Let's Play: Keep Talking And Nobody Explodes

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People post Rift stuff here whenever some big names tries it, like Tested... so I thought, why not Good Mythical Morning too, eh?

👍︎︎ 11 👤︎︎ u/IronclawFTW 📅︎︎ Nov 28 2016 🗫︎ replies

Having played this game and knowing the modules, this was very stressful to watch. haha

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Romthirty 📅︎︎ Nov 29 2016 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Nov 28 2016 🗫︎ replies
you're giving up your mug no I'll give you another one that's totally cleaned [Music] and alright welcome to good mythical more what you put on that well let's put this on and the oculus okay well you're gonna wear it all man because there's a bomb defusal manual that has lots of words in here that I've asked Rhett to be in charge wears glasses when I take these off I'm gonna have to take those off but let me put this on first and you do the rock this first and then you have to do that cuz that way it'll be like you didn't put it all right I can put on the oculus myself but thank you right I gotta make sure my hair's what happened to it what did I do wrong oh wow here I am I'm in it I'm in it right now you're gonna just step into this now there's music in my ears and I'm gonna try not to talk too loud email Arnie's talking a little le whoa can you hear me at all yeah okay can you step into I know you're know you don't see this in your furniture room but there's a pop what's it called Vani haha thank you why is it got out of my chair there's my chair what does it have my chairs there but it's here I see my chair here but just put the fanny pop on man why is it going like Christmas lights on it ready to fuse a bomb any some popcorn so those those lights will eventually be hot enough to pop the popcorn like in this what in the real world when yeah that's a good idea okay okay okay wow there's that can't see my hands just so they can understand control yeah so just so you watching can understand what's going on so link is is and they can actually eat with Lincoln see right yeah but you can't so I can't see it at all I'm gonna be helping link defuse a bomb and we've never played this game before he's going to be looking at this bomb and I'm gonna be giving him instructions because I have the bomb defusal manual and I'm gonna go and tell you right now I guarantee you this bomb is going to explode so so you would like to see that happen stick around and when it does but we're not trying to popcorn is gonna pop when the bomb explodes because it's connected to the oculus linka the last person in this room that I would want to be in this this situation in real life just so you know okay so what do you mean reset my orientation speak up I can't hear you hey des scroll down I can't hear you at all Eddie I got this freaking can you turn the volume down just yell man look straight Oh look straight got it now what hit a again yeah I know it's over here this is gonna be awkward if you're looking back there there we go guys this should be right there the bomb should be right there all right so now where do I need to go easy as pie all right and we're not even in the game yeah he's about the difference of free play alright so this is we're going for five minutes three modules needy is off hardcore it needs to be off I'm ready sorry there's gonna be three modules on the bomb alright it's starting I've got information about this dramatic music okay so there's a bomb in front of me okay so give me an information about one of the modules what do they look like it's got a hit 8 oh there it is it's got a timer in the middle but in the lower right there's something looks like Simon red blue yellow green right that's a Simon Says module yes and it's one of the four colored buttons we'll watch it yeah the yellow one using the correct table below press the button with the corresponding color so what what which one is flashing yellow that's the one on the right four minutes 20 seven seconds that were on the right okay you're gonna have to give me the serial number of the bomb what are you laughing at there's no mic here in the world can use these to move the ball around oh I don't have to just do like this how do i oh I just hit detonate I got an X okay so don't do that again so what is the serial number on that bomb and read it slowly so I can type it in use the right stick man Oh Zr 7e and 6 Z Ralph seven Ernie Nancy six okay if the serial number contains eval yes yes three minutes 26 seconds no strike one strike two strikes but I got one strike because I hit detonate it's a button you shouldn't hit on the body there's a yellow flash hit the red button hit the red button yeah okay how do I select oh I just lost two strikes now two strikes I'm hitting the red button no dos up now you hit blue hitting a blue button there's a module disarm select yes no now what now what all right two minutes 36 seconds original button will flash followed by another review this sequence in order using the color mapping the sequence will lengthen by one Oh what did a bot double explode yeah do my popcorn the the challenging part is knowing what buttons to push the easy part is defusing the bomb can we try again sure we'll do it let's do another one with with you wearing that and then we'll do one with me worried that you guys you want to switch right now uh well no because I want to understand what this what this even means using the correct table below press the button with the corresponding color the original button will flash followed by another repeat this sequence in order using the code okay so basically link once you what you were supposed to do once you did that are you listening to me then it was basically a game of Simon Says after that and you were supposed to then go and I was just hitting the wrong button yeah so if you if you had a student correctly then it would have been like blue yellow and you added them and then it will link them by one each time and then eventually it will disarm just like Simon Says okay so if you get that one yeah I've got a Simon Says right here in the middle oh you're doing it again you're good yeah serial number Ernie 307 Tina idiot one okay all right if it contains a vowel and it does you have no strikes what which one is flashing uh red hit the blue okay so yes now that should start Simon Says and you just repeat it that something like asteroid that was a strike but why was that a strike so it said red yellow so then I need to hit red and then hit yellow right yeah so do I hit select I don't know what why is that striking me Eddie do you know why they're striking him ooh maybe I gotta hit another button red yellow but if I hit red it's gonna strike so I got to do something different but what's the point change selection try yellow that he says I don't know I don't know what it looks like so oh just blew up I didn't do it right but I thought I was doing it right so what did he do wrong Eddie just try one more time it is never diffused a blonde anyone he did all let's just diffuse a different one ooh it's dark in here now okay let's go to another module because we're definitely gonna not gonna do that one all right serial number 9 x8 up4 ok 9 Xander hey I got it got got what give me another different model okay look this has got like some sort of hieroglyphics on it it's four keypad yes that is in the Reds there's one that cysts has like a C with the dot in the middle this one's the parent don't tell me that only one column below has all four of the symbols from the keypad press the four buttons in order their symbols appear from top to bottom within that column okay so tell me what your what your images look like you describe them upper-left see right you got to go fits lower upper right upper left is a C with a circle around there the dot in the middle a C with a dot in the middle and a line on the top they all have lines on the top C with the dot in the middle okay and what is your next one upper right is the it looks like a paragraph symbol like a backwards P with builded okay whew okay I'm inside of the box okay all right okay I know which one you have link you have to press the four buttons in the order they're symbols appear from top to bottom within that column okay so it doesn't make sense so I meant I'm gonna tell you the order so you have to give me the other four you have to give me the other two now lower left is a man looks like an upside-down P it kind of looks like a capital B with the with the T okay upper boobies smaller okay so okay and what's the what's the last one I think that's an epsilon it looks like the top of the Trident no not an epsilon an epsilon I decide it's like it's an epsilon on its side or like a like a like a you with a like like a three candle thing okay yeah like this all right okay so do this hit the C I'm sorry sorry hit the epsilon that you just talked about first yes hit the B with the teeth marked out yes yes it did agree with the dot a yes and then hit the backwards beat yes disarmed okay next one all right so now we're moving over here and there's three wires two minutes 44 seconds shoot we got two blue wires in a black wire one two three ABC all right tell me wires you have for that two three if there are no red wires cut the second wire cut it cut the second wire boom cut it done otherwise if the last wire is white no I don't have any red ones okay if that what last wire is white it's the last wire white last wires black if there's more than one blue more than one blue ones cut the last blue wire how do you have the last blue wire is also the one I've already cut what's next cut the last wire Oh cut the last wire or cut the last blue wire if there's all if there's another blue wire cut the blue wire or cut the last while if the last wire is white cut the last wire the last wire is black the last wire is black one minute 53 seconds cut the black one then I guess yes now cut the blue one you remaining one yeah and it still didn't it still didn't it's still armed there are three wires total three bars there are no red wires cut the second wire yes you did it otherwise if the last wire is white well the last wire there's no white wire if there's more than one blue wire yes cut the last blue wire what do you mean last blue wire if they're there one on the bottom I've cut all the wires oh I got oh there's more okay oh snap alright so now four five and six there's two wires a black one and a red one one minute 11 seconds two hours won't sweatin two wires one black one orange nothing on the understand Eddie what it's a different one minute oh he's giving the wrong module I'm in a new module but four five six ABC I said I'm in the same module it just it has different while it was one bars were going through top to bottom 44 43 42 41 is there an LED above the wire no there there is an LED above the each wire right no it's not this one are they going across the two 2a 2b oh well like there's a clot yeah thanks for describing that wait several panels with wires on them but only one panel is visible at a time switch to the next panel by using the down button and the previous panel by using the output house news did I think we're gonna be okay is it gonna explode now I'm snoozing a middle arm clock is there a red wire there's a hole we should just go through the hole oh man that's tough mister I don't think you're cut out for this man so just so you know so when you say it's hot when you said wires I thought it was this but there's actually three different wires she has to be like there's wires going across and there's eight they ended this is also complicated wires what's up what's up and then this is actually the one that you were all me but you didn't tell you tell me anything about ones and twos and a B B's and C's got it so you just just described I'll describe it thoroughly okay man I really don't feel like we're qualifying for anything how do I do that Eddie hit back which is B how do I reorder it orient okay and now you can hit B into you okay hmm there's a bunch of batteries all right are we ready I'm born ready born ready to defuse a bomb I've been on the inside yes way the difficulty of this is at the very bottom great just so we know that yeah that's not gonna comfort us okay select a module when it turns yellow selected what's happening tell me how do I pick it up okay give me the serial number what do I do with this serial number what do I do with the serial number I'm gonna give it to you need what do I do with it well there is the serial number is whatever what do I do with the serial number just write it down 48 down yeah so then you cuz then you little determine different things 46 zk1 where did you ride my computer right there 46 zk1 haha t6 ZK 146 Z okay okay okay the first gonzo is the 1 2 & 3 on the left and the ABC on the right there is one blue wire on the bottom and no wires anywhere else do you know which module it is no it's got it 1 2 3 yes yes no why there's one wire going from the 3 to the C on the bottom three - that's all there is that's all there is cut it how that okay I got a strike okay I'm gonna look at the manual oh come on man why are occurrence what but is it a black wire okay now there are three red wires the two on the 4 & 5 are both going to the C + 6 is going to the B so just ask me questions how many how many how many what they're all red they're all red third red occurrence cut if connected to a not connected to a first red occurrence cut if connected to C done good second red occurrence cut if connected to B not third bred occurrence a cut nose connected to B for thread occurrence cut it'll connected to a or C there's only three Reds oh did I I think I just harmed that one is that what that means no you gotta give me other you got to give me more options man fifth red occurrence cut of connected to be there there's no it's just there's three there's three wires coming off of four five and six red occurrence but it says nine how could there be nine wires okay so okay so if I go back to the beginning there was only one blue so this is a there's no s four five and six so it's this is the first second and third occurrence of red and I cut the one give me some other information you got to tell me things go to the next one all right three black wires start telling me things um let's see black wire first black occurrence yep kind of good idea to a B or C done second black occurrence kind of connected to a or C not third B not fourth okay so we're going to okay so now I've got my fourth red and my second and third blue so go ahead give me some information what about my second red beet not second blue a or C cut third blue 13 not know you get a yardage strike did you strike it no I just read go to the next thing you hit the wrong button third so the third blue was B VIN one third blue is connected to a mmm don't don't cut it don't cut it I know I didn't cut it I tried to go to the next module okay next module I think we just made a mistake on the first one cuz you just told me to cut it without looking at the manual go to the other module it says do that what's the other module look like it's a it's a green screen it's a screen with ZZ q KL on it come at modules black and white it blew up all right I think art again if you had told me to is my fault cut the wire for no reason let's try it well let's try again just you got to believe man we'll do this on our own time all right we're gonna keep playing this all day but you should probably get on with your life thanks for being your mythical best you know don't trust us with a bomb let's spin the wheel again [Music]
Channel: Good Mythical MORE
Views: 3,205,579
Rating: 4.8896289 out of 5
Keywords: rhett and link, good mythical more, rhett and link good mythical more, good mythical more rhett and link, rhett and link vlog, vlog rhett and link, season 10, Keep Talking And Nobody Explodes good mythical more, good mythical more Keep Talking And Nobody Explodes, Keep Talking And Nobody Explodes rhett and link, rhett and link Keep Talking And Nobody Explodes, Keep Talking And Nobody Explodes gmm, gmm Keep Talking And Nobody Explodes, keep talking and nobody explodes, VR, explodes
Id: lDgTqx-jz8Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 54sec (1194 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 28 2016
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