Have You Ever Known Someone Who Got Kidnapped?

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have you ever known someone who went missing or was murdered what happened one of my college professors from about seven years ago when I first started school at the community college level disappeared nobody knew he was missing until the semester started and he didn't show up they backtracked and realized the last time someone saw his was several weeks prior no evidence of a break-in at his place no evidence that he ran away no criminal history nothing just gone been missing since my mom is a part-time nanny and watches kids from time to time recently she was watching a two year old baby boy from since when he was a newborn one day his mom picked him up after work from our house claiming that she was receiving messages from angels sent from God and hearing voices in her head my parents were elected to let her leave with her son but she insisted that everything was okay and she was going to go talk to someone about it the next day she never dropped off the baby boy at our house or answered her phone so my dad got worried and drove over to her condo the cops had taped off the entire neighborhood and were not letting anyone into her condos we found out about an hour later that she had stabbed her baby to death and lit a fire in her condo in the middle of the night it was absolutely devastating in our community as well my family was heartbroken how heartbreaking I'm so sorry I did but no one really knows what happened he was 17 and had a bit of an argument with his mother the next day he got the bus into town for a haircut where my grand so him they just happened to get the same bus back bumped into each other again in town making her one of the last people to see him no one knows what happened after that no one saw him for the next two months the house and area was searched but all they learned was that his phone charger and passport was still at home finally the police searched the garden again and that time they found his body or what was left of it I have no idea how no one smelled it it was the hottest part of the year the coroner could never find a cause of death only that it wasn't drink or drugs one of my friends in high school had his little brother go missing this was in 2004 and he has still never been found it's a pretty high-profile case and I've seen it posted on reddit a bunch and seen a few popular podcasts do episodes on it basically he was on a scout campout with his dad and they went fishing early in the morning he got his shoes and socks wet and went to walk back to the camp which wasn't very far away and was never seen again the whole town was talking about it for weeks tons of search-and-rescue volunteers were out looking but came up empty his family was so strong during all of it you could tell they were hurting but they really came together in the community around them did too my friend never talked about it much other than telling me how hard it was to not have any idea what happened or where his brother was that would haunt me forever he's a much stronger man than me I believe this was covered on the vanished I cried so much I felt so bad for everyone involved my girlfriend went missing for seven years law enforcement informed her family the ones that filed the missing persons reports that she was found safe and alive but wouldn't disclose her whereabouts bittersweet ending tamal that a friend of mine I'll call then up and vanished one spring day in 1997 with his dog in the duffel bag telling the neighbors he'll be back in a few days as far as his parents could tell the only things missing from his room were some t-shirts a bong and his spare eyeglasses so they weren't worried he'd even left his car and keys still after a week without word his parents reported him missing police at least according to his mother were useless writing the whole thing off as young-adult decides to go find himself as soon as they found out he'd bought camping supplies and be other day he disappeared the police were right Dan turned up four years later announcing he was alive by walking into the bar his uncle owned with the dog to say hello seems he'd gone to an outdoor festival ran into a guy he went to high school with and got offered a job doing lighting after a year of traveling from one show to another he got a more or less steady gig at an arena in Texas which led to a side job doing commune Theater a wife he met when she auditioned for a Tennessee Williams play and finally a baby on the way my neighbor was murdered this happened about 20 years ago apparently he was having some work done in his house and got a little too friendly with the worker he let it slip he had a lot of money in house about a week after he finished the job the worker came back broke into the house and shot him polish it my senior year of high school a 12 year old was killed for her bike the murders were teenagers who put her body in the recycling bin there was a private jail the night before they found her I stood next to the boys they were laughing and acting like nothing was going on less than 24 hours later they were arrested it was a small town so I her family it's still such a hard thing to think about growing up one of my family friends oldest daughter was missing I was too little to remember meeting her so all growing up I just heard about my friend's sister she had always been somewhat troubled and got in with a bad crowd when she was 16 she just disappeared one day her mom kept doing everything she could to find out anything but there were no leads no one could find anything on her and because of her age lifestyle after years of nothing they were afraid she was dead then one day out of the blue after more than 10 years of nothing they got a phone call that just said mom it's me turns out that she moved across the country with some creep she eventually got smart and left him but was too afraid ashamed to call home when she finally did call home not only were they overjoyed that their long-lost daughter was alive but she was also doing incredibly well she'd gotten her life together gotten ahead went to college had a good job as well as an amazing husband and young son since she reunited with her family she has gotten to know her younger siblings who were toddlers when she left and they have gotten to know her her husband and son she still lives across the country from them but she continues to do really well and they've all built a great relationship with one another quite refreshing to read one with happy ending among so many death stories a woman I went to church and later university with as a kid I maybe talk to her casually in passing she was a few years older than me and our social circles did not overlap but she was always kind of a golden child sang in the choir graduated with good grades and went on to medical school she moved away to a new state to start her training as a psychiatrist but went mysteriously missing after a few months had disappear and spread rapidly on social media because she was so universally liked then weird stuff started coming out of the woodwork her ex-husband came forward and said that she always struggled with mental health and it was one of the things that led to their breakup a famous gospel singer claimed that she had been stalking him for years through phone calls social media videos referring to herself as his wife had written him hundreds of letters and had even contacted his children this had led him to file a restraining order against her a surveillance video surfaced of her attempting to check into a hotel several miles away from where she works offering cash and then being erratic when they wouldn't accept it she was wearing dark clothes and sunglasses of 3 a.m. and refused to provide it the video showed her ducking and weaving behind cars in the parking lot as if hiding from something they found her car 100 miles away from town with a flat tire her wallet and it were inside what dogs followed her trail to the interstate where they lost the scent that was the last thing anyone heard about the case for several months they found a body in a lake nearby that was supposedly identified Missal by dental records if I recall correctly they ruled the death an accidental drowning but the circumstances leading up to it make the whole thing sounded super sketchy last part sounds like paranoid schizophrenia my fourth grade teacher was asleep on the couch when her college-age son stabbed her to death he's out of prison now I think he served 20 years the thought of giving birth to your own murderer is especially horrifying to me my third grade student was found murdered on top of her murdered grandmother in their bathtub ten years later they caught the guy it was the creep in the apartment there lived above them the surviving mother had turned him down on a date how terrible yes and it's a heavy one I lived in an apartment with my mom and brother when I was around five six and there was a family that lived above us that had two girls that were around my age a few months into living in that apartment my mom started babysitting those girls at least once a week my mom started to get really weird feelings and red flags from the parents and just knew something wasn't right one of the girls was special-needs in the way she would cling to my mom for dear life made us all feel a little off my mom suspected they were neglected or abused but could never do anything about it because she never had any evidence however I do believe the parents did end up having CPS called on them a few times my mom at one point even tried to make friends with the crappy parents just to try and snoop around nothing ever came of it though a few years later we have moved out of that apartment and for the first year my mom tried her best to keep contact but not being in the same building as them made it hard to stay in touch my mom thought everything might be okay until one day she's watching the local new one sees the parents mugshots on TV being sentenced to prison for the murder of their special needs daughter my mom was devastated for so long after this and blamed herself for so much I remember staying with my dad a lot at those times I didn't understand much at that time but now it's so heartbreaking to think of because I had such a good time with those girls this friend of mine his parents were killed in cold blood in 2016 while trying to help a friend of theirs cool down a domestic dispute the woman's husband got a gun and shot both my friend's mom and dad dead he's now rotting in prison where he belongs but the community felt the sting big time my childhood friend was killed by her father because his wife had cheated on him with another man I had given her some of my clothes because when he found out the mom and my friend just left without anything but one day he went and picked her up from the sitter's house and he killed her and then tried to kill himself but he didn't die I remember going to her funeral and seeing where he had stabbed her on the chest because they just sort of put gauze dress overwritten from the mother hugging on her the collar of the dress was kind of pulled down when I got to see her she was 10 that just makes me sick at heart wish her post father had just taken himself out killing your child to get back at your ex is so selfish and depraved people like that don't deserve kids one of my college professors didn't show up to the final and found an article online she was found dead in the trunk of a car driven into a pond Jesus Christ that poor lady my dad is 8 years missing legally dead he was struggling with drugs and homelessness and one day he was gone this is what's going to happen with my brother if it hasn't already we haven't heard from him in a while I'm so sorry about your dad my brother went to a job interview and never came home his bike was found chained up in town and his CV scattered along mudflats I saw him everywhere I chased strangers down the street thinking it was him it was all over the news people were calling with sighting of him hitchhiking and various locations and even boarding a ship one morning seven years later I was woken by my mum to say he had been found by a kayaker about 3 kms downstream from where he was last seen still wearing the same clothes he went for an interview that day heartbreaking I'm so sorry my aunt's mother has been missing for nearly 40 years there's a lot of weird stuff that points to her recent at the time ex-husband being a pretty likely suspect but there just isn't enough evidence to tie him to anything no cell phone records or traffic cameras back then her car was found on the side of a highway in Sussex County Delaware unlocked a girl in our grade went missing but she was already 18 and didn't have many friends it felt like no one noticed and my teacher told me the school wasn't responsible because she is of age I asked why it seemed like nobody knew and she just said she suspects it's just that nobody cared it broke my heart even though I never knew the girl and wouldn't even know how to help it struck me I never found out what Jeep happened to the girl my babysitter was murdered by her boyfriend when I was 7 years old I used to be left in the same room with this man on multiple occasions once he chewed my Babis at his driver's license up and blamed it on me he was in his twenties at least and even at 7 I knew this was odd behavior so I refused to be in the same room with him alone again but not two weeks after that incident he smothered her with a pillow killing her and her unborn child college buddy who moved to Illinois to study law they found his car parked on a bridge over the Mississippi River with the lights on door open and keys in the ignition his home was fine in all ways except his phone was in the trash a day before his funeral mass another college buddy got all his cigar collection in the mail saying he hopes he enjoys them he had been making plans to come visit a third college buddy for weeks no warning signs no suicide note no body ever recovered nothing phil is just gone my sister's high school math teacher I met her a few times but never really talked she was stabbed to death by her boyfriend with a box cutter in a parking lot on Christmas Eve a girl I went to high school and middle and elementary classic New England town with was murdered in college the couple who killed her were convicted good since they threw her body in the ocean right before a big storm her remains have never been found I'm just glad those suckers got convicted they figured out who she had been with last when she disappeared pretty quick due to self phone texts I think the girlfriend then flipped on the boyfriend and ratted him out I read her testimony once a few years ago never again I think they were trying to trick her into something sexual under the rouse of just hanging out and then when she didn't want to do stuff with them he strangled her the press marketed it as a sexual threesome gone wrong but that's not what happened and I don't want to remember her like that she was super sweet we sat next to each other on the bus in elementary school and she won prom queen and HS she made her own prom dress really deserve it she wasn't very popular or anything she was just super sweet kind and a bit shy r.i.p lizzy i went to college with Lizzy I didn't know her personally but had heard rumors about a guy harrassing staff at a local stop and shop and after the news came out those staff identified that it was him what horrible people those two were I think of Lizzy often I hope she's okay wherever she is and that she knows people think kindly of her my cousin's best friend went missing people searched all night for her her boyfriend was helping with the search I don't recall the exact details but when they found the girl's body the police began to suspect the boyfriend her family suspected him all along they told off times when he would stare at her and say things like I was just imagining what it would be like to shoot you oMG something similar my aunt was missing for some time her husband helped search with family for about two weeks her best friend kept trying to tell everyone that he was abusive but no one believed her and one day in the middle of the search he just confessed and guided them to where the body was my small town of about 2000 people had an incident where a dad and son got in a dispute over cash in their family business the son went out of his dad's acreage and they got into it dad was able to drop his son with a shot to the leg dad finished his son off point-blank in the face at the end of the driveway next to the highway jump to mom calling the police and a standoff ensued the dad was taking shots at officers while at the same time burning the cash he kept at the house estimate was $60 to 70 K dollars in the house in cash the house caught on fire due to the sizeable pile of cash she was burning this being rural Midwest SWAT wasn't there for a good 30 minutes or so by the time SWAT arrived he had led his wife out of the house and he shot himself inside the house I knew both but knew the old man better from being on a bowling league with him 100% normal acting person both of them just flipped his trigger one evening house and acreage still stand but now overgrown and rundown you can still see the burn marks on the house when I was a kid my best friend's elder brother just disappeared one day honestly we didn't care at the time because he was a dong Tomas but it's been about 16 years no body was found in the going theory since we lived in a bad part of town with a lot of gangs as he joined the gang and ran away from home unfortunately gangs aren't like the circus they don't travel in packs and from city to city not keeping any identities the elder sister of a girl I became friends with in high school was murdered by a co-worker it's a sadly familiar story he was an outcast she was nice to him and he mistook her kindness for interest she wasn't and he couldn't handle the rejection so he strangled her and dumped her body in a drainage ditch her family was just shattered I can't even imagine these stories are reminding me that I need to just not be so nice I can be nice but I'm naturally too nice and not street smart in the slightest every guy I make friends with eventually has to ask what we are and I'm baffled like it's obvious to me that we are just friends I'm going to end up dead if I don't just stop making friends a girl I hardly knew in high school went missing one spring day they found her in a field about three months later they figured she rolled up her coat and used it as a pillow took a bottle of sleeping pills and went to sleep watching the sky another guy I hardly knew in the Philippines I don't even remember his name anymore but he worked as a tech at the air force radio station at Clarke and I talked to him a few times one night he was walking back onto the base he was just a hundred feet or so from the gate when a bunch of Filipinos surrounded him he tried to tell them he had no money but according to witnesses one of the Filipinos said we are not robbers we are Reds and you are the first to die he was shot in the groin and then in the back of his head before they all fled he was the first victim of the sparrow groups of the communist insurgency that one rarely caught us a little off guard the first one is seems like a pretty nice way to die as sad as it is if I were to suicide then I'd want to die peacefully under the stars like that one of my best friends is currently missing from central Pennsylvania she's been gone since the end of last year I'm struggling to accept that she's got not knowing what gone means I can't imagine that she would skip town leaving behind her kids family and friends not do I want to imagine the alternative I don't live in Pennsylvania so it seems worse because I truly can't do anything all I know is that I miss and love her I hope she has found okay I'm so sorry I knew a girl very well that was murdered where she worked she worked at a convenience store that was right in front of a very rough neighborhood she was a really cocky chick and carried a pistol in her back pocket at all times one night a crackhead came in and took her gun and shot her several times in the torso she was kind of slumped behind the counter after being shot but before he left he put the last round in her head from under the chin killing her instantly none of the other wounds would have been life-threatening he had the money she was down he killed her anyway for no reason he was caught a few weeks later by robbing another nearby store this time he had his own gun held it up to the cashiers head and pulled the trigger but it was jammed up he pistol whipped her and left she survived and was able to identify him and they were then able to prove he did the other one at that point what's pathetic is that the store she was killed in was closed only for a week while they cleaned her blood and brains out then reopened with no new safety features no cameras no panic button no cashier protection of any kind just right back in business like nothing happened fart became a transient after a drug addiction her remains were found in a field thousands of miles from home the cause of death blunt force trauma to the head she was identified with an old driver's license on her person and dental records a kid that a neighboring school of mine was 16 when he was murdered by his friends kids truck was found burned and they found his body not far from it in the woods apparently it was all over some weed money but everyone loved this kid super nice active in the community went to church at a decent home and a girlfriend they hit him in the head and he passed out woke up while they drove him out to the woods while he cried and begged for them to help I dragged him into the woods and shot him we have a lot of gang activity even young kids getting into gang crap but nothing ever happened like this before whole area was devastated trials still going because of so many variables there was the driver kids who didn't go to the woods but were present for the clubbing kids who watched while he got shot the ones that burned his truck and helped hide the body hard to know who to convict with murder assisting in a murder whether to charge them as juveniles or adults ages ranged from I think 16 21 or something like that thankfully nobody got away scot-free but it still rings in the community after like five years Frick it charged them more with murder one let their lawyers prove they weren't a friend of mine let's call him Jeff got into a fender bender with a soldier nothing major they exchanged information and went their separate ways Jeff back to the house he was staying in with three subletters at around 11:00 p.m. this soldier came armed to Jeff's house woke everybody up at gunpoint and took them outside he had everyone lie face down on the grass while he spoke to Jeff the flat nuts couldn't make out the soldiers words but Jeff was just trying to calm him down after a minute the soldier put his gun to Jeff's side just under the armpit basically and pulled the trigger Jeff was killed instantly the soldier was arrested and let out on a technicality he's still free freak the heck wart a former coworker of mine went missing a few weeks before this last Christmas they found evidence of blood in her home then a few days for Christmas they found burned her remains about an hour outside of town her husband murdered her in an fuelled jealous rage still processing that he's gone my uncle went missing when I was 13 I think he's out there somewhere and alive and well Billy's gay and at the time our family and community wasn't accepting especially since he'd been married at the time I think he upped stakes and changed his name and is living his best life somewhere else also I'm kind of missing you can guess my family is crap like they're really really crap and one of my biggest fears is my mother finding me since I last talked to any family member 20-plus years ago I've moved to the other side of the country there are of course people who know where I am but no one that knows them I could be found easily enough if they really wanted to probably because technology but I highly doubt I have any immediate family members who know where I am be safe and be well I hope your uncle is doing great there was a Toronto rapper that was pretty popular amongst my school and the GTA I even met and talked to him in person I think it was probably one or two years ago that he was shot in the head and someone recorded it r.i.p smoker dog my neighbor from down the street was a nice old man he kept homing pigeons and we would always say hello as I walk to and from school each day but one day he was gunned down in broad daylight it turned out he was actually very high up in the Mafia and was executed in retaliation for other killings that's insane if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: Updoot Everything
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Keywords: missing persons cases, missing people, missing persons, missing people cases, missing, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, reddit stories 2019, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, story, stories, rslash, comedy, fresh
Id: nl_jTniSPGo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 2sec (1562 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 25 2020
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