Have You Ever Seen Anyone Incriminate Themselves?

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what is the weirdest thing a babysitter or caretaker has ever done to you as a firefighter we once rolled up to a car accident where this kid about 17 years old had run into the concrete pillar under a highway overpass car was totally wrecked kid's arm was broken in three or four places and was bleeding pretty bad the first thing he said to me when i got up to his driver's side window the car is not stolen there is no reason to call the cops normally people say stuff like i'm hurt bad or get me out of here but not this guy he just kept repeating the car is not stolen over and over we called the cops my brother didn't exactly incriminate himself but he sure made himself unpopular he was deejing on a party boat when they got raided just as the police were boarding their boat and he claims he didn't do it intentionally having only noticed the police after the record was spinning he played out krs one sound of the police and of course a fair number of the party-goers were joining in with the whoop whoop the police were not amused taking it to be a deliberate attempt at humor at their expense record got taken off my brother got an earful your brother is a hero accidental or otherwise there was a case years ago where a man had been accused from breaking into vending machines and parking meters the constantly denied the charges than had his bail paid in coin hey man he was just a simple coin collector lawyer since the accident have you done anything else to alleviate the pain plaintiff witness i smoke weed every day this was during a deposition and was not admitted before the jury because it was scandalous and impertinent my sort of stepdad failed a roadside sobriety test he was taken to the county jail where he registered 0.0 back because he hadn't been drinking i watched this happen his lack of coordination is legendary i was once pulled over in a crappy neighborhood being of a race that was not endemic to the area the police asked to search my car i stupidly i was young and foolish get off my notes said yes and then jokingly added remember though this is my mom's car so any crack is hers second search canine search and intimidating personal search all turn up nothing i learned never to speak to the police and all it cost me was a little dignity and a few constitutional rights saying you have c is probable cause for search to be fair equals p the police go to comedy clubs for jokes they don't pull you over for a laugh i'm a criminal defense attorney and this happens much more often than you think and every time it happens it is the worst time that is if you care about justice to be sure it happens in the interrogation room but more often it is part of plea negotiations whenever there are co-defendants you may find yourself with a prosecutor who just needs one or some of them to take the weight sometimes the discovery tells you who the heavy is but a lot of times it's up for the co-defendants to decide if aaron's death has taught this country anything it should be that sentencing guidelines and prosecutorial discretion put defendants in impossible situations that led to desperate decisions this was not only true with aaron but also hundreds of thousands of mostly poor uneducated people every day so i have seen sons take a hit for their mothers girlfriends for boyfriends and every other possible permutation many times these people are not squeaky clean themselves but they are also not guilty of the crimes they plead to i am a traffic cop in the uk and we were filming for one of these road wars police interceptors traffic cops tv shows as a brit of the show they ask us to do some filming of pulling people over and doing routine stops so we decide that the next car to go through the set of lights we are currently it will get pulled over and we'll record what we do as part of a routine traffic stop so this guy goes through in a normal manner and we follow behind pull him over in a safe location and we all pile out of the car i'm walking over to the driver's side and about to explain to the guy that we're filming for this show and they just want to see what happens during a routine stop check he rolls down the window and immediately before i could even say a word blurt sits in the glover box with a puzzled look on my face i ask him what's in the glover box the drugs comes the reply so i detain him cuff him and put him in the back of the traffic car and my colleague and i search the glover box and find a substantial amount of h when asked back at the station why he admitted the offence he said he saw the two police cars one was a backup car and all the yellow jackets of the camera crew and thought the game was up if only he knew technically he was actually innocent because he hadn't committed an obvious crime up until that point in traffic court guy stands up judge says your officer isn't here how do you plead guy starts explaining things about to go into self-incrimination judge interrupts him and points out again that the officer isn't here someone next to the guy pipes up with plead innocent umoron he then proceeded to plead innocent and was a lesson to everyone else in court that day whose officer hadn't shown up good guy policeman gives you a ticket lets you off by not showing up to court one of my friends had had a couple beers and was driving back home a cop was pulled over on the side of the road ahead of him with its cherries flashing my friend pulled up and over right in front of the cop the cop came up to see if he needed help smelled beer on him and gave him a dui he wasn't innocent by any means but he wouldn't have been pulled over if he would have just drove on by and i know drinking and driving is bad i don't need to hear the lecture it's just the only story i could think of so i figured i'd share excuse me so i don't know how you can associate with such a flagrant abuser of our country's laws a friend of my sisters had already been ticketed twice by her college police for underage drinking her parents told her if she got ticketed again they'd pull her out of school so when the cops pulled her and her friends over one friday night she got the bright idea to flee to the cops caught her and cuffed her so she ran again this time managing to hide in the bushes and wriggle her way out of the cuffs she stumbles home the next day the cops knock on her dorm room door they ask for her by name so she pretends to be her roommate the cops give her a business card and tell her it's very important she contacts them asap she flees her dorm room and spends the next couple days hiding in friends dorm rooms including my sisters for a few hours she gets phone calls from friends of hers apparently the police are pee and canvassing the campus for her they found her photo at a sorority house so they know she lied to them one of her sorority sisters finally convinces her to turn herself in she gets charged with a long list of crimes including several felony charges her parents decided to leave her in jail for the weekend instead of paying her bail once she gets out she spent several hours combing the bushes where she'd hidden to find the handcuffs since one of the charges was theft of police property why is this story relevant to this thread because the cop that caught her and her friends that night forgot his breathalyzer and let the entire group off with a lecture so when we were 16 my friend was driving alone at night on his moped it's fairly common in norway to drive a moped with illegal modifications to the engine they're really slow and you can't drive a car until you're 18 here so when the blue lights flashed behind him he figured frickit and tried to outrun them he makes a u-turn and heads four-hour old middle school then reaches back to flip the license plate up he makes it through the school and loses them as the car can't chase him through a narrow path he took however the license plate fell off when he tried to flip it and they just drive to his home later the same night dude got a ticket in two months suspension on his license funny thing is they weren't even trying to pull him over they were on their way to something else but the random u-turn made them suspicious not a lawyer or a police whoa man but 15 in a park with some friends after our gcses british obviously drinking ages 18 but we've got some vodka and crap we're just a group of stupid 15 year olds who have never really been drunk before and aren't going get drunk that day as it turns out anyway we've been there for about 15 20 minutes when a girl opposite to me notices some coppers walking towards off we're worried and one of us quickly goes over to a bush with a carrier bag full of bottles full bottles mostly and puts it in there to hide it the coppers come up and ask up what we're doing oh just hanging out we say and they ask us what we just put in the bushes but there's a brief conversation where it comes out that we had alcohol the coppers are obviously just a bit weary and not in the mood to deal with kids in the park who aren't even causing a disturbance so seem to be about to leave us be they ask for our names and we go around the circle until they come to me and i give my full name i have three middle names all with several syllables in them the coppers look at me and i realize that i wasn't meant to give the entirety of it it's a bit awkward and they asked me to repeat it i now don't know what to do do i give just my first and last name or the whole thing what do you want me to repeat so i repeat my full name again the policeman looks at me and says did you just give me your full name again i nod he looks at me and is clearly unsure of how to deal with this idiot he then asks something along the lines of what are you planning on doing with your life to which i answer i want to live in a caravan and smoke weed all day and never work because i was slightly tipsy having never drunk before and being a really innocent and sheltered 15 year old in some ways i thought it would be funny i really have no idea what i was thinking i'm having to dredge up the memory the entire circle is silent the policeman is staring at me and i'm inwardly going frick having realized what i've done there's a standoff for about 10 seconds until the policeman says oh this is such a waste of time puts away his notepad and fricks off tl dr 15 year olds in a park telling coppers they're going to grow weed in a caravan and giving middle names i would like to hear your name now first rule to follow with regard to police never ever talk to the police without a lawyer present we do not give a statement at the scene do not say a single word to them do not let police search your vehicle ever under certain circumstances they can do not let police into your house without a warrant ever i hope you get the drift my previous firm represented a small time hood b and e breaking and entering specialist who loved gambling on horse races he'd visit the same tab daily for years and he would spend his daylight hours putting bets on the trots greyhounds and anything else that came his way his nighttime hours were spent robbing people to fund his daytime lifestyle he knew everyone in the tab and they knew him one day after spending all day at the venue he managed to lose about 30 k dollars on the horses he thought to himself frick this i'm going home to get a gun and getting my money back he goes home doesn't bother to change his clothes being in the same place all day under cctv grabs his shotgun puts on a balaclava and goes back to do an armed robber the place he's been at all day he runs in pulls out his gun and screams at the cashier give me all your freaking money the cashier recognizes his voice and his clothes he yells back jimmy alias you freaking idiot put that gun away jimmy's response it's not me i swear it's not me bollocks that is a scene from the movie chopper with eric bonner one time my friend was drunk and broke some girl's window so they called the cops they came and told him to get on the ground he replied i am on the ground fire response was a taser first thing that came to mind while reading the title was please your honor i'd never violate her i love little girls jury gasps friend of mine lost his license for running out to his car and getting cd of tunes we were working on from the stereo he had to put the keys in and start the engine to turn on the stereo and a cop pulled up behind him he was hammered like jesus hands but he had no intention of driving at all i know a guy that almost got nabbed for dui because he was sleeping it off in his back seat but this saved his butt officer i lost my keys about four hours ago i couldn't go anywhere if i wanted to everyone is posting stories of them or someone else confessing and getting into crap my story is different i confessed and got off scot-free here is my tale i had met up with a friend that i hadn't seen in a bunch of years and out of melancholy and indifference as to where to go we ended up just buying a couple six packs and sitting in front of our old high school in my car while drinking them so we're sitting there just listening to music and laughing about the old times and i notice this one car has gone up and down the street a couple times with two dudes in it and watching us the moment i point this out to my friend they pull a u-turn and block our path while flashing their badges not that we were even thinking of driving off i quickly give my b to my buddy and tell him to dump it out his window but he must have been a little more drunk than i though cause he just sat there looking at me while the cop came up and tapped on my window now he's asking us what we're up to and checking my license and i'm explaining why we're there and stuff after like 10 minutes of checks and nothing comes up they give back my license and they just stays there chatting with us while my buddy still has the beers in his hands we end up talking about their kids and growing up etc etc and in the end when the conversation just flounders a little they are just like i crap you not okay well take it easy guys you can have one more beer and then you're going to have to continue drinking at home we finished our beers and take off without even a written warning i'm neither but i had a friend in high school who got into an accident no one was injured where she totaled her car and ripped up the back of a truck decently her parents got her a new junker car and her license was suspended for a month dang it all she was determined to keep working so on her way back from work she came across a ride program for non-canadians it's a drunk driving prevention program where they stand in the middle of the street and stop every car to ask you if you've been drinking very successful and doesn't really slow traffic usually they don't get to license and registration they just check if you slow your words etc she freaked out and turned around obviously they pursued her and she got her license taken away and her car impounded not worth the extra shift stupidest thing was that she told us she will never ever not get jokes about it i've never had someone innocent incriminate themselves however i did arrest the wrong guy once there was a fight at a bar and the suspect was described as a white male late 20s about 5 feet 10 180 pounds with medium-length brown hair wearing a white t-shirt jeans and a green celtics jersey with the number 23 on the back i just happen to be driving by as the call comes out and see someone running across the street that perfectly matches the description the victim positively id's a suspect and he gets arrested the suspect says it wasn't him which is what everybody says but this guy actually seemed believable and was very pleasant the next day i get some video of the suspect and can immediately tell that the suspect was not the same guy that i arrested i had the to drop the case and called the guy to apologize had a friend who got caught by a cop hot box in his car in a church parking lot apparently the officer thought he had a lot more drugs cause after searching the car and getting really p he started yelling saying that my friend had crumbled all the rest of his drugs up and that was destroying evidence and three years in prison my friend then informed the officer i didn't destroy evidence sir you're just 30 minutes too late he then not only received a ticket he was dragged in for dui since he was sitting in his driver's seat he luckily got out of both worked closely with people going through youth court for the past four years there are so many upsetting things about the system that i won't go into but suffice to say that i've lost most of my faith in traditional justice process my favorite almost incrimination that i may have stopped picked up a girl well 18 who was leaving an abusive relationship she told me that she had a guy with a gun who would kill her ex batshit crazy guy might have done it and was about to make the call i tell her it's crazy she just left the guy angry she told me and if she was caught i sure wouldn't lie for her plus i say she's making the call to [ __ ] at crazy gun guy on her own phone after a fight that's logged several places does she think she'll get away with that thoughtful pause liquidance can i borrow your phone stunned silence common no my rumored stole two tvs and a bunch of equipment totaling dollar sign 14 000 from best buy when i worked there i was loss prevention i see him walking out tell him see you're at home and he goes on his merry way i had no clue he was stealing he had just come into a decent eighty thousand dollars-ish inheritance so i had no reason to believe he might i get home that night he tells me he stole it next morning i'm standing outside the doors waiting for the opening manager at zero six zero zero i tell the manager what happened where i live and my roommate's name manager brings me into the office to write a statement ten minutes later cops show up and the manager says he coached the guy on what to do and just got scared that he would be caught arrest him too cops place me under arrest although the arresting officer told me in private she didn't really believe i was in on it but it did look bad take me to my house to collect the evidence rumored discovers i ratted him out four cops pounding on the door with me behind them will telling them guys i gave you permission to enter i live here too will do that rumor then proceeds to tell officers it was all my idea and he didn't want to but i told him i would get him evicted if he didn't do it expensive lawyer hired lawyer tells me if you had never reported him even with you letting him walk out on camera they never could have touched you lawyer says if i want to fight the charges he'll defend me but my rumor was saying i was involved in odds with 50 stroke 50 at best if we went to trial i tell him plan on going to trial but if the da comes back with a plea to misdemeanor with no jail time we'll take it de wanted to take a hard line and kept offering plea to felony theft and i'll only get 180 days in jail kept saying no and my lawyer agreed said take it to trial if they won't offer no jail time eventually they came back with two years suspended and conviction will be set aside after two years of probation but still a felony took it as the conviction dropped after two years still prevents me from obtaining a security clearance but that's all grand total two years probation six thousand five hundred dollars in lawyer fees and realistically about four years setback in my life as a whole all because i tried to do the right thing upside now i'm the second youngest salaried manager in my company and just got informed i'll be promoted in the next few months because every time i tell this story people call me crazy for copying a plea to something i wasn't guilty of if i had gone to trial and been found guilty i was facing up to 10 years in jail unlikely there it would be so hard but it was a risk i was willing to take once the cops pulled me over as i was riding home from a friend on my bicycle i had a bag of old 1.44 meg floppy drives suddenly out of nowhere two cop cars corner me and i almost slam into one of them out comes lots of cops and one of them goes hey you what are you carrying in your bag over there with adrenaline rushing through my system my idiotic brain goes drugs lots of freaking drugs and one of the cops pulls his gun out of the holster but doesn't aim it at me i nearly shat myself but i smiled weakly and went no just kidding they are just floppy discs and i opened a packet and showed them the discs now i was stupid to do this even because they were all filled with copied games and whatnot and this was during the don't copy that floppy age oh my god such stupidity anyway they let me off with a warning not to be a snarky bee hahaha i didn't listen so the jokes on md i was at the police station to get a records check to volunteer at an old age home while i was waiting there was a smelly man with torn off jean shorts a leather vest and no shirt he would sit in his chair for three minutes then get up and go and talk to the woman behind the counter who would tell him to sit down and wait eventually two officers came up and started speaking quietly and calmly to the man they told him he was under arrest for fraud and asked him to quietly step into the next room the man did not comply and asked loudly fraud for what the two officers remained calm and continued to ask him to step into the next room the man continued to yell fraud for what more and more loudly the police officers were now getting agitated and told the man that if he didn't calm down and come into the next room they were going to have to handcuff him as he continued to yell one officer tried to let him buy the arm to the next room and the man yanked his arm away and started to walk away that was the end of the officer's patience one of them shoved the man against a nearby wall grabbed the man's arm and pulled it to the middle of the guy's back now oh w it was like charlie bit my finger in the police station as they led him away in handcuffs the man started saying to everyone in the waiting area see see this is how they get you this is how they get you yeah buddy that's how they get you all right tl dr crazy guy wouldn't cooperate with the cops and paid the price for it if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: On Tap Studios
Views: 18,530
Rating: 4.418014 out of 5
Keywords: lawyers, police, police officers, self incrimination funny, self incriminate, self incrimination in court, incriminate, innocent, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, sub, reddit cringe, memes, comment awards, dankify, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, chill, story, stories, reddit on tap
Id: q1BDOKtK1dc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 43sec (1423 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 13 2020
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