Melting All The McDonald's Quarter Pounder Candles Together • Safiya & Tyler Live

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i think pickles as a candle sounds why do i keep going back in for more smells i think you're getting stockholm to buy the candle right now am i huffing mcdonald's candles right now you are high as an effing kite right now hello it's sophia and tyler and what you're about to watch is our first live stream that we streamed last tuesday that we had a ton of fun making but a quick heads up there is some audio buzzing so headphone users beware so sorry about the technical issues we are working on those also we both cut our hair recently so that's why we look very different all right on to the stream all right hello friends and welcome to our live stream this is our very first live stream here on this channel we are live um yes i did see some comments in the chat saying that this was a video or a premiere or what is even happening we are live right now we're here i'm a little bit nervous i'm not gonna lie it's been a while since i did any live streaming i mean since we did any live streaming yeah um so i'm like a little heart palpitationy butterflies in the basket yeah i was about to say heart palpy that's not a thing that's not that's really not a thing um but welcome to our live streaming channel you guys um uh i want to just like thank everyone for all of the love that we've seen on this channel over the last couple of days you guys certainly exceeded my expectations of what i even thought would happen wildest expectations yeah so thank you guys so much for being here um and let's dive into a couple of things so what we're going to be doing today is we are going to be melting the mcdonald's quarter pounder with cheese candles together i feel like that sounds like nonsense but those words together mean something it doesn't it's a thing yes it is a thing they're in my hand it is yeah can you guys hear that ac our air conditioning just popped on but it's hot in here so if you guys hear that little nice white noise in the background that's the air conditioner live streaming yes also second disclaimer we have a window open windows open just in case these candles become so fragrant that they knock us out they could be death in a box yes right you've heard of digging a box but these are death in a box sorry i don't know live can't cut that sorry i can't cut that we're just gonna have to live that one down sorry um so that's so if you see any like changes in light there is a window open yes so that's why that's happening right um but yeah basically i should explain as soon as i said the window is open there's like a motorcycle like wow like a right outside this is gritty it's all happening live from raleigh north carolina live um so let's talk a little bit more about what the heck's going on here yes yes so um do you want to show them the candles yeah show you the unveiling you're better with your hands no we can just show the box right now we have the one to go the action shot camera to show it too in a second okay we're gonna we have an action shot camera we do have there's action happening in this live stream yes um so essentially the premise of this video live it's alive of this live stream is that last year mcdonald's came out with a set of six candles to promote the quarter pounder with cheese burger so they came out with um six candles that are scented like the ingredients of a quarter pounder with cheese yes so we've got the bun the pat the beef the bun the beef the quarter powder the quarter powder cheese ketchup pickles and onions don't forget the onions don't forget the onions how could i forget the onions how could you forget the onions um so there are six candles in this box and um when you burn them together they are supposed to smell like um a quarter pounder with cheese you know like that enticing smell when you have that mcdonald's bag um so we thought what we could do because you know a it seems like the natural thing to do and b we just like mixing stuff together is we could skip that intermediary step and just create one candle that smells together like the quarter pounder with cheeseburger and in the darkness find them exactly yes right we could in the darkness bind these ingredients together into one cursed candle you are the sauron of candles i'll take that yeah i will certainly take that um i i would say i would i'm probably more like the smeagol of candles right but i will take sauron for sure just crouched in the darkness yeah editing melting candles doing those kinds of things but that's the idea here yes yeah so we're gonna and so we're gonna scoop a little bit of each of these candles together and then we are going to melt those scoops together and make our own mick franken quarter pounder with cheese candle and once again the window is open so we're going to brave the sound because we need serious ventilation yes from what we've sniffed whiffed of these bad boys they're atrocious um someone says um they're mic buzzing is there buzzing of the mic so we think it might be just some shaking wires okay i can grab some little tapes to help tape them if you want or just maybe coil them i'm gonna pin them against my side is it me it could be you i think it's both of us maybe both it's everyone okay we're all listen this is the first stream we're all learning on the fly is that is that the only bad thing that's happening correct all right the only bad thing that's happening is the mic is buzzing so far um should we unveil the uh should we do our glamour shots off of the oh people are saying it's my hair brushing against the mic that could also be possible you want to put that into a ponytail yes you want me to unveil the candles sure yeah okay so as we said there are six candles in this box once we pop it the fun does stop our nostrils die so we're gonna uncork this bad boy and um show it off all right should we go with that that action shot over there all right is it still buzzing there we go and while sophia buzzes i'm gonna pop this guy open i'm gonna go this way this way i'll go this way yes hello and boo ya burn together for the maximum deliciousness yeah let me just yes look at that shot look at this quality look at my skeleton cat on my shirt yes so as you can see fresh beef cheese onions i believe that's the sesame seed bun pickles and ketchup whoa basically that's my face how's it going so yeah there you go so these things now the box is open smell rank so we need to start oh my god yeah no it's brutal it's brutal it's like it just gets into your system it's like a savory thing i don't even know you're good at describing the sense i feel like it just like came over me like you had opened the box like five five ten seconds ago is it still and buzzing it's it's likely that it might just be an interference signal if don't worry it's not constant okay i can resync the mics no that's not the issue okay great awesome all right so if you wanna yeah absolutely you have the best scent to translation ability of the two of us i'm actually bad at it it's like a little bit overwhelming once you open the box it's punching you open the box a couple minutes ago but it like took a second for the scent to hit me yeah so it's almost like i'm trying to think of is it is there an episode of spongebob squarepants where he has a really bad breath and they like animate the breath to be sort of like a green cloud like creeping towards me they animate spongebob's breath a fair amount on the show yeah there is one where like yeah he's like talking and it comes up and then like their eyes will like shatter because it takes a second for like that green cloud to like get to him to get to the person he's talking to that's what it smells like cool all right awesome so we saw these ones yes right so we have i mean we have so so much to do yes um we were saying thinking that we would essentially because you guys have seen our bath and body works video maybe i don't know it was a couple years ago but basically what we did in that video is we took candles from bath and body works and we used a melon baller and scooped out like a serving of the candles and then put them into a device in this case like a bowl on top of a hot plate we also used other things to melt them but then we like you know that's the method for melting and we figured we would add these ingredients in the order that you might i guess bite and consume a quarter pound of cheese so starting with the bun and then going through the different ingredients so we can then do a quick sniff see what it smells like you guys are getting vicariously through the screen not actually have to smell it and we'll do our best trying to describe it yeah we'll individually melon ball them into our bowl melt them and then uh i guess the games will begin yes absolutely i feel like we forgot to explain how we got these yes yes i think i i requested them from mcdonald's and they sent them to us but they did actually sell these things last year yes we've had them for a while and i like wanted to do content with it content content with it um so i we literally moved them across the country with us yes they like they came with us if you've seen our moving vlog which came out the other day we put them into our storage unit so there was no candle in the van that would have been a disaster there were bath and body work candles and franken candle in the van though right but they were buried pretty deep so right we did not have to smell those no this would have been disaster these have been stinking up this room sitting in the prop closet for like a couple days now so nobody wants these around no i think everyone wants us to just get rid of them use them move on get rid of them please just do something with them we're going to start with the bun right yes is um people say it's better now but some people say it's still there someone says it's my shirt i don't feel like it's not my shirt we think it's it's actually a tyler we're wondering if maybe you're leaning the wire against the table and it's creating a little is it is that it can i can i see something can i can i just screw screw you in yeah screw me i think i think you're am i in i think okay yeah yeah just tuck all your wires away i feel like uh maybe our microphones did not handle the trip across the country as well as krusty did for instance someone says still buzzing a lot oh well that's that's not great i think it sounds better now the chat's a little behind you can you can hear it now that way that could have been when you were trying to bust yeah i was i was flicking the table yeah all right perfect could have been that yeah awesome so let's start our adventure with the sesame seed bun candle the most delicious of buns oh yeah here we go um there we go yeah so you guys can see sesame seed bun yes i will say that after like a year in i would say a year in the clink that's not right no a year like in the box oh look at that power zoom um there's been a little bit of fading and settling as you guys can see there's like a little bit of oil at the bottom there is it an ombre it has achieved an ombre effect also if you guys are wondering like what is under my nails it's lipstick okay so it's always lipstick if you guys are ever seeing a strange red or purplish smudge it is lipstick so we we have this new table and this is our live streaming table we got yes especially high so it kind of looks like a food network table um which is why it's up here yeah and it's already lipstick infused and that's what's going to happen so if you guys see things on this table it is probably lipstick oh yes absolutely yeah yes okay so that is sesame seed but do i smell it off oh yeah give it a whiff yeah oh yeah it goes by there actually is more like oil on the other side it's fine it's fine all right ready [Music] waiting for the motorcycle all right oh that was not too bad let me get a whiff yeah that one smells like the bag yeah that smells like a mcdonald's bag so if you just have one of those you want to take a whiff after everything's out that might be the the scent they're going for it smells a bit sweet which makes sense because like sesame can be like a sweet smell kind of it's not there's one that is a like there's at least one that is very offensive that is like seeping out of this box um and i don't know which one it is because i don't think it's that one that one's not the worst i believe in the amongst us parallel this is not the evil one right is it amongst us essentially mafia i like how you're making that reference but we've never even played i don't even know what it is yeah no but i've seen the thumbnails but i believe that like one of them is the true killer this is not it so but it smells like the bag that's how i would describe it so if you really want to just experience this candle in particular burn the bag and that's going to give you a solid experience you want to melt that bad boy bowling yeah it just it smells kind of it's like a yeasty sweet smell yeast yeah don't you want it it smells like it kind of smells like i'm an egg bagel interesting does that you do you agree or no what is an egg bagel you never had like a really yellow bagel yes okay yeah okay okay i got it yeah when they play with bagel flavors that's it's in that arena but like with a bit of like a sour soury note at the end yeah it smells like none of the bath and body work candles have you ever smelled i would just say i thought you're gonna say it smells like none of the ingredients of the quarter pounder with cheese now i'd be like yeah that seems about right that would also be true yeah all right yes i do want to melon ball it i do i do should i do the first one bowl are you gonna film me oh yeah sure we're gonna have chris filming for the stream and tyler's gonna be filming me for future tick-tock content bonus talking i have to i have to work on not pronouncing the syllables of tick-tock like too emphatically yeah i have to because i feel like that it makes me seem old that's not your thing though you usually like sort of i'd be like yeah not it's a tick tock okay your inner boomer is showing why don't you go over here and then uh oh this way yeah do you want a melon ball oh you want me to i don't know what am i doing well where'd the best placement i was going to go here i feel like a melon ball yeah i was going to then the live stream can't see sofia i think chris can see chris you got the uh action angle angle on the uh melon bowling i'll be ready once we once we cut to it okay here we go we've cut to it there it is all right ready should i go for a smaller melon ball side i have like a darth maul one so i could do either just whatever you know yeah i'm going for the smaller maulsian heart says yes all right here we go okay ready yeah oh sorry i'm doing it so no one can see going the other way going the other way yeah i'll do it so i can't see but everyone else can see look at that get out of the way wick move wick get out the way all right sorry chris i'm going here yes here we go on live streams we get copyright struck if we like sing oops maybe that's possible but you know it's a bit soft it's a bit of a soft one yeah so we might have to spoon it out oh yeah oh god oh no yeah see there was oil at the bottom of it so it's kind of like um it's an oily one mr grinch is this a two-handed job here it might be a two-handed job okay here i'll hold on here will you hold the skewer okay i'll get this out of your way yeah just get it out of here yeah get it out of here the kebab of death hello people oh god it looks like literal cheese products somebody says this is uh this is the most american thing ever it is a a dive into the mcdonald's world i mean it's just it's just it's it certainly is some type of cheese product that is adjacent to american cheese yes oh wait this isn't the cheese what am i talking about why am i talking about cheese buns right now sophia this is the bun yes okay ignore my entire diatribe and sound bites about cheese there is still buzzing apparently i was literally oh there is yeah that'd be okay i was literally just thinking this was cheese but it's the bun they say it's the buzzing when you move soft when i move yes uh-oh yeah you're using the green mic here i'll keep one melon bowling as we go here you want to grab some action cam here for me chris as well bring it in here okay oh oh oh yeah could that be better find out sounds good to me okay great okay here we go spoon me uh spoons too big wait let me see here this is like a test like this oh we didn't really explain how many scoops we're doing oh yeah when you want to talk yeah we're gonna do like two to three scoops um so we're gonna do like two to three scoops of each candle yes just to get like enough wax in there to make one full little baby candle we want a full baby candle yes we want a full frankensteinian endpoint i can't believe i just did like a whole dietary about cheese i'm still like you know i think you talked that much about cheese actually okay this is the bun one thing that's interesting is that now the window is open this room is getting hot so this is like melon bowling candles with heat is it worse that the windows open or is it better i think that the window is open and we're going to ride with it okay yes yeah we're not no matter even if it's worse we're not going to change it no all right should we try and get the excess out or should we just live our lives i think we should do the ladder yeah live our lives yeah yeah may athena selena says that looks so gross yeah it does we know yeah yeah we do um aj norris says it looks like a tim hortons iced cap does it look like coffee or maybe like in the um in the like jar it looks more like coffee yeah yeah um live feedback to our first round of melon balling software yeah um people are saying not um not buzzing for me okay yeah the buzzing's better yeah i'm i'm watching the video chris is watching live yeah he is in the past right now not there buzzing is gone great that's what we call troubleshooting on the fly yeah yeah all right i'm just getting some excess bun out of there okay debunning it i'm trying to figure out a way to work in some sort of mix a lot but i don't know i was like my scoop don't want none unless it's the sesame bun but that was pretty bad so let's just edit that out edit that out edit that part out just taking the skewer or placing your anaconda with that and booty yeah yeah all right great so that is the sesame seed bun should we go on to the 100 fresh beef sophia don't forget that it's 100 fresh beef yes yes for say for some reason i thought we're gonna do cheese next but yes so in like the like makeup of a quarter pounder with cheese obviously bun is first at the bottom and then it's beef where's beef where's the beef that's arby's so is that orbeez i don't think that is i think that's actually orbeez is we have the they have the meat they have the meat and then wendy's is where's the beef oh sorry yes let's throw it out there you know if we're gonna go full-on fast food restaurants you know we're going to be a conduit to market mcdonald's we might as well market the other ones because we don't pick favorites here yeah we might as well just make it impossible for mcdonald's to use this as like marketing materials for themselves just talk about other competitors also one year later people are peddling these candles right on time guys um all right should i shine melon ball this one you want a melon ball this one oh we have the smallest thing yeah what are you doing do you want to show show the second cam no there we go look at that casey neistat fell in the film in the new york skyline but it's a candle it's just an action shot action shot it's called i like that it says 100 fresh beef and there are two asterisks what the hell does that mean do they say that on the box they say not really it's actually zero percent beef but we put a one in front of it so it's not it's a double asterisk actually i thought it was a trademark too yeah it says 100 fresh beef double asterisk we trademarked 100 beef how's it smell is does that mean are they trying to be like are our beef isn't actually fresh or they trying to be like like cheese product like it's like fresh beef but that doesn't actually mean it's fresh they're like they're winking yeah the asterix is wink wink like i don't know you guys it's up to you 100 fresh beef wink wink okay did you smell it i did but i didn't say tell anyone what it smelled like i did smell it but i didn't describe it at all i'll take the first stab at it okay i'm not quite as good at smelling things and describing the sofia i gotta say that's lovely okay i actually quite like the smell of this one lovely yeah that's a word that's a choice they went for like the char grill thing they're like they're they're saying hey you know it's like the grill top it's got a little smoky scent to it i don't know if i would say lovely but it's certainly very acceptable campfirey yeah yes it has like a grilled almost like yeah it's not really a meaty smell it almost smells about a little bit like barbecue sauce yes it's got like a barbecue sauce like smoky campfire smell you're right absolutely here's how i describe it let's say you're the grill master at like a a cookout and you are wearing a flannel right and afterwards your flannel smells like smoke and a little bit of meat that's what your flannel would smell like yeah which is not a bad smell it's actually competitive in my opinion with the mahogany teakwood candle from bath and bodybuilding yes i was about to say there are some candles out there that are kind of like marketed to dudes like you know at target they're like a couple candles that are like you know sort of seem to be marketed to men i would say this kind of smells a little bit like that like you could pass this off as like an actual candle that is supposed to be like a masculine scent it's like the dr pepper that weird like that yeah calorie dr pepper it's like something like that guys that is a marketing campaign i don't know anyway so should we uh melon ball this guy yes absolutely okay here i'll get you you're gonna you're gonna melt you're gonna watch me oh yeah well you can okay where are we going you you you dictate us you tell us where to go i wanna go here great yes in coming so have you got that it's okay just go oh wow that's a soft one was that uh was that revolting for you here we go look at that that's good it looks like a evil chocolate pudding it kind of looks like um like sort of a fudge oh it's fudgy it has a bit of a tootsie roll color as well where it's like not quite opaque enough to be chocolate yeah it's a little bit like i don't know see-through is the right word but it's just it's a little bit no little not chocolate semi-translucent yeah here's the thing the bath and bodywork candle is a meaty candle it takes a ton of elbow strength to get melon bald i mean so these are pretty soft i would say yeah i mean if you recall when we were filming our bath and bodyworks video i was like getting a tennis elbow yeah not only were you getting tennis elbow but it took us like four nights yes that's true i don't know if we mentioned that no i think you're like oh it was one night it was like no it's like four nights at hell yeah it was um also our floor in that apartment was really hard yes so i started having like intense foot and back pain yes because i was like standing on cement in birkenstocks for like 20 hours out of a 72-hour period yeah and imagine then also simultaneously shotgunning an entire bath and bodywork store to the face yeah so basically your nostrils were just like completely compromised yes yeah abby rachel says that's a soft candle yes yeah now that's a soft candle let's uh talk to mcdonald's about the longevity of these candles because their wax is faulty at best all right here ruby gunpowder says why does it look so soft i think it could be the year that it's spent in storage i think the maybe the the um the composition of the candle yeah sort of the integrity of the candle maybe has started to deteriorate its year on the shelf has made it soft and weak yes and now yeah no longer the uh beeswax beeswax candle i don't know um cody trejon says it looks like ear wax it's it that's not that's not wrong you're not wrong especially if you guys have ever you've never seen tyler's ear wax but it does look like tyler's earwax blast tyler has really crazy earwax so i guess the live stream is an invitation for meal blast here i do have uh some gnarly earwax okay anyway all right um do you want to see this cheese while sophia is reading the chat we have core active chat here people look at that rack focus rack folk oh that was pretty sexy someone is wondering if i i've lost it if it's the phone that's causing the mic buzzing oh yeah i don't know maybe who knows here i'm gonna try something then someone else sells i can't hear any buzzing so i'm just we're just gonna we're all over the place with buzzing i think that we're all over yeah i think that maybe we've like passed the shelf life of our lives they've gone a long time with us they've gone across the country i think it might be time to retire them and go fresh with the lost soft do you want to smell this cheese yes sorry i was in involved with the chocolate i'm trying to i'm trying to interact you're being interactive it's a hard balance you know i mean i'm trying to like be like do the thing and like do the thing and you know not buzz and but it's fine we're here the buzzing is the tricky one hello yes we did the burger you did the burger wow you finished it i know look at me i'm melon ballin i'm the one i'm melon lord i'm melon ball and lord there you go yeah um all right so we in our quarter pound with cheese we've got bun beef cheese it's in your name smell it already i've not smelled it because we're scared no i'm not skipping the cheese um did you show it to the second cam i did great so you guys all saw that there is like a serious ombre going on it's gnarly like the bottom has lost all of its color it's it's disgusting shall i sniff you smell first cheese product look at that frog bro that one's not very good no i mean i don't think anyone in the world i mean i went in for another long second sniff that's disgusting this one is that this might be the nightmare one i mean i'm not saying it's outright the nightmare one but that that one is one of the defining smells this does have like this is definitely one of the notes that has been emanating from this box so like this is one of the dominant smells it kind of smells like um cheat spray cheese string cheese no oh string cheese is that a thing i would say spray cheese what is that cheese whisk cheese whiz is that the same thing yeah i think it's the same they were saying three names for the same thing right now it's sort of like um if you had a craft single like one of those like um uh cheese product or american cheese slices no one's seeing it oh sorry my bad yeah i was i was trying to multi-purpose here yeah you you can you can scoop while i say yeah um kind of if you had one of those craft singles and um you left it in the sun oh that's awful oh my god tyler what i feel like while i've been in the chat our workspace has descended into madness it's descended into tyler world it's just we haven't cleaned the spoon there's a lot cross-contamination i believe the intro to this live stream is no method only madness so i am being the most loyal to the brand right now sophia you are right brand manager tyler here i am you are on brand yeah i will i'm just going to get a little extra in there hello there's a train there is a loud train in raleigh so uh yes if you hear that it's coming i think there's nothing we can do there's nothing we can do yeah okay i'm gonna do a distance shot here you guys got the feel right there yes yes you're ready ready chris you wanna get this action shot i'm gonna try to poke this bad boy through i don't think it's gonna happen i think it's gonna be a disappointment it's just gonna be a soft nothing oh that really was disappointing i'm sorry was that it that was it i over sell it yeah do you help all right i think you should spoon it yeah we we we asked for a second cam for nothing for no reason at all chris is like i quit right now how dare you do that to me i had the shot and everything okay ready drop clara blunson says why do it be looking like that you know what that's a very good question yeah a lot of people are saying it looks like peanut butter yeah like it looks like sophie natasha says it looks like gone off peanut butter yes actually all of the ones that are in there right now look like peanut butter that has gone bad in different various ways that is true one was in you know like a fire okay one was out too long one was something else how is it what's a different way peanut butter can go bad i don't i don't know any of the ways that does peanut butter go bad it it must at some point go it's not twinkie-esque it's not survive a nuclear apocalypse was that three scoops of cheese yes let me see if like breaking the surface has like released any of the aromas anymore interesting oh my god it's so much worse that was not a good call but i want you to smell it too so you can suffer with me okay i'm gonna say this smells like none of the ingredients of mcdonald's that was the first thing we had said with the bun where you were like it smells like nothing in there like there that scent is not present and something that could sell and be edible i don't know is this reference gonna date me date yourself do you guys remember when there used to be like play places in mcdonald's yes and they're always like a bit of a sour smell somewhere on like the plastic in like maybe in a slide or like in the ball like some somewhere yeah it kind of smells kind of it smells a little like that you think they went for the ball pit rank children feet in ball pit a little bit with a hint of craft single i know that they have they have gotten rid of the play pit although when i've been driving around raleigh i've seen a few play pits they may be out of commission i don't think they're currently open but i believe they're not all gone sophia yeah but i think that play pits where um hell's waiting room they were not they were not a great place to be i'd not like those things um why should we move on to the pickle yeah pickle me pickle me timbers i like it yeah um yes so after cheese pickles pickles or onions are probably next and then ketchup may be last ketchup is the topper yeah ketchup is on top i think pickles as a candle sounds why do i keep going back in for more smells i think you're getting stockholm to buy the candle right now am i huffing mcdonald's candles right now you are high as an effing kite right now all right show me the the melon baller i feel like there's oh i already wiped it a chance that in this live stream we will accidentally huff something and become a newbie i mean that was one of the reasons i looked so disheveled right now like came back from under the table like um no that's one of the reasons the window is open yes is to avoid a high as a kite scenario but it might happen anyway the sanctity of everyone's i guess uh you know to preserve the sanctity of everyone's mental sobriety that's that's my state that's my state right now all right pickles first class you want people's first box you have cheese first glass okay first blast pickles with my nostrils absolutely smell it okay should we show it no you smell it okay i don't like to see this do everything did the pickles interest you there oh look at that we just zoomed in it looks cute actually pickles green is a pretty normal candle color tommy pickles it's very green it's not a pickle green it's definitely more like a outside of a cucumber green this looks like this looks like a candle yeah it looks like a candle yeah they make these this color candle if only it didn't say pickle yeah then i would probably be fine with it subversion marketing right there okay that's lovely i'm not kidding i like this one i mean can anything really be worse than the cheese no there there's this is a palate cleanser that's what's happening right now maybe that's why they they have it in there in that order we're doing yeah we're doing the equivalent wine tasting yeah and i've now cleaned my powder this is good this is you know what this looks like actually this looks almost like the color of that thing from princess diaries that they use as a palette cleanser oh that like ice cream thing she puts in her mouth it's like it's do like a hot you are in on the princess diaries reference i've made a couple recently recently i don't know it's a disney plus thing and i just got that and i watched that one and two wait that one's like actually pretty good you like that right there is something very refreshing in there sorry sorry it has a bit of like a because on top it has a bit of like a almost like a sea salt and then there's like something like like i said cucumber earlier maybe i incepted myself but it smells kind of like a spa water yeah spa it almost like um the uh cucumber in action right right that's with the spa water i mean pickles are pickled cucumbers right so maybe they're like going back to its roots yeah they're like the derivative the origin of pickle is cucumber this is clever by mcdonald's meat yeah because they're like oh yeah pickles gonna disturb the crap out of people like what if we make that one good and then they call it bath body works they get the hook up yeah subverting our expectations are you the last jedi all right hold on i i want to get a shot of this one you wanna get a shot of this one yeah okay cool so we're gonna have a double canvas guy yeah all right ready yeah oh i like that shot up top yeah i'm good okay here we go coming in whoa all right here we go people i like how you had it set up and then you just moved all right yep oh yeah i like that i think that was a cool tiktakian shot right there and yep that's what happens with these things they just start sticking to the spoon that was one of the more satisfying drops though i would say i feel like we've had some bad ones so far so that one wasn't bad there's only a couple of transfers between each utensil yeah the transfer actually can have like a unique aesthetic quality to it where it's like sort of like yeah yeah you're like what's that that stick game that they used to advertise in nickelodeon you would have like the two sticks and you would like it's like a ball and two cups or something no i i don't know i think you're getting close to two girls one cup yeah but anyway sorry i can't edit that out tyler edit that out yeah the things we usually edit out um i could keep smelling this all day we need it in the bowl we need to frankinify it i don't know why we keep trying the skewer when it does literally nothing yeah why do we keep trying to do that for no reason because it seems fun it used to be our method it was our defacto get him out of the uh what the i just put it right back into the scoop how did that happen you got it you gotta push you gotta nudge it there you go okay i'm gonna re-migrate that little bit back towards the middle are you trying to like stack them yeah oh i want to stack them oh when you melt it'll probably that's fine and i'm just gonna never mind maybe we should have put these in the in the fridge before we did this but now it's too late to think of that what does the live chat think are they mad i don't know they keep telling me every time i go near the phone the mic buzzes so i'm scared to go over there you wanna bring it over to me no because then you're michael buzz okay how will that help keep it over there um hello oh that's three oh oh oh someone has some tea in the chat about about the asterisks next to the 100 fresh beast all right bring it on jade carney says that i was told it was from it was from a company called 100 fresh beef so they can say that but it isn't now this is unverified tea this is just someone from the chat is it slanderous but apparently um maybe according to jade um mcdonald's beef is from a company called 100 fresh beef but it's not actually 100 fresh i'm getting this all over my hand now i'm going to smell like pickled pickled oh is ty's mic working tyler's mic uh yeah great yeah now i just think people are trolling yeah because i think people are just telling me like the mic is still buzzing and tyler's mic is not working i think i'm just gonna move on okay i think people are just trolling me yeah that is pretty low-hanging fruit yeah if necessary yeah yeah so that is pickle we just have two left i think we need to stay focused on our experiment because it sounds like the buzzing is out of our hands i know yeah all right awesome so we're done with the pickles now we're on to the onions this one on its surface reads probably like the most disturbing one you're hiding it in your hands i'm trying to hide it yeah i'm trying to do a reveal here it's in my hand i got the whole world in my hand all right ready this is my beauty this is my beauty guru thing ready backhand oh look at that onions une owned that is a unappetizing candle i mean it's just it's a little it's it's white i mean you guys can't really tell on the camera it's white with like a very slight grayish green tinge yeah which is like the like not an uncommon color for a candle because it could be really anything a lot of candles are kind of like white or have no color you know what i mean but the word onion i mean it's not it's not naturally it's not necessarily like a good scent it's certainly not a relaxing scent i think it's a notorious scent for being bad yeah i think people tend to not like onion breath no onions they don't like when you know they give you indigestion they make you cry you know all those things so yes here you go oh so i'll smell it you smell it first oh my word make you tear up no it's not it's not like um acidic like an onion it smells like a like a um like an onion you would have at a at us on us like as a side for christmas dinner oh cream of onion like a cream of onion but like really concentrated and it's a candle that's one of the marquee dishes at my house for christmas is the cream of onion uh it's the cream of money i don't know they use like a mushroom sauce with it it's pretty it's it's tasty but it wrecks you for like three days um it it sort of levels the playing field of all in-laws and family members because everyone just stinks for like three days i don't know hiding it i would actually say that onions are like a pretty marquee part of a mcdonald's burger yeah it's like there's just they just put onions in places a lot and that does smell like those onions but like times 10. this is this is the first one that i think gave me a baby reflex like like almost like a gag reflex it was like i could taste this one oh yeah yes yes and it's uh yeah you know it's bad it's pretty bad but to give it a little bit of credit like versus like the cheese one it does kind of smell like the onions they put in the burgers yes so like there at least there's some they get some points for accuracy i guess yeah so that's the inconsistency with the pickle they went for something delectable for the onions it's that's the game it's that what's that it's not bernie bots what is that thing it's like um bean boozled it's bean boozled but with candles where they're just messing with us right yeah okay well let's scoop it ready oh and comment there we go rania mirza says are they edible no but has that ever stopped us before dude do not put this in your mouth okay this will kill you that'd be a weird a weird way to croak where it's like you ate mcdonald's candles you're like can't you do that aren't they a fast food restaurant here we go oh yeah look at that soft dollop see ya that was a good drop that was a pretty good drop it reminded me of when we did our mixing every one of your foundations together video and we had like a little like um i don't know what i don't know if this will get me flagged on youtube like a porn-esque like like you know like what nail porn that's what yeah right it's like it's like yeah like oh we'll use some like swarmy semi-sounding music and then show like the the glooping in of the foundations you're trying to say it has a bit of like an oozing vibe or something yep or gooey a gooey vibe i'm upset that i said that is gooey like is that like one of those words like moist it's not as bad as moist but it's not great all right goodbye see ya see you actually or see on another tab with this like skin broken it's a little bit better now the seal's been broken it's a little fresher oh okay all right so with that we're into our favorite condiment certain people's haircut of it and our final candle and our final candle before we start to melt yes um which is the ketchup candle yes so we're going condiment here which is fun that's cool uh so ketchup booyah which is actually kind of an interesting candle anyway i feel like you know if you saw a ketchup candle and bath and body works it's provocative i think that like ketchup unlike i mean i don't know if i like the smell of ketchup no but i wouldn't say it seems like an upsetting smell like the same way like cheese beef onions you know ketchup is kind of just it's just there i actually i it does have a smell but i wouldn't say it's a strong one like i wouldn't say ketchup is pungent you know you see that vanilla waiting it was great yeah it was pretty good you did a good job some good rounds and i think i was just gonna have some chemistry right there i was trying to i was trying to provide some like droning sound bites underneath your b-roll you're doing the david attenborough you're just like talking while like a lizard is like running from snakes i was gonna say i was doing like a qvc thing where i was just trying to just keep talking just keep talking we're just gonna do a stream one time it's just gonna be a qvc episode we're just gonna do everything we'll have a sidebar we'll be selling things and like we won't actually sell anything i don't know that's the secret reason for this channel yeah um great so shall we sniff it yes this one is interesting this one actually this is very interesting i don't know how much i've ever in my life smelled ketchup it's usually quickly squirted from a plastic bottle or something so i don't know how much time ketchup is alone actually there's a kid in high school who ate ketchup straight and i thought it was like really gross i didn't really put it all together you know ketchup is like into his mouth spoonfuls of ketchup yeah so anyway um this thing where why do you need a spoon if you're gonna do that you might as well just squirt it straight in he might have gotten paid to do like you know okay it was like a dare yeah but i think he could okay i think he could do it it was like it was like that's different than like he just did it no that's just like what he does yeah um i can't describe it i want your more i don't know how i'd put it uh sophisticated nostrils your somalia of candles nostrils to hit it that was not bad at all that is like a tomato on the vine is it a gazpacho there yeah kind of like a cold fresh tomato soup absolutely so wonderful utilization there's a vegetable yeah a little bit of like a green smell like a basil or some kind of leafy smell it's a little caprese not not not caprese yeah i feel like there's a bit of like a you know when you get like heirloom tomatoes like on a vine from the grocery store like if you like really put your face into like a fresh meaty tomato it would smell kind of like that yes there's like a little bit yeah oh no no sorry i'm not i'm trying to micromanage you i just really want a shot of this it's just it's a cool looking i was like you understand the context of this of this experiment here right okay yeah i'm ready chris he's got the shot he's got the power no no no yep let it rip get out of the way wick perfect dude that is cool that is a good shot i saw it on that camera here we go in coming i i mean that's interesting two out of six of these candles are like low-key good yeah yeah they are like they should solidly good sense i mean the whole package has been so pungent like whenever like we open like the plastic bin that has this inside like it stinks up the room so i kind of thought they all were bad i actually hate that box i mean it's been a bad box that box is the box from seven to me i really thought they were all gonna just be horrifyingly bad yeah but pickles and ketchup are pretty good so there's a lesson there i don't know that these candles are still available i don't know i think that you know it's been a it's been a crazy year since they were released but if you have the chance yes tomato and pickle mcdonald's quarter pounder scented candle not bad i could see a uh interesting almost like uh what's that thing called happy meal gift a little variety pack of candles in that happy meal gift it sounds interesting yeah all right so basically the first chunk of the experiment is complete we have smelled and somewhat reviewed these candles yes um but now they're in our jar of death and i think we're going to turn on the hot pot what was it sorry the hot plate what was that was the temp it was like a low medium all right let's let's pop this guy on ready before we do that i'm just going to put these things away it's okay we don't really need all right we're coming back i'll do it again we're putting the candles away i'm going to make sure this is going to slide down yeah goodbye candles you do kind of look a little disheveled almost like i put my hair up so every time i like come back up i'm like yeah your tendrils yeah yeah like yeah yeah you kind of look even walloped in the face walloped by these shoulders what a word just a bunch of flavor okay um so should i yeah do you want to get a shot when i flip it on from there or do you want me i mean yeah it's just a hot plate i think we've seen that before should we move it in you want me to flip it around would it be interesting to people no it they'll see them melting either chris's got it i'm gonna i'm gonna turn it on ready and oh look at that this does have it that's high i'm gonna go back down medium halfway between me medium and low and we have we believe based on something i don't know we're basing this on that it'll take us about five minutes to melt this bad boy right yes um i feel like oh yeah actually i mean nothing really exciting happened one fell over yes um the good thing about it is they're already soft so i feel like there is a a high likelihood of it going fast i can also flatten them out because there's like the stacking i kind of like what sorry i feel like keep micromanaging you i'm sorry i don't care no stop you're gonna be critical of my my melting candles behavior so i am such a psychopath do we just would i i just i like when the there's like a like a hill and then it slowly flattens that is true yeah rather than like it all being flat to begin i like when it kind of just like falls into itself you know like you like the slight nightmare before christmas component right like the hill right he's like he's kind of falling over yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah totally is there is there something are we supposed to be doing something during the uh the melting process or do we yeah we have things to talk about oh that's what i thought okay we have things to talk about because now that we have scooped all six of our candles into our like franken concoction we um we have like a couple of steps that require some waiting okay including number one melting and then number two when we have to like solidify the candle once it's in here um so what we are gonna do now is we're gonna talk about some outrageous pr stunts by fast food restaurants because obviously this i mean we've sort of touched on it but this is some type of pr move by mcdonald's to release a sort of very undesirable line of candles this is this is the history component of one of our ugly clothing videos this is the history segment how did we get here yes this we have this we have essentially an ugly candle right and we are now going to talk about what was going on in the noggins the marketing agency right yes absolutely what what what are these stories you have on your phone i have them on my oh this is great okay cool look at this interactive segment yes i do have them on my phone i feel like it's getting close to starting to melt okay so we should talk about one and then we'll come back all right we'll see we don't want to yes we don't want to overdo it with these these examples yes so the first one um that you know is also because i think that the fat like the general like fast food like pr game you know like fast food brands are like tweeted each other now they're trying to be like hip and stuff yeah um so they come out with these weird things to get press right and so the one that i am very sad that i never got is the kfc crocs oh yeah kentucky fried chicken came out with a line of crocs um with fried chicken scented gibbets oh they're right there those kind of like fried chicken looking things that are on top of the crocks look at those bad boys i really wanted them but i really wanted the platform version yes and they didn't sell those they made them they made them for like the marketing like they made them i don't know if i'd say for the runway but they made them for for the you know for the actual like press release part but the ones they sold were just the flat crocs so that's i think that i part of it was you know just general yeah i just missed them but the other part was like i really wanted the platform ones and they just didn't have those but kfc did come out with crocs which you know everyone loves a weird croc i love a weird car yeah they are primed and ready for a sequel to our platform croc i mean they are literally platform crocs that happen to also have fried chicken gibbets on them it was pretty interesting by the way if we have an opportunity we can take a quick shot of the slightly melted wax in here because it's actually going to make a kind of cute rainbow color down there i don't know if you can see it you get those different textures it's kind of that's not a bad shot right there in fact maybe you guys have seen enough of our noggins or look at that little lake down there yeah we should just stay on this thing on this bad boy use this for a time lapse when we repost the video yeah remy's sunset says why does it look so good like a mango dessert it does look like a mango dessert a little bit listen mcdonald's food yeah correct you but it tastes good i don't know how that really plays with the candle but yeah i was excited for the kfc croc it was a it was a uh fleeting it was it was our um captain apad right yeah we didn't get it yeah no and i'm sad about it i i don't know maybe maybe we could try and ebay it you know maybe maybe someone out there has the platform version of the kfc by the way oh yeah we should come back to this yeah but if you have a kfc crocodile boys rocking and rolling yeah the interesting thing is is it's melting so it's releasing fumes but it doesn't smell so bad right now i'm smelling some of that tomato i think from the ketchup no i don't i don't know what you're talking about because i just leaned over i think something just exhausted right into my face uh but i let me try to get back in there excuse me i just burped a little bit oh my god it smells like oh this smells like something that i've been to like a something i was gonna say it smells like like a college dorm room you know like you know what a kid will bring out the hookah in a college dorm room like oh you want to smoke hookah and then you go in there oh so it doesn't smell like the hookah it's just like it smells like some dude's college thing at the bottom of the hookah oh you know like you know like it's like the extra thing i mean like listen hook is great i don't know if i want a college kids hookah i mean hawker bar is good it's a service that they made the good hookah bar you know but when you go to college in there i don't even know what's happening all right let's go back to this it doesn't smell that bad can we not go back to this oh yeah yeah there we go the last bit is like floating around weird evil blood color i know it is sort of like this it almost looks like um soft drink you know yeah it's like a soft drink color that's bad i can't from far away i'm not getting the bad smell but tyler keeps putting his face like right over it i'm trying to get a steam shower from it ew is that a thing no okay all right it's almost done face steam thing remember we did that amazon video and you steamed your face you're trying to get a facial but it's just like waxes and oils there's no like water in here okay um all right it's almost done if you guys are wondering okay great you guys melted it what happens next watch yourself that's gonna be hot i'm pulling it in uh we do have these mitts and we are action shooting this is this is why this live stream is is live because we don't know what's gonna happen here but i think one of us could be mika b.u is going to pick this up and pour it into this little jar right here which does happen it did happen we did a bath body works video we had one shot one opportunity and we captured it just like slim so um yeah i don't know yes we have a funnel tyler i forgot about the funnel [Laughter] um all right so now that it's melted um that melted fast it did melt actually pretty fast once it started to go it started to go yeah right that's like it smells kind of like burning hair maybe it's weird smelling right now let's turn it down i don't know yeah i'll turn it off honestly yeah um i'll turn like really really low i'm just going to give it like one little round just like make sure it's all mixed up you know look at that oh god this is this is bad science right now this is really bad all right let's let's let's let's uh do you want to pour yeah sure um let me get the pouring in a place where the second can can see it okay let's turn off let's turn this guy off all right it is off okay i will let me swap sides with you are ready to rock here yeah chris here we go you ready for this oh i should i can't sing i was like copyrighted oh yeah and that is a burger smell that's how the cookie crumbles right um i forgot to tape the wick so i'm going to do that literally right now i'm going to move this guy over here oh no no put on put on the cork on the cork all right ooh it smells like pretty weird this is the melted wax version though let's not prejudge it once we actually get it back into its solid state i agree it might be more of a thing maybe more maybe i am taping the wick sorry this is a bad angle you know when i was when i was using the funnel i really did feel like this was a an awful version of the bill nye show it was like this is kind of science we're kind of doing something all right that's not really centered but we're living we're living we're living do people still say that people say that i i i i say is it really is it really out of style i feel like it's pretty neutral it's a pretty neutral i don't even know it's not like lit or fleek you know i'm living it's just you know chris you want to get beauty shot of this beauty shot oh look at that okay that literally looks like a little mason jar of coca-cola yeah like it looks really appetizing but it smells i don't want to say gasoline is not the right word but some like strong something it's very strong right now yeah it's so hot i believe that it has no scent yet so once we like bring it back down we're not gonna have burned off the scent fingers crossed you know how in like old school like hair salons like sometimes you just get a whiff of something burning yeah you know that's kind of what it smells like yeah that's usually hair burning hair product a little bit so plus hair all and hair also let's add some structure to this late phase in our uh what's it called in our live stream so now that it is in the jar we're going to let it solidify and we think this might take 10 minutes ish so we're going to go through a few more of those examples because we also have a little i don't know if a twist but a little bonus segment right oh yeah we do yeah i like was like i don't know you're talking about and then i i do actually know what you're talking about we're taking turns for getting the show that we're on currently so yeah it takes two two heads are better than one that's true yes or in our case two heads equal one head we are both we will have half a brain we're like lily and uh marshall when they like become like a tornado into one head oh i thought you were going to say that we are the last two brain cells yeah there we go whatever all right haha so we mentioned the kfc crocs right and we mentioned the travesty the travesty which is the fact that i didn't get them that was that was that was a travesty um kfc also is doing the most you know um kfc came out with a video game console recently yes that i think um our friend matt pat from the game theorist i think he tried it or something they did they did a bunch of kfc content and i think the kfc console was involved but essentially what it is it was a limited edition gaming console that had like a drawer to keep your fried chicken warm so it was sort of like a it's not a microwave but like a warming drawer and a console in one yeah it was not it was like fully separated no word on whether or not what kind of games you could play yeah that is interesting i don't know it would be it would have been interesting if kfc had released like a you know like how kim kardashian had like a like a sort of a mobile game for a while that actually i think made her a lot of money i think i think that was like one of the big the big pulls yeah if if kfc had released like some type of game to play maybe they did i think they did so many directions they could go okay never mind they did you do a version of like space invaders where you're like shooting down like drumsticks that are coming to kill you there's a million things you can do yeah in my head it's all like sort of like a neopet style game yeah you know where it's just like a a little chicken like jumping from block to block you know that i don't know [Music] oh actually turns out as i look at my fact sheet the console has not yet been released ah no but you're right that did like a trifecta i think that he tested out like how to make kfc chicken and then mention the console yeah i think he also like yeah he did a like a trio collab across channels a little other funny fun fact is that the warming drawer was called the chicken chamber interesting yeah you know a little chicken it sounds almost like a like some branch of the government the chicken chamber right sure um chamber of commerce yeah exactly yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah so um that's it for kfc although they've done a lot i'm sure the next one is like sort of tangentially related to the mcdonald's candles oh yeah apparently in 2008 burger king released its own meat-scented body spray that's gnarly yeah wow burger wow it's too bad we don't have that actually i would be very burger king um you know they're just they're trying all sorts of stuff i feel like it's been a while since they've like topped i feel like it used to be kind of like burger king mcdonald's burger king mcdonald's and then burger king started kind of you know lagging behind they had the whopper i used to really like their chicken fries but i mean mcdonald's has really just kept that top spot while burger king is kind of you know now there's a lot of other horses in the race yes a lot of other kids on the block you're just s to f tiering right now and you're just addressing the fact that you know burger king here's my opinion of burger king ever since their fraudulent campaign to argue that their fries were as good as mcdonald's i really feel like they lost integrity of their marketing campaigns you're like dude you're just lying oh well the walker is really good you're like i'm not sure it is even though the whopper is solid but once you go down that path and try to take on the big the big dog in mcdonald's with their fries it was a mistake yeah and i have never covered no no um i don't have their spray now sorry well it was released in 2008 not actually won this right um the cologne was called flame by bk sweet kind of like you know one by calvin klein flame by bk not ck um and the body spray was actually sold in some select new york city stores does burger king have like a flagship they must i don't think it's in new york though yeah i don't think it is i would pay a lot of money to know how many they sold i'm like really like they sold like six and a half and someone returned it it was you know what are you doing out of there i just i think i'm shiny so i'm going to just dab myself that's copyrighted tyler sorry about that guys we're just going to get this copyright struck and we're going to keep going great um yeah i am as oily as the cheese candle okay perfect there are a lot of examples of these things no there's we're good okay yeah how are you or are you are you excited about it i was just saying that people do they do this a lot i mean they certainly do yes they certainly do um in the next one is about our favorite red-headed lass wendy's sir this is wendy's ma'am this is the wendy's um in 2019 wendy's released its own role-playing game on twitter the page rpg was called feast of legends wow is that a game or is that like a like uh dungeons dragons x games ah okay that's pretty cool oh yeah it's not like a digital game it's like a board okay got it maybe in streams i didn't get that there had like a really long pepsi ad they went back i mean three three they went back to like three times like oh do you drink that like it's really good um in the game you fight mcdonald's and eat wendy's food in order to survive wow you actually go up again that's cool wendy's i feel like they're quite bold they're chippy with their like pr moves and they actually do a pretty good job with it i feel like you know wendy's twitter is sort of notorious for being saucy yeah they will they're not even passive aggressive they're aggressive aggressors they're aggressive yeah she's an aggressive lady the number five example the fifth example is from snapple in 2005 snapple set out to make the world's largest popsicle to promote its new line of frozen treats there were snapple popsicles ever i well they were trying to promote it obviously didn't work i used to be a big snapple drinker probably in that era that was like around when i was in middle school i think it's when we all realized that snapple would like definitely kill you it's like super not not i'm not going on a record here but i'm saying it's like really really delicious and sugary you're like dude i don't know if this is just like a okay this is not really iced tea like this is but think about like the type of popsicles you used to eat as a kid like they were really sugary so i feel like snapple would actually suit it well but i've never had a snapple pop i'm a kiwi strawberry guy well you're gonna love this fact what flavor was it um so essentially it was i have like a list of talking points this one um so they were supposed to set up a 25 foot tall frozen snapple juice popsicle in new york city's union square okay however new york city was experiencing warmer than usual temperatures that day and the popsicle melted before it could be set up fully why does that sound like a hey arnold oh my god look at that carly's been until i got to this talking the shocking thing happened to be the big popsicle it melted i like disaster on a stick i feel like that's so relatable i feel like a disaster on a stick that's me that is life yeah yeah and in case you were wondering the popsicle was kiwi strawberry flavored which is a great flavor okay i mean it was in terms of like the uh grab and go from 7-eleven they really pioneered the kiwi strawberry you know it's a it's a bold flavor i feel like if i had one right now it would probably knock me out on the spot we are on to our last talking point but the candle has not solidified like at all okay so i am going to um grab can i just grab a little fan and just like fan it yes we have a little like space fan area fan yes all right soph is going off screen oh vamp hey guys let's talk about candles and how they can be very pungent at times and you should always have a fan that can cool it down or something oh wow look at that oh look at that shot guess who's back no we should we should put it down we should set it down not just hold it all the comments what's the buzzing um yeah look at that it was our tiny space fan fan this little set looks when we had this we said we want to be like food network they said what are you going to do again candles candles only candles yeah i was texting uh been logical and i was like oh yeah we're going to be melting candles tomorrow he's like don't candles melt yeah i guess maybe we meant as they melted them together if that makes sense yeah um so our last example of crazy pr stunts by fast food restaurants i guess now is not a restaurant by food companies um is the pizza hut parka pizza hut came out with its own parka in 2017 which um i think it was to market their new like delivery sleeves so it's made out of the insulation or lining of their delivery bags and it has a smartphone case on the wrist and a triangular pizza-shaped pocket on the inside and now the biggest twist of them all which we're going to wait for i'm gonna vamp for one more second um no never mind it's back to me hello the biggest twist of them all tyler's off screen dude my love is picking up everything right now everyone's gonna be like it's buzzing are we just like live just nothing's happening we're just hearing velcro like bizarre velcro sounds i wonder if it's intuitive what's happening let's just let him come out we're just gonna sit here and while we fan our i like how i'm fanning this also straight towards you guys so you guys are just getting the wafts incoming the biggest twist of them all oh i gotta go under this table i'm not gonna fit underneath you oh this is gonna be a sick entrance booyah is that we have it we have the pizza hut parka um i think i like tweeted at pizza hut like in late 2017 when this came out and asked for it and then once i got it i was like what do i do with it like i just but i kept it because i was so thankful that they had sent it to us and i like wanted to show it off but i like couldn't figure out like really what what the video was i was like i i become a pizza i am i put pizza inside it i turn into a i couldn't figure it out but we kept it we brought it across the country with us and we have the pizza hut parka good things happen to those who wait which is you guys out there in the chat seeing this pizza hut parka we've done multiple rounds of decluttering with our stuff alone so you can hear mike we've done multiple rounds of decluttering in our lives especially our props in fact we like we did kind of film some of it and we're like dude this is just too much stuff and this thing has survived like multiple rounds motorcycle guy um but like it's just survived multiple rounds of decluttering i mean really we keep keeping it and uh you'll notice here let me show you guys on the inside it's literally the bag i don't know how well it works is a real parka like i don't know if like i was on a mountain if this would help at all but it works it's very hot i'm very toasty in here i feel like all of these lights i feel like the chicken the rotisserie chicken on the rack is rolling around because it's very warm i'll try it on uh yeah i have tried it on a couple of times just trying to figure it out yeah oh yeah you're you were warm in here and now i feel your warmth and it is warm but you'll notice how well the warmth stays within this jacket just like your your pizza from pizza hut will stay super warm inside of this thing right there look it's like kind of stylish it's so big it's almost like that kind of like that super jacket trend is that a trend it was kind of it is kind of right yeah giant giant parkas were certainly attractive yeah they were giant parkas and then there was also like a giant park a dress both of which i mean we lived in la like we couldn't film a giant park address but now you have seen the pizza hut parka yeah look at that okay so is this what uh drake wears in that hotline bling meme isn't it a big red jacket but it's not a pizza hut jacket it could have been it could have been yeah missed opportunity yeah cross vertical integration no what is that i don't know what it's called uh product placement oh there's sleep there's something here oh you undo this for me guys okay oh that's you know what that is that's where they list your order this is where the receipt goes yeah you know when they're they're going and the guy's like okay uh you got like a you got sausage peppers and onions oh this is that is oh would you put your smartphone apparently this is really long to be a smartphone yeah what kind of phone are they expecting us to have it's like a forearm length iphone what the heck is that ipad mini i thought you just said ipod mini i was like that's old school you could feel like an ipod there's also a pocket here what's this one what does this one do nothing it's just a pocket cool well that's a that was a great payoff after all that velcro noise is anyone happy to see this i can't tell well all right so this is this is our live television moment right where we this thing's not this thing is liquid i know and it's it's getting cooler right in the fridge oh that's a good idea let's we're gonna fridge this thank you disembodied hand but in the meantime we should probably whip out the food that's true so we could eat turn it into a mukbang obviously we had to have the actual the actual bread winner i guess the mcdonald's burgers in here we got quarter pounder with cheeses classics they're very cold now because we can turn off the area fan now that it's not sitting there just try to air it out a little bit just get rid of that scent a little bit well anyway let me show off to you disembodied hand yeah over here ready and hello look at that except well yeah you guys have seen this you can get this anywhere cooked when you order thank you quarter pounder of cheese so obviously we want to do is see how this actually smells and how it compares to the burger candle which is now in the refrigerator just destroying our refrigerators ventilation what are people saying in the chat i can't tell i feel like i'm in the wrong part of the chat people are talking about it chapstick vaseline what happened with chapstick i don't know i can't i don't know i think i think i am literally just lost yes okay well anyway i think in the meantime i think we have multiple burgers so maybe just should we should we smell this or should i just have a bite can i just eat this section i'm kind of hungry it looks kind of good yeah just at least show it off to the people you know it's funny actually the last time i had a quarter pounder with cheese is the day after we uploaded our bath body works candle video well we uploaded on christmas eve and i went out and got one of these guys and i got extremely sick and that's because the night that we produce the bath body works video was a bona fide all-nighter yes and all i ate was multiple frozen pad thais and seven keurig coffees to stay up all night to get that video finished and then we still missed our flight we had a flight that morning i missed it and then you decided the best thing to eat would be a quarter pounder with cheese yeah tyler's dietary choices are just beyond me and sophia got breakfast so she was fine that's what i'm saying the only like oh i don't think we ever saw it that's okay we never got like a beaut oh we did get a beauty shot i missed it where am i am i even here yeah the only thing that's always safe for me from mcdonald's is breakfast i can eat like uh egg mcmuffin like any hour any day any amount of sleep and i'm digestionally my bowels are okay you're intact yeah i i remain intact anything else from mcdonald's i like i like the taste of it but it is certainly i'm not it's unclear if it'll agree with me or not ah okay here actually we have this is sort of random but we have more tea about the fresh beef thing because i think someone figured out the asterisk even more everyone remember how there were asterisks on the 100 fresh beef candle apparently according to andrea barnett asterisk asterisk fresh beef available at most restaurants in the contagious u.s not available in alaska hawaii and u.s territories okay that's probably like the least bad explanation but it's like mostly it's fresh except sometimes it's not it's not it's not never fresh it really felt like a it's not really neat at all it's just something we say and what are you gonna do about it like the uh there's a there's a thing it's like 100 whole grain or something doesn't mean anything it means like it's just they made it and they are selling it um or something you know yeah you know what i'm talking about um should we check on that candle i think we're doing a rapid battery switch here yes absolutely background so we're in vamp mode uh but i do i mean we put the jacket on i'm a little sweaty i don't want to eat the bird because i have the lava one is that yeah no one wants to hear that i mean it could just turn into some bizarre asmr scenario yes mcdonald's candle asmr um maybe we should go check on the the thingy oh thank you we're checking on it it is being checked on it looks a little bit ready oh i think we should just light this thing yeah that's as close there's a little bit of there's a little bit of a puddle at the top like this seamless transitions yeah let's do it here we go camera's coming back on and it is going to the oh yeah look at that there's a little bit of extra on top but i think we should slice the it is a little solid it is a little bit solid so i feel like we should just go for it we can smell it we can get a scent we can get a feel this is supposed to as they intimated and as the sort of general thesis of the franken video describes this is supposed to be the midpoint of all the sense but in this case the smell of the quarter pound of cheese yahoo you want to do that no sorry i i am totally micromanaging you only no i was just wondering because actually maybe i was just doing a bad job with it this i would cut it yeah just go for it all right just cut it a little shorter maybe let me cut it shorter okay all right so it is not fully solid but we're just doing it we're doing it live we are doing it here i'm going to turn it around so you can see it a little bit better there we are okay and you have the is this the one you ate the actual quarter pounder that's i'm gonna eat that later but there's another one there's another one yeah so if we light the bag on fire that will be basically what the button smells like fight yes what was the idea here we're gonna like this and we're gonna what's happening again here's something that we did why am i here all right here we go why have we been brought on this earth just to suffer um hold on so i think that the idea is that we're going to light this smell it and then we're going to ceremonially light put a birthday candle in here and then compare the smell all right let's do it so let's just ready yeah oh yeah there you go there we go light it great it'll take a second for that flame to hit the candle yeah it's just going to be a fast because it's you're really supposed to cut it a much shorter than that but now i understand why you're saying that no it's actually it'll burn it'll burn kind of fast like it's not going to take like hours to get down there but it's just going to be like sort of like a long string of ash here's a fun behind the scenes tidbit i don't know if you guys recall but there was a scene in our bath and bodyworks video where we tried to light all of the candles simultaneously that was a nightmare of all the candles we had gotten and they also were all at different levels they had been melon balled right so they like had different puddles and stuff and what we tried to use were the wicks that we had gotten to light them really fast because wicks burn hot enough that they were like they will pass the flame onto the next with really quickly but wicks burned down as you can see here extremely quickly so it was like a speed lighting exercise with basically the payoff being that you you know you touched the stove you burned your hands there was also like a scoop in the middle of them so like they kept going out because they were sort of like a weird like they're liquidy yeah a weird like a liquid distribution all right i think we're we're close to hitting hitting wax don't you think we're experiencing the candle experience yeah right yeah it's the uh jimi it that's a great hendrix all right i'm going to waft waft it how's that how's that it doesn't smell that bad yeah it smells kind of beefy plus a little bit of burning hair it's a it's a it's actually you know what this is a textbook example which the sum of the parts is greater than the individual like it actually smells solid i'm getting more of the beef a little bit of that tomato action the ketchup over some of the other things i am shocked yeah that does not smell that bad so what you're trying to say is that if you would like to buy the mcdonald's candle set you should just take all your candles melt them together make one candle and that's a solid candle well it was sort of intimated in like some of the press released about this candle that you should burn them all at once like to get that smell and maybe they were right because individually there were some rank candles in there like really really really bad smelling candles you want to smell it yeah i will certainly i do want to but all together it's really not the worst thing ever they are kind of coming together harmoniously and i'm a bit perplexed highlight all these guys individually and see if the it's similar maybe yeah well let's compare these two first and then we can bust those down still smells like crap sorry yeah that was disgusting it's disgusting but this is really not bad okay you want to do this guy yes i do this is the ceremony so when i try to smell this burger it really is just the sesame seed bun actually you might have to hold it up should i like open it you better open it open face it oh look at that oh can i oh my god there's cheese on both sides oh okay here we're going this way oh that's garlic yeah barley wow people are happy to subscribe for this oh that just smells like onions and pickles yeah no you can't really escape the individual parts that smells that just smells like onions and pickles oh sorry yup you're right light it with this symbolic lighting this is uh what we could have done at our wedding for the uh wedding candle right oh we should have done that yeah no frankie candle was much better good yeah so ceremonial lighting of the quarter pounder with cheese this thing smells solid honestly the candle smells better than the burger do we need these these candles left the electric guy okay torture sure okay i'm gonna just well let me just it doesn't smell the same does it that's what i want to see no the candle and the because this one smells a little bit good mostly i can smell like hints of the sharper scents like a little bit of cheese a little bit of onion but it mostly smells like char grilled fresh tomato honestly plus a little meat meat we definitely did a number on these candles i'll tell you how much this really is not the worst i know this smells like nothing because it's just a birthday candle in a burger but the burger itself really when you open it smells why would that smell like anything this smells like nothing yeah but it really smells like like sort of a mustard ketchup is there a mustard and a quarter pound of cheese it smells like sort of sharp smells like onions pickles ketchup not like not really meaty at all i wouldn't say when i sniff the quarter pounder with cheese i'm getting any meat smell no no you want me to move this out of your way sure oh come on come on lefty candle light oh yeah okay there we go so this is the apparently this is the equivalent put that marking to the test should we do a sweep just like a a sweeping scent this is a lot of sense actually it's kind of interesting oh look at that look at that shot oh yeah you don't see my nozzle your nozzle my what's my nose called again schnoz your nozzle it smells kind of cool i don't know if it smells like a quarter pounder with cheese um like how this is like our final test you actually haven't seen the logically does this smell like this like this this one smells a little bit more like when you light them all at once smells a little bit more like the original quarter pounder with cheese just because i think like the onion is making itself known a little bit more but it still smells a little bit less sharp like a little bit less pungent than like the straight onion and pickle and like that smell over there it's this one smells a little bit worse than the franken candle but it certainly smells similar i mean it's the same thing don't burn your hair baby cake that's true maybe i did burn my hair and that's why i keep smelling burning hair all right well we've learned a lot here today i will say actually at a very high level this is quite a wonderful collaboration there's a lot to do with these things you can scoop them all up melt them together melt that you can melt them individually you can take a birthday candle and put it into a fork you could do this yeah why no one knows why would you do any of this stuff well again there's no method well i guess here's the question yeah it asked me a question i have two questions i think as we're sort of like wrapping up you know we're drawing some conclusions number one i guess the question that i already know the answer to is does the franken quarter pounder candle smell like a quarter pounder with cheese no no but it i mean i do you how do you think it smells okay though it actually smells pretty good it really does not smell bad it smells like a little bit that burnt smell with a little bit of that basil smell and it's not bad do you think that this is an effective marketing tool for mcdonald's well they got us wrapped around their finger i mean yeah but that's true we were marketed to effectively listen here's what i would say i actually think that this is kind of an interesting one because it seems so ridiculous that mcdonald's would have a candle yeah that it's kind of like okay let's try it out and it's kind of fun and i like how they played with the most gnarly sounding ingredients being kind of good like oh like the pickles that's gonna be the gnarliest one is it no although the onions and the cheese sounded like they would be gnarly and they were so they got to deliver on something okay it's like listen ryan johnson can only be so subversive you still gotta have a lightsaber fight you know what i'm saying yeah i like that you keep going back to that star wars that well baby i'm going back there i think that what we should talk about as we wrap up is how does this stack up to some of those other collabs that we were talking about i mean honestly i think this is not it's not really i i think it's pretty good in terms of like i'm interested in it i think that as you said like the great lost product for us is the kfc croc and i want a platform croc from kfc so bad but i don't think i'll ever get one so that does make me sad perhaps this will be the launching pad for that yeah yeah kfc colonel if you're out there hit me up okay so when we wrap up our live stream how do we wrap up our live streams that is a question here let's try something um all right if you feel like we're done we've learned a lot today is there anyone in the chat there are people in the chat there are people in the chat i just can't tell i feel like i i don't know where i am oh my god jessica liu crocs on ebay oh my god someone's gonna swoop them no right after the stream we're gonna have to try and buy them [Laughter] yeah someone says the crocs are all over offer up oh my god i feel like my chat finally caught up my chat was like somewhere else random like i couldn't figure it out um great awesome i've seen a lot of good ideas in here i said burger facial um have you learned nothing from your chemistry class waft i think that that's fair i think that yeah when it comes to chemistry in our channel we just wing it here's one thing that is i think is a fair note to just you know a fair note from the chat before we move on from mcdonald's candles um cecil matricito says why couldn't they like make the candle smell like soda or something yes or or one of the best smelling things about mcdonald's the fries where are the fries okay because it could have been like a like a savory salty smell yeah you know wow on top i just wanna oh yeah before it like i wanna eat that so i just want to make sure that we uh no no that's a great point you know what i'm actually going to end it on this note that's cork uh yeah i was like that's not what you want to put that uh they could have done more more candles i'm ready for more give me the full lineup i want the uh nuggets the chicken mcnugget i want the nugget yeah give me the nugget candle i'm ready for it i want the fries and then of course can't forget about it yeah muffin what about the shamrock shake that would be minty candle hey well we just you know what we just missed it for st patrick's day that's true we have a whole year for you guys to get that ready so free idea mcdonald's yeah free idea okay you can just rip them from here we're not the double asterisk types we don't try to steal it from you guys so go for it um awesome so i think that that concludes our journey into mick franken candles yeah franken mchandling or something um i think that we actually came out with a decent product that smells not that bad even though we were a little bit scarred along the way we could do the uh our outro if you like this live stream so thank you guys so much for being here um thank you for sticking through us through our first stream and the buzzing apologize if there were mic buzzings at this point i don't even know what what is reality and what's not because i couldn't tell if people are being serious or not but we're sorry about any mike i just touched my mic as i said that um we are apologies for any technical difficulties thank you for sticking with us thank you for being here for our very first stream and if you like this this live stream make sure to smash that like button and if you want to see more streams like this make sure you smash that subscribe button here are our social media handles for when we edit it they're not here right now i was like wait what i don't know but uh yeah we're doing tick tock two now so check that out um we uh that's why we're doing some extra films it'll be fun uh and if you uh we'll see you guys not on friday no but on tuesday we will see you guys next week
Channel: Safiya & Tyler
Views: 1,267,649
Rating: 4.9604855 out of 5
Keywords: we mix mcdonald’s scented candles together, mix, mixing, melting all the mcdonald’s quarter pounder candles together, melting candles, melting, candles, wax, melting wax, wick, oddly satisfying, fast food, mcdonald’s, melting mcdonald’s candles, fragrances, scents, quarter pounder, burger, hamburger, cheeseburger, haul, safiya bad makeup science, safiya melting, safiya mixing, safiya nygaard, safiya and tyler, tyler williams, live with safiya and tyler, live, livestream, safia, sofia, sofiya
Id: XCGbTCakk1Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 89min 49sec (5389 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 05 2021
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