to win or he's out of king of the desert there was about a 30 40 second gap there in castle where viper almost had enough stone for a castle to place near his main gold but he stopped military production and yo snowballed through when he went in with the camels remember that he went in with his camel mass and then he had nothing to follow up with sure that was i think that was the point in the game where viper lost i think it has to be said like you and i as casters we we normally we give credit to the players where it's due but also has to be said one of the most brutal map gens of viper um three forward golds that can between two very close players that can decide a game and there's really nothing he can do about it now he has to win the next three games um for people not realizing that viper and yo are close and that viper is the winner of all king of the deserts all hidden cups all nacs in the past i would like to remind you that viper is known for comebacks it's not just his dominance he he's always lost a game or two in best of fives best of sevens he's known for comebacks uh he came back in a best of five final in 2013 or 2014 or something against yo after yo was up 2-0 uh came back to win 3-2 think of a hidden cup 2-dave remember we're like is viper about to lose he was down 3-1 to max came back so uh he still has a lot to show us here i'm sure we're gonna see peak viper here i think i mean you're gonna see a super try hard peak viper in these next i'm gonna say three games i think he's to take it you really get it back i think he's bringing it the thing is i've normally i i would be like yeah viper's going to step it up but i don't know if he could step it up any higher than what he did in game one and game two like they're both playing at peak form right now so viper's gonna need to at the very least go with some of his stronger sieves right he's gotta yeah think about the sieves to use though use mongols use malion yeah i mean yo didn't use super super top tier sieves either but if you look at what viper has left lithuanians mayans and then uh berbers and ethiopians yeah like lithuanians and mayans are really really solid in this situation and then berbers and ethiopians is going to be the question yo needs one more win he has incas frank's vikings aztecs and yeah vipers got lithuanians mayans berbers and ethiopians i expect uh lithuanians against aztecs um but yeah viper's gotta get some wins here hey thank you to all the twitch primers out there today there's been a lot of new twitch primes and receptions gaming now they're prime gamers i'm calling it twitch prime it's not no they're prime we got prime gamers here man we don't have twitch primers all right fine well either way uh thank you to everyone in chat we have a lot of people here watching appreciate it yeah of course we made that little video where uh zesty girth said twitch prime i think it was right when they changed it to prime gaming but same difference this has been a prime quarter final dave that was bad sorry 10k viewers dude and you know second channel i've had 10k viewers yeah that's exciting better watch your step man insane that's awesome remember after this best of five we will have a best of five between hera and leary in the final quarter final of king of the desert three but most people showing up now we're probably not expecting this and it looks to me like they have launched it damn it okay chat reminds me to restart my game in between games i don't know why this bug is happening again but i'll be in in just a sec dave if you could tell me at least what the sieves are if you see it it is oh i'm so nervous right now lithuanians versus aztecs we knew this was coming though yeah yeah i'm restarting my game now thanks it's weird how it didn't happen for the first half of the day i don't know what i'm doing a quest thank you aoe2 hostage thank you for the prime and this game loves viper dude it gave him two awful maps and now it's given him a viper map and i love it i couldn't love it more i've never loved a viper map so much in my life tristan okay well he needs it he he truthfully deserves it does he not does he not deserve that yeah he does all right everything will even out if viper gets a crazy map as well and guys here we are game number three lithuanians versus aztecs i love both these civilizations yo loves to lame with aztecs and i'll have a look oh yeah i mean yo's map is not awful but viper's map is pretty freaking good just the berries being back in the main gold beanbag i mean he he might have issues with wood uh but at least he has two back options and it's just so much compared to the last two games it's so yeah both play these bases are pretty close i'd say that viper has a little bit more wall potential as we catch up here but viper running forward early dave do you think okay i'm gonna use a quote from like 2014 interview when viper came back when he was down two games against yo to win 3-2 in maldives in the interview while yo was sitting in the same room viper was asked what were you thinking after game two and viper i quote said and he said it respectfully he said he's like after game one i was like this is fine but after game two i thought wow i could actually lose this so he's like wow i could actually lose this and uh yeah then he came back so don't be surprised if viper can bring this back he said that guys he said that with yo sitting right next to him and yo just looks so sad oh man and the funny thing is i don't remember like really any part of those games other than like i think there was a double lame maybe but uh i remember the interview yeah i i remember watching a lot of those games it was a very different time back then but mr yo has only gotten better against viper over the last year and he's been facing up against viper for half a decade it's really cool to see that too two legends facing off it's just a shame that it's in a quarterfinal can happen yo getting an extra hit on viper's scout there with his eagle actually judged the distance perfectly and now he sees the elephant viper's going out for it early that's why i want yo to take that yeah yo wants a veal pig badly he went to the wood line when viper had just one on the left side lakers got five now on wood in total and really wants to wall up i guess yo researched loom by the way and that was earlier than expected so that's why it shows that he's behind in bills but no losses for either player yet why did he get loon maybe he was housed viper was over there if you look at viper scouting so i think he was expecting viper to attack him much like yo was doing to viper at the moment he was really trying to get a ville pick here like really being annoying what stupid is as he attacks the ville okay loom's in now viper's trying to quick while i'm in we all knew that was gonna he was gonna attempt it at least yeah what's stupid about all that is that now at this point i'm still pretty sure that that scout dies to the eagle if viper fights in dark age so there's just nothing you can do except do what viper did there 35 to 41 it'd be close uh one second something's going on with my power i think so just talk about viper's position i guess viper's position it looks pretty good to be honest he's gonna wall to his tc and he's gonna have secure back gold secure berries and secure wood lines for the time being i'm assuming that you're uh you're still live here tristan so i'm gonna pretend like you are as he goes up to the feudal age before mr yo and mr yo is going for men at arms most likely i'm back sorry i guess my power is like flicked on and off and my uh my backup battery's saving us here thank god man at arms for yo and viper's going scouts right okay cool and viper's already fully well he must be like just sigh of relief yeah after your last game i mean the first game he he had he didn't have an awful map the first game it just wasn't conducive to a good castle h he did fail the lame there on the first game but that second game definitely he had a disadvantage these walls from from yo is this is this mbl like holy cow i mean he should wall up especially if viper's going for scouts but i'm a bit surprised that he's walling so close to his town center on the right side both players i think each game both players have pushed all the zebra in ostrich i know maybe viper missed one last game yeah the funniest one oh geez all the games are blurred already but i think it was game one was hilarious yeah like joe has three scouts after his scout he's still pushing in the zebra very bold and at arms for yo viper already with that stable on the bright side for viper he can't really be threatened by the man at arms and on the bright side for you it's the same i don't see any holes here yeah we'll see what the the follow-up is here i could see yo just kind of camping on that stable i don't think it's within range of the tc if he attacks from the left-hand side he's not going to find many areas to pressure i think what's dumb is you can't really control where exactly they are on that stable i think two out of the four units would get attack or get hit by the tc yeah at this point it's attacking walls if you're yo and keeping your mana arms is alive for as long as possible as he's now even sending a spear forward is your power back on by the way yes i think so are you are you in the dark right now like what's wrong yeah the the lights never flickered off for me but they were in the hallway i don't know what happened but the backup like generator in um like the little battery backup in my girlfriend's room was making a really loud noise so i was concerned that something was happening in there but we're good okay yo ops to attack the wall near the stone viper's gonna have to address this somehow forward spear from yo is really really good if he gets it over here quick enough okay viper can't engage here now okay viper also maybe expecting to be able to engage and all the timing so perfect i'm really interested in how they play this long term joe's got to be super careful not to send individual units forward because viper will pick them off now well i think he won't be super unhappy about getting a spearmint picked off if he gets a couple hits no he's not going to notice in time for free yep free kills for free yo does need to be careful with the fruit bushes because there is a gap behind there after he brings in the fruit yeah man like do you go spears and eagles long term if you're yo do you switch into a range viper has a range now i'm not sure yet i feel like you have to go eagles at some point just to contest the relics right yep both you don't want viper to get all the relics you don't want yo to get all the relics either right both sieves benefit from that you got lithuanians with the extra attack and then aztecs with the extra gold that's pretty cool how we have the clash of the relicsives yeah i really i like viper's uh viper's position here better than yours viper's eco seems really clean proper amount on berries it's almost it's almost like if viper doesn't have all three golds for it and he's able to wall it's a completely different game very clean okay call me crazy all right don't actually call me crazy but what if yo sells all the stone buys food and just goes all in three or four barracks eagles and pikeman 1tc i would love i would love to see it i'd love to see how a viper responds to that yeah i think it i think it could work to be honest you just gotta win like the first couple engagements i think you can't let viper mass uh knights cause then you're gonna be you have some problems yeah the risk there is that you'll have less eco overall yeah but i think if you get to the monks and the eagles and the pikes bit faster could be good and plus he's already pretty far behind in terms of control at the moment let's see made the market i'd love to see him do that so one thing that's great for viper here he's tracking the eagle from yo and at throughout castle age both of these players are going to want to go for relics viper has so many scouts on the field he's going to find where all the relics are in feudal age is three closer to him i guess that one in the middle is slightly that's the only one yo sees it's the only one yo sees all right yo was able to pull off a pretty solid up time without deleting anything so that's that's much better than what i suggested almost like to see since this army comp's gonna be super gold heavy i'd like to see yo make another mining camp behind that gold but he only has seven on gold right now he is the first one up to castle age viper is gonna be there about 30 seconds viper okay so let's talk about the downside of viper's current position the skirmisher's useless and if he's going to go into nights you can't make a mini version of a knight you have to wait until you're in castle age so this is some time for yo to get some momentum and do a lot of damage i don't think you can do damage early though because like you just think about how weak eagles are you need the mass first yeah and also like they produce so slow in in feudal age and he's only producing spearmint right now okay there he kills up a couple eagles surprised to see him make as many spearmen as he did is he concerned about this army i guess viper is forcing a reaction from him double stable for viper and look at the way he's setting up his base now he's fully walled that front side he's going to try and wall the right side of his base as well he's being annoying with the scouts and skirmishers he might be in here with them no way he's gonna choose oh that's huge he's in and viper will gain reward in multiple ways he'll get the vil picks and also yo has to send all this military back in castle age to deal with this that's the time that viper needed he's getting so much time from this so much time from this he still has the skirmishers you said they were useless dude they can kill the spearmen now four plus three attack on the eagle scouts now that they're cast eagles so it should clear up everything but just the time viper has oh that was that was so good for him sniping a ville idol villagers yo ziko's mess viper in good position to deal with whatever yo is going to throw at him he lost three spearmen in that battle too those would have really helped him in in castle age yeah excuse me got a bug in my throat here no second tcn i don't think he should dave also no monastery yet yeah well he's got three he's got three barracks right and he lost a couple villagers there he had some idol time so i don't think he can afford to go with another tc just yet and now vipers and castle age with two stables pumping and he's getting the monastery right away i like how he's using most of his buildings as a wall it just looks good style points and second tc for viper on that tiny little wood liner yeah dude i i saw this and my next question was where is the second tc gonna be and will he over chop but i guess he's he's content with that for now now this is joe's turn to try and break through and viper is well aware of this dave he's going to have a second layer of walls behind yep viper can pick these two eagles in the middle too sloppy from yo let those get away from him i think we've seen my difference between mobility and non-mobility viper's been so good speed i think you know i think viper went in with all of the scouts but his auto scout no way i would be i mean it's viper i expected from him this is a good fight for viper at the start he loses it now well it's it's still a good fight for him look at these eagles like you just got to prevent the mass and he saves the wounded he saves the wound at night he's gonna have monks out on the field going for relics anyway so he can heal that up later oh really fast conversion yeah unfortunate now viper's trying to dive for the monk he's not gonna get it i don't think joe's eco has been in tatters ever since viper got through he's only at nine on food he's one tc which is probably the plan but he doesn't have plus two armor yet he doesn't even have forging yet he doesn't have a real threat for viper and viper's just gonna boom on up he's gonna boom on up and he's gonna have the better military too and the relics are coming in too so plus one for the knights on every relic he brings in mr yo does not see the relics on either side of him viper knows where they're at and he actually has three nights on the right three knights on the left there's about to be an overchop at the back of yo's base he's 18 wood away 15 wood away if he had bow saw that would already be open that's why you don't get both this is why you skip eco upgrades okay the house is there now the overchops there i don't think viper necessarily wants to go in i think he just wants to know where joe's at yeah he'll love to see those eagles back at home tc for yo now on the gold i'm hearing the relics dave that's relative yeah and he's going to the right to bring in his third two and yo actually had a converted knight there viper can oh not quick wall it out i guess there was a hole there in trouble with holes next to his blacksmith yeah seriously all right he'll deal with that with the other couple nights it's annoying but it's nowhere near the amount of devastation that viper applied earlier 50 bills versus 43 but it is 18 military verse 13 and we're talking aztec monks and soon pikeman i still think viper can wipe that army if he engages directly with all his military who cares about pikeman when you get all this extra attack right yeah who cares about slow pikemen when you can just run around with your knights yeah and like yo his base right now dude as soon as he chops the wood on the left he's gonna have problems with the wood on the right because we're back to the tiny host people that we were talking about yesterday this base is so cramped three tcs for yo eco's looking good now actually he's gotta snowball something against viper is there an area of concern for viper as far as future resources go would oh yeah what is the concern thinking maybe the stone and the gold on the front as well viper goes in tries to anyways loses the knight and runs back so both players knocking on each other's doors viper is almost getting that relican yes monk gets the relic in before uh dies to the eagles and now those knights are plus three okay so yeah is in with eagles and vipers knights are not in the correct position to deal with this i don't think yo is going to find much to damage here well you're certainly not going to find enough damage to justify losing all the eagles because i see that coming soon as viper is bringing all the cav back that's a panic pc for viper that's a good can clear the army in the middle too he can clear all these eagles and then he just goes to the middle and wipes oh it's gonna be a slaughter right before armor oh and viper blows them in they're not escaping and and truthfully viper should just open up the walls and go hit the other army now yep he can and it's super slow oh the army bogged out for you too do you see that it froze right next to the wood line oh that's not good he doesn't have enough monks dave piper did a good job at sniping a few vipers got full armor yeah those pikemen are doomed weird to me that viper didn't take out the eagles and there's still two around there so that's a bit sloppy but i'll deal with them with the knights i don't even think he's gonna lose a bill as he takes the fight in the middle he's got enough nights dude he surely has enough knights but he's fighting uphill yeah and joe actually takes a favorable engagement piper tossing away knights it's really unlike him and dave it's 59 military for yo sorry not 59 military uh 59 eco for yo and 64 for the viper there's not that big of a difference viper tceng fourth tc on the left do you think just all in castle age from viper is a possibility or 50 cc sorry 50 c i think these tc's like pay attention to how many bills he is cued i actually think that these tc's could could lead to a throw because when you add tcs and you're queuing bills out of every tc you won't have the food to make the night numbers you might need well he's not producing knights right now he's switching into skirms okay so joe is adding a siege workshop as he does this interesting uh if you're thinking about the late game in the north there's a relic there and there's a four tile gold of yo stone and also three tile neutral so if it goes that far pay attention to it viper's adding skirms now which is great with lithuanians and i assume this is just uh response to the pikeman you know you're saying that the five tcs could potentially throw for viper but if yo doesn't do damage in castle age is gonna have a massive heat exactly yeah that's that's the flip side of that and i also don't think yo is expecting there to be skirms with this many upgrades this stage and like okay now look at yo zico or actually no look at the fight first there will be more eagles coming i imagine yo's food eco or wood eco is awful right now i would love to look we've got more important things to focus on imagine if the monastery goes down dave there's three relics in there and viper will lose the attack on the knights 36 military for mr yo 14 for the viper [Music] he needs to produce more knights and he's doing so right now he hasn't really lost that many units here as he's trying desperately to deal with the pikemen but yeah that monastery i think that's going to die pressure's got 16 on food viper has all these tc's but where's the military to show for it mr yo was so far well not so far but he was behind in early castle age it was looking good for viper and mr yo just come right back into this with some insane production yo it's going to snag these relics too he's waiting he's just waiting for it and at that point viper has no attack upgrades on his knights do they pop out on the left or the right uh the left is my guess but does it really matter even if even if uh relics aren't taken what does viper do now he's getting ballistics he's gonna loop around he's gonna try and sandwich this army if he can if the relic heist remember aztecs get 33 more gold for relic yo says thank you very much where's the military production for viper skirm just two skirms even his tc's are idle he's house he can't see what the pressure dave and yo stealing the relics viper's got oh viper's like no no no no no no no no no those are my relics that's hilarious no no no but vipers the knights that used to be vipers and they actually have ten plus three attack because of when they were converted they're raiding vipers farms and vipers repairing tcs viper still housed viper's still in big trouble and that counter attack may be his best option to do something here dave but there's no question viper was ahead in this game and this is a huge comeback for yo yeah this is he just stopped military production and yo is able to snowball here the conversions coming in those are going to be so big dude i think yo takes this 3-0 man yo mr 3-0 mr 14-0 whatever number you want to go for if viper loses this this will be the first time he has lost a a major tournament so let's say twenty thousand dollars prize pool plus there hasn't been many of those in years this would be history now of course that would exclude red bull where yo beat him in the finals i think we're talking we're talking about standard setting tournaments so that was obviously empire wars viper though he's not as far behind this game as he was last game uh yo going for a forward castle on this hill and he's viper's going to have a castle of his own he is going to amp i mean the only good thing for viper is he has two knights in yo zico i can see what wood line you were talking about yeah that'll get dealt with and dave times are changing a bit man i think hey we this is a this this is a match-up that could easily be a final so it's a shame that it is a quarterfinal but i don't see any win condition for viper unless these knights do massive amounts of damage he just he doesn't have military on the field doesn't have any militaries i i can't believe this it's like in the second game you talk about the advantages that joe had at the start because of the map but in this game it's just viper was ahead couldn't close it out and somehow behind everything yo ended up getting this economy look at all the blue in the mini-map all the blue in the middle all the relics he's bringing in all the production buildings it has been non-stop pressure for viper viper has enough res to go imp now what does he do with it he's going to put the tc on the right that's a great move obviously going with that front tc would be bad and he's trying to distract yo at the back of his base but yo is really not falling for it and look at that army from yo look at how many units he has 17 pikemen in the middle 20 eagles in the middle all just waiting for upgrades i i just viper had to decide between imperial age or more military he really needed to have the military 10 minutes ago and the way to save himself is maybe just maybe to trap that castle down from yo yo knows he knows that he's about to move on to the semi-finals and he will face the winner of hera and leary which is up next look at that army on the right no viper with a panic castle there he's dropping more stables for more night production taps out viper's gone in the quarterfinals how long have we been casting tournaments together a long time six years five years we've never seen this king of the desert one viper champion king of the desert two viper champion hidden cup one viper two viper three viper nac and ac one two three viper viper is out in the quarter finals to mr yo who showed today it's not just in show matches he has viper's number and it has been a long time coming he has been he had been losing to viper on a relatively consistent basis uh before we even started casting games dave uh wow salutes in chat for mr yo who's going to move on and obviously salutes to viper um i'm not going to be the one to start talking about viper's reign maybe taking a different course but viper had a good series here today he was just outmatched in every game as an age of vampires fan right now i don't know because i'm sad you gotta get closer hold on get close to your mic i said as an age of empire fan i don't know how to feel because i'm sad that uh the viper went on in the quarterfinal but i'm also happy that we're going to have a mix-up yep you know going forward and look at the list of players that are still remaining i mean it's going to be we might have like a yo vls final it's entirely possible or a yo mbl final we've never had that and i'm super excited it feels very weird to not have viper heading towards the final stages and after the red bull events red bull one and two which happened in quick succession after each other it was empire wars so non-standard settings and everyone was saying well you can't say viper's not the best currently if that's not standard age of empires this was standard age of empires you know if it's 3-2 and it could go either way it's a different conversation but yo wins convincingly um i'm very happy for yo but yeah i don't know i don't know how to feel it's a mix of all the time all kinds of different emotions i'm also very much looking forward to super competitive viper after this tournament who maybe wants to prove something sure um to everybody again and wow what a performance joe played out of his mind it just viper could not handle the pressure it was so smothering in every single game yep you can again you can question if it goes to five games you bring up game two's map that was awful but with a 3-0 you can't blame it on a map uh it's just the the wind that mr yo deserved
Channel: T90Official - Age Of Empires 2
Views: 59,528
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: twitch, games, TheViper, vs, MrYo, king of the desert, kotd3, 50, 50k, T90, T90Official, aoe2, age of empires, tournament, aoe2de, quarter, quarterfinal
Id: RaSV-3Tg4xY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 88min 43sec (5323 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 20 2020
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