We Tried Extreme Amazon Vegetable Slicers • Safiya & Tyler Live

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three two one hello friends and welcome to this week's live stream we're here we're streaming as you guys could tell by the title and thumbnail of this video we're going to be testing out some extreme vegetable slicers extreme what is this i don't know x stream oh i don't know i feel like like an x games a celebration that you see every once in a while like a motocross yeah like a three pointer extreme i don't know yeah extreme also works so extreme anyway so what we're going to do is we have three different vegetable slices that we found on the interwebs yes ecommerce interwebs that are objectively bizarre extreme they're very interesting and we're going to be testing them out sort of putting some of their marketing video edge to the test that's not a word but marketing videos to the test maybe looking at some reviews seeing what people have said about these things scandalous and not scandalous and then i don't know maybe at the end we're gonna make a stew not on camera but we're gonna have a lot of vegetables in this stream but we will put these vegetables that we slice to good use exactly yeah um we have worked on some troubleshooting angles some troubleshooting ideas for the audio buzzing how are we doing guys there is some uh rustling in the background so maybe it's not good but uh i think it's good it was just one little buzzer there are some people saying there's buzzing and some say there isn't can you guys hear me i heard like one loud one okay but not consistent well when we repost this bad boy we will probably edit that out just bring it down a little bit i don't know if you guys noticed yesterday we did repost our original uh first live stream and we're going to try to like kind of post it like a day or two afterwards we're going to come out with the sort of not truncated but like cleaned up color corrected yeah debuzzed version of the live stream and we also may just get ourselves some fresh laughs yeah i feel like maybe that's the problem yeah because i thought i could troubleshoot but if it's not if it's really not i'm getting a lot of no buzzings in the chat right now great all right with the assist chris with the assist chris and carly with the dual assists the hockey assist yeah that's what they call you know one two whatever um so what do they call it assist in more places than just hockey it was the two assists yeah so if there's like a one person passes the next guy passes them well i'm getting exposed for not knowing sports chicago i know i should probably know more about that anyway hello friends we already said hello we're just coming back from technical talk yes coming back from technical talk um so this week we're going to be testing out some extreme vegetable slicers that we found on the internet like you said i'm just resetting for myself so basically what happened is a maybe sometime early last year or maybe it was back when we were doing like our k-pop makeover video i think so um i stumbled upon this video of a k-pop group that we like twice yes testing out some sort of like bizarre gadgets from the interwebs that they had ordered and they found this this thing that's playing right now this bizarre vegetable or it's not a vegetable but it's a fruit peeler it's like a it's like a vegetable it's a produce peeler and i was so mesmerized impressed astonished as are they amazed yes by this product that i was like i need that thing and i need to make content with it so we ordered that and also a couple of other gadgets it was that plus yes more of this more i want more of this that was the beach head into the world of vegetable slicers whatever this is i need more exactly um so we ordered essentially that thing that you just saw that you will see later and i really hope it works um and also two other gadgets that we're going to try out before that because i feel like that's the climax i feel like the world of the internet is aware of crazy vegetable slicers there's so much vegetables that need to be sliced so much vegetable i mean the chops the chops the chopped thing what's it called again the slap chop as well in the lexicon of the internet where it's like this thing and it's been on the like as seen on television world so i feel like we are all aware that vegetables can be sliced with unique gadgetry so today we're gonna we're gonna try some of them out i like gadgetry you like that word gadgetry i was afraid i was gonna stumble over that word where it's kind of hard to say you got it you nailed it man but on a serious note before we go forward i just want to draw attention though to the chopping boards that are on the table and are kind of blending into our food network height table which is these bat cut chopping boards yeah are they the best for trapping on who knows but they are shaped like bats you know i feel like you could lose some things in these crevices but they are adorable so i knew that was coming from oh no chris i got it action shot chris i'm here chris i'm here for you yeah oh yeah look at chris migrating over i saw chris and carly like doing some signals like some nautical signaling to each other and i was like they're gonna cut to the second camp that way yeah exactly it was like the uh the help album art yes right where they're making signals yeah that's a throwback reference that's 1965. anyway so i just said yes i actually don't know the reference okay i just agreed with you just to be agreeable but i don't know what you're saying thank you for reinforcing me okay so where are we starting with this sophia we are starting we should just dive right in just dive right in yeah i think i'm just so impressed by these bat cutting boards and i'm like i'm actually good this is all the content so thanks for watching guys we're gonna head out here we're gonna take these with us i don't know so our first gadget that we're gonna be doing is this thing i tried to pick it up by its top but it didn't come with me this thing this thing i will say the name of it so then carly can play the clip of it i set up for the shot with chris way early yeah right here chris yeah um this is called the said whom four in one spiralizer look at this b-roll yeah and so the idea of this thing is it is an easy way to turn zucchinis into zoodles yeah if you're ever on like a low-carb diet or you know if you're looking for some you know healthy alternatives to pasta all that whole maybe you don't like pasta maybe you're a zoodle person maybe you are a zucchini enthusiast oh wow which i am not but you know someone out there must be does that exist do you exist let us know in the in the chat do you exist no shade to the zoodle fan all tea no shade all tea no insane no one's cut that out cut that out um yeah but so the idea is that essentially you basically just stick a zucchini into the zoodler and then you spiralize it until zoodles come out hey chris can we get a detail shot real quick into this like the uh the jaws of death of this thing i mean this thing looks like a hazard and a half right i mean that looks like something you should not play with it kind of looks like a giant pencil sharpener it it does and it falls apart like that be careful though sorry because there are oh there are blades there are there are blades we have these gloves they appeared on this table i don't know maybe either chris or carly like tyler is not good with plates no i have i have something to do it's not only you okay got it okay it's not just because of you get the the gloves out there but um but essentially this thing has like four different settings so you can make different sizes of zucchini noodles yes so our idea here um was to just we have a couple of things we've got two zucchinis i don't we're not gonna probably do it at the same time two zucchinis two carrots if the glove fits the zucchini must have quit i don't know what i'm talking about i love humor for you do you want to look at some amazon reviews yes that's a good idea and then we will spiralize yes um but yeah so basically this thing we found on amazon that's why it's called the said whom that's not i don't know if that like that's you know you know amazon just has like different sellers that have whatever username they decided upon this is from said who it's the wild west of naming not quite wish level but you can kind of do whatever you want if you like it yes all right so we have some amazon reviews here yes oh we've got some negative ones wow and then a couple positive ones we'll get a little bit of a speckling here all right both sides yes carolyn says maybe it's operator error but this does not work don't be fooled by the video oh i feel like i was fooled by the video it was cool it's harder than it looks it now resides in the back of my cupboard never to be heard from again much like jimmy hoffa that's a topical jimmy hoffa right there also juan at the top of this review it said i hate this thing oh right one out of five stars yeah one out of five stars yeah i actually don't know who jimmy hoffa is will someone explain them to me not well chris he's like the legendary uh head of the teamsters union he's dead now but he's very dead his body disappeared he was effectively a mob boss but instead of being a mob it was the teamsters so i believe that the story is that people think he might be buried underneath shea stadium so this person really hates the spiralizer huh like this person really hates it jimmy hoffa comes up every once in a while as a reference when i took krusty to a vet at in studio city one time they were like he doesn't talk he's like jimmy hoffa and i was like totally get that reference although if if if jimmy hoffa is some type of like mafia-esque figure krusty does fit that profile he does yeah um but yeah carolyn is not here for the spinal life carolyn was in the back of her closet sees this thing just i gotta write a review about this i hate this amazon sometimes prompts you to review things which is how they end up with negative reviews maybe she just snapped she had it fine i will review it um all right so then this next one is just buyer beware yes fire beware it says short and sweet spiralized my thumb hence the gloves one star one star that's all you need to know man just that's all you need to know thumbs beware thumb square yeah yes that's why i'm wearing them exactly yeah what's next um the next one is actually that i have is a positive one oh wow this one says made me like vegetables yeah this one is into the spiralizer it make it make me like vegetables also half a carrot fills up a whole plate when i use this thing can you imagine eating half a carrot as a meal without it being spiralized death period it revamps vegetables i respect that so this is life changing right yeah wow this is like paradigm shifting technology for that person for a benicula i was going to say venicular over venicula whenever i see the word or the the root word vamp oh yeah near vegetables i always think of binicula yes which for anyone who doesn't know is a like children's book series about a vampire rabbit who sucks vegetables dry yes and so that's when i said it revamps vegetables i was like benicula it's top tier for like required reading in elementary school borderline asked here yes um and then the last one i have is a negative one they're upset about it so this is our last amazon room yeah waste of money cheap one out of five stars what's that highlighted portion there um it goes it is currently collecting dust in my cabinet but now that amazon prompted me to write this review it is on its way to the trash wow i feel like we just had a window into carolyn's moment well that's not caroline i know i'm trying to remember because carolyn is obviously also prompted and within her rage she wrote her review yeah that person and carolyn are on the same wavelength they hate it hate it they should meet each other but they can just gab about it on that note we're going to try it right let's do it yeah um so there are a couple of different settings i think i mentioned this earlier to like make different sizes of veggies because those are simpler slippery yeah veg not or veggie noodles yes voodles zoodles zoodles zoodles yes um so ty do you want to start or should i start why don't you jump in all right i'll start oh these are maybe i just need like one glove yeah single glove it because i was like how do you think they spiralized their thumb um they got super aggressive they wanted every last inch of zoodle so they got close at the end so zucchini that might get spiralized all right got it yeah okay so what i'm gonna do is i'm going to chop off like the ends oh wow zooming out wow why not stream hello so what i'm gonna do is i'm going to chop off the head and the tail of this guy okay um i'll put my glove on just because i don't want people to to get mad at me yeah um i'm gonna cut the head off goodbye zucchini head oh sorry i went i just went i think we've seen that the one oh farewell friend um the one thing i do like about zucchinis because i'm not a huge zucchini fan is that it cuts very nicely it's satisfying that is the one one of the good things about zucchinis there is a little motorcycle outside but the window isn't open today so he's not like literally in the room with us like last time we do not have to air out this room quite as much now that the mcdonald's candles are absent thank god yeah i think that you know the the fresh veggies that are getting cut is actually a very nice smell yeah so we're we're on the opposite end we can make some straw water with this yeah okay you ready yes so well no i'm going to wait for chris i'm also going to figure out how i'm going to do this i think you use this somehow okay no i think oh no this is what happens ready i think you stick you stick this thing you see how it's got kind of like an iron maiden like bed of spikes vibe it does you stick this into one end of the zoodler okay to like oh my god to like hold it yeah and then you stick this side in straight in or the other way it's the other side right it's the other side everyone carly with the save i know what i'm talking about sorry chris i'm making this shot terrible for you this side right chris is enough mayhem do i go like this do we think like this yeah maybe uh oh wow kind of uh no interesting imagery carly help me i don't know what i'm doing you just spin the zucchini that changes the different blades oh do we spin from the top here yeah okay wow okay i'm figuring it out ready i like how we just watched a video how to do it and i forgot everything yeah maybe we should watch more carefully next time yeah oh here we go here we go should we go with a money shot oh yeah look at that oh that's a thick zoodle i feel like i'm not doing this right maybe there you go sorry that was loud yes that is a zoodle kind of what kind of pasta does that resemble is that a fettuccine no is what is a fettuccine i thought it was like a flat noodle fettuccine yeah yeah flat noodle yeah i got alfredo and fettuccine mixed up right there i think i'm going to try it like this oh a fresh zoodle i just want to try it first how was it oh you had the whole thing wow i mean once you get going i can't go off i think i think i'm going to try this way i'm ditching this thing i hate this thing horrible we're going straight out ready where are you oh yeah look at this come on this is iterating on the fly look at that oh yeah wow i got better fast you are eliminating the zucchini too here rotate show how rapidly you're going through this bad boy look at that see screw the zucchini it's disappearing i hate the zucchini this is kind of extreme and you know what whoa it's in a cup now oh my god it kind of looks like a beautiful rose you think well now it's kind of there's too many of them at some point it did now it just looks like a brain oh wow sort of kind of like a blossoming flower i i feel it i'm i'm nailing this right now you guys maybe we should try a different setting because i i am oh my god wait do you see what just watch the i was wow that's so gross what the hell the auto filter on youtube just demonetizes this video though we don't even know what's going on we think there's a child birth or something should i just eat it off no i feel like that'll get me no okay it's fine no i don't like it you don't like it you don't like i don't really like zucchini which is the flaw yeah for me the negative review would be i don't like zucchini but you can put other things in it sorry i'm talking with my mouth full i'm sorry that was so upsetting i didn't realize it would leave behind like a strange flaccid appendage flaccid appendage is right what on earth why did that happen it was almost like an umbilical cord just like left over that is probably one of the more generous comparisons yes let's go let's go umbilical cord veggie umbilical cord um all right i have kind of like half this thing left do you want to give it a shot ty on a different setting but look at this this is a nice little cup of zoodle zucchini oodle here what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna put use this bowl for any like butts okay for any unwanted veggie butts yeah put the butts in there and then put the actual good stuff in there yeah make some pasta with this later dude we yeah i almost i actually just almost stabbed myself with the thing that is probably carrying it out right yeah you got to be careful cause the spikes do stick like straight out at you yeah because there are like multiple settings that you go through oh okay yeah once chris chris is uh resetting this camera once he's back i'm going to show what what's up was talking about because there's actually like a little toggle on the side right here you can change the setting and right now i think we're on like a decently large one you know what i'm saying because like the ones on the outside here see right here is where we're actually slicing the zook right and then when i go on the inside you see here i can then twist this thing and have different settings go to the smallest one the smallest one okay i might as well try it no i i think that you need the smallest one to be i don't know actually why am i trying to manage this yeah right um okay bring it on i'm gonna tell you yes just have at least one glove don't use that thing there's a lot of iron maiden involved in this thing in general you know like there's just spikes everywhere it's more like bed of nails because an iron maiden is more like you are closed inside of a coffin of spikes it's not it's not a good way to go i've actually heard that iron maidens like as a as medieval torture methods go is fictional i i actually like i think it actually wasn't really used if like almost i mean if at all not very often it was just meant to scare people or maybe it's scary yeah yeah maybe it was just uh something that the 70s band picked up all right you ready i think this is the lower setting so if you like your your zoodle thin if you are a thin and in zoodle person this is what we're talking about ready what am i doing here here this this you need help maybe i should use my other hand yeah do you need help my bad my bad maybe you should do it or actually i can try i can try here we go ready are you sure that's making thin ones or it looks like it's oh actually maybe they're like they're the same size as before but with extra edges in there i see they're kind of like made um more serrated yeah this is uh this is not my best showing ever maybe i just have the magic zucchini noodle touch you got the magic at yusuf you're like that b.o.b song can't sing it i'm not going to sing it can't sing it it's not a short can't sing it won't sing it don't make me sing don't do it i won't no don't make me sing okay i i started entertaining myself only so here let's bring it in let's see what we've what we've learned here oh those actually look sort of like like they if they were longer they could be ramens yeah you know okay they got a squiggle factor to them they do yeah and then we have a smaller nubbin this time right that's more like a that's yeah like a nipple never mind yeah no who's okay i don't know i don't know i was just i'm not as quick on my feet as you i don't think i said anything i had to think about that umbilical cord one and load that up yeah um all right so let's let's give an old dump oh yeah here let me finish off that zucchini why don't you go and then we're going to also for this we also thought we might want to do a carrot yes just to show that we could do something else also because the only amazon review who liked amazon reviewer who liked this thing used it for carrots oh really okay we just read it i completely forgot um should i uh slice this thing why don't i prep this guy up while you finish off the zoo yeah we've already seen this you've seen that i'm actually very mildly impressed and also disturbed by the use of the word zook i have never heard it before makes sense because of like a cuke like a cucumber yeah but i don't know if i like it but i feel like you're coining a new term here we go yeah watch out ty where are you going i'm going here be careful of your handle oh i got a little crunch going here is anything coming out yeah here we go this is like people like what is even happening here there it is do you think we that's kind of a shock i saw one that's kind of a shot i mean something's happening there is a shredding action happening it's going everywhere here let me try a different setting i think this is not the right setting for carrots although i did get a little like watching on the the screen is he doing anything that is that is what the question is yeah let me i'll make short work of this zook and then i'll come help hey guys zuke here right yeah yeah it's all coming together go in here okay so look at saff saab is the champion don't come for me okay i feel like i have reached perhaps like look how oh my god sorry look how little zucchini is left here let's get the removal ready for this chris you ready for this jelly look at you wow what's the mushroom it kind of looks like um you know your little what are those called is that called the uvula that thing in the back of your throat that like dangles your tonsil the toxins are like the meat aren't they no tonsils are not the same thing i'm talking about like in animated cartoons when someone screams and it zooms into their throat and they have a little dangly thing i think that's the uvula that's a really fun way to eat those things i like that long tangle it's interesting so maybe you should get the spiralizer just to get the weird dangly flaccid appendage at the end yeah in case that's your thing and yes you can still leave a one-star review on amazon if you'd like afterwards yeah nobody get upset but we're gonna mix the carrots and the zucchini that's a stew baby sorry right it's gonna be a really exciting time plus putting that in there are you going in for the cuke no i'm trying to help you mean the carrot the carrot i'm trying to i'm trying to provide a secondary attempt at the carrot no i failed yeah that was a fail compilation all right let's see what we got going in there oh this is actually this isn't easy it's very narrow but look at that you got this steady hand yeah it's not it i think maybe the carrot is a little bit tougher it's not really like sustaining it's almost i'm like flaking it yeah i'm like turning it into like grated carrot yeah the decent shavings there i mean it's not easy to like grate a carrot or like chop it thin that's true the steady hand that comes from the gravy i'm gonna try oh right that's an office reference that's what uh that's how uh dwight sells himself as the manager but the hand that ascends from the grave is the one you want on the steering wheel is that what it is and i think in this case you are the hand that comes with the grave i mean chris greatly prefers you right now to me because i i can barely do this look at this i don't think this is good you don't think that's good no no he has content well that's a different question i'm certainly not doing a good job in today's world what is even content yes look at that that's coming that's coming out but i don't have a noodle that goes into a stir fry though i mean think about it when you have carrots in this form they go into stir fries they go into salads they go into all kinds of things you're gonna chomp that or no it's a carrot oh look you're on the big screen this could get me yeah what's up doc what's up zach all right i don't know how that person got the carrot to work i'm not liking the carrot no i don't like the carrot either maybe i need like a wider carrot you know because like the zucchini has like a wider oh my sorry i just wanted to do that that is actually sort of a satisfying sound but for some reason because it was unexpected it upset me asmr they saw it coming unsolicited asmr no but there's just there's more surface area with the zucchini versus the carrot it's just not wide enough to get get me a good a good stream maybe we should retire the spiralizer yeah yeah why don't you tell me some things how do you i feel like we tested it a little bit how do you feel about the spiralizer well for the zucchini i think it worked pretty well with the carrot the carrot being so tough i think is a detriment to it yeah that's actually going pretty well saw i would say that chest yeah sorry give me a second hi oh we're holding off in the action shot amazon vegetable slicers gun sexual extreme like triple x x-rated x-rated vegetable slicers there you go i don't know that was actuated it was like your microphone on your flannel well we're usually very advertiser friendly so you know a little chest action this is bigger or longer and uncut yeah it's gonna be in tyler yeah you never know what's gonna happen on the live stream you could see a glimpse of my clavicle her gone wild victorian level pornography in general it seemed like a lot of the amazon reviews were very negative about this thing i would actually say that in terms of like making a zucchini noodle look at that noodle look at that noodle yeah it did a pretty good job and it wasn't that hard to use i can see there's something happening chris is the master chris is this is like a ninja right now it is awesome i'm watching him go around there although i also have to be on camera so kind of attention there i can see how it could be easy to hurt yourself because the blades are like very exposed and you if you are not aware of them at all times you could easily just like reach in and just like prick your finger yes um so i can see how it's like a little dangerous um and i but i think that it did actually work so when people are like it's on the way to the trash yeah i feel like that's a bit harsh that is harsh i mean this is this is a good endpoint you can't argue with results people okay and that is results i mean if you bought this to make zoodles you can't really complain yeah i think that this is a dynamic in which people have been pricked by this thing and are frustrated about it yeah they got burned we should go on to the next one did people in the chat enjoy that yeah i was actually gonna also ask carly how the chat's like in it yeah there's a lot of people saying kurget which i guess is in britain how you say zucchini ah how do you say it cricket or c-o-u-r-g-e-t-t-e corrugate [Laughter] yeah i don't know i am like okay with raw zucchini i would have said zucchini was a raw thing oh my gosh people were like no i tried to grab one to eat it and look at how long it came this is impressive people okay i think that's a that's a victory i got a little baby one it's really not so bad and the chat is enraged no all right do you want to introduce our next ones of you i just need a thicker carrot all right thicker carrots and then you're good are you done with me talking about this you're over it i've tried it i'm trying to move things along i'm gonna see the show here okay that's one extreme uh veggie slicer down let's go to veggie slicer part dude all right here is the next one do we have any uh introductory b-roll with this bad boy or we want to bring it i'll say it okay you intro that yeah you imagine you're hosting the show right now i don't know we're both hosting it but at the same time neither of us are hosting it yeah so it's just getting hosted by committee yeah we're not in uh we're not in control yeah the stream um all right so now we're on to vegetable slicer number two um this is called the vegetable chopper and mandolin slicer branded yeah oh here it is yes and essentially what this thing is is i think it's somewhat similar to the idea of a slap chop where it's kind of like this thing where you like do different things with the vegetables and then you catch the shavings below that was the mandolin part that back end there for sure where you have like no the first part in that clip was the slap chop part we kind of have the thing and it goes you know this one has almost like your like saw house of horrors dynamic almost a little bit again like an iron maiden that's a little bit more like an iron maiden because it has like the closing bit oh wow are you okay it almost made in my hand yeah see there so you have these blades here and you have this thing here that kind of forces it through on this is this is qvc level right now and you got this thing here and when you put the veggie right there you slam it down and you have now diced it immediately yeah look at you qvc i'm qv singing it up right now here's basically like lisa rinna does lisa do a lot of qvc stuff based off of the amount of real housewives of beverly hills i've watched she does do qvc stuff or shopping network stuff or something one of the two yeah well here's the thing i am very interested in this one because i actually and i think probably a lot of people relate to this loathe dicing vegetables agree hard to agree onions peppers i hate it it's really it's difficult i always want to chop my fingers i know there's ways to do it i've watched many of gordon ramsay slash a lot of other food network like youtube snippets like this is how you do it you kind of get on the edge of your knuckles and you can just like walk it and i'm not good at it no so this thing to me is exciting to just get some dyson going to go fast agreed so this thing actually has a lot of features that i'm interested in should we go to the we already looked at the video should we go to some of the reviews or do we want to start to bring them read some reviews i like reading reviews more than i like doing anything else in my life okay so this first review is from someone who loves it 5 out of 5 stars they say excellent this is an excellent product every fire station needs one i don't know what that means i don't know what it means either but i agree maybe a firefighter wrote that but there was that would make sense like you know actually this is a sort of random reference but on um one of the most recent seasons of food network star one of the one of the competitors is like a fire station chef right specifically like he cooks for the firefighters and maybe if you're like making like a lot of like chilis or soups or stews i don't know maybe you're like at a you know a sort of a fire station that is into fresh veggies yeah you're gonna make some salads you know i feel like if you had to do things fast that would be good i mean if it works it works you know it does make sense right you like throw a pot on you're right waiting around all night you know it's just it's cooking the other thing is like like all like i think i mean at least from what i know about fire stations they're like made for speed you know they have like because you know they don't have a stairwell exactly they literally have a goal straight down the pool they their boots are out and their vegetables are chopped we've explained a lot about chopping vegetables figured it out yeah let's go to the next review yeah as someone with no experience at all with this third party opinions of slops and vegetables at fire stations go all right this next review is also positive cool um although the the uh the title of the review would suggest otherwise i sliced a little off my finger so it works well wow 5 out of 5 stars it's amazing and works super well so well that i slice the tip of my finger off if you're not stupid like me you'll use the safety glove that this product comes with don't be me be better now this is a positive attitude okay if you like something you hurt yourself with the object and you're still inclined to give it five stars that's a good attitude i agree glass half full or maybe in this case a finger half on i literally just remembered to put the like casing back on this huge knife that's been over here it's fine yeah put the cake don't show everyone that it's been unsheathed sort of artistically but i guess i decided not to okay i don't know that alarmed me i was alarmed that awoke something within you i mean we have chris over here walking around like a ninja he's just doing all this different stuff so try to do something cool you know i should go to the next review yeah is there another review oh no there's two reviews okay i was reading a review for the next thing okay so i know it's coming two reviews one of which someone named themselves with this object so both positive though so everyone seems to like this thing versus the zoodler which people hated most notably caitlyn carolyn i forgot listen the zoodler carolyn carol carol zubler often finds itself at the bottom of trash cans that's where it most often resides this thing is a hazard within your house that you might love it's but it is still a prized possession exactly yeah five stars on amazon buy it that's right that's like some ring-esque so i get to pass the the evil forward these are the veggies for this object i want to put them off center so we can also put the thing here yeah look at that you get them all in frame i don't know there's a basket here actually for this guy you should also consider right oh yeah for the veggies themselves so essentially you guys saw how it works um what are you doing i'm probably putting this basket to catch the things [Music] i get it um so essentially the way this thing works is obviously you guys saw there's a ton of like grading things that like you can put in here yeah but there's also this thing which is interchangeable so you can change the size of the diced vegetables and you can also change like how it's going to be graded if that makes sense you can customize the extremeness of this thing actually i'm going to take out the basket because i think it's going to make for a cooler shot on camera to be honest and i think yeah sorry about that guys we're not we're trying to make content here tyler content content content content um which one do you want i want the wider one to start just because i want to see how it goes what do you want to start with here because i know what i want to start with i was going to say an unknown yeah that's my go-to okay but we do have to like prep it somewhat all right i'll bring it over here i'll prep all right i'll move it out of the way yeah so we can watch you know what i'm doing here i just watch prep watch you prep here we go i shouldn't sing that i feel like i'm going to get completely roasted for my like onion slicing skills now i know watch your fingers if you really want to dice up a pro you leave one of the ends on i'm aware of that but we are now operating in a different realm here guys give me the butt butt me you go and then i think i just gotta just kind of just put a little divot in here right just get this uh what's it called the skin is it the skin certainly outside of the onion onions have layers sophia it's funny because in the last stream we were smelling an onion candle and now i got a real onion um this onion smell i i know that onion is not considered to be like a good smell not not like a pleasant smell not in popular societal lexicon no but fresh onion to me smells good no it is i mean listen people like onions all right now here let's move this guy aside so we get this more down broad way all right i'll just hold it yeah i'm gonna hold that right there all right so i'll just be the vegetable holder all right let's see chris you want to let's line this bad boy up do you think that's too much to try that's what i was gonna say let's just cut it in half that looks like uh this looks like it would be a mistake i think honestly yeah maybe like slice it in half down the middle slice it in half so it's like not as tall yeah let's do that that looked a little dangerous okay bring it back in here oh look at my hands just got all the focus on these guys how about that that looks a little crazy still yeah yeah let's go to the quarters here now this would still save some seriously yeah sorry i'm not trying i'm such a micro manager i just want you to get listen i appreciate the impulse you know also if you had not warned me and on camera live streaming my finger had been just sliced off it would be it would be you might still like this i would actually go out like a reviewer number two yeah here we go ready all right just try it and see what happens are you ready for this chris you want to kind of go down a little bit so we can see it okay i am going to move oh look at this chris this would be cool ready three two that was crazy did that shock anyone else a little bit i think that i'm shocked by your strength because i thought it was just gonna like yeah yeah i mean it was actually very loud it was it was like kind of shocking and then we screamed so i'm sure everyone in the chat has like passed out they just left they left the video yeah they were like do you want do you want to try it no yes okay you go for it can i should we try this smaller one what do you want a smaller veggie oh you want to go more extreme i kind of want you to just do it again with the smaller one bring it on bring it up so this guy works okay so let's go in with this one i mean i like this one so much watch if i slip my face slice my finger off i would still like it to be honest that was pretty satisfying so although i don't know if i would still like it if we sliced our fingers off i can relate to the impulse oh here we go ready no we're not ready uno dos tres catourse everyone youtube that's not that's one two three fourteen that's what they did it was not me okay they did that like the iconic iphone app or either ipod app and that's why they got that album deal later okay anyway i'm so lost i don't everyone's lost don't worry about it all right ready chris three two one oh better less less good less good yeah oh look it's stuck in there too yeah try one more time one more time three two oh okay so that kind of worked actually by the end there look at that see it's not the worst i feel like i feel like that was a letdown the first one was so good though i feel like it's hard to really top that no i think that because i just think that this the thinner one is harder to use i can see the heavily upvoted comments disappointment tyler i thought that you had the up the forearm strength to [Laughter] you i put this sheath back on because i was worried that like you wouldn't notice it when you were doing your thing okay that's why i reached you try to prank me no i was trying to protect you thank you okay let's try this one more time okay i think that we can we can definitely do better than that round um okay i'm gonna do it ready three two oh whoa and that one went fully through look at this that's pretty good that is hey egg that's pretty good that's a clean one yeah okay cool so let me just finish off the onion yeah let me just get this in here i wonder what we should make with all the stuff like yeah i mean right at this point you could never do a pasta chili yeah we got the zoodle sorry guys i know it's loud i'm sorry about that that's mommy that's my beef all right so what else do we want to try to put through this thing because we have a lot of vegetables so some of it i think that we've we've really done the slap chopping pretty well someone asked for a tomato is mom here all right chat this is how it works on the live stream ask and you shall receive look at this interaction okay we can do all these things here you want me to slice that up yeah i'll do the tomato you do the tomato yes chris you slice it with it face the opposite direction as opposed to oh chris is worried about the splash down here chris is like this is like a nickelodeon are we about to get salive we're gonna get slimed right now oh this is actually is this what you meant by it away oh no we went this way can we just talk about this for a second are we going to be controlled by the chat is the chat fully aware of what's about to happen here before we do this though let me just empty this guy out into our like thing you can put it with the noodles it's fine put it with the zoo we're going to put them all together into something we're going to put this guy in here we don't know what we're going to make yet but we're going to make something you know what when we designed this table i i said this in the last room we got it sort of specifically high so we could do like a food network dynamic we were standing and talking we're kind of doing food network right now this is food network this is food network this is what the food network has come to who network goes cease and desist never you are not allowed to say this is like food network you will be sued you're going to go discovery plus is the biggest anthology of real concept you know how it goes all right ready ready there's there it is this is dicey this is dicey do i just go down like this yeah just no oh yeah ready ready ready ready let me do it let's see what it looks like before okay cool here's a failure ready oh it looks weird it does look weird it's like road kill like tomato style it is a little road all right okay oh wow so tyler just can do it i feel like you got to be a little crazy crazy with it i think tyler we've already talked about this in multiple videos tyler's got good forearm strength thank you and i have none because as a child my mom would not let me climb trees or monkey bars keep your eyes peeled for my forearm workout video tyler's going to become a fitness influencer only forearm video everyone said in the chat just goes unsubscribed okay so let me let's try it chris let's live on the edge here let's look at the edge of glory and do a side shot here because i think i'm going to go in on this you have to go down with all of the might of thor's hammer right you have to go for it ready all right three thousand hammer two one whoo that was pretty that might have worked all right can i try that again you want to go with that that that velocity maybe i was just too nervous maybe the thor's hammer is really inciting so i need to yeah channel my my nordic ancestors ready right that is definitely that's good that actually leads up when it's very aggressive with their copyright structure all right ready yeah here we go here we go one two three maybe no yeah it really is similar to when i whack sophia's mustache you if you you have to that's part of the workout it's not just might it's also quickness yes okay you're right i think i'm hesitating it's okay you must be quick as a cat right yes you must be swift as a coursing river yes with all the strength of a great typhoon agree here ty finish off the tomato for us and then let's do there's two other things well we want to do like one greeting sorry i tried you know i didn't do any of the things i just said i'm going to just take this guy out i think i i kind of messed it up it's on the side cut this part cut cut and you just make like a fake technical difficulty screen did we just put on like they had one dirty wrong thing you know something like that i think it's actually because the skin's on there the skin is top the skin is tough all right well well okay we'll clean it we'll figure it out all right okay empty out the tomatoes i feel like this looks like it'd be excellent for a taco bar situation oh yeah you know the diced tomato is really the the winner in the top well i mean actually you know you can make a nice pico de gallo right here you're kind of making a pico de gallo plus zoodles ready for your food network here's a tip for you here's a tip you can we're all you cooking at home yeah exactly all right these are actually good this is pico de gallo at the bottom here it is yeah we just need a little i don't even know what goes in pink guy like cilantro maybe a little lemon zest probably like lime juice or something yeah it's good man okay all right so basically on this thing i feel like we spent a lot of time in this laptop part but that's like the climactic part that was that was the thing there's a grading feature yeah and then there is also a egg separating feature do you want to do both of them yeah let's do it let's do great really fast okay i think that that's what the carrots for right the carrots for grating so it's not there it like goes no you know what you're it's right here you have to take that thing off off oh yeah open it up and think yeah ready you take this off goodbye what a thorough review here right we're just going through all the features and just explaining it as much as possible this might be the thing to cut the person's finger off just to say that's true this is the great you'd like soft any any great well not oh oh get the blade let's live dangerously here i feel like we already are living dangerously oh this is a comb for like cleaning out the the threads yeah while we're doing that stuff i will do this right here so if you have this bad boy you can take this guy and just poke him out i think it's not gonna work i've really walked myself into a pickle here yeah i won't leave this i don't know what i'm doing what's happening we gucci sorry i've just seen where the camera's playing okay where am i hmm i just floated in it's like i just blacked in and we're doing something relatable chris me i feel like this is dangerous because it's just like exposing a blade yeah oh there it is okay yes watch yourself all right what is a good angle for everyone um and do i just go well i think what you do with this thing is you use this also contraption of death looking thing but that's for like potatoes i thought this has got a serious indiana jones vibe to it look at this oh you grab the ruby dead you don't even need the boulder this thing is just gonna scare you yeah i think that's for like making like because they have some for example like this feature yeah it's okay we don't really have to zoom in that's kind of could make a crinkle cut fry crinkle cut yeah we're all about to cut so i feel like that's for like holding the potato and then like doing them okay okay versus a carrot i feel like you can't hold with that just grate away then yeah now the only thing i would say here is they don't have a lot of really fine grating stuff so my ginger conundrum still exists i don't know if anyone relates to that but i hate grating ginger because what happens is you like slice off all the skin and then all of a sudden you have to like look at how soggy it falls apart like this my story is not very interesting oh oh oh oh oh let's get let's give chris i wasn't sure like how to show this no it's okay it's okay we're doing it live right look at that oh okay i don't know why would anyone want this why would you want that do you want the outside of a carrot hey that's pretty cool something's happening but i don't know if i'm achieving a desirable result i'm just badly peeling this carrot we are taking a knife a perforated edge and running a vegetable over it this is certainly how you could cut your finger off and i'm glad i actually am glad i'm wearing this glove because i feel like there is a more than zero chance i would have already sliced my finger but i think that everyone could relate to the fact that that's every grader ever because you're like this is dangerous yeah i mean so this i could slay myself with this yeah no it's it's it's that flaying is the right term it's it's scary okay i think we've i think we've learned look at this thing this thing looks like it looks kind of like a like a large chicken toe it does are you trying to stick that up my nose i don't know okay that would be bad no one would like that i was going to make like a theon greyjoy reference but i tried to walk at the game of thrones references because i'm not over it i'm still i'm still hurting inside um at this point i don't know what the product you would want though is like do you want the shavings or do you want the naked skinny carrot i don't know it's hard to say or hey if you're being positive like the guy that cut his finger off both right oh my god look at my glove wow okay so blood carrot blood it's not oh my god it's not real blood i just realized as i said that you guys could think it was my blood it's carrot it's carrot juice yeah well maybe you can make like a sort of a side v8 type thing is that always cool all right so should we just try this egg separator really quick just to see if it's a really big bite so i'm gonna have to chew it all right you chew okay you chill uh so uh are we interested in the egg separator because i think we do have eggs i mean i hate making egg whites i think it's really challenging so i am interested in that okay we have this thing i take this thing i put this thing in here can we see is this a good angle do we like this angle ask chris chris why are you asking me no i was just sort of putting it out there into the universe look at chris getting these product shots hey what's up guys this thing is one thing i've noticed with this thing in my very limited use is that the amount of force necessary to like dice is kind of like breaking it apart a little bit it's not particularly well made so i do feel like despite its cleverness it might have a limited life cycle um hold on let's just get some of these guys out here and like you want to save our egg whites below the table is like my powder room i'm like down there like drinking some coffee taking a sip of water just leaving tyler out to drive that's the green room that's the green room just right below here and versus last time though it sounds like if it's the green room you're coming up and you're ready for action so i'm okay with it versus a little lesson okay here's my one worry i don't know how to take this out no be careful i'm scared i'm scared why are you flicking it towards me all right let me try my gloves yeah put your glove on this is actually this this this is the part that cuts people's fingers i think because it would take a lot of effort to like literally smash your hand inside of like the slap chop part yeah but that is easy to cut your hands really no excuse if you cut your hand inside this laptop yeah yeah you're like well what did you think was gonna happen you're like i don't know all right so we do it like this cool i will do it so and the idea no it's not good it's not in yeah and the idea is that the egg yolk will sit here essentially you crack an egg in and it'll separate the egg white out and i do think this is valuable because i find that you know what that whole like move that people do with the egg whites where they take the or the yolk and they go between the two like that that takes skill that i don't have actually relatable yes me i think i've said that 15 times in this live stream already all right i i feel like i'm about to get put on blast because you don't know how to crack your eggs you got to go a little more for us than that you know what this is a good chopping board for cracking eggs it's happening i can't stop it strategically sorry this is bad for camera no no it's good operation egg drop oh gudetama look at that whoa that is like trying to reach a high note decent i have a little bit is a little gloopy yeah it's still hanging it's a little sure they actually thought this through because it's definitely like our egg white wasn't runny enough it's like still a bit yeah you can just why don't you just turn it that's how you do it right you pick it up and then let it fall through wow you did it and then now you could take this because i know when you do like certain types of custards like that egg custard thing that we really like yeah you take like this only the yolks right and then with this wow she's got both of them look at you you are a real home chef well okay so we'll see how long we can keep that living because do we have that now we can probably make something with that that's i don't know yeah we'll see i don't know about that one that might have been the demonstration egg but anyway we have this the rest of it for our stew um anyway yeah we'll just put a random egg white in at the end yeah oh and then you don't actually though in a lot of like that right we could make zoodle ramen and put the egg in at the end we have shin ramen we watch it it all came together you could put all this stuff in well you can't really put all this stuff into your shin ramen but if you you get close to it yeah maybe not the tomatoes i wouldn't put a little egg on top anyway um so if this were a real stream like a not real stream it's a real stream if it's for a real stream if this were a real food network show we should wash our hands but i don't it's not okay yeah oh oh chris incoming disembodied hand throws in the sanitizer all right we got some hand sanitizer thank you chris uh carly did the chat enjoy the uh chopper or they said wow no one's there anymore they all left i saw someone say as a chef this really hurts me oh wow that's fair i mean i was pretty bad with the carrot that's right that was not a good showing with the carrot oh this is this this smells like tequila all right correct that is aloe so i think it makes sense yeah it's okay we did mention i just dunk my hands in it okay so what do we have oh my god okay now so i feel like now that we're done how what would you rate that guy the slicer mandolin chopper i'm bold i only i think it's good i think it's a little bit better a four or three and a half i think it's equal to a little bit better than the zoodler that's my two cents i agree it's more useful than the zoodler but actually seemingly easier to hurt yourself with oh it's dangerous yes fine are we there we're here we're here we are ready for item number three um so this third item shall i grab it yeah is the automatic peeler this this one is the draw this is the one in the thumbnail and uh this is the one that launched this interest in vegetable slicers because this thing is very exciting to me yeah it was now should we do we have the shop we already showed the oh sorry we showed the shot from the like the twice video yes this is called the starfrit rotato express 2.0 i guess because like rotating a potato rotato rotato um and i am obsessed with this thing yes here we go that's the b roll i'm looking for look at this so you basically what what happens is you put your vegetable or produce of choice in there you press start or you place the blade press start and then it just peels the skin off it's part like can opener part like record player magic part magic yeah it's it looks unbelievable and um that was the marketing video and as we know that could be that could be doctored that could have been all photoshop okay zoom in find the jump cut every frame yeah it's deep fake defect or could it that could be a five minute craft you know they just sneak it in or so yeah based off of the amazon reviews yes people like it also they dig it yes yes let's hear what they got um so this is the first one that people pe person eight not people a person one single person left five out of five stars and the title is just i like they they are gobsmacked maybe it's a 1. i was gonna say like it's number one i thought it was like how like they trailed off like they were so amazed by this product they couldn't finish the sentence they were so positively triggered by it and they say being an engineer i'm jealous of the inventor confession i tried to find a reason to watch it peel oh yeah battery operated i can peel anywhere you said that that was like a swarmy voice i can peel anywhere it's like that guy and this peeler should get a room and the second review that we have is also very positive they say super fun i feel like a big kid when using this peels spuds quickly first potato was a victim of unnecessary violence yes there was no more potato to peel after i was done with it doesn't matter if you have a bag full of oddly shaped potatoes they will be peeled i haven't tried anything else yet but i'm sure i'll find something else to butcher that guy isn't uh that person was just added to a watch list exactly yes um that's like the you know the origin of a criminal that's uh that's a hannibal lecter 2021 that's used in as evidence in like a court case in the future i'd like to introduce exhibit two this amazon review about a peeler the rotato sorry it's a normal review actually actually that was a fun good energy well we didn't put anyone on blast i don't think anyone's name is there so it's anonymous so far this is not my goal but i actually as sort of you know sort of violent as that review was i see where they're coming from because i am so excited about this thing and i am also interested in the different things we can butcher we're going to butcher multiple types of things we they call it the rotato so we understand that the potato is front and center but yes being messing around here we put on this side so we don't block chris's sight line yeah we have potatoes we have more zucchinis with the idea that this could be an alternate way to make a zoodle like a zucchini noodle yeah because if you guys have noticed like in the b-roll it peels but then you get like the peeled vegetable and also like a long string of peel two two for one there you go stuffer and then we also got an orange just to try something else that's difficult to peel do they say anywhere that an orange is doable because anyone who's ever appealed an orange knows that oranges are are challenging it looks like harley's saying that they have they oh they did yeah oh sorry i just said no and carl was like no you're wrong they deigned to say oranges are p are possible because oranges are a tough hefty peel so i feel like that would be a huge game changer do i have to plug this in no it's battery it's battery we can peel anywhere this isn't gonna be our thing we're just gonna show up to places and peel it and it'll be like our stunt you know yeah this is my one this is my party trick we're gonna take this on the road all right okay so how does this work i think i need to either cut the potato to be shorter we make it taller no are you sure i think that's the tallest that's the tallest it goes we just listen in north carolina we got some tall potatoes yeah that's what it's known for north carolina here oh no no no no no no no no i think i can make it oh like chris you want to uh grab the action it's okay it's not like this is not the most exciting sorry i'm just so excited about this guy okay oh i her down oh wow okay we're maxing this guy out and i have to like place the blade right like the blade has to like get in there somehow i think if you start it might like get to it though no are you sure yeah yeah oh really yeah i think so okay so everyone is disagrees okay here we go i'm doing i'm saying everything wrong this might be the marquee shot here right just a straight oh yeah that's pretty good let's see if this works or not all right what are we doing here is that the button we hit yeah should we do it three two one three two one peel oh oh my god i'm so excited and i just can't hide it i'm so scared it is kind of amazing it's still going it's just like a press and drop it's like a mic drop you just hit it walk away it doesn't think look at that look at that i'm like near tears really this is amazing well this is really the internet coming to life in front of us right after seeing the twice video after like you know having like seen the marketing videos and being admittedly incredulous it's pretty it's pretty great that it's come all together and also we have this nice potato skin i would like to extend my apologies to the person who left that second amazon review because i heartily agree with everything they said you're indulging some kind of violent impulses this is a look at that huge string we can fry that we can make a huge fry a giant chip giant string shoestring fry i like how the pitch of your voice is just going up and up that's pure excitement people this is amazing yeah oh the only weird thing about it is it kind of makes it like a ribbed potato yeah look at that yeah like it's like almost like a what's that instrument that you can play that has like the word washboard yeah like a bluegrass instrument this is a bluegrass potato yes look at this i am obsessed i am like that lady gaga i mean where she's like innovative never been done before one of a kind amazing cutting edge phenomenal i am amazed by this i actually have chills right like i'm like you have goosebumps yes i wow sorry i need to calm down you know i think you do i actually think you might something is wrong with you you need to take a deep breath no um i'm not trying to curb your excitement for this thing because this thing is exciting i i i i'm concerned that the audience is now deaf but but if they're not deaf and they're still here that was pretty yeah i might have reached some new decibel heights no good i think it's completely reasonable um okay so it works yeah i'm like coming down from my emotional high so now i'm trying to figure out what we'd have to do next all right potato potato yes it's a slam dunk the potato is a slam dunk you don't call it the rotato for nothing yeah well to be fair to us and the rotato this is like the thing they say they can do that's the name of the product right um so now that that's proven let's try something else you want to try it yes the the uh the zoo do i have to like clean the blade at all sorry i just well it ran into you i don't think so it has a little bit of stuff in there i just removed yeah i don't think so i think we're all right we're good we're good sorry i think my hair just brushed my face all right so i'm gonna should i cut off the edge of this thing now see if it fits oh no you might have to okay yeah i would make it like short enough yeah what are other things that people would plausibly want to peel is the other question i think i mean i was thinking like mango mango is a excellent because mangoes are hard to peel and eat because they have a ridiculous core right they have like a really they have a big core and that's in there and it's so juicy it's an annoying i mean i love mango but it is it's high maintenance yes uh it's delicious all right here we go so i'm gonna hit this one and i guess we're just gonna hit this button again and just see ready i mean the spectacle is excellent oh look at that i'm like not saying anything i'm just watching it on our monitor i love how it's like it's almost like a one of those sand time things you can like sort of time with how long it takes to go down it oh it is oh it's missing a little bit maybe it's tucked there look at that oh oh man oh no it's getting better again all right okay there we go there must be something faulty with a zucchini yeah it's not the rotato's fault okay guys this is like when they were introduced in that cyber truck thing and they threw like the bowling ball against the window and it did break it was alive it was a live exhibit and it just failed no that this i mean it's pretty good i mean the thing about zucchinis is um you don't have to peel a zucchini you just really want the noodle this is a zoodle i mean this is a very skinny skin heavy it's skin heavy which is almost why i feel like maybe we should try and put it through one more time to see if we can get like a meaty zoodle you know oh you want to try the meat doodle meat doodle okay i can try that i don't know let's see what happens let's just try to double blast it double blast it man here we go ready yeah this is the true zoodle experiment oh yeah that's a zoodle don't eat it people are upset by eating about eating it raw oh dude it is totally working excellent doodle wow i think this must have been what the other amazon review was talking about when they said there was nothing left when i was done with them oh right like they must have healed him multiple times yeah this is excellent this is actually this is superior in terms of the noise the buzzing the visual the excitement to the zoom look yeah to the rotating thing this is excellent was also a lot lower effort i mean yeah like using this zoodler although i guess i left it on this okay it was on the table the whole time yes using this doodler like required some serious turning and that was a low effort zoodle it it does leave you with more left behind but i guess you just did a ton of different rounds you might be able to get a lot out of a single zucchini i mean you might be able to get a full zoodo zoodle collection a full like an entire like one entire zucchini was worth of zoodles exactly close to it at least does the chat find this interesting as exciting as sophia does they were surprised it worked at all yeah this is extreme extreme is it extreme um this is not a butt yeah this is a real thing it's a real thing okay so this one is they dane i said dean last time but they claim clean you can actually claim means this orange and to me oranges are delicious but in terms of peeling they are the devil they're very challenging so let's try this bad boy because this would be a serious game changer you could also just be like me and just eat the peel before this thing potentially fails we're just going to move on from that one i just want to say uh you could eat the peel sauvignon's appeal um before uh you know this thing potentially comes up short apple obviously i think mango is a slam dunk because i think mango's peeling sort of exterior skin is similar to the potato so i think that this is this is bold this is bold blessed so did say soft eats the peel to oranges but usually i separate them and then eat the peel separately which we're not going to address that's i'm ready are you ready no bye-bye that is this is a good aesthetic i like seeing the orange up there i'm going to move this over you want to pull it over a little bit more let's do this ready no i'm scared all right okay okay you can make a manhattan with that for sure that's true right you can get that little peeled orange zest here's my worry i feel like it's not getting in enough well we're going to double run it stuff with all the runners yeah this is not a one-and-done [Music] okay holy carp batman here i'll eat that that blade that blade is no joke that thing will slice through things okay let's try it one more time yeah that's like the good part of the peel too because the worst part of the peel is like the inside white part let's see if we can hit juice right like let's not try and and and have the juice squirt forward to the cameras but yeah let's try and get a little further in do one more time i agree oh we're getting there this thing is not quitting yeah yeah actually that looks pretty good i think we might go with a third blast here i mean this is still to me potentially a better way of peeling an orange i don't like peeling oranges at all okay i don't think we need a third blast unless you want to do it i want a third blast here all right here you just give them to the over there i'll be the human disposal okay let's do this one more round uh-oh uh-oh nothing happened i just gotta push it back in oh that happened okay here we go yeah just try to get it a little bit more in i'm gonna try to like do the can thing you know where i kind of indent it a little bit no no i i believe in you but i don't know what you're trying to say here we go come on no he's confused he's like what do you want from me no i'm seeing i'm seeing juice here i see it too i think that that works i mean there's an obvious test that we have loaded up like an apple it's coming in yeah okay okay i do let's just before you eat it show the second cam like the the actual jewel you know because you can kind of see parts of it because that's like sort of like the pulp right right this is like the pulp almost like this extra stuff here so the only problem is it like sort of not like usually when you eat an orange eat the whole thing and this is a situation you always have like a top and a bottom like an apple you got a banana dynamic okay here ready this is for all the marbles are you going chris you got my face okay let's do it ready three oh you look so cute yeah yeah i got a pimple all right here we go no it's cute incoming right yes oh that was that's awesome that is awesome yeah i don't really need this i just need the peel this is actually a perfect product for us as a duo because you can have the orange and i can just eat this long jump rope like peel this thing's got value okay i feel like every at the very least every bar should have one of these things because they have the zester right there and for you know what actually yeah this is a good handle it's perfect for pirates also because vitamin c prevents scurvy so that also why did the pirates of caribbean have about battery-powered drink from amazon what is up with that can i try something what's to do it's the deal with scurvy yeah there you go oh it's really juicy oh it's an orange yeah um i think that the the only bad part is that you now still have are you okay oh yeah leave we'll leave it yeah this is uh this this table is it's taking its beating that we expected it with you that's okay yeah um the only problem is that you're end up end up with like a top and a bottom but you could always peel that off you might have you know you just you know pluck it off right oh yourself i thought you were meaning like you would turn it 90 degrees and then i we should we should have thought of that before we ate it that's okay okay all right so we've learned a lot here today right i mean i'm not ready to move on i i'm ready to move on yeah but i feel like we need to like talk about this yeah exactly the rotator i am very pleased with this thing oh yeah i have a big thing of like orange stuck in my tooth right now sorry okay no one can see it's far away we're gonna do like a emergency clutch of like uh like flossers exactly just in case this happens and that's all good um i am obsessed with well i can see it in your in your teeth yeah okay you come back in here everyone saw it happen they know it's happening i think it's gone yes hello i'm obsessed with this thing it's amazing it is by far my favorite thing that we have had today i would give this five out of five stars easily the the elusive five out of five star rating yes on amazon yes i think the only negative is you do end up with like a top and a bottom that's kind of like left behind um but like tyler said you could just cut that off or peel that yourself usually i am not sure that the orange peeling use case 100 make sense right but for potatoes yes zucchinis i mean pretty good and probably other things too i would like to try like an avocado yeah and then just have like a weird naked avocado that's interesting right no one ever eats an avocado like an apple but if you peeled it from the outside you could the avocado is so consistently sheaved i mean it's got that sheep consistently it's kind of like it's trademarked skin you know part of the avocado when you see avocado plushies which i just saw the other day yeah they always have that they're never naked because they're never nude there are dozens of us there are thousands of us me and all the avocados you know that is actually a good place you know to end because we do have our stew and like carl weathers often says you could have a stew going with the things that we have so the byproducts have been wonderful from this as well yes absolutely i don't know what else to say because i'm very excited i'm i'm i'm excited yeah um should we check in with the chat what how what does the chat say well if you thought it was weird that the raw zucchini the orange peel was probably oh is this upsetting yeah although they are talking about candied orange peel and well listen the orange i'm i'm creating some i'm i'm creating some controversy which is this is my skin isn't your danish grandma didn't she used to eat the orange peel or your dad you see the orange peel i don't know okay if you got that from my mom my mom just says stuff that's true um so i'm gonna be like oh you have your grandfather's toes what are you talking about but you know that's all i'm good um i think that overall it is interesting yeah it gets the people going we've learned a lot here today uh we've learned that you can find extreme vegetable peelers on the internet and they will work and this thing i would say yeah but like if you have seen that twice video they said was that as good in person as it appeared in that video the answer is yes this thing is interesting it might satisfy many appealing urges yeah as also the five-star guy said he has many urges appealing now yeah and maybe if you run into him in dark alley steer clear but if you see someone approaching you with this in hand run in general that's actually probably it doesn't have to be someone with a nefarious action this thing is but anyway um with any of these actually because the other one had blades yes so i would actually say that overall all three of these things worked better than i thought they would yeah i think that there is an element of danger but i mean the best one is also seemingly the safest one oh and it does it has like very i think um plastic covered blade i feel like maybe when you try and clean the blade it might you know be a little tricky you might be have to be like careful with it but it doesn't seem that easy to cut yourself with just with recreational use in life in life yes um at least the reviews also i think back that up so we should we do our little outro bit here yeah i mean is there anything else how do you guys feel chris and carly did i forget anything i feel great carly feels great stupendous chris feels stupendous right how does the chat feel upset at me you're so mad about the only eating the orange peel they're mostly making fruit puns like give us a fruit pun two or three uh very appealing very appealing there you go that should be on the box stole that strip for the rotator any more or a normal job i don't know there's a lot going on i don't know anyway so do you want to do the the spiel sure if you liked this stream well first of all thank you guys so much for sticking around yes it was really fun we're getting into our stride we're figuring it out you know we're going to figure it out i like this figuring it out dance if you're figuring it out like the stream being live yeah the operations of this channel the behind the scenes is also live so we're figuring things out as we go here um but yeah thank you guys so much for sticking around i hope you guys had a good time i certainly did i am on a vegetable peeling high right now yes i'm very positive high is an effing kite right now wow it's a callback um if you like this stream make sure to give it a thumbs up and if you want to see more streams like this um subscribe and also tune in every tuesday at 5 00 p.m for our later editing purposes or maybe carly has it i don't know here are our social media handles nope carly doesn't have no okay it'll be there it will be there later and like we mentioned in the last one we are also we're doing tick-tock these days we're talking we don't have a graphic for tick-tock we don't have a graphic but we'll make one yeah maybe i don't know thanks for being here and watching us snack on some veggies now it's time for us to go make a very appealing stew so see you now i'll see you another time see you guys next time
Channel: Safiya & Tyler
Views: 787,861
Rating: 4.918119 out of 5
Keywords: Trying extreme amazon vegetable slicers, amazon, veggies, vegetables, knife, cut, chop, slice, food prep, haul, testing, trying, zoodler, spiralizer, automatic peeler, safiya nygaard, safiya and tyler, tyler williams, live with safiya and tyler, live, livestream, safia, sofia, sofiya
Id: _dXakYvOPdM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 51sec (4731 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 09 2021
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